How to reduce the size of a picture or image? Maximum compression! How to reduce the weight of a photo.

PDF files with abundance graphic elements look nice, but convey them over e-mail- sheer torment because of large sizes such documents. There is no need to wait long for the file to be attached to the letter, because you can reduce its size with virtually no loss of quality. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this - choose whichever you want.

It is worth noting, however, that half of the methods listed below are only feasible with Acrobat help DC from Adobe installed on your PC. This paid product, however, the 30-day trial version is completely free. It is available on the official Adobe Systems website.

Using CutePDF or another PDF converter

You can reduce the size of a PDF file using one of the converters, for example, CutePDF. It allows you to convert files from any printable format to PDF, as well as change the document size, increasing or decreasing the quality of images and text. When installing of this product is created in the system virtual printer, which instead of printing documents converts them to PDF format.

1. Download CutePDF from the official website (free) and install. Don’t forget to install the converter along with it, otherwise nothing will happen after clicking the “Print” button.

2. Open the file in a program that supports its format and has the ability to print documents. If it's a PDF file, you can open it in Adobe Reader; and if the file has doc format or docx will do Microsoft Word. Click on the “File” menu item and select “Print”.

3. When the printing settings window opens, select CutePDF Writer from the list of printers.

4. Click on the “Printer Properties” button, in the window that opens, click on the “Advanced” button and select the content display quality. To compress a file to the right size, choose a quality less than the original.

5. Click the “Print” button and save the file to Right place. Only PDF is available for saving, regardless of what format the document was originally in.

Using online tools

If you don’t want to download and install anything, then you can compress the PDF file online. Compressing and converting documents online is fast and convenient.

1. Find a suitable tool on the Internet, such as Smallpdf. Unlike other similar online tools, here the user is not limited in the size and number of documents he can upload.

2. Once you visit the site, upload it required document. This can be done by clicking on the inscription and selecting the file using Explorer, or by dragging the file with the left mouse button and dropping it into desired area. You can also add a document from Dropbox or from " Google Drive A".

3. When the process is complete, click on the “You can save the file” button and select a location on your PC for it. To upload a compressed document to Google Drive or Dropbox, click the corresponding icon on the right side of the button.

In addition to Smallpdf, there are many other online compressors on the Internet: Compress PDF, Online2pdf, PDFzipper and others. Some allow you to upload files up to 50 MB in size, others - up to 100 MB, others have no restrictions at all, but they perform their work at approximately the same level.

In Adobe Acrobat

Compress PDF file you can in Adobe Acrobat DC, but not in the free Adobe Reader.

1. Having opened the document in Acrobat, click on the “File” menu item, then select “Save as another” and click on the line “Reduced PDF file”.

2. Click in the drop-down list on the version of the program with which your document should be compatible. Having chosen the most new version, you can compress the file as much as possible, but there is a risk that it will become inaccessible in previous versions"Acrobat".

3. Click on the “Ok” button, wait for the compression process to complete and save the compressed document to the desired location.

Another PDF compression method in Adobe Acrobat DC

If you have Adobe Acrobat installed and need to compress a document located on your PC, it is much more advisable to use the previous way. The same method can be used when required file uploaded to, say, Google Drive, and you need to download it, reducing the size at the same time.

1. Log into Google Drive from your account, double-click the PDF file you want to compress, and click the printer icon to open the print screen.

2. In the window that opens, click on the drop-down list and select the Adobe PDF line.

3. By clicking on the “Properties” button, you will open another window where you need to select the “Paper and Print Quality” tab, and then click on the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the window.

4. In the drop-down list (see screenshot below), select the desired document quality, at the bottom of the window click on the “Ok” button, then in the next two windows also click on “Ok”.

5. Save the reduced file on your PC.

Using Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word

The essence of this method PDF compression-documents is that you first convert a file from one format to another, and then do the reverse conversion.

1. Open the PDF document through Adobe Acrobat, go to the "File" menu and select "Save As".

2. Click the “Select another folder” button, then select the file type “ Word document(*.docx)" and save location. Click on "Save".

3. Having opened the document in Microsoft Word, click on the “File” item and select the “Save as Adobe PDF” sub-item.

Using PDF Optimizer

This method of reducing the size of PDF files also requires the use of software from Adobe Systems.

1. Open the document you want to reduce using Adobe Acrobat. Next, go to the “File” menu, click on the “Save as Other” line and select “Optimized PDF File” to launch the PDF document optimizer.

2. In the “PDF Optimization” window that opens, click on the “Estimate space usage” button to understand which elements take up how much space in the file (in bytes and percentage).

3. Having assessed what can be reduced and what does not make sense to compress, close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button and set the necessary compression parameters. To do this, in the left part of the window, left-click on one or another item, and in the right part, change the parameters.

4. You can delete images, change them from color to black and white, compress them, change resolution, change built-in fonts, etc. Having “played enough” with the parameters, click on the “Ok” button and save the optimized file to the desired directory.

A way to compress PDF files on Mac OS X

PDF documents generated by the operating room Mac system OS X is noticeably larger in size than files with the same content created by Adobe Help Acrobat. If you are a Mac OS X user and want to reduce the size of the PDF file you create, do the following:

  1. Open the TextEdit application, then click on “File” in the program menu, and then select “Print”.
  2. In the lower left corner of the window that opens, you will see a button called PDF. Click on it, and then on the line “Compress PDF” in the drop-down list. The result is a more compact PDF file.

Archiving a file

To ensure that the document takes up less space on your computer, you can archive it using one of the archivers, for example, 7Zip or WinRAR. Both programs are quite popular, but the first is distributed free of charge, and the cost of using the second is over a limited period. trial version, you'll have to pay.

To compress a document using 7Zip, click on the file right click mouse, then with the left button of the manipulator, first click on the line 7Zip, and then on the inscription “Add to “file_name”. Then the archive will be created automatically.

If you want to set before archiving certain parameters, select the line “Add to archive”. Then a window like the one in the screenshot below will open.

By using an archiver, you can significantly reduce the size of a document, as well as create an archive consisting of several files, compressed and combined with each other. This will make it much easier to store and transmit them via email. Just before sending an archived PDF file, make sure that the recipient also has an archiver installed, otherwise he will not be able to open the archive.

Note: Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader are not the same thing. Reader is free, but its feature set for editing PDF files is extremely limited, so you can only reduce the size of documents in Acrobat. However, Adobe Acrobat is a paid program. And if you don’t have it and don’t want to buy it, use other options for compressing PDF documents that are not associated with it.

There are times when you need to quickly reduce the amount of space on your computer's hard drive that photos take up. JPG format. It is desirable that the procedure takes place without significant loss of image quality. There are several simple ways to make a photo “lose weight”.

Is it possible to reduce JPG size online

The weight of the image is taken to be its volume in megabytes, which sometimes needs to be made smaller. This procedure is extremely necessary for those who often work with photographs, because modern devices They take pictures of considerable size. It will not be possible to store a significant number of “heavy” drawings - for this you need extra hard disk, and often the price for another information storage is high. However, they have already been created special programs, reducing the volume of images. In addition, before installing them, you can try compressing photos online.

In World Wide Web You can find many services that can help you figure out how to compress photos in JPG format to fewer megabytes. They all work on the same principle - the user uploads the required image to the site, presses just one button, and after a while the system asks to save the image with a reduced size to the computer. Internet services are completely free, so this method photo compression without loss of quality is considered one of the best and fastest.

Typically, such portals have many additional functions and possibilities - cropping the picture, rotating in the desired direction, mirror reflection or even adding beautiful frames/effects. Resources are in free access, so to find them, you just need to enter a query into any search engine, and in a second you will receive a whole list of photo compression sites.

How to compress a JPG file

It also happens that the speed of the Internet or the technical data of the computer/browser do not allow you to upload photos to the network. Then they come to the rescue special services, who can compress photos without losing quality. Can be used third party utilities or standard (basic Windows set). Therefore, before you reduce a JPG file, you need to understand on what principle these programs do their work.

How to compress a photo to the desired size in Paint

Paint is a standard Windows program for processing any images, so there is no need to install it. With its help you can easily compress a photo to required format. There is no need to download it, it is already present in basic set operating system. The program is easy to use - just a few mouse clicks are enough for the picture to become the desired size. How to reduce size JPG file With using Paint:

  1. Open the picture in Paint (right-click on the photo, “open with”, select Paint).
  2. On the top working panel Select the resize tool.
  3. Select the “horizontal” option and change the specified value downward.
  4. Enter a similar value in the “vertical” section.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the modified drawing.

How to reduce the weight of a JPG file in Photoshop

Very popular service, which will help you figure out how to reduce the size of a JPG file without compromising quality - this is Photoshop. A graphic editor with a large set of functions can frighten inexperienced users with an abundance of incomprehensible buttons. However, if you know the sequence of actions, it will be easy to reduce the number of megabytes of photos. Before you can compress JPG using Photoshop, you need to install it. What to do after this:

  1. Open the picture in Photoshop (right click on the photo, “open with”, select Adobe Photoshop).
  2. Alternatively, the picture can be opened directly from the utility – “File” tab – “Open” item.
  3. At the top work area menu "Image", then select "Image Size".
  4. The window that opens will allow you to select all the necessary proportions of the photo (size of centimeters/pixels, width).
  5. At the bottom of the window, be sure to check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox (when you change the parameters, they will be edited evenly).
  6. In the "File" menu, select the "Save As" sub-item.
  7. Choose a JPEG format that will retain the original quality.
  8. After selecting the format, click on the “Save” button.

Other ways to compress JPG without losing quality

To process an image and reduce its weight, you can use third-party utilities, online web services - some of which are free, while others will have to be paid for. They provide different percentages of image compression, which is important - without affecting the quality. If you don’t know how to reduce the size of a JPG file, then in the table below you can find the necessary programs to help with this simple task:

Utility/web service


Compression, percent


If you don't know how to resize a photo in a way that you don't know how to the necessary programs– don’t be discouraged. This can be done through the standard Windows toolgraphics editor Paint.

For compressing photos? For example, for faster sending by email or for quickly uploading a photo to a website.

Below are instructions on how to change jpg size Images.

First, let's look at what original size has a photograph. To do this, you can hover the cursor over it. After a couple of seconds, a pop-up window will appear indicating the element type, image dimensions in pixels and kilobytes. The same information can be viewed by right-clicking on the photo and going to the “Properties” section.

To resize a jpg image, open it using Paint.

1. To do this, right-click on the file and in the window that appears, click “Open with” and select. Photo from high resolution usually does not fit completely into the program window, so you may only see the upper-left part of it.

2. Then at the top of the window you need to click the “Image” or “Drawing” tab (depending on the version) and the “Resize” command will appear in the pop-up window.

3. You can resize a photo in two ways: by percentage and by pixels.

The first method involves entering the percentage by which you want to reduce the image. This value is entered into the “horizontal” and “vertical” columns separately.

The second method involves entering point values. This is also done separately in the “horizontal” and “vertical” columns. This method requires a clear knowledge of the dimensions of the drawing that must be achieved, otherwise the drawing will not be proportional.

Advice. In the “Resize” tab, check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox, then you only need to enter the value in one column. The second one will be entered automatically.

4.The last thing left to do is save the reduced photo. If you do not need the original image in its previous size, you can simply click “Save” when you close the program. If you want the source to remain as it was, you need to click “Save As” in the main menu of the program, select the location for the picture, select the file type (Jpeg) and specify the name.

Advice. To make the modified image easier to find, include words like “modified” or “copy” in the file name. This will make it much easier to find smaller photos.

As you can see, resizing several photos or one is very simple. Finally, you can view the properties of the saved image and make sure that its size has been reduced to the size you need.

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Each photograph or picture has its own size, which depends on the quality of the image. The more a picture weighs, the better its quality. However, when uploading photos to a website or transferring them via e-mail, users often encounter restrictions regarding file size. Some crop the photo, others edit it in Photoshop. However, it is possible to more in a simple way The solution to this problem is to compress the photo.

Compressing photos programmatically

You can compress an image or photo without losing quality various programs. Let's look at some of them.

The simplest program that is preinstalled on any PC and is suitable for compressing images is Paint. You can compress an image using it as follows:

  • Select a photo and right-click on it. Select "Open with..." and select "Paint".
  • The photo will open in the editor. Here we click “Resize”.

  • Will open small window. In it you can change the size in pixels and percentages. If you do not want the quality of the photo to suffer, then you should check the “Percentage” checkbox and reduce the photo size by about 50%. Also here you need to check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox.

  • Now you need to save the photo. Click “File”, “Save As...” and select the photo format.

  • The photo is compressed.

Another program for compressing photos without losing quality is FastStone Image Viewer. To compress a photo using this software perform the following actions:

  • Open the program and select the folder with photos in the left menu. We highlight required photo. Next, click “Edit”, “Resize”.

  • Place a checkmark next to the “Percentage” item so that the image does not lose quality. Specify the width and height. It is worth choosing equal proportions so that the picture does not shrink in the corners.

  • Then we save the photo.

Also using the program FastStone Image Viewer can compress photos in another way.

  • Select the file and click “Send by e-mail”.

  • Next we set the photo size. Uncheck the “Add frame” and “Save EXIF/IRTC data” checkboxes. Check the “Rename” box. The "Template" section will appear. The name can be left unchanged. Check the “Pack image to archive” checkbox. Having set all the parameters, click “Copy to...”.

  • Specify the folder where you want to copy the file.

  • Go to the specified folder and look at the compressed photo.

To compress an image without losing quality, you can use the GIMP program.

  • Open the program. Select “File”, “Open”.

  • Specify the path to the file and click “Open”.

  • The photo will open. Go to the “Image” tab and select “Image Size”.

  • In order to compress a photo without losing quality, you need to set the width and height to be divisible by 8. Then click “Edit”.

  • Save the edited image.

How to compress an image online without losing quality?

Users often wonder how to compress an image so that it does not lose quality. There are many services on the Internet that are suitable for this purpose. Let's look at some of them.

  • Website To compress the photo, click “Download”.

  • Next, the photo will be uploaded. 2 pictures will be presented: the original and a compressed copy. Use the slider on the side to set the quality and click “Save”.

  • The site also provides its users with the opportunity to change the size of the picture. To do this, you need to upload a photo to the site.

  • Next we set the width and quality. You can change the format. Click “Resize”.

  • Click “Download” and save the compressed photo.

  • Website Select a file. Set the photo size and click “Optimize Now”.

  • Then click “Download to computer”.

Using not only these sites, you can compress an image or photo without losing quality and absolutely free. The choice of method is yours.

The most common graphic format, with which everyone works successfully OS, devices and programs, is JPG. It compresses graphics data well, so JPEG files usually have a small volume.

But often images that have high quality and resolution occupy quite a noticeable volume. And this prevents normal file transfer by email, and pictures stored in large quantities with such parameters take up a lot of space on the hard drive.

A good option would be to reduce the volume by compressing these files, while minimal loss quality.

When we use the word “size” in relation to graphics, it has two meanings - the dimensions of the image in width and height (resolution, it is measured in pixels) and volume (measured in kilobytes and megabytes). Therefore, we have two ways to reduce the size of a graphic object:

Physical method

Reducing the size of the image itself.

Let's say you have an image with a size of 1024x768 (in pixels). This is the middle picture and it can be cropped using the built-in Windows Services or third party applications.

The technique allows you to remove non-load-bearing important information areas of the picture (usually the background), leaving only the important area. The height and width of the image in pixels becomes smaller, for example, 660x380, but the quality is maintained.

File compression

A complex process of reducing the volume of an image, in which there is a possibility of loss of image quality.

The compression mechanism works like this: the program finds areas that are identical or similar in color and replaces them with a kind of standard. For example, an image has an area with 34 dots of the same color. When compressed, they are replaced by one large “average” pixel. Because of this, blurred and unclear areas and other defects called artifacts appear in the photo.

If the image has big number similar pixels, then the compression process will be maximum (that is, the volume of a 4 MB photo, for example, will be reduced to 1.3 MB). But at the same time, the quality of the picture itself will become quite low. If there are few identical pixels, then the volume of the photo will not actually decrease, but the quality will not suffer.

Free online services

You can find it all over the Internet a large number of resources that compress photos and pictures into JPEG format in online mode. But you only need to use a few, since only a few perform this operation really efficiently (while maintaining the clarity of the drawing). Among them:


The first resource in the list will be the highest quality and easiest to edit. It has an English-language interface, but everything is intuitive, so there will be no difficulties. All you need to do is click on the download button at the top center and wait for the process to complete.

On this site, compression is performed while maintaining image quality.

Compression using programs

The undisputed leader in the field of graphics editing is Adobe Photoshop. But for procedures such as image compression, you can use something simpler and preferably free. For example, the Caesium program.

It is installed on your computer in the usual way and has a clear, friendly interface. The installation process itself, from start to finish, is accompanied by the appearance of windows with English-language content. After launch, the program was completely translated into Russian.

To edit the file, launch this application and perform the following steps:

The application maintains the proportions of the pictures, so no additional editing operations are required.

If you need to process the entire folder with files, then do this:

The program will begin processing all files in the specified folder.

In the figure above, the compression ratio for each file is highlighted in red. Yellow - the initial and final volume of the image.

After processing all the images, you can make .