How to enable private mode. How to enable private incognito mode in the browser

Millions of people use the Internet every day: they visit sites of interest, search for necessary information, enter passwords and personal data. But not everyone thinks that at these very moments their private information falls into the hands of marketing tracking systems and God knows who else. To protect personal data on the Internet, there are special programs and development. Incognito mode is one of these.

What is Incognito mode

Incognito mode ( private mode) - This special function browser, which allows the user to remain anonymous in the Internet space. When Incognito mode is active, the browser stops saving your requests to search engines , entered passwords, cookies , history and addresses of sites viewed. The collection of any information about you is also completely blocked. third party systems

. Your geolocation, gender, age, private requests and interests will remain confidential.

However, remember that private browsing mode cannot hide your social media status. Therefore, when you log in to your pages, you will be automatically marked “online”.

How to enable Incognito mode in different browsers The ability to use private browsing mode is available in all well-known browsers

. Let's take a closer look at how to enable this mode.

Google Chrome

  • To instantly switch the browser to privacy mode, use the hotkey combination “Ctrl+Shift+N” (valid for both Windows and Linux). To enable Incognito mode manually, follow these steps. . Let's take a closer look at how to enable this mode. At the top of the browser (right), open Settings and Management
    "(three vertical dots). Click on the three vertical dots on the right top corner
  • browser to open settings
    In the list that opens, select “New window in incognito mode.” To turn on private browsing
  • , select “New window in incognito mode” in the settings

    Now you can use your browser freely - you won't leave any traces.

    In Incognito mode, your browsing history will not be saved.

    Video: How to enable Incognito mode in Google Chrome

    Mozilla Firefox Video: How to enable Incognito mode in Google Chrome To instantly switch to

  • use the combination “Ctrl+Shift+P”. To switch manually, follow the instructions.
    In Mozilla Firefox, open the menu to enable private browsing
  • In the list that opens, select “Private window”.
    Incognito mode in Mozilla Firefox is activated in the “Private window” item
  • You are now in Incognito mode.

    Special icon will appear in the upper right corner of the browser window when private mode is enabled


    To instantly switch in Opera, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N”. The following steps will help you manually enable private mode.

  • At the top of the browser (left), click on the “Customize and manage Opera” button (labeled “Menu”).
    Go to Opera settings to switch to Incognito mode
  • In the list that opens, select “Create private window».
    By selecting the “Create private window” menu item, you will switch to privacy mode
  • Incognito mode is enabled, you can use it.

    A special icon will remind you that private mode is enabled

    Internet Explorer

    To instantly switch the browser to “Incognito” mode, press “Ctrl+Shift+P” one after another or switch manually.

  • At the top of the browser (right), click on the “Security” button.
    IN Internet Explorer privacy is enabled through the “Security” parameter
  • From the list that opens, select “InPrivate Browsing.”
    Click "InPrivate Browsing" and Incognito mode will be enabled
  • That's it, private browsing mode is enabled.

    After enabling Incognito mode, the InPrivate indicator will appear in Internet Explorer

    "Yandex browser"

    Use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N” to instantly switch the browser to privacy mode or enable it manually.

  • At the top of the browser (right), open “Yandex Browser Settings” (three vertical bars).
    Open the settings menu in Yandex.Browser
  • In the list that opens, select “Incognito Mode.”
    Find the “Incognito Mode” item in the settings and activate it
  • Ready! Private mode is active. To exit Incognito mode, simply close the browser window. The next time you start it, it will start working in the same “open” mode.

    Incognito mode - reliable way protection of personal data on the Internet. It will hide your browsing history from prying eyes and will prevent the leakage of personal information to analytical companies and services. Turning it on is as easy as shelling pears, and there are only advantages to using it.

    If you do not want your Internet activity to be documented by the browser, then it is not necessary to clear the log of visited sites after each web session. It is much more convenient to use incognito mode, when enabled, the browser will not save information about the user’s online activity.

    What is incognito?

    Incognito mode is the name Google features Chrome, which allows you to surf the Internet anonymously.

    You will not be able to hide your activity from your provider, since the computer’s IP address will remain the same, but other users who have access to the browser will not see what sites you visit and what you look at them.

    It is not saved in incognito mode:

    • History of visited sites. No entries will appear in the browser log.
    • Cookies, passwords entered and search queries.
    • Video and audio loaded into cache.

    Work with incognito mode enabled remains undocumented, meaning neither you nor other users will be able to find out which sites were opened after the browser session ends.

    Enabling on different browsers

    As we have already figured out, incognito mode can only be enabled in the Google Chrome browser. In other browsers, the option for anonymous work is called differently. But first, let's deal with Chrome:

    Anonymous mode can be launched using hotkeys - Google Chrome works with the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. In other browsers, the procedure for enabling incognito is not very different, but the option itself is called differently.


    To create a private window in Opera, expand the main menu and select the item of the same name. On top panel The browser will notify you that you are working in private browsing mode.

    An alternative method is indicated in the same browser control menu - the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

    In Mozilla, a private window opens after clicking the button of the same name in the control menu, which is called up by clicking on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes.

    To speed up the process of starting a private session, use the combination Ctrl+Shift+P.

    In the Yandex web browser, the hidden work option is activated by the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. Another way is to launch incognito through the settings.

    Open the control menu, go to the "Advanced" section and launch a window in which your activity will remain unsaved after closing the browser.

    If you use Safari, you've probably seen the "New Private Window" option in the File menu.

    Click on it or use the specified keyboard shortcut to keep your privacy hidden from third parties.

    Internet Explorer

    In the built-in browser Windows function hidden work called InPrivate. It is launched through the settings, as in other browsers:

    To speed up the process of enabling an anonymous session in the browser, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P.

    Microsoft Edge

    The new web browser from Microsoft retains the familiar option for users to enable InPrivate browsing. To start an anonymous session:

    Remember that only one window or tab works anonymously, depending on the browser. Information about sites running in other browser windows will be saved in the log and cache.

    Incognito mode is a private mode of operation of the browser; when working in the browser, data about visited sites is not saved, search queries, other information about the user's activities. The browser, when visiting certain resources on the Internet, collects a certain amount of information about user actions.

    Basically, this is necessary in order to quickly open the desired site, automatically enter previously entered data in the site login form, etc.

    In some cases, the user needs to use the browser privately, without saving browsing and search history, and without leaving other traces of his activities. This may be necessary, for example, if you need to hide something from relatives or work colleagues if they have access to your computer.

    To do this, you need to enable incognito mode in your browser. All major browsers support a private mode, which is called differently in browsers: “incognito mode”, “private browsing”, “InPrivate mode”.

    After enabling incognito mode, the following data is not saved in the browser:

    • history of visited web pages;
    • search query history;
    • data entered into login forms on web pages;
    • cookies (cookies);
    • download list;
    • the browser does not remember passwords;
    • After exiting private mode, the cache and offline data are deleted.

    Bookmarks created in private browsing mode will be saved in the regular browser. Files downloaded in incognito mode are not deleted from the computer. Keep in mind that incognito mode does not provide anonymity.

    Incognito mode works in separate window, which opens parallel to a regular browser window. While working in private mode, the user can simultaneously use a regular browser and a browser opened in incognito mode. History and other private data will not be saved only in the browser opened in private mode.

    To enter incognito mode, use hotkeys. For more information about hotkey combinations, see the browser-specific sections of this article, as well as the summary table at the end of the article.

    How to enter incognito mode in Google Chrome

    Incognito mode in Chrome leaves no traces on your computer (cookies, search and browsing history, etc.) after closing incognito tabs. Bookmarks added to the browser and downloaded files will be saved on the computer.

    Internet provider and System Administrator the organization will be able to see your actions. Websites you visit will also know about your visit.

    Incognito mode in Google Chrome is launched in several ways:

    1. Go to Settings and Google management Chrome" click on "New window in incognito mode".
    2. Press the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” keys on your keyboard.
    3. Click right click mouse by icon Google browser Chrome on the taskbar, select "New window in incognito mode".
    4. Right-click on the link and select “Open link in a window in incognito mode” from the context menu.

    To disable incognito mode, just close the window Chrome browser, running in private mode.

    How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

    Incognito mode in Yandex Browser will allow you not to save your requests and visits, cookies, etc.

    There are several ways to open incognito mode in Yandex Browser:

    1. Enter “Yandex Browser Settings”, click on “Incognito Mode”.
    2. Press the keyboard keys “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” at the same time.
    3. Right-click on the browser icon on the taskbar and select “New window in Incognito mode.”
    4. After right-clicking on the link, select “Open link in Incognito mode.”

    Close the Yandex Browser window running in private mode in order to exit incognito mode.

    How to enable private browsing in Mozilla Firefox

    The incognito mode in Mozilla is called “Private Browsing”. You can enter incognito mode in Firefox in the following ways:

    1. Press the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P” keys on your keyboard.
    2. Click on the “Open Menu” button and then on “Private Window”.
    3. After clicking on the Mozilla Firefox browser icon on the taskbar, select “New private window”.
    4. Right-click on the link, select "Open link in a new private window."

    IN Mozilla browser Firefox's "Private Browsing" mode enables tracking protection to prevent some sites from using trackers that collect information about user behavior.

    Close tabs running in incognito mode to exit private mode in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

    IN Mozilla settings Firefox, in the “Privacy” tab, in the “History” item, you can select a different browser operating mode, for example, “Firefox will not remember the history.”

    How to switch to incognito mode in Opera

    Opera's incognito mode is called "Private Browsing". There are several options to enter private browsing in the Opera browser:

    1. Click on the “Menu” button, select “Create a private window”.
    2. Press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N" on your keyboard.
    3. Right-click on the taskbar icon Opera browser, and then select “Create a private window.”
    4. Right-click on the link and click “Open in private window.”

    After closing the browser window in incognito mode, all data will be deleted. To ensure greater privacy, use a VPN, which is built into the Opera browser.

    Private browsing in Microsoft Edge

    IN Microsoft browser Edge incognito mode is called "InPrivate Browsing". Enable private mode in the browser Microsoft Edge can be done in several ways:

    1. Go to “Settings and more”, click on “New InPrivate window”.
    2. On the taskbar, click on the icon Edge browser right click, select context menu"New InPrivate window."
    3. To enable private browsing mode, press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P”.

    After this, a window will open in the Microsoft Edge browser in incognito mode.

    After closing all InPrivate tabs, temporary data used in private mode will be deleted in the Microsoft Edge browser.

    How to enable incognito mode in Internet Explorer

    The incognito mode in the Internet Explorer browser is called “private browsing” - InPrivate. You can enter incognito mode in Internet Explorer in the following ways:

    1. Login to private browsing using pressing simultaneously to the keyboard keys “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P”.
    2. Right click on the icon Internet browser Explorer from the Taskbar, select "Start InPrivate Browsing."
    3. Go to the Tools menu, select Security, and then click on InPrivate Browsing.

    After this, the Internet Explorer browser window will open with a message stating that “InPrivate browsing is enabled.” By default, InPrivate Browsing mode disables toolbars and extensions in the browser (this setting can be changed).

    InPrivate mode will be disabled in the browser after closing this window.

    Hotkeys to enter incognito mode: table

    The table contains hotkeys used in the most popular browsers working in operating rooms Windows systems, Linux, Chrome OS.

    Conclusions of the article

    In order not to save data about work in the browser, the user can use incognito mode, launched in a separate window. In private mode, browsing history, search history, cookies, and other data are not saved.

    In this article I will show you how to enter incognito mode or how to enable incognito mode in different browsers and on different operating systems. More precisely on Windows and Android. Incognito mode is the so-called private mode, using which you can be sure that no one will be able to track your actions.

    Features of incognito mode:

    • Website browsing history is not saved
    • The history of file downloads is not saved, but the downloaded files are successfully saved on the computer
    • Cookies are deleted immediately after all are closed. open windows private mode
    • There is no way to open a closed tab
    • The IP address does not change

    Enable private mode in Opera

    How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

    InPrivate in Microsoft Edge

    Incognito mode arrived in Microsoft Edge in latest updates Windows 10. But to ensure that it doesn’t happen again, it was given the name InPrivate. But essentially this is the same private mode that is available in other browsers.

    How to open incognito mode on your phone

    Most smartphone users use Chrome and Opera to surf the Internet. Therefore, here I will show you how to enter incognito mode in these mobile browsers.

    And so to go into incognito mode in Chrome on Android you just need to press a button in the browser Functions(three dots from top to bottom) and select New inset incognita.

    To open a private tab in Opera, You need to go to open tabs and swipe right to switch to private tabs. Then click + to open a new private tab.

    You can also see how to enable incognito mode in the browser on your computer.

    That's all. In this article, I showed you how to enter incognito mode on your computer and phone. I hope the article was useful to you. You can now sit in in social networks from two accounts in one browser. Well, now no one will know your secrets. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks.

    Each of us has at least once been faced with the need to hide from someone the actions performed in the browser. Most users decide this task as follows - go into history and delete data about all visited portals. And, unfortunately, few people know that in modern browsers there is an easier way to “cover your tracks”, in Google Chrome this method It's called incognito mode. In this material about how to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome.

    What is incognito mode?

    Google Chrome incognito mode is a convenient option that gives the user the opportunity to work in a separate special window. Pages opened in this window are not saved in history.

    At the beginning of the article, we said that incognito mode is an easier way to “cover your tracks” than manually clearing history, but more precisely, as you probably already understood, incognito mode is not an easier way to cover your tracks, but a way avoid having to sweep them up. Data about the pages visited is not saved in the history, which means there is no need to clear it.

    Moreover, files that are downloaded to a PC in incognito mode will not appear in downloads, that is, the need to clean downloads also disappears.

    However! Google Company warns – actions performed in incognito mode are visible:

    — Internet provider;

    - to the employer, if the PC is working and connected to shared network;

    — visited Internet resources.

    In addition, do not forget - although the downloaded files will not appear in downloads, on the PC they will, of course, be saved in the standard downloads folder. If you need to hide them, keep them in a safe place and standard folder delete downloads!

    The same story with bookmarks - if in incognito mode you decide to bookmark a page, the bookmark will be saved and will be displayed in standard operating mode.

    In general, as you understand, incognito mode greatly facilitates “secret” actions in the browser, however, when working in it, it is still important not to let your guard down.

    How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome on PC?

    Activating Google Chrome incognito mode on a PC is very simple; to do this, you will need to follow the steps in the following instructions:

    1. Open your browser.

    2. Go to the “Settings” menu.

    3. Click the line “New window in incognito mode”.

    When you select the item “New window in incognito mode”, a new window will immediately open in front of you, in the left corner you will notice a spy figure, in addition, the browser will notify you that you have switched to incognito mode and will tell you who and how your actions when working in this mode, and who doesn't.

    4. Done! You can start working!

    Advice! To quickly switch to incognito mode, press the hot combination “Ctrl + Shift + N”.

    How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome on a mobile device?

    The mobile version of Google Chrome supports incognito mode. To activate it, follow these instructions:

    1. Open your browser normally.

    2. Tap on the icon in the form of three vertical dots in the right corner of the browser.

    3. Tap the line “New incognito tab”.

    4. Done - you have entered incognito mode!

    Important! The procedure for activating Google Chrome incognito mode for users of mobile devices on iOS and Android is exactly the same.

    How to disable incognito mode in Google Chrome?

    There is no way to exit incognito mode. special teams, and the answer to the question of how to disable incognito mode in Google Chrome is very simple. To do this, both on PC and on mobile device, you just need to either close all tabs opened in this mode one by one, or click on the “cross” in the main window.

    If you want the incognito mode not to work on your PC, well, for example, you are afraid that your child will climb all sorts of dubious sites and hide it from you, we have to disappoint you - disable the incognito mode so that it is not available for activation - impossible.

    However, if your PC runs on Windows 10, you can configure family account, and in it the incognito mode is not available. (We will write about this soon)


    So, you are familiar with the concept of Google Chrome incognito mode. Now you know how to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome on PC and mobile device and how to disable it. We hope our instructions were useful and simple!