How to restore the system. Last Known Good Configuration

I would divide the system recovery methods into the following:
1 Using Last Known Known Configuration
2 Using the "System Restore" mechanism normally
3 Using the system recovery mechanism not normally (via safe mode or original installation disk Windows 7)
4 Using a previously created system backup.

1) Suppose you encountered a problem with Windows 7 and wanted to restore the system, the simplest thing you can do is boot into Safe Mode and load the last known good configuration, to do this, press the key when loading the operating system "F8" and select "Last good configuration» , press "Enter".

Last Known Known Configuration is a recovery option designed to boot your computer using the last known working system settings. Booting in Last Known Good Configuration mode restores information system registry and driver settings that were used the last time the system booted successfully. Use Last Known Good Configuration mode when Windows boot 7 in normal mode impossible as a result of incorrect changes.

2) If the first method is not suitable or did not help, you can restore the Windows 7 system using the " System Restore» The operating principle of this recovery method is quite simple; recovery occurs thanks to created points recovery. A restore point fixes the system state to certain moment. Restore points are created automatically by the system, but they can also be created manually (this is the subject of this article). There are several ways to run System Restore - The first method is to click "Start" and write in the search bar "System Restore", a menu will appear at the top "System Restore" click on it with the mouse. The second way is to go along the path "Start-Control Panel- Recovery - Startup system recovery". A window will open "System Restore", press "Further", you will see everything possible points restorations to which you can return/“roll back” if you press the button "Search for affected programs", you can see which programs will be affected by system recovery (I recommend choosing recovery two or three days before the system problem). Having selected the date, click "Further".

Confirm the restore point by clicking "Ready"

Then a message will appear stating that System Restore cannot be interrupted, click "Yes", after which the process of restoring and rebooting the system will begin.

After the reboot, if the recovery is successful, a window will appear.

3) If you have suffered from a virus and you do not have the opportunity to start system recovery using the above method, then you can “roll back” the system using Safe Mode or using a disk with the operating system:

We go into safe mode (by pressing "F8" at the very beginning of system boot) and select "Troubleshooting your computer", a window will open

- We insert the original installation disk with the operating system (it must match yours), boot from this disk (to do this, in the BIOS we change the boot from hard drive to boot from CD/DWD). Select the language, then in the window "Windows Installation", choose "Recoverysystems".

After this a window will open "Recovery Options" Windows systems 7".

So, no matter which method you used, the result is the same - you have a window in front of you "Windows 7 System Recovery Options",

I propose to analyze a little the capabilities of this window.

Startup recovery- analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for normal loading and functioning of the operating system.

System Restore- this is why this article was written, with the help of this function we can use a restore point to return the system to an earlier period of time when there were no problems.

Restoring a system image- this tool allows you to restore the system from a backup. This method is described in more detail in recovery method 4.

Windows Memory Diagnostics- checks system memory for errors.

Command line- allows you to download command line and with its help you can delete files that interfere with loading Windows 7.

Click on "System Restore", after which a window appears stating that "rollback" system can fix problems... click « Further", select the required restore point.

After this, we agree with everything proposed, including rebooting, and as a result of all these actions, when loading Windows 7, we see a window

4) Restore using a previously made backup; creating a backup is described in more detail in the article. Connect USB device backup storage, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Recovery". If the system does not start and there is no way to boot the system, you must follow the third point of the article, just select Restoring the system image.

In the window that opens, select " Advanced recovery methods".

Then a window will appear asking you to reboot the system, click " Restart".

After restarting, you must specify system recovery settings. I recommend leaving everything as default and just clicking " Further".

In the next step, the system itself will find the system archive.

Next, you can specify additional parameters.

After that, confirm your choice and press " Ready".

Confirm system recovery by clicking " Yes".

If all of the above methods did not help you, then all that remains is to return the Windows system to factory settings, i.e. lose all your data and programs. I’ll say right away that this method This will work if you have a hidden recovery volume on your hard drive, it should be provided from the factory. You can see it if right click mouse click on the shortcut "Computer" and select « Management- Management disks"

Below are the hotkeys for restoring laptops to factory settings:

  • Acer- press the key combination Alt+F10
  • Samsung- F4;
  • Dell inspiron - when the splash screen appears, you need to type the key combination Ctrl+F11;
  • HP Pavilion- when turning on, hold F11;
  • Packard Bell - F10;
  • Rover- when starting the laptop, hold down Alt;
  • ASUS- when the ASUS logo appears, press F9;
  • Sony vaio - at startup press F10;
  • MSI- press F3 when starting;
  • Fujitsu Siemens- after turning it on, press F8;
  • LG- F11;
  • Lenovo ThinkPad - F11;
  • Toshiba- F8.

Hope this article saved you the question How to restore Windows 7 system and helped return your operating system to the point of stable operation.

how to restore the system by returning to previous restore points

System Restore,
by returning to previous
restore points

Theme for computers and laptops,
with Windows OS installed.

If you have serious problems with your computer
and you weren’t able to get rid of your problems in a simpler way
means for troubleshooting, then use
System Restore program.

How System Restore works

How the program works
"System Restore"

System Restore – uses restore points
for a refund system files and parameters to the state
at a certain point in time, without affecting personal files.

Restore points are automatically created weekly.
And also before significant system events, such
such as installing programs or device drivers.

System Restore will save your personal
data, photos, videos, music, documents. But programs
and drivers installed after the selected point
recovery - can be deleted.

Restore points are stored until full
disk space, reserved for system recovery.
As new restore points are created, old ones will be deleted.

Where to find System Restore on your computer

Where to find it, on your computer,
System Restore tool

The path to this tool is Start → Control Panel → in the “System and Security” section, select the “Search and fix problems” button. The following window will open

At the bottom of the left column is the “Restore” button.
Click and a new window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In this window there are two buttons for system recovery.
The first one, which is recommended to be used first, is
"Start System Restore." This elimination option
problems that slow down or block your computer.

The second button is “Advanced recovery methods” –
restores a computer with very severe damage.
Using a system image or Windows installation disk .

How to run a computer system restore

How to start
System Restore

Before running System Restore, save your open
files and close all programs. Because, after confirming the point
recovery—the recovery tool will restart your computer.

Then click the "Run System Restore" button.

If your computer is configured to require a password, then after pressing
Click this button and you will be prompted to enter the administrator password.
Please enter your password.

The System Restore window will appear.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

How to choose a restore point

How to choose
recovery point

First, a window with restore points will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

System Restore - Automatic
recommends the most recent restore point.

On my laptop with Windows 7 (Start) installed.
all restore points from Windows Update.
Since there are no other downloads other than downloading
Windows updates, during this period there was none.

By the way, sometimes problems with a computer can arise as a result of
Windows errors. And errors are most often associated with the update
and installing updates on your computer.

In general - descriptions of automatically created recovery points,
match the event name. In the screenshot (above), automatically
created restore points - Windows Update.

The word "Critical" in the right column - let you
doesn't bother me. This is what Windows names its updates.

You need, by dates or descriptions of events, to analyze -
when problems with the computer began to appear. And choose
the last restore point before problems arise.

You can click on the selected restore point before,
than click the “Next” button, check which programs
will affect the restore point you selected.

To do this, click the button
"Search for affected programs."

If the restore points shown are not enough, then set
checkbox to the left of “Show other restore points”. Will open
additional restore points.

When you decide on a restore point -
Click the “Next” button below.

The recovery process will begin.

System Restore on your computer

systems on a computer

Since, one of the conditions for the work of the “Restoration” program
system" is to disable all programs, then it is clear what to do
screenshots during the recovery process - I couldn’t.

Therefore, I will simply describe the order of the process.

2. The message “Please wait, recovery is in progress” will appear.
Windows files and settings."

3. The next inscription will be “Initializing system recovery.”

4. Next – “System Restore restores the registry.”

5. Next – “System Restore deletes temporary files.”

6. Next – “Recovery complete”

After rebooting and loading Windows - the first one appears
a window informing you that the system is being restored
completed and no user files are affected.

If the selected recovery point was created previously downloaded
programs or drivers – these programs and drivers will be removed.

System Restore, gets your computer back
into a state that existed.

For me, Windows downloaded and installed again
the same updates that were removed.

Because even last point recovery - was
created by downloading and installing the latest updates.

If System Restore doesn't fix the problem
problem with your computer, you can try
Advanced recovery method .

Windows 7 is reliable and stable. But it is also subject to failures. There are many reasons for this (action computer virus, incorrect installation drivers or software, incorrect optimization, etc.). Complete reinstallation system will lead to the loss of personal data, all installed programs and drivers. Often, you can solve the problem and return your computer to working parameters using the built-in recovery tools provided in the arsenal of Windows 7. They are much more advanced than in more advanced earlier versions of this operating system.

How to restore Windows 7? There are several ways. Most of them are accessible and understandable to the average user and do not require special computer skills.

Setting up recovery tools

To avoid losing personal data, you first need to create a copy of the system. To do this you will need:

  • call the main menu of the computer by clicking on the “Start” button;
  • click on the line “All programs”;
  • find the “Maintenance” section in the list;
  • select the “Backup and Restore” component;
  • When starting for the first time, set the mode to “Restore system parameters and previous versions files";
  • save the changes by clicking on the “Apply” button;
  • select a disk for storage backup(it must have at least 40 GB of free memory);
  • click on the “Continue” button;
  • upon completion of the archiving process, a copy of the system will be stored on the hard drive, which will be needed when solving the problem of how to restore Windows 7 to work.

Recovery disk and how to create it

A recovery disk will help restore the operating system to functionality. To create it you will need:

Take a blank DVD or CD;
. in the “Maintenance” section, click on “Create a system repair disk”;
. insert the disc into the drive;
. click on the “Create disk” button;
. wait until the backup process is completed.

Restoring system performance using a recovery disc

How to restore Windows 7 if the installation disk is missing? A recovery disk will come to the rescue. In order to use it, you must:

Insert the disc into the drive;
. to restart a computer;
. go into the BIOS and change the boot settings, setting priority to CD/DVD;
. when a message appears on the screen about the possibility of booting from disk, press the “Enter” key;
. specify language;
. in the next window, select the saved copy of the OS;
. click on the line “System Restore”;

Using the System Software

The OS has a built-in component that allows you to restore Windows 7 without a disk. It's easy to work with. To run it you will need:

Open the main menu of the computer using the “Start” button;
. in the search bar located at the very bottom, enter the name system utility"System Restore";
. run the component.

Rollback Windows 7 using system program consists of several stages:

After launch, the System Restore Wizard window will open;
. continue working with it by clicking on the “Next” button;
. the window that opens will display the latest restore point;
. select it with the mouse and click on the “Next” button;
. if there is a need to roll back to an earlier point, you should check the box “Show other restore points” in the same window;
. to view the changes that will occur after the rollback, highlight desired point and click on the line “Search for affected programs”;
. confirm the selection of the restore point by clicking on the “Finish” button;
. the system will issue a warning that it is impossible to stop the recovery process;
. To continue, click on the “Yes” button;
. wait a while while the system is configured;
. to restart a computer.

In this simple way you can restore Windows 7 on a laptop or computer and return it to working condition.

How to restore your system in safe mode

Sometimes situations arise when the system refuses to boot in normal mode. In this case, a rollback can be performed through safe mode. To do this you need:

Turn on the computer;
. Before the system starts loading, press the “F8” key until it opens function menu;
. select the line " Safe mode»;
. launch it by pressing the “Enter” key;
. restore Windows 7 using a system component.

You can do it another way:

After entering the special menu, use the “F8” key to find the “Safe Mode with Command Line Support” item;
. use the command “rstrui.exe”;
. The System Restore Wizard will start;
. perform a rollback following the wizard's prompts.

Now you know how to restore the Windows 7 system if it normal download impossible.

BIOS setup

Before you begin restoring the OS from the installation disk (provided you have one), you need to perform the appropriate BIOS settings, namely change the boot priority:

Insert boot disk to the disk drive;
. enter the BIOS using the “Del” or “F2” key;
. find the "Advanced" section BIOS Features»;
. go to the “Boot Sequence” subsection;
. set the parameter “First Boot Device» value “CD/DVD”;
. go to the main thing BIOS menu"Esc" key;
. save changes using the “F10” key.

On some computers, the algorithm for making changes looks like this:

Go to the “Boot” section;
. open the “Boot Device Priority” subsection;
. for the “1 st Boot Device” parameter set the value to “CD/DVD”;
. press “Esc” to return to the main menu and “F10” to save changes.

Change BIOS settings helps in solving the problem of how to restore Windows 7 from the installation disk. Below we will tell you what you will need for this.

Using a boot disk

If it is not possible to launch a special menu using the “F8” key, you will need a boot disk to roll back the system.

After starting the disc, a window will appear on the computer screen Windows installations;
. select language;
. continue loading from the disk by clicking on the “Next” button;
. click on the line “System Restore”;
. select a recovery option by clicking on the desired option;
. follow the recovery wizard's prompts.

Windows 7 password recovery

If you have forgotten your password and cannot boot the system, you will need to reset it. How to recover Windows 7 password? This can be done in several steps, provided you have a boot disk:

Insert the installation disk into the drive;
. boot from it, having previously changed in BIOS priority downloads;
. At the bottom, find the line “System Restore” and click on it;
. in the next window, select the desired OS from the list of systems available on the computer;
. click the “Next” button;
. Among the system recovery options, find the “Command Prompt” item and select it;
. run Windows registry command "regedit";
. find and select the registry key “HKEY_Local_Machine”;
. open the “File” menu (located at the top);
. select the “Load hive” function;
. in the window, find the “System” file using the path “C:/Windows/system32/config”;
. indicate the section name, for example “222”;
. open the registry key “HKEY_Local_Machine”;
. find section “222”, and in it the subsection “Setup”;
. change the “SetupType” parameter by double-clicking on it;
. in the window that opens, set the value to “2”;
. close the window by clicking the “Ok” button;
. change another parameter “CmdLine”, setting the value “cmd.exe”;
. Using Explorer, select the “222” section again;
. in the “File” section, use the “Unload Hive” option;
. close the registry editor;
. remove the installation disk from the drive;
. to restart a computer.

Access recovery

The corresponding, or rather, changing the registry branch allows you to remove the old one and install New Password and create another user. Algorithm:

After reboot, instead of the usual window Windows greetings The command line will appear;
. use the “net user” command to display all accounts on the computer;
. change the password for the selected account “net user username new password”;
. create new entry user "net user username password/add";
. add created account to the administrators group “net localgroup Administrators username /add”;
. remove the created account from the group ordinary users"net localgroup Users name user/delete";
. close command line;
. Windows will boot normally;
. To log in, use the credentials of the newly created administrator.

Like "Windows 7", namely forgotten password, if you are dealing with a localized Russian version? You must use the same commands, only changing the value of "Administrators" and "Users" to "Administrators" and "Users".

There are many ways to restore the OS. But no matter how reliable they are, it is advisable to prevent system failure. And then the question of how to restore Windows 7 will disappear by itself.

Users often experience situations when, due to the installation of a certain driver, utility, or virus infection, the OS begins to slow down terribly or does not function at all. Thanks to the program's recovery option, system files can be restored to normal. In this way, you will be able to avoid the lengthy process of fixing breakdowns. In some cases, the issue can be resolved only by delving into the BIOS system; in others, more help will help simple tools, for example, a boot disk. To understand how to restore Windows 7, spending a minimum of time, study this material to the end!

The most simple option recovery is a system rollback

Experts identify a number of methods by which the OS can be restored to its correct state. The list looks like this:

  • system backup (backup);
  • applying the last known good system configuration;
  • disk with system installation files or use safe mode(non-standard mechanism);
  • standard “System Restore” mechanism.

Last Known Good Configuration

This is the most basic way to restore Windows operation 7. To do this, you need to boot through safe mode (the computer is rebooted, and at the stage of turning on the OS, press F8). The window that appears in front of you will list different variants downloads. The “Last Known Good Configuration” section will help you by selecting it and pressing Enter.

The section is needed so that the user can boot the PC using the latest, adequately working parameters. Often, with the help of such simple manipulations, it is possible to restore driver settings and system registry data. The function helps when the OS cannot be loaded in standard mode due to incorrect changes.

Recovering from Safe Mode

First you need to go to Windows safe mode (F8 key). After waiting until the machine boots up completely, go to “Start” - “Search” and look for the “System Restore” program. All that remains is to select a point and confirm the decision. We'll talk about what a restore point is later.

If the method helped, then last stage The computer will reboot on its own, and then restore its operation in the mode that is familiar to you.

Boot disk

The method is great for those who have an original disk with Windows 7 OS on hand. It will help restore the system when even safe mode does not help. Let's look at the procedure:

  • press F8 to switch to safe mode;
  • select “Troubleshoot your computer” and then “System recovery options”;
  • insert the disk, boot from it (read below how to do this);
  • select a language, go to the “System Restore” section in the “Windows Installation” window.

After these simple manipulations you will be taken to the section with parameters Windows recovery 7, where you can return everything to its place by selecting the correct point.

Boot priority in BIOS

The boot order allows the computer to understand which device to boot the OS from. Having chosen the order, the user can boot from different media: from a flash drive, disk, over the network.

So, to change the order, you first need to go into the BIOS system. Most often, this requires pressing F2 or Del. You need to press it when a message like “Press Del (F2) to access the BIOS” appears on the screen.

On some machines, other combinations are used: Ctrl+Alt+Esc, F1, or just Esc.

Once in the BIOS, you need to go to the Boot tab. Transitions between menu items are performed using the left and right keys. The decision is confirmed by pressing the Enter key.

Next, it is important to find the Boot Device Priority item. Now all that remains is to select the order of devices by changing them by pressing the “-” and “+” buttons. Having set the necessary parameters, it is important to save the changes and leave the BIOS (Save & Exit tab).

Restoring using backup

If you have previously created a system image, then the method will be truly life-saving. Find the backup and do the following:

  • connect a flash drive with backup;
  • select “Recovery” in the “Control Panel” menu (opens through “Start” in safe mode);
  • Restart Windows 7.

If it is impossible to boot the system, then you can use the backup only by booting through safe mode (F8) and selecting the “Restore system image” item.

When installing an image via safe mode, it is important to select the “Advanced recovery methods” options, and there find the option to use a system image. The computer will prompt you to back up, you can skip this point and just reboot. If you leave the recovery settings at their defaults, Windows will recover after a reboot.

System Recovery Options window

It doesn’t matter which method you used to restore the OS, you will go to this window. There are a number of functions here that are important to know about:

memory diagnostics Windows - by selecting this item, the computer will check the system memory for errors;

System Restore - return of Windows for a period when there were no defects;

startup recovery- analyzes defects through which the usual system boot cannot take place;

command line- the ability to delete files that prevent the system from booting;

system image recovery- allows you to resume normal work OS from a previously prepared copy.

After going to “System Restore”, a new window will appear, where there will be a message stating that to eliminate all current issues"System Rollback" will help. Click Next and select a point.

Restore point

A correctly working OS creates such points without your help, this happens every 7 days. They are also created when updating drivers or installing software components. Such points can be set manually if desired. Need to:

  • save and close all files;
  • go to “Start” - “Search programs and files”, where enter “Create”;
  • go to “Create a restore point”;
  • click “Create” in the “System Protection” window;
  • describe the name of the point so that you can find it in the future.

After selecting a description to identify the point, the creation process will begin, after its completion the system will issue a corresponding notification.

Return to factory settings

If it was not possible to achieve a clear result, then you need to “reset” to initial settings. This option is used on laptops. It is very controversial, because all data on the machine will be lost. In addition, the method can be implemented if there is a hidden volume on the hard drive (provided from the factory). You can find out whether such a volume exists by clicking on the “Computer” shortcut and selecting “Management” - “Disk Management”.

To return Windows to factory settings, you need to hold down a certain key (the algorithm is different for each device model).

Here is the list of keys:

  • for MSI laptops - hold down the F3 button at startup;
  • Samsung - F4;
  • ASUS - F9;
  • Acer - Alt+F10 (hold);
  • Toshiba - F8;
  • HP, LG - F11;
  • Dell - Ctrl+F11.


Restore Windows work 7 is easy. One of the methods presented here will certainly help restore the system to its correct state. This is the use of the last known good configuration, recovery via safe mode, boot disk and backup. Extreme measures- reinstall Windows again or roll back to initial settings, but you will lose data on the disk where the OS used to be.

Write in the comments which method was the most effective!

Friends, I have long promised my regular readers to write an article about system recovery. Many of us have already encountered this situation more than once when we install some program, make some operating system settings, accidentally delete service files and do much more, which ultimately leads to incorrect and unstable functioning of the OS.

Today I will tell you? What needs to be done to return the operating system to working condition.

Friends, don't forget that hopeless situations can not be.

The algorithm discussed below will be useful to everyone. There are no people who don’t make mistakes and always do everything right. As wise people say: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” But you should also be able to correct mistakes.

And for everyone who wants to find out, if necessary, cancel recent actions on the computer, I wrote a detailed algorithm.

Recovery checkpoint

So, Friends, check Point recovery is a copy service files operating system, program settings, as well as the system registry at a certain point in time.

The operating system, as a rule, creates recovery checkpoints automatically at certain intervals, in the case of installing any software or at the direct direction of the user.

It should be noted that when “rolling back” to the operating system restore point, the user’s personal files, such as music tracks, graphic files, documents, etc.

Attention! Returning to a restore point allows you to restore the OS, but not personal content user.

1. Click on the “Start” button at the bottom right of the screen and select “Control Panel”. The main Control Panel window of the Windows 7 operating system will open:

2. Click on the very first section “System and Security” and in the window that opens, select the subsection “Restore the computer to a previous state”.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Start system recovery” button.

4. The system will collect necessary information and launch the System Restore Wizard. In the first window that appears, you just need to click the “Next” button.

5. Next, the second Wizard window will open, where you need to select a restore point from the list provided. If you have just made some settings and want to cancel them, then select the top one the specified entry. You can also select any recovery point entry that suits you.

You can also run “Search for affected programs” by clicking on the corresponding button. The operating system will scan its service records, determine which programs will be deleted or restored during a rollback to a restore point, and present the analysis results in separate window. After reviewing the lists of affected programs, click the “Close” button.

7. A warning window will appear on the screen that it will be impossible to interrupt the system recovery. And once again they will ask you to confirm your intentions by clicking the “Yes” button.

After this, the system recovery process will begin. Which usually takes a little time - about 2-3 minutes. After which the system will reboot and you will see this window:

Your computer has been restored to the specified state. Now you can check the operation of the OS and other programs to ensure they are working correctly. Be sure to test the result of the system restore.

If operating system failed to restore the system, then the window will be different. This often happens when working antivirus program. Disable it and try again.

If you were able to successfully solve the “” problem, then I congratulate you. But in some cases, restoring the system did not lead to an improvement in the situation, but rather to its deterioration. The system began to freeze, some programs would not load at all, desktop icons disappeared, etc. In this case, it is best to cancel System Restore.

To do this, we carry out the entire algorithm, starting from point 1. When you complete step 3, the following window will open:

Select “Cancel system restore” and then follow the algorithm presented above.

So, Friends, we've covered quite a bit important question“how to restore the system?”, learned to “roll back” the system to restore points and cancel “rollbacks”.

It should be noted that restoring the system in the specified way possible, but only if it wasn’t serious damage system files, for example, as if the system is infected with a virus. In case of serious violations of the OS this remedy is ineffective and you cannot avoid resorting to one of the advanced system recovery methods.

In one of the following articles, I will talk about just such a tool - an emergency recovery disk.