How to choose thermal paste for your computer: which one is best for the processor and video card. Choosing the best thermal paste for the processor

Thermal paste in a syringe

It's worth starting with theory. When manufacturing processors, it is impossible to achieve a perfectly smooth product shape. In any case, microroughness remains. The same applies to radiator coolers. As a result, the junction between their two planes becomes imperfect, and thermal conductivity decreases. What does thermal paste do? It smooths out these irregularities and guarantees a large contact area between the two planes. And since the paste itself is capable of conducting heat, this increases thermal conductivity and reduces the risk of processor overheating.

Intel processor

In general, it’s worth stepping back a little and talking about the design of processors. What we used to call a processor is a metal box with legs and the inscriptions Intel or AMD, just a case. The crystal itself occupies approximately a third of the total volume. The rest of the metal part is a heat dissipator. But the heat is distributed unevenly throughout it. That is, the most heated part of most processors is the center. This is the so-called “hotspot”. This is the part that is vitally important to get right. Later in the article we will figure out how to do this and what thermal paste to choose for the processor.

What is better for a laptop - thermal paste or thermal pad

In general, a thermal pad for a laptop or PC is mostly a necessary measure. Because its use is typical for large gaps between the planes of elements. For example, when it is necessary to create good thermal conductivity between chips of different heights, cooled by the same radiator or cooler. The use of thermal pads in processors does occur, but is not widespread.

Types of thermal pastes, their composition and most important characteristics

Any thermal paste is determined by several characteristics. The most important are thermal conductivity and viscosity. The remaining parameters, one way or another, depend on the price and are less important.

Thermal conductivity

Speaking in simple language is the amount of heat that can pass through the material. This indicator is characterized by the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The higher it is, the better the thermal paste transfers heat from the processor to the cooler radiator.

The layer is probably a little thick


Viscosity mainly characterizes ease of application. Thermal paste that is too thin may spread around the edges and flood the motherboard, while thermal paste that is too viscous will not be able to lie in an even layer over the entire surface. Viscosity is measured in Pa s. There is no recommended value. Just when buying, you should take into account that a paste with a low viscosity will be enough to drop onto the middle of the processor case and simply press down with latches, while a paste with a high viscosity will have to be spread manually in the thinnest layer possible.

The master's "horrible dream"

Temperature range

From permanent job In an aggressive environment, thermal paste loses its properties over time. It dries out and thermal conductivity decreases. The temperature range shows the maximum range at which the thermal paste will “work.” The higher the value, the longer it will be able to maintain its original state.

Paste composition

The composition of normal, factory-made thermal paste contains the components necessary to maintain its properties. Sometimes they contain some impurities and metals for enhancement. But there are also fakes on the market, the composition of which may be unknown even to the manufacturers. Taking into account the fact that the paste is under constant heat and emits a variety of vapors, this type can be harmful to health. This is not to mention the thermal conductivity properties that can run out after a short time.

Which thermal paste to choose for a laptop: basic criteria

The most important parameter to choose is thermal conductivity. It is this that shows whether the selected paste is capable of coping with the heat dissipation of your processor. If you are not going to overclock your laptop, then you shouldn’t overpay for more thermally conductive options.

Price is no less important. A price that is too low should raise suspicions about whether the product is a counterfeit. If your budget allows, then you should pay attention to products in the middle or higher price range. As mentioned above, viscosity largely determines the type of application. If you don't want to spread the paste by hand, choose a thinner one.


For some reason, not all manufacturers indicate the viscosity of their product on the packaging. Therefore, before going to the store, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the assortment different manufacturers on the Internet, as well as with specifications for their products.

Review of popular thermal pastes for laptops

The thermal paste market offers a good selection. Products from both foreign and domestic manufacturers are available. Let's get to know the most popular models, consider their properties and characteristics.

Thermal paste KPT-8

Probably one of the best thermal pastes for the processor. It is inexpensive, accessible and in most cases meets the stated requirements. The thermal conductivity of KPT-8 is 0.65 W/(m K) at a temperature of 100°C. Viscosity at 20°C - from 130 to 180 Pa s. These are averages.

The paste can work in the temperature range from -60 to +180°C. Not the highest, but not the worst either. The main component responsible for conducting heat is zinc oxide. You can buy this thermal paste for a laptop for an average of 200 rubles.

Arctic Cooling MX 2

Product from the Swiss company Arctic Cooling. Most often it is found packaged immediately in a convenient syringe, from which it is very convenient to apply. The thermal conductivity of the paste is high - 5.6 W/(m K), and the viscosity is 85 Pa s. Not bad for cooling overclocked gaming PCs and laptops. The average cost is in the range of 600−650 rubles.


This paste stretches very well even after prolonged use. When removing the cooler for the next paste replacement, be very careful, as stretching threads can get onto the board or socket.

Arctic Cooling MX 2

Arctic Cooling MX 4 thermal paste

This paste is positioned by the manufacturer as for “overclockers”. Holds high overclocking temperatures well. Upper working bar − +160°C. Thermal conductivity is higher than the already listed analogues - 8.5 W/(m K). Viscosity - 87 Pa s. The cost of the product is on average 100 rubles higher than its younger model - 700-750 rubles.

Arctic Cooling MX 4

Arctic Silver 5

The name of the product indicates that it contains silver. And it really is there. Product operating temperature range: -150 to +130°C. Thermal conductivity - 9 W/(m K).

Arctic Silver 5.

Noctua NT-H1

Paste from an Austrian manufacturer of cooling equipment. Often comes with new coolers from this company. The thermal conductivity of the paste is average - 4.5 W/(m K). It may not be the best thermal paste for a laptop, but it is definitely enough for its needs.

Thermaltake TG-2

Mid range thermal paste. You can buy it for an average of 500 rubles. For this price, the manufacturer guarantees a thermal conductivity of 3.3 W/(m K) and an operating temperature range from -40 to +150°C.

Thermaltake TG-2

Replacing thermal paste on a laptop - how to do it correctly

There is some information on how to change thermal paste on a laptop or PC. However, due to compact sizes The cooling system of laptops is noticeably different from their stationary counterparts. Basically, these are one or more tubes that pass through several elements of the system, taking heat from them. The cooler is usually located at one of the edges of the case to ensure the removal of hot air and take in fresh air. Therefore, disassembling and replacing thermal paste is a little different.

Tubes, coolers, laptop heat sinks

Disassembling a laptop

There are no tricks to disassembling a laptop. The only advice is if in doubt, go to the official website and find the location of the nodes and connectors to understand the circuit motherboard. Then unscrew all the bottom cover screws. Depending on the model, the quantity can be quite large.

Laptop bottom cover screws

Having reached the cooling system, you need to find the processor and remove the adjacent pipe system. In most cases, it is removed along with the heat trap. At this stage you need to be extremely careful. Some processor chips may not be protected by anything. And when removing the heat trap, it can be damaged.

How to remove old thermal paste

Over time, the paste turns into a gray viscous mass, which can be removed with considerable effort. You need to act carefully here. Especially if the processor crystal is not covered with anything. It is advisable to use a cloth or cotton pads with a small dose of alcohol. You need to remove thermal paste residues not only from the processor itself, but also from the heat sink. Both surfaces should end up mirror-like.

Old paste must be carefully removed

How to apply thermal paste to a laptop processor

Application can be done directly with your finger or with a special spatula, which can be supplied in the kit. Thermal paste should only be present on the chip and nowhere else. Literally one drop will be enough for this. It must be carefully spread to a homogeneous thin layer without touching other elements on the board. After this, you can return the entire cooling system to its place.

Literally a drop

I would like to say that the price for replacing thermal paste on a laptop can vary quite widely and depend on the region and specific model. Some people charge 300 rubles for this, while others estimate it at 1,500 rubles. In any case, it’s always more pleasant to do everything yourself, and also save on it.

Is it possible to make thermal paste for a processor with your own hands?

Despite the fact that there are a lot of “recipes” and ways to make paste at home on the Internet, few have actually measured its effectiveness. The composition of original thermal interfaces is very complex and contains specific ingredients. Even if it is possible to collect them all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to implement the task without fundamental knowledge of chemistry and the processes taking place. In addition, it will be very sad if the composition of the resulting thermal paste turns out to be toxic or harmful to humans or the processor. Their value has already fallen over the past few years. Is the effort to reinvent the wheel worth a simple walk to the nearest computer store?

Which thermal paste is best for a video card?

As a rule, there are no separate types of thermal pastes for video cards. Here you need to proceed from the characteristics of using the card. If you are a gamer and your card is often at the high end of temperature limits, then you should pay attention to options with high thermal conductivity. For example, Arctic Cooling MX 4. However, MX 4 alone will not be able to reduce the temperature. Cooling should be generally adequate. If the computer is used only for work and the video card is not particularly loaded, then any processor-oriented paste will do.

Video card with old thermal paste

How much does thermal paste cost for a laptop - overview table

By tradition, we have compiled a small table for you, with which you can estimate how much thermal paste for processors costs and what characteristics it has.

Paste Characteristics Price

Thermal conductivity (W/(m·K): 0.65. Viscosity (Pa·s): from 130 to 180. Temperature range: -60 to +180°C. From 200 rub.

Arctic Cooling MX 2

Thermal conductivity (W/(m K): 5.6. Viscosity (Pa s): 85. From 600 rub.

Arctic Cooling MX 4

Thermal conductivity (W/(m K): 8.5. Viscosity (Pa s): 87. Temperature range: up to +160°C. From 700 rub.

Thermal conductivity (W/(m K): 9. Temperature range: -150 to +130°C. From 500 rub.

Thermal conductivity (W/(m K): 4.5. From 700 rub.

Thermaltake TG-2

Thermal conductivity (W/(m K): 3.3. Temperature range: -40 to +150°C. From 500 rub.

We hope this article and table will help you determine which thermal paste is best for the processor installed in your laptop. If you have encountered self-replacement pastes on your computer, then share your experience with other readers in the comments.

— a viscous substance for application between the radiator of the cooling system and the cooled crystal.

Where is the thermal paste located? Place thermal paste between the two surfaces to eliminate air gaps between them.

What is thermal paste for? Acts as a heat-conducting component between the processor cover or chip and the cooler radiator.

Thermal paste for computer and laptop

Despite the fact that the heat distribution cover of the processor and the radiator of your cooling system (cooling system) look pretty even- this is wrong. If you press them tightly together, there will be microscopic air gaps inside. And air, as you know, practically does not allow heat to pass through. There is thermal paste to remove this very air. Do not apply the paste in a thick layer, this will only worsen heat transfer. A thin, almost transparent layer, especially to eliminate air, is a necessary solution.


The composition determines the consistency of the thermal paste. She may be viscous, liquid, sticky.

This depends on the following elements included:

  • Mineral or synthetic oil, silver, copper or tungsten powders.
  • Oxides and oil of aluminum and zinc
  • Oil and microcrystals

You can't do it yourself. If you don't have it, you need to buy it. But the price range is wide; thermal paste can cost from 1 to 10 dollars.

What happens if you don’t use thermal paste when installing CO?

In the best case scenario, your processor or video card will shut down every 5 minutes due to overheating of the crystal. Each processor or video processor has a temperature threshold, exceeding which the chip will turn itself off so as not to burn out.

At worst, the computer will simply stop working. Only replacing a burnt-out processor or video chip will help, since excess heat will “burn” the crystal.

Why change thermal paste?

As it turned out, this is an indispensable component when assembling a computer or laptop. It is recommended to replace thermal paste every 12-18 months. If you have an office or weak computer, then maybe less often. Up to 3 years.

However, using modern, high-performance hardware, it is necessary to change the thermal interface at least once a year. And if the processor is overclocked or works in a room with elevated temperatures, then more often. Although this already depends on the type of thermal interface used.

Comparison of thermal pastes

Let's compare the most common and popular thermal pastes.

The compounds were tested on standard cooling Intel BOX and third generation processor from Intel I7-3770K.

The software that loaded the processor was AIDA64. Creating an extreme load, the utility, among other things, displayed the maximum temperatures during the test. Oh yes, if, as stated above, you start the computer without any thermal paste at all, then, as expected, it will heat up quite quickly to maximum temperature, in our case 105 degrees Celsius, and throttling started. The processor began to reset the frequency to lower the temperature, then turned off.

The following thermal interfaces shown in the picture below take part in testing.

The diagram shows the test results for testing thermal interfaces. A diagram of processor temperatures when using a specific thermal paste. A lower value is better, indicating less heating. As can be seen from the diagram, the difference in processor temperature at different thermal interfaces is up to 11 degrees, which is a very large indicator.

How are they different from each other? Characteristics

They differ primarily in composition. As well as thermal conductivity, operating temperatures, viscosity. Main characteristics thermal conductivity. The amount of heat transferred from the crystal to the cooling system depends on it.

Thermal conductivity, if we turn to physics, is the transfer of heat by microparticles of a material to another, less heated one, until the temperature of both bodies is equalized. The thermal conductivity characteristic is measured in V/m*K (watt/meter*Kelvin). The higher the better. The value can range from 0.7 to 82 V/m*K.

Can be divided into 2 types:

The difference may also be in the supplied thermal paste container. The most common is plastic syringe, conveniently squeezed onto the chip or processor cover. Jar with brush applicator. It is also quite convenient to apply the thermal interface to the cooled surface with a brush. A bag with compound inside. Mostly cheap products with no outstanding features. Often come complete with cooling systems. In most cases, the sachet is enough for one or two applications.

Comparison of rating leaders, review of the best thermal pastes on the market

Arctic MX-2

Thermal interface from the Swiss company Arctic Cooling. Supplied in a 4 or 20 gram syringe. Twenty grams is too much for regular user, rather for service centers. Give preference to a 4 g syringe.

Consistency - thick, viscous. It is applied and smeared with some difficulty, but without special problems. It can be removed from the surface with some effort.

Thermal conductivity - 5.6 V/m*K

Price: $5 (for 4 grams).

Thermal interface from Thermaltake. Supplied in a syringe. Compound weight - 2g. It has grey colour with a liquid consistency. Effortlessly spreads over the surface of the processor. Applying an even layer is easy.

Thermal conductivity - 1.7 V/m*K

Price – $2.5

OCZ FreezeExtreme

Blister pack with a 3.5 gram syringe inside.

Light gray, thin consistency. Very sticky, has high degree sticking It is very easy to spread a thin layer over the surface.

Thermal conductivity - 3.9 V/m*K

Blister packaging with a 1.5 gram syringe from a Taiwanese manufacturer. The kit includes a spatula for spreading the compound. It smears well with this very spatula. The heat spreader cover on the processor is easy to remove.

Thermal conductivity - 8.1 V / m*K

The manufacturer decided to move away from classic packaging and provides its product in glass containers with an applicator brush for applying a layer of compound. Weight - 3.5 g.

Thermal conductivity - 4.1 V/m*K

When choosing a high-quality and much-needed thermal interface, you don’t need to save money. A good product will last a long time. During a subsequent replacement, you will not need to choose a new manufacturer again, but simply buy something that has already proven itself to be good. Alternatively, purchase large containers that will last you for several years. How many other friends will you recommend this productive compound to?

Caring for your computer/laptop is an important procedure that needs to be given close attention. This is especially true for cooling the processor - one of the main elements of a PC. The fight against high temperatures involves the systematic replacement of thermal paste - a substance that prevents key parts of computer hardware from overheating.

Why do you need thermal paste on a processor?

A viscous liquid called thermal paste must be applied to the processor before installing a heatsink on it. Many people are mistaken that the mass is needed to quickly cool the chip: in fact, it serves one purpose - rapid thermal conductivity from the chip to the cooler, which removes hot air. This process is very important for a computer or laptop, because otherwise the processor (main or video card) may simply burn out. Then a replacement will be required, and this PC part is not cheap.

Replacing the thermal paste on the processor is advisable every time you clean the laptop, and the operation itself requires the utmost care and attention. Improper application of the substance can cause harm to the computer and ultimately lead to purchase important details. One tube should be enough for several planned care procedures. It is advisable to change the thermal conductive mass on both the motherboard and the video card at once, since disassembling and assembling a computer is not such a simple matter.

Which thermal paste to choose for the processor

With the appearance on the market large quantity For equipment that requires constant monitoring of thermal conductivity, more and more manufacturers offer their own thermal pastes for purchase. The choice is really wide, but you should pay attention to the quality of the product. In shops household appliances You can find both domestic and foreign companies specializing in pastes. The most famous lubricant on Russian market– KPT-8, which, although it is quite old (and was invented in the USSR), is distinguished by its high performance, flattering user reviews.

Domestic thermal pastes that stand out among the rest include Alsil from GM-Inform. The main elements of this product are aluminum nitride and high quality silicone (for viscosity). I would also like to note the choice of such manufacturers as Titan Silver Grease, Zalman, Gelid GC-Extreme and Noctua NT - these foreign cooling liquids in syringes have passed all quality tests and easily cope with all the tasks. The price of all these products is low, so everyone can afford such heat protection for their computer.

Price of thermal paste for processor

If you suddenly urgently need thermal paste for your processor, you should know that it is inexpensive - from 200 to 500 rubles. Agree, this is not a very high price for such a useful and effective thing. The product can easily be ordered/purchased in an online store (order with delivery in Moscow and other parts of Russia) or purchased at retail points of sale (home appliance supermarkets).

Below is a comparison table of top lubricants with differences in thermal conductivity coefficients and prices. All of them show excellent efficiency results as coolers. The choice of one mass or another depends solely on the buyer. Those people who figured out how to properly apply thermal paste to the processor and followed all the steps correctly will not notice a big difference in the performance of system cooling.

Thermal paste for processor

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Cost (rubles)

Titan Silver Grease

Zalman ZM-STG1/2


Gelid GC-Extreme

Asus Thermal Extremely

How to Apply Thermal Paste to a CPU

The process of removing old and applying new lubricant to the main parts of a laptop or PC is labor-intensive and painstaking. Before replacing the thermal paste on the processor, you need to do a number of certain sequential preparatory manipulations. For example, remove the laptop cover without damaging the insides, and clean all dust from work area(you can use a vacuum cleaner). How to properly apply thermal paste to a processor:

  1. After superficially cleaning the laptop from dust and debris, use a screwdriver to disconnect the heatsink from the processor.
  2. Use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to remove any previous thermal paste from the chip.
  3. When changing thermal paste, be careful to new layer was thin and distributed over the entire surface of the processor.
  4. Take the tube with one hand, squeeze out a small amount of mass (several grams) directly onto the chip, distribute over the entire area using any plastic card or other device.
  5. Try not to stain the surface of the motherboard with heat-conducting mass and do not touch the contacts.
  6. After the procedure, without allowing the working material to dry, “plant” the radiator back, tightly pressing the paste between it and the chip.
  7. Do it this procedure with a video card processor.
  8. Do not forget to carefully tighten all the screws without damaging the integrity of the computer hardware.

Video: how to change thermal paste on a processor

Check out the ways how.

In order to decide what the best thermal paste is today, it is worth considering the concept itself, what kind of product it is and what its use is for. Every year, and as experts recommend twice a year, you need to do a total cleaning of your laptop. Removing accumulated dust, as well as timely replacement of the thermal conductor that has dried out during this time and has lost its properties, significantly reduces the chances of overheating and failure of the computer. Having considered reviews of popular thermal pastes on the market, as well as enlisting expert opinion, the portal has prepared a rating, thanks to which it is much easier to decide which thermal paste is the most effective and good in terms of ease of application.

Properties determine the quality and effectiveness of the product. So, the best thermal paste in its properties should have:

  1. Thermal conductivity, this is the main characteristic on which the operating principle of the product is based. The elements that heat up the most are covered with a conductor to lay a “bridge” to the cooling system.
  2. Low thermal resistance The lower it is, the more confident we can say that the chosen product is truly the best thermal paste available for purchase.
  3. The right consistency, this characteristic depends on the level of professionalism and frequency of use of the paste by the consumer; usually, users choose a thick, dense product, which is easier to level without creating cavities with air.
  4. Resistant to temperature fluctuations, otherwise the loss of properties will occur before the deadline.
  5. Effective composition, here lies more a question of price, since products based on copper, silver and gold have the best properties, while cheap ones based on zinc oxide or polydimethylsiloxane liquid, their thermal conductivity is lower, as well as the price.

And now directly to the products that were included in the rating and have earned the trust of buyers.

Budget thermal pastes

The first four products are inexpensive products. Let's take a closer look at their important characteristics.

1. Prolimatech PK-Zero

You don't have to worry about the processor overheating after using this paste.

The product has excellent thermal conductivity despite its rather modest cost.

Depending on your needs, you can purchase different volumes; there are convenient syringes with 1.5, 5 or 30 grams of the product. Considering the properties and price characteristics, we can safely say that this is the best thermal paste; it is especially relevant for processing the processor. Advanced users We managed to verify this many times. The cost of a medium-sized tube is about 500 rubles.

  • significantly reduces temperature;
  • low cost;
  • different volume depending on the level of needs;
  • Convenient to apply and store leftovers.
  • the composition based on zinc and aluminum will not have to be changed more often.

Prices for Prolimatech PK-Zero:

2. KPT-8

This is the maximum a budget option to prevent overheating. You can purchase either a very small amount of 1.7 grams or a substantial tube of 125 grams. The release form is classic - a plastic tube with a long neck for ease of application.

The product has an organosilicon composition and can remain effective even with temperature changes from -60 to 180 degrees.

Price from 50 rubles for 17 grams.

  • extremely low cost;
  • possibility of purchasing a large volume;
  • quite effective;
  • convenient packaging.
  • It's hard to find small quantities.

Prices for KPT-8:


Ideal volume and combination of characteristics. A convenient syringe complete with an application spatula will allow you to easily apply the product to the processor, transistors and video card. The tight-fitting cap securely closes the tube, opening up the possibility of long-term storage and subsequent use of the product during the next cleaning and replacement of the thermal conductor.

The wide operating temperature range will be appreciated not only by amateurs, but also by professionals involved in repairing and configuring computer equipment.

The cost of 3 grams is about 250 rubles.

  • low cost;
  • thoughtful kit;
  • excellent characteristics;
  • convenient consistency for application.
  • may stick to surfaces, making future replacement difficult.

DEEPCOOL Z5 prices:

4. Steel Frost Zinc

The zinc-based composition has excellent retention required level humidity, preventing the coating from drying out. Thermal conductivity is maintained for a long time, reliably protecting the system from overheating.

The manufacturer has provided a thoughtful package for quickly and conveniently applying the product to the heating surfaces of the processor and video card.

The cost of a kit with a tube of 3 grams will cost a little more than 100 rubles.

  • fully complies with the specifications;
  • ready-to-use kit;
  • retains properties long time;
  • has low cost.
  • has a slightly runny consistency.

Prices for Steel Frost Zinc:

Middle price segment


This is a great option even for inexperienced craftsmen. The kit includes a syringe with liquid contents, as well as a stencil with which you can carefully apply the product and not overdo the layer thickness.

Thanks to its long-lasting properties, this is the best thermal paste for a video card and processor: it does not crack or dry out, while continuing to effectively dissipate heat.

The cost of a popular tube with 3.5 grams of product will be about 400 rubles.

  • economical consumption of funds;
  • acceptable price;
  • long-term preservation of properties and effectiveness;
  • thoughtful package.
  • For effective application it is necessary to find a perfectly flat surface for uniform spreading of the product.

Prices for ZALMAN ZM-STG2:

2. Gelid GC-PRO

The product has excellent viscosity, does not flow and is conveniently distributed with the spatula included in the kit. A tube in the form of a syringe allows you to apply thermal paste to surfaces in doses without getting dirty or touching other elements of the system.

The composition is absolutely safe and non-toxic, and also allows you to store leftover product for a long time without losing its properties.

The cost of 5 grams of paste is about 600 rubles.

  • easy-to-apply consistency;
  • ready-to-use kit;
  • high heat removal efficiency;
  • low consumption.
  • produced in small quantities.

Prices for Gelid GC-PRO:

This paste has a carbon composition, on which high thermal conductivity is based. In addition, the product does not contain metals, which allows maintaining 100% electrical conductivity of all processed elements. A convenient syringe allows you to quickly and efficiently apply thermal paste.

As for properties, the product manages to lower the temperature from 20 to 40 degrees, and this is the best indicator of its effectiveness.

The cost of a tube is about 350 rubles for 8 grams.

  • availability;
  • maximum efficiency;
  • economical consumption.
  • Quite thick and sticky, making application difficult.

Prices :

4. Arctic Cooling MX-4

A syringe with 4 grams of thermal paste is enough for thorough treatment of heating elements, as well as for fairly convenient application to the heating surfaces of the processor and video card. Residues can be stored in a tube with a screw cap without loss of properties. The acquisition cost will be 700 rubles.

  • easy to apply;
  • has an easy-to-work consistency;
  • quickly reduces temperature;
  • It is used economically during operation.

Arctic Cooling MX-4 prices:

High cost compounds

And finally, we present 2 more expensive, but undoubtedly effective means our rating.

1. GELID GC-Extreme

The presented thermal interface retains its properties for as long as possible.

This significantly saves money on frequent replacement of heat conductors and maintenance of computer equipment.

It copes well with heat removal; even at extremely high temperatures it retains its properties and does not dry out or form cracks. The cost of a kit consisting of a syringe with 3.5 grams of product and a spatula for application will be about 500 rubles.

  • retains its properties for a long time, allowing you to avoid frequent replacement;
  • has better thermal conductivity;
  • ready-made kit for work;
  • economically used.
  • viscous and difficult to apply.

Prices for GELID GC-Extreme:

2. Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut

Top-class thermal interface and maximum efficiency. Suitable for the work of professional craftsmen looking for thermal paste with high thermal conductivity for top-end systems.

The composition is based on a mixture of liquid metal alloys, which justifies such a high effectiveness of action.

Unsurpassed German workmanship. A tube with 1 gram of product can cost from 600 to 1000 rubles.

  • best quality;
  • the most thoughtful configuration;
  • easy application;
  • long-term preservation of properties.
  • high price.

Prices for Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut:


Proper care computer equipment and timely adoption of measures to prevent overheating of the processor and video card can extend operation for many years.