Error code 0x8007007b when activating Windows 8. Perform manual activation

Monday, October 27, 2014

Installation instructions

Cd /usr/src/sys/net/ fetch tar -xvf mppc-1.0.tgz Edit the file /usr/src/sys/modules/netgraph/mppc /Makefile. Change the line
NETGRAPH_MPPC_COMPRESSION?= 1 If you are Compiling a module:
cd /usr/src/sys/modules/netgraph/mppc make make install make clean
After installation, you can continue building the kernel.

Friday, October 10, 2014

To get rid of loadable modules to support the Yota USB modem with the FreeBSD kernel. IN configuration file add kernels:

Device miibus device uhci # UHCI PCI->USB interface device ohci # OHCI PCI->USB interface device ehci # EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0) device xhci # XHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 3.0) device usb # USB Bus (required) device aue device cdce
Then compile and install the kernel again.

All of the above is relevant for the FreeBSD 10 version, but more earlier versions, should work too. I haven't checked yet.

Friday, September 12, 2014

I rented an Intel NUC DC3217IYE for a couple of days (4GB of memory and 60GB SSD installed). Overall not bad desktop computer- small, does not heat up too much, it is possible to install RAM up to 16GB. Can be used as a “budget” server for a small office.

I ran a Minecraft server on it for a couple of hours, then I decided to see how well it would hold the same Minecraft server but using VMWare ESXi 5.5 virtualization.

In fact, the conversation will go further about the installation. During the installation of ESXi, I encountered two problems:
1) Lack of driver network card- I had to do a Custom build to integrate the drivers into the installer;
2) VMWare ESXi did not want to install, because it thought that I had less memory than 4GB;

This is the second problem we will talk about in this article. The VMWare installer can be tricked into installing the software with less RAM than ESXi requires. So,

1) Start the installation;
2) Wait for Welcome to appear (Fig. 1), press Alt+F1;

3) Go to the console, enter the login root and an empty password;
4) Execute commands
cd /usr/lib/vmware/weasel/utils rm upgrade_precheck.pyc mv cp chmod u+w vi
5) In the file, you need to find and change the MEM_MIN_SIZE calculation;
6) Save and close the file, then look for the PID of the process that needs to be restarted;
ps -c | grep [w]eas 7) Remember the PID that we received in the previous command and kill the process
kill -9 PID
After last command you should return to the installer window, if this does not happen press Alt+F2

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

FreeBSD-CURRENT supports Raspberri Pi since November 2012. If you have any additional questions, you can always check them on the freebsd-arm mailing list.

What is Raspberry Pi?

You can probably skip this section. But for those who don't know, Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive ($35) single-board computer the size of credit card. The Raspberry Pi was developed by a British company in early 2012 for educational use based on the Broadcom BCM2835 SoC. As of April 2013, over one million units have been sold.

There are several Raspberry Pi models

Model B is made with a built-in Ethernet adapter and contains 256MB random access memory. Model B first went on sale in February 2012 and can be identified by the lack of mounting holes on the board. At the end of 2012, the Model B was updated. Now the board has 512MB of RAM and two mounting holes. Model A was released at the beginning of 2013, it differs from B in the absence of an Ethernet adapter, it has 256MB of RAM on board and model A costs about $25, that is, somewhat cheaper.

How to Boot Raspberry Pi

As of January 2013, FreeBSD-CURRENT supports a full video console (you need to connect a USB keyboard and display). You can also boot FreeBSD using a serial console, for this you will need an RS232 adapter.

After connecting the keyboard, display, installing the SDHC memory card, and plugging in the power adapter (or connecting USB cable to some computer) the Raspberry Pi will immediately start booting.

Anatomy of a Raspberry Pi boot image

The FreeBSD boot image for Raspberry Pi contains FAT and UFS partitions.

FAT partition files

1) bootcode.bin - file for the first boot stage
2) start.elf - the second stage of loading
3) config.txt - configuration file for start.elf
4) rpi.dtb - FDT file loaded via config.txt
5) uboot.bin - third boot stage: U-Boot bootloader
6) uEnv.txt - configuration file for the U-Boot boot loader
7) ubldr - Fourth boot stage: FreeBSD boot loader

UFS partition files

1) /boot/kernel - FreeBSD kernel (dynamic)
2) Everything is the same as in FreeBSD

How to build a bootable FreeBSD image for Raspberry Pi

Collect boot image FreeBSD for Raspberry Pi can be done using
#vi /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/sites/
The contents of the file are normal settings VirtualHost of the Apache22 server, so if you have already configured Apache, you can easily enter the parameters you need. See my file below

#cat /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/sites/ ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot "/Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/" DirectoryIndex index.html CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_log combinedvhost ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_log SSLEngine Off SSLCipherSuite "ALL:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM" SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1 SSLProxyEngine On SSLProxyProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1 Options All-Indexes +ExecCGI +Includes +MultiViews AllowOverride All DAV Off Deny from all ErrorDocument 403 /customerror/websitesoff403.html
Now restart the service, change the A record to DNS server and wait until all traffic goes to the new server.

# serveradmin stop web # serveradmin start web
PS don't forget to change the file paths in the site code and the database connection parameters if necessary;-)

Error 0x8007007b when Windows activation 10 makes hundreds of users around the world nervous. It appears only after the user has switched to “top ten” by updating from one of the previous ones operating system.

The only one the right way There is no way to get rid of the problem, because it is caused by several factors. Let's look at them below.

Reasons for appearance

A message with code 0x8007007b appears on the monitor display as a result of:

  • entering an incorrect activation code;
  • absence network connection during activation of the operating system or problems with the network connection;
  • activation could not be completed because the system could not find the KMS service host in DNS ( domain system addressing).

One of the factors that causes the 0x8007007b window is a lack of connection to the Microsoft activation server. Check the activity of the network connection, its stability and the ability to visit the Microsoft resource.

Manual activation

First of all, you should make sure that you do not have a license for Windows 10.

1. This is done by executing the command “slmgr -dlv” in a command line running as administrator.

2. If the “License Status” line indicates that it is missing, you should activate the operating system.

3. Call command interpreter(press Win+R) and execute “slui 3”.

4. In the “Product Code” line, enter the 25-character key for your Windows release 10.

Replacing the activation key

It happens that after a notification appears about the successful installation of the key, activation is not carried out, so error 0x8007007B does not go away. In this case, we turn to the command line with extended privileges for help (launched through the search line).

We execute a command in it like “slmgr.vbs /ipk *****”, where instead of the “*” symbol we enter the key, separating every 5 characters with a hyphen. The attached screenshot shows what the command should look like.

All you have to do is wait for the activation to complete, which will only take a few seconds.

If after rebooting the “ten” the error does not disappear, you must resort to the following method of eliminating it.

Changing activation data in the classic way

You can change the activation key for Windows 10 without system tools, such command line. In the latest edition of the “windowed” operating system, an icon has appeared that allows you to enter a different product key without following lengthy and complicated instructions for a beginner.

  1. Open the “Options” menu by holding Win + I.
  2. Go to “Update/Security”.
  3. Click on the “Activation” tab.
  4. In the right sector, click on the inscription or icon with the text responsible for changing the product key.
  5. We enter a new value in the appropriate field and wait until the data is checked and the key is replaced.

If there is a problem after following all the steps in the instructions, you should take a closer look at DNS settings, which concern the KMS service. A separate article has been written about this.

As is known, in order to use operating Windows systems in full-featured mode, it is not enough to simply install them on your computer. You also need to activate the product using a special key. However, in systems of the seventh, eighth and tenth versions, sometimes a failure appears, the description of which indicates the code. What this is connected with and how to fix the problem, see below.

Activation code for Windows 10, 8, 7: reasons for its appearance

In addition to the activation error code itself, the notification contains short description Problems. IN general outline it can be interpreted as incorrect syntax, or, more simply, entering an incorrect key. This can occur when a user tries to use a key for his version of the system that is intended for another modification, or simply enters numbers and letters incorrectly.

But the main problem is that the message only indicates the error code 0x8007007b and a description, and at the bottom there is only one close button active window. So it is unclear to some users, where to enter the key if the system itself does not offer any possibilities for this? There is an exit. To carry out the activation process by entering the correct key, there are at least two simple solutions.

How to fix the code? Method one

To be absolutely sure that this situation is connected precisely with the lack of a license, we first make sure that it really does not exist.

To do this, call the command line (cmd in the “Run” menu) and write in it the execution of a special script slmgr -dlv. If the license indicates that it is missing, we proceed to fix the problem.

Call the “Run” console ( quick call - Win keys+ R) and enter the command slui 3. In the window that appears there is a special line in which you need to enter the desired 25-digit code. At correct input the system will report that activation was successful. If the user receives a notification that the key has been successfully installed, but activation does not occur, and the message containing the error code 0x8007007b appears again, we proceed to the second procedure, which, in general, is not much different from the first.

Method two

The second method for resolving the activation problem is to use the above service, which was used when checking the license status.

IN in this case you should again go to the command line, where both the activation command and the key are written. It looks like this: slmgr.vbs -ipk 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345, where instead of the set of numbers given in this example, you should enter the key value. After that, just press the enter button and the problem disappears.

Please note that in both the first and second cases, launch command line must be done exclusively with Administrator rights.

A few final words

What’s most interesting is that a message containing error code 0x8007007b appears in all systems, but only in version 8.1 there is a button in the warning window, after clicking on which a window appears where you need to enter the correct value. But in general, both activation methods presented Windows problems should not be presented to any user of any level of training.

It's been a while since release new Windows 10. However, users continue to encounter various problems when working with this operating system.

Let's look at one of the most common problems - error code 0x8007007b, which appears when you try to activate Windows 10. Sometimes the failure is accompanied by special message « syntax error in the file name."

First, let’s diagnose the problem so that it is clear in which direction to move.

We identify the reason

Usually the crash appears when updating from more than old Windows 7 for the new ten and this is related to the installation unlicensed version operating system. Therefore, if you encounter this, then first of all I recommend installing the seven using the original key and only then updating.

But there may be other reasons:

  1. An incorrect activation code was entered.
  2. Interruptions in the Internet connection.
  3. The problem is on the side Microsoft servers.
  4. The installation or update procedure for the new ten was completed with errors.
  5. No KMS server or SRV record was found.

After we have decided on possible problems, let's move on to eliminating them.

Basic solutions

Before you start digging into the system, you need to check the stability of your Internet connection and make sure you entered the license code correctly.

Also, activation error 0x8007007b in Windows 10 can be caused by temporary problems on the side of Microsoft servers. Therefore, try repeating the procedure after some time.

Sometimes an Internet provider may block access to servers, which is not surprising given the current situation with global network in Russia. You can check this simply, just go to official site and look at its loading speed.

Often the update procedure or installation of a new version of the operating system fails, especially if the installation took place from damaged media or when unstable connection with the network. Check this moment.

Even more rarely, the problem may be on the assembly side, especially if it was downloaded from anywhere but from the official site.

We perform manual activation

If Windows 10 still cannot be activated, then most likely the problem is on the user's side. Then to resolve error 0x8007007b it’s worth trying manual method key registration.

Performed this procedure in the following way:

If the code was accepted, then restart your computer and make sure that it will not crash the next time you start it.

Replacing a license using the command line

Typically, after the system accepts the key, Windows users 10 a message is displayed indicating the successful completion of this procedure, but despite this, activation does not occur and the same error 0x8007007b appears. Then you should replace the license.

How this is done in practice:

We wait for the process to complete, restart the computer and check the result. The failure must be resolved.

The second way to resolve failure 0x8007007b:

  1. We still launch the console, enter “slmgr.vbs /upk” and wait for the process to complete.
  2. Close all windows and re-enter the registration key. To do this, you can use the method discussed below.

Once the procedure is complete, restart your PC.

Standard key replacement method

IN latest versions Windows 10 now has the ability to change the key through the settings section. It's much more convenient than using the command line.

For this:

By analogy with the previous points, at the very end you need to restart the computer.

Problems with services

Based official message, we can conclude that the culprit for the failure could also be a KMS server or a missing SRV service.

If none of the recommendations helped eliminate error code 0x8007007b, then it may be an invalid key, due to which Windows 10 will not activate in any way. You can check this point by contacting a Microsoft support specialist.

Video instruction