Mamba my page is complete. Mamba dating service: how to use it correctly to find your soul mate

July 21, 2015, at 00:05

The Mamba dating site is quite famous, if not the most popular dating site in the modern RuNet. It owes its popularity not only to the age of the site, but also to the extensive functionality provided by Wamba. The site brings together hundreds of thousands of users who are simultaneously on the site. You can always find someone to talk to. At least 300,000 people are on the site at the same time, which once again confirms the popularity of the resource.

Mamba dating registration

Is it possible to start mamba dating without registration? Unfortunately, in order to start communicating with people, you first need to register in the system, but it should be noted that it is quite simple and does not take much time. By logging into mamba dating without registration, you can view profiles, read questions and user blogs, but answering someone or writing a private message is only available to registered users.

Mamba dating provides the following features for free:

Personal profile in the general flow of site profiles,

Possibility to write questions in the general “Questions and Answers” ​​section,

Ability to view and search other people's profiles,

Ability to write private messages to other users,

Possibility to keep an online diary or blog,

Possibility of making appointments,

The ability to look for travel companions for trips, recreation, shopping and other entertainment.

Mamba dating my page

Now let's look at how other users see you - your profile on the site. First, you need to log in to Mamba Dating. To do this, go to the mail, where a letter with registration data will be sent. Next, we return to the site in order to make mamba dating login to my page. Enter your username and password, and now you see your profile. my page should look so that you will like the person you are looking for. But there is no need to put up false or old photos in advance where you looked better or younger. If you are looking for a couple for real meetings, then with such an action you can ruin the whole relationship on the first date.

Put your real photo from recently taken photos. You can choose photos that turned out well, even now. Remember that tomorrow you will be even older. By putting it on your avatar old photograph, you are trying to deceive the person from the very beginning, which makes him distrust you.

Next, you fill out information about yourself. It should be noted that people whose questionnaire is completely filled out are more popular than those who limit themselves to information only about gender, city and preferences.

How to write and to whom? Search for an interlocutor

Mamba online dating most often involves non-anonymous dating. The people on the site are very real. A newbie who comes to the site, in search of love, flirting, intimate meetings, or just comes to chat on free topics, is faced with the problem of how to find the first interlocutor. To get started, you can use the search. Here you can enter a person's age, city, or other information to narrow your search.

In your search query there will definitely be a certain amount of Human. If there are too many people, you can further narrow the circle of users by entering additional criteria in search of.

additional services

In addition to the fact that the Mamba site is a dating service, many people use it for leisure. In the Questions and Answers service, you can ask a question that will be visible to absolutely all users. Someone asks for advice, someone is interested in the psychology of relationships, and someone asks questions that are absolutely not related to the topic of dating. There are individuals who ask questions about the forecast for the dollar exchange rate for the next week, someone asks about fishing in the Omsk region for fun.

In addition to the fact that you can answer and ask questions, you can keep your diary directly on the site. The topic you choose is absolutely free. In diaries, people write about their travels, hobbies, and also publish their reflections on various topics, ranging from life situations to the geopolitical situation in the world. Here, as they say, there are so many people, so many opinions, and everyone chooses for themselves what to publish in their personal diary.

In addition to what has been described, in Mamba you can maintain your own schedule of dates and invite people to various events. And vice versa, you can go to the skating rink, to the club, on a hike, to the sea or shopping.

The site developers made sure that you don’t have to get bored alone.

Dating sites are still not losing their popularity, although they are increasingly becoming social networks for people looking for a partner.

Over the course of several recent years The Mamba website is riding a wave of success, attracting dozens of new users every day.

In this material we will look at the functionality of the Mamba website, the “My Page” section, and logging into your account.


The service website is located at This is the most popular and largest social network in Russia for finding a potential partner and communicating.

It provides the ability to view user profiles (taking into account individually set privacy settings), exchange personal messages, media content, and create interest groups.

On the site great attention is paid to the privacy of users, which is expressed in privacy settings.

A user who is not registered on the site cannot view the pages of other users.

This also allows you to attract more and more new site visitors to create accounts.


Before registering on the site, read the contents of the user agreement, the rules for processing and disclosing personal data.

How carefully you read its rules determines your and the likelihood of your profile being blocked for violation Rules.

To create your own page on the site, you need to register.

Your own page will allow you to view the profiles of other users and communicate with them.

To register, do the following:

  • A pop-up window will appear in which you need to enter your name one by one in the appropriate fields, which will be visible to all users, email, which only you will see, indicate gender, date of birth in DD/MM/YY format;
  • After that, click on the button Register;

  • If you are authorized in the selected one, then after pressing the button a window will open, in which you need to give the site permissions to access personal information pages (for example, VKontakte);
  • If you are not authorized, a window will open in which you will need to enter your registration data social network, and only then give the same permission as in the previous paragraph;

  • After this your page will be created automatically based on data from social networks, and you can log in.

On your page you can fill out a detailed questionnaire about your interests, upload photos, view a list of messages, write messages to other users, search, and so on.

After clicking on it, you can edit as desired those groups of data that will be displayed on the dating site - name, age, gender, city of residence (the data will not change in the Facebook profile itself).

Just click on the one you need, give permission to process data and use your account.

Please note that you can register several times using the credentials of different social networks - that is, if you registered through, you will not be able to access the site through Facebook in the future.


You can log in in several ways, depending on the one you chose to register.

Social media

This login method will only suit you if you registered through them.

If you registered using the standard form by entering your email address and password - You will not be able to log in using a social network.

When you click on the button, you will be logged in with your network credentials - that is, the account will be recreated with a new one using different data.

  • On the main home page select the icon of the desired social network;
  • Click on it;
  • If you are authorized in the social network through which you log in, then you will immediately be taken to your account on Mamba;
  • If you are not authorized, a window will appear for authorization on the social network.– this will be a standard site login form and you need to enter your social network credentials – password and login/phone number/email address;
  • If you have forgotten these credentials, look for the Forgot your password? button.

  • under the login form and click on it - in this case you will be redirected to the social network site, where you can recover your password and set a new one using standard (for this network) methods;

In the same window there is a button for registering on a social network.

Using this method, you can always access a dating site by pressing just one button, as long as you maintain authorization on the social network.

To ensure greater privacy if several people use the computer, log out not only from your dating site account, but also from your social network account.

Login with data scientists At standard entrance with created credentials

  • do the following: Go to home page
  • Click on the orange button Login with email or login;

  • A pop-up window will open in which you will need to enter your login or email and your password;
  • To automatically log out after each browser close, check the box "Alien Device";
  • If you have lost your password, restore it by following the Forgot your password link;

Immediately after this you will be redirected to your account.

The Mamba dating network has more than 30 million registered users who are looking for new friends and life partners. No one wants to lose access to such an extensive database, especially if you didn’t just create a profile, but invested time and money into it. Below you will find available methods restoring access to your Mamba profile if you lose your password, as well as after deletion or blocking.

Password recovery

When registering a profile on the Mamba Dating site, the user enters only his name and email address. The system assigns a password independently by sending the security key to specified e-mail. It is not surprising that users do not remember their account password and cannot open their own profile.

But since information about the security key was sent by email, it means you can find the password and copy it into the authorization field on Mamba.

If you couldn’t find the treasured registration message among the letters, you will have to use the standard recovery form.

Inside the message, you need to click on the “Recover Password” link. The system will generate and send by email a new security key, which will now be used as an access code to your profile. If you did not order a password reset, then simply ignore the email with a link to restore access.

If you do not remember which e-mail you specified during registration, or cannot get into email, then recover the password in a standard way will not work. You will have to register another page and contact support.

When sending a message to the support service, provide information about the profile for which you lost the password: when it was created, what e-mail was used during registration, why you cannot restore access now.

Changing the security key

If you cannot remember the security key that was generated automatically by the system, then change the password in the page settings to a simpler cipher.

It is better to write down the created password in a notepad just in case. Not in Notepad, which is built-in Windows application, but in a regular paper notebook that won’t let you down.

Restoring a profile after deletion or blocking

On the Mamba dating site there are two ways to delete a profile: hiding the profile from general search and erasing user information. Depending on how you deleted the profile, different methods recovery. So, if you hide your profile from search to strangers could not find you, then to return the original parameters, follow these steps:

After changing the profile settings, the profile can again be found on Mamba via standard search. Now let's see what to do if the owner deleted the page on his own. Access can be restored within 6 months. To do this, you need to follow the link that is in the letter. Mamba sends messages with a life-saving link about once a month, sometimes even more often.

How should you fill out your page on Mamba so that it is correct? There are nuances and secrets here that are typical for this dating site. Filled out correctly Mamba - my login page- this is the main condition for successful acquisition new acquaintances that are possible through the use of the Internet. To get started, of course, you need to register with Mamba. Then you can familiarize yourself with all the opportunities and tools this dating site provides to you. Mamba navigation has naturally changed over the years, therefore, you need to proceed from the capabilities available on this moment, which are considered the newest and latest.

In order to fill out your page on the Mamba website, you must first go to the special tab where the gear is shown and click on the “Settings” tab. Next there will be an opening new page, which is filled in with your personal data, that is, you must indicate your name as well as age. It is indicated once per Mamba during registration. Accordingly, try not to make mistakes. You are also required to indicate your country and place of residence, and your email address. This address is exactly what you cannot do without each of your next visits to the Mamba website. This is where the mamba login password is stored. This is where you can change your password if necessary. At this point you have the opportunity to change or indicate your own mobile phone, if necessary. You can also delete your profile on mamba. You can also configure the privacy of your own profile on Mamba. Indicate the participation of your profile in the search. You may hide the date and time of your presence on your mamba page. Among other things, you can specify that you will not be shown to users whose profile you viewed on Mamba. There is also the possibility of setting the privacy of your presence on this dating site, enabling a setting where your age will not be reflected (indicated), indicating those who can view your profile (all users authorized on Mamba). You can customize your Messages for your convenience. You can receive letters to your Mailbox when you visit a page, you can configure the display of messages that were sent to you by one of the site users mamba dating. Additional settings provide the ability to customize the sound heard when messages are received.

Mamba - login to my page

First you need to register with Mamba. Pursuing a goal related to filling personal page on the Mamba dating site, first go to a special tab with a picture of a gear and click on the “Settings” tab. After opening a new page filled with the user’s personal data, indicating the name and age indicated only once during registration, you need to indicate the state and place where you live, and your email address. Because the address is required for any next visit to the Mamba website. The mamba login password is stored here. It is in this place that the password is changed if necessary. In this paragraph you need to indicate your number mobile phone, if the need arises. Deleting a profile on mamba is also done here. You can set privacy personal profile on Mamba indicating the participation of your profile in the search. You can choose not to share the date and time of your presence on the page on mamba or indicate that users whose profile you viewed on mamba cannot see. You can configure the privacy of your presence on a dating site, specify the names of users who have the right to view your profile. Additional settings provide a chance to customize the sound that appears when messages are received.

This is one of the major resources not only in our country, but also in the CIS. Several million people visit the site every day. If anyone is planning to get own page then there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to register on the resource and fill out your own form. For those who are looking for an entrance to the “My Page” of the dating site - below on the page there is a link to go to the resource. dating - login to “My Page”

The resource developers tried to make the site as convenient as possible, as well as easy to use. Thanks to this, it can be used by people of the most different ages, among which are those users whose experience of working with virtual network small.

Registration on the dating site (free) dating - access to “My Page” is possible only after registration. You can create a personal page like this: On the left is the “Registration” button. You need to click on it. On the right there is the “Login” button. Users will use it in the future when they get a personal account;
  • Enter your email and name. Make sure that the data is entered correctly. The name cannot be changed. You will receive a notification via email that requires confirmation;
  • indicate your date of birth, select your gender, and indicate the gender of registered users who are potentially of personal interest;
  • enter your mobile phone number. You will receive an SMS containing a code. Enter it in the special field. If for some reason your identification data is lost, you can restore it in a couple of moments using your mobile phone.
  • Registration is completed and the user takes possession of Personal Area or page. It's time to design it, making it attractive to the Mamba ru audience.

Search for people without registration

The design of the page all begins with uploading an avatar. This is the main photo, which should belong to the owner of the page. Extraneous images will not be allowed by the moderator. The following is information about yourself. Try to present them as informatively as possible, which will make it easier for users to find a personal profile. Thanks to this information, it will be possible to determine in absentia whether a person is personally interesting or not. If you don’t want users of a certain age to view the page, then set a limit for them. The resource developers advise placing as many personal images as possible in the album. And choose the most attractive ones. The “I like” section may come to the attention of the newly created page owner on “Mamba ru”. Here you can choose your personal interests. It is possible that someone else has similar interests and you can start a conversation by asking a question about a hobby or hobby. You don’t have to resort to searching on Mamba for this and start correspondence without registration only with those who write first, or you can also be active. This will increase your chances of meeting the right person twice. If you are interested in the second option, then immediately click on the “Search” button. You will need to indicate the opponent’s gender, age, place of residence and interests in the search parameters. The more parameters you specify, the higher the likelihood that the search results will contain the desired users.