Open home page. How to make Yandex the start page in different browsers? Changing the operating modes of the Internet browser

Hello friends. Today, I will tell you how to change the start page in the Yandex browser in one interesting and, if I may say so, tricky way. The thing is that in the settings of this browser there is no way to specify the start page; the developers simply did not provide for this.

But let's go through it in order, perhaps other launch methods will also be useful to you.

Launch the Yandex browser and in the upper right corner click the button with 3 horizontal stripes, then select Settings.

In the window that appears, we need a block called “Open at startup” and its two options:

1) Scoreboard with favorite sites– when you start the browser, a window with site bookmarks will be displayed, the so-called quick access panel to sites.

2) Previously opened tabs– when you select this option, the tabs of the last session will be automatically opened when you start the browser. Here, if you wish, you can check the item Open if there are no tabs.

As you can see from the proposed options, there is no way to set the start page. But, especially for you friends, I figured out how to change the start page in the Yandex browser in one interesting way.

So, in your browser, go to the site or its page that you want to make your home page. After that, move the mouse cursor over the open tab and right-click it, select Pin Tab.

Important point! For this method to work, you need to select the option in the “Open at startup” settings block -.

Board with favorite sites

By the way, you can set several pages to launch them automatically. To do this, you just need to pin the tabs you need.

The main feature of Netvibes is its focus on your RSS. It has a bunch of widgets, including weather, news, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, stocks and others. There are also widgets for many popular sites, but if you don’t find your favorite site in their list, you can simply insert it into your page, the functionality allows this.

In our list, Netvibes gets the palm for customization. It has literally everything, from changing themes to its own RSS reader. There is only one drawback - if you cannot configure it correctly and in detail, you are unlikely to like it.

Protopage is very similar to Netvibes. You also have your own personal page, which you can customize as you wish, changing themes, number of bookmarks, etc. It has built-in widgets, but the emphasis is that you can create your own widgets by adding social networks, email to your page, or creating them from other web pages.

Unlike Netvibs, Protopage is easier to use. Widgets move very smoothly and are located where you inserted them. The only small problem is that the number of built-in widgets is small and you may easily not find the ones you need among them.

Symbaloo will delight fans of tiled interfaces with its design. Each widget in it is a separate square, when you click on it, it opens in the center of the screen. By clicking on the square with recipes, a window with a search bar will appear in the center of the screen, and by clicking on the encyclopedia widget, a Wikipedia search will open.

The interesting thing is that users can share the pages they create, so you can always find a cool template for yourself. There is also a separate news tab, by clicking on which you will receive a list of the latest news, which will be sorted by importance.

uStart is more tailored to perform social functions. There are widgets for your favorite RSS, Instagram, Twitter, notes and others. Also, it has a bunch of settings and you can customize each widget as you wish. And if you had an iGoogle or Netvibes account, you can even transfer your settings here.

This service has the largest number of widgets among its competitors, and the number of settings for each of them will shock you. However, its interface does not look very good, so it can be off-putting. In all other respects, the service is great!

My Yahoo

I put My Yahoo at the bottom not because it is bad, but because its usefulness to us is questionable. My Yahoo is definitely the most beautiful service of all those listed above, but it is the least tailored for Russian-speaking countries. For example, I couldn’t even find my city in the weather forecast!

In addition, the number of settings here is minimal and many will not like it. My Yahoo also has the ability to import from iGoogle, so switching from the latter will be absolutely painless. If you know English well and you are not bothered by poor integration with the Russian-language Internet, then you will like My Yahoo 100%.

It is difficult to say which service is the best, since each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. But you can decide which service will be the best for you. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to try each of them, so you will quickly choose your favorite.

Have you already chosen the best search engine and want to make Yandex your start page so that its main page opens automatically when you launch your favorite browser? No problem. In this article we will look at ways to change the home page in all popular browsers manually and automatically.

In rare cases, before changing or restoring the start page, you need to remove an adware virus that may have settled on your computer and opens one of the following pages with your web browser:


You can read detailed instructions on how to remove such viruses in our article - and then continue.

Setting the start page in Mozilla FireFox

The Mozilla browser is a freely developed web browser and is supplied to users without a pre-installed start page (in cases where the program is downloaded from the official website).

To install Yandex as such, do the following:

1. Open Mazila and go to settings.

2. In the “Basic” section, select “Show home page” and below enter its address -

The changes will take effect the next time you start FireFox, and Yandex will become the new home page.

Mozilla version for mobile phones

Do you want Yandex to open when FireFox starts and on your phone, no problem.

1. Open Settings and go to the General tab.

2. In the "Home" section, select "Set Home Page".

3. In the pop-up window, enter the search engine address and click “Ok”.

You can verify that the actions were performed correctly by simply restarting the browser.

Making Yandex the start page in Google Chrome 63.00 and higher.

The Chrome browser from the famous Internet giant Google is based on the Chromium engine, so the instructions for installing the start page will also apply to the following browsers:

  • Amigo;
  • Orbitum;
  • Satellite.

By default, for quick access to the necessary sites, Chrome uses the “Home” button, and on the first screen, a panel of the resources you most visit opens.

You can change the start page on Yandex manually through the settings.

1. Open Google Chrome settings.

2. Find the "Start Chrome" section and select "Set Pages".

Be careful, the list may already contain addresses of other sites, and when you launch the browser, additional tabs will open in addition to Yandex. You can avoid this situation by leaving no more than one address on the list.

3. Click “Add page” and enter “” in the window that opens.

All. If you followed the sequence of actions correctly, when you start Chrome again, the Yandex home page will automatically open.

Mobile version of Chrome

Setting Yandex as the home page in your Chrome mobile browser is not much different from its “web” version.

1. Open your browser, go to the settings section and select “Home Page”.

2. By default, most users already have this function enabled, but many smartphone manufacturers set their websites and services as home (as in my example).

We only need to change the address of the preset page on

Setting Yandex as the home page in the Yandex browser

It seems that users of Yandex Browser should have no problem setting the main page of the search engine of the same name as the start page - alas, this is not the case.

After, you might find that the concept of “Start page” is missing in the browser settings, so you can limit yourself to changing the default search engine, or partially solve the problem with simple steps.

1. Open the Ya Browser settings and find the “Open at startup” section.

2. Change the preset settings to those shown in the screenshot.

When you finish working with the browser, close all active tabs and the next time you start, the main page will open.

Setting up the home page in the Opera browser

Changing the start page on Yandex in Opera will not require more effort from you than in the case of other Internet browsers.

1. Open Opera settings, “General” section.

2. In the “At startup” tab, select the “Open a specific page or several pages” checkbox and click “Set pages”.

Do not include many pages in the list - this may cause the operating system to freeze for a short time when opening Opera, or if your computer’s performance is weak.

There is no need to save anything; the changes you make will take effect immediately after you restart the browser.

Unfortunately, the mobile version of Opera (we are talking about version 44.11) does not have the ability to customize the home page. Users have to be content with news provided by software developers and a list of recently visited sites.

How to make Yandex start in Microsoft Edge

The most popular, but not the most popular program for Internet surfing, is Microsoft Edge. Programmers from Microsoft took care of their users and made setting up Yandex as a start page accessible in a few mouse clicks.

1. Open the Edge browser and go to Settings.

2. In the tab indicated in the picture, select “Specific page or pages”. In the field below, enter the url address of the search engine -, and click on the floppy disk icon to save the changes.

The changes made will not work on the included Internet Explorer, but they are performed in a similar way.

Set Yandex as the start page automatically

Yandex is directly interested in popularizing its products and that is why it has developed a special extension for browsers that sets the Yandex home page automatically.

The extension is available at and is available for installation in the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome and others, based on the Chromium engine;
  • Mozilla FireFox.

If the web browser is not supported, the page will display an alternative manual installation method.

There are no analogue extensions for mobile devices.

Possible problems

Right-click on the browser icon and select “Properties”, go to the “Shortcut” section and remove all unnecessary labels without touching the direct path to the file.

This action will help temporarily solve the problem, since the virus may again replace the start page the next time the system starts. To remove it, follow the link mentioned at the beginning of the article.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated about changing the start page in the browser. The developers made sure that this function is available in a few clicks, and Yandex itself allows you to carry out this operation automatically.

The procedure I described is relevant for the following versions of browsers and does not depend on the installed version of Windows:

  • Mozilla FireFox - 54.0 and higher;
  • Google Chrome - 63.00 and higher;
  • Yandex browser 17.00 and higher;
  • Opera 50.00 and above.

If you have any difficulties or find any inaccuracies in the article, write in the comments, and I will be happy to answer.

The start page is the site, the web page that loads along with the browser when it starts. This may be your personal website, the status of which you check daily, a weather page in your city, a search engine.

This is a very convenient browser feature. I will show you how to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer browsers.

Make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

In the upper right corner of the Google Chrome browser, click on the 3 dots icon located vertically.

Finding Google Chrome settings

Go to manage start pages

In the settings we find the section Open at startup (Manage start pages).
Press the triangle pointing to the right.

A menu opens that specifies the pages that open when you launch the browser.
You can choose to have the following open at startup:

  1. New inset
  2. Previously opened tabs
  3. Specified Pages

Switch the button to the last option - specified pages. We can see the home page there. To the right of it, press the button with three dots. Additional options will appear: Change, Delete.

Click - change

Changing the home page

The Edit Page window appears. Enter the Yandex address in the field provided for this and click the Save button.

Now close the browser and launch it again to make sure the start page is installed.

How to Set Home Page in Mozilla Firefox Browser

In order to make Yandex the home page in Firefox, click Tools.

Finding Firefox settings

In the drop-down menu, click Settings

Setting up the home page

In the settings, on the Basic tab, look at the Launch section.

When you launch Firefox, select - Show home page. Now enter a link to the page in one of three ways:

1 - copy in the usual way and paste the Yandex address into the address bar.

2 - click the Use current pages button and all open pages will become home pages. It's OK! You leave Yandex, and delete the remaining pages.

3 - click the Use bookmark button. Then all bookmarks will open - Favorites. Choose the one you need from them.

After you insert the address, you don’t need to look for additional buttons, just close the settings and that’s it. You can close the browser and re-launch to check the installation of the home page.

How to set Yandex as the start page in Opera

In order to find the Opera browser settings, in the upper left corner of the browser, click on the O (Opera) logo.

Go to Opera settings

In the settings, in the section On startup you need to set the switch to the position: Open a specific page or several pages.

Adding a home page

The Home Pages window opens.

In the Add a new page line, insert the address of the Yandex main page (or whatever you want).

By the way, if the desired page is currently open in the browser, then just click the “Use current pages” button, and all of them will become the initial ones. If any page turns out to be superfluous, hover your cursor over it - a cross will appear on the right, clicking on which will delete this page.

Press the button OK- the home page has been added! Now close the browser and launch it again to make sure the home page is installed.

How to Set Home Page in Internet Explorer

There is a lesson on the site - where to download to update and how to configure it. However, so that you don’t waste time searching for information, in this lesson I will show you how to make Yandex the start page in the IE browser

In the Tools menu, select Internet Options.

Set Yandex as home page

On the General tab, in the Home page 1 field, insert the address of the page that you want to make the start page, for example, the main page of the Yandex search engine.
Switch switch 2 to the Start from home page position.

After that, click the Apply button 3 and OK 4.
That's it, the start page is installed. Close your browser and launch it again to check it.