Why is Google Chrome not removed from my computer? Complete removal of Google Chrome on Windows

According to the latest data, the Google Chrome browser is the leader in the web browser market. This program is installed and actively used on six out of ten computers. If for one reason or another you want to remove Chrome from your PC, you need to do it correctly so that traces of its operation and unnecessary entries in the registry do not interfere with the operating system.

Uninstalling Google Chrome on Windows 10 using the standard method

Windows provides a full range of options to remove Google Chrome. It is only important to know the procedure:

  • uninstall the program itself;
  • clear the program directory of temporary browser data;
  • we delete all registry entries associated with the remote browser.

Removing Google Chrome with Windows 10 built-in tools

Windows 10 has two built-in interfaces for uninstalling programs:

  • the “Control Panel” component of the same name;
  • new "Applications and Features" environment.

Both components have the same functionality, slightly differ in design, but both are suitable for uninstalling the browser:

  1. On the keyboard, simultaneously press the Win + I keys, in the “Settings” interface, open the “Applications” applet. Press the key combination Win + I and open the “Applications” applet
  2. In the “Applications and Features” tab, find the Google Chrome line, click on it and double-click “Delete”.
    Find the Google Chrome line, open it and double-click “Delete”
  3. In the uninstallation settings window, put a checkmark next to the line about deleting browser data and click “Delete” again.
    We confirm the deletion of browser data and continue uninstallation

After this, the browser will be deleted, and a page from Google will open in another browser asking why Chrome was uninstalled. The survey can be ignored.

Deleting temporary files via the AppData directory

If you have hardly used the Google Chrome browser, then there may be no traces of its operation in the temporary data folder. If the browser was the main one, using it to surf the Internet, the remaining directories can be several gigabytes in size. It is very important to ensure that all this data does not load the computer:

  1. Using “Explorer”, open any folder, for example, “This PC”. In the address bar, enter the value %appdata% and press the Enter key.
    In the address bar of Explorer, type %appdata% and press Enter.
  2. In the directory that opens, select the Google folder, press the key combination Shift + Delete and agree to delete the information. Then in the address bar click on the AppData button.
    Delete the Google folder, then go to the section above
  3. Next, go to the Local folder and repeat the procedure for deleting temporary browser files.
    Delete the Google folder in the Local directory

When the temporary files are finished, all that remains is to delete the browser entries in the registry.

Clearing system registry entries

The Windows registry is a census of all possible operating system settings in hierarchical order. It is the registry that determines how certain programs and components work. Entries in this environment are extremely important for the performance and performance of the system, and unnecessary settings only slow down navigation and reading parameters.

  1. For this reason, it is necessary to remove unnecessary values ​​with information about deleted programs: Open the operating system search, enter the word regedit in it and open the result found.
  2. In the search, enter the word regedit and open the best match
    In the program that opens, open the “Edit” tab, and in it select the “Find” item.
  3. In the editor program, open the “Edit” tab, and in it select the “Find” item
    In the “Find” field, write down the value chrome and click the “Find Next” button.
  4. In the “Find” field, write down the value chrome and click the “Find Next” button
    Right-click on the result found and select “Delete”.
  5. Right-click on the result found and select “Delete”

To quickly repeat the search procedure, press the F3 key and so on until scanning the registry for the keyword no longer produces results.

Video: how to completely remove the Google Chrome browser

Uninstalling Google Chrome using Revo Uninstaller

  1. You can remove Chrome using special third-party utilities, the developers of which have simplified the entire process as much as possible. One such program is Revo Uninstaller. It specializes in removing applications and components, as well as keeping the operating system clean and tidy.
  2. Download, install and run the program.
    In the “All Programs” tab, find and select Google Chrome, click “Uninstall”.
  3. Select “Chrome” in the list of programs and click the “Uninstall” button
    Confirm clearing browser data and click “Delete”
  4. After deletion, we return to the Revo program, in the analysis window, set the toggle switch to “Advanced” and press the “Scan” button.

Probably everyone has encountered problems with the browser, for example, some glitches or freezes in operation. There comes a time when all this gets boring and you decide to reinstall the browser or even find an alternative. However, first you need to remove the old one, and completely. Let's look at how to completely remove Google Chrome; what does it mean to completely clean it?

Google Chrome is a fast, high-quality web browser that is stable and secure. It is the most popular in the world according to estimates given for 2016, and it is also in confident first place in RuNet. Among the shortcomings, one can note only the inability to install it in a directory specified by yourself. The browser is installed by default in the system Program Files folder.

However, it is known that Google Chrome is not just a browser, but also a powerful collector of information about the user’s online activities. It protects its files on the system many times over. Therefore, when deleting using standard means, it is possible that some files will remain. That is, in essence, everything that is deleted in this way is just an outer shell; hidden file drives remain on the computer.

Therefore, the question arises - how to get rid of them?

Removing a browser can be divided into three stages:

  • standard removal through the program manager;
  • cleaning temporary folders;
  • cleaning “tails” in the registry.

Let's look at each stage in detail separately. The system used is Windows 10. For earlier versions, explanations will be given if there are major differences.

Before deleting, make sure you don't lose any important data. Once completely successfully deleted, the return of this data will be irreversible.

Don't forget about synchronization too. If this feature is enabled, you will need to delete data from the Google server.

Standard removal via program manager

In the browser itself, you must first clear the entire browsing history, downloads, cookies, passwords, media licenses, data for autofill, data for hosted applications, in general, everything that is offered in the clearing section (Ctrl + H in the browser field), Personal data section , clear the history.

At this stage everything is simple and standard. Go to the Start menu/Control Panel/Programs/Programs and Features.

A window will open with a list of installed programs and components.

We find Google Chrome there and click delete, after closing the browser window.

In this case, go to the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and end all processes related to Chrome.

Click delete again, check the “Also delete browser data” checkbox, and then wait for the program to be removed.

Thus, we performed a standard deletion, but we still had temporary files and tails in the registry.

Removing from the AppData folder (how to find this folder in XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)

The next step is to clear temporary files. What is it? Temporary files are saved by the browser when web pages are opened. This is done to make pages load faster, since most of the content on these pages remains virtually unchanged over time. This happens without the user's knowledge. The disadvantage of this process and a negative consequence may be the downloading of, among other things, malicious files, that is, viruses, Trojans and other unpleasant things. Where are these files stored?

For all browsers installed on your system, the path for storing temporary files is the same.

You need to go to My Computer/Local Disk C:/Users, find the folder with the name of your computer.

There should be an AppData or Application Data folder here. But initially it is hidden. It is not visible, but it is there. Windows specifically hides important system folders so that we do not deliberately delete them. In order for it to appear in the visibility zone, you need to select View and check the Hidden elements box.

In earlier versions, configure the display of hidden files and folders in the folder options, View tab.

Open AppData/Local and search for Google. Let's delete this folder.

Then go to Roaming and also delete the temporary Google folder.

Removal from the system registry

The system registry is a database of files, settings and Windows parameters built on the principles of hierarchy, the basis of the operating system. Contains various important information, such as: software parameters, user profiles, hardware settings and others.

An important step associated with deleting browser file settings can be done in two ways: manually or automatically using specialized programs.

To do this manually, you can go to the Start menu and run the command regedit.

A registry table opens before us.

Here we see 5 sections, of which we are only interested in 3, these are: ROOT, USER and LOCAL_MACHINE.

In the first case, just open the HKEY_CLASSE_ROOT folder, find everything related to the word google and delete it.

In the second and third paths, respectively, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google

We perform a similar removal.

However, this is all murky and quite problematic for many novice users. Because if you do something weird here and remove unnecessary things, there will be quite big problems. To prevent this from happening, you can use specialized programs that have already won the trust of millions of users. Which ones? Let's look at it in the next section.

Removal using third-party utilities (if you couldn’t remove everything yourself, what can you do)

A lot of junk files accumulate in the registry, which often cause system errors, so most users are familiar with its optimization programs like RegCleaner and CCleaner. Let’s look at the latter in more detail, in particular in relation to our situation with cleaning browser registry files.

Download and run the program. Open the Forced uninstallation tab. In this case, we need to remove Google Chrome. Therefore, in the program name input field, enter the word “google” or find it in the list of installed programs.

When we uninstall the program, the Revo Installer utility will take care of creating backup copies of the registry files.

As you can see, following our advice, completely removing Google Chrome will not cause you any difficulties. After which you can reinstall this browser and successfully continue your work in it. We hope that this article helped you solve this problem.

Everyone may have their own reasons for deleting the Google Chrome browser. Some people want to remove the browser because they don’t like it, others just want to reinstall it. One way or another, today’s topic will be about how to remove Google Chrome correctly, without leaving unnecessary files.

It’s worth noting right away that deleting a browser will not take much time, and in fact, it is a very simple process that does not require any additional knowledge. However, for those who are not well versed in computers and software, this article will be extremely useful. After all, along with the browser, you can accidentally delete important data, other programs, etc.

How to remove Google Chrome

So, let's begin. First we go to Control Panel(I think everyone knows where it is: Start-Control Panel) and there select the item “ Programs and components"(Or something like that). A window opens with all installed applications. We are looking for a browser in it GoogleChrome and right-click on it, then click “ Delete” and follow the removal instructions.

That's all, the browser has been deleted. But in fact, that's not all. Because Chrome most likely left its traces in the registry and AppData. It is also recommended to clean them. And how to do this, you can read below.

Removing Chrome from the registry

This point is mandatory for you if you decide fully remove the Chrome browser from your computer. Because certain information is recorded in the registry, and if you suddenly want to install it again, then most likely old errors and some data that you encountered in Chrome before will be saved.

Let's begin the process of deleting browser dataGoogleChrome from the registry:

How to remove Google Chrome from AppData

And that is not all. In addition to all the actions listed above, it is also recommended to clear the tails of the program from AppData. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the further instructions and you will succeed.

That's it, now we can safely say that we have completely removed the Google Chrome browser on the computer and left no traces of it.

Question “How to completely remove Chrome from your computer?” alarms the user when he decides to abandon it in favor of another web browser or wants to reinstall it. To learn how to remove Google Chrome from Windows in various ways and what to do if it is not removed, read this article.


Method number 1: in the Control Panel

1. In the Taskbar (the strip of icons at the bottom of the display), click “Start”.

2. Click “Control Panel”.

3. In the “View” add-on, set the “Category” mode.

4. Click “Uninstall a program”.

5. Right-click once on the browser name in the list.

6. Click the “Delete” command that appears.

7. In the uninstaller panel, check the box “Also delete data...” to perform a complete removal.

8. Click on the “Delete” button.

Note. If you want to assign another browser as the main browser immediately after uninstallation is complete, also check the “Assign..” checkbox. And then select the required web browser from the drop-down list.

Method #2: CCleaner

1. In the utility menu, click the “Service” section.

2. Select “Uninstall programs” from the submenu.

3. In the catalog, click on Chrome.

4. In the command bar on the right, click Uninstall.

5. Set up the uninstaller (see method No. 1) and complete the removal.

Method No. 3: Soft Organizer

This utility allows you to completely remove Google Chrome from your computer, including all additional elements in file directories and registry keys.

1. In the Soft Organizer window, left-click once on the name of the web browser in the list.

2. At the top, click the “Uninstall a program” button.

3. Perform standard uninstallation (described in method No. 1).

4. Return to the utility panel, run a search for the remaining browser components.

5. Remove all found remains of Chrome (keys, files).

How do I remove synced browser data from my Google profile?

If you decide not only to uninstall Chrome, but also to get rid of its data in your Google account, do the following:
1. Log in to your account.

2. Log into your profile through the browser interface: Menu → Settings → Log in to Chrome.

3. Open a new tab and go to - google.com/dashboard/.

4. At the bottom of the list of settings, in the “Chrome Sync” block, click the “Sync Settings...” option.

5. At the bottom of the page, click the “Stop synchronization...” button.

6. Confirm the stop: in the request window, click “OK”.

7. After these steps, all synchronized user settings and data will be deleted.

If Chrome is not removed...

Try the following:
1. Check if the browser window is closed. If not, right-click on its icon in the taskbar and click “Close window” in the menu.

2. Open Task Manager: press Ctrl + Alt + Del. Click the "Processes" tab. End all Chrome processes (chrome.exe): right-click on the object → End process.

3. Remove any suspicious add-ons from your web browser.

4. Clean Google Chrome using the official Cleanup Tool (google.ru/chrome/cleanup-tool/).

5. Check your computer for viruses using AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes scanners.

Successful and quick uninstallation to you!

Almost every user has encountered problems with Google Chrome, ranging from glitches to crashes. And there comes a time when you have to reinstall the browser or look for an alternative. However, to do this, you first need to remove the old Chrome, and preferably completely.

Why you might need to completely uninstall Chrome

Complete removal of Google Chrome from your computer may be necessary first of all if you want to install a new version of this browser without updating, or try another product, for example, Opera or Firefox. In addition, a complete uninstallation of Chrome may be required when:

  • there are glitches, freezes and page crashes;
  • extensions/add-ons are installed that cannot be removed otherwise;
  • as part of the “treatment” of the system after a virus attack;
  • the computer cannot handle one of the latest versions of Chrome, which are famous for their gluttony;
  • I just wanted to experiment.

It is known that Google Chrome actively collects information about the user’s actions on the Internet, this may also be the reason for the desire to get rid of the browser completely.

How to save passwords and bookmarks

Before you begin uninstalling Google Chrome, you will most likely need to save some data, namely passwords and bookmarks. They can later be imported into a new browser. Saving bookmarks is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Launch Chrome. Click on the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” icon located in the upper right corner of the browser. Select Bookmarks, then Bookmark Manager.

    The window displays all your bookmarks

  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Manage” tab, click “Export bookmarks to HTML file.”

    “Other bookmarks” and other folders in the manager are exported in the same way

  3. Select a folder to save the file and click "Save".

    Bookmarks are saved in the HTML document

The algorithm for saving passwords from Google Chrome is a little more complicated. This is done as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to check whether the password import and export feature is enabled in the browser's hidden settings (it is disabled by default). To do this, copy and paste chrome://flags/#password-import-export into the search engine and press Enter. In the line highlighted in yellow, check the “Enabled” checkbox. Restart your browser.

    Since in the latest versions of the browser hidden functions are not translated into Russian, the line will be called Import and export passwords

  2. Click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the browser window (“Customize and manage Google Chrome”). Go to "Settings".

    Entering the main and additional settings of the Google Chrome browser

  3. In the new window, click “Show advanced settings” and scroll down the drop-down list to the “Passwords and forms” section. Click "Customize" next to "Offer to save passwords for sites."

    The latest versions of Chrome partially or fully use Material design, so the page may look different

  4. In the pop-up window, activate the “Export” button. Select a location to save the file and click Save.

    CSV is a text file that contains some information

In the first case, the data is saved on the computer in HTML format, in the second it is a CSV extension. Both formats are fully compatible with browsers based on the Chromium engine and some others (for example, Mozilla Firefox), so their subsequent import should not cause any problems.

Removing Google Chrome using Windows

As a rule, to remove Chrome from your computer, you do not need to resort to any tricks. This is easily done using standard Windows tools:

Uninstalling Google Chrome using standard operating system tools usually goes smoothly, but not always: the browser icon may not appear in the list of programs, the system reports “Google Chrome cannot be uninstalled,” etc. You can solve the problem using third-party applications.

Uninstallation using third-party utilities

Among the many utilities designed to remove programs in Windows, the simplest, but at the same time powerful, is the Piriform CCleaner program. The tool can not only uninstall applications (including those that cannot be removed using standard system tools), but also clean up temporary files, work with the registry, and analyze disks. You can download Cleaner for free from the official download page.

Installation of the program is carried out by running the executable file. The Russian language is enabled during installation or on the “Settings” tab of an already installed application. To remove Chrome from your computer:

“Cleaner” is deservedly one of the best “cleaners”, but if for some reason it does not suit you, then they work with no less efficiency:

  • Advanced System Care,
  • Revo Uninstaller
  • Uninstall Tool
  • Ashampoo UnInstaller,
  • IObit Uninstaller.

However, almost all of the listed utilities are sophisticated combines, most of the options of which are not needed by the average user. Such heavy programs can significantly load the system and are not suitable for weak computers. Therefore, in my opinion, CCleaner is the most optimal solution.

How to remove hidden files

After uninstalling any application (and especially in the case of Chrome), it is advisable to clean up the files that the Windows uninstaller does not affect. Cleaning the “tails” manually is a tedious task that is unsafe for the health of the system. After uninstalling Google Chrome using either built-in or third-party tools, undeleted files remain in Windows in any case. These files are hidden and need to be removed from the system to avoid conflicts, glitches or other problems during and after installing a new browser. Hidden Google Chrome files are removed as follows:

Do not touch other folders and files in AppData - these are system components, deleting or renaming them can lead to the inoperability of any application or the crash of Windows.

After uninstalling any application, a large amount of “garbage” remains in the Windows database of settings and settings, called the registry. In our case, these are files that are somehow related to Google Chrome. In principle, they take up little space and do not interfere if you do not plan to install Chrome anew.

Cleaning the registry “by hand” is a thankless and dangerous task; you can accidentally change/delete something that is not needed, causing the system to crash (by the way, Microsoft specialists strongly do not recommend changing entries in the registry). But Piriform CCleaner will do it quickly and accurately in automatic mode:

  1. In the “Registry” block, check all the boxes in the “Registry Integrity” column and activate “Search for Problems”. The utility will show files that, in its opinion, are unnecessary and must be deleted or corrected.

    Finding problems in the registry usually takes a few seconds

  2. Click Correct Selected. At this stage, the utility will offer to create a save file to roll back to a previous state in case of unexpected problems. Agree and click “Fix marked” in the pop-up window.

    To avoid deleting something you need, read the instructions for setting up the program on its official website

After removing Google Chrome and additional manipulations, it is recommended to restart your computer.

Complete removal of the browser will not cause any difficulties if you follow the instructions given in the article. After uninstalling and removing the accompanying files, you can install a new Google Chrome or an alternative product by importing your saved bookmarks and passwords.