A program in which to write html. Best HTML Editors

Almost every programmer feels the need to find the best development tools. These could be editors, libraries for task management, frameworks for simplifying work on projects, etc.

Tools make work easier and at the same time increase productivity.

Of all the tools developers ever use, the hardest one to choose is a text editor. Livecoding.tv streamers use a wide variety of editors, and almost everyone is passionate about their choice.

Not to mention that there are separate communities for each popular editor. In the end, everyone has their own preferences, their own arguments for and against.

The editor plays a fundamental role in any developer workspace. The code is written, debugged and executed using a text editor.

Choosing the perfect editor for your work can be a complex task that involves testing, personal preference, and the final decision. Before you make your choice, we'll take you on a tour through the best editors 2016 of the year.

We will discuss 6 editors in detail, and you can find other lesser known editors at the end of the article.


Sublime Text editor is one of the best text editors today. It's a great alternative to powerful IDEs, it's lightweight and gets the job done with great efficiency and accuracy.

Sublime Text has tons of features that will make you feel the power at your fingertips. But, like any tool, it is not perfect. Let's look at the pros and cons of using Sublime Text editor.


  • Nice, easy, minimalistic interface.
  • Very flexible to configure. Multiple selection.
  • The ability to create any snippets and insert them using either hotkeys or letter abbreviations (in Zen Coding style).
  • The ability to assign hotkeys to absolutely any action.
  • In snippets, you can set where the cursor will be when inserted, set placeholders and switch to the desired sections of the snippet with Tab.
  • Availability of a code minimap for easy navigation.
  • Ability to display hidden characters (spaces, tabs) only when highlighting code.
  • There are many plugins available and an ever-growing community of users who write them to suit any need.


  • Sublime text is paid. Considering that there are many good free editors on the market, everyone can choose an alternative.
  • Not updated as often as before.
  • Loading time is higher compared to Notepad++.
  • The quality of the plugins remains questionable.

Overall, Sublime text is a great editor to work with. You can use it for free with an endless trial. If you don't like pop-ups, you can purchase the editor for $70. It works on all major operating systems – Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

Vim has stood the test of time and is one of the oldest editors in history.

Vim is very popular among developers and other computer enthusiasts who are obsessed with fully customizable editors.

Vim is famous for two reasons. Firstly, it can work using only the keyboard, without a mouse.

Secondly, it is present in almost all Unix machines. Thus, portability and ubiquity is a key feature of Vim.


  • Can be fully controlled using the keyboard
  • Can be used in a remote development environment using SSH.
  • Vim can be customized to your heart's content using .vimrc dotfile and VimScript.
  • Tons of plugins to support Vim, expanding its functionality.
  • Improves performance and copes well with large files.


  • Vim for advanced users. It's not easy to learn, and it takes a long time before you master it, but once you get the hang of it, it gives you power like no other editor.

Also read how to create.


Atom was introduced a year ago and is known as a modern, highly customizable, open source editor. Despite the use of browser technologies, Atom is not a web application, but in fact, is a specialized version of Chromium, in which each tab acts as a locally processed web page.


  • Atom is an open source editor that is free to use.
  • Cross-platform OS X, Windows and Linux;
  • Smart autocompletion;
  • File Browser;
  • Search and replace across many files.
  • Easy to use even for a beginner.


  • Cannot handle large files and tends to crash when downloading files larger than 10MB.
  • Uses a lot of memory.

If you're looking for a free, open source editor, Atom is perfect for you. It is highly mobile and available on all three major OSes. However, it is not advisable to use Atom in large projects.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a Microsoft product that aims to allow developers to code without downloading the massive Visual Studio (3GB+). Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, open source editor that works equally well on Windows, OS X and Linux. Key features of Visual Studio code include support for more than 30+ languages, auto-completion, easy navigation, etc. It also includes Git and debugging tools to make development easier.


  • Supports more than 30 languages, as well as major Microsoft languages ​​such as ASP.NET, C#, etc.
  • Small size guarantees quick installation and use.


  • Extension support needs improvement.
  • Updating on Linux can be a daunting task.

Visual Studio Code is a great choice for developers who don't want to download and use cumbersome IDEs. It's small, cute, and most importantly, it does its job!


Notepad++ is another open source editor. Overall, it resembles a vanilla notepad that supports tons of programming languages. The biggest advantage of Notepad++ over the other text editors listed here is the fact that it can handle large files without any major lags or glitches. It is very fast and light. In addition, its functionality can be expanded using hundreds of available plugins.


  • Support for a large number of encodings.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Parallel document editing.
  • Comparison of documents.
  • Search and autocorrect using regular expressions.
  • Working with files on an FTP server.
  • Auto-completion.
  • Extensible with plugins.


  • Not the best user interface.
  • Too simple.

Notepad ++ is perfect for those who are satisfied with a simple interface and set of functions. It will help you quickly and easily create new products.


Our last text editor that we will discuss in detail is the open source editor “Brackets”. Brackets is not a universal editor, it is focused on front-end development and supports a large number of front-end technologies.


  • It's lightweight, modern, and has a great user interface.
  • Preview capability, preprocessor support and built-in editors. Light Table

The editor is an indispensable tool in any developer's arsenal. I hope after reading the article you will make your choice.

If you think there is a missing editor in the article that needs attention, please let us know by leaving a comment.

Anyone who is involved in writing and editing websites knows that working with html and css code is a very long and painstaking work, to speed up this process there are various html document editors.

HtmlReader - free HTML editor, designed for developing documents in the form of html files. It has a powerful mechanism for creating new, editing and viewing existing HTML documents.

It is also designed for working with documents in the form of html files. It is based on a fairly powerful mechanism for writing, editing and viewing HTML documents.

One of the free and very convenient html editors is the HtmlReader program.

The program will be very convenient for both beginners and advanced WEB document developers.

The standard design of the program makes it possible to work with the program for those who have previously worked with paid analogues of the program.

The program is Russified, works with inserting various color palettes, and also has highlighting of html, php, css and js tags, preview in , and a wizard for preparing and inserting various tags.

The program weighs just over 3MB, has a clear interface and will be very convenient for WEB document developers and those who decide to create their own website.

Free HTML editor, designed for developing documents in the form of html files. It has a powerful mechanism for creating new, editing and viewing existing HTML documents.

It can be convenient and useful for both beginners and those already working in other software tools for developing web documents. The standard interface and operating style makes the editor similar to such commercial products as HomeSite, AceHtml or their free and free alternative 1st Page 2006.

It has a wizard for preparing and inserting tags, extensive functions for customizing the application for the convenience of specific users, integration with various external utilities supplied with the editor, including the Tidy utility (recommended by the W3C consortium), the ability to create releases (copies of files with processing) and much more other.

  • Cool Reader download free

    Today many people read e-books. Firstly, it is cheaper than purchasing a paper version (if we are talking about free downloading). Secondly, the online library offers a large selection of books that are not available in offline stores in the city. People who read a lot will appreciate Cool Reader.

    The program has many advantages that made it popular. The functional interface allows you to reformat, bookmark, smooth fonts and adjust their size. Display is possible either page by page, as in a paper book, or as a scroll with smooth scrolling.

  • AlReader is a free application for reading e-books

    A convenient program for working with many popular formats. With its help you can read e-books and documents rtf, doc, as well as such exclusive ones as abw, tcr, odt, rb and others.

    AlReader allows you to work with text, namely: copy, paste, change the font. Day and Night modes reduce eye strain: in the dark, the display becomes more contrasting. An interesting option of the program is the background. The user will appreciate the appearance of aged pages.

  • Dicter free online translator

    For those who frequently visit foreign websites, as well as for those who simply want to translate a piece of text in an unfamiliar language, the Dicter program will help.

    Now translation is easier than ever, install free program and take advantage of quality services translator. Appreciate the simplicity of the design and the accuracy of the translation.

  • OCR CuneiForm program for recognizing scanned text

    How to edit scanned text or paste part of the scanned text into a test editor?

    OCR CuneiForm can easily handle this.

    OCR CuneiForm is a free text recognition program that recognizes scanned text and imports it into text editors.

  • WinDjView program for viewing DjVu files free download

    DjVu– a compressed image format that allows work with scanned pages. Books, magazines and various documents are often provided in this form. To fully work with such material, the WinDjView program is provided.

    It is fast enough to quickly open pages and is lightweight. At the same time, the program performs the functions of a regular reader. That is, it allows you to make notes in the text and bookmarks with renaming and sorting of pages. The latter are stored in the computer's memory and, if desired, can be moved to another device using the Export and Import buttons.

Vlad Merzhevich

To work effectively, you cannot do without the necessary and familiar tools, including when writing HTML code. Therefore, for the initial development of web pages or even a small website - this is the name for a set of pages interconnected by links and a uniform design, we will need the following programs.

  • Text editor.
  • Browser to view results.
  • Validator is a program for checking HTML syntax and identifying errors in the code.
  • Graphics editor.
  • HTML Tags Reference.

Text editor

An HTML document can be created in any text editor, even Notepad, however, not every program is suitable for this purpose. You need one that supports the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting - highlighting tags, text, keywords and parameters in different colors. This makes it easier to find the right element, speeds up the developer’s work and reduces the occurrence of errors;
  • working with tabs. The site is a set of files that have to be edited individually, which requires an editor who can work with several documents at once. At the same time, it is convenient to open files in separate tabs to quickly move to the desired document;
  • checking the current document for errors.






A browser is a program designed to view web pages.

At first, any browser will do, but as experience and knowledge increase, you will need to create a whole “menagerie” to check the correct display of the site in different browsers. The fact is that each browser has its own unique features, so to check the universality of the code you need to review and adjust the code taking them into account. Today, three browsers are the most popular: Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera.

Mozilla Firefox

A promising and developing browser that has gained recognition all over the world.

One of the oldest browsers that comes free with the Windows operating system. This determined his popularity. Version IE 7 has come closer to its long-time competitors in terms of convenience, in particular, tabs have appeared. Unfortunately, this browser supports the HTML specification the worst of all, so in order to display correctly in IE you sometimes have to separately debug the code specifically for it.


A fast and convenient browser that supports many additional features that increase the comfort of working with websites.


Developed by Apple, this browser is built into the iPhone and the MacOS operating system on Apple computers. There is also a version for Windows.

Google Chrome

A browser that appeared on the market at the end of 2008. Developed by Google.


HTML document validation is designed to identify errors in the syntax of a web page and discrepancies with the HTML specification. Accordingly, a program or system for such verification is called a validator.

How to check an HTML file for validity

If you have access to the Internet, then you should go to http://validator.w3.org and enter the path to the document or site being checked in a special form. After verification, possible errors will be shown or a message will appear that the document was validated successfully.


To check a local HTML file or in the absence of an Internet connection, the Tidy program is designed. Some editors, for example, PSPad, already contain built-in Tidy and document validation can be carried out without additional tools.

Graphics editor

A graphics editor is needed to process images and prepare them for publication on a web page. The most popular program of this kind is Photoshop, which has become the standard for processing photographs and creating graphic images for websites. But in most cases, the power of Photoshop is excessive, and it is better to use something simpler and more agile. In particular, the Paint.Net program allows you to do all the necessary manipulations with images, in addition, it is free to use.

HTML Tag Reference

It is difficult to remember all the tags and their parameters by heart at first, so you need to periodically look into the manual to clarify this or that question. In general, everyone needs a good reference book, regardless of their level of training.

Directories on the Internet

Description of HTML tags (in English)

On this site you will also find one of the best tag guides on the RuNet.

A selection of free cross-platform environments for web development

During the preparation, the following materials were used: “HTML Editors and Web Page Editors”, “Best free web development IDE for JavaScript, HTML and CSS”, “Cloud IDEs For Web Developers – Best Of”.

There are many ways to write code for web applications, from text editors to cloud-based development environments. It is difficult to immediately decide which environment is best suited for the tasks at hand. To save you time, we selected the most popular ones:

At the end of each section there is a summary table in which you can clearly see a comparison of the functions of editors for web development. This article discusses exclusively free cross-platform solutions, so popular proprietary editors like Sublime Text are not included in the selection.

Text editors for web development

Komodo Edit

Main features:

  • endless story of cancellation,
  • a wide range of plugins,
  • support for hundreds of programming languages ​​and file formats,
  • powerful search and replace,
  • integration with third party tools.

GNU Emacs

Desktop Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)


Cloud IDEs

Most desktop applications have moved to the cloud, so it is not surprising that cloud environments are also becoming popular among programmers. Not everyone immediately trusts cloud-based IDEs, but popular tools like Github and Pastebin help you get used to the fact that the source code is stored not on the local machine, but on a third-party server.


After a few minutes of working in Cloud9, you get the impression that you are in paradise for programmers. The interface is written in JavaScript, and the server part is written in NodeJS. Although Cloud9 is favored by developers and interface designers, it supports syntax highlighting for C#, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, Scala and some other languages.

Vim's built-in mode is a nice touch, as is support for popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial and SVN. With CSSLint and JSBeautify, it is one of the most beautiful development environments.


Another app creation tool that often tops lists of the best is Codeanywhere. This cloud-friendly IDE supports code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and other languages. With apps for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry, Codeanywhere allows programmers to work anywhere.

Additionally, Codeanywhere supports Dropbox and SFTP, which make it easy to back up project files and share them with colleagues. It's not the most fully featured environment, but it gets the job done perfectly.

The system is paid, but there is a free tariff plan.

Eclipse Che

useful links

What editors and environments do you use? Share your experience!

We all know that the name of the HTML language comes from HyperText Markup Language, which means hypertext markup language. Markup language terminology suggests that it is a text document with indications of headings, lists and other highlights in the text. The vast majority of sites that you can find on the World Wide Web are written in HTML. Information is transmitted from the server to the browser using special protocols and compression conditions. It is also known from history that the language was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1986-1991.
To be fair, a regular notepad can serve as an editor. But this is inconvenient; there are many editors with more convenient functions (character guessing, visual editing, code highlighting, etc.).
So, let's look at the best HTML editors:

1 place. Sublime Text

A simple, free, convenient editor for various codes. Among the advantages, one cannot fail to note the pleasant interface, ease of management, and flexible configuration. Another undoubted advantage is that this editor is multi-platform. I really liked the multiple selection and editing function; other editors do not have this function. It works like this: you hold down Ctrl and after selecting lines of text, they are edited simultaneously. This editor also has a hotkey function for any action. There are not many plugins yet.

2nd place. Aptana Studio

This editor was mainly created for developing web applications, but also works very well with HTML. Among the advantages, one cannot fail to note the excellent auto-completion, code highlighting and an excellent project management system. For a free editor, these features are simply invaluable. Just like Dreamweaver, you can find many plugins on the official website. Of course, a large selection of plugins, options, and settings can be intimidating for a beginner, but Aptana Studio is an excellent choice if you need a convenient and functional HTML editor.

3rd place. Notepad++

Positioned as a free and open source editor. The functions of highlighting and auto-completion of code blocks are well organized; functionality can be increased due to a large number of plugins and modules. Also, this editor works very quickly even with a large number of plugins.

4th place. Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver

It is one of the oldest editors and stays afloat thanks to its many functions. When using this program, you can simultaneously view the design and code of the page, tooltips and autocompletion of HTML tags and attributes are also used. The search and replacement of symbols is conveniently organized. On the official website of the program you will find many commercial and non-commercial plugins for this program.

5th place. RJ TextEd

A simple free editor written in 2004 for the Windows operating system. In it you can customize the code highlighting for yourself, auto-closing of tags and quotes partially works. There are a decent number of disadvantages, both serious and invisible, for example, there is no FTP client, there is also no pickup of dependent files, there is no support for CSS 3, JS, etc.

6th place. KompoZer

This is one of the best free visual editors. You can immediately see how the page will look in the browser when editing. Supports all HTML elements. KompoZer is, of course, not a paid Dreamweaver and it behaves accordingly. One of the advantages is the built-in CSS editor and FTP manager.

7th place. Komodo Edit

This is a free editor developed from the commercial Komodo IDE from which it inherits many functions. The editor has standard auto-completion and code highlighting. The advantages include quick startup and convenient hot keys. There is also a built-in mechanism for installing extensions. Initially developed as a multifunctional editor.

8th place. Vim

The good old editor, developed on the basis of the older Vi which was created back in 1976. You may ask why we still use something that was created almost 40 years ago? Yes, because it is excellent performance and ease of control. Of course, you need to get used to this editor a lot, firstly you need to master touch typing (because without it there is nothing to do in Vim), learn the hot keys, through which the main control of the program takes place.

9th place. Fraise

Fraise is a free text editor with syntax highlighting. It was developed by Jean-François Moy based on Smultron. The advantages include excellent block management, character encoding, splitting into 2 windows, and much more. But the main disadvantage is that this editor only exists for Mac OS.

10th place. PSPad

A universal text editor for the Windows platform, with many useful features. A very nice feature of this program is the function of compressing HTML code, for faster loading of pages, I have not seen this in other editors.