Router zyxel keenetic start setting up columbia. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Start router

The Zyxel company never tires of delighting us with more and more routers (routers) of the ZyXEL Keenetic series. And, despite the variety of models presented, different technical features and characteristics, as well software part for all devices it is almost identical, and the settings are made in the same way. And in this faq we will deal with setting up and updating the software of the ZyXEL Keenetic series routers. If you are wondering whether this article is for you, then here it is full list router models for which the presented settings are suitable: Show→

ZyXEL Keenetic Lite; ZyXEL Keenetic Lite II; ZyXEL Keenetic Start; ZyXEL Keenetic; ZyXEL Keenetic II; ZyXEL Keenetic 4G; ZyXEL Keenetic 4G II; ZyXEL Keenetic Omni; ZyXEL Keenetic Giga; ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II; ZyXEL Keenetic Ultra.

All routers on the list run the NDMS V2 firmware, which is why the settings are made identically. And if suddenly your model is not on the list (this is possible if the router appeared after the article was written), then look at your model on the website, in the “Support” section, check what firmware your router uses.

First connection of Zyxel Keenetic

To get started with the series router Zyxel Keenetic Just power up the router and connect to it to initial setup. Let's see how to do this. Show→

After connecting the power, Zyxel Keenetic will immediately start turning on, this takes about 1 minute. If it suddenly doesn’t turn on, look - maybe your model has a power button (it’s located on the back, next to the power socket).

After turning on, we can connect to the router to perform the initial setup; this can be done in two ways:

over a wireless Wi-Fi network. After turning on, the router immediately creates a Wi-Fi network, the network name and password for connection are written on a sticker on the bottom of the router; via Ethernet (using a wire). Everything is simple here - just connect the router and network card Your computer with twisted pair cable (included). It doesn’t matter which connector you connect the cable to the router - now all Zyxel Keenetic models come with NDMS V2 firmware (the connector operating mode is LAN/WAN is determined automatically). If you suspect that your router has an old firmware version when you first connect, twisted pair connect to the yellow socket.

If you just need to create a network between several devices, then no configuration is required - just connect all devices to Zyxel Keenetic and they will “see” each other.

Basic setup of Zyxel Keenetic

Internet connection: Show→

It all depends on the provider: unfortunately, universal instructions No. If no configuration is required, or you already have a configured router or modem, and you want to connect Zyxel Keenetic to it, then simply connect the devices with twisted pair cable, then turn on Zyxel Keenetic. The router itself will understand what is required of it. If configuration is required, check the settings with your provider and proceed to “First login to the WEB interface ( Quick setup)".

First login to the WEB interface (Quick setup): Show→

If setting up is required to access the Internet, and we know its parameters, then let's see where and how to specify them.

First of all, connect a twisted pair cable to the router ( network cable) your provider, and the router to the computer (see "First connection to Zyxel Keenetic").

Access point

Let's see what settings are available to us on the "Access Point" tab:

  • "Enable access point" - checkbox to enable/disable Wi-Fi network.
  • “Network name (SSID)” - you can set the network name (what your Wi-Fi network will be called).
  • "Hide SSID" - you can hide the network name, then in the list available networks it will not be visible (but devices on which this Wi-Fi the network has been saved and the option has been enabled automatic connection, as before, will connect to the wireless network automatically).
  • “Network protection” - here you can select the type of password encryption for connecting to the Wi-Fi network. If you do not have antediluvian computers with WinXP SP2, then select "WPA2-PSK". If there is outdated devices, then you can select "WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK". If you want open network, then select "No".
  • “Network key” is a password that must be entered to connect to a Wi-Fi network; for WPA2 it must be at least 8 characters ( latin letters and numbers). Keys 1-4 are used for WEP encryption, but it is used extremely rarely.
  • “Standard” is a communication standard; for a successful connection, your network card must comply with the selected standard. I recommend choosing “802.11bgn”, all devices should work with it.
  • “Channel” is the frequency at which the wireless network will be broadcast; select “Auto” - then the router itself will determine the least noisy frequency and will work on it.
  • “Signal strength” - signal strength, for an average apartment 25% will be enough; If the signal is weak in some places, you can increase it.

After all have been set necessary settings, don't forget to click "Apply". If you were connected to the router via Wi-Fi, then after changing most of the available settings You will be disconnected from the network and will need to select and connect to the network again.

When changing the password, you should also change the network name (otherwise, to connect, you may need to manually delete the old saved network on the device from which you are connecting).

Guest network

The essence of a guest network is that devices connected to it have access to the Internet through your router, but do not have access to your home network (the parameters of which are set on the “Access Point” tab). After enabling the guest network, you will see in the list of available networks new network, which will be completely independent of your home network.

All settings are almost identical to the settings in the “Access Point” tab, so there is no point in describing them. But you should pay attention to the "IP parameters for guest access". In general, everything here should be left as it is, but just in case - “DHCP address pool size” is equal to the maximum possible number of devices connected to the guest network.

Access list

This tab provides the ability to control access to the network created by the router using MAC addresses (MAC address - unique identifier network device). The function is very convenient if you have a fixed number of devices connected to your router, and you do not plan to connect more to the router. Then you can add their MAC addresses to the white list, and only they will be able to connect to the router.

The following blocking modes are possible:

  1. “Do not block” - entered MAC addresses are not taken into account;
  2. “White list” - only those devices whose MAC addresses are on the list will be able to connect to the router’s network;
  3. “Black list” - only those devices whose MAC addresses are on the list will not be able to connect to the router’s network.

To add a new MAC address to the list, click “Add address”, in the window that appears, specify the MAC address and click “Save”.

The MAC address of the device can be viewed if it is connected to Zyxel Keenetic, in the " Home network"(icon with two miniature monitors at the bottom left) or follow the link

Connecting a USB modem to Zyxel Keenetic

All Keenetic series routers (except Lite/Lite II, Start routers) can be connected to a USB modem (3G/4G) to access the Internet; this feature is widely used. Let's see how to connect a Modem to Zyxel Keenetic. Show→

In fact, everything is very simple - turn off the router, connect Yota modem into the USB connector, turn on the router. Everything should work (the modem should be detected by the router).

You can check whether the modem is detected or not at home page WEB interface of the router - information about the new connection should appear there.

Yota modem connected to the router

If the modem is not detected, try resetting it to factory settings (press and hold the "RESET" button on the device body for 15 seconds). If this does not help, make sure that the router software version is latest and update if necessary.

Saving and restoring Zyxel Keenetic settings

It is often necessary for one reason or another to save the current router configuration (for example, to transfer to a similar device or to restore the configuration after a firmware update). On Zyxel Keenetic routers, of course, the ability to save and restore settings is provided.

Saving Zyxel settings Keenetic: Show→

1) Open the “System” section of the router’s WEB interface, the “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

2) Click on the “startup-config” file.

Restoring Zyxel Keenetic settings: Show→

1) Just like when saving settings, go to the WEB interface in the “System” section, “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

2) Click on “startup-config” and in the dialog box that appears, click “Select file”, select the previously saved “startup-config” file from the computer. Then click “Replace”.

Select "Replace"

3) In theory, the router should reboot itself with the new settings, but in practice for some reason this does not always happen (perhaps it depends on the model/firmware version). Therefore, go to the “Reboot” tab and click “Reboot”.

The router will reboot and start working with the settings from the file.

Zyxel Keenetic firmware update

Let's look at how to update the Zyxel Keenetic firmware. There is one peculiarity here: a number of models were previously produced with firmware fundamentally different from NDMS V2, but in new models it was abandoned.

The old firmware looks something like this:

Old firmware

The new (current) firmware (NDMS V2) looks something like this:

Firmware NDMS V2

Zyxel Keenetic update from old version firmware: Show→

There are several nuances that should be taken into account - when updating, all settings will be lost - you cannot transfer them to the new version (you will have to configure them again). Rolling back is quite difficult.

Let's get started (a connection to the Internet must be configured on the router):

2) Go to the WEB interface of the router (, go to the "System" section, select "Firmware" there.

Firmware installation

3) Click "Browse" and select the previously downloaded *.bin firmware file, click update.

4) Wait for the process to complete, this may take up to 3 minutes. The router will reboot during the update process.

Updating Zyxel Keenetic with new firmware version (NDMS V2): Show→

1) Open the WEB interface of the router (

2) On the page " System Monitor" Find the "System Information" block and look for the "Updates" line there. If more is available new version firmware (than the current one), then opposite the “Updates” line there will be a link “Available”.

Update available

3) Click on “Available”. The "Components" tab section will open (in the "System" section), where we will be asked to install updates. Click "Ok" and wait until the update is downloaded and installed.

U this method There is one drawback - an Internet connection must be configured. But it may turn out that the firmware needs to be updated, but the connection to the Internet is not configured on the router. Therefore, there is the following option to perform the update under these conditions:

1) Download current version firmware for your router model from the website Extract the *.bin file from the archive.

2) Open the “System” section of the router’s WEB interface, the “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

3) Click on the “firmware” file, and in the dialog box that opens, first select “Select file” - select the *.bin firmware file, then click “Replace”.

4) Wait for the installation to complete.

We will definitely talk about more complex settings in future articles. If you are interested in a specific topic, or have questions, write in the comments.

You purchased new router from the manufacturer Zyxel for home devices local network and free access to the Internet. If you already had an access point from your provider, now you have the opportunity to connect to global network all other devices using a wireless WiFi connection.

Having some computer skills and being guided detailed instructions, any user can easily cope with connecting and setting up a Zyxel router.
Let's start by connecting the router and turning it on:

  • We remove the provider cable from the computer and insert it into the blue “WAN” or “INTERNET” socket of the router;
  • We connect one end of the cable that was included into any yellow “LAN” socket on the router, and the other end into the connector of the computer system unit that previously contained the provider’s cable. The remaining yellow ports can be used to connect a laptop or other PCs.
  • Next, connect the antenna to the router and turn on its power.

Remember! When connecting any devices to a computer, it is simply impossible to mix up the sockets and connectors, and plug the wires in the wrong way: they are all different sizes and only fits required cables.

After the router boots up, open your browser (any - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Google Chrome) and in address bar enter
A window will appear asking you to enter your username. Type the word admin, and for the password enter the numbers 1234. A window opens where you can see the status of the router and its parameters: Internet connection, operating mode, load and network name.

Attention! If this window does not appear, it means that the router has already been configured by someone and you need to return to the factory settings. This can be easily done using the Reset button on the rear panel. Press it and hold it for a while. The router will reboot and you can start working.

All settings and parameters for the full operation of the router are entered in the list, which is located on the left side of the screen on a blue background. It is strongly not recommended to enter and make changes to other sections!

The following window shows the default installed network parameters your router. Now we don’t need them for work, which means we’re moving on to the next stage.

Setting up the router

In the “Internet” tab, in the “Connection” line, fill out the page that appears line by line:

  • “IP Settings” - Automatic
  • “MAC address” - use taken from the computer
  • What is a MAC address? This is a combination of numbers that represents serial number. This number is assigned to all devices by which they are recognized on the Internet. This can be compared to the car number that is issued upon registration. What “MAC address” of the computer to choose in this situation? If you only have one computer connected to the router, choose it. And if there are several of them connected, then write down the address of the one that was connected to the network earlier and its MAC address was already specified.
  • “Respond to ping requests from the Internet” - check the box;
  • “Auto-QoS” - also check the box;
  • “Allow UPnP” – again – tick;
  • Click “Apply”

Here's a picture:

Now your computer is connected to the Internet and you can work.
On the “System Monitor” page, in the “Internet Connection” subsection, you can see all the working parameters.

Wireless setup WiFi networks

Open the section " Wi-Fi network" and go to the "Connection" line. A window will open on the screen in which you need to fill in the fields:

  • Check the box next to “Enable wireless access point”;
  • In the “Network name (SSID)” line, write down the name of your network;
  • We skip the following lines and stop at the last one;
  • Check "Enable" Wi-Fi mode Multimedia (WMM)";
  • Save with the “Apply” button

Answer “Ok” to the question in the next window.

The wireless network has a fairly wide coverage, so in order to avoid “foreign” connections, it is necessary to install protection. In order to install an encryption system on your local network, go to the “Settings” menu WiFi security" Enter the protection parameters:

  • “Authentication” - we recommend installing WPA2-PSK;
  • “Protection type” - select TKIP-AES;
  • “Network key format” - ASCII;
  • “Network Key (ASCII)” is your password. Come up with a code of 8-20 characters that you can remember. You should not use words in your password that have associations with you or your family members (names, phone numbers or dates of birth).
  • Apply button

Now all you have to do is check the Internet connection on your home devices. For example, on a laptop, in the lower left corner should appear new icon, which indicates WiFi network availability. Click on it right key mouse, and in the window that opens you will need to enter your code word. Thus, allow access to everyone mobile devices and consoles. Now your whole family can use the Internet simultaneously in any corner of your home or even in the yard!

Despite prejudices, setting up a Zyxel Keenetic router is no more difficult than setting up any other router that supports wired and wireless connection. Moreover, in some cases, the model may even seem much simpler in terms of selecting some special options, for which other manufacturers create complex multi-level obstacles.

Model appearance

You should start working on setting up the configuration directly from the connection. If you already have a cord or router, then this will not be difficult, since its design is very ordinary. For transfer wireless signal there is an antenna, and for connecting devices using wires there are four ports assembled together.

There is an antenna to transmit a wireless signal, and there are four ports assembled together to connect devices via wires. A wire called a patch cord, which comes in the basic kit with the router model, should be connected to one of them, and its other end is connected to the same connector on the network card installed in system unit PC, nettop case, laptop or some tablets.

In the same port on the body of the Wi-Fi router, but highlighted in a different color, you should connect a cord drawn from the communication service provider with whom you have a concluded contract.

But first of all, you need to connect the device’s power cable to the network.

After power is supplied, the device will be ready for the user to enter the settings of the Zyxel router. But if you got it from another user, then it is recommended to reset the router settings to the initial state to avoid possible problems.

This can be done using a straightened paper clip. Before resetting, make sure the power is turned on. This will be indicated by burning LEDs on the case.

Use a paper clip to press the button hidden in the case, passing it into the corresponding hole labeled “Reset”. The paperclip should be held in this position for 30 seconds so that the router has time to reset the settings. If this cannot be done, reset the settings after logging into the administration panel.

Physical connection diagram

Operating system inputs

Before you go into the Zyxel router settings, you must first change some computer settings. To do this you must have administrator rights operating system, which are given to the computer user by default if other users do not have access to it. If the access right is granted, then you can go to the “Control Panel”, which is accessible from the “Start” menu.

In the new window you should find the “Network” element, and after opening it - “Control Center”. Having entered it, you need to select the command to change adapter parameters, and in the new dialog of the “Local Connection” element, the “Properties” menu item is called up. You can call him special button on the keyboard or mouse.

In the next dialog, in the list of protocols, you should find the line with the inscription (TCP/IPv4) and, having installed it, make sure that the checkboxes on the elements for automatically obtaining IP addresses and DNS servers are checked. Otherwise, you should install them and click on the “OK” element.

In addition to this data, to configure the Zixel model connection, you will need data from the contract with the provider. If they are not there, then you will have to get the information by calling the hotline.

Working with the device software interface

If all the data is available and the router is connected, you should enter the setup interface. To do this, launch any browser, for example, Internet Explorer, and enter the numeric address in the search bar. After loading the page, an input form will become available, where you should enter the login (User Name) and password (Password), written on a sticker glued with reverse side router. As intended by the manufacturer, this is usually a combination of the word admin and the set of numbers 1234.

After loading the interface, you will immediately be prompted to carry out a quick setup using the built-in wizard, which you can refuse.

The main menu, which usually loads immediately, gives you the opportunity to change your password or login.

Next, go to the “Internet” section and select the IPoE subsection. In the loaded dialog, click the “Add interface” element, write a description for it and put a check mark on the item that corresponds to the connector with the connected cable on the case. The next step is to set tags on several points:

  • Pass tags.
  • This is a direct connection
  • Enable interface.
  • Obtain an address via DHCP.

Configuration based on contract data

Next step: let's enter the interface subsection corresponding to the connection technology used by the Internet service provider.

In the case when a static IP is used, on the same “Internet” tab we configure the parameters differently. Markers are installed only at points:

  • Pass tags.
  • This is a direct connection.
  • Enable interface.

In the same tab, in the appropriate field, you should enter the IP address and Subnet Mask received from your network provider. By analogy, at the end you should click “Apply”. Additionally, with this connection method, you should go to the DNS category and enter the parameters also obtained from the contract.

If your provider uses PPPoE technology to connect, in the “Internet” section you need to select the tab with the same name and check the following boxes:

  • Enable interface.
  • Automatically adjust TCP-MSS.
  • Use to access the Internet.

For the “Connect via” field, select the “Broadband connection” value, and in the “Username” and “Password” fields enter personal login and the password from the contract. At the end, the “Apply” element is also clicked.

If the provider uses L2TP technology, you need to find a suitable tab in the “Internet” section. It should be marked on the same points that were marked in the previous version of the connection.

In addition to the selected Broadband connection and the specified login and password, you should also enter the server address, also received from the provider’s representatives. Upon completion, the “Apply” element is traditionally selected.

As for PPTP technology, everything is done in the same way as the previous option, except that the PPTP subsection is selected and you should additionally check the “Enable encryption” checkbox.

Wireless connection

If you need to additionally install Wi-Fi in the interface, you should click on the Wi-Fi section and check the “Access Point” item. Then you need to click the “Apply” element and wait for the settings to be applied. The result will be affordable installation customizable wireless network options. To change them, you need to select the “Access Point” sub-item and place labels on the lines in its dialog:

  • Use protection

Additionally, you should come up with and write down the network name (SSID) in the cell, unique name router network, and the password to it is in the “Key” cell. Finally, set the “Channel” item to “6” and click the “Apply” button.


This completes the configuration of the Zyxel Keenetic router. As you can see, it is not so complicated that you have to force other people to do it. If desired, you can also set up IPTV reception if your provider provides it. There is a special subsection in the settings for this, as well as for creating a DHCP server.

In the article we'll talk about the Zyxel Keenetic 4G router. It is necessary to work with the Internet such as 3G and 4G. Thanks to it, you can easily combine several computers into one network. Next let's talk about the intricacies of connection given device, about its settings, firmware and the like.


This the model is very similar to its predecessors. The surface of the router is made of glossy plastic . He white. On the sides the manufacturer used gray shades. On the front panel you can see indicators that have been replenished with additional 4G. Due to the fact that the device has compact dimensions, it has only 3 ports. Ventilation is carried out using grilles. They can be seen on the side panels.

What is needed to connect?

In order to connect the device, you need use a router, power supply, antennas For signal catcher, patch cord, extension cord and instructions. IN the kit also includes a compact - a disk that contains everything necessary software. In order to connect and configure Wi-Fi Zyxel Keenetic 4G router, should observe the following instructions .

Connection instructions

Needs to be connected to the device antenna, connect it to the network, as well as to the Internet provider. Necessary insert the adapter into net , and the cable providing the signal is connect to the computer. Antenna should be raised. Router needed install either on a table or on a wall . For last option there is a special mount. Thanks to the USB extension cable that comes with the kit, you can install modem this way to The quality of the internet received was the best. So that the device did not interrupt its work in emergency mode, you need to make sure that the side panels completely free , are not covered by anything. Then the device will be fully ventilated.

Wizard setup

How to set up router Zyxel Keenetic 4G 3? The process will the same as with any other modification.

If the consumer has no experience with setting router, then you need to start it withInstallation Wizards. To fully ensure yourself a stable Internet, you need to run device with factory options . The connection should be established in automatic mode. This will avoid long reading the instructions and trying to understand device . For that to launch the Wizard, necessary use the disk which comes included. It has software. He will offer the consumer necessary instructions. Below we will consider configuration via a web browser, which is an alternative method.

Setting up via browser

How to Zyxel Keenetic 4G via browser? To do this you need to open the software. You need to enter the name of the manufacturer’s website in the address bar. "Quick Setup" will open. If a dialog box appears in which it says that the Internet cable is not connected, then you need to install it in a special connector. It is highlighted in blue. After this, the browser should click “Next”. The system will immediately start checking the received signal. Users will see the following window, in which they must enter a MAC type address. If the provider does not use them, then you need to select the item that corresponds to this operating mode. After this, you should move on to manipulating the IP address. Settings this parameter must be set to automatic. If your provider uses a static IP address, you should select manual receipt. After this, you must enter all the data that the supplier indicates in the documentation. Next, a dialog box will appear. You must enter your username and password. They are set by the provider. After this, you should select the connection protocol, and you can immediately complete the process.

Use as a repeater

Wi-Fi repeater is a device that helps broadcast the received signal over a large area. How use this device in this mode? To, you must follow the instructions. Need to go to in your browser. After this you should go to Wi-Fi client And select network overview. You must select a network from the list , to which it will be carried out connection . Last step is choice key for received signal. We are talking about a password. After that remains just reboot device .

Working with Wi-Fi

To operate the device as wireless point access, necessary go to the “Internet” section. This is done in the control panel. Next need to open the Wi-Fi menu. In the “Operating mode” tab need to create wireless network. For this should be pressed to the “Access Point” section. Right here need to be asked the name of the network, as well as the level of protection. You must select the maximum one from the drop-down list. This is followed by come up with a password. Next you need to click “Apply”, and now you can use an access point.


Many consumers advise immediately updating the device after purchasing it firmware . You should switch to the official one website , where you need to download the installation file . In such a situation, the question arises: “How to configure the Zyxel Keenetic 4G III router?The instructions are below, they are the same for all modifications.

Need to come in to the web interface, to the “System and Configuration” tab. The new firmware version is downloaded there. Next let's go in to the firmware file. A dialog box will open. window , in which there will be window "Control". Here must be specified path to the downloaded firmware. Further should be pressed "Replace". The update process will begin and necessary wait for it to finish. The power cannot be turned off; the installation must be completed completely. Otherwise device may break.

Setting up for Rostelecom

In the reviews you can stumble upon something that is sometimes not clear how configure settings for certain providers. Let's consider the necessary changes to the options For Rostelecom. Should choose connection type PPPoE. How to do this?

Need to come in in the “Internet” menu, section “ Connections " Next you need find the IP address settings , there will be an item “Without addresses " If the contract with the provider contains a specific list of data servers like DNS, then you need to fill in the fields. If used dynamic type servers , then the column should be left empty. The same applies to filtering by MAC address . If the provider assumes them application, you must click “Use address from computer”. If the device , through which the connection is made, will work with the Internet, then necessary in the dialog box that appears, specify address local network. Next you need to apply the settings and save them.

Now you need to change authorization parameters. Need to open the "Internet" menu. For that to use a specific type of protocol, necessary check the box next to the desired function. To do this, you need to specify the authentication method after . Respectively, should enter your login and password. In the access protocol, select Service and Hub Name Can leave blank. If the provider this information is provided, then you need to fill out this field (optional). Next, you need to enter the login and password used by the supplier and apply the changes.

Now none of our readers will have the question: “How to set up a Zyxel Keenetic 4G router»?

The modern family of ZyXel routers is “Kinetic 2”, as well as gigabit models that have an updated interface. The classic option can be considered the three previous routers: Lite, 3g/4g and ZyXel keenetic. Here we will look at how to configure a ZyXel “classic family” router of any model. We'll set it up basic functions: Internet connection and wireless network. Let's get started.

First, let’s say a little about the differences between the three different routers of the “1” family. IN Lite models There is no USB port, that is, you cannot connect a 3G modem here. The other two routers do not have this drawback. And keenetic, among other things, is equipped with faster hardware than its younger “brothers”, and double flash memory (and also double Wi-Fi speed). What influences the price. The choice is up to the user.

If we talk about settings, you can notice the following. Although keenetic routers and 3g/4g can work with USB modems and Ethernet; here one cannot be automatically reserved for the other. The “classic” interface does not provide this option. Let's start setting up.

First connection

Ethernet Cable Connection Diagram

Looking at back panel devices any of listed models, it becomes clear how to configure the ZyXel router and how to connect:

The yellow ports are for connecting the router to a computer. Connect the router to the network card using the supplied patch cord.

On last stage– check that the settings are correct network card PC:

Finally, you need to turn on the power to the router. And send the computer to reboot.

Important to know! If the device is purchased after setting it up, be sure to perform “ hard reset" Why, a minute after turning on the power, press reset button on the back panel (hold it for 10-15 seconds). The device will then be ready for use (you may need to restart your PC).

Let's go to the web interface

On the computer that was connected to the router, you need to open any browser. To navigate to the following address:

The ability to configure a ZyXel keenetic router (and any other) will be provided if you correctly answer the authorization request. The administrator login is admin (default) and the password is 1234.

Now we will look at how to configure connections.

Connection and method for setting it up

Selecting the type of Internet connection

Before setting up connections, graphical interface you need to go to the “System” -> “Operation mode” tab:

Setting up a ZyXel keenetic router (or keenetic 3g/4g) - implies that either a USB modem or an Ethernet cable is used. The user selects the required option, then clicks “Apply”. Depending on the option used, the list of tabs changes.

Additionally, note that you can first configure one connection option, then another. After this, it will be possible to switch between them, and also from the “Operation Mode” tab (which is possible for an unskilled user).

Internet connection (3G option)

Set the type of connection to the provider to “external 3G USB modem” (don’t forget to click “Apply”). Next, go to the “3G Modem” tab:

Here you need to select one of the operators and check that the fields are filled in correctly:

  1. phone number (understood)
  2. access point name – for example:
  3. username and password

The last setting on this tab for the ZyXel keenetic 4g router (now it is called that) can be very useful. Check the “Allow UPnP” checkbox if you are going to use one of the following programs: uTorrent (which is unlikely for 3g connections), or Skype, ICQ. The same applies to the Kinetic model.

Clicking the “Apply” button saves the values ​​in the router’s memory. By pressing the “Connect” button you can initiate a 3G connection, and disconnect it by clicking “Disconnect”. We wish you successful setup.

It is important to know that not all modems are supported by ZyXel equipment. Additionally, in the modem, you will need to disable the option to request a PIN code when creating a connection.

Internet connection (DHCP option)

Provider - distributes the Internet via cable, using the DHCP protocol? Setting up such a connection will be easy.

You need to select the connection type “Via dedicated Ethernet line”. Then, go to the “Internet” -> “Connection” tab:

By selecting “Automatic” in the “Configuring IP parameters” list, we can say that setting up the ZyXel router keenetic Lite(or “kinetic”, “3g/4g”) - completed. However, it is necessary to remember that the provider can check the MAC address (and new equipment will not pass the test).

To solve the problem with MAC address– there is a last tab list. Firstly, here you can see the true MAC value router. Also, you can set whatever the user requires (or simply “copy” the MAC address from the network card).

After setting the connection parameters, click “Apply”. Additionally, before this we checked the “Allow UPnP” checkbox, since we are going to work with uTorrent.

After clicking "Apply", the connection will automatically appear in a minute.

Internet connection (option with VPN)

If your provider provides an Ethernet cable rather than a telephone cord, the L2TP protocol is most likely used. For this case, you first need to configure the “Connections via a dedicated Ethernet line” (discussed above). If you use a static IP address, you must specify this in “Configuring IP parameters.”

The main thing that needs to be achieved is the presence of a connection, and at a level that is “below” the VPN tunnels. Only if the connection has been configured correctly, you can go to the “Internet” -> “Authorization” tab:

Here you must specify the following values: VPN server address, user login and password. If not used static address IP, the “Receive IP...” checkbox must be checked.

To complete the settings, click “Apply”. In a minute, you can try to open “” from your computer. Happy routing!

Note that you can also configure the ZyXel keenetic Lite router. But with L2TP it works slower than Kinetic (up to 55Mbit/s - maximum). The same, theoretically, can be said about keenetic 4g.

Wireless network in ZyXel routers

Setting up and enabling Wi-Fi

Technology wireless networks– provides the following connection diagram. One of the selected devices must be an “access point”, all the others must be “subscribers”. Of course, the dedicated device is usually the router (since it is always on).

Basic setup WiFi router and ZyXel (setting network parameters without encryption) is done on one tab, “Wi-Fi Network” -> “Connection”:

The parameters must be set as follows:

  1. The “Enable…” checkbox must be checked
  2. It is necessary to specify the “Network name”
  3. Standard – can be left as default (that is, g/n). But if each subscriber can work using the “fast” “n” protocol, it is better to immediately install “802.11n”
  4. Radio channel number and speed – leave in “Auto”
  5. Next, the signal attenuation is set to a value close to “no”. Remember that “-3dB” means a reduction in power by half, and “-6” means a four-fold reduction.
  6. WMM mode – we recommend not using it (even if IPTV is used)
  7. To finish setting the parameters, you will need to click “Apply”. The network will operate without encryption and with an open name.

Wireless Encryption

In the previous chapter, we did not look at how to configure a ZyXel WiFi router to work “on a hidden name”. In fact, when setting network parameters, it was enough to check the “Hide SSID” checkbox.

A more serious protection option is provided by encryption. Its settings are contained in the “Security” tab:

If PCs with OS are used as subscribers Windows versions XP SP3 (and higher), it is recommended to set the following verification method: “WPA2-PSK” with the “AES” algorithm. The main thing is to fill in the 8-digit key field (and click “Apply”). Happy setup.

Setting up the “IPTV” option (for STB set-top box)