Download chrome os in Russian. Installing Chrome OS on your computer's hard drive

Google does not release its OS outside of partner laptops from SAMSUNG, and therefore trying this OS on your PC is not so easy. But probably. We wrote about a way to do this with . For PC users it's even easier.


To implement what has been written, you will need a USB flash drive with a size of at least 4GB.

The Google Chromium project has a page that lists hardware compatible with Chrome OS. But don't despair if your hardware isn't there. This OS is built on Linux, and therefore somehow it will definitely work - you can see. The most likely problems are with wi-fi adapters, they do not start more often than others.

Installing the OS on a flash drive

Google does not supply an official build of Chrome OS, so we will use one of the unofficial ones - Vanilla or Lime. Vanilla is the most recent build, and it's better to start with it. If you have serious problems with hardware compatibility, then install Lime - it has expanded support for device drivers (drivers for Wi-Fi chipsets Broadcom, Ralink and Realtek are included, and graphics from nVidia and AMD are also supported). Download here: Chromium OS Lime or Chromium OS Vanilla. The distribution takes up 300MB.

Download Windows Image Writer and run the EXE.

Insert the flash drive into the computer and write using Windows Image Writer received IMG file at her.

Obviously, all information on the flash drive will be destroyed, be careful.

Let's launch Chrome OS!

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS (by pressing DEL or F2, read what is written on the screen during boot). Set USB as the primary boot source. Now the download will occur first with Chrome OS installed on the flash drive. Loading will be much slower than on the original Chrome Book, since there the OS is installed on an SSD drive, but here we just have USB.

Now you will know for sure whether you need a laptop running Chrome OS from Google/SAMSUNG or not.

The first Chromebooks (laptops on Chrome OS) available in the CIS markets were distinguished by the complete absence of Russian, Ukrainian, etc. keyboard layouts. The need for invention is cunning, users did not suffer for a long time, stickers and engravings came as a solution. At other times, traditional systems were completely demolished, giving way to Chromium OS for a netbook or laptop.

Installing Chrome OS on a laptop or netbook will take no more than 10 minutes and will not require significant labor. Moreover, you can download Chrome OS for a laptop for free on any reputable resource or on the official website. The main problem is the possible incompatibility of components; we will consider this problem and how to install Chrome OS on a laptop and netbook a little later.

Chrome OS: Asus, Dell, HP and everything in order

Chromium OS on old laptop? No problem. The system does not load the hardware of the device; for installation it is enough USB port. Chrome OS even works on Asus Eee PC 1000-N, which has been outdated for a long time. One of the first promising new platform With open source appreciated by the guys from Dell by releasing own distribution axes. The original build from Dell works flawlessly on some Asus models and Acer. This is not the only high-quality assembly; it is worth trying the option from Hexxeh or from other manufacturers. Trial and error - everything is in the hands of the user. To install Chrome OS on a laptop, you will need to register with Google if you do not already have an account, and prepare the following software:

Stage one

We burn the Chrome OS image for a laptop and netbook to a disk or flash drive, ideally an external one would be suitable SSD drive. A volume of at least 4 gigabytes is required; make sure that there is no data in the drive, otherwise it will be irretrievably lost. Have you already inserted a USB flash drive into the port? How nimble. Open the Win32DiskImager program, of course, as an administrator. The English-language interface will confuse many, but we confidently click on “Image file” and find the downloaded image in the window that pops up. We found it. Click on the blue folder next to the file. Next – “Device” and find required media, in our case - USB flash drive.
Click the “Write” button. The program will format and save the installation to media. The recording will take up to 5 minutes. It is not recommended to remove the flash drive before completion Chrome works It's easy to damage the OS, media, and distribution this way.

Stage two: launch

To transfer the system to a hard drive trial run from a flash drive cannot be avoided, which is due to BIOS features and axles. We first connect the Internet connection to the device; both wired and wireless point access. We turn on the laptop. After all, you know how to run the BIOS on your device? We are studying the materiel, fortunately there is plenty of it on the Internet. Open the BIOS, find the “BOOT” tab, click on it.
Here you need to install new order axis loading. Select the USB port and confirm the changes by clicking “YES”. We observe the device rebooting and the first launch Chrome OS for netbooks and laptops. If everything is done correctly, the “Let’s get started” window will open, where you need to select the connection type, localization and click “Continue”. The “Login” window opens, here we enter your data from your Google account.
Select the user's picture. Click on the camera icon to take a selfie on your avatar. Ready? The architecture of the system opens to our eyes, which we have to use using a familiar browser. All system settings are also available here through the menu. TO traditional tabs Google Chrome three additional ones have been added, now we have them in the settings: “Basic”, “Personal materials”, “System”, “Internet”, “Advanced” and “Users”. What it is and what it is for, talking about it is a waste of energy. The interface is intuitive and concise, at the Mac OS level, but this is completely different. Use the system with external storage very convenient. Nothing prevents you from being satisfied with the merits of the system.

Final stage: flash drive recovery

After the system is duplicated on hard or optical disk, the freed flash drive will have no more than a gigabyte of capacity. This is due to recoding. The HPUSBDisk utility comes to the rescue. We insert the USB flash drive into the port and run the program as administrator. In the “Device” window, find the flash drive and click “Start”. The program unlocks the media and recodes it to the “correct” file system. After completing the procedures, turn off the program. Open the dispatcher Windows files, we find a flash drive, right click mouse over it and click “Format”. All. The media has been restored.

Not long ago, the author of this article had a need to revive an old laptop in order to use it “for surfing and solving simple tasks.” Installing a (relatively) new axis from Google on the laptop initially seemed like a good idea. But it immediately became clear that this was not the most trivial task: there is a lot of information on the Internet about Chrome (Chromium) OS, but it is often scattered and incomplete. From attempts to put everything together, it was born this article about what you should know if you decide to install Chromium OS.

It is known that Chrome OS is developed on top of Chromium OS. Their main practical difference is that Chrome OS is installed exclusively on Chromebooks, and the install packages for this operating system V open access No. In addition, Chrome OS has many goodies that Google added during development.

The Chromium operating system is developed by an open-source community based on Linux kernels, and is officially distributed in source form, which you can compile yourself for your own hardware. For those who choose a simpler and philistine path (for example, for us) there are already ready-made assemblies of this operating system suitable for installation.
Many of the assemblies are proposed to be installed first on a virtual machine (for example, VMWare, VirtualBox) on top of Windows or MacOS to familiarize yourself with the system - probably out of solidarity with Google’s commercial policy. Although, of course, versions for launching from a flash drive and installing on a computer are available for all system builds.

What pitfalls will you immediately encounter when trying to install Chromium OS?

Firstly, you may not immediately notice the fact that the list of drivers supported by the system (even in popular assemblies) is extremely small - in standard packages Only those drivers that are included in the so-called are included. vanilla builds of Linux, i.e. to the most official and personally approved by Mr. Linus.
On the main site Chromium OS it is indicated that this system intended for generic computer systems. However, you still need to customize it for each specific hardware configuration.

The phrase “Generic Computer System” applies to computers whose components are purchased separately from each other. In a broader sense - to computers that do not come under any common brand.

In principle, I might not describe all of the above technical features tench But this was an important preface to the next fact: to install Chromium OS you need to be connected to the Internet. And therefore on many computers (with not the most popular network cards) installation of this OS, in principle, is not possible without rebuilding it with the necessary driver.
The rest of the drivers can be added after installing the axis on the computer. How? More on this below.

What else follows from the fact that Chromium is supported open source? What was in it initially Proprietary software not included, such as: Adobe Flash, Java, mp3 codecs, etc.
But, like drivers, it can be installed via the terminal (command line).

Yes, it is possible to use the terminal in Chromium OS, but its functions are limited compared to other popular Linux systems. And, in theory, you can install any application that compiles under Linux on your system. But practically the set of these applications is determined by a very specific graphical environment and other OS features.

Frequently asked question: is it possible to install the Skype client on Chromium OS? No. But you can install other instant messengers and communicate using them using the Skype protocol.

In general, on Chromium OS you can only use applications from the Chrome webstore. But, as they say, you can install on this operating system worthy alternatives almost any common software packages, or find their alternatives (both paid and free) in the form of SaaS solutions.

And of course, in the absence of an Internet connection, your computer with a beautiful and fast operating system will be able to perform the functions of a large and high-quality photo frame.


If you want to try Google's OS in action and take a closer look at it before buying a Chromebook, then you can run it from a flash drive or on virtual machine. Of course, there is a possibility that your hardware is not supported by the system, but this is unlikely to be a serious problem for you personally.

If you want to revive an old laptop or computer, we advise you to think three times before trying to install Chromium OS:
Firstly, as written above, its installation seems simple only at first glance.
Secondly, many SaaS solutions that can replace the usual Windows programs require a lot of computer resources to operate (in particular, random access memory). And even if the system flies on its own, its practical performance is unlikely to be particularly high.
So in the situation of working with old hardware, we advise you to take a closer look at those more tailored for it Linux builds(eg. Puppy Linux, Lubuntu) or install the usual WinXP and speed it up, clearing it of unnecessary bugs and services.

Many users, having learned about the existence of an operating Chrome systems, trying to install it on their computers. However, Google company allows installation of its OS only on Samsung laptops, so installing it on other PCs is a very difficult task.

Preparatory stage

For installation you need a flash drive with a capacity of at least 4GB. On official resource You can get information about devices that can support Chrome OS. Installation on these gadgets should proceed without problems. If desired device It wasn't on the list, so don't be upset. You can install the Chrome operating system on any laptop model, since this OS is based on Linux. However, there may be a problem with Wi-Fi routers.

USB stick

The bottom line is that Google doesn't supply official version operating systems, so you will have to resort to third-party assemblies - Vanilla or Lime. The first build is a little fresher. If you have any problems with it, then you should use
product from Lime.

This build has wider support for device drivers. It includes components for working with AMD video adapters and nVidia, Realtek processors, Ralink and Broadcom.

To install Chrome OS on a PC, you must initially download the installation file. After this, you need to unpack the archive and save the IMG file to a directory. Then you should download the Image Writer utility and run the EXE. Next, you need to connect the USB flash drive to your computer and write an IMG file to it. In this case, all information on the drive will be destroyed.

After this, you need to restart the computer and put it into BIOS. Here you should make the flash drive the first source for downloading. Initially, the download will be performed with Chrome OS. Since the operating system is installed on USB, the process will be much slower than the proprietary one.

Adaptation for laptop

The main problem is the compatibility of the laptop with the operating system.
It is recommended in such cases to use the OS build from Dell, as it is a little more reliable. To do this, you need to use the Win32DiskImager utility, which allows you to write an OS image to a USB drive. if the laptop is equipped with a CD-ROM, then there is no need for this program, since you can burn everything to disk.

After this, you should install the HPUSBDisk application. It is intended to give portable storage original size. It should be used after all operations are completed.

Then you need to insert the drive into the port and run the Win32DiskImage program as an administrator. Next, in the Image File tab, you should specify the loaded Chrome OS. To do this, click on the blue folder icon. In the Device section you need to select the drive and click Write. After this, the flash drive will be formatted and the operating system will be written to it.

Next, you can begin installing the operating system. It is not recommended to remove the flash drive while the OS is running. This may damage the drive or port. You can remove it only after turning off the power to the laptop.


The first step is to connect the flash drive and ensure an uninterrupted Internet connection. Then you need to put the laptop into BIOS and set the startup priority from USB. After this, you need to reboot the device. The project splash screen should appear on the screen. Then you need to click on the “Let’s get started” button, and after it “Login”. This will run the check. If everything goes well, you can set an avatar or own photo from the camera.


You can change settings through the browser. In addition to the standard tabs, several new ones will appear. The interface is clear and in Russian. Operating the OS from a flash drive is no different from operating it from a hard drive.

If necessary, you can install the operating system on the hard drive. The whole process will take a few minutes. During this time, the system will transfer all information to the hard drive. To do this, press the combination Ctrl+Alt+T and enter shell. After this, you should register /usr/sbin/chromeos-install and press Enter. A window will appear on the screen to confirm the installation.

To do this, press Y and Enter. Then you need to enter the password dell1234. This will start the installation process and after a while the operating system will start from the hard drive. After this, you can turn off the laptop and remove the flash drive.

Installation various programs, games and add-ons occurs through Google store. The integrated manager provides access to file system. By installing extensions, you can significantly increase the capabilities of the operating system. In addition, access to all cloud services is provided.

Chrome OS is very easy to use and provides high speed work. After installing the operating system, you need to return the flash drive to its original state.

Google does not release its OS outside of partner laptops from SAMSUNG, and therefore trying this OS on your PC is not so easy. But probably. We wrote about a way to do this with . For PC users it's even easier.


To implement what has been written, you will need a USB flash drive with a size of at least 4GB.

The Google Chromium project has a page that lists hardware compatible with Chrome OS. But don't despair if your hardware isn't there. This OS is built on Linux, and therefore somehow it will definitely work - you can see. The most likely problems are with wi-fi adapters; they do not start more often than others.

Installing the OS on a flash drive

Google does not supply an official build of Chrome OS, so we will use one of the unofficial ones - Vanilla or Lime. Vanilla is the most recent build, and it's better to start with it. If you have serious problems with hardware compatibility, then install Lime - it has expanded support for device drivers (drivers for Wi-Fi chipsets Broadcom, Ralink and Realtek are included, and graphics from nVidia and AMD are also supported). Download here: Chromium OS Lime or Chromium OS Vanilla. The distribution takes up 300MB.

Download Windows Image Writer and run the EXE.

Insert the flash drive into your computer and write it down Windows Help Image Writer received an IMG file on it.

Obviously, all information on the flash drive will be destroyed, be careful.

Let's launch Chrome OS!

Restart your computer and enter the BIOS (by pressing DEL or F2, read what is written on the screen during boot). Set USB as the primary boot source. Now the download will occur first with Chrome OS installed on the flash drive. Loading will be much slower than on the original Chrome Book, since there the OS is installed on an SSD drive, but here we just have USB.

Now you will know for sure whether you need a laptop running Chrome OS from Google/SAMSUNG or not.