Download Google earth latest version. Useful Google Earth navigator

Where can you see satellite images of our planet? Paris, New York, Niagara Falls, Everest and many other famous and unknown places on Earth, we can see with the help of an interactive virtual globe - Google programs Planet Earth.

With this program you will see our entire planet on your monitor screen. Free program Google Planet Earth includes a globe, atlas and guide service.

Using this program you can navigate to to the right place anywhere in the world. In Google Earth you can see the topography of our planet, city streets, 3D buildings, 3D trees, historical images, the ocean, sky, Moon and Mars.

Google Earth can also be used for educational purposes. This is one of those programs that is always installed on my computer.

To install the program on your computer from the official Google website, go to the website On the download page, you will need to click on the “Accept the terms and download” button. You can uncheck the boxes next to the corresponding items if you do not want to download at the same time Google browser Chrome on your computer.

The Google Earth installer will be downloaded from the download page. Then, after launching the installer, the installation of Google Earth on your computer begins.

After the Google Earth program has been installed on your computer, launch the program from the shortcut on the “Desktop” or from the “Start” menu => “All programs” => “ Google Earth" => "Google Earth."

Google Earth Settings

After opening the Google Earth program window, the “Side Panel” will open on the left edge of the program window. So that our planet is displayed in the entire program window, “ Sidebar" can be removed.

To do this, go to the “View” menu, and then uncheck the box next to the “Side Panel” item, or by clicking on the corresponding button below the program menu bar.

In the right corner of the program window there are control buttons for the Google Earth program.

By using top button you can change the viewing angle to view the displayed surface not only from above. With this button you can rotate the globe or move the orientation to cardinal directions. If you click on the letter "N", the globe will be oriented to the north. These commands can be executed using the mouse by clicking on left button and moving the mouse.

With another button below, you can move around the space by clicking on the appropriate side. If the mouse cursor is moved closer to the edge of this button, the movement speed will be faster than when the cursor is closer to the center of the button.

By moving the slider along the axis, you can bring the image loaded by the program closer or further away from you. You can also zoom in or out on images of the Earth by rotating the mouse wheel forward or backward.

At the bottom of the program window the following are displayed: “date of shooting”, “coordinates of the place” from which the view of our planet is displayed, “altitude above sea level” and “height of the terrain”.

The program is already configured by default, but you can still make some more settings. To do this, in the “Tools” menu, click on the “Settings” item. Here you can make your settings in the appropriate tabs, and I will focus on the settings in the “3D - viewing” tab.

You can choose, if the power of your computer allows you, higher parameters for better display of satellite images. If you use higher settings, images will take longer to load. long time, it also depends on the speed of your internet connection. The higher the speed of your Internet connection, the faster images of the Earth will be downloaded to your computer.

IN graphic mode"DirectX" will display images loaded by the program with higher quality. You can experiment with the quality of the relief display. I am using the program settings shown in this image on my computer.

If you want the pictures not to be distorted when you zoom in, then go to the “Tools” => “Settings” => “Navigation” menu.

In the “Navigation” tab, uncheck the checkbox next to the item “Tilt automatically and enter viewing from the ground”, and then check the checkbox next to the item “Do not tilt when viewing automatically”. You can check the box “Gradually slow down the rotation of the Earth when turning or approaching.” After that, click on the “OK” button.

In this article I talk only about the main features of the program. You yourself can enter the program menu items and make the appropriate settings for your needs.

You can simply navigate the satellite map of the Earth in manual mode using the program's control buttons, or simply using the mouse.

To look at space images, you will have to wait a little while the image is downloaded completely from the Internet. An image taken from a higher altitude loads faster.

To move to a specific geographical location, you need to enter the name of the locality in the “Search” field. When you enter a name in the “Search” field, hints appear. You can add a street and house number to the city name.

This, however, applies to large populated areas. If the settlement is small and it is located in rural areas It’s better to enter the name of a nearby city so that you can get from there to the place you’re interested in. Not all small settlements can be indicated with text on the images in the program.

The detail of satellite maps depends on the population of a particular area. More densely populated areas of the Earth have more detailed images than sparsely populated areas. Deserts, jungles and polar regions do not have very high detail in the images.

Images of the Earth are gradually updated; in the lower right corner of the program window there is the date of shooting of a specific location.

Traveling in Google Earth

In order to move to a specific place, you need to enter the name of this place in the “Search” field. Enter the expression “Niagara Falls” in the “Search” field, and then double-click on the “Start Search” icon located next to it. The program will take you to the selected location.

In the image that opens, you will see what Niagara Falls looks like from a height of 3.01 km.

You can get close to the waterfall and view it from all sides. In the image you see a view of the waterfall from a height of 604 meters. This image shows many markings of the places where the photographs were taken.

Other objects are also noted on satellite images. These can be hotels, various institutions, attractions, large stores, historical monuments and much more. When clicked right click mouse over such an object appears reference Information about this particular object.

When you click on a photo tag, you will see a photo taken from the marked location in the image. You can also add your photos by uploading them to the Panoramio photo hosting site with the coordinates of the shooting location.

You can see Niagara Falls from the other side by moving to a new location.

You can hide photo marks from being displayed on the uploaded image. To do this, you need to go to the “Side Panel” by clicking on the corresponding button. In the “Side Panel”, in the “Layers” section, you will need to uncheck the box next to the “Photos” item. After this, these marks will not appear on the image.

If you want to remove all unnecessary information from images, then you need to uncheck the checkbox next to the “Main Database” item in the “Layers” section, and then close the “Side Panel”.

In the "Layers" section you can add or remove various effects, for example, displaying 3D buildings. Such displays of 3D buildings are available mainly for large cities, mainly located in the USA and Western Europe.

In the image, near the famous Eiffel Tower, you see not only cars, but even individual people standing near the tower. Using the program you can also view historical photographs taken in this place.

Flight simulator in Google Earth

In Google Earth, you can simulate a flight on a virtual simulator by selecting the type of aircraft. To do this, go to the “Tools” menu, and then click on the “Enter flight simulator” item.

In the Flight Simulator window, you can select the type of aircraft and the starting position to begin the flight. After this, you need to click on the “Start flight” button.

After that, you can fly over the ground in a virtual plane.

View the surface of the Moon and Mars

Using Google Earth you can see the surface of the Moon and Mars. To do this, click on the button with the image of the planet and select the appropriate item. To image the surface of the Moon and Mars, space photographs taken by the American agency NASA are used.

You can change the height of the Sun and therefore change the angle of the shadow. This image shows the surface of Mars.

If you select the “Sky” item, then using the program you can view the night sky and objects of the Universe on a star map. The image is complemented by photographs taken using the Hubble Space Telescope. When you click on an object, additional help information is displayed.

In some places you can go underwater and see the topography of the seabed if you check the appropriate boxes in the “Layers” section.

The program allows you to take tours of attractions. In Google Earth, you can create your own trips and save them for later viewing. To do this, check the appropriate boxes in the “Layers” section.

In the “File” menu, after clicking on the “View on” item Google Maps» you can view the plot of land you have chosen using the service of the same name. To go back to the Google Earth program, you need to click on the left top corner to the “Back to Google Earth” button.

Satellite photos can be saved to your computer. To do this, after you have chosen the location to save, simultaneously press the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “S” buttons on your keyboard.

In the Explorer window that opens, select a location to save the image and give the image a name. After that, click on the “Save” button.

The free Google Earth program can be used not only for entertainment, but for practical purposes. For example, you are planning a vacation, or going on a business trip. You can first look at the place you are interested in using Google Earth.

After this, you will already have a certain idea about this place, and you can choose a place to relax more consciously.

Conclusions of the article

With Google Earth you can look at any place globe, using satellite photos, and also find in the program the house in which you live, or the place where you will go on vacation.

Google Earth free download necessary for those who want to explore a certain area on our planet.

Russian Google Earth allows view the Earth from all sides through a combination of satellite photographs, aerial photographs and street views. Its powerful search engine, a large number of information and available images, and its intuitiveness of use make Google Earth great program to discover planet live, and besides, you can see the moon and even Mars.

Explore the world with Google Earth

Latest google earth is, of a kind, 3D interactive atlas. You will be able to see what (almost) every corner of the world looks like. Major cities, national parks, and even the underwater world, all the wonders of the world are just a click away.

If the Earth is not enough for you, you can enjoy photographs of the Moon and Mars, as well as travel between the stars. Latest version of google earth helps you find the place you are looking for using a regular address or GPS coordinates.

Google Earth offers many layers that include information about places such as boundaries, roads, 3D buildings, trees, photos and weather conditions. You'll also be able to add content to Google Earth, such as photos of places you've visited. Google Earth has an integrated Street View feature, which is also available on Google Maps, allowing you to move freely around cities.

In addition, you will want download latest google earth, then you will have access to many functions: add bookmarks, save images, and even fly an airplane using a flight simulator.

Traveling with the mouse

Navigation in Google Earth very intuitive and all you need is a mouse or buttons on the screen. You can zoom, rotate, and travel around the Earth with ease. As for the virtual walk with a view of the street, you can start it by dragging the icon of the little person on the street (displayed in blue).

Navigation is very convenient; as easy as scrolling with a mouse. The search engine and all other options can be found in the menu on the left, which you can make smaller for greater convenience.

Useful Google Earth navigator

Google Earth download for free in Russian A must for travel lovers, because... The program is a fantastic and amazing tool for observing the Earth and our environment.

The graphics engine is impressive, as is the large number of places that you can visit in detail and completely free of charge. Textures and suggested content on different layers are regularly updated towards accuracy and improved quality.

Google Earth is one of the important programs, which will take you around the world without leaving your couch.

Download Google Earth for free in Russian for Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and iOS via direct link on our website

Google Earth - project Google, in which satellite photographs of the entire earth's surface were posted on the Internet. Photos of some regions have unprecedented high resolution.

Unlike other similar services that display satellite images in a regular browser (for example, Google Maps), this service a special one is used that is downloaded to the user’s computer client program Google Earth. Although this approach requires downloading and installing the program, it later provides additional features, difficult to implement using the web interface.

This program was originally released by Keyhole and then purchased by Google, which made the program publicly available in 2005 (first only for the United States, then Europe and the whole world). There are also paid versions Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro (now free), featuring support for GPS navigation, presentation tools, and higher print resolutions.

Using the Google Earth program, you can travel around the entire planet: see satellite images of various places, look at maps of areas and structures in three-dimensional images, fly into space and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Happy new Google function Ocean now everyone can not only look at the topography of the ocean floor, but also understand how many processes occur there. You will witness incredible discoveries made by companies such as the Air Force and National Geographic, and you can also explore the remains of sunken ships, such as the Titanic, in three dimensions.

The Sky feature gives astronomers and anyone interested in stargazing an exceptional opportunity to explore millions of galaxies, stars and constellations.

Historical information about the Earth will help you travel back in time and see how cities grow, snowy peaks melt, coastlines erode, and much more.

Google Earth Features

  • Google Earth automatically downloads images and other data needed by the user from the Internet, stores them in the computer memory and on the hard drive for further use.

The downloaded data is saved on disk, and upon subsequent launches of the program, only new data is downloaded, which allows you to significantly save traffic.

  • To visualize the image, a three-dimensional model of the entire globe (taking into account altitude above sea level) is used, which is displayed on the screen using interfaces or OpenGL.

It is in the three-dimensionality of the landscapes of the Earth's surface that the main difference between the Google Earth program and its predecessor Google Maps lies. The user can easily move to any point on the planet by controlling the position of the “virtual camera”.

  • Almost the entire land surface is covered with images obtained from DigitalGlobe, which have a resolution of 15 m per pixel.

Eat separate areas surfaces (usually covering the capitals and some major cities of most countries of the world) having a more detailed resolution. For example, Moscow was filmed with a resolution of 0.6 m/pc, and many US cities were filmed with a resolution of 0.15 m/pc. The landscape data has a resolution of about 100 m.

  • There is also a huge amount of additional data that can be connected at the user's request. For example, names of settlements, reservoirs, airports, roads, railways, and other information.

In addition, for many cities there are more detailed information- street names, shops, gas stations, hotels, etc. There is a geodata layer (synchronized via the Internet with the corresponding database), which displays (with spatial reference) links to articles from Wikipedia. In Russia you can see the names of the streets of all cities in the central regions.

  • Users can create their own tags and overlay their images on top of satellite images (this can be maps, or more detailed images obtained from other sources).

These tags can be shared with other users of the program through the Google Earth Community forum. Tags sent to this forum become visible to everyone after about a month Google users Planet Earth.

  • The program has a “3D building” layer, with 3D models, added by developers or users themselves, through the 3D Warehouse service.

In Russian cities you can find models of some significant architectural monuments.

Google Earth- a program from Google, using which you can access satellite images of the entire earth's surface in the very high resolution. If you are interested in information about any corner of our planet, Google Earth will provide you with photographs, maps, information about the population, climate, infrastructure, and geography of any locality. The developers have gone even further and created three-dimensional atlases of not only the Earth, but also the Moon, Mars, and outer space around our planet.

In the latest version of Google Earth for Windows 7, 8, 10, you can observe the underwater world of the seas and oceans, learn historical information about the Earth, listen to audio and video recordings. If you are going on a trip to another country or city, then with the help Google Earth in Russian language You can preview this place, see the weather, transport links, city plan, its topography, attractions or simply impressive places. The most famous places on the planet can be viewed in three-dimensional images, in great detail, down to the smallest detail.

Google Earth latest version is a combination powerful search engine Google and simple interface, which make the search process almost instantaneous. The developers gave users the opportunity to add their own photos of the area and share them with other users of the program. You can save the results of your searches, make bookmarks, and adjust settings. It is worth noting that the program is very demanding on the speed and stability of the Internet connection, for comfortable work in a programme. The last one Google version Earth can be downloaded for free in Russian via a direct link from the official website on our website.

Key features of Google Earth for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • 3D models of the Earth, Moon, Mars, outer space around our planet;
  • The latest satellite images in high quality from all corners of the Earth;
  • A camera with which you can inspect any point on the earth;
  • 3D images sights of the planet;
  • Detailed information about each settlement on Earth;
  • Powerful search system combined with a simple interface.

Description: The world we live in is now at your fingertips! Google Corporation released new version software package called Google Earth. The application is designed to work with the service of the same name, which allows you to view satellite images of the planet Earth in 3D mode, using OpenGL technology. There are functions for searching by addresses and objects. The seventh version has a simpler interface, as well as the ability to display some buildings in three dimensions. IN latest issues it became possible to use additional information layers and high-definition video recording functions.

Program features:
Google Earth automatically downloads the images and other data the user needs from the Internet, stores them in the computer's memory and on the hard drive for further use. The downloaded data is saved on disk, and upon subsequent launches of the program, only new data is downloaded, which allows you to significantly save traffic.
To visualize the image, a three-dimensional model of the entire globe (taking into account altitude above sea level) is used, which is displayed on the screen using DirectX or OpenGL interfaces. It is in the three-dimensionality of the landscapes of the Earth's surface that the main difference between the Google Earth program and its predecessor Google Maps lies. The user can easily move to any point on the planet by controlling the position of the “virtual camera”.
Almost the entire land surface is covered with images obtained from DigitalGlobe, which have a resolution of 15 m per pixel. There are certain areas of the surface (usually covering the capitals and some large cities of most countries of the world) that have more detailed resolution. For example, Moscow was filmed with a resolution of 0.6 m/pc, and many US cities were filmed with a resolution of 0.15 m/pc. The landscape data has a resolution of about 100 m.
There is also a huge amount of additional data that can be connected at the user's request. For example, names of settlements, reservoirs, airports, roads, railways, and other information. In addition, for many cities there is more detailed information - street names, shops, gas stations, hotels, etc. There is a geodata layer (synchronized via the Internet with the corresponding database), which displays (with spatial reference) links to articles from Wikipedia. In Russia you can see the names of the streets of all cities in the central regions.
Users can create their own tags and overlay their images on top of satellite images (this can be maps, or more detailed images obtained from other sources). These tags can be shared with other users of the program through the Google Earth Community forum. Tags posted to this forum become visible to all Google Earth users after about a month.
The program has a “3D Buildings” layer, with three-dimensional models added by developers or users themselves through the 3D Warehouse service. In Russian cities you can find models of some significant architectural monuments.
There is a function for measuring distances.
In version 4.2 appeared Google technology Sky, which allows you to view the starry sky.
In version 5.0, the ability to view a three-dimensional map of the bottom of seas and oceans was introduced.
The program has a built-in flight simulator (to start, press Ctrl + Alt + a).

Pro Features:
View demographic data layers, land plots and traffic congestion (USA).
Advanced GIS data import capabilities.
Measuring the area, length and perimeter of land plots.
Print screenshots in high resolution.
Create amazing offline movies.