A message on the topic of man and computer science. Educational project "Man and Information"

Literature is a huge repository of spiritual and moral values.

It would seem that each of us has long been familiar with the concept of “literature”. But sometimes we don’t even think about how polysyllabic and multi-valued literature is. But literature is a grandiose phenomenon, it was created by the genius of man, is the fruit of his mind.

What is the role and significance of literature in human life?

Literature is a means of understanding the world; it helps us understand “what is good and what is bad,” and points to the origins of universal human conflicts.

Literature helps us see the inner beauty of a person, learn to understand and appreciate it.

Literature is a powerful source of education of the spirit and personality. Through the disclosure of artistic images, literature gives us concepts of good and evil, truth and falsehood, truth and lies. No reasoning, the most eloquent, no argument, the most convincing, can have such an impact on the human mind as a truthfully drawn image. And this is the power and significance of literature.

There is a very important concept in literature - “text”. Proper work on the text by the best wordsmiths and writers is of great importance. It broadens a person’s horizons, teaches him to read thoughtfully, to understand the ideas that the author expresses through images. Competent work on the text enriches a person’s vocabulary, develops the ability to master the literary language and various artistic techniques.

Literature is a powerful weapon that can heal.

Literature shows us ways of self-improvement.

Say a word about Russian literature. Among the advantages of Russian literature there is one, perhaps the most valuable. This is her constant desire to sow “reasonable, good, eternal”, her persistent impulse towards light and truth. Russian literature has never been confined to the area of ​​purely artistic interests. Its creators have always been not only artists describing phenomena and events, but also teachers of life, defenders of the “humiliated and insulted,” fighters against cruelty and injustice, adherents of truth and faith.

Russian literature is extremely rich in both positive and negative images. Watching them, the reader has the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of feelings - from indignation and disgust for everything low, rude, and deceitful, to deep admiration and admiration for the truly noble, courageous, and honest.

Literature erases the boundaries of time. She introduces us to the spirit of a particular era, to the life of a particular social environment - from Tsar Nicholas to the gymnasium teacher Belikov, from the landowner Zatrapeznaya to the poor peasant woman - the mother of a soldier.

The disclosure of artistic images is the main part of literary reading, its basis. Every artistic image, as is known, is at the same time both a reflection of reality and an expression of the writer’s ideology. It is not enough just to familiarize yourself with a literary work. We must try to penetrate the secrets of the plan, to know the background to the creation of the essay.

Literature develops the mind and feelings. She is our teacher, mentor, guide. A guide to the world of the real and the unreal. The ability to express thoughts in words is a distinctive feature of a person. Words are a mirror that clearly reflects the degree of spiritual development. Everything that enters our soul from the outside is imprinted in our feelings, thoughts, and in the very way of their expression.

In the works of one writer we find laughing pictures, picturesque images: this is because his spirit was brought up in the bosom of nature, where she scatters her gifts with a generous hand.

Another sings on the lyre of his battles and battles, the horrors, the sad phenomena of a suffering life: this is because the soul of the creator knew many groans.

In the works of the third, human nature appears in the most pathetic contradiction with the idea of ​​beauty: because, on the one hand, evil, always at war with good, and on the other, disbelief in the high purpose of man, have embittered the owner of the pen.

Literature is multifaceted, its creators are very different. Literature grew up along with Pushkin and Lermontov, Gogol and Chekhov, Blok and Akhmatova. It is still developing now. Her ideas continue to live and fight on our planet, they help rid the world of filth, cruelty, and insignificance.

» Literature in the spiritual life of man

Literature in human spiritual life

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Throughout its centuries-long history, our people have created highly artistic literature. It has a worthy place in world culture.

Fiction has a huge socio-political, educational and educational role. Because it presents the history of the entire people, their struggle for their will, for their successful and happy life, for the battle against national as well as social oppression. Literature honestly and fairly reflects social reality: different periods of the life of the entire people, the aspirations and, of course, the hopes of people.

Fiction is a type of art that is the most powerful means of human knowledge, a tool that influences current reality. Literature shapes a person’s mind, his will and psyche, his feelings and human strong character, namely, it shapes a person’s personality.

The creator of literature summarizes various life events and phenomena, then builds typical images, and at the same time shows his personal attitude to these events or incidents. The significance of a writer and his work, and, consequently, literature is reflected in how truthfully and correctly the interests and dreams of people are reflected and expressed. Artistic creativity is intended to serve the people. In literary works we learn about the past, present and, of course, see the future dreams of a person. New concepts begin to form in the imagination, and a hitherto unknown feeling is born in the depths of the soul.

And we perceive only literary works and works first of all with our hearts, and then with our practical mind and common sense.

Literature is based on humanistic views and beliefs, and approves of imperishable and eternal universal human values. This is precisely why it is close, very necessary and simply necessary for humanity. Writers and creators of literature, in works completely different in their genre, reflect the diverse layers of the population, discover the talent and gift of the common person, and glorify the work of people.

And this instills interest in one’s own history, love for one’s native mother land, for parents and loved ones, for one’s neighbor and for one’s fraternal peoples... Literature helps and supports a person in difficult moments of life’s journey. Inspires to perform heroic deeds for the sake of their neighbors and for the sake of others. Gives strength to overcome various everyday troubles, guides and orients towards the correct solution of problems that are important at the moment. This is precisely why it is valuable for us and for each nation separately.