Vejprbuobs rbmyftb web, uyufenoshe gchefb windows. Vejprbuobs rbmyftb web, uyufenosche gchefb windows Customize window color Windows 10

With the release of the new Windows 10 operating system, developers have significantly redesigned personalization options. Windows 10 users who are accustomed to the personalization settings in Windows 7 now have questions related to the new personalization options and the lack of some settings.

In this article, we will look at how you can change the color of windows in Windows 10. In addition, we will show our readers how to open hidden options that make it possible to change the color of window title bars, the taskbar, and also select any shade from the color palette.

Standard window color change in Windows 10

Before you change personalization settings in Windows 10, you need to make sure that your OS is activated.

If the system is not activated, then the settings for changing the color characteristics of the window will not be available to you.

In our case we use activated Windows 10 Enterprise version 1511. To change the color in the top ten and in the new menu " Start"we need to go to the new special panel " Options" This panel can be accessed through the menu " Start» and through the notification center located on the taskbar.

After logging into the panel " Options"you need to follow the links" Personalization» - « Colors».

In the window that opens you can see that for the menu “ Start" and the color blue is selected for the window borders. You can change the color in the color picker below. Now let's try to select green from the color picker. After this action, it became clear in the preview window how the menu “ Start» and window borders.

If we turn on the first switch, we will allow the system to select colors itself. The operating system will choose colors automatically based on the background color that is currently selected. The second switch allows you to activate the color for the taskbar and window title. Shown below is a redesigned header and taskbar using this switch.

It is also worth noting that in previous versions of Ten this option was not available, and the user had to edit the registry to change the color of the window title bar and taskbar. The third switch enables transparency in the taskbar and action center.

The example shows that the developers have simplified as much as possible the options for changing colors on window borders and in the “ Start».

Two ways to choose your own color scheme

For first method we need to create a registry file. The registry file can be created using a regular notepad, saving it with the extension “*reg”. In our case, this file is called “Colors.reg”. Before saving this file, we filled it with the data shown below.

In notepad you can see that in the parameter " "AccentColor"= dword:» selected color with hexadecimal code « 2FFFAD" In the notepad, this color is written correctly only for the registry itself. To decipher this code in the color palette of any graphic editor, this code should look like this “ ADFF2F" That is, three pairs of characters are in reverse order. It is also worth noting that this color has a name “ GreenYellow" This color is activated by opening the “Colors.reg” file and confirming the entry of data into the registry. Color of window and menu borders " Start" may not change immediately. Therefore, it is better to log out and log in again.

Second way is simpler and allows you to change the type of color in a special window. The developers deliberately hid it from users, but it is unclear for what reason. To launch this window, create a shortcut and enter the address of this window in it “ rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced" You can name the shortcut by any name. After creating the shortcut, run it and see the following:

In this window you can see that the user can change the following parameters:

  • Color intensity;
  • Hue;
  • Saturation;
  • Brightness.

Of the two methods, the second method is the most convenient and simple.

Change the appearance of windows using high-contrast themes

In Windows 10, if you go to the control panel using the links “ Design and personalization» - « Personalization", then at the bottom of the window you can find four high-contrast themes.

These themes are specially created for people with low vision. Using these themes significantly reduces eye strain. This is also confirmed by the fact that many system administrators use these themes. In addition to enabling these four themes in Windows 10, you can also edit them. By editing the theme, you can change both the background color of the window itself and its title. To edit you need to go to the " Options» via links « Special abilities» - « High Contrast» and select one of the topics.

Here you can change a window in Windows 10 beyond recognition. After making changes in this window, the theme must be saved by clicking the Apply button.

Many people will not like high contrast themes due to the very simplistic style. But the fact that you can change color settings with these themes makes them very useful.

Changing window color parameters using a tweaker

In this chapter we will look at a tweaker called Winaero Tweaker. The main purpose of this tweaker is is to reveal the hidden settings of Windows 10 and change the operating system settings using them. In our case from Winaero Tweaker, we only need to change the hidden OS personalization features. You can download the program from the website The utility does not require installation, so you can run it right away. In the running utility we are interested in the “ Appearance» and its six sub-tabs.

First tab " Aero Lite» allows activate lite theme, which is used in Windows 8. Below is a notepad window using this theme.

Second tab " Colored Title Bars» allows enable the option to color headers in earlier versions Windows 10. New versions of Windows 10 already have this option.

Third tab " Custom Accents» allows the user add a new type of color to the color palette.

Fourth tab " Dark Color Scheme» allows activate special black theme for the panel " Options" Below is a view of the black panel " Options».

Fifth tab " Inactive Title Bars Color» needed to change the title of an inactive window.

Last sixth tab " Slow Down Animations» will allow the user slow down animation in Windows 10 by pressing the Shift button.

The website of the Winaero Tweaker program describes the principle of operation of the program, which is based on changing registry settings. That is, everything that the program does, you can do manually.

Let's sum it up

From the material reviewed, it is clear that although the developers have removed most of the options for changing the color of windows, we can still change their color quite easily. We also looked at what high-contrast themes are and how to use them to change the color in windows. In addition, we looked at the work of a wonderful tweaker Winaero Tweaker, which allows you to quickly solve the problem. We hope our material will be useful to our readers, and you will be able to solve all your questions about changing the color of windows in Windows 10.

Video on the topic

Starting with Windows 10 build 10056, Microsoft has blocked the ability to change the color of windows in Windows 10. Many users do not like the white color of window title bars, which does not change in the personalization settings. However, it's not all bad. With the help of simple manipulations you can get the same window design as it was in Windows 8x.

From a technical point of view, the file c:\windows\system32\udwm.dll implements a parse the name of the current visual style. If this name contains the phrase aero.msstyles, then udwm.dll ignores all color settings and uses white for windows.

The solution here is obvious - rename the standard Aero theme to something that does not contain the line aero.msstyles in the name. I renamed it to windows.msstyles, corrected the theme file, and this is what came out of it:

You can set any color in the settings, everything will work.

Now what needs to be done.

1. Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder, copy the aero folder to the windows folder. The easiest way to do this is by pressing Ctrl + C and immediately Ctrl + V. Confirm the User Account Control prompt and skip all the MSS files (they won’t be copied, that’s okay).

Rename the resulting aero - Copy folder to windows:

In the windows folder, rename the file aero.msstyles to file windows.msstyles.

In the windows\en-US folder, rename the file aero.msstyles.mui to file windows.msstyles.mui.

If your system is localized, rename the files in windows\ru-RU and other languages ​​that you have installed.

Now copy this file to your desktop:


Open it with Notepad and correct the section, replace the line in it:


to this line:


Save the file as windows.theme and double-click on it to apply the theme. Voila:

You can set any color in Settings:

This technique will definitely work on builds starting from 10056 to 10159, on which I tested it.

In Windows 10, users can change the color scheme of the taskbar, Start menu, and Action Center by choosing any of the available colors in the Personalization -> Colors section of the settings. Unfortunately, for now the choice is limited only to those colors that are available in the palette. However, with a little registry trick, you can fix this by specifying your own color in HEX format.

Just what exactly are we going to change? The color that will appear last in the Colors palette. Please note it should have a thin blue border. Yes, if you don't see the palette, set the "Automatically select main background color" switch to the "Off" position.

At the same time, also enable the option “Show color in the Start Menu, taskbar and notification center”, since without it you will not see changes in the color scheme of the taskbar and other interface elements.

It may happen that there is no corresponding parameter in the registry. Then the color highlighted by the frame will not be in the palette. In any case, launch Registry Editor and expand the following branch:


In the last subsection, find the SpecialColor DWORD parameter and double-click on it. If this parameter is not available, create it manually. Double clicking will open a window for editing the parameter value.

By default, SpecialColor has a value in the ABGR format, which describes the color channels Alpha, Blue, Green and Red, but you can use the more familiar HEX format of six characters to set a new color. For example, to add white or black, both of which, by the way, are not in the Colors palette, you need to enter the code FFFFFF or 000000 (0), respectively. For the new settings to take effect, log out and log back into Windows or restart your computer. After this, the color should appear in the palette. Click on it with the mouse and it will be applied to the specified elements of the Windows 10 interface.

Note: If you don’t know which combination corresponds to which color, use any color determination utility or web design color chart.

Have a great day!

Having installed a new version of the OS from Microsoft, many users for a long time could not understand how to change the color of familiar interface elements in Windows 10 - window titles, taskbar and others. In fact, everything turned out to be simpler than many thought. Let's talk about everything in order.

Start and taskbar

To understand how to change the Start color in Windows 10, you should:

Step #1

Open, which here is called “Options”. This can be done by right-clicking and selecting “Personalization” in the desktop context menu.

Step #3

Turn off the automatic tint switch.

Step #4

As soon as you do this, a familiar palette will immediately appear on the screen, in which you can select the main color scheme in which the headers, taskbar, tiles and other parts of the GUI of the operating system will automatically be colored.

Actually, you can answer the same question about how to change the color of tiles in Windows 10. But dynamic tiles, whose appearance is “hard-wired” by their creators, are unlikely to be up to your task - you’ll have to put up with it.

Finally, it also makes no sense to ask how to change the color of the frame in Windows 10 - it changes along with everyone else, however, the frame itself is so thin that it can be quite difficult to notice it.

Understanding transparency

If there is a question that is more popular, it is how to change the view, TRANSPARENCY windows in Windows 10. With transparency at the moment, everything is quite complicated - you won’t find the usual slider in the new Axis, but you can completely turn off transparency, making the interface more “flat design”. This is all done in the same place - in the color settings section of the “Personalization” item. This time you should pay attention to the bottom switch.

A few words about the conductor

Some users would also like to know how to change the color of the Explorer in Windows 10, but the Explorer itself... is white, so there is nothing special to change there. However, regarding the title, the advice we gave in previous parts is relevant here.

However, not in one color, if you are interested in how to change the appearance of folders in Windows 10, we also have the answer you need.

First of all, pay attention to the “View” tab, which is now available in any directory browsing window. If its capabilities are not enough for you, then you can “dig” in the “Settings” section of this tab - there are enough settings options for everyone.

The standard Windows 10 tools include a utility for calibrating the image on the monitor (display) screen of your computer or laptop. It allows you to adjust the color, brightness and contrast of the screen for the most comfortable work in your conditions.

Note: In this article we will not delve into the professional intricacies of calibrating screens using special software or equipment. This instruction describes the procedure for setting up a monitor using standard Windows tools, without the need to download additional programs. It is perfect for beginners who have noticed any deviations in the picture quality of a laptop or desktop computer screen, or simply want to slightly adjust the image to suit themselves. The perception of color/contrast/brightness is purely individual, so you should be guided by your own instincts, but not go too far.

One more note: All procedures must be performed using an administrator account. Otherwise you will need an administrator password.

Calibrate your monitor or display in Windows 10

You can go directly to the monitor or display calibration interface in Windows 10 by entering the command in the window Execute. Click Win+ R and enter dccw.

If you are not looking for easy ways, then you can find the screen calibration menu using the following path:

  1. Open Settings – System – Screen. Go down a little and find the item Graphics adapter properties.

  2. In the window that opens, find the tab Color management.
  3. A larger window will open. On it you need a tab Details. Open it and then click the button Calibrate screen at the bottom of the window.

  4. This will open the screen color calibration wizard.

  5. The first step is to adjust the gamma. Before setting it up, Windows will show you examples of incorrect and correct calibration.

  6. Try to adjust so that the picture meets the standard, but at the same time no one forbids you to set the parameters that suit you.

  7. If you don't like the setting, use the button Reset.
  8. The next step is to adjust the brightness and contrast. If you do not need to configure these settings, click Skip brightness and contrast settings.

  9. At this stage, you will need to use the image controls of the monitor itself. Each manufacturer has menus and control buttons made differently. How to change the brightness and contrast of your monitor should be indicated in the instructions for the screen - contact it for help, or google it. At this step, Windows will only show sample images for accurate calibration.

  10. Click Further and start experimenting.

  11. Adjusting the contrast will help you set the values ​​to properly display the brightness of the highlights. Again, follow the on-screen prompts and sample images, and then adjust the picture in the menu the monitor itself.

  12. Next is adjusting the color balance. Here calibration is already done using the system (although almost every monitor has the ability to change the color balance in the menu - try playing with these parameters too.

  13. You want to make sure that the large bars on the screen remain as gray as possible. If you notice impurities of other colors, eliminate them with the red, green or blue sliders.

  14. At the final stage, you can compare the color settings you created with the previous preset. To do this, click on Previous calibration. Button Current calibration will display the parameters you created.

  15. To save the new settings, click Ready. Button Cancel will return everything to its previous state.

How to set up ClearType

Please also note the point Launch the setup tool ClearTypeafter clicking the "Done" button. With it, you can adjust the quality of font display on the screen. We recommend that you spend another three minutes to fine-tune the monitor's operation as accurately as possible.

In these two screenshots above, you can see the difference between ClearType enabled (top) and disabled (bottom). It’s unlikely that anyone will want to voluntarily turn it off, but someone will definitely need more precise settings.

If you want to configure ClearType without calibrating the screen, then you can do this in the following ways:

After this, configure the fonts as described above. Spend a few minutes fine-tuning your screens. The result of your work will be a more pleasing picture to the eye, which will have an extremely positive impact on your experience of using your device.