Opportunities for communication on social networks. What you should not report online

Several years ago, with the advent social networks in Runet, many users wondered: “Is it worth starting virtual dating? Will they be beneficial, will they be effective? Or maybe virtual communication is actually evil? Today, almost every third inhabitant of the planet has his own account on a social network, a lot of virtual friends and subscribers.

But not everyone can boast of the effectiveness of their communication on social networks. Some choose the wrong network that they need, but sit on the old one out of habit, others are too lazy to study the capabilities of the interface, others communicate simply out of boredom, and still others simply do not trust social networks. As a result, time spent in front of monitor screens is wasted. What to do?

How to communicate successfully on Twitter?

1. Brevity is the sister of talent. Thanks to Twitter, you can learn to express your thoughts clearly and concisely, because messages are limited to 140 characters in length.

2. You can follow the news, new projects, track the mood of your friends, publish your news and share it with others.

3. You should always remember about your readers (“followers”). If you don’t know what to write, it’s better not to write anything. Don't clutter your friends feed.

4. You can ask questions to senior comrades, experts in a particular field. Follow celebrity news.

6. Be confident in your tweets. Even if you're new to Twitter but have a good understanding of a particular industry, present yourself to readers with dignity.

How to communicate successfully on Facebook?

Whether you want to grow personally or just connect, you can use Facebook to:

1. Facebook in Russia has a fairly mature and intelligent audience. Here you can find new friends, communicate with a lot of interesting, famous people that have an impact on modern media and culture. Here you can easily argue in the comments with an authoritative expert and chat with friends in private messages.

2. You can practice language by making friends with foreigners.

3. Realize yourself in creativity: show your work, get ratings in the form of likes, find like-minded people, present your ideas.

4. Register under your real name. This will make it easier for you to find friends, and easier for friends to find you.

5. Be polite. Rude comments and disrespectful behavior may result in your account being blocked if there are complaints from other users. Do not become friends with those whom you do not know at least indirectly. real life, or if you are not at least united by common friends. In general, value your reputation.

6. Be interesting and helpful. This is not the place for the “Standing in a Traffic Jam” genre. Here, messages with at least some minimal benefit and concern for friends are more appropriate, for example: “I stood in a traffic jam on Yaseneva for an hour. Friends, it’s better to drive around Borisovsky Proezd.”

7. Don't be intrusive or negative. It’s better to add posts and photos every day, but a little at a time, not 10 a day. Posts (messages on your wall) about your sadness and sadness, in general, are not needed by anyone and will not be popular; no one likes whiners. Posts about your victory over the blues, where you have a glass of cider and a bucket of strawberries, will appeal to your friends more. It’s better to share your sadness with friends in person or over the phone, rather than in public.

For those who want to use Facebook for personal gain:

How to communicate successfully on Instagram?

1. Using Instagram, you can show yourself as a connoisseur of beauty and a creative person. You can create interesting and unique photos: edit them, add various special effects, filters, change the background, crop, focus on a specific detail. Try to show the world not a simple image, but an emotion in the “I am here and now, and it’s beautiful here!” mode. Of course, posting photos taken a little earlier is also not prohibited.

2. Do not overuse delayed posts. For example, if you were on vacation and post one photo a day, users will get the impression that your vacation was clearly extended.

3. Do not write long captions under photos, because Instagram is a project of photographs, not prose. Don't use too many hashtags (tags with a # sign) - this will irritate readers. There is no need to list everything you see in the picture.

4. Publish photos that may interest your subscribers, that really touch you personally. Photos taken out of boredom in the genre “Here I am standing in a traffic jam” are bad manners.

5. If you are selling something, do not force your products on people. Instagram is a medium for sharing personal photos, if you advertise, or even worse, push your product, you will be treated as a seller, and not as a full-fledged participant.

6. Always remain sincere. If you want to show the world something beautiful - do it! If there is no beauty - remain silent.

7. Having a good camera in your smartphone or camera will be very useful.

What's good about VKontakte?

VKontakte is also called a lightweight copy of Facebook, so the rules social life here are approximately the same as for Facebook. Only the majority of network users are residents of the CIS, and younger than those who use Facebook. Many schoolchildren and students live here. On VKontakte you can also express yourself, create groups, fan pages, acquire subscribers, and monitor your news feed.

The most strong point networks are an opportunity to upload your own music, videos, and use files that have been uploaded by other users. It’s not for nothing that VKontakte is also called the largest media archive on the Runet.

What can you find in Odnoklassniki?

Odnoklassniki is best suited for communication on everyday and personal topics. As practice shows, users communicate less in groups and most often prefer private messages (personal messages, chat). With the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find your friends with whom you were once friends, you can feel nostalgic, meet in reality, or even change your destiny. What if your first love is still dreaming about you?

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of these illusions that Odnoklassniki is considered a social network for flirting and cheating. After all, some who have found their school sweetheart really want to experience some exciting emotions again or at least flirt. On the other hand, this is an ideal social network for those who are lonely, have lost some old connections with friends and want to restore them.

General rules for successful communication on social networks

1. Literacy: “Take all my mistakes as smiles” When filling out your profile, publishing your articles, responding to messages, try to write correctly. If you don’t know how to spell a particular word, check it on the corresponding sites (gramota.ru) or in Word. Illiterate correspondence has never made anyone happy.

2. Politeness. Always and in all situations, do not lose face, be polite and tolerant. Forget about obscene language, do not indulge in all sorts of provocations - “don’t feed the trolls.” If your readers ask you questions, don't forget to answer them.

4. Self-control and acceptance of criticism. Learn to restrain yourself and not get worked up over trifles. If you encounter criticism, be able to accept it, if it is, of course, justified.

5. “No” - unverified information! Do not publish unverified information on your pages or groups. Of course, everyone has the right to make mistakes. But if this is repeated systematically, you will quickly lose the trust of your readers.

6. Use more verbs. It has been found that verbs increase the effectiveness of messages because they make the message more vivid and easier to understand (the study was conducted by the social network Twitter).

7. Don't tell anyone and everything about yourself. If you do not plan to close your profile from strangers, do not write about yourself, your loved one, all the ins and outs. If you are planning to find a new job, then publishing your professional data is justified.

If you are looking mainly for friendly communication on the Internet, make sure that your personal life does not become the property of others. Unfortunately, there are a lot of envious people around who do not know how to truly rejoice in the happiness of others; gossips who are bored with their own lives and want to live yours.

If it’s mentally difficult for you, you shouldn’t make it public either. Why? This is of little interest to third-party users; the most they can do is express sympathy. It's better to contact best friends, parents or psychologist. Such assistance will be more effective.

By the way, it is worth noting that the more negative, pessimistic information a user writes on his blog, the faster he loses readers. C'est la vie...

8. Don’t post it on social media. compromising photos. Both yours and your friends. Protect yourself and them from unnecessary gossip and other troubles. So that later you don’t have to wonder why you weren’t hired, and for some reason the entire female half of the work team is making fun of your friend.

9. Refrain from being frank with a person you don’t know well. For example, there are known cases when collectors entered into correspondence with users hiding under a fictitious name. We received a phone number and made an appointment. The outcome of the matter is clear.

Don't forget that we are always happy to communicate with you! Visit the Passion.ru pages at

Social networks are used today for dating and flirting, discussing sensitive topics, and doing business. For many, the Internet has replaced real communication. Virtual life proceeds according to its own canons that must be observed. Most rules of communication on social networks are aimed at improving interaction between people, making it safer and more enjoyable.

Virtual communication

People learn social interaction from childhood. Network communications are subject to the same laws. Produce good impression You can interact with virtual interlocutors only by remaining tactful, polite, and friendly. We have formulated several tips on the topic: “How to communicate correctly on social networks.” These recommendations will help you create a reputation as a person who is pleasant in all respects.

Never do not behave intrusively, asking friends and subscribers for reposts and likes. Such requests cause irritation and a desire to limit communication. When posting information on your social network page that is submitted by strangers, try to check its relevance. Perhaps the photo of a lost child was posted five years ago. During this time, the baby managed to be found. Why draw people's attention to an alarming but long-past event?

Try not to make your personal life public. Stories about problems in relationships can be told to a very limited circle of people. Posting messages about events from your personal life on your wall on social networks is hardly worth it. The problems will end sooner or later, but the impression of you as a person who does not know how to control himself will remain. In addition, there may be attackers who want to take advantage of the situation and gain confidence.

How to have a private conversation

Through personal messages on social networks, you can communicate with friends or classmates who live in other cities and countries. But such correspondence has its own characteristics. Therefore, if a person does not respond to a message immediately, do not rush to be offended by him or blame him for being slow. Perhaps your friend is “offline” or simply forgot to leave the page, distracted by other matters.

When starting a conversation, always greet your interlocutor broadly. A short “Hello” or “Hello” sounds a little dismissive. Better use expressions like “Good afternoon.” Addressing your interlocutor by name creates an atmosphere of friendly communication, putting the person in a positive mood. This is especially important if your plans go beyond regular online correspondence.

Literacy never hurt anyone

If you want your words to be listened to, learn to write meaningfully and competently, especially since it is not difficult to do this now. User errors made in printed text are checked by the Word program, which highlights all clerical errors and typos. All you have to do is pay attention to the tips and use them. Multiple errors in the text are annoying, suggesting that the person lacks a basic education. Agree, it is unlikely that such an opinion about you will create a good reputation.

The modern Internet - slang is replete with many abbreviations and deliberately distorted funny words. Network jargon undoubtedly has a right to life, but we should not forget that the main goal of communication is to be understood. Therefore, you can use slang to shorten correspondence only where it is accepted. There is no way to shine on forums with your knowledge of abbreviations like “IMHO” (“In my humble opinion”), “NFC” (“Near Field Communication”) or “LOL” (very funny). necessity. In addition, many people simply do not know the meaning of these abbreviations.

Strengthening written language

An oral story carries an emotional overtones because it is accompanied by gestures or changes in intonation. Conveying your feelings through a short text is much more difficult. You can express your attitude to what is happening using special icons - emoticons. However, you should not abuse them. Pictures should not replace words, so that the interlocutor does not decide that you are simply too lazy to type text.

Sometimes the emotionality of the discussion goes off scale and people begin to use amplification techniques writing. If this is observed, there is nothing wrong with using succinct epithets and apt comparisons. But here large number exclamation and question marks, as well as spelling words in capital letters, is perceived by interlocutors as an increase in tone during a normal conversation. On most forums, by the way, the use of “CAPSA” (button caps lock) forbidden.

Communication culture

If you don’t want to be branded as an ill-mannered rude person, never do not use profanity. Swear words look unattractive, even when they are simply spoken. But the text posted online will be read by hundreds of people participating in the discussion or visiting the page. Needless to say, when communicating with subscribers or virtual friends You can only touch on decent topics. The reputation of a cynical, cheeky person will not decorate anyone.

Having tied personal correspondence, preferably do not delay in responding to a message. Waiting is annoying, negating the beauty of the conversation. If you were not the initiator of the correspondence, try to respond to the message within 24 hours. The culture of interpersonal communication involves polite manners. If you contact a person with a request or for clarification of information, always say “Thank you!” after you have been answered.

What you should not report online

Personal information on social networks

Provide your personal information, especially your phone number, with caution. No one can guarantee that a new acquaintance will turn out to be an adequate person. Changing a SIM card due to intrusive night calls or SMS is a troublesome task. Always remember that there are just as many scammers online as there are in real life. Don't give your number to anyone bank card or a control code from it. When paying for services, delete the data, otherwise it may become the property of attackers.


On their Internet pages, beauties strenuously demonstrate their own charms: the result of the work of cosmetologists, hairdressers, and nail art specialists. Such behavior suggests that young ladies are too fixated on the perception of themselves in the eyes of others. If your goal is not to create the image of a silly woman dependent on other people’s opinions, limit yourself to a large number personnel good quality. Publish your candid photos It’s not worth it in the open spaces of the network, even if you hide them with privacy settings. If intimate footage becomes public, your loved ones are unlikely to like it.

I would like to remind young people that girls are impressed by their sharp mind, good upbringing, and sense of humor. But a photograph against the backdrop of someone else’s expensive car will only cause a condescending smile. It’s also not a good idea to post pictures online from parties where you drink alcohol or fool around.

Posting photos of food is considered bad manners today. Pictures of home-cooked dishes are good on a culinary blog, but not on an Instagram page. Virtual and real friends your menu is not interesting.

About other people

Before you post photos of your party, ask people you know if they want their images to be shared online. Perhaps what seems like harmless fun to you will become serious incriminating evidence for another person. Never tag people in a photo without their permission. If you know online friends in real life, do not share any information about them. A person will independently tell about himself when he considers it necessary.

About your location

Keep your vacation plans secret and do not rush to publish photos from the seaside if the apartment is left unattended at this time. The information can be used by burglars who look for victims through social networks. For the same reasons, you should not post your daily schedule or voice your plans for the weekend.

About children

Any parents want to brag about their child to others. However, for the safety of children, do not post their movements or activities outside the home on social media. 2-3 photos with discreet comments will be enough. If the child is no longer small, respect his personal space. You should not post photographs of a teenager on the Internet without his permission, and it is even more unnecessary to publish photographs of him at an earlier age, even if you find them quite funny.

What can harm your reputation?

It proceeds according to special rules. Particularly heated battles take place in political discussions. Each of us has his own opinion on this or that issue, but not everyone is able to defend it with consistency. Many people find it difficult to restrain themselves, especially when they are sure that the interlocutor is wrong or poorly informed. However, even with such communication, maintain decorum. There are several rules that will allow you to defend your own point of view without spoiling the mood for yourself and others:

  • do not troll people in the discussion, provoking negative emotions;
  • do not blame or slander your interlocutor, this will only show your bad character;
  • calmly argue your point of view;
  • challenge your interlocutor’s opinion without getting personal;
  • do not insult those arguing with you, they have the right to their own point of view.

If you understand that the discussion is beyond the bounds of decency, calmly explain to your interlocutor that you do not intend to continue communication on this wavelength. There is no need to stoop to the level of a poorly behaved person, because the general discussion will be seen by hundreds of people on the Internet, among whom may be your good friends.

You should not correspond while drunk, so as not to say too much. After drinking alcohol, it is better not to look at social networks at all, so as not to later explain to your friends that yesterday’s stupid statuses were written not by you, but by five glasses of Martini. Please note that your inappropriate behavior may be witnessed by people with whom you intersect in real life: friends, relatives, bosses.

If offline life intersects with online

Make it a rule to decide important issues at real communication, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Don't announce your breakup online. Someone once close to you undoubtedly deserves an explanation for what happened. Tell us the reasons for your action, looking into your eyes ex-boyfriend or a girl.

After the first date with a virtual acquaintance, it is also better to immediately announce your decision. If you don’t plan to date a guy or girl any further, say so when you say goodbye. Be sure to thank them for the meeting and wish them a successful search for their other half. There is no need to make a person wait for messages or expect a meeting.

Meeting offline with virtual friends

Today people of all ages are interested in virtual dating on the Internet. Most people find it very attractive to communicate with the opposite sex while remaining at home in front of the monitor screen. But when the correspondence goes beyond the usual online flirting, the question of meeting in real life arises. Communication via the Internet creates a deceptive feeling of intimacy. But in practice, virtual dating that spills over into offline mode often turns into crime stories. Therefore, do not rush to invite a new friend home. Choose crowded places where you will feel safe.

The simple rules given here will allow you to successfully communicate on social networks, creating a pleasant impression among your virtual acquaintances. Please note that careless statements on sensitive topics or naughty photos on the Internet can cause permanent damage to your business reputation. Remember that in addition to the rules of etiquette, there are rules of law. Avoid information that could be perceived as promoting violence or inciting unrest.

Insurance companies warn that the number of crimes committed on social networks is steadily increasing. Posting personal information in public access increases the risk of becoming a victim of fraudsters. Moreover, it may even cause you to lose your job or tarnish your reputation.

Telling the first strangers you meet about yourself everything that pops into your head is not best idea, nevertheless, millions of people around the world do this through the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

At the same time, most of us are still not aware of the consequences of their careless behavior on the Internet. By indicating our location on our social media pages, we ourselves give a “tip” to potential robbers. An attacker can easily calculate your daily routine and “accidentally” find himself in the right place.

So, in New Hampshire there was a robbery case that brought the victim losses of 200 thousand dollars. The reason for the robbery was a careless post by a man in which he himself said when he was going to go on vacation. It’s good that the poor guy didn’t think of telling the whole world that he left the keys to the apartment under the rug...

There is also a risk of becoming a victim of persecution or violence. Therefore, for your own safety, plan personal meetings with virtual friends should only be used in crowded places.
By sharing frank stories about our experiences and personal lives on social networks, we ourselves make it easier for those who want to gain our trust and arouse sympathy.

If you don’t want to become a victim of scammers, keep your mouth shut. Being candid in public can make you a victim of cyberstalking, bullying, and bullying.

And placed in open access a photo can destroy a reputation, career, and even lead to litigation.

In general, the main advice that experts give regarding safe behavior on social networks is to think carefully before writing anything on your page, because someone will certainly read it!

Rules for safe communication on social networks

It’s one thing to call your friends or family members and tell them that you’ll be late at work, at a party, at a bar, etc. today. It's quite another to tell several hundred people about it, many of whom you've never met in real life.

2. Beware of publishing your personal information on the Internet

Posting details of your personal life on the Internet can lead to attackers knowing almost more about you than your immediate family. A potential criminal will collect information about you bit by bit, and for your safety, you should not make this task easy for him.

3. Don't spread information about other people

A thief who plans to rob one of your friends or relatives will be grateful to you for providing information about his potential victim. Are you going to party with your friends until the morning? Don’t tell the whole world when, where and with whom you are going. And impressions and beautiful photos better share the next day.

4. Don't report expensive purchases you make.

Who doesn’t like to show off expensive purchases and new things to their friends on a social network? Robbers are looking for potential victims who have money and expensive new gadgets. When you talk lightheartedly about expensive purchases, you give a signal to potential robbers that it would be a good idea to rummage through your apartment or car.

Robbery is a risky business. It is much easier for criminals to break into someone else’s home when the owners are not at home: take what you want and quietly leave. Don't write about when you are going to leave home. Moreover, you should not talk about the fact that you are going to and leaving the house unattended.

6. Don't share information about your daily schedule.

The more burglars know about your daily activities, the easier it is for them to plan a break into your apartment or home. In addition, knowing about your usual movements, an attacker can lie in wait for you in a deserted place.

7. Do not write any information about children

Remember! Children's safety comes first! The less you write about children – yours and others’ – the better for them. Do not talk about their habits, hobbies, location, friends, class schedule, clubs they attend.

8. Meet new friends from virtual world only in crowded places

Perhaps you are already corresponding with this “friend” long time, and you feel like you know your online friend very well. In fact, this is an illusion. On the Internet, there is always a possibility that the person you are talking to is not who he says he is.
Therefore, always choose public places for the first meeting. This will not only protect you from possible troubles, but will also reassure the person you are going to meet.

9. Don't share details that cyberbullies and trolls can use against you.

Don't share details about yourself on social media or post photos that someone might use to tease you. Online bullying can be just as painful as in real life, if not worse. After all, everything that happens on the Internet is recorded and stored here forever. And rumors and jokes spread like an avalanche. And the scale is worldwide!

10. Don't write anything that could harm your reputation.

Stupid joke, inappropriate comment, drunk photo, political controversy, stupid antics - thanks modern technologies and social networks, you now have more opportunities than ever to tarnish your own reputation. Even if your wife or boss doesn’t see the “wrong” post, it’s likely that there will be people willing to take advantage of your vulnerability.

11. Do not insult or slander your friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues, etc.

There was a precedent in the United States when a teacher won a $3 million lawsuit against a student because he wrote on a social network that the teacher was a pedophile. Even if in your case things don't go that far. Remember: you will have to answer for slander and spreading rumors, one way or another.

“Truth is in wine,” the Romans used to say. There are few things that liberate and provoke unnecessary frankness like. And it’s better if your frankness is listened to one-on-one by one of your close friends, and not read by a hundred unfamiliar people.

On RuNet, many users asked the question: “Is it worth making virtual acquaintances? Will they be beneficial, will they be effective? Or maybe virtual communication is actually evil? Today, almost every third inhabitant of the planet has his own account on a social network, a lot of virtual friends and subscribers.

But not everyone can boast of the effectiveness of their communication on social networks. Some choose the wrong network that they need, but sit on the old one out of habit, others are too lazy to study the capabilities of the interface, others communicate simply out of boredom, and still others simply do not trust social networks. As a result, time spent in front of monitor screens is wasted. What to do?

How to communicate successfully on Twitter?

    Brevity is the sister of talent. Thanks to Twitter, you can learn to express your thoughts clearly and concisely, because messages are limited to 140 characters in length.

    You can follow the news, new projects, track the mood of your friends, publish your news and share it with others.

    You should always remember about your readers (“followers”). If you don’t know what to write, it’s better not to write anything. Don't clutter your friends feed.

    You can ask questions to senior comrades, experts in a particular field. Follow celebrity news.

    Be confident in your tweets. Even if you're new to Twitter but have a good understanding of a particular industry, present yourself to readers with dignity.

How to communicate successfully on Facebook?

Whether you want to grow personally or just connect, you can use Facebook to:

    Facebook in Russia has a fairly mature and intelligent audience. Here you can find new friends, communicate with a lot of interesting, famous people who have influence on modern media and culture. Here you can easily argue in the comments with an authoritative expert and chat with friends in private messages.

    You can practice language by making friends with foreigners.

    Realize yourself in creativity: show your work, get ratings in the form of likes, find like-minded people, present your ideas.

    Register under your real name. This will make it easier for you to find friends, and easier for friends to find you.

    Be polite. Rude comments and disrespectful behavior may result in your account being blocked if there are complaints from other users. Do not become friends with those whom you do not at least indirectly know in real life, or if you are not at least united by common friends. In general, value your reputation.

    Be interesting and helpful. This is not the place for the “Standing in a Traffic Jam” genre. Here, messages with at least some minimal benefit and concern for friends are more appropriate, for example: “I stood in a traffic jam on Yaseneva for an hour. Friends, it’s better to drive around Borisovsky Proezd.”

    Don't be intrusive or negative. It’s better to add posts and photos every day, but a little at a time, not 10 a day. Posts (messages on your wall) about your sadness and sadness, in general, are not needed by anyone and will not be popular; no one likes whiners. Posts about your victory over the blues, where you have a glass of cider and a bucket of strawberries, will appeal to your friends more. It’s better to share your sadness with friends in person or over the phone, rather than in public.

For those who want to use Facebook for personal gain:

How to communicate successfully on Instagram?

  1. Using Instagram, you can show yourself as a connoisseur of beauty and a creative person. You can create interesting and unique photos: edit them, add various special effects, filters, change the background, crop, focus on a specific detail. Try to show the world not a simple image, but an emotion in the “I am here and now, and it’s beautiful here!” mode. Of course, posting photos taken a little earlier is also not prohibited.

    Do not overuse delayed posts. For example, if you were on vacation and post one photo a day, users will get the impression that your vacation was clearly extended.

    Do not write long captions under photos, because Instagram is a project of photographs, not prose. Don't use too many hashtags (tags with a # sign) - this will irritate readers. There is no need to list everything you see in the picture.

    Publish photos that may interest your subscribers, that really touch you personally. Photos taken out of boredom in the genre “Here I am standing in a traffic jam” are bad manners.

    If you are selling something, do not force your products on people. Instagram is a means for sharing personal photos, but if you advertise, or even worse, push your product, you will be treated as a seller, and not as a full-fledged participant.

    Always remain sincere. If you want to show the world something beautiful, do it! If there is no beauty, remain silent.

    Having a good camera in your smartphone or camera will be very helpful.

What's good about VKontakte?

VKontakte is also called a lightweight copy of Facebook, so the rules of social life here are approximately the same as for Facebook. But the bulk of the network’s users are residents of the CIS, and younger than those who use Facebook. Many schoolchildren and students live here. On VKontakte you can also express yourself, create groups, fan pages, acquire subscribers, and monitor your news feed.

The greatest strength of the network is the ability to upload your own music, videos, and use files that have been uploaded by other users. It’s not for nothing that VKontakte is also called the largest media archive on the Runet.

What can you find in Odnoklassniki?

Odnoklassniki is best suited for communication on everyday and personal topics. As practice shows, users communicate less in groups and most often prefer private messages (personal messages, chat). With the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find your friends with whom you were once friends, you can feel nostalgic, meet in reality, or even change your destiny. What if your first love is still dreaming about you?

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of these illusions that Odnoklassniki is considered a social network for flirting and cheating. After all, some who have found their school sweetheart really want to experience some exciting emotions again or at least flirt. On the other hand, this is an ideal social network for those who are lonely, have lost some old connections with friends and want to restore them.

General rules for successful communication on social networks

1. Literacy: “Take all my mistakes as smiles” When filling out your profile, publishing your articles, responding to messages, try to write correctly. If you don’t know how to spell a particular word, check it on the corresponding sites (gramota.ru) or in Word. Illiterate correspondence has never made anyone happy.

2. Politeness. Always and in all situations, do not lose face, be polite and tolerant. Forget about obscene language, do not indulge in all sorts of provocations - “don’t feed the trolls.” If your readers ask you questions, don't forget to answer them.

4. Self-control and acceptance of criticism. Learn to restrain yourself and not get worked up over trifles. If you encounter criticism, be able to accept it, if it is, of course, justified.

5. “No” – unverified information! Do not publish unverified information on your pages or groups. Of course, everyone has the right to make mistakes. But if this is repeated systematically, you will quickly lose the trust of your readers.

6. Use more verbs. It has been found that verbs increase the effectiveness of messages because they make the message more vivid and easier to understand (the study was conducted by the social network Twitter).

If it’s mentally difficult for you, you shouldn’t make it public either. Why? This is of little interest to third-party users; the most they can do is express sympathy. It’s better to turn to your best friends, parents or psychologist. Such assistance will be more effective.

By the way, it is worth noting that the more negative, pessimistic information a user writes on his blog, the faster he loses readers. C'est la vie...

8. Don’t post it on social media. compromising photos. Both yours and your friends. Protect yourself and them from unnecessary gossip and other troubles. So that later you don’t have to wonder why you weren’t hired, and for some reason the entire female half of the work team is making fun of your friend.

9. Refrain from being frank with a person you don’t know well. For example, there are known cases when collectors entered into correspondence with users hiding under a fictitious name. We received a phone number and made an appointment. The outcome of the matter is clear.