VTB online attention java applet is not loaded. Java won't install

To keep your computer running smoothly, it is important to constantly update your installed java applet. Plus, it will protect your PC.

How to install java applet

Before you begin installation, it is recommended that you disable the firewall on your computer, as by default it may prevent the installation of any software. Go to the site and click on the Free Java Download link button (download for free). After you have downloaded the java applet to your computer, save it to your hard drive or to any location of your choice. Run the file with the extension .exe by double-clicking on it. If you are asked to accept the terms license agreement, accept it. The program will install automatically, and upon completion you will see a “Close” button. This means the installation is complete.

Please note that you may need to restart your browser to complete the installation process. There are system requirements: operating Windows system 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows 10, hard disk space at least 124MB, random access memory at least 128MB, processor not weaker than 2266MHz. More details about system requirements can be found in the “system configuration” section.

Hello, beloved reader.
Today you will learn how to sign a JAVA applet. To begin with, I will say that JAVA applets have limited functionality until they are signed. For example, unsigned applets cannot:

There are several options to solve the problem:
1. Allow clients to run on each local machine. To do this, you can edit the java.policy file, which is located in the folder where the JRE is installed (by default in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security). And add necessary permissions. For example, to allow everything that is possible, you need to insert the line:

Grant ( ... permission java.security.AllPermission; )

And if you only need to allow work with the clipboard for the website hackmeplease.com:

Grant codeBase "http://hackmeplease.com/*" ( permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard"; );

This method will be convenient only if the number end users your site is limited and it’s not a big deal for you to edit this file on every computer. In addition, the security of this solution is not very high.

2. Sign your Java applet. So, what do we have as input:
- installed JDK and JRE;
- jar file of your applet (there are some writing peculiarities source code, see below);
- desire to work with the clipboard. To do this, you need the line to work correctly:

Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Clipboard clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard();

If we call these lines, we will get the following exception from an unsigned applet:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied(java.awt.AWTPermission accessClipboard)

So let's get started:
0. Go to the BIN folder of our JDK (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin).
I. Create local storage our certificate (keystore):
keytool -genkey -keystore .keystore -alias "Terrasoft" -validity 99999

99999 - period of validity of the certificate in months;
.keystore - file name of the created storage.

If the command is launched successfully, the system will ask us for the password of our storage, as well as some information about the certificate (your full name, company name, city, country and blood type)

As a result, we will have a .keystore file. This is our repository, which we will use to sign various applets.
II. We copy our JAR file to the BIN folder of our JDK. We sign it using the following command:
jarsigner.exe -keystore .keystore ClipboardLibrary.jar "Terrasoft"
where Terrasoft is the name of the alias of our certificate;
.keystore - storage file name;
ClipboardLibrary.jar is the name of the JAR file.
The system will ask us for a password - enter the one you entered in step I.

It seems like it’s ready... Right now, naive...
So, when running a page with our applet on board, the user will receive a friendly message like:

Which means, “User, click Yes and say goodbye to your system, because we can do whatever we want with it.”
By the way, pay attention to NOT VERIFIED. Means that we do not have a trusted certificate. To get a trustworthy one, you need to contact special services on the Internet and even pay money.

But let's get back to our sheep. When accessing the clipboard, we will again receive an exception of the form:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.awt.AWTPermission accessClipboard)

It's a pity. Well, if it didn’t work out now, it will work out another time. Goodbye.

Kidding. In fact, all the applet signing guides I've seen stop at this point. They say that a signed applet is not afraid of anything. Let them all be ashamed.
In short, the following trick to make our access to the clipboard work:

III. Change source code.
Instead of calling like:
clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard()
you need to write a call like:
clipboard = (Clipboard) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() ( public Object run() ( return toolkit.getSystemClipboard(); ) ));
After this, you need to recompile your JAR and repeat step II (respect to those who read my message from the end).

That's basically all. Should work. I hope that this will be useful to someone, and he will not waste as much of his life on this nonsense as I did. Let problems and scoundrels not bother you in life, just wait (C). See you again on air.

Installation instructions

Java applet

Version 1.4

General provisions

2. Step 1: Installing the Java SE Runtime Environment

2.2. Opening the Java Settings Window

2.3. Java Setup

2.4. View Java version

3. Stage 2. Installing the Java applet

3.1. View installed applet

3.2 Reinstalling the applet

4. Browser settings

4.5. Internet Explorer

5.1. Selecting a folder with a certificate on disk through the directory selection window

5.2. Selecting a folder with a certificate on a removable disk in MacOS

Appendix 2. Problem solving

Appendix 3. System behavior when accessed from different browsers

General provisions Purpose of the document This manual describes the installation and configuration of the cryptographic component of the Bank-Client online system, which is necessary when using Mozilla browsers Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Supported browsers The VTB24 Business Online system (hereinafter referred to as VTB24 BO) supports the following browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 on Windows 7 and higher.

Mozilla Firefox version 31 and up on Windows 7 and up.

Safari version 7 and higher on Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11;

Google Chrome versions 40-44 on Windows 7 and higher.

Opera versions 28-34 on Windows 7 and higher.

1. How to install a Java applet

Installation of the Java applet is carried out in 2 stages:

Stage 1. Installing the Java SE Runtime Environment Stage 2.

Installing a Java applet If Java is already installed on your computer, you do not need to perform step 1 (you can skip Section 2.1 of these Instructions and go straight to Section 2.2). In this case, the offer to download and install Java will not be displayed on the VTB24 BO system login page (below the login and password entry fields).

2. Stage 1. Installation of the Java SE Runtime Environment platform After loading the VTB24 BO login page https://bo.vtb24.ru/, the following message will appear:

To install the Java SE Runtime Environment 7 platform, follow the link http://www.java.com/ru/ (you can from the login page https://bo.vtb24.ru/) Block “You can download the latest Java version here: http://www.java.com/ru/"

appears automatically if a Java update is needed.

Step 1: Click "Download Java for Free"

Step 2: Click Agree and Get Started free download».

For the MS Windows operating system, the file is downloaded from exe extension. For the MacOS operating system, the file will be downloaded with dmg extension(for example, jre-8u25-macosx-x64-2.dmg).

Step 3. Save and run the downloaded file:

Attention! To install the application you will need Administrator rights.

Step 4. In the window that appears, click the “Install” button:

After which the process of loading platform components will begin:

Step 5. In the new window, click the “Close” button:

Installation completed.

2.2. Opening the Java settings window To view/change Java settings in the MSWindows operating system, in the “Control Panel” of the operating system, double-click the left mouse button on the icon

In the MacOS operating system, at the bottom of the “System Preferences” panel, left-click on the Java icon:

2.3. Setting up Java In the Java window Control Panel(opened in accordance with Section 2.2 of these Instructions) on the “Advanced” tab, select the “AdvancedSecuritySettings” branch (or simply Security - in the Russian version “Security”), in which:

1) Disable the TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols (uncheck the corresponding boxes next to the specified protocols):

2) Disable "Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format"

2.4. Viewing the Java version To view the Java version in the JavaControlPanel window, on the “General” tab, click the “About” button:

After which a window with information about the Java version should appear.


3. Stage 2. Installation of the Java applet On the VTB24 BO login page (https://bo.vtb24.ru/) when you press the catalog selection button key carrier the system will automatically download the Java applet:

In this case, the system will install the bo.jar file in the applet storage.

3.1. Viewing an installed applet To view a list of installed applets, open the Java settings panel (as described in Section 2.2 of this Manual). In the window that appears, click the “View…” button:

In the “Show” field, select “Applications”:

The list of applications should show "BO Applet":

To close the window, click the “Close” button.

3.2 Reinstalling the applet In order to reinstall the applet, you need to remove it. To do this, select the “BOApplet” applet in the list and call context menu by clicking the right mouse button. Select “Delete” from the menu:

After closing the window with the list of installed applets, restart the browser, go to the VTB24 BO system login page and repeat the steps in Section 4 of this document.

4. Setting up browsers If the warning window “Attention. Java applet is not loaded" when you click on the "..." button, check the availability of Java and its settings (clauses 2.3 and 3.1 of this document)

4.1. Firefox Click on the icon

In the drop-down menu, select the settings status “Allow and remember”:

–  –  –

Go to your browser settings by clicking on the icon

Select “Add-ons”, sub-item “Plugins”:

Set the status “Include on request” for all Java subitems:

Open your browser settings:

In the “Plugins” item, select the “Run all plugin contents (recommended)” checkbox:

4.4. Safari On the registration page in the VTB24 BO system https://bo.vtb24.ru/ Select the menu “Safari” - “Settings” - “Security”

In the window that appears, click on the “Customize website” button:

In the left list of the dialog, select “Java”.

In the right list for the site bo.vtb24.ru, set the mode to “On”.

Click ALT key and while holding the mouse cursor, point to ON and press the mouse button. A drop-down menu will appear, from which select “Run in Safe Mode”

Click the "Done" button and reload the page.

4.5. Internet Explorer In the browser settings, select (Tools-Internet Options-Advanced)

Uncheck SSL 2.0 and disable use TLS protocols 1.1 and 1.2:

In the window that appears, select “Run without permission.” In the list of add-ons, find “Java Plug-in 11.31.2”. The state of this add-on should be Enabled.

5. Features of the Java applet interface

5.1. Selecting a folder with a certificate on disk through the directory selection window A feature of working with the Java applet interface is the display root directory"Desktop".

To select a drive (C, D or another), select “This Computer” from the list of folders:

5.2. Selecting a folder with a certificate on a removable disk in MacOS For operating system users iOS systems X select certificate for external media carried out as follows:

Select local disk and on it the Volumes folder:

The selected folder will contain, among other things, external media:

Appendix 1. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

–  –  –

Appendix 2.

Troubleshooting Collecting information If you encounter problems with the operation of the Java applet through the “Control Panel” (for Windows) and “System Settings” (for IOSX), go to the Java settings, select the “Advenced” tab and enable the following items:

Show console Enable tracing Enable logging

Show applet lifecycle exceptions:

The trace data is located in the following directories.

For Windows 2003 and higher:

c:\Users\[CURRENT_USER]\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\plugi n*.trace

For Windows XP and higher:

c:\[CURRENT_USER]\ApplicationData\ Sun\Java\Deployment\log\plugin*.trace For IOSX, the data is taken from the JavaConsole by clicking the “Copy” button.

When you launch the browser, a window will appear.

To copy information, click the “Copy” button:

To determine the version of the Java applet, look in the console for the lines BO Applet:

XXXXX – applet version:

Setting up Java Go to the Java settings through the control panel, select the “Advenced” tab

and disable the following items:

1.“Application Installation” “Never install” (JRE version 7 and higher):

2. Item “Perform certificate revocation checks on” “Do not check (not recommended)”

(JRE version 7 and higher):

3.The item “Check certificates for revocation using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)” should not be empty (for JRE version 6):

–  –  –

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Download and install java applet

To install and subsequently configure the CryptoPro Bank-Client Online system, you will need to download the java applet for VTB 24. You can download it for free on the page http://www.java.com/ru/. This component will be needed if you use browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer. But these are not the only browsers that this system supports.

Installing a java applet takes place in two stages:

  1. This is the installation of the java SE Runtime Environment platform itself;
  2. installing a java applet.

If java is on your personal computer, the first step should be skipped. By the way, the PC will not ask you to install this component. Installation takes place in five steps:

  1. click “Download” script;
  2. click “Agree and start downloading”: a file with the .exe extension for the Windows operating system;
  3. then you should “Save” the resulting file and run it (by double-clicking with the left mouse button);
  4. click the “Install” button;
  5. After the installation process is completed, you just have to click on the “Close” button. This will indicate that the installation is complete.

Setting up the script

Configuration is carried out through “Start” in the “Control Panel”. Then open the control panel. All you have to do is disable the protocols: TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. This is easy to do: uncheck them. Similarly, disable “Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello format”. All is ready.

This article is no longer maintained and its content may be out of date.

Many web pages use Java applets to display interactive content such as Online Games. In order for Firefox to be able to run Java applets, you must correctly install and enable the Java plugin. Java is a programming language that can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and other operating systems. This article will help you install or update Java and get it working in Firefox.

  • Java is not the same as JavaScript (read about JavaScript).

Installing or updating Java

Manual installation or update

  1. Go to the java.com download page.
  2. Click on the button Download Java for free.
  3. Click the button Agree and start free download to download the Java installer to your computer.
  4. Run the file you downloaded to begin installing Java.

Automatic update

Java for Windows includes an automatic update feature that periodically checks for updates and notifies you when an update is available to install. You can view or change your update settings in the Update tab of the panel Java controls, where you can also check for updates manually. To get more detailed information, visit the Java Help page, What is Java Automatic Update? How can I change my notification settings? .

To mitigate potential security vulnerabilities and save disk space, you should remove any older versions of Java that may still be installed. For getting more information refer to the Java Help page How to uninstall Java from a Windows computer? .

On Mac OS X 10.6 and below

Java installed with operating system. For Java updates, use the Mac OS X update feature.

On Mac OS X 10.7 and higher

Java is not installed by default. For installation latest version Java, go to java.com download page. For system requirements and installation instructions, see the Java Help page How do I install Java on my Mac? .

To update Java, go to your System Settings Apple, click the icon Java to launch the Java Control Panel, then go to the tab Update and click the Update Now button. For getting additional information refer to the Java Help page How do I update Java on my Mac? .

Java testing

To check if Java is installed and enabled in Firefox, visit one of these Java testing pages:

  • Checking Java version (alternative)

Note: When you visit pages with Java content, including testing pages, you will be prompted to enable Java for it to work. You must allow java job only on trusted sites. You may also see a system warning Java security which will ask for confirmation running java. This is a security message from Java, not Firefox. For more information, see the Java Help page. What should you do if you receive a Java security warning? .

Enabling Java

If Java is not working, make sure the Java plugin is enabled in the Add-on Manager:

Note: You only need to enable the "Java(TM) Platform" plugin if it was disabled. The "Java Deployment Toolkit" plugin is used Java developers to determine the Java version and deploy Java applications and does not need to be enabled for Java to work.

Problem solving

If Java is installed but not working, try these solutions:

Java plugin does not appear in add-on management window

If the Java plugin does not appear in the add-on management window even though Java is installed, try each of the following: next steps executing them one at a time and then opening Firefox again to check if that solved the problem:

Delete the pluginreg.dat file

Make sure Firefox is not in 32-bit mode

The Java 7 plugin only works in 64-bit browsers, so make sure you're not running Firefox in 32-bit mode.

  1. Open the Applications folder in Finder
  2. Click right click miceControl-click. by Firefox.app
  3. Select Properties

Make sure the checkbox in front of Open in 32-bit mode is not checked (if so, uncheck the box).

Make sure Java is enabled in the Java Control Panel

Make sure you have a 32-bit version of Java installed

On 64-bit Windows, if you only have the 64-bit version of Java installed, the Java plugin will not be available. Current Firefox releases are 32-bit browsers and you need to install 32-bit Java version.

Make sure plugin scanning is not disabled

Mozilla browsers use plugin scanning to search installed plugins, so you should make sure that the setting is plugin.scan.plid.all was not disabled:

  1. In the address bar type about:config and press EnterReturn.

    • An about:config warning page may appear "Be careful or you'll void your warranty!". Click on I take the risk! to go to the about:config page.
  2. Find the setting plugin.scan.plid.all
  3. If it was installed in false, right-click on it and select "Reset".

Uninstall JavaFX if it is installed

In some cases, after updating from earlier versions Java on Java 7 Update 10 or higher, having problems detecting the plugin Java(TM) Platform. This may be caused by a Java conflict with a standalone JavaFX installation that is preventing it from logging in correctly. Java plugin. To resolve this issue, uninstall JavaFX. For more information please refer to this