Windows live – what is it, what opportunities does it provide, how to download and register. Windows Live: we talk about the program, how it is useful and why it attracts users

Windows Live ID is an account that synchronizes contacts and work tools on your phone. It is also needed to download games and programs from MarketPlace, since it is used for single sign-on to all Microsoft network services.

If you are the owner of a smartphone on Windows platform Phone, you just need to create a Windows Live ID. Also, when you decide to change your phone to new model, this account will help you recover your contacts and data.

It is worth noting that, starting with Windows 8, to log into account the above service can use an account official page"Microsoft". Windows identification Live ID includes email and password verification.

How to do it?

So, there are two ways to use Live ID on HTC, Xiaomi and other smartphones:

  1. From a personal computer, if there is a continuous Internet connection. You can create an account using an existing subscriber email. You can also register absolutely new mail, which will be your account in this service.
  2. When you turn it on for the first time To create an account using this method you need good connection with the Internet (via mobile network or Wi-Fi).

Both of these methods (like Live ID on Samsung, Nokia, and so on) are almost identical. The only difference is the registration of mailboxes. As already noted, you can create an account either for an existing email or for a completely new email.

Registration to an existing e-mail

To obtain a Live ID, you should go to the Microsoft website to register your own account and fill out all empty fields. It will literally take five minutes of your time. Mandatory age requirement (user must be over 18 years old) as later there may be problems with downloading from the app store various content(more precisely, you will need to configure “Parental Control”).

You must carefully fill out all the fields, and most importantly, indicate your email and phone number correctly. You will need them if you want to restore access to your account if your passwords are hacked or lost. It is important not only to create a Windows Live ID, but also to maintain access to the functionality in the future.

After filling out all the fields, you need to go through verification of your specified email address. This is done to verify that you really are the owner of this mailbox. You will receive a letter. To finish setting up your Microsoft account, follow the instructions in the email.

Once you confirm your Mailbox, the registration process in the service can be considered successfully completed. Now you only need to click “OK”, and the interface will immediately display the new page personal account. You will then be able to enter your account information on your phone. This is done in the “Settings” menu, where you should select “Mail and Accounts”, after which you need to go to “Add an account” by selecting “Create Windows Live ID”.

Security and Passwords

When creating an account (if you are using a pre-existing email address), you should not write the same passwords. Otherwise, if hacked, the attacker will have access to both of these accounts. Subsequently, you can configure other, more reliable methods of account authentication. If you don’t want to complicate your login system double authentication, use a long and complex password.

Registering a new mail

The beginning of this procedure coincides with the first method. You must also go to the Microsoft website to create your account. Don't forget to indicate your age. When registering a new email addresses you must click on the link “Get new address Email" Here you can use one of the Microsoft services ( or

Do not forget that you must carefully fill out all fields, and most importantly, indicate your email address and phone number correctly. The importance of this is stated above.

After you fill out all the fields, you also need to verify your email address. This is done to verify that you are the owner of this mailbox. To finish setting up Microsoft account, follow the instructions in the letter.

Completing the account creation process

Once you have verified your email, your profile registration can be considered successful. All you have to do is click “Ok”, after which your personal account page will be displayed. After completing this step, you will be able to set up a new account on your smartphone in the Settings menu. The process is exactly the same as in the above method - you need to go to the "Create Windows Live ID" tab. On Nokia interface may differ slightly, but the menu items will have the same names.

This completes the instructions. By completing all the above steps, you will have successfully completed registering your own Windows Live ID, which you will definitely need even if you are a simple user Windows Phone. As already noted, this profile provides a link to many useful tools, including an application and game store.

Very often, users who have purchased a smartphone with the Windows Phone operating system are faced with the problem of creating a valid phone account to access all its functions. From this instruction you will learn how to quickly and effortlessly create a Windows Live ID for your smartphone. Windows Live ID is an identification and authentication service provided by Windows Live. Used for single sign-on for everyone network services Microsoft, for synchronizing contacts, downloading games and applications and much more.

It is worth noting that all phone settings will be synchronized with this account, as well as personal files. If you forget your password and cannot recover it, you will have to reset your phone. There are two ways creating Windows Live ID, and which one to choose is up to you.

Ways to create a Windows Live ID

1. From a computer, with Internet access. You can create an account using an existing email address, for example [email protected], and you can also create a completely new mail, which will be your account.

2. Create an account the first time you turn on your phone. To create an account in this way, you must have an active Internet connection via Wi-Fi or via cellular network, after full inclusion phone.

Registration to your email

Step 1. First, you need to go to the site where you will register a Microsoft account, to the mailbox that you created earlier, to others postal services. After visiting the site, you will see many fields that need to be filled out. Be sure to indicate an age over 18 years old, otherwise you will not be able to download anything from the application store and will have to set up “Parental Controls”.

There really aren’t that many fields to fill out, the main thing is to fill them all out carefully, and most importantly indicate real number phone and your data. This is required in order to restore access to your mailbox in case of hacking, theft or loss of passwords!

Step 2. After you fill out all the fields, you must undergo email verification to ensure that you really own this mailbox. Check your inbox and follow the instructions in the email to finish setting up your Microsoft account.

Registration for a specific mailbox has expired. You see last page, with confirmation that you have successfully registered a new account Windows entry Live ID. All you have to do is click the “OK” button and you will be redirected to your personal account page. Now, you can safely enter a new Windows Live ID account on your phone.

Congratulations, you have just registered your native Windows Live ID, which you will need when working with your Windows smartphone Phone. This ID is used so that you can log in to all Microsoft network services, synchronize contacts, download games, applications and much more!

Registering a new E-mail

Step 2. You must indicate a phone number, which can also be invented at random, but it is better to indicate a valid number, since in case you suddenly forget the password, you could easily recover it. Now all that remains is to enter the verification code correctly.

Enter it very carefully so as not to pass Windows registration Live ID many times, because sometimes the page spontaneously refreshes due to incorrect captcha entry. After you fill out all the fields, all you have to do is click the “Create an account” button and it will automatically take you to your personal account page.

Congratulations, you have just registered your own Windows Live ID, which you will need when using your Windows Phone smartphone. This ID is used so that you can log in to all Microsoft network services, synchronize contacts, download games, applications and much more!

Many owners of various Microsoft devices sooner or later face the problem of creating a Windows Live ID, which is a kind of user account.

The concept of Windows Live ID should be understood primarily as the email address and password that will be used to log into various services. For example, using this identifier the user can log in to: Xbox LIVE, Zune, Hotmail, MSN, Messenger, start searching for your phone or OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive).

Thus, it turns out that a Windows Live ID account is needed for synchronization various information: contacts, downloading games and applications, surfing the Internet, etc. If the user does not have Windows ID Live ID, then he is unlikely to be able to download anything using special Microsoft applications, restore your notebook on a new mobile device, etc. To create a Windows Live ID account, the user will need to either Personal Computer with Internet access, or a mobile phone running OS Windows (this will also require a network connection). The procedure for creating a Windows Live ID takes a few minutes, after which you will be able to use absolutely all Microsoft services and the capabilities of the Windows operating system. Creating a Windows Live ID on a computer In order to create a Windows Live ID account through a computer, you should go to the official website of Microsoft Corporation. After you log in to the site, you will have to fill out absolutely all the fields available on the site. You can fill them out as you wish, but you need to keep in mind that if you indicate an age of less than 18 years, then you will not be able to download anything from the Microsoft store. You can specify any existing mailbox. Next you will need to provide your mobile phone number. Of course, you can specify any other one, but then you will not be able to recover your password if you forget it. You also need to specify the region and postcode. After you fill out all the fields, click on the “Create account” button. At this point, the procedure for registering a Windows Live ID account can be considered complete.Creating a Windows Live ID through a mobile deviceOwner mobile device based on the Windows operating system, can create a Windows Live ID when you initially set up your phone. To do this, just follow the instructions of the phone, after starting it for the first time, until you reach the “Windows Live ID” item. Next, you can click on the “Login” button if you already have a Windows Live ID, or on the “Create” button and follow all the instructions. Here you will need to indicate your: full name, mobile phone number, email address, password, country of residence and mail ID. Once you create a Windows Live ID account, you can link it to services on mobile phone, through “Settings”.

Hello! Once you get to this page, then you are also interested in the question - how to create a microsoft account. It's easy and quick to create.

But first, let's figure out why it is needed. The thing is that the largest manufacturing company software Microsoft has collected a lot in one place useful services and services. And to access them, you need to register once. This procedure free.

Microsoft account is an address Email and the password you use to log into Windows. By signing in to your computer or other device using account Microsoft, you can download apps from Windows Store, create backups all important data using free cloud storage in the OneDrive service, as well as update and synchronize everything you need - devices, contacts, media files, etc. You will also have access to such services as, Messenger, Skype, Windows Phone, Xbox.

Create a Microsoft account

Go to the official Microsoft website using this link and register. Fill in all fields of the form.

In the “Username” box, enter your email address. Also come up with strong password. To improve your account security, enter your phone number, then enter the captcha. Next, click “Create an account.” An email from Microsoft will be sent to the specified email address asking you to confirm your email address. By doing this, a new account will be created.

For user convenience Microsoft company in one of latest versions The operating system allowed the creation of two types of accounts. Now everyone who installs on their Windows computer 8, can create both a Local account and Microsoft entry. Best during initial installation systems create a local account, and then create one for Microsoft. However, by default, the operating system initially prompts you to create an entry for Microsoft. One way or another, it is better to have both types of records in the operating system for greater security.

Create an account for Microsoft

In this account you must enter a password, as well as an email address in order to log into Windows. For this operation it is better to use one Mailbox, which you definitely won't forget. This can be either the main address used on permanent basis, and an additional one, which is used only for registrations on various resources. When you use a Microsoft account to access the operating system, your PC can easily find people you know here and communicate with them. This account also allows access to files stored on the computer and equipment connected to it. If you don't have a mailbox. Microsoft will be happy to provide it to you absolutely free.

Advantages of connecting cloud access through a corporate account:

  1. You are provided with an automatically updated list of contacts from all connected social networks.
  2. Possibility to share various files, including photos and videos on Internet resources.
  3. The account will synchronize all devices that are under the control of the operating system Windows system 8. Your favorite wallpapers, themes, language and other settings will be saved.
  4. The company store for Windows 8 will make a purchase required applications very simple, and will also allow you to run them on a PC (you may need to install additional parameters and hardware configurations).

Confident movement of the mouse cursor from the right top corner screen and pull down, click on the Settings menu, then select Change PC settings. If your gadget is controlled without a mouse, and therefore has touch screen, just swipe your finger from right to left and select the same menu items.

Then the program prompts you to enter data to create an account for a new user. There are only two options for how to do this:

1. Specify the address of your existing Microsoft account.
2. Create new entry. To do this, you need to enter a valid email address.

In order to register a new email address Live mail you need to select the appropriate section, which has the same name, and enter the account information in the window that opens.

After all the manipulations have been completed, a letter will be sent to your email address confirming the creation of a new account from the corporation.

Create a local account

Using this type of account, you can log in to the system from only one computer. If you have several devices on the operating system Windows system 8, for example: a computer, laptop, phone or tablet - for each of them you will have to create your own separate local recording. There is no possibility here cloud connection, and also not available convenient function as "Device Sync". In order to access the application store, you will have to use a Microsoft account.

Procedure for creating a local account:

We perform the first three steps in the same way as when creating a Microsoft account.

Select “Local Account”.

It is possible to log in using a password. To install it, select the appropriate item, create a password, enter it and confirm. Also, just in case, it’s better to provide a password hint in case you forget it.
If your computer is joined to a domain, its security settings may be missed final stage creating a record. You can simply click the “Next” button. Over time, users will be able to create their own passwords.
Select the “Done” option.
This completes the process of creating two important accounts for the computer and its owner.

There are many benefits to signing into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account. It allows you to synchronize parameters between various devices, purchasing applications, music, movies and games from the store. Allows you to link Windows license 10 with the account itself, which will provide access to services such as onedrive (cloud storage), Outlook (mail), contact synchronization and many convenient and cool tools.

Avid user operating systems Windows family The concept of an account is familiar. This administration attribute in new versions takes on new and relevant meaning. And if earlier, for example, back on XP, its essence boiled down to delimiting local access zones to services, services and OS programs, but now everything is much more complicated.

Windows Profile Advantage

With the development of an extensive structure of Internet services and web applications, it becomes inconvenient for users to manage operational access to their accounts. The developers took into account the growing problem over time and proposed universal solution– single profile Windows user. Now you can work with Skype from any device (PC, laptop, tablet) with just one user account. All that remains is to read the instructions on how to create a Microsoft account on Windows 10.

Creating a profile in Windows 10

You can create a Microsoft profile:

  1. Using standard dialog forms in windows via the control panel + settings (accounts).
  2. Using the command line – “Run”, located in the main system start menu.

In the first case, you need:

Advice! Similarly, you can enter the record creation system via command line using the command: control userpasswords2

You will be asked to go through a similar procedure.

Register on the Microsoft website

Users of multiple devices and Microsoft services It is proposed to create a single universal profile. Go to the address

Creation is done in two ways:

The sequence of transition commands is as follows: “Settings” → “Mail + accounts” → “Add service” → “Microsoft account” → “Create”.

Creation single profile on all devices with Windows OS without exception, useful for every advanced user. If you have a question about Windows 10, . Together we will try to find the answer.