Register a domain email in Yandex. Transferring corporate mail to domain mail from Yandex

In the Internet. DNS servers, software and hardware systems (applications) ensure the functionality of this condition. Despite the complexity of the name, the process is accessible to a person who does not have programming skills.

Connecting a domain - why is it necessary?

Let’s assume that, for example, has already been purchased, and there is a desire or need to check mail on other services, such as Yandex. But the question arises: how to use this domain to obtain the following familiar functions:

  • Convenience of the application.
  • Translation of text from one language to another.
  • Familiar interface.
  • Calendars and storage.
  • Secure storage of information.
  • Filtering and spam protection.

The first solution is to set up mail forwarding within the hosting. Mail registered under the domain will arrive at another address, for example

The other two options are more complicated. They are appropriate for the following cases:

  • Creation of corporate mailboxes (a mailbox of this type is registered for each employee: [email protected]).
  • For mailing lists With existing domain, at the same time it is necessary to ensure the delivery of letters that are not defined as spam.
  • To create mailboxes for users who are registered on the portal with an identical domain name.

Connecting mail for business: example of Yandex hosting

In order to connect a specific position to mail for the Yandex domain, you can use two solutions:

  • By confirming the right to own the domain, after which setting up an MX record will become available. IN in this case DKIM and SRV records are not registered automatically.
  • Delegation of a domain to Yandex. In this case, the site will become unavailable for up to three days, so this option is suitable for recently installed domains.

How to delegate a domain?

In order to perform on Yandex delegation domain, you need the following:

  • Registered domain.
  • Account in Yandex, which is registered at

  • The domain needs to be connected to

The domain that is being connected is assigned DNS:


After three days, an A-record with the server’s IP address is indicated in

How to attach a domain?

This method is suitable for hosted domains (the site is already located there). To attach a domain you will need:

  • Registered domain.
  • Yandex account.
  • Entering and connecting a domain to
  • Proof of ownership in the following ways: a file is uploaded to the site directory (recommended); a CNAME record is added; by changing the mailbox address at the registrar; delegation (not suitable for repurchased domains).
  • Receiving test results.
  • Prescribing
  • Waiting for the connection to end (takes up to 72 hours).
  • Checking the domain status (indicates information about the successful completion of the connection and domain delegation).

Points to remember

  • When delegating, the site will be blocked for 72 hours, so this method is best used for new domains.
  • Attaching MX records activates the DNS editor, but changing the editor does not apply.
  • The availability of Yandex functions in mail will become possible after attachment. It is worth noting that three positions constitute an exception and are limited - these are “Yandex.Money”, “Yandex.Direct”, “Yandex.Music”.
  • Mailings within corporate mail are allowed.

Removing a domain from delegation

Hosting has the right to remove one or another domain from delegation. This procedure ignores the specified DNS servers. If a domain is removed from delegation, then access to it is impossible. Both the owners and the registrar can initiate withdrawals.

The reason that affects domain redelegation may be the fact that the initiator of the removal - the owner - independently sets the UNDELEGATED status for sites and services that need to be disabled.

If the initiator is the registrar, then the withdrawal occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • When the registration period has expired, it is blocked for the period specified in the registrar’s rules and upon its expiration is deleted from the register);
  • detection of a virus that replaces content, resulting in a phishing page;
  • data confirming the right to own the domain has not been provided;
  • DNS servers are not working correctly;
  • court decision to cancel registration.

The reasons for redelegation are clarified when contacting technical support registrar, if the hosting rules established by him are not violated.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the user can independently check the domain delegation. There are services on the Internet that will help you find out this information. They are easy to work with and the procedure only takes two minutes. The user needs to enter the domain name in the appropriate line and click the “Check” button.

Hello everyone!

Probably, every website owner wants to have an email like [email protected] (or a slightly different one) and you are no exception, since you are here. Indeed, mail with its own domain brings some kind of prestige to the site owner and increases the trust of visitors. Agree, the ending of a postal address like,, does not inspire any confidence. I am still amazed at sites where, instead of a normal postal address with a domain, a regular email address is indicated.

If you subscribe to my blog mailing list, then you know that my email address looks like this: info@site. I created it using hosting (cool hosting, I recommend it). There are other, more common, ways to create mail for a domain.

As you all know, both Yandex and Google have their own email services:

  • Google has Gmail;
  • Yandex has Yandex.Mail.

But we will only work with Yandex, since Google usage corporate mail of the form [email protected] has become paid. Let's go!

Setting up Yandex.Mail for a domain

If you are not yet registered in Yandex, then register quickly, it will not take you much time, maximum 5 minutes. Well, for those who have an account in Yandex, let’s continue.

  1. Go to the following address:
  2. Enter the domain of your website (I will indicate the address of another blog of mine) and click on the “Add domain” button: Next, the domain connection will be checked, which may take long time, but usually this happens instantly;
  3. Then you need to verify your domain ownership. There are three ways to do this, but the first one is much preferable: using an html file:
    You will need to create an HTML file with the name specified in the instructions and enter the text there, which is also indicated here. For this purpose you can use with a simple notepad or other editors. I'm using Sublime Text 3 (love the black background with different colored tags). It turned out like this:
  4. The newly created file must be uploaded to the root of the site (where all the files and folders of the site are located) via an FTP client, or via file manager hosting;
  5. Then you need to make sure that you did everything correctly. To do this, click on the “Check domain ownership” button:
  6. If everything is done correctly, then you will only have step No. 2, which will require changing the MX record. This is done where you registered the domain, for me it is, but to create a new MX record with the specified parameters you will need to host your site on their hosting. However, is hosted by, so you will need to create an MX record there. It is created through DNS zone management;
  7. As soon as the procedure for creating an MX record is completed, you can safely proceed to creating mail for the domain. Enter your login and password:
  8. That's all, now the mail setup for the Yandex domain is complete. All that remains is to enter it:
    Next you need to log in:
  9. And finally, we complete the registration procedure by filling out a simple form:

Great! Now setting up mail for the domain on Yandex Mail is complete. Use it!

June 3, 2013 at 03:52 pm

How Yandex.Mail for domains works

  • Yandex company blog

Several years ago we suggested that our own postal services, deployed in companies - especially small ones and without their own system administrator - cause more trouble than they bring benefit. And over time everything more people will transfer responsibility for storage and processing emails outsourced special services. This is how we got Mail for Domains.

As time has shown, we were not mistaken, and today Mail for Yandex domains is postal service in Runet. In total, more than 200 thousand domain names and almost 3.5M mailboxes are connected to the SDA. Every day, about 200 domains are connected to traffic rules. In this article we will tell you how traffic rules work, and we will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

During its existence, traffic rules have acquired many additional functions: integration with the address book, support for the jabber server, mailing lists, import of mail from the user’s previous servers, and, of course, an external API for automating requests. For example, us for a long time asked to make sure that a user of a third-party site, authorized on it, immediately gets into his mailbox - without re-authorization in Yandex.Mail for domains. And our API made it possible to implement this method of passwordless authorization.

All opportunities offered by traffic rules require integration with various components Yandex products and more. At its core, traffic rules are an integration service that brings together disparate components under the control of a domain administrator.

The traffic rules start with the domain: you need to connect it and check that the domain owner and the traffic rules administrator are the same person. It happens that domains for one reason or another are disconnected from traffic rules at the DNS level. To prove ownership and to confirm the status of a domain, we use a verification queue system consisting of several verification queue storage servers in relational DBMS and a distributed locking cluster based on MongoDB.

In order not to overload the servers hosting domain sites or zone DNS servers with checks, each next check confirmations occur with increasing time intervals - starting from five minutes and ending with 24 hours. Domain status checks occur more frequently - approximately once every four hours at regular intervals. This approach can significantly reduce the load on check queue workers. Once a domain is confirmed, its administrator has access to all basic functions and can create mailboxes.

To maintain a universal approach and reduce the number of errors, we have developed an internal mail API for domains, which can be used by other Yandex components for exchange necessary information. For example, the public mail API for domains is one of these components. Public API calls are translated into generic internal API calls. Any actions in the traffic rules web interface also call internal API methods.

Depending on the required actions, the internal API call handler can access certain Yandex components. The main principle when designing new functionality is not to store information on the SDA side that is already stored somewhere else. An exception is made only for requests that are time-critical - they have to be cached.

For example, to create a new mailbox, you need to create a new user in Passport, then initialize the Mail storage for this user and configure the new mailbox exactly as chosen by the domain administrator.

If a shared address book is enabled for a domain, then each call to the methods for creating or deleting a mailbox is accompanied by additional API calls address book to change the domain book. Thus, information about new domain recipients instantly becomes searchable. And if the general contact list is enabled in Jabber, then the user must also be added to the contact list on the Jabber server side.

With such integration great importance acquires service response time and processing of possible errors that may occur. There are mainly two types of errors: network and logical. To complete the picture, let’s look at the list of services and the features of integrating traffic rules with them.


In fact, this is the main source of data for traffic rules, no less important than the database, and in some places even more. The Traffic Regulations communicate with the Passport via the internal API. HTTP protocol. Any errors in the Passport are critical. If Passport returns an error or there is a failure in communication with Passport, we broadcast the error to the user and cancel actions already performed in the database or other services. Thus, the transactional nature of operations between different integrated services is supported: for each command there is its antipode - the command to cancel the operation.


This key service, which the domain administrator manages through traffic regulations. Creating a mailbox requires a large amount of calculations, so it takes place in background. A queue of atomic operations is formed that are necessary to complete the registration: create a mailbox, apply the basic settings specified for the domain, etc. Network errors in this case, they are not so critical, therefore, in case of problems, the operation is quietly postponed until later, in another distributed queue; the processors of this queue diligently try to adjust the box within 24 hours after the failure.


Approximately every third SDA domain hosts a DNS zone on Yandex servers. Errors in working with the DNS backend are considered critical only in the event of network failures and complete impossibility write to the database. In all other cases, algorithms are triggered that allow solving the user’s problem.

For example, at the time of domain delegation, Yandex copies some of the records from the previous DNS servers, so that the user does not have to do the tedious work of carefully transferring the zone. In this case, a situation may arise when the root record of a domain is of type CNAME, which is contrary to the standard. A user with such a CNAME record cannot enable Yandex.Mail on his domain, so such a record will be skipped during import.

Logging and Logging

As in any large farm, there are no protocols here. SDA maintains detailed logs for all interactions with other Yandex components. These logs can often help you find a problem before it becomes noticeable to users. Special monitoring software ensures that the service works quickly and efficiently. system logs. In case of major accidents or errors, when the request processing time increases significantly or errors appear in the responses, system administrators notice this within a few minutes and begin to repair it at any time of the day or night. But more on that next time.

We are waiting for your questions!

It is advisable for the site owner to connect mail to it for a Yandex domain, then mailing address will look stylish and respectable. For example: info@site. This is especially important for organizations, online stores and sites where there is no contact form to communicate with the administration of the site or organization, i.e. The appeal takes place through the contact postal address.

What are the advantages of mail for a domain on

  • By creating mail for a domain, you can add up to 1000 mailboxes for free for friends and acquaintances, assigning any logins;
  • Create a corporate email and distribute a separate mailbox to each employee, formalize and control the process (if you are a manager);
  • Place the organization's logo and links in the mail web interface;
  • Set authorization form mail accounts on the site and a widget with the number of new letters;
  • Reliable protection against viruses and spam;
  • Ability to access mail via home page Yandex, via a direct link, through a form on the website or via mobile;
  • Various additional features.

Connecting mail for a domain on Yandex in practice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to have not only a domain, but also access to a hosting provider.

How to connect a domain to Yandex Mail:

Step 4. Now it is necessary verify domain ownership. Yandex offers 3 confirmation methods:

  • Download file from specified name and content in the root directory of the site,
  • configure a CNAME record,
  • or specify a new contact email address using your hosting provider.

Choose your method, but it’s more convenient to create a file and add it to it the specified entry and upload to the root of the site:

Step 5. After you have confirmed rights to the domain, the next and final step is to install and configure the MX record. Here I had to work a little, following not very detailed instructions Yandex. I’ll show you step by step what I did so that Yandex found the domain in the DNS. The process may be slightly different for different hosting providers, but the principle is the same.

— We start a new MX record, in DNS Editor:

— The MX record appears in the list of other records in the DNS Editor:

— Next, go to the hosting provider account and delegate the domain to Yandex — make changes to the domain NS server: add And
Here you can see Yandex's instructions on delegation -. But my hosting refused to add two new DNS records with a dot at the end, as Yandex recommends. Having added DNS records without a dot, as a result of checking by Yandex (within an hour), the MX record was found, the domain was delegated. But sometimes the verification process takes much longer - up to 48 hours. See screenshot below.

On almost every hosting you can easily create a mailbox with your domain. But for ordinary users, as well as for website owners, who are mostly entrepreneurs and there is simply no need for them to delve into the intricacies of connecting and setting up mail programs To work with site mail, there is a wonderful service from Yandex - . Those. we will be able to connect our domain to the service yandex mail and through their interface check mail from mailboxes like This material-, which will describe all the steps and manipulations that need to be performed. Let's look at the instructions using the example of connecting the domain of our website - website

Step 1. Yandex mail for a domain - instructions for setting up a yandex account

Yandex mail for the domain is connected on the page

Enter our domain and click the add button.

Our next step will be to verify domain ownership. We are offered three verification methods. We choose the simplest one - uploading a file to the server at the root of the site

do not close the page and move on to the next step

Step2. Mail with your own domain on Yandex - hosting setup

Next step Yandex mail settings for working with your own domain, will be setting up a domain on the hosting (or in the domain registrar panel, in the case when the domain does not host sites).

1. Adding an MX record

First you need to register a Yandex MX record for mail. We look for editing MX records or DNS editor in the control panel.

We need to create a new MX record with the value

and priority

on our hosting it looks like this:

It’s worth noting that on some hosting sites you need to put a period at the end, on some you don’t need to - when entering the recipient, in case incorrect input, you should receive a corresponding message.

Also, some panels may contain a site domain name field, usually it is indicated as “@” or in the format “” (again, pay attention to the presence/absence of a period at the end)

After adding the MX record, we return to the domain rights verification page and go through verification. After verification, you can also create new mailboxes with your domain.

On this, most “advisers” and instructions claim that configured and working, but on some projects my mail didn’t work, so let’s continue and compile a complete guide for setting up Yandex mail for a domain.

2. CNAME record

The next step in setting up Yandex mail for a domain is setting up CNAME records. To do this, a new CNAME record is created in the hosting control panel in the DNS zone editor with the following values:

  • name – “mail” or full record“” (depends on the syntax supported by the hosting control panel);
  • meaning - "" (the meaning is the same - you don’t need to change “domain” to the name of your site);

In my cPanel it looks something like this:

3. SPF entry

In the same DNS zone editor, we delete all TXT records. And we add a new one.

  • type – TXT;
  • value – “v=spf1”;
  • name – “@” or domain “”

4. DKIM signature

Added in the same DNS editor, look at the data on the page in the lower right corner

In the DNS editor, add a new entry:

  • type – TXT;
  • name – “mail._domainkey” or “”;
  • In the data field we copy the entire contents of the digital signature field.

All the manipulations carried out are complete instructions for setting up a domain for working with Yandex mail.

Be sure to check the operation of the mailbox by sending test letters from and to it. Also, the box should not start working right away - this happens from several hours to several days. This is due to the fact that changes regarding DNS changes come into force during this period