How does global firmware differ from regular firmware? The difference between the international and Chinese versions of phones!!! Other firmware versions

Tired of constant custom firmware, due to which the operating system does not work correctly, tired of Chinese versions with the absence of Google and a small selection of languages? In this case, the ideal solution would be Global ROM. But how to install global firmware on Xiaomi, do it quickly and not harm your phone? How to permanently reflash a device? Let's figure it out.

The difference between stable firmware and global firmware

Multilingual version known throughout the world for being manufactured for use outside of China and targeting most countries. It's already in there absolutely all services are installedGoogle, the social network Facebook and Twitter may be present. The significant diversity of languages ​​is pleasing; there is both Russian and Ukrainian. In a word, they are inventing it specifically for foreign users, and several companies can work on such firmware.

Stable version is manufactured by one specific developer, in our case it is Xiaomi. Use is also permitted on the territory of the Middle Kingdom. The name of the firmware speaks for itself: coordinated work, optimized functions, minimum bugs, but there is a downside, and quite a significant one - interruptions in the release of updates. If Global ROM suffers from this quite rarely, then for Stable ROM this is a typical situation. Updates can come out, for example, five times a week, which has a negative impact on the smartphone, or they can take up to two months.

Determining the installed firmware on the smartphone

Your smartphone may already be equipped with high-quality firmware. You can find out this yourself without any problems. To do this, go to “ Settings", scroll the page to the very bottom and see the item " About the phone" We appear in a new window, where we pay attention to the section “ VersionMIUI».

Now let's look at the information we received:

We see "MIUI Stable" means you have stable firmware. But it could also be Chinese, which negatively affects the performance of the smartphone, since most of the available factory applications are intended for use in China. Problems arise with the language: only English or Chinese.

If we want to avoid such firmware, pay attention to the adjacent word. It contains letters CN, for example, "MAD CN DL"? In this case, this is the Chinese version, which will bring much more discomfort to the user than benefits.

We see " MIUI Global“and the letters MI means you already have global firmware, which according to certain criteria is the best in the world. But it is also divided into several subcategories, as we read below.

Types of global firmware

There are three types of Global firmware:

  • Stable ROM: stable global firmware, present on almost all modern phones. It is factory-installed; smartphones with this version can be purchased at any store. It works perfectly, allows the installation of r, very rarely problems with the operating system have been noticed. An ideal solution for users who do not like to carry out lengthy operations on a smartphone and have a beginner/intermediate level of technical knowledge. Updates don't come out often, but they do appear.

It should not be confused with regular stable firmware, which can work independently, without the support of Global. The stable version described above is precisely a subcategory of the global one, but not a separate type.

  • Developer ROM: version made primarily for developers. It is updated weekly, has only the latest features and innovations, but is not without bugs. This is precisely its main drawback. This firmware ideal for testing in companies, but we do not recommend it to ordinary users.
  • Ported ROM: unofficial firmware, developed by third parties. Sometimes small companies do it, but maybe one person, then a similar version is called copyright. Of course, this subcategory has its advantages, it can work great and delight the owner, but you should switch to Potred ROM with caution. No one can rule out virus infection, theft of important data, Mi account hacking, etc.!

Installing new firmware with a locked bootloader on Xiaomi

Installing global firmware – the process is not easy, but if you approach it with care and caution, the result will please you. In fact, you can do this with a locked bootloader. We will try to carry out this procedure without third-party applications and using a computer. All we need is a smartphone and Internet access.

  1. Download the desired firmware from the official MIUI website in .zip format. You can download directly from your phone, if the Internet speed allows, or use.
  2. Now open the “Update” system application on the device, see three dots near the upper right corner, click there.
  3. The message “Open a new firmware file” appears. Specify the path to the downloaded zip archive.
  4. The smartphone reboots and begins the installation process.

This method seems very simple and fast, but it does not always work. In addition, if the phone initially has official Chinese firmware, you will not be able to install Global through “Settings”. Only official versions receive a favorable result, that is, no custom or original products will pass. Unfortunately, the Stable ROM will not be updated to the Developer ROM.

Install the firmware using MiFlash (unlocked bootloader)

This the most optimal, proven and high-quality method. Here you can no longer do without an unlocked bootloader.

Preparing and working with a computer

Before proceeding with the operation and connecting your smartphone, you should perform several steps on your PC:

  1. Be sure to disable driver authentication. The downloaded MiFlash program will install several of its drivers, and to prevent Windows from conflicting with them and slowing down its work, you need to remove this function from it. Everything is done as follows: hold down “Shift” on the keyboard and click “Restart” through “Start”. The computer does not turn off; instead, after a few seconds we find ourselves in a new blue window with advanced system settings.

The menu offers three items: “ Continue” – that is, return to work; " Diagnostics» – the same internal settings; And " Switch off» – a standard restart or shutdown of the operating system occurs. Click on " Diagnostics" Now " Extra options" We see a list of options. The mouse no longer works in this section, so use the F7 key to select "Disable mandatory driver signature verification". Made.

  1. Download the firmware directly. The best way to do this is to use the official MIUI website. It must have .tgz permission. If the first letter is missing, simply rename the format.

Launching the MiFlash program

  1. Download it from the official source, unpack the archive into the “Android” folder located on the system drive C.
  2. Do the same with the previously downloaded firmware.
  3. Run the utility and agree to the installation of additional drivers by clicking “Next”.
  4. Wait a while until the files are successfully extracted. It is possible to monitor the process in real time. As soon as you receive a notification about the successful completion of the process, you can exit the program window using the “End” button.

Preparing and working with the phone

Now we begin to carry out the necessary actions with the smartphone. This is the last step to flash the firmware.

  1. The device must have root rights. How to get them - read our article of the same name. Also at the time of flashing the charge should not fall below 40-30%, since processes put a lot of stress on the battery, and it discharges faster, and forced shutdown of the phone in the midst of “implanting” new firmware can negatively affect all further work.
  2. Turn off the smartphone, and after a minute turn it on fastboot mode. To do this, hold down the power key and the volume rocker towards decreasing the sound.
  3. We connect the smartphone to the computer. Please note that the cord is in perfect condition, there are no broken wires, scratches or cracks, otherwise the connection may not occur. The best thing use factory USB cable, included with the phone.
  4. We launch the command line on the PC, but be sure to administrator mode. Next, go to the directory that appeared as a result of installing the program.
  5. We check the coordinated operation of the phone and computer. If the message “Waiting for connection” is displayed, it means that the contact has not occurred. In this case, you should update drivers, check the serviceability of the wire.
  6. Now with the help of a special command fastboot oem We transfer the device to “Emergency boot mode”. Don't be scared, there's nothing scary or extreme. Synchronization between devices has been completed successfully.

Xiaomi phone firmware

And the finale of the procedure, which, oddly enough, has a minimum of actions, is simple and clear.

  1. Open the MiFlash program, click “Refresh” on the right side of the window and indicate the path to the folder where the previously downloaded firmware is located.
  2. Now we are asked whether we want to delete all data from the smartphone or save it. The first option is preferable, since then the chance of successful installation of the global version is much higher. We tick the selected item at the very bottom of the page.
  3. Click "Flash". And the independent process of flashing begins. Its speed depends on many factors: the speed of the phone, the health of the USB cable, etc. Time of up to an hour is considered normal.

The first startup after the firmware will take quite a long time, it can take up to half an hour, so don’t panic. If the download window hangs on your phone for more than 40 minutes, you should connect the device to the charger and wait a few hours.

If you see that more than 2-3 hours have passed and the phone does not turn on, it means you installed the firmware incorrectly, describe your actions in the comments. If you do not want to understand the malfunction, you must urgently contact the service center, since this is a signal of a malfunction.

As soon as the installation begins, do not press any buttons on your smartphone, even the volume rocker should not be touched. Also try to stop using the computer during this period.

On a PC, it is advisable to close all windows, minimize heavy system processes, and, if possible, disable antiviruses. It is strictly not recommended to carry out such an operation in an extremely hot season, because the temperature of the devices is already above the normal level, and to cool down they are often turned off. Forced shutdown of devices during flashing can lead to quite serious problems.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

Unfortunately, the power went out and the PC turned off during the firmware process. So what's now?

We warned about such situations in the article. Try simply turning on your personal computer without disconnecting it from your phone. If a little time has passed, the process will resume itself. But the personal computer may have already disabled these tasks. It will work in the same normal mode, but there may be problems with the smartphone that only an experienced technician can solve. As an option, we advise you to try to install new firmware in the last unfavorable case.

There are 3 main versions of smartphones on sale:

1 Version for the domestic Chinese market (global firmware with Russian language installed)
2 European version. The product name indicates: "Global Version" or "EU"
3 Version Rostest. The product name indicates: "RosTest Version"

As you know, Xiaomi, Meizu and other Chinese companies release their products not only to the international market, but also to domestic consumers. In this regard, there are modifications of smartphones both for the Chinese themselves and for everyone else. How does the Asian version (for the Chinese market) differ from the international (European) version of the smartphone?

Packaging and firmware

Smartphones intended for the international market have the inscription Global Version on the packaging and inscriptions on the box in English. This implies that they already have a global version of the firmware preinstalled at production. In the version for the Asian market, the inscription on the box is in Chinese, but the firmware does not come from the factory in Russian. Therefore, our engineers install global firmware into such phones, the same as in European versions. When purchasing from us, you always receive a 100% Russified phone, the firmware of which does not differ from the European version.

Along with the global version of the smartphone, the kit comes with a charger with the familiar “European” plug. At the same time, Chinese modifications are sold with a charger of their type and are equipped with an adapter for “our” sockets.

LTE (4G) support

Smartphones for the Asian market support LTE frequencies Band 1, 3, 5 and 7, and for the European market - Band 1, 3, 5 and 7, as well as B4 and B20.
At the same time, Band 4 (AWS) is practically not used in Russia and is actively used only in some countries of the world (for example, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico), and Band 20, due to its low frequency (800 MHz), is not capable of providing high capacity and speed, is used only as an additional frequency in cities, as well as in extremely sparsely populated areas.
Even with the additional B20 frequency, the difference in speed between the European and Asian versions will be unnoticeable in practice, because Russian (as well as foreign) operators use frequencies B3 (1800), B7 (2600 FDD) and B38 (2600 TDD) to transmit data at high speeds ). Before purchasing, you can always install your SIM card in your phone and check its operation on 4G networks.

ROSTEST version

Now let's figure out what Rostest and Eurotest are. Eurotest is a certification that all gadgets receive. It operates all over the world, with the exception of a few countries and Russia.
In Russia, Eurotest certification is superimposed by another one - Russian. Thus, Rostest is a certification of a product already certified in Europe. Of course, this additional certification is included in the price of the gadget and for this you have to pay approximately 20% of the cost of the product. In return, you get the right to repair the gadget during the warranty period at official service centers throughout the country. A phone with a certificate from Eurotest is listed all over the world. Nowhere in the world do they overpay 20% of the price for an additional guarantee.

However, when buying equipment with Eurotest certification, you do not risk being left without a warranty. In this case, the store provides its own 1-year warranty on smartphones. And you can get your device fixed for free by simply bringing it to any of our stores. In general, buying a Eurotest is the same as if you went to another country and bought a phone there at a lower price. Only in this situation, due to a warranty case, you would have to return to this country or have it repaired for money. And if you purchase Eurotest from us, you immediately have a free guarantee.

Comparison table:


EUROTEST (Global Version)

Chinese version



Manufacturer countries

Manufacturer countries


Throughout the Russian Federation

In any of our stores

In any of our stores


Suitable for Russian networks

Suitable for Russian networks

Adapter included


Same factory

Same factory

Same factory

Russian language

Software (firmware)

Global with Russian language

Global with Russian language

Global with Russian language

Work in 4G networks


20% higher than Eurotest

20% lower than Rostest, but higher than the Chinese version

The lowest price!

Conclusion: The differences in smartphone versions are minor, and the price savings are significant, especially if you decide to buy from the ivtelefon online store.

Happy shopping!

At the time of writing, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X smartphone occupies the leading position in sales in Russia and when purchasing, most of our clients have many questions related primarily to the following points:

  • What is the difference between “Global firmware” and “Global Version”?
  • What modifications of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X 16gb/32gb/64gb smartphone are currently available?
  • Why did I order a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X on the website, but on the box and in the settings of the device itself it says Xiaomi Redmi 4. Was I deceived?
First things first:

Difference between "Firmware Global" and "Global Version"

Since the beginning of Xiaomi, smartphones have been produced with 3 types of firmware:
  • China ROM- firmware version intended only for the Chinese market, only two languages ​​were supported, English and Chinese. Also, devices with this firmware had a large amount of pre-installed software for the domestic market;
  • Stable ROM- a firmware version intended for the whole world, the firmware has more language packs preinstalled than the China ROM, including Russian. A special feature of this firmware is that updates to this version are extremely rare, since the firmware is a reference one, with a minimum number of bugs and glitches;
  • Global ROM- international version of the firmware which has more than 20 language packages, including Russian and Ukrainian. This version completely lacks Chinese programs, and instead of them, services from Google are installed. Updates for this firmware arrive on time and install without problems.
Recently, Xiaomi began producing devices with a red sticker on the box Global Version. This sticker says what you are buying international version devices, there is also Asian version. The difference between the two versions is not big, namely:
  • Global Version devices have support for the LTE Band 20 frequency (in Russia this frequency is used mainly by Megafon and not everywhere);
  • in Global Version devices, the box initially contains a power supply for our sockets (European type);
  • Global Version devices initially come with Global ROM firmware and all documentation is in English.


  • Devices with prefix Global Version EU are released from the factory with global firmware installed, in a sealed box, and a charger included for our (Russian) types of sockets, also on these devices the LTE Band 20 range is open.
  • Smartphones without a prefix Global Version, are released from the factory without global firmware and are later updated to the global version, the kit will include a charger for Asian types of sockets, LTE Band 20 is missing, and all instructions and inscriptions on the box are in Chinese.

The article is dedicated to those who want to know more about Xiaomi devices and the MIUI shell. You've probably already come across each of the names below, let's figure out what they mean.

Origin of firmware

China ROM, "Anglo-Chinese" not popular in the CIS, because it contains only English and Chinese, this firmware is aimed at the Chinese market.

Global ROM, she's the same "Global", "Multilingual" Almost all phones in the CIS work on this version. It contains Google services and a large number of languages ​​are available, including Russian and Ukrainian. From the name you can understand that “global” i.e. can be used in most countries.

Types of firmware

Developer ROM, “Weekly”, “Developer”, "Beta". This firmware version is the most current at the moment, users receive all updates immediately. Xiaomi expects that the developer version of the firmware will be used by advanced people to test new updates. If you chose the developer firmware, then be prepared to be left with a serious or not so serious bug for a week; in any case, firmware is released every Friday.

Developer updates are deciphered as follows, for example MIUI 8 6.11.3 – 6 – year (2016), 11 (November) – month, 3 – day.

Stable ROM, “Stable”. Editor's Choice. From the name we can conclude that this version is the golden mean. You receive only time-tested updates, without bugs and glitches. If you are not running ahead of the rest, this firmware is what you need. Updates come out quite rarely.

Ported ROM, “Custom”, “Unofficial”. Questionable firmware from third-party developers. The disadvantage of custom firmware is that you will have to check the updates on the developer portal and install them by downloading them every time. The most dubious firmware. It is not recommended to use, especially if you plan to install mobile banks on your phone.

Other firmware versions. TD ROM And WCDMA ROM- firmware for a specific type of communication and for a specific country. Among the more popular: T.D.– version for 3G communications in China and WCDMA ROM- for global 3G, but there are also varieties where to WCDMA credited with the names of countries.

Firmware volume

Full ROM, “Full firmware package”. The complete file for the initial installation includes all Google services and additional ones. BY. The update size is from 1 to 2 GB.

Incremental ROM, “OTA update”, “Renewal”. Usually this is what comes when you update the firmware over the air. These are corrections, new files. The size of updates depends on the number of fixes from 20 MB and can reach a gigabyte.

Of course, Developer and Stable firmware can be updated both via OTA and via an update package in the standard Xiaomi application - Updater.

Firmware updates

Official (Global, English/Chinese/Weekly, Stable) as previously mentioned, firmware almost always receives updates over the air (via Wi-Fi, 3 or 4G), there are of course exceptions. Custom firmware updates must be monitored manually, and your Xiaomi smartphone must be downloaded and updated in the same way.

Aluminum body, 5.5-inch FullHD screen, fingerprint scanner, 6-core processor, support for LTE networks, 4000 mAh battery - how much could such a smartphone cost? You won't believe it - everything 155 $ !!! The Chinese miracle company has become a significant player in the Chinese “high technology” market. And more recently, in 2010, it started as a company writing software, namely a user interface for Android OS entitled MIUI. Now the company produces a bunch of interesting gadgets of decent quality at very affordable prices. Smartphones, tablets, accessories for them, fitness bracelets, action cameras, TVs, equipment for the “smart home” and so on... In China, the popularity of smartphones is very high, they are among the top three most purchased along with Apple And Samsung.

Recently, many smartphones from the Celestial Empire (and not only) with decent characteristics and low prices have begun to appear, and I believe that this trend arose thanks to the company, which became a pioneer in the “low price - high quality” policy. Apple one of the first who managed to combine decent smartphone hardware and a very low price without losing quality. There is information that in the first years the company sold smartphones almost at cost, which is why the profit on sales was almost zero. In recent years, this situation has been reversed thanks to high production technologies, online sales and other logistics and marketing tricks. Thus, other companies that wanted to compete in the market followed suit. And it seems to me like

at one time, she made a revolution in smartphones and became a driver in this industry, and dispelled the myth that a good smartphone should be expensive and pushed other manufacturers to follow this trend. Google All this is cool and wonderful, but to a greater extent all these metamorphoses occur in China. Likewise, the company has a wide range of smartphones - for every taste and budget, but most of the models are localized for the Chinese market. This means that smartphones have official Chinese firmware, which works in Chinese or English and, instead of the usual services from Google, local software analogues are preinstalled, because American company Google.

When I decided to write this article, the company was not officially represented in Russia. And the most common way for products to enter our country was the trading platform Aliexpress(which is what I wanted to tell you about). But while I was gathering my thoughts, digging Svyaznoy entered into an agreement with the official supply of smartphones, and now on the website Svyaznogo you can buy or pre-order certain models... Therefore, I thought and decided that in addition to a song of praise addressed to, it would be useful to consider two options for purchasing products - in China and in Russia.


As I wrote earlier, there are international versions of smartphones and there are Chinese ones. By and large, it's all about the branded shell MIUI, which is installed on smartphones on top Android OS. There are official international versions MIUI, there are official Chinese versions MIUI, but there are custom versions MIUI, written by various enthusiasts. The whole point is that MIUI has millions of fans around the world, in connection with this, entire communities have long existed (including in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) that translate Chinese firmware into various languages ​​and localize them for different countries.

On Aliexpress you can buy almost any phone model, but you need to immediately understand whether you are buying a smartphone for which there is an official international firmware version or only a Chinese or custom version.

There are no questions about the official international version; it is written by the team, so it is responsible for all system bugs and for the timely elimination of these errors.

Regarding custom firmware, I always have questions about how stable this firmware works, what was removed from it and added “on my own”, and most importantly, how long will this firmware be supported? Let's say it is written by very experienced programmers, but at one point they decide to run away and that's it - the life of the firmware has stopped there, and no one except the end user will be sad about uncorrected errors. Therefore, my advice, if you decide to buy a smartphone, it is better to choose a model for which there is an official international version.

Can be purchased with Chinese firmware, which must have English. In this case, all settings in MIUI will be in English. You will also have to install services from Google(including a Cyrillic keyboard) and an application that localizes your Android device for Russia. Then all applications from Google Play and the store itself will be in Russian.

You can view the availability of firmware for smartphones on the official website MIUI.

For ease of viewing, it is better to immediately filter by manufacturer, because firmware MIUI officially supported for other smartphone manufacturers.

By selecting the desired smartphone on the website, you will see what firmware is available for it.

Here you can see that for a smartphone Xiaomi Mi 5 there is firmware Global And China.

Global- this is a global or international version, i.e. what we need. Firmware also differs by version: Stable ROM- i.e. stable, updated every 2 months and Developer ROM- this is a version for developers or geeks who want to see constant changes and innovations, albeit with glitches and shortcomings. This version is updated every week.

But in the picture below you can see that for the tablet Mi Pad 2 there is only a Chinese version (China).

At the time of writing, international versions exist for the following smartphones and tablets:

Xiaomi Mi 4 3G/4G, Xiaomi Mi 5, Xiaomi Mi Note, Xiaomi Mi Pad, Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2, Xiaomi Mi 4i.

It often happens that a new smartphone appears, for which initially there is only a Chinese version of the firmware, but over time an international one is also released. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen.

It is important to know! Sellers at Aliexpress for any smartphone/tablet they always write “Multilingual version”, in fact they are lying. Very often there is custom firmware, and very “clumsy” one, written by some Filipinos or Chinese. At first glance, when you received a smartphone, everything seems to be working fine, then you begin to notice that not everything is translated into Russian, then various “bugs” begin to appear, and then at one fine moment you receive a firmware update, you agree and “ voila” - all international languages ​​disappear somewhere. Long live the Chinese language!!!

But there are good sellers who either ask themselves what firmware you should install, or at your request they will install proprietary firmware Global Stable(if your smartphone has one). And when a smartphone arrives from China, you immediately start using it as if you bought it in a Russian store. If the seller does not want to install anything or does not contact you at all, then upon receiving the device, I always recommend that you flash the device to the proprietary firmware version.

There is no point in telling you how to flash smartphones, because... there is a special resource There you can find instructions for flashing the firmware of any smartphone, as well as a lot of recommendations and reviews on devices. Here is the link to the thread

I just want to add that in most cases, there is nothing difficult about installing your own firmware.

From my latest purchases on Aliexpress there was a smartphone ($155) and a tablet Xiaomi MiPad 2($183). Salesman Hong Kong Goldway- very large and reliable, with a high rating, the goods are always packaged well, delivery is usually 20 days to Rostov. But he doesn’t install the firmware himself, he always says that he has multilingual, but in fact all devices have custom firmware. And when I receive the device, I always reflash it myself.

I updated the smartphone to the international version Global Stable. In my opinion, the easiest way to flash firmware is through the application MiFlash. Here is a link to the thread on the firmware of this device. Next, open the Spoiler “Instructions” and there will be “General instructions for MiFlash firmware” (I don’t give a link directly to the instructions, because auxiliary branches can be moved, but the main branches usually remain in place).

After the procedure, everything works fine, updates come automatically over the air, there are no complaints.

But for the tablet Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 There is no international version yet. Initially, the tablet had Chinese custom firmware with Russian language, but it was so “clumsy” that I immediately wanted to get rid of it. On the resource There were several Russified firmware that people advised to install, but after reading the reviews and discussions on the forum, I still decided to stick with the original Chinese firmware with English. There were too many mentions of various problems with software, hardware and versions of assemblies on Russian-language firmware. Moreover, the tablet was bought for my son, and once again it will be useful for him to delve into the settings in English, at least for a general understanding of technical terms... Another weighty argument that inclined me to the branded Chinese firmware was that it is automatically updated “over the air” , but custom Russian-speaking ones do not. So I installed the original one China Stable directly on top of the existing firmware through the Update menu. Next, I went through the localization procedures Android and installation of services from Google. Everything was done according to the instructions on here from this thread

The result was a tablet localized for Russia. Only the tablet settings menu and proprietary applications from . There is no inconvenience in this for me and the child. Set it up once and go!!! But the operating system is original and is updated over the air.

Briefly speaking about the devices themselves, they are assembled at 5 plus level, the screen quality is excellent, the hardware is modern, almost top-end.

To tablet MiPad 2 I immediately ordered a branded case. But no additional accessories were purchased for the smartphone, and during use it turned out that the aluminum back cover is very prone to scratches. Therefore, I immediately recommend purchasing a silicone bumper case or other accessory to protect the case. Also, tempered glass will not be superfluous, which is very easily glued to the screen and protects it from scratches, water and even falls.

I consider the smartphone to be the most successful and balanced smartphone at the moment in terms of price-quality ratio and the relevance of the hardware. My friend bought it at Aliexpress from the seller Dreami. The seller himself offered to install proprietary global firmware. When the phone arrived from China, I didn’t have to do anything myself - everything worked out of the box.

You may ask, what about the warranty for all these gadgets? Recently on Aliexpress A warranty service for Russia was launched for a number of devices, including smartphones and tablets. When purchasing a smartphone, you can additionally purchase 2 types of warranty - warranty repair of the device or warranty replacement of the device. Those. If the device fails through no fault of yours, it will be repaired or replaced with a new one, depending on the type of warranty purchased. There are service centers in major cities of Russia, including Rostov-on-Don. The cost of the service is low; for the devices I purchased, the cost of the replacement warranty was no more than 900 rubles per device, and the cost of the repair warranty was even lower.


There are no difficulties here at all. Select the device you need, add it to your cart, pay for it, receive it or pick it up yourself, and use it for your pleasure! Everything is fine with the warranty and with the firmware. But the price turns out to be completely different.

For comparison, I will give the cost of the same devices. Prices are indicated at the time of writing. IN Aliexpress price taken from the store Hong Kong Goldway(not the cheapest store) and are listed with a device replacement warranty.

As you can see, the difference in cost is noticeable.

Now let's decide on the pros and cons of buying in China and Russia.



  1. Price. The devices are at least 35-40% cheaper.
  2. Wider range of models.
  3. More dynamic change in value. Usually within 3 months the price of the device decreases.


  1. Delivery times range from 14 to 30 days on average.
  2. You may have to flash the device yourself.
  3. If you receive a defective device, you will again have to wait 14-30 days for a new device.



  1. Fast delivery of goods.
  2. Works out of the box.


  1. High price.
  2. Fewer models.


For those who cannot wait more than 2 days, option with Aliexpress won't do. If you need it here and now, then it’s in Messenger. And for those who count their money and are not limited by delivery times, there is a direct route to Aliexpress.

I would like to note that recently the Russian Post has begun to work faster and a parcel with a tablet or smartphone reaches Rostov-on-Don in 14-20 days. If the parcel has not arrived - 100% money back. If you don’t want to bother with flashing the device or feel that you don’t have enough qualifications for this, do not rush to reject the option with Aliexpress. Try writing to the seller and find out if he will install the firmware for you Global Stable before shipping the device. As far as I know, the seller Dreami invites every buyer to do this, and communicates in Russian.

On In the discussion thread for each device there is a “Purchase” section. In this section you can read which seller is better to choose, who flashes devices, who doesn’t, and much more...

Of course, each person, after weighing all the pros and cons, will find “his” suitable option. But whatever the choice, I am sure that this person will enjoy using the technology, and it will meet all his expectations!