What does root on the phone give? Why do you need root rights?

What is root rights on Android? How to root Android? Frequently asked questions that many beginners ask when choosing a smartphone or tablet on this OS and much more useful information oh Root!

How to root your Android smartphone or tablet

For those who can't wait to receive Root rights and it doesn’t matter what it is, go to the website http://4pda.ru/ to a special section of the site, where you can find many ways to get Root specifically for your Android from companies such as Samsung, HTC, Sony Lenovo, LG, Alcatel and other smartphones and tablets!

What is Root Android?

Root [root] or as it is also called Superuser is needed to expand the functionality of the operating system Android systems. This term originated from Unix-like systems and this word means this:

In Unix and Android OS in particular, users who perform actions (watching video, listening to audio, editing a document) work with Guest rights, that is, they cannot edit or change/delete/modify system files, increase the functionality of the system, this opportunity has only the main Administrator or, as he should be correctly called, Superuser.

What exactly do Root rights on Android give:

  • Ability to freeze and restore firmware on an Android device
  • Remove ads from applications
  • Remove built-in applications and ringtones
  • Embed apps and ringtones
  • Change external Android view to the point of being unrecognizable (change icons, change background), edit apk, system applications in every possible way
  • Extend the battery life on a single charge (if the charge lasted you for 1 day, then by obtaining root rights you can increase the battery life by 1.5 - 2 days)
  • Increase Android performance and responsiveness
  • Overclock or reduce processor speed
  • create your own firmware

and many others useful functions and opportunities...

You may ask why then the Android OS does not initially have Root built in to immediately expand this functionality?

Root is not built in only because many people do not know that they are editing system files; due to lack of experience, you can greatly increase the processor frequency and the device will burn out and in the future will only perform the functions of a brick or a hammer, and also because free applications There is an advertisement with which Google earns money, and once you have root rights you can remove it!

Disadvantages of obtaining Root rights

In addition to the above disadvantages, you can also include:

  • Official firmware updates (you can do everything manually)
  • Disabling manufacturer's proprietary features

Also, having received Root, you automatically lose warranty repair ! But don’t despair, once you get Root, you can also unnoticeably remove it, and then not a single service center will be able to refuse you repairs.

If after obtaining Root rights Android is buggy

In very rare situations it happens that Android smartphone or the tablet is faulty (there are common mistakes, some functions do not work) after obtaining root rights. To solve this problem, a data reset or, as it is commonly called in the Android environment, “wipe” can help you. You can reset your data by going to the settings menu -> recovery and reset, or from the Recovery menu by selecting wipe data/factory reset.

What needs to be done before obtaining Root rights

Certain manufacturers, such as Sony and HTC, put additional spokes in the wheel, blocking Bootloader Android. How to unlock the bootloader can be found in these articles

  • Unlock bootloader Sony
  • Unlock bootloader HTC
  • Unlock bootloader Huawei
  • Unlock bootloader Nexus
  • Unlock bootloader LG
  • Unlock bootloader Xiaomi
  • Unlock bootloader Motorola

In addition to this, in HTC smartphones after unlock bootloader and obtaining root rights, you must perform the S-OFF procedure.

What happens when you get Root rights to Android?

On an Android smartphone or tablet is coming installing binary file S.U., which is precisely responsible for root rights. This file is installed along the path /system/xbin/su. Also for correct Android work After rooting it, sometimes a busybox file is needed, which greatly increases the capabilities of the rooted device.

Why do you need SuperSu or SuperUser / Kinguser?

IN Internet networks Android users often ask questions:

And so if you read the previous ones previous paragraph, then you already know that root rights appear when a file is embedded in the system /system/xbin/su, and when installing these applications this file not registered in the system! Application data are administrators ROOT access- SuperSu and SuperUser or KingUser are needed to control who and what to grant root or vice versa to deny.

Types of Root

Root on Android is distinguished as

  • Full Root- these are permanent root rights that are not deleted after a reboot or randomly, with the ability to write and overwrite them in the system section
  • Shell Root– permanent root rights as well, but unlike Full Root there is no possibility of writing and rewriting to the system partition
  • Temporary Root– temporary Root rights. Unfortunately Root data rights disappear after the first reboot of Android

Problems obtaining Root rights on new Samsung smartphones

Problems getting Root on Android 4.3 and higher

Starting with Android 4.3, the Linux kernel has an additional security layer called SeLinux. At root installation rights and first boot Android devices, SeLinux simply spoils binary files su and busybox, that is, accordingly there are no root rights.

From this article you will learn what is root on Android.
Root– access is access to the Android system with administrator rights. That is, rooting is a change in the operating system that will lead to the provision of greater capabilities in managing the smartphone.
The very concept of root as a superuser comes from Linux systems, basics and Android kernels. Those who have an idea of ​​​​working in this system know that root is the built-in system administrator account, which has many additional features, inaccessible to others ordinary users.
To provide this level of access on your smartphone, simply install a program called su (short for superuser) on it. As a superuser, you can access system files, view cache and do many other things.

Why is this level of access needed?

Does it make sense to do this? The fact is that many applications have been developed that require mandatory access with full rights. Their use can significantly expand the capabilities of any smartphone and make working with it much more interesting. These are applications such as Root Explorer,Task Manager For Root Titanium Backup,ShootMe, Carbon Backup and others. The description of programs of this type indicates that it requires root access.
Having full access to the Android system, you can perform many other functions, for example:

  • Make changes to files operating system, as well as labels, themes;
  • Delete standard programs operating system;
  • Run any executable files, designed for Linux;
  • Create a full backup installed system with all settings and applications, using additional programs;
  • Launch Tether applications, which will make it possible to use a specific smartphone as an access point (in android versions 2.2 this feature is made standard).

Available firmware with full administrator rights can additionally allow users to install applications on the memory card, transfer the cache to the card, change many system settings that are not accessible through standard menu options, and other possibilities.
You need to keep in mind that simply granting root rights will not add these capabilities to your smartphone; you also need to install necessary programs, or make changes to system files yourself.

What types of root access are there?

The Android system has several types of root administrative access:
Temporary root– temporary provision of administrative rights to perform certain functions. After a system reboot, normal user rights return.
Shell root– permanent administrator rights without access to the system folder.
Full root– full permanent unlimited access with administrator rights.

How safe is it?

Of course, such full access to the operating system can be dangerous.
First of all, installing a program on a smartphone that provides root access will void the warranty. This is due to the fact that this level of access can cause irreparable harm to the operating system if handled incorrectly or simply carelessly.
Return phone to normal mode, unfortunately, it is not always possible. It depends on the specific model smartphone. For some, returning to standard mode does not present any difficulties, for others it is more difficult. Therefore, before enabling rooting, it is worth checking on the Internet about the possibility of returning everything back in the future.
Problems may also arise with installing updates. The fact is that standard updates are installed only on a licensed and unmodified version of the operating system. Therefore, you can return your smartphone to normal mode, install updates, and then switch it back to root mode.
Thus, rooting can provide a lot of additional opportunities to smartphone owners, but at the same time it can become a source of additional danger and headaches.

How to get root access on my smartphone?

Read how to get root rights on Android --->

On this moment exist as applications for automatic receipt root access for various smartphones literally in one click, and applications aimed at hacking some kind of a certain model. Among the automated tools, the most famous are: Unlock Root, z4root , HTC Quick Root , Easy Rooting Toolkit , Gingerbreak , SuperOneClick , Visionary , Unrevoked. However, universal root tools are often limited to a certain number of models that they are suitable for, and therefore you often have to look for instructions and tools for getting root on your smartphone yourself, for example, in the thematic sections of the forum http://forum.xda-developers.com / or http://4pda.ru

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Root is a feature of the Android operating system that distinguishes it from other platforms. Using root rights, you can access hidden OS functions from Google, change appearance interface, install different firmware, but also reduce the security of your gadget. Root has both positive and negative sides. In this article you will learn what root is on Android and what opportunities it provides.

Root concept and terminology

Root (from the English root - root; read “root”), or superuser, is a special account in UNIX-like operating systems that has an identifier (UID, User IDentifier) ​​of 0 and has access to system files. The owner of such an account can perform all operations without exception and edit any files in the OS. Since in Android based laid down Linux kernel, then root access migrated to it along with other features of the brainchild of Linus Torvalds.

Obtaining root rights on Android involves modifying the operating system. You can also get an account with root access after installation custom firmware, but doing this without the same root is quite difficult.

Root rights may be different. They are divided into three types:

  • Full Root- full access to system functions and rights. Permanent root rights without restrictions. After receiving Full Root it is impossible to update the firmware in the usual way.
  • Shell Root- a type of root rights with limited access to the system folder /system/. You cannot use some functions or edit files in the corresponding directory.
  • Temporary Root- temporary access to root rights until the next reboot of the device.

What opportunities does Root provide?

As already mentioned, root rights give full access to all directories, files and functions of the Android operating system. The user receives complete freedom actions - you can do anything.

Photo: AndroidPIT

Let us note the main capabilities and features that root rights bring:
  • Full control over all applications (delete, backup, issuance of privileges, transfer to external SD card).
  • Access to system files with the ability to change them (activation hidden functions, editing the bootloader and loading custom recovery).
  • Full customization of the system interface.
  • Can be used for additional functions(removing ads, creating backups, hacking games, changing the interface, blocking numbers for incoming calls and SMS, restricting Internet access for programs, cleaning the system from “junk”).
  • Installing firmware and custom kernels.
However, root is not only full of advantages and positive aspects, but also a number of disadvantages. Two main negative sides- reduced device security and refusal of official firmware updates. You can find out more about all the disadvantages of root rights in a separate article about.

Custom recovery TWRP 3.0 for Android

We will also give the concepts of several software things related to root rights:
  • Custom ROM or ROM- firmware (Android OS image), assembled manually by the user. The author of this firmware is not official manufacturer devices.
  • Bootloader (bootloader)- software that is installed in the device’s memory separately from the operating system and other modules. Responsible for loading the OS and other modules. In almost all gadgets, the bootloader is initially locked, so to install custom firmware you need to unlock it, and this often requires root.
  • Kernel- the “heart” of the operating system that connects everything functional modules together. Every time you use your smartphone or tablet, the Android OS kernel sends software requests to hardware(process and memory). Advanced user can build its own kernel, which can be flashed into the system using root rights. Using settings in the custom kernel, you can increase the processor frequency or reduce battery consumption.
  • - software installed and running separately from the Android operating system (analogous to BIOS in computers). Custom recovery means this third party recovery, not the standard one, set by the manufacturer. With recovery options like TWRP and ClockworkMod, you can create and restore full OS backups and install third-party firmware. Recovery also contains many additional functions.
  • Systemless Root (non-system root)- a method of obtaining root rights that does not change the system firmware files in the /system directory. Instead, all modified files are installed in the /su directory and loaded at system startup. Non-system root allows you to receive official updates firmware from the manufacturer.
  • FastBoot (fastboot)- special software for diagnostics and testing of the device. IN FastBoot mode A device connected to a computer can be used to run any files and install firmware.
  • ADB (Android Debug Bridge)- utility from the official Android dial SDK. Used to control a smartphone via a computer using command line or other programs. ADB is mainly used to install some programs or modify firmware.
  • GApps ( Google Apps) - a set of proprietary applications and services from Google. Required for installation on AOSP firmware, which are built without Google services. Basically, the GApps package is installed through recovery.
  • Nandroid backup- a backup copy of not only system, but also user data on the device. After restoring such a backup, you can return the full state of the device as it was when created backup copy. It is better to leave such a backup for those who like to experiment with firmware. You can create a Nandroid backup using custom recovery TWRP or Clockwork Mod.
Read on Trashbox:

Root rights or superuser rights allow you to gain unlimited access to file system gadget on Android platform, including access to system files and folders. An already open and customizable system, if these rights are obtained, becomes even more changeable.

What are the types of root rights?

  1. Full Root means full root, these are permanent root rights that open up absolutely all the capabilities of the operating system and device to the device owner.
  2. Shell Root is the same rights as Full Root, only with them access is denied system partition System, that is, there is no way to write and overwrite this section.
  3. Temporary Root - means temporary root, that is, the rights disappear after the device is rebooted.

Getting root rights

The rooting process may differ slightly depending on the device used, but in essence it is the same and boils down to adding system folders several files and Superuser applications or SuperSU.

To become a superuser, you usually need to go through the following steps:

  1. Preparing your device. For example, on some smartphones and tablets it is necessary to unlock the bootloader, transfer files to a memory card, etc.
  2. Launch of a special software directly on the device itself or on the computer to which the device is connected.
  3. Copy the su executable, which is installed in /system/xbin/su. He is the one responsible for root.
  4. Setting access rights to files and directories using the chmod command.

The most necessary programs for root users

  • The list of must-have programs opens with the file manager Root Explorer. It will allow you to seamlessly operate system files, making your smartphone or tablet even more personal. For example, it will be possible to transfer programs, cache and other data to a memory card even if this option is not provided.
  • If you want to delete unused system applications, then you will need Root Uninstaller. Be careful when deleting - some allegedly unused applications may actually be life-saving important elements systems.
  • Frequently performed tasks can be automated using the most powerful app in the category - Tasker. The slightly confusing interface is more than compensated for by the rich functionality and practicality of the program.
  • Greenify is another landmark solution for a rooted phone. Allows you to “freeze” the work of programs in the background and thereby saves precious percentages of battery power.
  • Busybox – makes it possible to use familiar Linux commands to control your smartphone.
  • Titanium Backup– Allows you to back up your system, including contacts, SMS messages and application data.

Having superuser rights at your disposal, you can change the system boot loader, install an alternative recovery menu and custom firmware.

Superuser to manage a rooted device

So that the full power of the new rights is not used for other purposes, but for selfish purposes, controls are needed to limit the use of these rights. The main management of a rooted phone falls on your shoulders special programs, most often – Superuser. It allows you to grant and restrict access to super rights various applications. For example, during the first launch of the same Root Explorer, a window will appear where you will be asked to grant root rights to the file manager, and if you refuse, then access to hidden elements The application will not receive built-in memory.

The Superuser interface is intuitive: main screen is a list installed applications, which in general, in principle, can require root rights and displays what powers a particular program is endowed with. When you select a program from the list, a permissions menu will open where you can grant extended rights temporarily, permanently, or completely prohibit their use.

What are the disadvantages of rooting?

  1. Loss of warranty on the performance of the device, if it is still valid.
  2. Loss of the ability to update the operating system over the air (OTA update), but not on all firmware versions.
  3. Disabling branded features from some manufacturers.


If you are still thinking about whether to get root rights or not, then our answer is clear - do it now. Superuser rights will be useful to any owner of an Android smartphone, because they turn your customizable device into a truly limitless field for creativity and practical solutions. The risk of receiving an inoperable device if all instructions are followed is almost as minimal as the probability of the device spontaneously “bricking.” In addition, at any time, if desired, you can unroot, that is, remove root rights.

Go ahead and use your device 100%.

When we mention the Android operating system, we always say that it is an “open” system. And this “advantage” is always mentioned when compared with another popular mobile operating system iOS systems. Many users of the “green robot” for some reason believe that this is almost important criterion, which tips the scales in favor of their favorite operating system, in the eternal confrontation between “good and evil”. But, in this article we'll talk not about this, but about how to remove restrictions in the “open” Android OS.


Yes, they are. AND Google company hid the ability for ordinary users to interfere in many processes. This is done to ensure that vital files for work are not accidentally deleted. But you and I are not simple users, but advanced ones. Therefore, such rights may open up some opportunities for us. We will talk about them and how to obtain “superuser” rights in this article.

“Root” is the administrator account built into the operating system. Using the rooting function, the user of Android devices can remove some of the restrictions set by the manufacturer.

What do root rights give and what are they for?

Superuser rights allow you to work with system files and processes. Having received this opportunity, the user becomes the full “owner” of his device.

Benefits of rooting:

Very advanced Android users can run on their gadgets after the rooting procedure Linux executables.

IMPORTANT: Having root rights will not give your device new functions overnight. However, this will open up the possibility of “working” with your device in this direction.

Why does Google initially block access to system files?

Editing some files of the Android operating system poses a great danger. Due to inexperience, many users can not only “kill” the device by program level, but also on the physical. Using incorrectly used “superuser” rights, you can increase the processor frequency. Which can lead to this important part of a smartphone or tablet failing very quickly.

In addition, Google blocks access to some files because they are responsible for displaying advertisements in free applications. And since Good Corporation makes money from this, removing advertising from such applications is not part of the company’s plans.

How to get root rights on Android?

You can become a “superuser” on your gadget in one of several ways. There are also specialized ways to obtain such rights on smartphones and tablets from some manufacturers. Below we will talk about universal ways rooting.

There are three types of root rights:

IMPORTANT: Some manufacturers install the function in their devices NAND lock, which limits the ability to work with the folder \system. In all other cases, the “rooting” procedure is very simple. For these purposes, special programs su (superuser) are used.

Most often used for rooting Framaroot program.

What needs to be done before obtaining Root rights?

Some manufacturers have especially distinguished themselves in this regard Sony And HTC, create additional difficulties when opening access to system files. In order to overcome them, you need to unlock Bootloader. All “problem” devices have their own methods of unlocking this. Let's see how to do this on HTC:

1. Register on the HTC DEV website

After completing a simple registration process, your email Mailbox You will receive a letter stating that the procedure was successful. By following the link from this letter you can activate your account on the HTCdev website.

2. On the specified site, look for the Bootloader section

Find your gadget in the drop-down menu or click All Other Supported Models(if it is not on the list). Click Begin to Unlock Bootloader. And we confirm this by clicking on the “Yes” button. If everything is done correctly you will receive adb personal Identifier Token your HTC.

4.Turn off your smartphone, remove the battery from it and put it back. Then press the power button -> hold down the volume down button and the power button on the smartphone. Then, after the menu appears, release the buttons.

In the menu you need to find the Bootloader item (you move to the menu using the volume up and down buttons) and turn it on (on/off button).

5.Connect the smartphone to the PC and:

a) If you choose Adb Run, then we move on Manual -> A.D.B.

b) If you selected ADB, activate “manual entry” and the command "fastboot oem get_identifier_token"

After entering this command, a list of symbols should appear. Copy it:

And paste it into the HTC web page:

6. A file should be sent to your email Unlock.code.bin. It must be copied and moved to a folder C:/adb/progbin If ADB RUN or ADB (C:/adb)

On your smartphone, select .

8. Move to position Yes and press the button ON OFF

The smartphone should reboot. After which it can be used to install root rights.

Options for installing Root rights

There are several options for installing “superuser” rights on your Android device. This can be done using the Framaroot utility or special programs for a desktop PC.

Installing root using Framaroot without a computer:

  1. Download Framaroot and save apk file this application to your gadget
  2. Install the Framaroot file downloaded to your device’s memory
  3. Let's launch the application. A list should appear on the device's home screen possible actions. This will include obtaining and removing root rights.
  4. After which the system will ask you to install SuperSU or Superuser (there is no difference between them)
  5. Select and install. After which a message will appear on the screen indicating that you have successfully obtained root rights.
  6. We reboot the device and use it taking into account the rights of the “superuser”

Installing root using PC

Not all devices support the Framaroot utility. It is best to install root rights on such devices using special applications For personal computer. The most popular of them are: Kingo Android ROOT, VRoot And SuperOneClick.

The principle of obtaining such rights is identical for all programs. Below, we will describe it.

  • To begin, go to the settings menu and select "Developer Mode". Then turn it on USB debugging.
  • We launch the application that must first be installed on the PC

IMPORTANT: If an antivirus is installed on your PC, it may “swear” at this program. Therefore, it is better to turn it off while working with it.

We connect the turned on device to the PC using a USB cable

  • We enable the “Install from” modes on your smartphone or tablet. unknown sources», "USB Debugging" and uncheck the USB connection from "Camera (RTR)" And "MTR".
  • After the program detects the device, press the button "ROOT".
  • A message should appear stating that “superuser” rights have been obtained.
  • Disconnect the device from the PC and reboot

How to check for Root rights on Android?

When buying a smartphone secondhand, after repair in service center or in other cases, Android user you need to find out whether his device is rooted or not. You can do this using one of two options:

  1. Login using file manager to a folder /system. There you need to find a folder /xbin and find the file in it su. If this was possible, then “superuser” rights are installed on the device
  2. Installing the utility Root Checker . With its help we determine whether root rights are installed or not

How to remove Root rights from Android?

Having root rights sometimes results in “glitches” in the operation of the device. The system may freeze, spontaneously reboot, etc. It must be said right away that the presence of “superuser” rights cannot negatively affect the operation of the device, but their incorrect use can lead to problems. They need to be resolved not by removing root rights, but by restoring the system.

As for removing root rights, very often this solution is resorted to when a device that is under warranty breaks down. The presence of “superuser” rights will void such a guarantee. Therefore, before sending your gadget for repair, you need to remove root rights and forget that they were once installed.

There are several ways to remove such rights:

  • By flashing the device via a computer. After which you need to reset to factory settings
  • If you installed root rights through SuperSU, then remove the “superuser” rights through the settings of this program
  • By using Root utilities Browser Lite. Can be downloaded from Play Master

The last method is the easiest. Download and install the application Root Browser Lite. Go to the section /system/app. Delete the application SuperSu.apk or other application files with which you installed root rights.

Now you need to find the folder bin, which is located in the system folder. If it contains files busybox or su, then delete them. Go back to the system folder and go to the folder xbin. If it contains files or folders busybox or su then we delete them too.

Reboot and go to SuperSu app. Click "Remove Root".

Android 7 Nougat and root rights

In the seventh version of the Android operating system, becoming a “superuser” will become even more difficult. And if previously blocking extended access to a device in Nougat was more of a rumor, then the other day everything was confirmed by one of Google engineers Sami Tolvanen. On the pages of his blog, he announced that the company he works for will take the installation of third-party software more seriously. And in case of suspicious activity, the device will simply be blocked.

Video. 3 ways to get ROOT rights on Android