Where can I get access to the Internet. Choosing a method for connecting to the global Internet

Today, most modern apartments and houses are equipped with wireless Wi-Fi, which allows all computers and mobile gadgets to freely access the Internet. If you don’t yet have Wi-Fi at home, then most likely you opened this article to remedy the situation.
So, what do you need to connect to Wi-Fi at home? Below we will look at the main steps, where, in fact, you need to start to set up wireless Internet at home.

What is needed to connect Wi-Fi at home?

Step 1: concluding an agreement with the provider

You can skip this step if you already have the Internet connected to your home, but it works exclusively via wire.

Today, Russian providers offer users three types of Internet connections: ADSL, FTTB and xPON.

You can check whether your home is connected to the services of a particular provider on the official website, where, as a rule, there is a page for checking the connection by house number. The situation is such that even in large Russian cities on sparsely populated streets in houses there is no provider equipment, which means the only option is to use ADSL, which is offered by the telephone operator (aka provider).

As a rule, the provider’s website offers you to choose one of the desired tariffs, each of which differs in available Internet speed and additional functions. So, as a rule, the cheapest tariff will provide limited Internet connection speed during the day and unlimited speed at night.

An expensive tariff will provide Internet without restrictions, but will also allow you to connect to IP television with a certain number of free HD channels.
The choice of tariff is made solely on the basis of your financial capabilities and preferences. But we draw your attention to the fact that if you are not going to purchase a Wi-Fi router separately, make sure that it is provided free of charge by the provider at the chosen tariff.

Having chosen a tariff, you will usually be asked to either call the provider or fill out a form to call a specialist.

Next, at the agreed time, a specialist comes to you, who enters into a service agreement with you, provides equipment, and immediately connects it (the task is easier if the provider provides its own router).

Step 2: purchasing a Wi-Fi router

If you have a wired Internet connection or if you were not provided with this equipment when concluding an agreement with your provider, you must purchase it separately.

If you purchase a router separately, then this task must be approached with all responsibility, taking into account many nuances when choosing. How to choose the right Wi-Fi router for your home has already been discussed on our website.

Step3: connecting the router to the computer

So, you have everything to set up the Internet - all that remains is to configure it. Until the router is configured, Wi-Fi will not work on it. You first need to connect the router to your computer.

Connecting electricity to a house or site can take a long time - a minimum of a month and a half, a maximum of up to two years. Although by law you must receive permission within 30 days from the date of application. The actual connection of a site or house to the power grid usually takes up to six months, although it can be done in a week and a half, or it can take several years. It all depends on the situation, and partly on your persistence.

How to obtain permission to connect electricity

The procedure is the same whether you want to connect a plot of land without a building or to build a permanent residence (private house) or temporary residence (dacha). First, find the address of the energy sales company in your area. It’s easier to do this on the Internet by writing “address of the energy sales campaign” in the search bar and adding the name of the area. There are situations when a site is located on the border of the service areas of two energy sales organizations. Then the application is submitted to the one whose pillar is closer.

A completed application and a package of documents are sent to the address found. In each region, the list of documents may differ slightly, but basically you will need:

  • Application for connection (one of the forms and a sample filling are shown in the photo below).
  • A photocopy of the passport, the details of which are indicated in the application.
  • A copy of the certificate of ownership.
  • Photocopy of TIN.
  • A list of all energy-consuming devices that will be connected to the network, indicating their power.
  • Load calculation.
  • A scale plan of the site and the house, indicating the location of the nearest power poles. If there are pipelines on or near the site (gas, water supply, sewerage, etc.), they must be on the plan. On the house plan, indicate the places where electrical installations will be installed.

You can submit documents by mail or in person. If you decide to bring the application in person, go to the secretary's reception area, submit the completed application for connection in two copies with all the documents, on the second (it will remain with you) ask to put the date of acceptance of the documents. With this method of submission, you will definitely receive an answer within the legally required 30 days.

You can send your application by mail. In this case, you need to wait approximately 45 days, taking into account the time for mail delivery. If there is no answer, send the request again or go and submit it in person. This doesn’t happen often, but situations like this also occur: a letter was lost somewhere, sorted, etc.

The photo shows an example of a completed application. This is just one example, the forms change at least once or twice a year, so you will need to find the current type of form and fill it out.

What will be the answer

In a letter from Energosbyt you will receive two copies of the contract for connecting to the power grid, signed by representatives of the campaign, and the “Technical conditions for connection” (TU).

The contract specifies the period for supplying electricity to the site. The standard cost there is 6 months. This is the maximum period allotted by law for the completion of all work. In fact, the connection time greatly depends on the distance the pole is from the site. For urban conditions, “nearby” means within a distance of no more than 300 meters, for rural areas - less than 500 meters.

If the distance is within these limits, you can be connected faster - in a couple of months. If it’s far away, the period may be much longer than six months. Although after this period you can make claims. Regardless of when your site will be connected to electricity, start construction when it’s convenient for you.

Sometimes the contract contains vague wording without specifying a date. For example, this: “Connection of section No....will be made within 6 months, but subject to modernization or repair (construction) of the step-down transformer substation.” Having signed an agreement containing approximately the same or similar text, you can wait for years until the organization begins construction or modernization of the substation. Only after this, within 6 months, your site can be connected to the power grid.

How much does it cost to install electricity?

According to Resolution No. 129 adopted in 2011, if the power consumption is up to 15 kW, and the distance from the site to the nearest pole is 300 and 500 meters (depending on the type of settlement), the cost of connecting electricity will be 550 rubles.

If the load or distance is greater, the connection is at commercial prices, and these are completely different amounts. For example, in the Moscow and adjacent regions, for connecting 1 kW of power you need to pay from 10 thousand rubles. That is, if you need 16 kW, then it’s 160-200 tr. and more. At commercial rates, the connection fee is calculated even if the distance to the pole in rural areas exceeds 500 meters, and in urban areas - 300 meters.

Therefore, before purchasing a plot, it is advisable to find out where the nearest connected power pole is located. This determines how much money it will take to connect electricity to your house or property. Agree, 550 rubles and hundreds of thousands - the difference is more than noticeable.

Sometimes, even if you need 15 kW and the pole costs within the specified limits, you are told that some work must be paid separately. No one has the right to demand payment from you. Even if an increase in equipment capacity or network upgrade is required. If your requests fit into the conditions specified above, the cost of connecting electricity to a plot of land or a house will be 550 rubles.

What then

After the permit and technical conditions have been received, it is necessary to develop a project for the electrification of the site. In principle, but if the house is large, with utility and technical rooms, with electricity output to the installation area of ​​the pumping station or water supply pump, it is better to order the project from a specialized organization. And the best option is in the energy sales organization where you applied for connection. There will be much fewer problems with acceptance.

If you draw up the project yourself, it will need to be approved by the energy supply organization. If the requirements are met, they will approve it for you; if there are violations, they will indicate what needs to be changed. After making changes, you submit the project again for signature. Only having a completed signed project in hand can you begin to implement it.

For Internet connection You need an Internet service provider (ISP) and certain equipment:

  • Internet provider. Internet provider provides Internet access. You can subscribe to a provider’s services in the same way as, for example, connecting a mobile phone or other services.
  • Equipment. For a high-speed connection, such as a digital subscription line (DSL) or cable, you need a DSL or cable modem. This equipment can be installed by your Internet Service Provider upon pre-payment of a broadband account. If you plan to set up a network to share Internet access with multiple computers, you need a router. To connect remotely, you must have a dial-up modem. Many computers come with a dial-up modem already installed.

Connecting Windows to the Internet

To execute connecting Windows to the Internet should be run Internet Connection Wizard, which will help you set up your Internet connection step by step.

To do this, open Control Panels in the menu Start(Description based on Windows 7), further in the section Network and Internet select item Internet connection and follow the onscreen instructions Internet Connection Wizards.

Note Note: If there is a local area network (LAN) connection, your computer may already be connected to the Internet. To find out, open your browser and try to access the website.

What do they eat with the Internet provider?

Internet provider is a company providing Internet access, usually for a fee. The most common methods of connecting to a provider are via a telephone line (remote connection) and a broadband connection (cable or DSL).

Many ISPs provide additional services, such as email accounts, web browsers, and space to create a website.

Recently, as a result of lower prices and high penetration levels, it has become increasingly popular wireless (mobile) Internet access.

Currently, the main information space in which many events and operations take place is the Internet.

It is designed for searching information, communicating, working and spending free time. Nowadays it is available almost anywhere on the planet. The World Wide Web allows you to keep abreast of all events and news.

Few people now use communication via a telephone connection if they have the Internet at hand. You can communicate using various messaging programs.

Methods for connecting to the Internet

Today, the main types of Internet connections are

  • wired,
  • wireless and
  • Wi-Fi.

They all have their positive and negative sides. In each situation, a certain type of connection is considered the most convenient. The choice of connection may depend on the user's activity, his needs and the purpose of the Internet. The location of the user (at home, on a trip, abroad) also matters, which influences the choice of connecting to the Internet.

Access the Internet using a cable (wired connection)

This method of accessing the Internet is perfect for those who like to download files and use games online. A wired connection has a high data transfer speed. It is important that this speed is equally fast for both receiving and transmitting information, which is not possible with other types of Internet connections.

Recently, optical fiber cables have begun to be used. It allows you to achieve the maximum speed by improving the quality of signal transmission.

A cable connection is most often used for desktop computer users who do not require constant movement, but can also be used for users of portable devices, laptops, and netbooks that have appropriate cable connectors.

This type of connection not only has high speed, but also the possibility of using unlimited tariffs. With this tariff, there is no limit on downloaded traffic, so you can use the Internet without restrictions and at maximum speed.

This type of wired connection is called by the abbreviation LAN. This is also the name of the connector in a PC to which you can connect a wire and provide wired access to the Internet.

Mobile Internet access (wireless network connection)

This type of Internet is very convenient for people who are constantly on the move. The main positive quality is the absence of a wire, which does not allow the user to move with his PC.

To access the Internet, you must have a special device inside your PC to work with a SIM card from mobile operators. And if you don’t have such a device, you need to have a special USB modem, which is produced by almost all mobile operators.

The connection to the Internet is carried out via mobile communications. To do this, you need to purchase an operator SIM card or the mentioned modem, and at the same time select the appropriate traffic size and tariff.

Tariffs can be either time-based (hourly, daily, monthly) or depending on the volume of information transmitted (for example, so many rubles for each megabyte of received or transmitted information). Time-based tariffs, as a rule, have a limit on the maximum amount of downloaded (transmitted) information. Once this limit is reached, the connection either stops altogether or continues at an extremely low speed.

It should be noted that recently operators have appeared that provide only Internet services, without telephony services. To communicate with such operators and to gain access to the Internet with their help, you also need data reception and transmission devices built into the PC or external USB modems, but SIM cards are no longer needed in this case.

The transmission speed of mobile networks depends on the capabilities of mobile operators. Today, standards such as 3G, 4G are used, and 5G standards are being developed. Each subsequent standard allows you to exchange data at ever-increasing speeds.

However, a mobile connection ensures that the speed of receiving data from the network to the PC is much higher than the speed of transferring data from the PC to the network, which is not very convenient, for example, when using Skype.

Internet access via Wi-Fi

Actually, this is also a wireless connection, but such a connection does not require modems. You just need to purchase a router that is designed to distribute radio waves.

Nowadays, many public places have Wi-Fi routers installed, which allow you to use the Internet at any time. This method of connecting to the network is very convenient for users of tablets, mobile phones or laptops that have a built-in Wi-Fi connection module.

This connection method is becoming increasingly popular. They are starting to use it both at home and in offices. The convenience is that you do not need to lay wires to computers.

It should be noted that Wi-Fi Internet connections are especially common in developed countries. There, access to the Internet via Wi-Fi is available almost everywhere. Thus, users of mobile gadgets can stay connected all the time, without interruptions. In our country, this connection method is also being developed, however, given the scale of our country, mobile Internet access using a SIM card is still more reliable and more widespread in our country, including in rural areas.

All of the above methods of accessing the Internet have their own advantages, which allow you to choose the most suitable type of connection for PC users. Combinations of these methods are also allowed. For example, when using a laptop in a stationary setting (at work or at home), it is convenient to use a wired connection.

And when using the same laptop on a mobile basis, it is good to have a USB modem for connecting to mobile operators. When using the same laptop in a cafe, you can use a Wi-Fi connection to the Internet. So it all depends not only on the preferences of PC users, but also on the capabilities provided for connecting to the Internet.