Information Non-linear distortion factor (THD). Nonlinear distortion

Nonlinear distortions are signal distortions caused by the nonlinearity of the relationship between the secondary and primary signals in stationary mode. As a result of nonlinear inertia-free distortions of the input signal of a sinusoidal shape, an output signal is obtained complex shape y = y0 + v1x + v2x2 + v3x3 + ... where: x - input value; y0 - constant component; v1 - linear coefficient amplification; v2, v3 ... - nonlinear distortion coefficients.

In a system with nonlinear transfer characteristic spectral components arise that were not at the input - products of nonlinearity. When a signal with a single frequency f1 is applied to the input of such a system, components with frequencies f1, 2f1, 3f1, etc. will appear at the output. If a signal consisting of several frequencies f1, f2, f3, ... is supplied to the input, then at the output of the system, in addition to harmonic components, so-called “combination components” with frequencies n1f1 ± n2f2 ± n3f3 ± ... will additionally appear, where n=1, 2, 3, ... When feeding sounds with a continuous spectrum, a continuous spectrum is also obtained, but with a changed shape of the spectrum envelope.

Nonlinear distortions are usually assessed by the nonlinear distortion factor, which is the ratio of the effective values ​​of harmonics to effective value total output signal and is measured as a percentage. Here An are the amplitudes of components with frequencies nf. The simplified formula given next is valid for cases where the distortions are small (K<=10%). Различают два типа нелинейности: степенную и нелинейность из-за ограничения амплитуды. Последняя делится на ограничение сверху и ограничение снизу (центральное). При первом виде ограничения искажаются только громкие сигналы, при втором - все сигналы, но более слабые искажаются сильнее, чем громкие. Нелинейность искажения гармонического вида и комбинационных частот ощущается как дребезжание, переходящее в хрипы при значительном искажении на высоких частотах. Нелинейные искажения в виде разностных комбинационных частот вызывают ощущение модуляции передачи. При сужении полосы частот нелинейные искажения становятся менее заметными. Линейные искажения изменяют амплитудные и фазовые соотношения между имеющимися спектральными компонентами сигнала и за счет этого искажают его временную структуру. Такие изменения воспринимаются как искажения тембра или «окрашивание» звука.
During sound transmission, the primary relationships between the frequency components of sound must be preserved. In this regard, the quality of any section of the audio channel is assessed by its amplitude-frequency (abbreviated frequency) characteristic, which is often denoted by the abbreviation frequency response. Frequency response is understood as a graph of the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the frequency of the signals supplied to the input of a given section of the channel or a separate audio device. The transmission coefficient is the ratio of the magnitudes of the signals at the input of the amplifier and its output.
The frequency response of the transmission path (frequency dependence of the transmission coefficient) changes the relationships between the amplitudes of the frequency components. This leads to a subjective sensation of timbre change. An indicator of the degree of frequency distortion that occurs in any device is the unevenness of its amplitude-frequency characteristic; a quantitative indicator at any specific frequency of the signal spectrum is the frequency distortion coefficient.

Nonlinear distortions are caused by the nonlinearity of the signal processing and transmission system. These distortions cause the appearance in the frequency spectrum of the output signal of components that are absent in the input signal. Nonlinear distortions are changes in the shape of vibrations passing through an electrical circuit (for example, through an amplifier or transformer), caused by violations of proportionality between the instantaneous voltage values ​​​​at the input of this circuit and at its output. This occurs when the output voltage characteristic varies nonlinearly with the input voltage. Nonlinear distortion is quantified by the total harmonic distortion factor or harmonic distortion factor. Typical SOI values: 0% - sinusoid; 3% - shape close to sinusoidal; 5% - a shape close to sinusoidal (shape deviations are already visible to the eye); up to 21% - trapezoidal or stepped signal; 43% is a square wave signal.

Our correspondent Ayur Sandanov met with Sergei Kharuta, arranger, composer and producer, and found out what he thinks about Apple products. In addition, they discovered common musical roots and discussed how to write music for films, what professionalism is in the harsh world of pop music, what does Peter Gabriel write in, and what is more difficult to manage - “Brilliant” or a folk choir?

Mastering is one of the most interesting topics in the audio industry. With this article we begin a large series covering issues related to it. Approximately our cycle will consist of ten articles. In them, the author will try to give answers to the most common technical questions related to mastering, and will interview famous mastering and sound engineers.

The new design possibilities for active spaces should not be confused with the 'assisted reverberation' that has been used since the 1950s at the Royal Festival Hall and later at Limehouse Studios. These were systems that used tunable resonators and multi-channel amplifiers to distribute natural resonances to the desired part of the room.

It seems that the topic of computer acoustic calculations among audio professionals will never exhaust itself.
Despite the fact that fundamental science does not undergo changes, and mathematical models are improved evolutionarily, among colleagues there are both completely different views on acoustic modeling in general, and sometimes opposite interpretations of the same absolute values.

Alexander Perfilyev, sound engineer of the singer Yolka: “I have been full-time mastering for more than 10 years, and I really like this type of sound engineering. Although I almost never master the projects that I mix myself: this is wrong, as it seems to me, there should be a fresh look, a kind of OTK. I had a similar opinion about concert sound, but when the opportunity arose to try it, I decided to take a risk. It turns out that I am involved and interested in all types of musical sound engineering.”

The topic of our today’s publication is “How and who shapes the ridership of equipment.”
This is a joint project of the Show Technology Rental Club (see page on Facebook)
and the website Surveys were conducted on these resources, as well as on the Colisium network,
their results are below. Participants of the “Show Technology Rentals Club” actively discussed this topic.
We offered to answer several questions to specialists who have been in our business for many years,
and their opinion will certainly be interesting to our readers.

Andrey Shilov: “Speaking at the 12th winter conference of rental companies in Samara, in my report I shared with the audience a problem that has been greatly troubling me for the last 3-4 years. My empirical research into the rental market led to disappointing conclusions about a catastrophic drop in labor productivity in this industry And in my report, I drew the attention of company owners to this problem as the most important threat to their business. My theses raised a large number of questions and a long discussion on forums on social networks."

Harmonic vibrations

Those. in fact, the sine graph is obtained from the rotation of the vector, which is described by the formula:

F(x) = A sin (ωt + φ),

Where A is the length of the vector (oscillation amplitude), φ is the initial angle (phase) of the vector at zero time, ω is the angular velocity of rotation, which is equal to:

ω=2 πf, where f is the frequency in Hertz.

As we see, knowing the signal frequency, amplitude and angle, we can construct a harmonic signal.

The magic begins when it turns out that the representation of absolutely any signal can be represented as a sum (often infinite) of different sinusoids. In other words, in the form of a Fourier series.
I will give an example from the English Wikipedia. Let's take a sawtooth signal as an example.

Ramp signal

Its amount will be represented by the following formula:

If we add up one by one, take first n=1, then n=2, etc., we will see how our harmonic sinusoidal signal gradually turns into a saw:

This is probably most beautifully illustrated by one program I found on the Internet. It was already said above that the sine graph is a projection of a rotating vector, but what about more complex signals? This, oddly enough, is a projection of many rotating vectors, or rather their sum, and it all looks like this:

Vector drawing saw.

In general, I recommend going to the link yourself and trying to play with the parameters yourself and see how the signal changes. IMHO I have never seen a more visual toy for understanding.

It should also be noted that there is an inverse procedure that allows you to obtain frequency, amplitude and initial phase (angle) from a given signal, which is called the Fourier Transform.

Fourier series expansion of some well-known periodic functions (from here)

I won’t dwell on it in detail, but I will show how it can be applied in life. In the bibliography I will recommend where you can read more about the materiel.

Let's move on to practical exercises!

It seems to me that every student asks a question while sitting at a lecture, for example on mathematics: why do I need all this nonsense? And as a rule, having not found an answer in the foreseeable future, unfortunately, he loses interest in the subject. Therefore, I will immediately show the practical application of this knowledge, and you will already master this knowledge yourself :).

I will implement everything further on my own. I did everything, of course, under Linux, but did not use any specifics; in theory, the program will compile and run under other platforms.

First, let's write a program to generate an audio file. The wav file was taken as the simplest one. You can read about its structure.
In short, the structure of a wav file is described as follows: a header that describes the file format, and then there is (in our case) an array of 16-bit data (pointer) with a length of: sampling_frequency*t seconds or 44100*t pieces.

An example was taken to generate a sound file. I modified it a little, corrected errors, and the final version with my edits is now on Github here

Let's generate a two-second sound file with a pure sine wave with a frequency of 100 Hz. To do this, we modify the program as follows:

#define S_RATE (44100) //sampling frequency #define BUF_SIZE (S_RATE*10) /* 2 second buffer */ …. int main(int argc, char * argv) ( ... float amplitude = 32000; //take the maximum possible amplitude float freq_Hz = 100; //signal frequency /* fill buffer with a sine wave */ for (i=0; i

Please note that the formula for pure sine corresponds to the one we discussed above. The amplitude of 32000 (32767 could have been taken) corresponds to the value that a 16-bit number can take (from minus 32767 to plus 32767).

As a result, we get the following file (you can even listen to it with any sound reproducing program). Let's open this audacity file and see that the signal graph actually corresponds to a pure sine wave:

Pure tube sine

Let's look at the spectrum of this sine (Analysis->Plot spectrum)

Spectrum graph

A clear peak is visible at 100 Hz (logarithmic scale). What is spectrum? This is the amplitude-frequency characteristic. There is also a phase-frequency characteristic. If you remember, I said above that to build a signal you need to know its frequency, amplitude and phase? So, you can get these parameters from the signal. In this case, we have a graph of frequencies corresponding to amplitude, and the amplitude is not in real units, but in Decibels.

I understand that in order to explain how the program works, it is necessary to explain what the fast Fourier transform is, and this is at least one more article.

First, let's allocate the arrays:

C = calloc(size_array*2, sizeof(float)); // array of rotation factors in = calloc(size_array*2, sizeof(float)); //input array out = calloc(size_array*2, sizeof(float)); //output array

Let me just say that in the program we read data into an array of length size_array (which we take from the header of the wav file).

While(fread(&value,sizeof(value),1,wav)) ( in[j]=(float)value; j+=2; if (j > 2*size_array) break; )

Array for fast conversion The Fourier must be a sequence (re, im, re, im,… re, im), where fft_size=1<< p - число точек БПФ. Объясняю нормальным языком:
is an array of complex numbers. I’m even afraid to imagine where the complex Fourier transform is used, but in our case, our imaginary part is equal to zero, and the real part is equal to the value of each point of the array.
Another feature of the fast Fourier transform is that it calculates arrays that are multiples only of powers of two. As a result, we must calculate the minimum power of two:

Int p2=(int)(log2(header.bytes_in_data/header.bytes_by_capture));

The logarithm of the number of bytes in the data divided by the number of bytes at one point.

After this, we calculate the rotation factors:

Fft_make(p2,c); // function for calculating rotation factors for FFT (the first parameter is a power of two, the second is an allocated array of rotation factors).

And we feed our just array into the Fourier transformer:

Fft_calc(p2, c, in, out, 1); //(one means we are getting a normalized array).

At the output we get complex numbers of the form (re, im, re, im,… re, im). For those who don’t know what a complex number is, I’ll explain. It’s not for nothing that I started this article with a bunch of rotating vectors and a bunch of GIFs. So, a vector on the complex plane is determined by the real coordinate a1 and the imaginary coordinate a2. Or length (this is amplitude Am for us) and angle Psi (phase).

Vector on the complex plane

Please note that size_array=2^p2. The first point of the array corresponds to a frequency of 0 Hz (constant), the last point corresponds to the sampling frequency, namely 44100 Hz. As a result, we must calculate the frequency corresponding to each point, which will differ by the delta frequency:

Double delta=((float)header.frequency)/(float)size_array; //sampling frequency per array size.

Allocation of the amplitude array:

Double * ampl;

ampl = calloc(size_array*2, sizeof(double));

And look at the picture: amplitude is the length of the vector. And we have its projections onto the real and imaginary axis. As a result, we will have a right triangle, and here we remember the Pythagorean theorem, and count the length of each vector, and immediately write it into a text file:<(size_array);i+=2) { fprintf(logfile,"%.6f %f\n",cur_freq, (sqrt(out[i]*out[i]+out*out))); cur_freq+=delta; }

… 11.439514 10.943008 11.607742 56.649738 11.775970 15.652428 11.944199 21.872342 12.112427 30.635371 12.280655 30.329171 12.448883 11.932371 12.617111 20.777617 ...

As a result, we get a file something like this:

Let's try!

./fft_an ../generate_wav/sin\ 100\ Hz.wav format: 16 bits, PCM uncompressed, channel 1, freq 44100, 88200 bytes per sec, 2 bytes by capture, 2 bits per sample, 882000 bytes in data chunk= 441000 log2=18 size array=262144 wav format Max Freq = 99.928 , amp =7216.136

And we get a text file of the frequency response. We build its graph using a gnuplot

Script for building:

#! /usr/bin/gnuplot -persist set terminal postscript eps enhanced color solid set output "" #set terminal png size 800, 600 #set output "result.png" set grid xtics ytics set log xy set xlabel "Freq, Hz" set ylabel "Amp, dB" set xrange #set yrange plot "test.txt" using 1:2 title "AFC" with lines linestyle 1 !}

Please note the limitation in the script on the number of points along X: set xrange . Our sampling frequency is 44100, and if we recall Kotelnikov’s theorem, then the signal frequency cannot be higher than half the sampling frequency, therefore we are not interested in a signal above 22050 Hz. Why this is so, I advise you to read in specialized literature.
So (drumroll), run the script and see:

Spectrum of our signal

Note the sharp peak at 100 Hz. Don't forget that the axes are on a logarithmic scale! The wool on the right is what I think are Fourier transform errors (windows come to mind here).

Let's indulge?

Come on! Let's look at the spectra of other signals!

There is noise around...
First, let's plot the noise spectrum. The topic is about noise, random signals, etc. worthy of a separate course. But we will touch on it lightly. Let's modify our wav file generation program and add one procedure:

Double d_random(double min, double max) ( return min + (max - min) / RAND_MAX * rand(); )

It will generate a random number within the given range. As a result, main will look like this:

Int main(int argc, char * argv) ( int i; float amplitude = 32000; srand((unsigned int)time(0)); //initialize the random number generator for (i=0; i

Let's generate a file (I recommend listening to it). Let's look at it in audacity.

Signal in audacity

Let's look at the spectrum in the audacity program.


And let's look at the spectrum using our program:

Our spectrum

I would like to draw your attention to a very interesting fact and feature of noise - it contains the spectra of all harmonics. As can be seen from the graph, the spectrum is quite even. Typically, white noise is used for frequency analysis of bandwidth, such as audio equipment. There are other types of noise: pink, blue and others. Homework is to find out how they differ.

What about compote?

Now let's look at another interesting signal - a meander. I gave above a table of expansions of various signals in Fourier series, you look at how the meander is expanded, write it down on a piece of paper, and we will continue.

To generate a square wave with a frequency of 25 Hz, we once again modify our wav file generator:

Int main(int argc, char * argv) ( int i; short int meandr_value=32767; /* fill buffer with a sine wave */ for (i=0; i

As a result, we get an audio file (again, I advise you to listen), which you should immediately watch in audacity

His Majesty - the meander or meander of a healthy person

Let's not languish and look at its spectrum:

Meander spectrum

It’s not very clear yet what it is... Let’s take a look at the first few harmonics:

First harmonics

It's a completely different matter! Well, let's look at the sign. Look, we only have 1, 3, 5, etc., i.e. odd harmonics. We see that our first harmonic is 25 Hz, the next (third) is 75 Hz, then 125 Hz, etc., while our amplitude gradually decreases. Theory meets practice!
Now attention! In real life, a square wave signal has an infinite sum of harmonics of higher and higher frequencies, but as a rule, real electrical circuits cannot pass frequencies above a certain frequency (due to the inductance and capacitance of the tracks). As a result, you can often see the following signal on the oscilloscope screen:

Smoker's meander

This picture is just like the picture from Wikipedia, where for the example of a meander, not all frequencies are taken, but only the first few.

The sum of the first harmonics, and how the signal changes

The meander is also actively used in radio engineering (it must be said that this is the basis of all digital technology), and it is worth understanding that with long chains it can be filtered so that the mother does not recognize it. It is also used to check the frequency response of various devices. Another interesting fact is that TV jammers worked precisely on the principle of higher harmonics, when the microcircuit itself generated a meander of tens of MHz, and its higher harmonics could have frequencies of hundreds of MHz, exactly at the operating frequency of the TV, and the higher harmonics successfully jammed the TV broadcast signal.

In general, the topic of such experiments is endless, and you can now continue it yourself.


For those who don’t understand what we’re doing here, or vice versa, for those who understand but want to understand it even better, as well as for students studying DSP, I highly recommend this book. This is a DSP for dummies, which is the author of this post. There, complex concepts are explained in a language accessible even to a child.


In conclusion, I would like to say that mathematics is the queen of sciences, but without real application, many people lose interest in it. I hope this post will encourage you to study such a wonderful subject as signal processing, and analog circuitry in general (plug your ears so your brains don’t leak out!). :)
Good luck!


  • signal processing
  • Fourier transform
  • digitization
  • mathematics
  • DSP
  • frequency response
  • wav
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Measuring nonlinear distortion on a noise signal

In the article, the author draws the readers' attention to one practically unused method for measuring the nonlinearity of amplifiers. The results of objective measurements of nonlinear distortions of UMZCH using this method surprisingly coincide with the results of their subjective assessments during expert listening.

Known methods for measuring nonlinear distortions in sound transmission paths are very diverse. The harmonic method has become widespread as the simplest method for experiments and convenient for calculations. Other less common methods are difference tone, modulated tone, intermodulation (intermodulation). Transient intermodulation distortion is also measured.

The methods listed above have their own areas of application. Moreover, each of them uses special signals that provide the greatest efficiency in detecting distortion products. However, this is precisely the reason for their low information content regarding the integral assessment of distortions introduced into the audio path and significantly influencing the subjective (expert) assessment of the quality of transmission of real sound signals.

The noticeability of nonlinear distortions of a real signal is related to how often, if we consider the process over time, or with what probability, if we apply a statistical measure to it, its instantaneous values ​​fall into the region of significant nonlinearity of the sound transmission path. Many people have probably observed how, when the signal level in an overloaded channel is reduced, the hoarseness of the sound disappears. The less often signal spikes fall into the overload area, the smaller it is.

A typical characteristic of the signal transmission function s in the sound transmission path is shown in Fig. 1, a. Here: sin, sout - input and output signals normalized by power; W(s) - probability density of instantaneous signal values ​​sin. Section A corresponds to a relatively small nonlinearity, and sections B corresponds to a large one. For convenience of analysis, in Fig. Figure 1b shows graphs of the probability density distribution W(s) of instantaneous values ​​of two signals of the same power: white (Gaussian) noise (curve 2) and harmonic (curve 1). As follows from Fig. 1a, all values ​​of the input signal limited by the function W(s) for a sinusoid fall in the section of the transmission characteristic with less nonlinearity, while for a noise signal 16% of the time its values ​​are in sections of the transmission characteristic with high nonlinearity. It is clear that the noise signal is subject to much greater distortion than the sinusoidal one.

The results of studies of the probability density of instantaneous values ​​of natural sound signals (speech and music) are presented. In terms of their level distribution, they turned out to be much closer to a noise signal than to a harmonic one. Consequently, estimation of nonlinear distortions based on the methods listed above gives incorrect representations of the actual nonlinear distortions of real signals.

Less known measurement methods that use noise signals are significantly more informative.

One of the methods is used in cinematography and television to measure nonlinear distortions in a photographic soundtrack. The measurement block diagram and spectral diagrams for this method are shown in Fig. 2.

The measuring signal is created by a white noise generator GBSH, limited using a PF bandpass filter to a frequency band of 3...12 kHz, which is fed to the input of the object of measurement OM. The products of nonlinear distortion PNI (intermodulation) of the noise signal are measured with a voltmeter V after the low-pass filter with weighting in the frequency band 30 Hz... 1.2 kHz. The numerical indicator of nonlinearity is the ratio, expressed in decibels, of the root-mean-square voltage of the distortion products (UC) to the voltage of the reference signal (UV) generated by the generator built into the device with a frequency of 1 kHz:

KISH = 20 lg (UС/UВ). (1)

The described measurement method is implemented in the 7E-67 device and is successfully used in film studios. On television, a similar device is the INIF meter.

Distortion measurements are also carried out using the harmonic method using a measuring signal in the form of a one-third octave noise band. The block diagram and spectral diagrams are shown in Fig. 3.

From the pink noise generated by the GRS generator by a block of FFT bandpass filters, bands are alternately selected to study the object of measurement of the ROI, and a decrease in the level of 3 dB per octave with increasing frequency ensures constant power of the measuring signal in any one-third octave band. Of the voltage distortion products of signal U1, only its harmonics U2, U3 located in one-third octave bands with average frequencies nf1 are taken into account, where n = 2, 3...,f1 is the average frequency of the measuring signal band. Measurements are carried out with an speaker spectrum analyzer connected to the output of the measurement object. The numerical indicator of the harmonic distortion coefficient of the noise signal is determined by the formula:

It should be taken into account that the reliability of measurements with this method significantly depends on the limitation of the bandwidth of the measurement object.

There are other, more complex measurement methods using noise signals. The widespread use of such signals in measurements in audio equipment, according to the author, is hampered by a number of factors: the scarcity and high cost of equipment for analyzing random signals, the need to revise standards (for example, output power in amplifiers), and the inertia of thinking of many engineers accustomed to sinusoidal signals.

For a practical assessment of the effectiveness of using noise signals, the author carried out comparative measurements of nonlinear distortions in several UMZCHs using a standard technique (the harmonic method) and on a noise signal using a 7E-67 device at the same amplifier overload values. For testing, UMZCHs of different circuit design and element base were selected, intended for sounding large rooms (power 100 W or more, all models had overload indicators). In addition, subjective quality assessments (SQA) of sound reproduction were carried out on a ten-point scale.

The results of amplifier nonlinearity tests are given in the table. Power amplifiers 1 - 4 are transistor with different feedback depths (A), amplifier 5 is tube. The table shows the values ​​of the harmonic distortion coefficient at a frequency of 1 kHz and the noise intermodulation coefficient for the 7E-67 device.

Conditional number of the amplifier Coeff. harmonics, KG, % Coeff. noise intermodulation, IRR, % KG/CHISH ratio Total OSS depth, A (dB) SOK (point)
1 0,01 9,8 980 78 2
2 0,02 9,3 465 72 3
3 0,01 10 100 81 1
4 0,1 0,9 9 19 5
5 0,13 0,8 6,15 14 9

The high level of distortion in transistor amplifiers with deep overall feedback when measuring nonlinearity with a noise signal is due to the fact that the measuring signal in the form of noise has a high crest factor and contains a fairly wide range of frequencies, creating an even wider range of distortion products, and a significant difference in terms of CG /KISH for all amplifiers - an increase in intermodulation distortion during short-term overload. It follows from the table that UMZCH with a greater depth of OOS also have a higher ratio of CG/ISH, receiving, accordingly, low SOC scores.

As a result of the tests, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Monitoring nonlinear distortions on a noise signal is much more informative and allows one to get closer to a subjective assessment of the quality of sound reproduction.

2. When designing all parts of the sound transmission path, one should strive not only to reduce the harmonic coefficient, but also the noise intermodulation coefficient.

The described method was originally proposed for measuring the nonlinearity of the photographic phonogram of films (when monitoring the quality of the technological process of their replication), therefore, in relation to measurements in high-quality sound transmission paths, including loudspeakers, it is advisable to adjust the bandwidth of the measuring signal.

Measurements of noise intermodulation of UMZCH for professional purposes differ in this case in that this equipment is often used at maximum power, allowing short-term overload. Compared to tube amplifiers, in transistor amplifiers, when overloaded, the maximum current limitation is often more pronounced, which corresponds to a sharp increase in nonlinear distortion. In UMZCHs used in a home environment, the signal limiting mode with correctly selected power is practically not achieved, so it is advisable to consider the option of using a technique that limits the maximum noise signal level. In this case, the difference between amplifiers with different element bases is likely to decrease significantly. In addition, it should be taken into account that there are a number of critical parameters - frequency band, phase and transient characteristics, noise level...


  1. Rakovsky V.V. Measurements in film sound recording equipment. - M.: Art, 1962, p. 336 - 353.
  2. Ishutkin Yu. M., Rakovsky V. V. Measurements in equipment for recording and reproducing sound of films. - M.: Art, 1985, p.
  3. Shitov A.V., Belkin B.G. Statistical characteristics of signals representing natural sounds and their application in the study of electroacoustic systems. - Proceedings of NIKFI, vol. 56, 1976
  4. Rakovsky V.V. A method for measuring nonlinear distortions in a photographic transverse phonogram. Auto. date No. 136573 (1960) - BI, 1961, No. 5.
  5. RTM 19-17-72. Films 35 and 16 mm. Technological regulations for the compensation method of recording negatives, photographic processing, printing positives and quality control of photographic phonograms. - M.: NIKFI, 1972.
  6. Penkov G. Varhu is measured on the nonlinear curvature with a random stationary signal. Measured on non-linear curvatures with a thick tape from normal noise. - News on NIIKRA, vol. 6. - Sofia, 1966.
  7. Zhuravlev V. M. Method for measuring nonlinear distortions using noise bands. Cand. diss. LICKY, 1967.
  8. Belkin B. G., Bork A. A. The relationship between nonlinear distortion coefficients measured on noise and sinusoidal signals. - Film and television technology, 1968, No. 7.
  9. GOST 16122-78. Loudspeakers. Methods of electroacoustic tests.

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)​

Irina Aldoshina​

All electroacoustic converters (loudspeakers, microphones, telephones, etc.), as well as transmission channels, introduce their distortions into the transmitted sound signal, that is, the perceived sound signal is always not identical to the original. The ideology of creating sound equipment, which in the 60s was called High-Fidelity, “high fidelity” to live sound, largely did not achieve its goal. In those years, the levels of audio signal distortion in equipment were still very high, and it seemed that it was enough to reduce them - and the sound reproduced through the equipment would be practically indistinguishable from the original one.

However, despite advances in the design and development of technology, which have led to a significant reduction in the levels of all types of distortion in audio equipment, it is still not particularly difficult to distinguish natural sound from reproduced sound. That is why, at present, in various countries, research institutes, universities and manufacturing companies are conducting a large amount of work on studying auditory perception and subjective assessment of various types of distortions. Based on the results of these studies, many scientific articles and reports are published. Almost all AES congresses present papers on this topic. Some modern results obtained over the past two to three years on the problems of subjective perception and assessment of nonlinear distortions of the audio signal in audio equipment will be presented in this article.

When recording, transmitting and playing music and speech signals through audio equipment, distortions in the temporal structure of the signal occur, which can be divided into linear and nonlinear.

Linear distortion change the amplitude and phase relationships between the existing spectral components of the input signal and due to this distort its temporal structure. This kind of distortion is subjectively perceived as distortion of the signal timbre, and therefore the problems of their reduction and subjective assessments of their level have been given a lot of attention by specialists throughout the entire period of development of audio engineering.

The requirement for the absence of linear signal distortion in audio equipment can be written in the form:

Y(t) = K x(t - T), where x(t) is the input signal, y(t) is the output signal.

This condition allows only a change in the signal on a scale with a coefficient K and its time shift by an amount T. It defines a linear relationship between the input and output signals and leads to the requirement that the transfer function H(ω), which is understood as a frequency-dependent ratio of complex signal amplitudes at the output and input of the system under harmonic influences were constant in magnitude and had a linear dependence of the argument (that is, phase) on frequency | H(ω) | = K, φ(ω) = -T·ω. Since the function 20·lg | H(ω) | is called the amplitude-frequency response of the system (AFC), and φ(ω) is the phase-frequency response (PFC), then ensuring a constant level of AFC in the reproduced frequency range (reducing its unevenness) in microphones, acoustic systems, etc. is the main requirement for improving their quality. Their measurement methods are included in all international standards, for example, IEC268-5. An example of the frequency response of a modern control unit from Marantz with an unevenness of 2 dB is shown in Figure 1.

Frequency response of the Marantz control monitor

It should be noted that such a reduction in the magnitude of frequency response unevenness is a huge achievement in the design of audio equipment (for example, control monitors presented at the exhibition in Brussels in 1956 had an unevenness of 15 dB), which became possible as a result of the use of new technologies, materials and design methods.

The influence of uneven frequency response (and phase response) on the subjectively perceived distortion of sound timbre has been studied in sufficient detail. We will try to review the main results obtained in the future.

Nonlinear distortion are characterized by the appearance in the signal spectrum of new components that are absent in the original signal, the number and amplitudes of which depend on changes in the input level. The appearance of additional components in the spectrum is due to the nonlinear dependence of the output signal on the input, that is, the nonlinearity of the transfer function. Examples of such dependence are shown in Figure 2.

Various types of nonlinear transfer functions in hardware

The cause of nonlinearity may be the design and technological features of electroacoustic transducers.

For example, in electrodynamic loudspeakers (Figure 3), the main reasons include:

Electrodynamic loudspeaker design

Nonlinear elastic characteristics of the suspension and centering washer (an example of the dependence of the flexibility of suspensions in a loudspeaker on the magnitude of the voice coil displacement is shown in Figure 4);

Dependence of suspension flexibility on voice coil displacement value

Nonlinear dependence of the voice coil displacement on the applied voltage due to the interaction of the coil with the magnetic field and due to thermal processes in the loudspeakers;
- nonlinear oscillations of the diaphragm with a large magnitude of the acting force;
- vibrations of the housing walls;
- Doppler effect during the interaction of various emitters in an acoustic system.
Nonlinear distortions occur in almost all elements of the audio path: microphones, amplifiers, crossovers, effects processors, etc.
The relationship between input and output signals shown in Figure 2 (for example, between applied voltage and sound pressure for a loudspeaker) can be approximated as a polynomial:
y(t) = h1 x(t) + h2 x2(t) + h3 x3(t) + h4 x4(t) + … (1).
If a harmonic signal is applied to such a nonlinear system, i.e. x(t) = A sin ωt, then the output signal will contain components with frequencies ω, 2ω, 3ω, ..., nω, etc. For example, if we limit ourselves only a quadratic term, then second harmonics will appear, because
y(t) = h1 A sin ωt + h2 (A sin ωt)² = h1 A sin ωt + 0.5 h2 A sin 2ωt + const.
In real converters, when a harmonic signal is supplied, harmonics of the second, third and higher orders, as well as subharmonics (1/n) ω, may appear (Figure 5).

To measure this type of distortion, the most widely used methods are measuring the level of additional harmonics in the output signal (usually only the second and third).
In accordance with international and domestic standards, the frequency response of the second and third harmonics is recorded in anechoic chambers and the n-order harmonic distortion coefficient is measured:
KГn = pfn / pav·100%
where pfn is the root mean square sound pressure value corresponding to the n-harmonic component. It is used to calculate the total harmonic distortion coefficient:
Kg = (KG2² + KG3² + KG4² + KG5² + ...)1/2
For example, in accordance with the requirements of IEC 581-7, for Hi-Fi loudspeaker systems, the total harmonic distortion factor should not exceed 2% in the frequency range 250 ... 1000 Hz and 1% in the range above 2000 Hz. An example of the harmonic distortion factor for a 300 mm (12") diameter subwoofer versus frequency for different input voltages varying from 10 to 32 V is shown in Figure 6.

Dependence of THD on frequency for different input voltage values

It should be noted that the auditory system is extremely sensitive to the presence of nonlinear distortions in acoustic transducers. The “visibility” of harmonic components depends on their order; in particular, hearing is most sensitive to odd components. With repeated listening, the perception of nonlinear distortions becomes more acute, especially when listening to individual musical instruments. The frequency region of maximum hearing sensitivity to these types of distortions is within the range of 1...2 kHz, where the sensitivity threshold is 1...2%.
However, this method of assessing nonlinearity does not allow taking into account all types of nonlinear products that arise in the process of converting a real audio signal. As a result, there may be a situation where a speaker system with a 10% THD may be subjectively rated higher in sound quality than a system with a 1% THD due to the influence of higher harmonics.
Therefore, the search for other ways to assess nonlinear distortions and their correlation with subjective assessments continues all the time. This is especially relevant at the present time, when the levels of nonlinear distortions have decreased significantly and to further reduce them it is necessary to know the real thresholds of audibility, since reducing nonlinear distortions in equipment requires significant economic costs.
Along with measurements of harmonic components, methods for measuring intermodulation distortion are used in the practice of designing and evaluating electroacoustic equipment. The measurement technique is presented in GOST 16122-88 and IEC 268-5 and is based on supplying two sinusoidal signals with frequencies f1 and f2 to the emitter, where f1< 1/8·f2 (при соотношении амплитуд 4:1) и измерении амплитуд звукового давления комбинационных тонов: f2 ± (n - 1)·f1, где n = 2, 3.
The total intermodulation distortion factor is determined in this case as:
Kim = (ΣnKimn²)1/2
where kim = /pcp.
The cause of intermodulation distortion is the nonlinear relationship between the output and input signals, i.e., the nonlinear transfer characteristic. If two harmonic signals are applied to the input of such a system, then the output signal will contain harmonics of higher orders and sum-difference tones of various orders.
The type of output signal taking into account nonlinearities of higher orders is shown in Figure 5.

Products of nonlinear distortion in loudspeakers

The characteristics of the dependence of the intermodulation distortion coefficient on frequency for a low-frequency loudspeaker with voice coils of different lengths are shown in Figure 7 (a - for a longer coil, b - for a shorter one).

Dependence of intermodulation distortion (IMD) on frequency for a loudspeaker with a long (a) and short (b) coil

As stated above, in accordance with international standards, only second- and third-order intermodulation distortion coefficients are measured in the equipment. Intermodulation distortion measurements can be more informative than harmonic distortion measurements because they are a more sensitive measure of nonlinearity. However, as shown by experiments carried out in the works of R. Geddes (report at the 115th AES Congress in New York), a clear correlation between subjective assessments of the quality of acoustic transducers and the level of intermodulation distortion could not be established - the scatter in the results obtained was too large (as can be seen from Figure 8).

Relationship between subjective assessments and intermodulation distortion (IMD) values

As a new criterion for assessing nonlinear distortions in electroacoustic equipment, a multi-tone method was proposed, the history and methods of application of which were studied in detail in the works of A. G. Voishvillo et al. (there are articles in JAES and reports at AES congresses). In this case, a set of harmonics from the 2nd to the 20th with an arbitrary amplitude distribution and a logarithmic frequency distribution in the range from 1 to 10 kHz is used as an input signal. The harmonic phase distribution is optimized to minimize the crest factor of the multi-tone signal. The general appearance of the input signal and its temporal structure are shown in Figures 9a and 9b.

Spectral (a) and temporal (b) view of a multi-tone signal

The output signal contains harmonic and intermodulation distortions of all orders. An example of such distortion for a loudspeaker is shown in Figure 10.

Common harmonic distortion products when applying a multi-tone signal

A multi-tone signal in its structure is much closer to real music and speech signals; it allows one to identify significantly more different products of nonlinear distortions (primarily intermodulation) and better correlates with subjective assessments of the sound quality of acoustic systems. As the number of harmonic components increases, this method allows one to obtain more and more detailed information, but at the same time the computational costs increase. The application of this method requires further research, in particular the development of criteria and acceptable standards for the selected products of nonlinear distortions from the standpoint of their subjective assessments.
Other methods, such as Voltaire series, are also used to evaluate nonlinear distortions in acoustic transducers.
However, all of them do not provide a clear connection between the assessment of the sound quality of transducers (microphones, loudspeakers, acoustic systems, etc.) and the level of nonlinear distortions in them, measured by any of the known objective methods. Therefore, the new psychoacoustic criterion proposed in the report of R. Geddes at the last AES congress is of considerable interest. He proceeded from the considerations that any parameter can be assessed in objective units, or according to subjective criteria, for example, temperature can be measured in degrees, or in sensations: cold, warm, hot. The loudness of a sound can be assessed by the sound pressure level in dB, or in subjective units: background, sleep. The search for similar criteria for nonlinear distortions was the goal of his work.
As is known from psychoacoustics, a hearing aid is a fundamentally nonlinear system, and its nonlinearity manifests itself at both high and low signal levels. The causes of nonlinearity are hydrodynamic processes in the cochlea, as well as nonlinear signal compression due to a special mechanism for elongation of outer hair cells. This leads to the appearance of subjective harmonics and combination tones when listening to harmonic or total harmonic signals, the level of which can reach 15...20% of the input signal level. Therefore, the analysis of the perception of nonlinear distortion products created in electroacoustic transducers and transmission channels in such a complex nonlinear system as a hearing aid is a serious problem.
Another fundamentally important property of the auditory system is the masking effect, which consists in changing hearing thresholds to one signal in the presence of another (masker). This property of the auditory system is widely used in modern systems for compressing audio information when transmitting it over various channels (MPEG standards). Advances in reducing the volume of transmitted information through compression using auditory masking properties suggest that these effects are also of great importance for the perception and assessment of nonlinear distortions.
The established laws of auditory masking allow us to state that:
- masking of high-frequency components (located above the frequency of the masker signal) occurs much stronger than in the direction of low frequencies;
- masking is more pronounced for nearby frequencies (local effect, Figure 11);
- with an increase in the level of the masker signal, the zone of its influence expands, it becomes more and more asymmetrical, and it shifts towards high frequencies.

From this we can assume that when analyzing nonlinear distortions in the auditory system, the following rules are observed:
- nonlinear distortion products above the fundamental frequency are less important for perception (they are better masked) than low-frequency components;
- the closer to the fundamental tone the products of nonlinear distortions are located, the greater the likelihood that they will become invisible and will not have a subjective meaning;
- additional nonlinear components arising from nonlinearity may be much more important for perception at low signal levels than at high levels. This is shown in Figure 11.

Masking Effects

Indeed, as the level of the main signal increases, its masking zone expands, and more and more distortion products (harmonics, total and difference distortions, etc.) fall into it. At low levels this area is limited, so higher order distortion products will be more audible.
When measuring nonlinear products on a pure tone, mainly harmonics with a frequency higher than the main signal n f appear in the converters. However, low harmonics with frequencies (1/n) f can also occur in loudspeakers. When measuring intermodulation distortions (both using two signals and using multi-tone signals), total-difference distortion products arise - both above and below the main signals m f1 ± n f2.
Taking into account the listed properties of auditory masking, the following conclusions can be drawn: products of nonlinear distortions of higher orders can be more audible than products of lower orders. For example, the practice of loudspeaker design shows that harmonics with numbers higher than the fifth are perceived much more unpleasantly than the second and third, even if their levels are much lower than those of the first two harmonics. Usually their appearance is perceived as rattling and leads to the rejection of loudspeakers in production. The appearance of subharmonics with half and lower frequencies is also immediately noticed by the auditory system as an overtone, even at very low levels.
If the order of nonlinearity is low, then with an increase in the input signal level, additional harmonics can be masked in the auditory system and not be perceived as distortion, which is confirmed by the practice of designing electroacoustic transducers. Speaker systems with a nonlinear distortion level of 2% can be rated quite highly by listeners. At the same time, good amplifiers should have a distortion level of 0.01% or lower, which, apparently, is due to the fact that speaker systems create low-order distortion products, and amplifiers create much higher ones.
Nonlinear distortion products that occur at low signal levels can be much more audible than at high levels. This seemingly paradoxical statement may also have practical implications, since nonlinear distortions in electroacoustic transducers and paths can also occur at low signal levels.
Based on the above considerations, R. Geddes proposed a new psychoacoustic criterion for assessing nonlinear distortions, which had to satisfy the following requirements: to be more sensitive to higher order distortions and to be of greater importance for low signal levels.
The problem was to show that this criterion was more consistent with the subjective perception of harmonic distortion than the currently accepted rating methods: total harmonic distortion factor and intermodulation distortion factor on two-tone or multi-tone signals.
To this end, a series of subjective examinations was carried out, organized as follows: thirty-four experts with tested hearing thresholds (average age 21 years) participated in a large series of experiments assessing the sound quality of musical passages (for example, male vocals with symphonic music), in which various types of nonlinear distortions have been introduced. This was done by “convolution” of the test signal with nonlinear transfer functions characteristic of various types of converters (loudspeakers, microphones, stereo phones, etc.).
First, sinusoidal signals were used as stimuli, they were “convolved” with various transfer functions, and the harmonic distortion coefficient was determined. Then two sinusoidal signals were used and the intermodulation distortion coefficients were calculated. Finally, the newly proposed coefficient Gm was determined directly from the given transfer functions. The discrepancies turned out to be very significant: for example, for the same transfer function, the SOI is 1%, Kim - 2.1%, Gm - 10.4%. This difference is physically explainable, since Kim and Gm take into account many more high-order nonlinear distortion products.
Auditory experiments were performed on stereo phones with a range of 20 Hz...16 kHz, sensitivity 108 dB, max. SPL 122 dB. The subjective rating was given on a seven-point scale for each musical fragment, from “much better” than the reference fragment (i.e., the musical fragment “collapsed” with a linear transfer function) to “much worse.” Statistical processing of the results of the auditory assessment made it possible to establish a fairly high correlation coefficient between the average values ​​of subjective assessments and the value of the Gm coefficient, which turned out to be equal to 0.68. At the same time, for SOI it was 0.42, and for Kim - 0.34 (for this series of experiments).
Thus, the connection between the proposed criterion and subjective assessments of sound quality turned out to be significantly higher than that of other coefficients (Figure 12).

Relationship between the Gm coefficient and subjective assessments

The experimental results also showed that an electroacoustic transducer with Gm less than 1% can be considered quite satisfactory in terms of sound quality in the sense that nonlinear distortions in it are practically inaudible.
Of course, these results are not yet sufficient to replace the proposed criterion with the parameters available in the standards, such as harmonic distortion coefficient and intermodulation distortion coefficient, but if the results are confirmed by further experiments, then perhaps this is exactly what will happen.
The search for other new criteria is also actively continuing, since the discrepancy between existing parameters (especially harmonic distortion coefficient, which evaluates only the first two harmonics) and subjectively perceived sound quality becomes more and more obvious as the overall quality of audio equipment improves.
Apparently, further ways to solve this problem will go towards creating computer models of the auditory system, taking into account nonlinear processes and masking effects in it. The Institute of Communication Acoustics in Germany is working in this area under the leadership of D. Blauert, which was already written about in an article dedicated to the 114th AES Congress. Using these models, it will be possible to evaluate the audibility of various types of nonlinear distortions in real music and speech signals. However, while they have not yet been created, assessments of nonlinear distortions in equipment will be made using simplified methods that are as close as possible to real auditory processes.