I'm looking for someone to communicate in English. How to practice spoken English with native speakers for free

Today it is difficult to find an Internet user who would not know about the existence of such a program as Skype. This application is usually associated with free Internet communications and video conferencing. In addition to free Internet telephony, group chats and file sharing, the Skype program also has other useful features that are not known to all users.

For example - study English via Skype with a native speaker for free. How can this be implemented in practice? After all, it is not very polite to directly contact any English-speaking Skype user and demand communication.

How to find an English-speaking interlocutor on Skype

This opportunity has already been provided and all problems have been solved! Proceed according to the following plan.

There, in the Skype community, you can find a native speaker of the language you are studying, and there are also special language clubs. You will learn the language with an Englishman, and in gratitude this foreigner will study your language - after all, you are also a native speaker of your native language? And someone in other countries is very interested in your ability to speak your language perfectly and absolutely without an accent.

Alternative language teaching via Skype

If you just ask the phrase in Google search English via Skype, then you will be offered other options for learning languages ​​outside the Skype community. These are various online language schools or courses where you will be offered a limited number of Skype lessons for free. After completing the free course, you may want to continue training for money.

The advantage of paid training is that they take things seriously. You can chat on Skype for free for years with an English-speaking interlocutor and still not master fluent speech. And vocational schools use special techniques that allow you to master the language in the shortest possible time. In general, the choice is huge and, if desired, you can find language courses that are suitable for your level of knowledge at minimal cost or even completely without payment.


Have you decided to start English classes with a native speaker in Moscow? Find an experienced tutor on Repetit.

Individual English lessons with a native speaker from Canada or the UK will improve your level of preparation in a short time. Classes will instantly immerse you in live communication and expand your vocabulary even for beginners.

A competent tutor adapts to the student’s capabilities and initially uses only understandable words and sentences in the conversation, gradually complicating the tasks.


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Alexander Alexandrovich


John Graham

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from 2,500 rub/hour

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I am a professional native English speaker from Leeds, UK. For a long time I worked in the financial industry, insurance, Expand and also taught English to corporate clients and students, having graduated in Creative and Dramatic Writing from the University of Bolton. After the 2008 financial crisis in the UK, I decided to change my field of activity and received a CELTA teaching certificate English as a Foreign Language around the world, and began teaching foreigners in the UK. Later I worked in Poland and came to Moscow in 2010. Initially, I taught at one of the large international schools, became the director of education, but in 2013 I left the position because I felt a greater desire for teaching rather than for management activities. Since then, I have focused on teaching business English, as well as preparing for international exams. Given my professional education and many years of teaching experience, I can explain grammatical material in every detail, although I prefer a communicative teaching method. Despite the fact that I speak a little Russian, I focus my communication exclusively on English. This way, students are immersed in the language environment, and I can monitor and correct grammatical and stylistic errors. I also use video, audio and other additional materials whenever possible. My hobbies include motorsports, reading, and I am also an American football fan. In addition, I am interested in politics and world events in general, and enjoy watching films and television shows.

English tutor

With a tutor, with a student, remotely

    I was satisfied with the course "Untie Your Tongue" (teacher Laura). I have become much more fluent in English. Of the minuses, I can note that there was not enough work on pronunciation. But the teacher presents the material very well, with a clear and accessible explanation of grammatical rules, although too much time is spent analyzing errors.

    Daria Ivanova

    I study in the Intermediate group. Teacher Derek. Over the three months of training, my vocabulary has grown significantly and my “understanding” of foreign speech has developed. The lessons are structured in an interesting way and are emotionally charged, which promotes better memorization. It is worth mentioning the work of the coordination department, in particular Irina. They always warn about all changes in the educational process.

    Pavel Koval

    This school is a worthy place to learn a language. Overall, I liked everything, but it seems to me that this course additionally needs a Russian-speaking teacher, because... Some points are very difficult to master in English. I was satisfied with the course program and the teacher. I would like to note that Stephanie is a very interesting, cheerful and good person, it is pleasant to work with her, there is no tension, she always strives to help and answer questions to the maximum. As a result of the training, the language barrier was removed, the course program was mastered, which made it possible to communicate with people and understand them at an elementary level, and an understanding of the language as a whole emerged. If possible, I will continue my studies at this school.

    This is amazing! Amazing! For the first time in my life I meet a teacher who loves his job and his students so much. And we answer him in the same way! Each lesson is different from the previous one, we always plunged into some kind of magical world, Blake’s imagination is simply amazing! Maximum conversational practice helped me not only improve my knowledge of English, but now, finally, I can speak it without being embarrassed to make a mistake. Blake, thank you for no longer having a “language barrier”!

    Margarita Afanasyeva

    I study with teacher Kendrick in the intermediate group. Very interesting and fun lessons, 2 hours fly by! The teacher is very sociable and easily finds an approach to students. The most important thing is complete immersion in the language, no Russian during the entire lesson. I enjoy going and will continue to go :))

    Lyudmila Ustinova

    I started studying English at your school in August 2016. I want to say right away that Louis, in my person, was not the easiest student. Over many years of extremely rare use of the English language, even those skills that were once available were lost. But Louis’ patience, kindness and good sense of humor allow me to feel comfortable in class and learn the language with interest. So, if the number of retirees in Moscow who want to learn English grows, you can safely recommend Louis to them.

I recently conducted an individual Skype consultation for one of the participants in the English Diet conversational English training. At the end of the conversation, Galina sadly remarked:

– Of course, I understand that the main thing in learning a language is practice, but where can I find English-speaking interlocutors if I live in a small town, far from enterprises where expats work and from places of interest to tourists? For training via Skype, native speakers charge from 20 dollars, for them this is the minimum rate, but for me it’s a lot of money. I really enjoy training with you, but I’m afraid to forget everything I learned during the training.

“Galina,” I answered, “we live in the 21st century!” There are several billion people in the world who speak English, and now almost everyone has a telephone or computer with Internet access. I'm sure you'll easily find someone to talk to.

- No, I won’t succeed. Who wants to talk to me? I don’t trust dating sites, but where else can I find normal people to communicate with?

– Have you ever tried it? – I asked Galina.

“I don’t even want to waste time on this,” she said sharply.

We completed the consultation, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

And so I decided to give Galina and all my subscribers a small gift: record a lesson on how you can find an English-speaking interlocutor within an hour and talk with him on any topics that are interesting to you and him. I launched a video recording program and registered in real time on a language exchange site https://www.conversationexchange.com/. There I found a native speaker of British English and talked with him for about half an hour. All together it took me less than two hours. When I cut out pauses and technical points, I got an interesting video in which:
the registration process on the language exchange site is described step by step;
a fragment of a conversation with a native speaker of British English is given;
practical advice is given on organizing and conducting such conversations and using them effectively to improve your English.

Below is a list of language exchange sites I like.

When you learn English with a native speaker, your classes become not only effective and useful, but also as interesting as possible. This especially applies to those listeners who visit our Club.

Surely you have repeatedly noticed how many different linguistic centers there are in Moscow, where they offer English studies. Our Club adheres to a completely different approach both in the organization of training and in teaching methods. This makes our services unique.

The most important feature of our Club is its carefully selected teaching staff. You will not be working with an ordinary tutor, but with a native speaker who speaks English as a native speaker. Our teachers have all the necessary professional competencies, they are quite experienced, and each of them has considerable experience working in the educational field, including with Russian students. All this guarantees that your English language training will definitely give good results, and literally within a few months from the start of classes you will feel much more confident and comfortable in communicating with representatives of a different language environment.

By signing up for training in our Club, you will receive many additional benefits.

Learning English in our Club is convenient!

The main criterion for success in improving the linguistic knowledge and skills of our students lies in the fact that the entire lesson program is developed individually. You can also choose at your own discretion a place and time that is convenient for you to conduct lessons.

The classic approach of language schools to lesson planning is to develop a clear schedule, according to which groups of students are then assigned and individual courses are inserted. Therefore, it is not uncommon for students to have to revise their plans and find time to attend classes.

In our Club, the situation is changing dramatically: first of all, we care about the comfort of our students, so each teacher adapts to a specific student and decides together with him in what place - at home, in the office - and at what time it will be more convenient for him to conduct classes.

With us you will achieve your goal!

Having decided to study English with a native speaker in our Club, rest assured that you will definitely achieve your goal. After all, our teachers, when planning lessons with their students, proceed exclusively from the goals you set, therefore they select exercises and tasks in such a way that they correspond to the specifics of the problem being solved. This could be traveling, developing business contacts with foreign partners, obtaining international certificates for knowledge of English, changing place of residence, and the like.

Why is clearly articulating your lesson goals so important? The fact is that every language, including English, has many facets, and it will take a lot of time to master it perfectly. If the teachers of our Club know what goal you are pursuing, they will develop an effective course of study in a specific area and help you improve exactly the knowledge that is relevant to you.

Before you start training, our Club teacher will conduct a short express survey, during which he will find out for what purpose you are studying English and what you want to achieve at the end of the course. The information received from you will help the teacher create an effective training program, carefully plan each lesson and select the most suitable educational materials for you.

Have fun learning English!

Improving your English with a native speaker is not just about acquiring theoretical knowledge about the rules of grammar, the peculiarities of phonetics and lexical compatibility. When a native English speaker teaches you, you have the opportunity to delve into the very essence of the subject being studied, learn about the cultural characteristics and folk traditions of the British, get acquainted with their mentality, way of life, and learn to “think” in English.

Thanks to this approach, you will be able to quickly and easily get used to being in a foreign language environment, you will be able to communicate comfortably and confidently with representatives of another culture, and you will learn not only to fluently perceive the spoken language, but also to understand the shades of intonation and the semantic loads attached to them.

The teacher of our Club will become for you not just a teacher, but a source of completely new knowledge that will allow you to overcome possible barriers and far-fetched fears in the process of building relationships with representatives of a different linguistic and cultural environment.

Classes with a native speaker are fast and effective!

The basis of our Club’s training programs is a communicative teaching methodology. This means that by studying with a native English speaker, you will study the linguistic features of speech that is alien to you without any discomfort, in a simple, convenient and most accessible form.

It is unlikely that we will surprise you if we say that teaching English is possible using many methods. The classic option, which is used by most tutors, is that classes with children and adults are based on a lexical-grammatical model. As a result, instead of an exciting process, learning a foreign language turns into a series of extremely boring tasks associated with translating texts, memorizing a huge number of words, and solving grammar problems.

Perhaps such training produces results, but the process itself is so depressing that in most cases, students develop a persistent negative attitude towards the subject being studied. All efforts he makes to memorize turn out to be useless and lead to nothing more than frustration and dissatisfaction.

A radically different method is used by our Club’s teachers, who rely in their work on the limitless possibilities of communication. Learning a language through live communication is much more effective:

  1. You will be able to qualitatively assimilate a huge amount of information in an extremely short time.
  2. The learning process is much simpler, since you do not have to memorize much - you will receive all the knowledge directly from communication with the teacher.
  3. The language knowledge and skills acquired in our Club will definitely be useful to you in real life, because our teachers proceed, first of all, from the practice of using language techniques in colloquial speech, and not from book norms, which are rarely used in everyday situations.
  4. Along with useful knowledge, you will also gain confidence in communicating with representatives of another language culture. After the first months of training, you will not even remember that you once felt awkward or embarrassed when talking with foreigners.
  5. Finally, with a native speaker, you will learn the correct pronunciation. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of your accent, but to smooth it out as much as possible, to make it a certain highlight of your personality - this is quite within the power of our talented teachers.

Learning English is for everyone!

In our Club, not only language boundaries are erased. Our teachers have experience working with people of different ages, professions, with different social status and certain views on life. We equally successfully help both schoolchildren and people who have already established themselves in a certain business to master English. All you have to do is voice your life priorities and goals for learning English, and we will definitely recommend an experienced teacher with whom you will feel comfortable and interested. The team of our Club is made up of diverse personalities, all of them are excellent professionals in whom you can not doubt.

Along with workforce diversity, we offer a variety of training areas. Thus, there are programs that are ideal for schoolchildren or students and will help businessmen and housewives master conversational English.

A few nice little things...

In our Club, we have tried to provide for literally all the nuances to make training not only effective, but also comfortable. This also applies to issues such as registration for classes. All you have to do is leave an application on our website and wait for the coordinators of our English programs to contact you. They will advise you on all the nuances of training, select an interesting program and recommend the most suitable teacher with whom you will feel comfortable. It is possible that your classes may begin on the same day that you contact us! Isn't that great?

A few words about the cost of training: the prices in our Club are really very low and for the most part turn out to be much more profitable than other schools offer for group training. At the same time, studying with native speakers is much more interesting, many of our students will confirm this!

Which English tutor should you prefer?

Knowledge of English in itself is an advantage today. Thanks to the acquired skills, it is much easier to move up the career ladder, the unpleasant moments associated with the language barrier when visiting English-speaking countries disappear, and new opportunities arise to continue studying abroad or even change your permanent place of residence. Even schoolchildren who plan to successfully pass English on the Unified State Exam can take advantage of the help of a tutor and improve their knowledge.

However, there is a certain risk when contacting “classic” tutors working in Moscow. First of all, even if the teacher has a diploma in specialized education, the student cannot be 100% sure that a real professional will work with him, not only knowing the language, but also able to pass on his knowledge to others. And, secondly, existing knowledge is sometimes not enough, since one of the key tasks of an English tutor is to captivate his student, to provide him with material that will be both useful and interesting for him.

When the described problems remain unsolved, the society inevitably forms the opinion that only those people who have a “natural predisposition to languages” can learn English. In fact, this is not so, and in our Club we are ready to prove to you that everyone can achieve success in learning English. Our native speakers are not magicians, they just do their job well and always find the right approach to their students.

It's time to make a choice!

As you can see, to effectively learn English, very little is required - your desire and the skill of our teachers. This “formula” has repeatedly proven its validity, and an example of this is the mass of successful people who have completed English training in our Club. We will be happy to help you conquer your planned linguistic peaks. Take the first step towards this and leave a request on the website right now.