How to use the clownfish program for Skype. Where to download and how to install Clownfish for Skype

Using Clownfish

Clownfish - interesting program, implemented specifically for Skype. The program has a lot of features, but if you highlight the most outstanding ones, these are automatic translation incoming and outgoing messages in the specified language, as well as the ability to change your voice during a conversation with the interlocutor. Below we'll talk about how to use this program.

Installing ClownFish

First of all, ClownFish needs to be installed on your computer and linked to Skype. To do this, follow the link, and then install it on your computer.

After installation is complete, a program shortcut with a picture of a fish will appear on the desktop, which must be launched.

After launching the program, the fish icon will appear in the list active programs in tray. Click this icon right click mouse to display context menu, and then go to “Preferences” - “Interface Language” - “Russian (Russian)” . So in a simple way We changed the interface language to Russian.

Open Skype itself. A small banner will appear saying that ClownFish wants to access Skype. To provide it, click the button "Give access" .

Using ClownFish

Right-click again on the ClownFish tray icon to display the program menu. Now its interface will be translated into Russian. The topmost block contains functions related to the translator.

In the column "Select translator" you will be able to choose the system with which the transfer will be carried out. By default, Google is installed in the program. Going by item "Translation of incoming messages" , you can specify the language into which all incoming messages will be translated. The system will determine the source language independently.

Moving on, you should focus on the parameter "Voice Change" . Perhaps the most interesting feature ClownFish, which is why most users install this program. Going to point "Voice Change" - "Voices" , you will have several original voices to choose from, which the interlocutor will hear instead of yours. Paragraph "Background Sound" allows you to add music from your collection on your computer, which will play quietly in the background.

Chapter "Fan&Art Message Templates" contains pictures made up of emoticons and symbols. Select a suitable picture, indicate the recipient, and the message will be delivered to him immediately.

Record voice calls- another one unique opportunity Clownfish, which allows you to save conversations Skype to the specified folder on your computer. To use this feature, right-click on the icon Clownfish in the tray and select "Voice Call Recording" .

To expand functionality Skype programs, you can use many additional programs. Each of them is aimed at achieving certain results, and is actively used by many users. The effects that arise from their use are quite varied, for example, a user can hide his face during a video conversation or hide his voice during audio communication.

I would like to talk about the last effect in more detail. Quite popular, and they also really lift your spirits. And if you want to change your voice beyond recognition, thereby surprising your interlocutor, I advise you to choose the Clownfish program.

Where to find and how to download

Before explaining how the clownfish program for Skype works and how to use it in particular, I’ll tell you in a nutshell where to find it and how to install it. To get started, go to the official website of this program and download the installation file. Fortunately, you won't have to wait long; the download usually happens in a matter of seconds. After downloading, launch the application and install the program using.

During it, you will need to press the appropriate buttons, such as “Yes”, “Next”, “Continue”, etc. Please note that the program may prompt you to close all open windows browser for correct operation. The installation process will then follow and the installation will be completed.

How to use the program

Now you need to sync Clownfish with your account on Skype. To do this, start your Skype and then this application to change your voice, and wait until a window appears above your account, informing you that the clownfish program wants to use Skype. Of course, you need to confirm this action.

If suddenly there is no request for synchronization, you will have to perform some steps manually. In Skype, go to “Tools” – “Settings” – “Advanced” – “Control access of other programs to Skype”.

Ready! By downloading the Clownfish program, you are guaranteed to give not only to yourself, but also to your interlocutor!

The "Clownfish" application has truly become a godsend for users whose real or virtual friends do not speak Russian. Besides instant transfer phrases into one of more than 30 languages, “fish” has many more interesting and useful options, which we will definitely mention further.

Installing the "Clown Fish" program

This amazing program, developed by Bogdan Sharkov (Sofia, Bulgaria), works in tandem with the famous Internet telephony Skype. Therefore, before using Clown Fish, you need to install Skype on your PC or laptop by creating an account on it.

You can download the Clownfish installation file from the official website of the Clownfish developer. After downloading, proceed to install the program:

  1. Sign out of Skype and make sure the program is closed.
  2. Launch the installation file by double-clicking on its icon. Make sure the warning Windows banner that this developer can be trusted.
  3. In the installer window that appears, click Next. Click on this command in the next window.
  4. In the window with the Install button, click on it, and in the next window, click on Next.
  5. A window with an active Finish button will notify you that the installation is complete. Click on it - the process is completed.

Skype integration

Before you can use the Clown Fish program, you must link it to Skype.

After launching Clownfish through a shortcut on the “Desktop”, you will see an image of a clown fish in the lower right corner of the taskbar among the service icons. Now launch Skype:

  1. The app will ask you for permission to allow Clown Fish to interact with it. Confirm: "Allow this program to use Skype."
  2. If “Skype” did not display this warning, then you need to allow access manually: click on the “gear” icon (“Options”), then: “Advanced” - “Advanced settings” - “Control application access to Skype”. Find and highlight “Clown Fish”, click “Edit” - allow access for the “fish”.

Clownfish Features Overview

How to use "Clown Fish" for Skype - right-click on the "fish" icon on the right side of the taskbar:

  • Disable/Enable Translation - respectively, enable or disable the translator.
  • Hide Original Messages - hiding from your interlocutor original version messages - show translation only.
  • Encrypt Message - enable encrypted messages. To view them, your recipient must also have Clown Fish installed.
  • Set Translator - select a translator service. Available: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Babylon, etc. Through Setting (for example, Google Setting) you can configure the selected translation service.
  • Spell Check - spell check.
  • Text to Speech - voiceover of messages you have written.
  • Translate Incoming Messages - translation of messages sent to you.
  • From Language - the name of the language from which you want to translate.
  • To Language - the adverb into which you want to translate the text (choice from more than 30 languages).
  • Greetings - sending postcard templates to your interlocutor.
  • Fun&Art Message - this function allows you to please your interlocutor with funny pictures and compositions from Skype emoticons.
  • A.I. Talk Robot is a bot that can carry on a conversation with your interlocutors instead of you (a chatter robot can be created and configured to
  • Voice Call Recorder- this option allows you to record a voice conversation in Skype.
  • Voice Changer is a favorite feature of many users. It allows you to modify your voice in every possible way when communicating on Skype - to female, male, squeaky, electronic, polyphonic, add echo, etc.
  • Broadcast mass message - sending specific messages to all your contacts.

Important points

Before using Clown Fish, please note the following:

  • the level of translation quality depends on the source text - therefore, you need to type messages without making spelling errors, without using jargon, neologisms, or abbreviations of words;
  • to add different sound effects(Sound Effects section), you first need to load them into defined by the program folder;
  • The inconvenient English menu in some versions can be replaced with the Russian version by following the route: Preferences - Interface - Language - Russian.

When talking about how to use Clown Fish, it is worth noting that the interface is small and intuitive. Even without knowledge of the English language, it is possible to understand it using the same “poke” method.

Every day everything more people communicates in the world using various social networks. And until recently the language barrier was very unapproachable, he interfered with communication and mutual understanding. But technology does not stand still, and thanks to the Clownfish application for Skype, translation of all messages has become possible right during the communication process. To find out detailed information about the utility, carefully read the article materials.

What is Clownfish, what are the main features for Skype

Clownfish is a utility designed to change the voice in Skype and a message translator with different languages peace. Thanks to the program, the language barrier is no longer a barrier to communication.

To use the software, you first need to download and install it. It is best to download the installation file from the official website of the application. The program is initially available only in English. Even if you read that you can download it in Russian from some site, do not believe it, because the installation file is still the same.

Main features of the application:

  • saves the text of the conversation in a separate file;
  • play any melody or composition during a voice call;
  • voice-over of the text that was written by the user in the messenger;
  • translation of the text of incoming and outgoing messages into automatic mode into the language of his choice;
  • present ready-made templates congratulatory and entertaining texts;
  • the ability to use a bot to respond to an incoming message;
  • changing the voice during a call, for example, to a child’s or a woman’s;
  • all typed messages are checked for spelling errors;
  • protection of correspondence from hacking;
  • the ability to send SMS to several friends at the same time;
  • the ability to make adjustments to the text translation service.

As you can see, with using Clownfish The user will have many opportunities that will make communication with friends much easier.

How to install and use the Clown Fish program

First you need to download the installation file from the official website: You will have access to portable version software or installer. You can choose any option provided. The size of the utility is small, so downloading will not take much time. After downloading, open the installation file and double-click on it to install it. There will be no difficulties, just select the directory where the future application will be located.

After that, launch the messenger using your account Skype recording or Microsoft. Then double click on the Clownfish icon. At the same time, a window will appear in Skype with information message that third party program wants to access it. Give permission for access by clicking on the “Give access” button. After the manipulations have been completed, the assistant program will be installed, and you can start using it. The user will only have to set the interface language.

Right-click on the assistant icon and select the “Preferences” tab. A pop-up list will appear, in it you should select the “Interface Language” tab. Choose a language that will be convenient for you to work with when using the utility. That's all, initial setup completed, you can start using the messenger with new additions.

What problems may arise during use

While running any program, various glitches can sometimes occur. This may be due to system errors, problem with installation file, virus, or some other problem. Don’t panic right away, you just need to find the right solution and fix the problem.

Common problems when using Clownfish:

  • the text translation system can make various errors;
  • the utility is developed only for the Skype messenger, and it will not work in other similar programs under any circumstances;
  • due to the missing function automatic update, at manual setting some problems may arise. To avoid them, you just need to be careful;
  • due to the fact that by default the software has English language, there may be problems during installation if you do not know the language. Don't be upset, just use the translator to understand which tabs you need to click on to install the application.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, you just need to strictly follow all the instructions provided.

Clownfish (or, in Russian, “clown fish”) - special program for Skype, which perfectly helps remove the language barrier between representatives of different countries. The use of Clownfish is especially good because it allows you to master the English language (or improve your English language skills) as if subconsciously and, by the way, without any stress - just like a child masters his native language by listening to what his parents say. Using Clownfish is not difficult, read the instructions below.

Clownfish is a translator that has many additional built-in features. Among them there are extremely popular and popular ones, for example, voice modulator- many people initially install Clownfish just for the sake of it (however, this does not mean that they will not master English in the end)!

How to translate messages for Skype Before you use Clownfish, of course, you need to install it (it is advisable to turn off Skype and related programs, although if you forget to do this yourself, you will receive a reminder). After installation, you can launch Clownfish through the icon that appears in the system window.

Launch Skype and give our beautiful fish access to use it. This is done like this: directly in Skype, use the “Give access” button. The interface language changes as follows: Preferences, then Interface Language, then Russian.

So, the Clownfish app is ready to go!

Its main functions:

translation of your messages into another language; using a robot for chat flooding; Record conversations and change the voice of people speaking through a microphone.

Clownfish's main purpose is, of course, translation. When you send a message to someone, translation into English or another language will automatically turn on. Your Skype interlocutor will see how original text, and processed using Clownfish. If you want, then after some minor settings you can later turn off Russian altogether - the interlocutor will see only a high-quality English translation.

But, of course, Clownfish's linguistic set is not limited to just English - it supports an impressive list different languages, both rare and, of course, the most common in the world.

When using Clownfish, there are many translation settings - disable/enable encryption, voiceover, spell checking.

With the translation clear, let's move on to the second most popular function of this program - voice changing!

It is configured using the Voice Changer item. Here you will find effects such as, for example, echo (Echo), which can even be multi-voice, and choir (Chorus).

Mutation (three different speeds); Alien; Pitch; Robotic Voice.

There is a function that allows you to insert background music at any selected volume.

An important plus of Clownfish. For it to work, you do not need to install additional sound drivers(this is often required by other rather complex software). This is because the program intercepts the sound stream directly from the microphone and, according to its settings, changes it as needed.

Previously, this function was more entertaining, but now the voice can really be changed very much. This will help in any situation when you need to change your voice beyond recognition. And you can have a good laugh with a friend!

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