How to create an application for apple. How to learn to make applications for iOS and macOS

Some time ago I decided to give a couple of ways to create an application for iPhone and iPad, available on Windows. Now this topic is still relevant. So I decided to expand this list and include some other methods that have appeared since the first post, and those that are still in development, but already attract, seem interesting. Please note that official programs There is no Windows app for developing iPhone apps (and they are unlikely to ever appear).

At this stage, if you want to publish your application in iPhone AppStore from Apple, then you will have to compile it on the official iPhone software, which is available for Mac OS X, use Flash's iPhone Packager, Airplay SDK, or send someone your code to compile. For now, I know there is one thing " "hackintosh" solution, but I won't talk about it, not only because it may be illegal, but I saw someone who tried it... and it turned into a long hassle - each OS and SDK update took hours when they could just buy Mac Mini for less than $700 and no hassle.

They say there are ways to develop iPhone apps on Windows. Again, there is no official release of the iOS SDK - and I'm pretty sure there is no official way, despite all the marketing talk some vendors make. If you see any seller claiming that their product is the official SDK for developing iPhone apps on Windows, my advice is to stay away from them.

I divide the methods listed here into those that have already created commercially available applications and those that I think are particularly worthy of attention.

These Windows alternatives include game engines, html/javascript solutions for creating hybrid applications, as well as regular programs to create applications for iPhone/iPad.

Ways to create iPhone apps on Windows

  1. Flash CS5.5 is a very good solution together with Flash iPhone Packager. The iOS packager allows you to compile applications on Windows platform. If you have already used Flash, then you are the owner latest standards Apple. It works well, however don't expect high-end games technical requirements, as well as Papervision will run on it. No Mac computer required. Someone asked if it was possible creation of iOS Flash applications in an environment other than the official Adobe environment... you can certainly compile applications using the Flex compiler and package them as long as you follow ASME guidelines.
  2. Airplay SDK - Airplay SDK allows you to create games and sign your applications on Windows. Perfect solution for both 2D and 3D games and applications, thanks to free offer from independent developers.
    Both of these options can compile standard code iPhone directly on your Windows. A large number of applications available in the AppStore were created with their help.
  3. Unity 3D is a game engine and editor using Boo and C# and runs on both Windows and Mac.
  4. Stonetrip S3D is a LUA based game engine and editor running on Windows.
    These game engines allow you to create applications on Windows, but you will need a Mac to test/compile them.
  5. Appcelerator Titanium - Good decision, which has a fairly wide and lively audience. The applications do not require high performance since they are built using html/javascript and can be compiled as standard applications and submitted to the AppStore.
  6. Genuitec MobiOne is an interface creator that uses the PhoneGap framework to provide standard functionality. It only runs on Windows and is HTML/Javascript based.
    These methods allow you to create applications using web technologies (HTML/CSS/Javascript) and subsequently run them through an Objective-C framework that responds to actions in the UIWebView, thereby giving you access to standard functionality on the iPhone. These frameworks are free. A Mac will be required for standard testing/compiling.
  7. Dragonfire SDK - Interesting way, allowing you to create applications that use their own SDK on Windows. Next, you send them your source code, which they compile, and you download the ready-made iOS application file. You upload your code to compile on their server (assuming you have the Ultimate version). I mentioned it because I like its syntax and it is quite popular and is also good packer with a successful simulator on Windows.

There are a couple of other solutions that are either still being tested, or are paid without any trial versions (or even in some cases without screenshots), or simply have not yet been released. Many of them appear to be simplified versions of the Dragonfly SDK, which allows you to develop iPhone apps on Windows by compiling your source code.. Airplay SDK, possibly on this moment is the most advanced "iOS software for Windows" available for free.

iPhone application development on Windows already is real

If you really decide to create iPhone apps on Windows and don't even want to buy a Mac Mini, then I suggest you use html/javascript programs like PhoneGap/Appcelerator or Airplay SDK, and then find someone with a Mac and ask them to help you. Airplay SDK is the only one free solution for Windows to create high-end games on iPhone/iPad. You can use Flash Developer, but it currently has limitations in quality. However, a new version will be released soon.

Update: Unfortunately, the Airplay SDK has been renamed to the Marmalade SDK and is no longer available for free to independent developers.

Without financial investments and special knowledge.

Here simple instructions, how to create a basic iOS application and try it on your device. Based on it, you can go further into the topic and create really useful programs.

Note for Windows users: to create applications for iOS you need to install OS X on a virtual machine (VirtualBox, VMware). This process is by no means simple and requires separate instructions.

1. Let's go to App Store and install the XCode development environment:

If you already have XCode, then you need to update it.

2. Launch xCode and select the menu item File -> New -> Project:

3. Select the platform and application type:

4. Provide information about the project. Please note that we have selected the "Universal" application type:

5. Click on the button New Folder and indicate the name of the folder in which we will store the application files:

6. Uncheck the Create Git Repository checkbox and click the Create button. As a result, you should get to start screen working on the application:

7. Click on the item Main.storyboard in the right menu, drag the element to the main field Label and add text to it Hello_world:

8. Now we need to make an icon for the application. We select an image and upload it to

9. We wait for the web application to finish working and indicate your address Email to get an archive with icons:

10. Return to XCode and select section in the left menu Assets.xassets:

11. Open the archive from the mail and drag icons from there to working space XCode:

12. Select one of the device simulators, click on the application launch button (black triangle) and turn it on on your Mac Developer Mode:

13. We try to start again. We are waiting for iOS to load on the simulator:

14. Make sure the application is working:

We look at the finished application on the device

Now you can see how the application works on the device. Before following the instructions, make sure you have latest versions XCode and iOS.

1. Let's go to xCode -> Preferences -> Accounts and add your Apple ID:

2. Connect the iOS device to the computer:

3. Choose required device in the list and click on the start button. We're waiting for a while.

4. If a message about security problems appears, then on the iOS device go to Settings -> Basic -> Device management and allow applications from the developer to run with your Apple ID:

5. Go to the desktop and find the new application icon:

6. Launch:

7. Disconnect the device from the computer. Now the application can be used.

What to do if you want more?

Using scientific poking and Google, you can expand the above sequence of actions and create more functional application. But you can only use it on your own devices.

After all, Apple places very high demands on applications. The App Store Review Guidelines include 29 points and more than a hundred sub-points. In order for an application to comply with them and be accepted for publication in the store, the developer requires a large amount of technical knowledge.

If you want to create quality applications for iOS intended for mass use,

How to create an application for iOS - 6 steps + 10 tips for beginners.

Some people who want to start making money on the Internet do not know how to create an application forios.

However, it is not difficult to learn this by following the tips offered in the article.

Step-by-step creation of an application for iOS

You can learn how to develop games, nutrition and sports training diaries, and calendars during the development process.

All you need to do is just follow the instructions.

6 stages of creating an application for iOS:

    Search for an idea.

    Original new items, bright and unusual, are very popular.
    Create something that you yourself would like to use. The emphasis should be on convenience and functionality.

    Drawing up a plan and functionality.

    When drawing up a plan, pay more attention to functional features.
    If it's a game, create one Personal Area, the ability to count points, communicate between players.
    If this is a diary, create an additional calendar function and reminders.
    The main rule for creating new products is that they should not only be interesting, but also useful.

    Selecting a tool.

    When choosing a program to create a program, you need to pay special attention.
    After all, what your game or diary for iOS will turn out depends on its functions.
    Should try to do trial version to evaluate the capabilities of the platform.


    Quickly creating applications often ends in failure - everything works incorrectly, but there is nothing interesting.
    First, a shell is created - selected appearance, colors and structure.
    Then it must be filled out following the instructions of the development program.


    The title is what the user sees first.
    It should hook, attract attention, interest and motivate you to purchase the application and install it on your mobile device.

    Evaluation of the result.

    After finishing the work, you should try to look at the final product through someone else's eyes.
    Ask friends and family to test your work.

When thinking about how to create an application for iOS, take time to “nurturing” the idea.

It must mature, take shape and appear initially in the form of sketches on paper.

How to make an application for iOS without learning programming?

How to write an application forios for those who own a computer but do not understand programming methods?

In order to make a small program with minimal functionality, you don’t have to lock yourself in a library with dozens of volumes on programming, or sign up for expensive courses.

All you need to do is choose a convenient, functional platform, and, following the stages of development, make a calendar, game or calorie counter.

The best programs for creating for a beginner:


It should be understood that creating an application for iOS without the use of programming skills is only possible if the development site is paid and offers great functionality.

To create a program using such a site, you just need to follow the instructions of the system.

How to write an iOS app using Xcode?

Those who are wondering about it without any special skills can use the Xcode platform.

To get started with Xcode, you need to download it and install it on your mobile device.

You can download Xcode at:

Then you need to decide what you are going to create.

The Xcode system platform supports the creation of:

  • Navigation programs
  • Diaries with reminders
  • Mini-directories.

Most often, the system offers a ready-made file with codes and an interface that is convenient to use for developing your own application.

You can add different functions, simply following the instructions in the windows.

Algorithm for creating a new project

  1. Launch Xcode from applications on your mobile device.
    A welcome window will appear.
  2. You need to exit it and run the “Create a new file” function.
  3. Choose a design.
  4. On the left side iOS programs you need to select the Application section.
  5. In the window that appears, enter the name of your future program.
  6. All changes made are saved.
    To continue writing, you need to open the created document with the code from the file.

The Xcode platform is very beginner-friendly.

The system gives everything necessary tools, and instructions appear in the opening windows and further actions development activities that can be undertaken immediately.

Even those who do not know how to write codes can use the program and create something that will appeal to millions of Internet users.

Xcode allows you to choose any template you like already finished program, and change it at your own discretion.

To use source code files, you need to find the Single View template and make sure that your project management is available in navigation bar.

To continue creating a program based on ready code, you need to select the Supporting directory and in the menu that opens – main.m.

The system will then automatically perform all the necessary actions.

Concept for creating an application for ios

Before you start, you need to strictly decide where exactly you are going.

In other words, you should have a picture in your head of the finished application, the principles of its operation and functionality.

When developing a concept, attention should be paid to two main issues:

    What is your target audience?

    The type of application you create will largely depend on the range of users, their age and interests.
    The game is best for children, and for girls - teenagers under the age of 18 - a girl's diary for the phone.

    What is your purpose in creating a game or reference book?

    To practice programming skills or earn money?

Considerable attention should also be paid to filling out the application for iOS.

Here you should be careful and avoid two extremes - an overly empty and overly filled platform.

Lack and excess of information are equally harmful.

Pay attention to the presence of active functions.

The user must be able to interact with the system - make notes, set bookmarks.

Every novice developer can create a program no worse than a specialist.

With the current level of technology, programs themselves will write a game or glider, but will not come up with an original one, unique idea, Name.

What those who want to know about writing their own application for iOS need to know:

  1. Spend time identifying the needs of your chosen user audience.
  2. Pay special attention to the relevance of the application.
  3. Avoid errors in the code, since they are almost impossible to fix, and users will leave a lot of unpleasant feedback in the comments.
  4. To do this, you need to create a business model and decide how the money will come in.
    There are two ways: make the program paid, and charge money when downloading, or introduce advertising.
  5. Make sure that the application is unique and you are not accused of plagiarism.
  6. Strive to create a program that will be supported by any operating system.
  7. Study the principles of application development, ask those who have been doing similar things for a long time.
  8. Don't overdo it with functionality.
    One or two “chips” will be quite enough.
    The user must understand the program, and not guess the principle of its operation.
  9. If the project received many bad reviews, don’t abandon it, don’t get upset, but work on improving it.
    Develop your skills.
  10. Analyze games and applications.
    Notice which ideas seem good and which ones are confusing.

If you want to create your own application without any programming knowledge,

then this video will tell you which service you can use to do this:

There are many simple answers to the question: how to make an app for ios.

By choosing the most convenient method for yourself, you can create an excellent game or reference book that will attract large quantities about users and will generate income.

Developing applications for iOS can be not only very exciting, but also quite profitable. You just need to create a high-quality Soft that is relevant for users of Apple devices, put it on the AppStore and enjoy the fruits of your activity, that is, make a financial profit.

Today, many enthusiasts are looking for an answer to the question of how to create an application for iOS on Windows. Official ways there is no solution to this problem. Some software solving the problem creating applications for iOS, yes. However, its use leads to a number of difficulties.

Therefore, everyone who decides to seriously engage in the development of programs and games for mobile devices from Apple, you should get a computer with OS X version 10.8 or higher.

How to create an application for iOS: sequence of actions

In order to start creating applications for iOS, you will need to undergo certain training, namely:

  • Install Xcode. It is provided by Apple is free and can only be installed on OS X. There are no methods for running this software on Windows and Linux.
  • Install functional text editor, for example JEdit or TextMate. This will significantly simplify the performance of certain actions, for example, writing code.
  • Install the program vector graphics. It is necessary for developing games and programs with images and designs. You can use software such as Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Their free analogue is the DrawBerry program.
  • Learn the basics of Objective-C - a programming language without which it is impossible to create games for iOS and functional programs. Although it is possible to create simple software without this programming language, it will not be possible to make it functional. (If there is no desire to learn Objective-C, then you will have to use the services of freelancers who will do part of the work on developing applications for a financial reward).
  • Create a developer account. To do this, you will have to pay $99 (fee is charged every year) and enter your tax information.
  • Download and review test applications. This will give you a hands-on iOS development experience.

Qualitative software is a product based on a precisely formulated concept. That is why it is necessary to start creating an application for iOS by planning it. That means:

  • Defining the concept of the future program (design, functionality, main actions, operation scheme of the future software - all this must be clearly thought out and approved). If the task is to create a game for iOS, then its genre must be chosen, the storyline, characters, and so on must be thought out.
  • Choose target audience, which very much depends on the functionality of the software.
  • Choose specific tasks, which will be solved by the software being developed.
  • Think over the user interface, which should be such as to facilitate maximum quick solution tasks to be applied. It is better to work through several options, a visual study of which will help determine the final choice.

Now you can start directly developing mobile applications for iOS. To do this, in the program for creating applications for iOS (Xcode), you need to start new project and provide all the required information. The development process then looks something like this:

  • Creation of a Storyboard, which is necessary for visually displaying all screens of the future application, as well as transitions between them.
  • Assigning a Storyboard to the created project. This is necessary so that the selected interface is loaded when the program starts.
  • Creating the first screen using the view controller. There is a wide variety of controllers that have already been created, and they themselves are necessary for the program to “understand” exactly how to display content to the user.
  • Adding interface objects. Developing an application for iOS is impossible without using such functional interface elements as text fields, various labels, navigation, buttons and others. All of them are in the Objects Library list.
  • Changing the properties of added objects. This is necessary to give the program being created individuality. Without this it will not be possible to create popular program for iOS.
  • Adding new screens. Almost every modern application for mobile devices from Apple has several custom screens.
  • Adding a functional navigation bar, which is necessary to move users between program screens.
  • Assigning the functionality of the created buttons.
  • Creating the ability to process data by the program. This step involves the use of the Objective-C programming language, with the help of which the application will be able to store and process data entered by the user, as well as perform other functions.

The final stage of creating an iOS application is testing it. To do this, you need to build the program using XCode (the “Build” button), and then check its functionality on the emulator built into the software and on your own Apple device.

Whenever various errors or the application crashes, you need to find out their causes and eliminate them.

Also created iOS app can be sent to other users for testing, for which you need to create an Ad-Hoc certificate on the website iOS Dev Center. Users will be able to provide a large amount of feedback that will help make the program more stable, functional and useful.

It is important to know! The created Soft can pass Apple certification only if it is optimized for iOS 8 version and a retina display.

After testing and debugging the application created for iOS, you can begin final compilation and publication via the web interface of the iTunes Connect website. To do this you will have to perform several steps:

  • come up with a name for the application;
  • enter detailed information about it;
  • send the program to the appstore;
  • wait for him to check.

Now you know how to create an application for iOS, and you can safely begin to implement your idea. However, remember that it is better to start with a small program that implements simple tasks.

The development of several such applications for iOS will allow you to understand the principles of creating programs for Apple devices, as well as get more information for creating complex applications skills.

iOS is the operating system that Apple smartphones run on. To purchase games or applications, use a proprietary digital platform App shopping Store. If the developer’s product turns out to be successful (will be in demand among users), then even for one program you can earn good money. On average, developers popular applications for iOS they earn several thousand dollars a month.

Process of creation

The algorithm for creating a program or game has the same concept regardless of the platform, so it is extremely important to adhere to development rules. By skipping one step or another, the developer risks getting a failed project. initial stage. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm for creating a digital product:

  1. Creating a product concept– the first stage, requiring analysis of trends in digital App store Store. When creating a project, the developer must clearly outline the target audience. For the analytical stage to be successful, look at which applications, programs, games, etc. are in the top of the App Store. In addition, find out what is installed on the smartphones of your acquaintances, friends, and relatives.
  2. Technical base– first you need to learn the Objective-C language, which is used in writing programs for iOS. For beginner programmers, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with Pascal language and other languages: C, Java.
  3. Tools– development environment, special text editor and graphic editor.
  4. Creation and testing programs.
  5. Marketing promotion.

Step-by-step creation of the utility

Each user has the opportunity to independently create an application for iOS without additional financial investments and professional knowledge. There is a special XCode development environment that allows you to work directly on your phone. In case you need to write mobile applications on a Windows computer, you will have to install special virtual machines. For example, VirtualBox and VMware. Let's take a closer look at the official method:

  1. Install on your smartphone XCode development environment. The add-on is located in the official OS App Store and has free system distribution. If the program is installed on your phone, check it for updates.
  2. Having dealt with preparatory settings, sign in to XCode. To create a new project, use the tab File. Next, a sub-item will open where you need to select commands New And Project.
  3. The next step in creating an iPhone application is choosing platform and thematic type future utility.
  4. Specify brief information about the software being created.
  5. Next you need to press the key New Folder. A folder is created here where auxiliary files for the program will be stored.
  6. In the next window, uncheck the item and activate the command Create. Thanks to these manipulations, the user will be taken to the start work panel.
  7. Click on the button called storyboard. It is located on the right side of the interface. Drag an element with the name to the main field Label. Don't forget to add introductory text in the line Hello_world(any other text is possible).
  8. Be sure to come up with icon for the utility. Upload your icon to
  9. After a short processing of the request, indicate E-mail address, where they will send an archive with icons.
  10. Return to the XCode development environment. Now on the left side of the interface, find a section called xassets.
  11. Open the archive from the mail (where the icons were sent) and drag them into the window located in XCode.
  12. Select one of the device emulators, and then click on the command launch the program(the icon is indicated as a black triangle), turning on Mac Developer Mode.
  13. Repeat startup attempt waiting until iOS loads on the emulator.
  14. Make sure that the utility works.

This way you can create your application from scratch.

Popular services for creating applications

We offer a selection of services that will help you make iOS applications yourself.

Apps Globus

The Apps Globus project is a universal application designer that is suitable for mobile operating systems Android and iOS. Features a convenient user interface. Thanks to the built-in modules, significantly simplifies the development process. Apps Globus supports up to 60 built-in modules, including:

Apps Globus is distributed By paid subscription . Users who want to test the application can use the 5-day demo version. Monthly subscription is provided in three types: “ home page», « studio" And " business" The difference between subscriptions is the price and number of developed applications. There is also a version that requires a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles. In addition to unlimited use, it offers source codes and assistance in setting up the utility.


The App2b project offers a multifunctional designer that can be used not only to create applications for iOS, but also for Android platforms. This constructor creates a commercial or information content. That is why the service has built-in template library For quick creation convenient application on one's own.

Like other similar projects it is distributed by paid subscription. The main difference from other designers is the only payment method in the form of a one-time payment in the amount of 9,900 rubles.

The project is the only one free constructor for creating websites and applications. The program is a comprehensive solution for online business. Allows you to create unique pages, virtual stores, electronic magazines. Distinctive feature constructor is lack of prepared templates. Instead, flexible tools that do not require programming knowledge are used. Because of this, any program created in New Digital Times looks like the author's work.

The designer is a multimedia tool focused on creating business applications in various areas: information panels, online stores, restaurant menus, etc. For the convenience of users there are built-in templates for programs and synchronization with social networks and other popular services.

Sold in several variations: for independent use And affiliate program . Distributed in two types of subscription: monthly and annual. In addition, on the site you can hire people to create programs.