How to remove mail ru search from the browser? Why is Yandex switching to mail? What to do if Yandex switches mail.

“I’m using the Google Chrome browser and suddenly, out of the blue, the Google search engine began to be redirected to the search engine. Let’s say I write any word, the browser first shows search results in Google and after a few seconds everything changes to Mail does not create any attached tabs, it simply changes the search engine, despite the fact that the default settings are still Google. Files like Guard or Sputnik are not installed. Cleaning the registry did not give any results, deleting folders associated with, disabling extensions and search engines. , except for Google, it also didn’t lead to anything worthwhile. Mile continued to attack my search engine in Chrome."

How can you get rid of this annoying behavior of is a well-known search engine from the portal. Many users choose it as their home page or as their default search engine. But recently there has been a large number of malware and advertising viruses that redirect users to the website, and do this without the user’s consent. Typically, such malware penetrates the computer along with various free programs, that is, an application that changes browser settings is included in the installer of the program the user needs. Thus, when installing the required free program, the user’s browser settings automatically change: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer (Edge). replaces the home page, the page that opens when creating a new tab, and the default search engine.

More information about redirect

During a system infection, an application that changes browser settings on can also change the shortcuts for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer (Edge) by adding the address…/ in the field. Thus, such malware can affect almost all types of browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, 360 Chrome, Sogou Explorer, Opera, Safari, Maxthon, QQ Browser, Baidu Browser, TheWorld Browser, Liebao, Tencent Traveler.

No matter what home page you set, will always open every time you launch your browser. If you try to manually correct the shortcuts or restore your browser settings, you will see that after some time the website will return to its place again. This happens because malicious programs can monitor the state of browser settings in real time and, when trying to restore them on their own (change the search engine or home page to Google), change them again and again.

Although is an excellent site and is not associated with a virus or malware, the way some applications set it as the start page and default search engine causes fair dissatisfaction among the user. This change in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer (Edge) settings needs to be fixed. It is very important to fully disinfect your computer by completing each of the steps in the instructions below.

How the site became your home page and search engine

No matter how strange it may seem, it most likely happened thanks to your actions. Typically, programs that change browser settings on penetrate the computer along with free applications, such as a download manager, torrent client or text editor.

Therefore, you should always be very careful about what you are going to download from the Internet! After launching the downloaded program, during the installation stage, carefully read all messages. Do not rush to click the Agree or Agree button in the window containing the user agreement. Be sure to read it carefully. Try to select Advanced(Custom) when installing any programs. This will allow you to control which applications are included in the installer and make it easy not to install those that you do not need or are suspicious of.

Ways to remove and restore browser settings

If a link appears on the start page of your browser (search for the company), do not worry. Most likely, this is not the work of some cunning virus, but only the result of your rash or erroneous actions. In 95 cases out of 100, the URL is “registered” on its own after installing software or third-party products that simultaneously add a search engine to web browsers.

However, it is still better to delete (link on the start page) and accidentally installed service software (Sputnik, Guard, Visual bookmarks, etc.). Why clutter your browsers and system? And then, it makes sense to return the former comfort of web surfing (for example, if it is convenient for you to search for the necessary information in the Google search engine, and not in

There are two ways to remove software, browser add-ons and the link from the start page from your computer.

Method #1: cleaning with standard products

Uninstalling programs

1. Click the “Start” button (the first one in the taskbar).

2. Go to: Control Panel → “Uninstall a program” subsection.

3. Right-click the program, click the “Delete” panel.

4. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

5. Uninstall in the same way all the service software available in the system (Guard, Sputnik, module for Opera, automatic update service).

Removing remaining registry keys

1. Hold down the Win key and press R.

2. In the “Run” line, type the command - regedit. Click "OK".

3. In the “Search” panel, in the “Find” field, enter the query -

4. Run a registry scan: click “Find Next.”

5. Right-click on the detected entry. Select "Delete" from the list.

Cleaning Browsers

1. Click to open the “Service” menu (in versions 9-11 - the “gear” icon).

2. In the “Settings types” section, click on the “Toolbars…” item.

3. Right-click the addon. In the context menu, run the “Disable” command.

4. Go to the “Search Services” subsection. And also (via the menu) disable the search for the portal.

5. Go to the Internet Explorer menu. Select Internet Options.

6. In the properties panel, in the “Home page” line, specify the address of the search engine you are using (for example,

7. Click “Apply” and then “OK”.

Google Chrome

1. Click the three stripes icon at the top right.

2. Open: Additional tools → Extensions.

3. Click the “Trash” label opposite addons from (confirm deletion in an additional request).

4. On the same tab, click “Settings” in the list on the left.

5. In the “At startup...” option, click the “Add” function.

7. In the “Search” block:

  • open the drop-down list and install the required search engine;
  • Click “Configure... systems...”;
  • in the “Search Settings” field, remove links to


1. In the browser window, click: Menu (button in the upper left corner) → Extensions → Extension Manager.

2. Place the cursor in the upper right corner of the “mail” add-on, and then click the “cross” that appears.

1. Press the key combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “A” at the same time.

Note. You can also go through the menu: Tools → Add-ons.

2. Click the “Delete” command in the addon column.

3. Click the Tools section again and go to Settings.

4. In the “Home Page” field (the “Basic” tab), type the url of the search engine you use.

Method #2: cleaning with programs

Removing applications using an uninstaller program

Note. This guide describes the cleaning procedure using the Soft Organizer utility. But you can use another similar solution to complete this task. For example, Revo Uninstaller or Uninstall Tools.

1. In the Soft Organizer window, in the list of programs installed in Windows, select “[email protected]” (or another application of this service) by clicking the mouse.

2. Click the “Uninstall a program” command in the top panel.

3. After completing the standard uninstallation, click “Find” to start searching for the remains of the removed application.

4. Delete the remaining application keys and files found by Soft Organizer.

Cleaning Browsers

Google Chrome

1. Download the Chrome cleaning tool from the official page -

  • click “Download”;
  • in the additional window “Terms of service…” click “Accept and download”.

2. Run the downloaded utility with administrator rights.

3. When cleaning is complete, select “Reset” in the browser’s “Reset settings” panel.

Internet Explorer, Firefox

1. Download the browser cleaner from the website of the antivirus company Avast -

2. Install and run it.

3. In the vertical menu, select the browser that needs to be cleaned.

4. Click on the checkbox in the add-on “Exclude extensions...” (line at the bottom of the window).

5. Click “Delete” in the blocks of extensions from

6. At the top right, click the “Reset settings” button.

7. In the drop-down list, select a search engine for the start page.

8. Click Clean Free.


1. Download the CCleaner Free utility (free distribution) from the official resource (

2. Install on your PC and run.

3. In the CCleaner panel, go to the “Registry” section.

4. Click Search for Problems.

5. Upon completion of the analysis, click the “Fix” command to eliminate the errors found by the utility in the system registry.

6. Click on the “Cleaning” menu.

7. Click “Analysis”.

8. To remove unnecessary files and folders from the operating system, click

Successful setup of Windows and browsers! Don't forget to read the software installers instructions.

Today, if you can Google, then you are a smart guy on the Internet. And if you don’t know how, then you’re stupid. Because those who know how to Google copy-paste information from the search results into all sorts of cozy blogs or these VKontakte pages of yours, and thus can present themselves in the world as smart. Labor made a man out of a monkey, and today monkeys become people by learning to Google.

What search engines are there?

First, what types of search engines are there? The two most prominent representatives here are Yandex and Google.

Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia. Official LiveInternet statistics state: the number of users is 50.9% (data as of June 2015). Google accounted for 40.6%. I search for commercial queries in Yandex (when I want to buy something), and I believe that for such queries the results in Yandex are much better than in Google.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Almost a monopolist. Only in Russia does it give way to Yandex. Google became available on RuNet only in 2004. In general, for information requests, Google provides better answers than Yandex. But I still first search in a domestic search engine, and if I can’t find the answer, then I go to Google, fortunately in Yandex there is a button at the end of the top to go to other search engines.


Google is a search engine that works very quickly. At one time, this search engine gained popularity thanks to its unique search algorithms, which made it possible to provide much better answers than those of its competitors. But they have not stopped developing, and are constantly improving. Today Google means:

  • Well-thought-out algorithms that have been tested in many languages ​​of the world and are constantly being improved;
  • The interface is “nothing superfluous”, everything is designed not to interfere with the search;
  • Performance.

What can Yandex do against Google? After all, the American giant is confidently moving towards becoming a monopolist?

All the same, regional features are regional features. Especially when the conversation is about commodity circulation. I'm not a patriot, but I believe in Yandex, and I think that they have really high-quality products, including search. Google specialists will never be as well versed in the Russian language as Yandex specialists who devote a lot of time to this. Google will never have so many local assessors and never will it monitor their quality so much. Yandex, like a lion, is fighting for the Russian market, and will fight to the last drop of blood.

What is "google"

“Googling” is searching for information on the Google search engine. Thus, the use of the giant search engine has already become a household name.

Lifehacks for Google Search

How to Google correctly:

By the way, these tips apply not only to Google, but also to most other search engines.

The most useful thing is the minus sign . Do you want to find information about the football player Adriano, but all the search results are filled with the musician Celentano, who turned out to be greater? Enter your request Adriano Celentano. Then the search will exclude from the search all pages that contain the word “Celentano”.

The plus sign is also important + . If you want to emphasize that a certain word is especially important to you, put a plus sign in front of it and see how the results change. The search engine will return those pages that exactly contain the word preceded by a plus.

Star * used (only with quotation marks) if you have forgotten some word from the phrase. For example, if you enter the query "how to * codeigniter to the server", then the search engine will give you results on how to connect codeigniter to the server.

The operator allows you to find out the meaning of a word.

Using an operator site: we can only search one site.

The operator can be quite useful, because it allows you to search for files of a specific format. Let's say if you need a book in .pdf format, that's how we type it.

Valid for Adobe Reader PDF (.pdf), Adobe Postscript (.ps), Autodesk DWF (.dwf), Google Earth (.kml, .kmz), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Shockwave Flash (.swf).

If you need to search for text from a specific part of an html page, you can use inurl:(and Google will give you only those pages where the word is in the URL), (only those that contain the word in the title), intext:(in text), and inanchor:(in the text of the links).

The operator allows you to search for similar sites.

When searching for images, if you only need to find faces, you should add the parameter to the end of the URL &imgtype=face.

# is an icon for searching information by the hash tag of interest.

Symbol @ defines all records associated with a specific name.

I think the remaining features (like the tilde or separator) have become outdated as the search has improved.

Vertical search

There is also something like Yandex Market - Google purchases, but they do not actively promote them and this is not a very well-known type of search.


Yandex, in my opinion, is very good for searching for goods or services. And many entrepreneurs note that more clients come from Yandex. Let's try to get the most out of using this search engine.

Life hacks for searching in Yandex

The differences are as follows.
First, to search for specific documents based on their parameter, use the operator mime:.

Secondly, allows you to search for sites only in a certain language. For this purpose the operator is used lang: indicating the language. For example, Russian – ru, Ukrainian – uk, English – en.

Another interesting feature is searching for people through Yandex:

Yandex settings

In Yandex you can customize:

  • Interface language;
  • region;
  • home page;
  • search settings.

You can always return to the default settings. Click the “Settings” button here:

Clicking the “Other Settings” button will open advanced options.

My page

And if you go to the main page and go to Settings - Configure Yandex, then here we can configure the main one. Yandex calls this “my page”.

Each user can set up mail and a music service linked to their account. If you wish, you can change the theme by selecting a special widget. In this case, binding to a specific browser works. In another browser, you can install a different theme in Yandex.

How to remove search from Yandex

Yandex search can also be deleted. To remove Yandex, use the browser settings:

  1. Google Chrome: icon of three horizontal stripes – Tools – Extensions – Remove or disable unnecessary add-ons.
  2. Mozilla Firefox: red button with the name of the browser written on it – Add-ons – Remove or Turn Off.
  3. Internet Explorer: Tools – Settings – Search services – Delete.

Here's how to remove Yandex search.

How to exit from Yandex to Google

Although Google and Yandex are competitors, our search engine generously offers at the end of its search results to go to Google or another search engine if you haven’t found what you need.

And this, I must say, is the second main reason, after commercial search, why I mainly use Yandex.

How to find a saved copy of a page in Yandex

This is usually done like this: enter the URL of the page with the url: operator into the search, and then click the green arrow next to it and look at the saved copy.

This is useful if you did not find the necessary information on the page, although it was in the Yandex results. In this case, there is a chance that it remained in the saved copy.

In fact, quite a lot of older people, according to my observations, use search. But, to be honest, Mail's search is of lower quality than Yandex or Google. They, of course, are trying to improve somehow, many results are manually moderated, but overall I think there is no point in using this search engine.


Rambler has not had its own search technology for a long time. His search is Yandex with slightly modified results. There is no point in using it, except “by inertia”.


Other search engines:

  1. Bing, formerly MSN Search, Windows Live Search.
  2. Yahoo is no longer an independent search engine; it uses the engine from Bing. Previously, it was a real competition to Google, but that is already in the past.
  3. Nygma. The main difference is solving problems in chemistry and mathematics, special search for music, books, games and torrent.

These are all rather weak and backward search engines.

Why does it transfer from Google to Yandex?

It happens that it transfers from Google to Yandex. This problem is sometimes solved by removing Yandex Browser or browser add-ons from a domestic company.

The service can be very intrusive. Moreover, it is intrusive to such an extent that we ourselves do not notice how various products from this service end up on our computer. Moreover, the user’s inattentiveness is to blame for this. When a person installs any program on his computer, during the installation process he does not uncheck some items, which precisely contribute to the fact that in the future the user begins to have questions like: how to remove mail ru search from Yandex.

The problem lies in this program: "" and other similar products from Mile. First you need to delete them, and then mess with the browser.

Open the “Start” menu, visit the “Control Panel” section, then click on “Add or Remove Programs”. If your list of installed applications is not huge, then you can quickly find the program that we mentioned above. You will also need to get rid of the Sputnik utility. Right-click -> left-click on “Delete”.

Half the battle is done, now we need to do some manipulations with our browser or browsers.

Personally I work withMozillaFireFox, but I’ll also tell you how to remove mail ru search from Yandex in the Google Chrome browser.

Point one - and here the search for immediately appears. This nuisance will need to be removed. Click on the button under the number 2, then go to the “Add-ons” section. And here we see that the “Sputnik toolbar” from the above-mentioned service works for us. Delete it immediately, and then do not forget to restart your browser program.

If your entire page has changed, that is, there is no Yandex at all, there is only, then in this case you need to do the same manipulations described above. First, remove programs from from your computer, and then remove add-ons in the browser you are working with.

Now all that remains is to do the “finishing touch”. Pay attention to the item under number 2, where addresses are now indicated. We need to register the search engine we are working with. In this case we are talking about Yandex. Accordingly, we enter the following address: . Don't forget to restart your browser.

Brief instructions for removing the pest fromGoogleChrome:

Click the button on the screenshot, and then click the settings tab

Take a look at the attached image which shows the button we click on. Next, go to the main “Settings”.

Personally, I don’t have a problem; accordingly, it’s not listed in the address bar. You need to edit this item by indicating the Yandex Internet address.

Surely got into our Chrome “Extensions”, and we need to remove the pest from there too. Open the “Tools” section, and from there go to the “Extensions” category. There should be a toolbar from Mile here. Delete it, and then restart your browser program.

If you did everything correctly, the problem will definitely be solved!

    In this case, the user means that when he opens the Yandex Internet browser, it’s not him, but the email search pops up and probably extraneous advertising - so you need to remove all this from all places - autoload, make Yandex the start page , the main browser is also Yandex and so on. All this is in the browser settings and Control Panel.

    Personally, I have exactly the same situation - the start page of the Google Chrome browser is the page, and I regularly receive proposals to make the Yandex website the start page. True, in the case of, this is not as simple as it might seem - here are detailed explanations and a way to solve the problem:

    And this is some kind of bug for you (from, of course) that either the start page or the default search (it’s not clear from your question, unfortunately) replaces it.

    Go to the Control Panel, to Programs, find everything there that has in its name, and delete it.

    Most likely, it makes Mail the start page, for example, in my Google Chrome browser I always need to switch to Yandex, but it doesn’t open right away. You can look in the browser settings and change one start page to another, and also, just in case, scan your computer for viruses and malware, because sometimes it happens that an ordinary Trojan changes programs. You also need to look at what extensions, applications, plugins and modules are installed on your computer.

    You can fix the problem by clicking on the 3 lines at the top right and going to Settings.

    Yandex itself won’t switch to anything, but it doesn’t get to the point. willingly occupies start and home pages. Change them back to Yandex. Mail will be in prolt. In the control panel and in the search in the C drive, look for files with Mail in the names and delete them, this will not break the system, but will clear the computer of Maila.

    As I understand it, this is about the start page...

    Those. You have a Yandex browser, and it regularly switches to the start page.

    In the browser settings you need to change the start page and that's it... you can also do this by going to the Yandex start page and setting it as the default start page.

    Everything can be changed in the browser settings. Choose whichever search engine is convenient for you or you like and install the starting one. You can select and install in the settings so that you immediately go to the page you need. Apparently, now you have a specified mail page in your settings, so set open a new tab on startup. To enter the browser settings, in the top right we find the icon - three horizontal lines, open it and follow the recommendations described above.

    Most likely it's some kind of computer virus. Therefore, first check your PC with an antivirus. You can also change your browser settings and change the search system to the one you need, or change the start page. This could also happen if you downloaded the Amigo browser. Then simply remove it from the Programs and Settings menu.

    Did you download anything by chance? This happened to me a few days ago. I went to the site to look for information and accidentally clicked on the download button. I simply didn’t recognize my computer. Mail and all the programs accompanying it immediately appeared. It was absolutely impossible to work. We cleaned the computer twice of all files and programs that came with the file, but in the end we had to change Windows. No matter what we remove, it still appears every other day. I had to contact the youth and they fixed the problem. But I had a clear reason for the problem.

    But for you everything may be simpler - the start page on Yandex is not installed.

    P.S: Although everything can be much simpler - open the extensions and look there. Delete anything related to Mail.