How to delete all contacts from Skype. Removing a contact from Skype

IN modern world some people simply cannot imagine their life without communication. But with the development of Internet technologies, more and more often live communication is replaced . There is a reason why the program is so popular. This service has many advantages: it is convenient, reliable, inexpensive, functional.

Quite often, unknown people come knocking on the door of the user, whom they first add as friends, thinking that this is an acquaintance, and then they try to break off communication with them. So the question arises: how to remove a contact from Skype so that it no longer appears on the list? We present to you the main methods of this procedure.

Removing people from Skype

The easiest way to remove a person from your contact list is through context menu

How to delete a buddy in Windows? First of all, the whole one opens, you need to left-click on it computer mouse, after which the contact will be highlighted in blue. Next click on it right click, find the delete item in the context menu and press the Enter button. A confirmation message will appear on the screen. If the interlocutor is no longer needed, you must click “Delete”. If in doubt, you can cancel the action. In order not to constantly confirm actions, just check the “Don’t ask again” checkbox, then everything will be deleted without a request.

How to delete a contact for MacOS? In this case, everything is a little different, although the meaning is the same. In the program, select the icon of the interlocutor, then right-click on the picture. A context menu will appear in which you select “Delete user”.

To disconnect a user from mobile gadgets, in the “People” window, select the desired person, hold the icon with your finger until the context menu appears. In order to remove the enemy, you need to click on the cross. Next, a confirmation window will open with the words “Delete”.

No matter what device it is on, the contact will disappear forever. But the most interesting thing is that after deletion, the connection does not stop. The correspondence history is saved, you can, as before, communicate and receive calls, with the exception of video calls. To stop conversations completely, blocking will help.

Blocking a user in the program

To ensure that a person can no longer bother you with his messages, he is blocked. The blocking procedure is almost the same: you need to select the person’s name, right-click on it, and then select “Block user” from the menu that appears. For MacOS, after clicking on the avatar, select “Block contact name” from the menu. As for mobile gadgets, here you should hold down the icon with the avatar of your interlocutor until a button with 3 dots appears. You need to click on it and select “Block contact”.

The popular Skype program allows advanced users to simultaneously interrupt and block communication with a person. To do this, you need to check the blocking confirmation box by selecting “Remove from notebook" If, after blocking, you suddenly need to urgently restore communication with a contact, you need to select “Security” - “Blocked users” in the menu.

Thanks to the steps described above, each user Skype programs will be able to make lists the right interlocutors, and spammers who constantly send unnecessary messages and all kinds of viruses should be blocked and blacklisted.

We study everything possible options deleting and restoring necessary and unnecessary people from your contact list. Below are step-by-step algorithms actions both for the computer (except Windows 8 RT) and for mobile platforms(Android and iOS). Looking ahead, I’ll say that everything here is much more rosy than in a situation where you need to delete or .

Delete a contact


After launching the application, go to the Skype contact list.

To delete one contact, left-click on it, then press the Del (Delete) key on your keyboard. Confirm deletion.

To delete all contacts at once, click on any of them, and then use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A. This will highlight all the people available for removal. All that remains is to either press Del again, or right-click on any entry and select “Remove from contact list.”

If you need to remove more than one person at a time, but not all of them, click on any person, then hold Shift and use the up or down arrow to select a group of people higher or lower in the list. To delete selected contacts, the actions are similar to the previous cases.


Here, as in the web version, mass selection and deletion of contacts is impossible, so for global cleaning it is better to use a computer and the desktop version of Skype. Your iPhone or Android device will be out of work. If you need to remove one person from your contact list, then do the following:

Choose desired contact long tap (press) on it. After a couple of seconds, a pop-up window will appear in which one of three options is available to you. Select “Delete contact”. Ready!

iOS (Skype 4)

iOS (Skype 5)

1. Select the desired contact.
2. Click “…” at the bottom of the screen.
3. In the window that opens, click “Profile”.

4. Find “…” again.
5. Now click on “Delete Contact”. Ready.

Recovering deleted contacts

Recovering from files on your computer

The method is not the most effective, but if it works, it will be faster and easier.

One caveat: it is not suitable for the version for Windows 8 RT due to the features of the program. If this is your case, then go straight to the second option.

First of all, exit the program:

Now let's go to the folder to search for your profile files.

For full installed version, the path looks like this:


If you don't see AppData, then you need .

For the Portable version, the path looks like this:


Find the folder with your login. In it we are interested in the main.db file. For convenience, copy it somewhere.

1. Download SQLiteBrowser (Installer | Portable)
2. In the main program window, click the “Open database” button.
3. In the window that appears, you need to find the previously copied main.db and open it.
4. After loading the database, go to the “Data” tab and select the “Contacts” data type. It will display all contacts, including deleted ones.

On-demand recovery

Skype stores the history of your contacts not only in the form of files on your computer, but also on its servers, so even if the first method did not work, there is a chance to return deleted contacts There is.

1. Go to the technical section. support
2. Select the language in which you will communicate (at the time of writing there is no Russian-language support, so choose English)
3. Specify the subject of the request (“Account and Password» → “Contact list”).

4. Select “Text chat support” and wait for a connection with a Skype representative.
5. Help is enough for communication Google Translate, if you don’t speak the language very well. The main thing is to ask to restore the contact list, indicating your login.



To avoid future worries about your contact list, make sure to back it up promptly.

To do this, just log into Skype on your computer, go to the “Contacts” section → “Advanced” → “Make a backup copy.”

As a result, you will receive a .vcf file, which can be imported in the same way, only by selecting the “Restore list” item in “Advanced”.

Can a person find out that it has been deleted?

Yes, after some time he will see that he was deleted by you. A gray icon will appear next to your avatar in his list. question mark(), as if he was writing to a newly found interlocutor who has not yet confirmed that he is your friend.

At the same time, if we are talking about deletion, you will still receive calls and messages from him, even if he remains an unconfirmed contact. But if you not only deleted, but also blocked an unnecessary contact, then instead of a question, he will always see you “Offline.” Any requests to add, messages or other notifications will not reach you. At the same time, the blocked interlocutor will see the avatar and status that were at the time of blocking, even if they have now changed.


Deleting contacts is easy on any platform, and restoring deserves special praise: there is a built-in function backup, and storing information on Skype server, which saves even in the most difficult situations.

Communication on Skype is so wildly popular for a reason. The service is convenient, relatively cheap, functional and reliable, and shell good. But Skype is not without such disadvantages of mass services as sending spam, calls or messages from unknown people etc. And no one has canceled the peculiarities of human communication: today there is friendship, tomorrow there is no more... What is this for? Besides, sometimes there is a need to clean your contact list of unnecessary elements.

How to remove a contact from Skype? Quite simple actually.

  1. For Windows: open the contact list (heading “Contacts”), right-click on the desired person and select “Remove from contact list” from the menu that opens. After this, a window will open in which you need to confirm the deletion. Another option is to select an unnecessary contact and open it in the program menu ( top line under the Skype heading) item “Contacts” and select the already mentioned command.
  2. For MacOS everything is a little different, although the meaning remains the same. Here you need to select the avatar (picture) of the person to be deleted, also call up the context menu with the right mouse button and select “Delete user”.
  3. It’s even easier with mobile devices: just hold down the person icon in the “People” window with your finger until images appear function buttons on it. To remove, as usual, you need a “cross”. After this, the same deletion confirmation window opens. The only thing worth remembering is that by deleting a contact from a smartphone or tablet, you should not expect to see it on the computer; the person is removed from the application, i.e. from any device forever.

The most interesting thing is that deleting a contact does not entail the cessation of communication. The entire correspondence history remains in place, it is also possible to receive calls and chats, you will only be unable to use a video call and receive or view files sent by this person. This causes bewilderment for many users: I deleted the spammer from my contacts, but he continues to inundate me with messages/calls.

To completely block a subject’s ability to communicate, it is not enough to delete a contact, you need to block it! This is done in the same ways as deletion, only:

  • for Windows OS, select “Block this user” in the contact’s context menu;
  • for MacOS, in the person’s avatar menu, click “Block Contact Name”;
  • on mobile devices hold the contact until a button with three dots appears, after pressing which you need to select the “Block contact” item.

By the way, Skype makes it possible to block and delete a person at the same time; to do this, just check the “Delete from address book” box in the blocking confirmation window.

But even with blocked users you can resume communication. True, the history of messages, calls and sent files will be cleared, but these are minor things. How to do this? Through management of the “black list”, which includes all blocked entries in the address book. Blacklist management is called up through the “Contacts” menu item (in Windows yet and with the intermediate item “Advanced”), or through the Skype menu – Security – Blocked users.

It is important to remember that although the blocked user does not appear in the contact list, all correspondence with him and files are stored on “his” side, so you should be very selective about requests to send any personal information or images.

How to remove a contact from Skype? This is easy to do if you study the appropriate instructions.

Getting rid of a friend in the program

  1. Open Skype.
  2. Now you need to find one person (friend) from your contact list whose contact you want to delete. By the way, to remove several people, it is better to do it one at a time.
  3. Click on it with the left mouse button - it will immediately become selected, that is, it will turn blue.
  4. Now right-click to bring up the context menu.
  5. Select the last item. This will remove the name from the list.
  6. Confirm your decision by clicking “Ok” in the small dialog box that appears. You can also immediately check the “Don’t ask again” checkbox there, so that in such cases you don’t have to confirm everything every time.

After such deletion, all chats from remote login will remain, that is, the history will have to be deleted separately.

Blocking for the future

If you need to permanently remove an annoying person from your Skype communication so that he does not pop up as unconfirmed communication requests the next time he tries to communicate with you, you can block him:
1.Open Skype and select the person’s login that is no longer needed.

2.Find on home page“Conversations” tab and click on it or just press “Delete” on your keyboard.

3.If the contextual list appears, find the “Block” item. Select it.

4.Now you have two options: “Delete from notebook” or “Report abuse”. Choose the second option if the person violated the rules for using Skype, insulted you, and so on.

5.Select “Delete from notebook”.

6.Click the “Block” button when the desired checkbox is checked. Now you will no longer receive messages from this person, and you will not be able to use chat with him; he will see that he is blocked as soon as he wants to message you again.

To remove all contacts from the list, select one of them, then press the key combination “Ctrl” + “A”, then all people from the list will be selected. All you have to do is click on “Delete” and that’s it. Your notebook is clean! This way, you can delete entire groups of contacts by holding down the “Shift” button and using the arrows or holding down “Ctrl” and clicking with the mouse.

If you want to return (restore) this login from the blocking, you can here:

  1. Click “Settings” in Skype.
  2. Find the tab called “Security”.
  3. Go to the list of tools to restore a person after deletion.

To avoid this situation: “I deleted (deleted) the desired contact! What should I do?”, you need to learn how to manage all blocked logins:

  1. Go to the “Contacts” tab in the program.
  2. Select “Advanced”.
  3. Click “Manage Blacklist” or “Blocked Users” (in different versions program wording may vary).
  4. Now, when choosing a user login, you can block or unblock it by clicking the buttons of the same name and returning previously deleted logins.

To block a user in the operating room Mac system, find an avatar with this person and go to the menu - there will be desired item blocking.

How to remove a user on a smartphone?

To get rid of a Skype contact on your phone, do this:

1.Log into Skype on your mobile device.

2.Select the contacts menu.

3. Find in the list the person whose contact you want to remove.

4.Press the selected line with your finger until a menu appears.

5.Select “Delete...”.

For iOS with the fourth version of the program, you will need to select the gear icon and click on it after highlighting the desired user. Next, select the appropriate item.

For the fifth version on iOS, you must first select the menu (three dots standing vertically), then “Profile”, and only then block or delete.

When deleting and restoring users in your program, be careful - follow the instructions.

It is extremely popular among computer and mobile device users around the world. The program is distinguished by its convenience, stylish interface, functionality and ease of use. But like any other social resource, it has one drawback - unwanted people. It could be a spambot that regularly sends unnecessary advertisements or an unpleasant person.

And no one has canceled the human factor; it is not always possible to maintain friendship with a person. All these situations have one thing in common - the need to delete a contact in Skype. Let's figure out how to do this.

Options for deleting contacts

On different platforms The Skype interface is slightly different, and this also applies to the way you delete contacts. Let's consider three options: a client for Windows, for MacOS and a mobile application.

If you have a computer or laptop running operating system Windows, then follow the instructions below. Launch the program and go to the contacts section. Find there the right person and right-click. In the context menu, select the delete option. A warning will appear, confirm your action.

Buyers of Apple products are interested in how to remove a person from Skype on MacOS. The principle of operation is similar to the operation on Windows, but slightly different. In the program, you need to select the person’s avatar, open the context menu and click on the delete button.

On mobile devices, just open the contacts tab, long press on your login and select the button with the cross icon. Important nuance: When you remove a person from your phone, they will also no longer appear on your computer.

A notable feature is that when a person is deleted, all correspondence is saved. The person can also send and receive messages to you. That's why this option not suitable for spammers. They must be completely disabled. The method is similar to the previous one, but you need to select not deleting a contact, but “ Block this user...". In this case, the entire message history is deleted, the user cannot send you anything.

You can view the list of blocked contacts in Skype by clicking on “ Contacts» in the service panel. In the line select " Additionally» and click on the pop-up item. It will also be possible to return the user’s ability to send you messages and call you.