How to enable secret mode in the browser. What is incognito mode in Yandex browser and how to start it

Today we will try to understand how to enable incognito mode in different browsers. This task is quite simple, but not everyone knows how to implement it. In fact, it only takes a few minutes. What does this mode allow you to do? Why does it attract users so much?

Mode capabilities

When thinking about how to enable incognito mode, you need to fully understand what exactly the user wants to do.

Initially, after installing the Internet browser, the application settings set the parameters for saving history, cookies and other information that the browser will work with. But you can hide the fact of using the utility by activating the "incognito" mode.

If a person enjoys this reviewer status, then:

  • browsing history is not saved;
  • all new cookies are deleted after closing the browser;
  • the form autofill history is not updated;
  • all profile settings are reset (but only when working in incognito);
  • download history does not appear;
  • general browser settings and bookmarks are saved.

In other words, a person simply leaves no traces of using the browser. Sometimes this arrangement can come in handy. For example, if the user decided to use a computer in an Internet cafe.

"Chrome" and inclusion

Activating incognito mode in Chrome is easy. However, as in any other browser. It is worth noting that the browser status being studied is available in all programs for accessing the Internet.

Enabling "incognito" in Chrome is done like this:

  1. Go to the browser.
  2. Click on the right top corner to the button responsible for opening the application menu. In Chrome, this is a control with 3 dots located one above the other.
  3. Select "New window in incognito mode."

It is done! A new browser window will open, which will be responsible for the mentioned browser status.

In addition, in Chrome you can bring your idea to life by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + N. You need to hold down the buttons while in the browser. Otherwise the user will see a null result.

In Mozilla FireFox

You will have to act somewhat differently if a person works with Mozilla. Nevertheless, the algorithm of actions will still remain extremely simple and understandable.

How to enable incognito mode in Mozilla? To bring your idea to life you will need:

  1. Get started with the browser.
  2. Click on the button with 3 horizontal lines. It is located with right side from the address bar.
  3. Click on the "Private window" block.

All. It is advisable to check one more point. It's about preserving history. To do this, you will need to go to the application settings and in the “Privacy” section set the “will not remember” option.

Like in Google, incognito mode in Mozilla can be activated using the keyboard. In this case, you will need to hold down Ctrl + Shift + P at the same time.

Yandex and data hiding

But that's not all. Modern world full of different browsers. We will consider only those that are in demand in Russia.

The next program in line is Yandex.Browser. Many users work with it. The algorithm of actions will be somewhat reminiscent of the instructions for Chrome.

The "incognito" mode in Yandex.Browser is activated as follows:

  1. Log in to Yandex.Browser.
  2. Click on the button responsible for the main menu of the utility. Typically this is a control with horizontal lines.
  3. Select "Advanced".
  4. Go to the line "Incognito mode".
  5. Click LMB (left mouse button) on the corresponding menu item.

If you look closely, you will notice that Yandex allows you to open the “invisible” mode using the same key combination as “Chrome”. Therefore, this method can also be used quite successfully.

At the Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Opera? To do this, you need to use the built-in browser settings.

The algorithm of actions boils down to performing the following steps:

  1. Open Opera.
  2. Click on the branded browser image in the left corner of the program (top).
  3. Select "Tabs from Window".
  4. Click on "Create a private tab".

In Opera, the browser status you are studying can be assigned using the same buttons as in the case of Yandex. The main thing is to be on active tab utilities.

Internet Explorer

Latest Popular Browser - It is not very popular among users, but people still have to work with it.

How to enable incognito mode in this situation? In Explorer you will have to do the following:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Click the cursor (left mouse button) on the gear image. It is located in the upper right part of the window, not far from the address bar.
  3. Go to "Security" - "InPrivate Browsing".

That's all. Open private mode possible with help Ctrl+ Shift + P.

Universal solution

But there is a completely different approach. It will help you quickly open the private mode of any browser.

To bring your idea to life you will need:

  1. Display the browser icon on the taskbar. This is the space to the right of "Start".
  2. Right click ( right click mouse) by the desired button browser.
  3. Select "Enable incognito" (private mode/window).
  4. This way you can immediately activate the desired mode without logging into the browser.

We got acquainted with all the ways to enable InPrivate status in Internet browsers.

Today, almost every person has the skills to use a computer. Therefore, in frequent cases, several people use one computer at once.

Accordingly, in this way you can easily track website traffic and read the history that is saved in the browser. Any search engine and provider collects information from any user in automatic mode.

Many users do not want to save current sessions. Therefore, in this case, professionals recommend using a plugin, an anonymizer. For example, programs such as Zenmate, Frigate and others built into the Yandex browser can maintain confidentiality and not display entries. Many people often confuse stealth mode with the actions of a proxy server. IN in this case The IP address remains the same. The location is considered unchanged and the system fixes the geographic filter.

In general, users feel that this function allows you to be invisible in social networks, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.

However, this mode only stops the process of collecting information about user traffic to various sites. Portals you visit will no longer appear in your browser history. When entering, search query will not be saved in the system, therefore, this factor will not affect the appearance of contextual advertising.

Inclusion incognito mode

A specially designed mode allows users to remain invisible when entering phrases in search engines. To connect this mode, certain actions need to be taken. First of all, you should launch the Yandex browser and open the control panel. This program is displayed at the top of the window.

After completing the steps, a menu with the “Advanced” option should appear in the window. And the expanded list will prompt you to click on the “Open a new window in incognito mode” button. Alternative way is to use the following key combination: Control + Shift + N. Thanks to this combination, you can perform an action in any language, regardless of the activation of the CapsLock keys.

As soon as the action is completed, Yandex browser will not save entries, images, inputs, documents and other elements. Each file opened in a specific window will be destroyed automatically. Therefore, having logged in to another portal during the shutdown process, Account will be completely erased.

Information with downloaded files will disappear. Invisibility mode allows you to be incognito not only for the Yandex browser, but also for other systems. If you need to use a search engine where the entered information will not be displayed contextual advertising, then you should immediately apply this service. Reliable system will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions. After all, often strangers controls the entries that are displayed in search engine. Now, you can solve the problem very easily and simply.

Ordinary Internet users can freely use anonymity and not be afraid of their actions. Since on social networks, many users use other names and hide their identity. Therefore, incognito mode will help in resolving the problem.

Instead of real photos, some put different avatars that cannot be seen carefully. By hiding their activities on a social network, users will feel more relaxed. To hide some information, previously you had to delete the cache and use programs. But now, incognito mode, which has modern browser, will help in protecting confidential data.

If you do not want your Internet activity to be documented by the browser, then it is not necessary to clear the log of visited sites after each web session. It is much more convenient to use incognito mode, when enabled, the browser will not save information about the user’s online activity.

What is incognito?

Incognito mode is the name of the feature Google Chrome, which allows you to make surfing the Internet anonymous.

You will not be able to hide your activity from your provider, since the computer’s IP address will remain the same, but other users who have access to the browser will not see what sites you visit and what you look at them.

It is not saved in incognito mode:

  • History of visited sites. No entries will appear in the browser log.
  • Cookies, passwords entered and search queries.
  • Video and audio loaded into cache.

Work with incognito mode enabled remains undocumented, meaning neither you nor other users will be able to find out which sites were opened after the browser session ends.

Enabling on different browsers

As we have already figured out, incognito mode can only be enabled in Google browser Chrome. In other browsers, the option for anonymous work is called differently. But first, let's deal with Chrome:

Anonymous mode can be launched using hotkeys - Google Chrome works with the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. In other browsers, the procedure for enabling incognito is not very different, but the option itself is called differently.


To create private window in Opera, expand the main menu and select the item of the same name. On top panel The browser will notify you that you are working in private browsing mode.

An alternative method is indicated in the same browser control menu - the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

In Mozilla, a private window opens after clicking the button of the same name in the control menu, which is called up by clicking on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes.

To speed up the process of starting a private session, use the combination Ctrl+Shift+P.

In the Yandex web browser, the hidden work option is activated by the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. Another way is to launch incognito through the settings.

Open the control menu, go to the "Advanced" section and launch a window in which your activity will remain unsaved after closing the browser.

If you use Safari, you've probably seen the "New Private Window" option in the File menu.

Click on it or use the specified keyboard shortcut to keep your privacy hidden from third parties.

Internet Explorer

In built-in Windows browser function hidden work called InPrivate. It is launched through the settings, as in other browsers:

To speed up the process of enabling an anonymous session in the browser, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P.

Microsoft Edge

The new web browser from Microsoft retains the familiar option for users to enable InPrivate browsing. To start an anonymous session:

Remember that only one window or tab works anonymously, depending on the browser. Information about sites running in other browser windows will be saved in the log and cache.

When using the Internet, we leave great amount traces not only on the network, but also on the computer itself. After all, all data about visited resources can be found in the log, cache, cookies, and download history. Perhaps, at least once, users have had the desire to work online without leaving any data in the browser or system about the time spent. This is precisely why incognito mode was created in the Yandex browser. Its main purpose is to hide traces of being on various resources in front of other computer users.

What is incognito mode

What opportunities does the stealth mode provide in the Yandex browser?

  • Your searches will not be saved.
  • Information about the pages visited will not be available to other computer users.
  • All entered passwords, logins, etc. will also not remain in the browser.

As we see, hidden mode in Yandex browser it can become very useful function, especially for those who like to sit on social networks at work or browse other sites that are not recommended by their bosses. Thus, no one will be able to catch you doing such an activity. You simply close the tab in the Internet browser, and no traces are left on the computer and you will not need to close the browser every time. In this case, the files downloaded to the computer will be saved in the location that you specify.

In addition, this mode saves bookmarks and changes to general settings. Despite the fact that the data does not remain in Yandex.Browser, your visit will be marked on the site you visited. In addition, you should remember that information about the resources you visit can be obtained by the network administrator if he wants it.

How to start incognito mode

In order to launch anonymous mode in the Yandex browser, you will need to do several simple actions. First, open an Internet browser. Next, go to Settings and follow the Advanced link. Here we select the option “Open a window in incognito mode.” After this, you will see new inset, marked with a picture of a man with glasses.

You can also run invisible mode in the Yandex browser using hotkeys. To do this, press the Ctrl, Shift and N buttons simultaneously if you are working in an operating room Windows system. For those who have a Mac OS device, instead of Ctrl, you need to press ?. And if, in addition to Yandex Browser, you also use Google Chrome, then you should know that it can also launch.

Working in incognito mode

How does private mode work in the Yandex browser? Firstly, the sites you open will not be tracked in the log. Secondly, you will not see downloaded files in the download list. Although they will be saved on the computer. Besides, cookies will be deleted immediately after you close the window.

It should be noted that when you switch to incognito mode, everything will be automatically disabled. This is due to the fact that the Internet browser cannot control how they process personal data. If you need any extension to work, you can launch it manually. By the way, in addition to the invisible mode, it is very convenient to open the classic Yandex Browser window. In this case, you can easily switch between them.

In order to exit this mode, you just need to close last tab. If necessary, you can use by simultaneously pressing Alt and F4 buttons. In some cases, incognito mode will become an indispensable lifesaver, especially if you are going to work on someone else's computer. As you can see, activating it is very simple, and it will save you time that you would otherwise spend on cleaning your browsing history, downloads, etc.

Incognito mode is the security of your data and your computer on the Internet. How to enable it? detailed instructions how to use this tool in all browsers.

Hi all!
Today we will talk about incognito mode in browsers.
Incognito what is this anyway? In one word, it is your safety.
Security of your data on the Internet.
Why do you need to enable incognito mode?
Did you know that no matter what website you go to on the Internet, it all merges?
What exactly?
Yes all! Your location, name, age, interests. Logins and passwords, by the way, too.
Do you think why exactly those advertisements appear in browsers, what are you interested in?)

Did you know that Google works for the FBI and leaks all the information about every Internet user?
In Russia there is no exact information on this matter, but I think Yandex is doing the same thing).

What are the advantages of accessing the Internet this way?
All your views are hidden from prying eyes.
Logins and passwords are not saved.
No need to clear cache and cookies.

Let's get started, let's start with Yandex.

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser?
This is done quite simply by simultaneously pressing three keys on the keyboard
"Ctrl" + "Shift" + "N" If you have operating system Windows.
If you have a Mac OS operating system, then the key combination “⌘” + “Shift” + “N”
If you did everything correctly, you should see a tab like this.

All. You can use it without fawn

Incognito mode in Google Chrome is enabled in 2 ways.
A combination of 3 keys or through the browser settings - whichever is more convenient for you).
1st method
Using a key combination.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” at the same time
2nd method.
Through google settings.
Come in and choose. "New window in incognito mode."
Like the picture below.

If you did everything correctly, you should get a picture like this.

Let's move on to less popular browsers in Russia and neighboring countries.
Let's start with hacker
from the Opera browser.

Incognito mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Opera?
Opera incognito mode is also activated in 2 ways.
1st method is the same “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N”
2nd method. Go to Opera settings. select an incognito window.

Incognito mode in Mozilla

how to open incognito in mozilla?
There are also 2 ways.
1st combination with simultaneous pressing of 3 keys.
By the way, here other buttons will be used, unlike in other browsers.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P” simultaneously
2nd method.
Opera settings, then select “private window.”

how to exit incognito mode on any browser

In order to exit incognito, just close the window with the incognito tab.
The instructions are universal), suitable for all browsers.
You can watch a video from YouTube on how this is all done.

That's all for now!