How to remove bookmarks from firefox. Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data

Good day to all, friends. Quite often people ask me to reinstall Windows: it’s starting to slow down, there’s a lot of unnecessary software, viruses and other crap. In such cases, when everything is crammed into the trash, and plus all this comes from an author unknown to anyone, it is more logical to reinstall everything from scratch.

As a rule computer affairs The wizard may not save anything at all, it will be very wonderful if he at least doesn’t delete your files. Unfortunately, almost all masters will not save you the bookmarks that you so carefully collect in your web browser. If you don’t want to lose your collected collection of sites you need, then I will answer the question: how to save bookmarks in Firefox?

As I recently wrote, the Firefox browser has had a significant overhaul of its interface and the way it works with bookmarks has changed a bit. Now you just need to click on the “star” and the page will be bookmarked in the “Recently Added” folder. Then we click the “Bookmarks” button and we can view everything that we have added here - very convenient)

There is an item “Import and backups”, to upload our bookmarks, select “Export bookmarks to an HTML file...”

That's all, bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox we successfully saved. However, now let's figure out what to do with this file.

I used another computer as an example. We do everything by analogy, only now we select not export, but “Import bookmarks from an HTML file...”

Specify the path to the file with bookmarks

Good day to everyone, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals. Today, as you understand from the title, we’ll talk about where bookmarks are stored in Mozilla Firefox .

The point is that lately They especially often ask in which folder the bookmarks of this browser live and how to restore them using this knowledge, otherwise the system has been reinstalled, and they forgot to save everything from the mozilla in advance.

I’ll tell you in detail how to find chanterelle bookmarks, and at the same time I’ll show you universal method to search for them, as well as the folder where the profiles (settings, etc.) of this browser are located.

Let's get started.

Finding and saving Mozilla FireFox bookmarks

Mozilla bookmarks are stored in the following paths. It is slightly different for each OS type. Attention, in some Firefox versions It may be difficult to find the file and then use the method at the end of the article.

IN Windows case XP:

C:\ Documents and Settings\ username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ profile name\bookmarks.html

In case of Windows Vista/7/8/10:

C:\Users\username\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\profile name\

Here we need all the files from the folder, not the file bookmarks.html. This way we will completely restore the profile, and not just the file with bookmarks. Visually, the bookmarks folder looks like this:

Accordingly, to get old bookmarks in new system, you need to replace one file with another in the same folder and you will be able to save your coveted bookmarks.

Where are bookmarks stored in mozilla firefox - a more universal way

Click "Start - Run" (or press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard) or just "Start" (if you have it with a search bar at the bottom), where we enter the following:

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Which will immediately open a folder with a billboard (profile), where everything you need will be located, i.e. you won’t have to search for the folder yourself in many clicks.

If you can’t find bookmarks, then do this

Well, in general, if nothing helps and you cannot find the file, then simply press the Alt button in the browser (launched) until the menu appears at the top:

There, select "Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks" and in the menu that appears, select "Import and backups -> Export bookmarks to HTML file":

Then save the bookmarks.html file to the location you need. You can restore your bookmarks in the same way, but by selecting the “Import bookmarks to HTML file” option.

Perhaps that’s all, let’s move on to the afterword.


That's all, business.

If something doesn’t work out, then, as always, write in the comments or using the feedback form.

Always happy to help ;)

Numerous bookmarks do not appear in one day. To make working on a computer comfortable, users spend a lot of time organizing useful sites in bookmarks. It's no secret that any work performed on a PC is somehow connected with the Internet. Therefore, knowing where all the profile bookmark data is located is vital if you urgently need it or a browser.

The FireFox browser uses the profiling method in its work - creating a user profile when the program is first launched. The profile is named “Default”. It is stored in special folder, which is called "Application Data".
For various operating systems There is a profile storage path. Let's consider them for Windows, Windows 7/Vista, Linux.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows:

The folder is located on drive “C” if the program installation was standard and its path was not changed.

The username refers to the name you use on the Windows system.

The profile name looks like a set of letters and numbers.default.

bookmarks.html is the file in which all bookmarks are stored.

When reinstalling the system or browser, you need to copy the file to a USB flash drive and after reinstalling, drop it into the folder with the new profile.

Accessing the profiles folder in Windows 7/Vista:

On this system, you need to copy the entire profile folder, not a separate file with tabs.

Firefox bookmarks are a web link to your favorite/frequently visited web page. Using bookmarks, you can navigate between your favorite websites in one click. If you haven’t had time to finish reading the news on some Internet resource, then by adding it to your bookmarks, you can easily return to it at any time. Bookmarks are convenient because you don’t need to remember the exact name of the site, type it into the search bar every time and look for it in a huge list of similar ones. By launching an Internet browser, you can instantly get to the required page, provided that it has already been previously added to the useful notes section.

How to save bookmarks in Mozilla

The process of saving footnotes to necessary internet portals are carried out by one click on the icon in the shape of a five-pointed star in the menu quick access or the combination of buttons on the keyboard “Ctrl + D”. By default, it is without fill, but if the page is in saved bookmarks, then it changes its color to blue.

By clicking the save icon, the user can change the name of their note and also change the save directory. There is also a reverse action in this menu - deleting an unnecessary note.

You can view saved bookmarks by clicking on the following icon or “Ctrl+Shift+B”.

To save Internet bookmarks from the Mozilla web search engine to personal computer, you need to perform an export operation. You can find out how to do it by reading the article “”. This article also describes how to restore bookmarks in Mozilla.

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox?

All actions regarding changes Firefox web browser, such as: installing plugins, saving user personal data and adding bookmarks, are saved in a service folder called “Profile”. This folder is saved separately from the main search engine documents; this is done for reliability so that the user does not lose their data when deleting or reinstalling the browser.

To find your profile you need the following:

  • Launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
  • Open engineering menu browser;
  • Click on the icon located at the very bottom of the menu window with the image of a question mark.

The help menu opens. Here we select the “Problem Solving Information” option.

Then it opens for you new page entitled "Problem Solving Information". Here, in the application data, you need to find the “Profile Folder” item, opposite this item, select the button to open the folder.

In the folder that opens, containing the current changes made by the user in the Mozilla search engine.

Another way to get to this folder without launching a web browser is as follows.

For this purpose in Windows menu you need to click the “Start” button and in the search window enter the path to the folder “%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\” Then select the very first folder with English word"default".

You will see the same folder that you opened through the browser.

Be extremely careful when manipulating information in this folder. Since carelessly deleting some objects can ruin performance search engine Firefox and permanently lose some important data.

Like any other browser, you can save pages in Mozilla, that is, create bookmarks. Firefox's bookmarks bar is disabled by default, so if you want to always have a list of sites you visit frequently, turn it on first. Where, by the way, does Firefox store data about saved sites? We will also consider this issue.

Where is information about saved sites stored?

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox? Such data is located in the profile folder. You can open it in Windows Explorer on the system disk.

To, for example, transfer Firefox bookmarks to the same Firefox browser, but on another computer, just copy this folder to another medium and then replace it with the one located on the other PC.

Displaying the panel

The panel with saved sites is hidden by default in this browser. To make it appear on your screen, you need to do the following:
1.Go to the browser menu through the “striped” icon. At the bottom small window There will be a "Change" button. Click on it.

2.In the menu at the bottom there will again be a “Show/Hide Panels” button. Select the “Bookmarks Bar” element.

3.Close the settings tab. How to remove the panel? It's very simple - uncheck the item and it disappears.

Bookmarks in Firefox are located under the browser's navigation bar. Naturally, it will not be able to accommodate absolutely all saved pages. To open full list, you need to click on the bookmarks icon in the upper right area of ​​the browser and go to the “Show all bookmarks” section.

Also, saved sites can be located in cells on the express panel for Firefox, that is, those that are shown on home page browser.
If there are too many sites, it is recommended to sort them into folders for faster and convenient search pages. They can then be transferred from one folder to another through regular copying.

How to save a site?

What to do if you want to save the page?
1.Click on the star on the panel. A window will appear in which you need to select “Bookmarks Bar”.

2.Click on the “Done” button.

In addition, saving is possible in the “Other Bookmarks” section.


How to transfer bookmarks from Firefox? For example, to another browser? This function called export in relation to Firefox. Let's look at how to export saved sites to another browser.

1.In the menu, open the “Show all bookmarks” section.

2.Go to the “Import and backups” block and click on the “Export bookmarks to HTML file” item.

3.Write a name for the future document. We choose its location. Click on the “Save” button.

Detailed instructions on how to transfer bookmarks from Opera to Firefox are in this article. If you want to use Firefox on another device and want all your site lists to be moved to it, use bookmark synchronization. This is much more convenient than making backups.


How can I delete bookmarks? It all depends on whether you want to remove a specific site from the list or several at once.

Method No. 1

  1. To remove one site, go to it first.
  2. Click on the star on the panel. A small editing window will open.
  3. Click on the “Delete” button.

Method number 2

  1. Go to the "Library" window.
  2. Find the folder you need. Open it to view the contents. It will be on the right side of the window.
  3. Select unnecessary sites. Click on Delete on your keyboard. Only those you select will be deleted.


How can you make sure that the page you just accidentally deleted is restored? The following method will help you if you are after this accidental deletion did not close the browser.

  1. In the menu, click on the “Show all bookmarks” option.
  2. In the window that opens top panel Click on the “Management” section. Click on “Cancel” or hold down Ctrl combination+ Z.

You can restore bookmarks in Mozilla from backup copies that the browser itself creates from time to time.

  1. Open the “Library” window again. Click on the “Import and backups” section.
  2. Click on the item “Restore” backup copy from” and select the required copy option. Each copy is signed with the date it was made. Click on OK.

It is important to note that with such a restoration, recently added sites are deleted, that is, those that were made after this copy creation date.

If bookmarks are not saved after restart

Changes you make to bookmarks may be lost when you restart your browser. How to solve this problem? First, disable add-ons that have access to bookmarks.

The file may be write protected.

  1. Open your profile folder. Go to Help (question mark in the menu) and select the “Problem Solving Information” section. Click on "Open Folder".
  2. Close the browser using the “Exit” button in the menu.
  3. Click right click mouse over the places.sqlite file. Go to the "Properties" window.
  4. In the “General” block there should not be a checkmark next to “Read Only”

Are sites still not added or saved after turning on the browser again? In this case, you need to find the places.sqlite file again, which should be located in the profile folder, delete it and create a new one.

  1. We find the profile folder in the same way as described above. Also exit the browser.
  2. The files places.sqlite and places.sqlite-journal are deleted or renamed.
  3. Next, Firefox will create itself new file places.sqlite. Firefox bookmarks will be saved, but the browser history will disappear.

Management extension

If you have a long list of bookmarks, the BookMark manager extension will come to your aid. It can be downloaded from the official store Firefox add-ons via the link: Downloading and installing will not take much time. After this you will need to restart the browser.

This bookmark manager allows you to bring order to that messy list of sites that you have saved over a long period of time. If they really large number, copying and deleting unnecessary ones can be very annoying. The extension will solve the problem of bookmark management.

There are many things you can do with bookmarks in Firefox. You can save lists to separate files, transfer them to other browsers, distribute them into folders and much more. You have the right to arrange an individual order. A bookmark manager can also help you with this.