How to prevent Windows from accessing the Internet. How to prevent a program from accessing the Internet on your computer

Almost all utilities receive and send various data and reports to developer servers. There is nothing wrong with this, this is how programs receive update data. But if this interferes, you can think about how to block the program from accessing the Internet. It's not at all difficult to do this. In addition, you can block data from any utility in several simple ways.

How to prevent a program from accessing the Internet?

There are several ways to block the utility's data exchange with the developer server:

  • firewall;
  • additional firewall;
  • antivirus program.

Let's take a closer look at how to block a program from accessing the Internet, which means are easiest and most effective to use, and what each method is.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is programs and hardware units that filter and control data received from the Internet. The term comes from German and literally means a wall that protects against fire (brand - fire, mauer - wall). It is also called a “firewall” (from the English Firewall - wall of fire).

Before receiving any data from the Internet, it is checked by a firewall and compared with settings and protocols, resulting in a verdict: to pass or not to pass. However, this component is able to work not only with incoming data, but also with outgoing data. For example, a program request for an update. A firewall, by being able to manage this information, can help solve the problem of how to prevent a program from accessing the Internet. However, it has some advantage: this function is already built into the operating system, so there is no need to look for protection.

Blocked by firewall

How to block a program from accessing the Internet with a firewall? It's not very difficult to do this. Go to the “Control Panel” (which is in the “Start” menu), switch to categories if there are icons (you can do this in the right top corner). Select “System and Security”\\”Windows Firewall”. In the list of sections in the left column, go to “Advanced options”.

In the same place (in the left panel) click on “Rules for incoming connections”. From the list we find the rule for the desired program and disable it. If this utility is not in the list, then a rule can be created for it.

On the right, click on “Create Rule”. The panel for creating a rule will open. Leave the rule type “For program”, then click “Browse” and select the program along the path. In the next section, put a dot on “Block connection” and in the “Profile” section leave all options checked. We call our rule - and “Done”. The same can be done with outgoing program data, but to do this you need to go to “Rules for outgoing connections”.

Don't worry if your firewall is insufficient, as blocking the program from accessing the Internet with a firewall may be safer.

Third-party firewall protection

If you need more in-depth protection and verification of incoming and outgoing data, you will have to purchase an additional firewall. The Internet is full of them, so let’s look at the most powerful ones.

SpyShelter Firewall

Enough powerful utility, which protects your computer from the invasion of unknown viruses and malware while maintaining confidential user data.

The functionality of the utility includes:

  • Enhanced protection of folders, files, register, COM objects, numbers credit cards and passwords.
  • Fully compatible with 32 and 64 bit Windows.
  • Detection of new and unknown viruses that are not in the antivirus database, and so on.

SpyShelter Firewall provides trial version for 14 days, license costs from 25 euros. There is a Russian language (go to Setting\\Language\\Russian.lng).

Outpost Firewall Pro

A very powerful firewall that protects your PC from known and unknown viruses and malware. It completely controls incoming and outgoing information from all programs, and also has the ability to completely block network access to any utility or give unlimited access. Also reliably protects against hacker attacks personal data and hard drive contents.

The trial version is given for 30 days, the license costs 450 rubles. Russian language available.

Perhaps one of the most powerful free firewalls that protects against unknown and well-known virus programs and Trojans, hacker attacks and controlling incoming and outgoing data from utilities. Supported by all Windows operating systems, starting from Vista of any bit depth. Russian language available.

Using NOD32 Smart Security

Some antivirus programs can also help answer the question of how to block a program from accessing the Internet. NOD32 Smart Security is a great example of this.

We deploy the antivirus from the taskbar (where the clock is). In the left section panel, go to settings and click “Go to advanced settings” at the bottom of the screen (you can also do this by pressing F5). A window will open additional settings. Expand the section “Network” // “Personal firewall” // “Rules and zones”. Here we find the item “Editor of zones and rules” and click “Settings”. In this window, in the “Rules” tab, a list of utilities is presented, among which you need to find the one you need. If there is none, click “Create”, since it will not be possible to block the program from accessing the Internet without a rule.

Fill in the “General” tab:

  • Enter the name of the rule (preferably by the name of the program, so you can figure it out later).
  • Direction. We choose what type of traffic will be blocked: incoming (when the program receives data), outgoing (the program sends data) or any (both incoming and outgoing).
  • We select an action, that is, we allow or prohibit the transfer of information.
  • We decide on the protocol (if you have no idea what it is, leave TCP & UDP).
  • Which profile will there be a rule for (if there are several of them).

Now we need the “Local” tab. Click “Browse”, find the utility that we want to block and click “OK”. Now you don’t have to worry about how to block the program from accessing the Internet.

In this article I will tell you how to deny access to applications Android access to the Internet so that they don’t “eat up” traffic for things you don’t need and you can control it.

Let's look at ways to block the Internet for programs using functions built into the operating system, as well as using special programs, which allow more fine settings for yourself.

This article Suitable for all brands that produce phones running Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

We prohibit Android programs from accessing the Internet using operating system tools.

Users need to study the shell of their own gadget. Some manufacturers add to the functionality of the device the ability to limit Internet traffic directly in Android for individual applications.

For example, Xiaomi smartphones with MIUI shell have the “Security” application. In the Applications menu, users can select any program, go to Properties and set the desired restrictions.


Application firewalls

If the manufacturer of your gadget does not provide an application that has the required functionality, then you can use third party utilities. Let's look at the most effective applications to block applications from accessing the Internet.

Avast Mobile security


One of the most popular computer antiviruses has a version for mobile devices. Avast for Android functionality allows you to block background Internet access.

Download Avast app Mobile security available in the Google Play store. Using the “Firewall” function, the user can limit access to the mobile Internet for any applications.

Firewall without Root

As the name suggests, free application A firewall without root rights is not required to restrict application access to the mobile Internet. After installing the program, you should open it, and in the main window click on “Run”.


The application itself will be launched on the device, which operates according to the principle. After opening the utility, three tabs will be displayed: Pending Access, Home, Programs. For each application, you need to manually set Internet access permissions.


The “Programs” tab displays a list of all applications that have permission to access the Internet. In this tab, you can use a filter to allow programs to work only with mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.


NoRoot Data FireWall


This is another utility that allows you to block access to the mobile Internet for applications without root rights. This program can only block background processes.

There is a function that shows how many mobile traffic uses every application. You can check the history and set permissions on certain time. TO additional functions utilities include blocking downloads via Mobile Internet media files and images.

DroidWall - Android Firewall


This application is one of the most effective to block mobile Internet if the user does not have unlimited tariff plan. The utility operates without root rights.

Question from one of the users...

Please tell me. I installed one game and it constantly requires updating. Is it possible to deny her access to the Internet so that she does not ask for updates? My OS is Windows 10, the Internet is connected via a Wi-Fi router.

I tried to install NOD antivirus to block the Internet in it - but when I did this, the computer began to slow down terribly, and access to the Internet was blocked for all programs at once. Is it possible to deny access to the Internet to just one specific program?

Good day!

Indeed, in many cases it may be necessary to block access to a particular application to the Internet. For example, except the question asked According to the game, denying access may also be necessary for those whose Internet traffic is strictly limited - there is no point in wasting it on unnecessary updates.

In this article I will look at a simple and quick way prohibiting program access to the Internet in standard Windows Firewall (a firewall is a special program that monitors outgoing and incoming traffic, all applications accessing the network) . Those. you don't need to install anything additional!

To help!

Creating a rule to deny access to the Internet

First you need to open the firewall settings. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to call up the menu "Run"(buttons WIN+R) and enter the command firewall.cpl, press Enter(example in the screenshot below).

Note! Full list applications and settings that you can perform via WIN+R are listed in the following article:

Once the firewall settings are open - there is one here important point! Many users have their firewall disabled because they have (or have had) antivirus software installed on their system. (note: many antiviruses now have built-in firewalls) .

So, the point is that the antivirus, when installed, disables the one built into Windows firewall .

If your firewall is turned off, you need to turn it on (or use the firewall that is built into your antivirus software). I will consider, of course, the most standard option when your firewall is enabled (there are green checkmarks on it, as in the screenshot below - see private networks, guest or public networks) .

In the firewall settings need to open the link "Extra options" (located on the left, at the bottom of the window).

Afterwards, in the window that appears, set the slider to position "For the program", click next.

Below I have a large screenshot with a sequence of actions - all actions are configuration steps that will appear as you press the button Further:

  • first you need to select the specific program that you want to deny access to the Internet (can be found through the button review). See arrow-1. I chose the Firefox browser for the test;
  • then set the slider to position "Block connection" ;
  • then check the boxes next to all the items: domain, private, public;
  • and one last thing: ask name and description(you can write whatever you want, as long as it’s clear to you).

Actually, after this you will see your blocking rule (arrow 1 in the screenshot below). It can be disabled/enabled, deleted, changed, etc.

In general, after launching the browser and trying to enter some page, an error was shown as expected "The connection attempt failed" . If you disable the created rule, the browser will work normally.

That's all, actually. This is how you can disable and block network access to any application in Windows in a few steps. The firewall in Windows, of course, is far from the best - but the whole set minimal functions he is provided! For those who don't have enough features, I recommend trying Outpost Firewall...

Good luck!

Many software products require an Internet connection to operate. You don’t pay attention to this fact until the connection deteriorates - sites open slowly, everything slows down. And the applications themselves begin to update, download ads, etc. This can seriously complicate working on the computer. Therefore, it’s a good idea to know how to block a program from accessing the Internet.

The ability to deny access will remove many problems. Even if the software is not running, it may be listed in startup. Then you don’t know about its operation at all, but you are surprised at some sluggishness of your PC.

How to find out who is accessing the Internet

Let's use the system Windows tool– “Resource Monitor”. The easiest way to find it is through search. Click on the magnifying glass and enter a name.

Click on the found application and a window will open in which you can monitor all the activity of your PC. Go to the "Network" tab.

Look carefully. Are you currently using Skype? No? Then it can be closed. This will save resources. You will also see other services that access the network without your knowledge.
Naturally, Skype should not be blocked from accessing the Internet. But it is quite possible to prohibit other programs. For example, unlicensed. This will prevent unnecessary downloads of updates.

How to block Internet access to a program

To do this, you need an application called a firewall or firewall. If you use such applications, configure them. If you have an antivirus that allows you to block it, you can specify it in its parameters. But the easiest way to deny access is to use the built-in Windows firewall. We'll tell you how to block a program's access to the Internet at Windows example 10.

To launch the settings, you can use search or main context menu (right button mouse on the Start button). We need a control panel.

Switch to Categories view and select System and Security.

Here you will find what you are looking for. Open it up.

Green color shield means the firewall is enabled.

If you see red, turn on the service. To do this, click on the “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” option on the left and select “Enable.”

Attention! If you use another firewall, then it is better not to enable the built-in one, but to make all settings in a third-party one. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Here we will need to configure the rules.

To block a specific program from accessing the Internet in Windows 10 Firewall, you must set inbound and outbound rules.
Let's start with inbox. Click on “Rules for incoming connections”. On the right side of the window you will see “Create Rule”. Press.

In the window, select “For the program” and click “Next”.

Select the desired program by clicking the "Browse" button.

Select the option to block connections and click “Next”.

Come up with a name for the rule so you don't get confused later. And click done.

The rule appears in the list. Its purpose is to prevent applications from receiving data from the network.

Create a rule.

We managed to block the program's access to the Internet with a firewall. These simple steps will help you control the access of programs to the Internet.

Have a great day!

For gamers who are hardcore pirates, buying licensed discs with games is alien. It’s easier for them to download hacked applications from torrent trackers and play them completely free of charge. Today, there are massive online checks that manufacturers put into their creations.

Thus, the game has the opportunity to independently check its own version on the project portal. Thus, information on how to block access to an Internet game so that the hacked version works can be very useful.

First attempts

The main thing is not to make hasty conclusions and think everything through carefully. If you are sure that the game is not infected with viruses, and do not try to access the Internet on your own, then before blocking access to the game, you can use some of the recommendations presented below. On startup required application You just have to turn off the internet.

If there is no downloading, there is no need to use Skype; you can simply disconnect the device from the Internet. As an example, it is worth mentioning the hacked version of L.A.Noire. The game tries to obtain the player's personal data from the server. If you disable access to the Internet, this will not be possible. The user will be able to enjoy the game, during which nothing interferes.


The second reason why it may be necessary to block access is when a hacked game is trying to update. Typically, this will cause the application to stop working. It is worth noting that in this case it is not necessary to block access to the Internet game. You just need to protect it from the server. To do this you need to find his address. It’s worth visiting “My Computer” and finding hosts file. You need to open it when using notepad. Then you should enter the IP address of the game update server into it. When all actions are completed correctly, any attempts by the device to access this address will not reach the destination. If you cannot access the server, the game will not be able to update or verify its authenticity.


If there are suspicions about resident malicious activity of the application, you will have to use extreme measures. Today, there are many options to completely restrict a game’s access to the Internet. Thus, the most actual problem becomes blocking her access to World Wide Web via firewall.

First stage

To block the game's access to the Internet, the operating system Windows system 7 allows you to use a time-tested firewall. As user reviews indicate, its activities are not entirely safe for the system as a whole. Despite this, it enjoys wide popularity. And this is not surprising, because it copes well with the process of blocking the game. In order to use it, you must do the following:

1. Go to the “Control Panel”.
2. Find “Firewall” in the “Security” tab.
3. Check whether it is enabled (if disabled, you must start it using the sub-item “Allow the program to start...”).
4. When the list of applications that are installed on your personal computer, you need to uncheck the boxes next to the name of the required game.

It is also worth remembering that all actions should be performed under account administrator.

Next step

After all the operations described above did not lead to the expected result, it is worth using another in an effective way to block the game from accessing the network through the firewall. You will need to go to the main Firewall menu and select Extra options. A window will appear on the screen asking you to configure rules for connections. First of all, you need to pay attention to the “Outbox” tab. It is located in the menu on the left. After going to it, click “Create a new rule”. Then you need to select the type for the program and specify the path to the executable file.

It is imperative to remember that it is worth identifying not the shortcut located on the desktop, but the .exe itself, which is located in the folder with installed game. Next you need to create a connection block. Then you need to distribute the created rule to all device profiles. It is advisable to mark it in such a way that it can be easily found. This method blocks the game, preventing it from connecting to the Internet. If it is necessary to refuse this limitation, you can use one of two options: delete the rule itself or click “Disable Rule”. Thus, you can block access to the Internet game.

Antivirus program

In addition to the methods presented, there is another method that allows you to block access to an Internet game. An antivirus is used to implement it. All such programs are similar to each other and at the same time different. Now we'll talk about Kaspersky.

First you need to get Kaspersky Internet Security of any edition. Then you should go to the “Protection Center” of the program and go to the settings menu. As has already been discussed, you will need to draw up a rule according to which any attempts to play games related to the Internet will be blocked. You need to pay attention to the Firewall and its settings.

You should open the “Rules” tab and find the game you are interested in. Then you need to wait a little while the action is performed. When the operation is completed, you should click on “Edit” and add a rule. When setting it up, you should define the action as “Block” and specify the type Changes must be confirmed by the user. After this, the required game will not be able to access the Internet.

It is worth understanding that any actions that are in any way related to blocking games on the computer closely interact with the security of the operating system.