What is the warranty for the new iPhone? Apple in Russia: Features of warranty service

Your products on site Russian Federation. Now authorized service centers (ASC) must repair Apple gadgets, regardless of the country of origin. The author shared his experience of contacting service center regarding iPhone repair.

The story of the sudden death of my six-month-old iPhone, which happened in long trip at the most inopportune moment, ended quite happily: within five days at a Moscow service center they replaced my battery under warranty, and my favorite gadget continues to please me as before. True, I had to worry. And the reason is that this iPhone was purchased not in Russia, but in the USA. Although when purchasing a seller in the American Apple Store assured me under oath that the product is covered by worldwide guarantee, I understood that it would be possible to verify his promises only in the event of a real breakdown of the device. And then it happened.

To begin with, I googled it on the Internet and doubted it even more. Some wrote that in Russia warranty repair is possible only for products legally imported into the country and having a Rostest certificate. Others said that the legality of the product is verified by the serial number, and in this lottery you can not only win, but also lose. The employee asked me what model number was on the back cover smartphone, and, to my joy, she informed me that it was subject to warranty repair. Hearing this, of course, was pleasant, but since many of my fellow sufferers will be in such cases, just like me, at a loss and assume the worst, I asked to clarify the picture general director"MakTsentra" by Dmitry Khavzhu.

According to him, for iPhone in Russia on this moment There are two warranty repair options. One is essentially not a repair, but a replacement of the device: it can only be performed for models certified for Russia. These are iPhone 5 model A1429 GSM, iPhone 5C model A1507, iPhone 5S model A1457. By the way, I had an iPhone 4s model A1387, and apparently, I couldn’t count on a replacement (unless I went to the States). But component repairs, performed by replacing a faulty module, can be performed on all iPhone models, which are under Apple's one-year warranty. In this case, the warranty is extended while the product is in the service center, and if component repairs were carried out for money (not a warranty case), then the warranty on the replaced unit (battery, screen) is 3 months. If the malfunction is more serious, then non-warranty repairs are made by replacing the device and the new warranty period is calculated from the moment the device is received by the service center. The warranty period for the replaced device is 1 year for devices supplied to the Russian Federation by official distributors, or 3 months. for devices purchased in other countries. What if my warranty was invalid? When receiving a repaired smartphone, I asked how much a battery replacement cost for “mere mortals”? It turned out - 2450 rubles. About 15% of the cost of the phone.

Please note that after repair, the phone will return to you in its “primordial” state: without applications and accumulated data, including contacts. Therefore, before visiting the service center, you need to make a complete backup copy. But in my case, this turned out to be difficult, since iTunes did not see my iPhone when connected via USB. The solution was found unexpectedly. Since the device worked when connected to the mains via a charger, I tried to create a backup copy in iCloud cloud via wireless Wi-Fi channel. Happened!

As far as I know, in our country there are many service centers for Apple products that are not authorized by the vendor. It is difficult to say under what conditions they provide services, but according to Dmitry Khavzhu, they usually send devices to authorized centers in the Russian Federation or the USA for replacement or carry out component repairs themselves using random spare parts. He declined to comment on the quality of such repairs.

There was recently a conversation on my Twitter about warranty service for Apple equipment in Russia. Due to the specific nature of my employment, and I work with Apple equipment in a retail store, this topic is not uncommon. You will be surprised, but not all users know that if there is something wrong with the iPhone, Apple can exchange it for a new one. The display is loose and has moved front-camera, no focus on iPhone 6 Plus, no network on iPhone 5s RFB - these are the most common reasons exchange Apple smartphones under warranty. But there is a nuance: the phone or tablet must have official certification in Russia.

There is a common misconception that Apple technology doesn't break. It breaks. Quite often the cause of these breakdowns is a manufacturing defect. Let me note separately, and this is my personal observation, that the number of these breakdowns is constantly growing. This is probably due to growing production volumes. As my experience shows, iPhones are the ones that break most often. At the same time, it is worth understanding that they sell more than others Apple products. If your smartphone or tablet has been in use for less than a year, you have not repaired it and generally used it carefully, then existing problem may be grounds for exchanging for a new one.


First of all, it’s worth clearing things up. Smartphones and equipment with PCT certification are covered under warranty service in Russia. A device purchased in the USA will be denied warranty service in Russia. If your iPhone was bought in Russia, then you are under Apple protection and you can count on solutions to the problems that arise. There is another category - “Europeans” or Eurotest. Devices purchased in Europe are not covered under warranty service under Apple's terms and conditions in Russia. The decision on warranty service is made by the service center to which the user contacts. There is no universal solution. If your iPhone is a Euro test and a problem is discovered with it, contact, if possible, several certified service centers. There is a chance that some of them will accept your device for service.

It’s very easy to find out whether your gadget’s warranty is up to date. Everyone has it separate device have your own personal serial number. For an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings, then General, About This Device.

For Mac, Apple menu, About This Mac, Overview tab.

Please note that the serial number of the device and its box must be the same. If the symbols on the device and its box are different, I recommend returning it to the seller as soon as possible. They sold you either stolen or repaired equipment.

First, you need to make sure that your device has support in Russia. This can be done on a special page on the Apple website. Here you must enter the serial number of the device. If it falls under warranty, the system will indicate the duration of the current warranty period. If this period has expired, then you will have to fix the breakdown yourself - the warranty is no longer valid.

If your device was purchased outside of Russia, the system will notify you about this:

If your iPhone, iPad or other Apple gadget is still under warranty, was purchased in Russia or Europe, and there is some problem with it, then feel free to take it to the nearest service center.

All Apple equipment purchased in Russia in our country is covered by Apple's limited warranty for 12 months. It is called limited because the device cannot be returned under warranty if it has been exposed to moisture, has been repaired, or has been subjected to severe physical impact. Multiple dents bent body or cracked glass- denial of warranty. Sensors illuminated by moisture inside the device will void the warranty. Installed unlicensed software will void the warranty. The use of non-certified accessories will result in a denial of warranty.

There is another myth associated with Apple technology. Some users are convinced that “American” iPhones are better than “Russian” ones. Ostensibly for Russian market Apple uses low-quality components, which ultimately results in common problems and marriage. Of course this is not true. Production Line All smartphones and other Apple equipment are the same for all countries. They differ only in the included charger and set of documentation. For different countries it may differ.


Feature of the technique Apple yet and that when purchasing any device with Apple logo, For warranty service no receipts or warranty cards are needed. Apple uses personal device serial numbers for this. Peculiarity retail in Russia is such that a check with buying an iPhone or other Apple gadget still needed. Firstly, to confirm a purchase in a specific store. Not every reseller will undertake to service your device without presenting a purchase receipt. Secondly, there are times when even Apple may require you to provide a receipt confirming the purchase of the device. Suppose you forgot your Apple ID, password, answers to security questions, or, as often happens, they were not aware of their actions when they registered account in iCloud. You can only unlink your iPhone from a blocked Apple ID top level Apple security services. To complete your application, you will be asked to send to specified mail photos of the device and the original purchase receipt. This receipt is proof that this device belongs to you.

Apple divides its devices into two types of warranty: from the moment of activation and by receipt. Receipt warranty applies to iPad, iPod, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV. The guarantee from the moment of activation only works for iPhone. And I’ll tell you a secret: according to the consumer protection law, all components included with the device also have a warranty equal to the device. This means that if the headphones start to malfunction before the iPhone warranty expires, you need to contact the seller, he will solve the problem.

Paid replacement

Despite the fact that Apple is still delaying the opening of a full-fledged Apple Store in Russia, the company continues to meet the needs of Russian users. One of these steps is paid warranty replacement. Paid replacement - the opportunity to get a new device to replace your broken, drowned or with any other problem. If you ran your iPhone over with a tank or launched it from the sixteenth floor, Apple will exchange it for a new one in additional fee.

It often happens that it is not advisable to repair a device: Apple does not produce original spare parts, and using the services of dubious services is not the best solution. Fixing serious damage to a device may cost more than a paid replacement. In this case, a paid replacement is the most suitable option. But there is one condition: your smartphone, tablet or other Apple device should not have been repaired before being sent to a service center for a paid replacement. Otherwise, the service center will simply refuse to replace your device with a new one, making a corresponding note in the warranty card.

Another common problem is cables. The original Lightning cable is expensive, but it is a guarantee stable operation your device. In addition to Apple, there are many other manufacturers whose chargers are approved for use with Apple equipment. Among them are Belkin, Ozaki, Griffin, Incase, Mophie. Usually, high quality cable Lightning costs at least 1000 rubles. But in any case, before buying a Lightning cable, you should decide on the manufacturer and check the approximate cost on its website charger. Let me remind you that if you buy a counterfeit Lightning cable, you risk losing the warranty on your iPhone, iPad or iPod.


To avoid possible occurrence problems with Apple equipment, first of all I recommend that you decide on the place of purchase. Read user reviews of different stores, study the assortment, compare prices. Not everyone knows that Apple itself conducts trading activities in Russia only through its online store. There are no Apple retail stores in Moscow or any other city in our country. The Apple Shop, recently opened in the Moscow TSUM, differs from the Apple Store - a full-fledged retail Apple store. Apple Shop - shops in the shop-in-shop format, they operate in large shopping centers Worldwide. We have already written about .

Since I myself work in a store with Authorized Reseller status, I recommend choosing a seller that Apple knows about. Such a store must be either Authorized or Premium Reseller. A device purchased from one of these stores will have an official Apple warranty for a year and certification in Russia. These stores receive equipment from official Apple distributors, DiHouse, Marvel, Merlion and OCS Distribution. Some resellers, for example Svyaznoy or MVideo, receive equipment from Apple, bypassing distributors. But this is already an internal kitchen. Finding one of these stores in your city is easy. There is a page on the Apple website that helps you find the nearest authorized retailer or certified service center. All Apple equipment sold in such stores has Russian certification, and with it an official guarantee for a year.

International guarantee

Let's look at another common concept - international guarantee. When we talk about a guarantee providing complete replacement devices, the concept of “worldwide warranty” ceases to apply to any Apple devices. Authorized service centers do not repair problematic equipment: your iPhone or iPad is always replaced with new ones. The only exceptions are special programs for repairs. That's how it was with iPhone batteries 5, with the iPhone 6, whose front camera moved, the same thing happened with the iPhone 6 Plus - its main camera module stopped focusing. This Apple solution due to the number of problematic devices. Since the company is launching a program to replace components, it means that the number of problematic devices is so large that Apple is not able to replace them with new ones. In this case, the worldwide guarantee comes into force. If your device falls under one of these programs, then you can have your device repaired free of charge at an authorized service center. And it doesn’t matter in which country it was purchased. To clarify the model and the operation of the repair program for your device, you must again contact the Apple website or the company’s support. Russian-speaking specialists will answer all questions.

A user whose device was not purchased in Russia depends to a greater extent on the service center he contacts. Here, the decision on warranty service for your non-PCT device is made by the specialists of the SC. But if there is still hope with the “Europeans”, since some service centers also work with them, then the service center is unlikely to be able to accept the remaining devices under warranty. Authorized service centers throughout the country have the opportunity to send non-PCT equipment to the USA, where all warranty procedures will be completed with them. But you need to ask the service center specialists about this.

Main points:

1. Buy Apple equipment in Russia and from official resellers. iPhones break often. It's nice to receive something completely defective in return. new gadget without hassle.

2. Use it quality accessories. Chinese cables will bring your device to the grave and even official certification will not help it.

3. You can always exchange a broken phone for a new one at an additional cost. Paid replacement - the most convenient way solving problems with Apple equipment.

4. Worldwide warranty is a common myth.

5. For answers to most questions there is a Russian-speaking Apple support - 88003335173.

Few device owners are interested in the warranty conditions for their gadgets. Some people initially consider this possibility a utopia, while others, on the contrary, have experience with warranty repairs, but only negative experience. However, in the case of Apple equipment, the warranty is not a myth, and it is still worth applying for warranty service. A much bigger myth is the stereotype that Apple gadgets don’t break: they break, of course! This is probably why the company provides not only warranty repairs for its devices, but also - don’t be surprised - their complete replacement.

Conditions under which an iPhone can be replaced under warranty

Indeed, if the device functions poorly (there are gaps, the camera does not work well, the network disappears, etc.), and this is not the owner’s fault, the iPhone can be used without special problems exchange for a new one. You may qualify for such a replacement if:

  • you have been using the gadget for less than a year;
  • it has never been repaired;
  • used carefully (the phone does not have mechanical damage, traces of flooding, etc.);
  • There is no unlicensed software installed on the phone.
  • The device has Russian certification.

As for the last point, the fact is that only equipment with PCT certification is covered under warranty service in our country. “American” iPhones are clearly deprived of the right to warranty service; the situation with “European” devices is not so simple: the service center can take them for service if it has its good will, but it is not obliged to do this.

Finding out whether your iPhone is covered by warranty is easy and simple: just find the “About this device” item in “Settings” and enter the serial number indicated there on the Apple website. In response, the system will inform you about the presence of a warranty and its duration, or about the reasons why it does not apply to your device, for example, if it was purchased outside of Russia.

Possibility of paid warranty replacement

Even if your gadget falls under these restrictions, say, its operation was far from careful and was accompanied by depressing falls, swims and other extreme adventures, you still have the opportunity to profitably exchange it for a new one for an additional fee. This service from Apple will help out in situations where the cost of repairs is comparable to the cost of a new device. The only requirement is that the gadget should not have been repaired before.

Should I keep the receipt for the purchased iPhone?

The peculiarity of Apple technology is that when purchasing any device with the Apple logo, you do not need either receipts or warranty cards for warranty service - you just need to know the serial number. However, it is still worth keeping the cash receipt, since it serves as confirmation of the purchase and a compelling reason for a particular store to accept the device for service. In addition, a check will be required for iPhone unlocking, if you accidentally forget your password, answers to verification questions, or the information you provided when you signed up for iCloud.

Speaking of receipts: Apple devices fall into one of two groups according to the type of warranty. The first is covered by the so-called receipt guarantee (iPad, iPod, Mac, as well as Apple Watch and Apple TV fall under it), the second is guaranteed from the moment of activation (iPhone). At the same time, not only the device itself, but also all its components are covered by the warranty, which means that junk headphones, for example, can also be easily replaced with new and working ones.

But still main way avoid problems with warranty service for Apple equipment - choose right place purchases. Only from a trusted seller will you purchase the most trouble-free device, reducing the number of possible “ weak points"before the manufacturing defect.

Having heard for the first time - worldwide iPhone warranty, I thought that, bought in any country Apple iPhone, upon the occurrence of a warranty case, it is subject to warranty repair or replacement with new phone in absolutely any representative office Apple. But in reality, everything is a little more complicated; the worldwide warranty for Apple products is valid only in the stores of the company itself, but not as Apple resellers. Therefore, if you bought an iPhone outside the CIS countries, then a simple authorized Apple reseller located in your city usually denies the warranty (although there are exceptions).

Unaware of such warranty features, some users buy iPhones abroad, hoping that warranty case All possible problems be decided by the official representative office of the reseller.

If you permanently reside in the CIS, and there is no Apple service in your city, then buy iPhone is better on the spot, but in this case you will have to rely on the guarantee of your operator cellular communications, engaged in the sale of iPhones. Look for reputable sellers with good reviews.

iPhone warranty period
The standard iPhone warranty period is 1 year. iPad tablet And iPod player Apple's standard limited warranty is also one year. If desired, the warranty can be extended to two years; for this, Apple provides the opportunity to purchase an extended program service support AppleCare Protection Plan. If you decide to extend your iMac's warranty or MacBook Pro, then you can extend it up to 3 years. The cost of this package depends on the device and region of residence. Therefore, the cost of additional one-year warranty service can range from $50 to $100.

How to check iPhone warranty
When did you buy yours new iPhone, then upon first startup, any user must go through the activation procedure, and the Apple warranty begins from the moment the device is installed.

You can check the iPhone warranty on the official Apple website. Follow the link - Apple Warranty Support, enter and click the Continue button.

If you entered your serial number correctly, then this service service and support will display your device model ( iPhone phone or MacBook laptop) and warranty information.

Let's see what the system showed in our case. We see the model of our phone - Apple iPhone 4. In the column Technical support by telephone - the period has expired, apparently now a telephone call to the technical support service has become paid. It was free for 3 months from the moment of first activation.

Well, the right to service and repair is still valid until December 20, 2013, perhaps everything is correct, we performed the first launch and activation on December 20, 2012, that is, exactly 1 year ago from the end of the warranty period.

Ability to use online check Warranty service for Apple products can be useful for users who decide to purchase either a new or used iPhone, iPad or other Apple gadget.

The only thing that is not entirely clear is whether the global Apple warranty after iPhone already Was it repaired under warranty from a local operator that officially sells Apple brand phones?

Apple's Worldwide Product Warranty commitment provides unconditional warranty coverage for any Apple branded product. In Russia, the global warranty from the American manufacturer began to work on January 1, 2014.

In this case, a cash receipt or other document confirming the fact of purchase is not required. ASC (authorized service centers) will accept Apple products purchased by you in any country in the world. But this does not mean at all that the Cupertino team does not exercise control over the service provided to their clients.

Innovations in Apple's warranty policy in Russia have been in effect for almost 2 years, but not many people know about their rules, so we decided to conduct a small educational program.

Apple Worldwide Warranty Rules in Russia

  1. By default, the warranty period is considered to be 1 year from the date of purchase of the device, the fact of which is confirmed by relevant documents (cash receipt).
  2. The right to provide warranty support and service belongs only to ASC.
  3. ASC is obliged to accept for service and warranty repair not only the iPhone, but also any branded equipment of the company, even if it was purchased by you outside of Russia.
  4. But, according to the updated rules, the category “WARRANTY APPLE EQUIPMENT IN RUSSIA” includes only those company products that are permitted for sale in the Russian Federation.
  5. In order to find out whether your device has warranty status, you must enter the serial number of the equipment on the company’s technical support website at: selfsolve.apple.com
  6. IN special cases In order to eliminate possible discrepancies, ASK employees may require you to provide them with a receipt confirming the purchase of equipment.

Which devices are covered by the warranty?

Count on free repair The warranty is available to users of Apple smartphones whose models and numbers correspond to those presented below:

  • iPhone 4, no. A1332
  • iPhone 4S, no. A1387
  • iPhone 5, no. A1429
  • iPhone 5c, no. A1507
  • iPhone 5s, no. A1457
  • iPhone 6, No. A1586 and No. A1589
  • iPhone 6 Plus, no. A1524

Regarding tablets, there are no problems here. Covered under warranty service any iPad(regardless of where you purchased it), but with the condition that he has not yet celebrated his first birthday.

But with computers things are much more complicated. If you purchased this equipment outside the country, you will not have to rely on warranty status.

Warranty for Apple Watch owners

When applied to Apple Watch, Apple's Worldwide Warranty truly demonstrates high degree respect for your clients. The previous rule: “Where you buy it, get it serviced”, in the case of " smart watch" - does not work! Whether you bought them in Australia or Panama, Russia or Brazil, get warranty service where it is convenient for you.

Within a few days you will receive a completely new watch if the problem is due to a manufacturing defect. And in the event of a malfunction due to the fault of the owner, the company will provide you with only possible appearance repair - an authorized replacement, but at a very reasonable price. The fact is that the Apple Watch, in many cases, is simply beyond repair.

AppleCare Protection Plan

This program increases the free universal technical support and service maintenance from one year to three years. But registration of the plan is only possible during the initial one-year warranty period.

The plan applies to devices such as: iMac, Mac mini,MacBook, MacBook Air, 13 and 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display. Each item has its own warranty plan. The service program includes both software and hardware repairs, performed by the company’s specialists in all existing authorized centers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how high-tech the Apple technology is, it cannot be perfect either. And any owner may need to visit a service center.