How harmful are electronic devices to humans? The influence of electronic devices on human health

In our age high technology, we are exposed to various electromagnetic radiation every day, which negatively affects our health. But we cannot refuse all the technical innovations that make our lives so much easier.

In order to somehow minimize the impact of electromagnetic field radiation on our body, we should, if possible, reduce the number of sources, reduce the time of their exposure, and stay at a safe distance when operating devices.

What devices with electromagnetic radiation are dangerous and how dangerous?
How far away should you be from household appliances at the time of his work?

1. Microwave - at least 30 cm. The most dangerous device. The most emitting place is in the lower right corner of the door.
2. Vacuum cleaner - at least 60 cm;
3. Electric stove - at least 30 cm. Do not press against it;
4. Electric kettle - at least 30 cm;
5. Washing machine - 60 centimeters;
6. Dishwasher - 40 centimeters;
7. TV - 1.5 m. For large TVs over 2 meters;
8. A table lamp is equal to a TV;
9. Electric iron - 20 centimeters. Dangerous when heated - try to distance yourself from it at this time;
10. Air conditioning - 1.5 m;
11. Computer - 80 centimeters from the screen;
12. Refrigerator - 30 cm. No-frost - further than 50 centimeters;
13. Radiotelephone and its wiring in the wall or along the wall. Talk on the radiotelephone as little as possible. Buy the most secure models;
14. Mobile phone - do not carry it close to your body and do not place it closer than 50 centimeters next to you at home or at work.

Properly installed electrical wiring does not pose a danger to residents. Avoid using extension cords if possible and do not bundle wires into rings. Do not overload sockets with tees and connections. You will have less headaches.

Remember - the lower the power of the equipment, the safer it is.
Electrical appliances also emit electromagnetic waves in standby mode. Try to keep them turned off if possible: music centers, TVs, fans, microwaves and others.

Don't buy unnecessary electrical appliances. Do not turn on several powerful electrical appliances at once; you should not create an “electromagnetic storm” in the house. Use household appliances separately, for example, when working with a vacuum cleaner, turn off the TV.

In addition, household appliances contain the following dangers:

  • Reproduction of bacteria in the microwave, refrigerator, household waste shredder, oven. All equipment must be washed promptly.
  • The vacuum cleaner needs to be cleaned on time - dust mites multiply in it.
  • Computer monitors and TVs cause eye fatigue - take several breaks from working and watching TV.
  • Always remember that a glass-ceramic hob without a residual heat indicator may burn you.
  • The washing machine and dishwasher can flood the neighbors below if the hoses break. Close the water supply taps. They can also give you an electric shock on a wet floor if the wiring is poor.

Electrical devices and fire hazard

IN modern life The role of electrical appliances is difficult to overestimate, because not a single house, apartment, or office can do without them. Regardless of which device is used and in what mode, it is necessary to clearly understand the handling rules.

Division of electrical appliances into groups

For clarity, we will try to systematize the types of electrical appliances and combine them into groups. So, today the main sections in the classification are:

  • electrical appliances for cooking - stoves, ovens, all kinds of large and small household appliances, both built-in and free-standing;
  • those devices with which water is heated (regardless of size and displacement);
  • heating devices for residential and non-residential premises;
  • household appliances to create the required level of electrical appliances for living comfort (irons and hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and waste shredders, etc.);
  • tools (household and professional).

Each of the above groups has its own differences, but in general, everything is simple: all devices operating from the mains are considered potentially dangerous, since they are one of the most common reasons the occurrence and spread of fire in the room. Only by being aware that such equipment has an increased fire hazard can you protect your home or place of work from sometimes irreversible consequences.

Thus, cooking appliances are considered the least fire hazardous, but their operation should be closely monitored. If fat comes into contact with exposed heating coils, an immediate fire may occur. It is worth studying the instructions, in which each manufacturer necessarily indicates methods for cleaning from grease and other accumulations in order for the equipment to work correctly. Irons and hair dryers, as well as other small household appliances, will not tolerate neglect: an iron left on on an ironing board will cause a fire in a matter of minutes. Despite the fact that manufacturers carefully consider the issue of protecting the devices themselves, this also requires increased attention from the user.

Professional equipment, as well as power tools, are used in various conditions, including complex ones. It is very important to observe here temperature regime and monitor the humidity level in the premises. The limit values ​​are also indicated in the technical specifications and the manufacturer's instructions. Thanks to enhanced fire protection systems, this equipment is considered reliable. But heaters are perhaps the most dangerous segment. A special feature of this group are the heating elements, which are located in open access. During the operation of any heaters, you must strictly follow the rules, do not cover them under any circumstances, do not install them close to walls, and also monitor them extremely carefully for irregularities in operation.

Electrical network and number of devices

It is known that at the time of design electrical network in any building or premises, future loads are calculated. Often, household appliances cause fires in houses that were built 30-40 years ago, and the wiring in them is simply not designed for so many different devices. in this case are perhaps the most common scenario.

One of the main rules for using electrical appliances is control: if there is no staff on duty in an office or production area, all equipment and household appliances must be de-energized. In addition, in modern buildings, all kinds of protective systems are taken into account already at the system design stage, but in “aged” buildings it is necessary to install well-proven fire safety systems, as well as alarms.

Among the most common causes of fire when using household electrical appliances of various types are:

  • faulty sockets and wiring problems;
  • use mentally and physically outdated technology, which also does not have the proper level of fire protection (old irons and electric stoves, homemade and converted heaters);
  • ignoring elementary rules safety: for example, drying things on heaters, heating with stoves and ovens instead of special appliances.

There are also a number of prohibitions that are based on numerous tragic cases of fires that led to significant material waste and, importantly, harm to human health. Thus, one of the main rules states that it is strictly prohibited to place household appliances, especially heating ones, near switchboards, in boiler rooms, or in rooms where electric motors operate. In the same way, it is forbidden to use any electrical appliances that have visible damage to the cables or their insulation is broken.

All rules for the operation of electrical appliances are aimed only at ensuring the required result when complete safety for a person. Electrical appliances and fire hazards are in close proximity,

It turns out that classical medicine is not interested in this problem. However, the first studies on this problem were carried out 30 years ago in America and were caused by a sharp increase in the number of cases of breast cancer in women. And these cases were associated with the then fashion for electric blankets. And then Swedish and American scientists proved that not all radiation is dangerous and that there is a safe limit to the intensity of such fields. And also that the degree of danger of radiation strongly depends on the distance to the sources of such radiation.

What devices are dangerous and how dangerous?

A microwave oven is a dangerous electrical device and you must be at least 30 cm away from it while it is operating;

- vacuum cleaner - dangerous distance of electromagnetic radiation – 60 cm;

Electric stove - for some reason many housewives forget about the danger of staying closer than 30 cm near an electric stove for a long time;

Refrigerator - the danger of electromagnetic radiation varies from source to source and the dangerous distance ranges from 30 cm to 1.5 meters;

- Electric kettle- radiation area up to 25 cm;

- washing machine - the dangerous distance ranges from 40 to 60 cm;

- dishwasher - up to 40 cm;

A TV is one of the most dangerous household appliances and the distance to it should be at least 1.5 meters, and for TVs 29 inches or larger, the distance should be increased to 2 meters or more;

- electric iron - dangerous only in heating mode and the distance of dangerous radiation is 20 cm;

An air conditioner, like a TV, is one of the most “emitting” devices, so it is safe to be no closer than 1.5 meters;

Computer - despite the introduction of very stringent measures to reduce electromagnetic radiation, this device remains quite dangerous and it is advisable to be no closer than 80 cm from the screen;

A radiotelephone is probably the most harmful device in terms of electromagnetic effects on humans. And not because of the high power, but because of the very close range to the human brain;

but properly designed house electrical wiring is not a source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation! Unlike the seemingly safe table lamp, which is comparable in radiation to a TV. And we sit in close proximity to her for hours.

So how can you protect yourself from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation?

First, of course, you need to know which devices are the most harmful and, if possible, stay as far away from them as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange them so that they are as far as possible (no closer than one and a half meters) from places of long-term pastime and recreation, especially for children. It should be remembered that neither walls nor other partitions protect against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Only distance. Therefore, pay attention to the appliances located in another room or in the kitchen behind the wall.

Secondly, if possible, do not purchase or use powerful electrical appliances unnecessarily. The weaker the power of an electrical device, the weaker its radiation.

Thirdly, do not turn on several powerful electrical appliances at the same time, for example, washing machine, microwave oven and vacuum cleaner.

If possible, do not use extension cords to connect powerful electrical appliances and make sure that the wires of these extension cords are not folded into rings or loops.

That's probably all. Since we still cannot live without household electrical appliances...

We live in a time when electrical devices that emit electromagnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans surround us everywhere. In this review, we will identify the five most unsafe devices and appliances that can be found in every kitchen.

Energy-saving lamps.

These are wonderful economical light bulbs hide many unpleasant nuances. In addition to the fact that they contain mercury inside, and therefore the lamps cannot be thrown into a regular trash bin, they are also sources of ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation. It is not recommended to be closer than one meter from the source of such light.

Title="Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim
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Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim


In the process of heating food, a microwave oven distributes powerful electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range around. Within a radius of 1 meter from a working oven, it is 10-20 times higher than the norm, so every time you start the microwave, you should leave the kitchen for a while.

Title="Microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen
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The microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen.

Mobile phone.
Everyone has heard about the dangers of this device. Scientists have proven that during prolonged communication, the temperature in the ear area rises by 2-2.5 degrees, and this can harm brain cells. In addition, if at the beginning of a conversation the electromagnetic radiation increases slightly, then after 10 minutes it already becomes dangerous.

Title="Mobile phones harm brain cells
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Mobile phone damages brain cells


Many people still have old-style CRT TVs in their kitchens. Unlike the newfangled plasma panels, units with cathode ray tube They emit powerful electromagnetic radiation, and you should not get closer than one and a half meters to such colossuses. Concerning modern TVs and then their radiation is lower and at a distance of more than 50 cm from the screen, you will be safe.

Sockets, extension cords and power supplies.

Sockets and extension cords, of course, also create an electromagnetic field, but a relatively weak one. However, if a powerful working device is stuck into them, the picture changes. For example, when plugged into a power outlet microwave oven, a field emanating from it exceeds the standard one by 20 times.
It is also worth noting that power supplies and charging device also distribute electromagnetic radiation within a radius of 1 meter.

Title="Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses
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Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses

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Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us on all sides every day

Modern people are accustomed to the conveniences that are provided by the presence of household appliances in our home. For example, when waking up early in the morning, many people like to turn on the TV to their favorite channel and put on the electric kettle to heat water for tea or coffee, at the same time take something tasty out of the refrigerator and heat it in the microwave or on the electric stove. At this moment, the idea that eco-house technologies, which have already become irreplaceable friends and helpers, in addition to such familiar amenities, also provide a significant portion of electromagnetic radiation, hardly comes to mind.

The existence of electromagnetic radiation is explained by a change in the state of the magnetic and electric fields, which propagate from any device that consumes electricity and interact with each other in space. Scientists more than 30 years ago established that such radiation negatively affects a person in general and his individual organs in particular.

According to the results of scientific research, the human brain, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation has also been found to cause headaches, fatigue and insomnia.

How to protect yourself from harmful influence all these devices?

Currently acceptable level of influence electromagnetic field per person is generally considered to be 0.2 microtesla (μT).

But if electromagnetic radiation is so dangerous and comes from all household appliances, then which one poses the greatest danger? To answer this question, measurements were taken of the magnitude of the electromagnetic field from various household appliances in an ordinary home and an eco-house on at different distances from them. As measuring device The Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer was used, which is a portable device designed for safe measurement of the electromagnetic field at home.

Our assistant - Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer

The obtained measurement results were presented in the form of a graphic illustration for clarity.

So what conclusion can be drawn from the above figures? Let's consider simple steps, which must be completed to ensure that eco-house technologies do not pose a danger to your health.

Since a person spends a third of his life sleeping, it is first necessary to exclude the placement of any household items at a distance closer than half a meter from the bed. This applies even to such seemingly small devices as Digital Watch or netbook. Cell phones At night it is better to store it a meter or two away from the bed.

Staying at the computer for a long time is dangerous for your health!

Another dangerous source of radiation are computers and laptops, behind which modern man spends a significant portion of his time. First of all, you should maintain a safe distance from a PC monitor or laptop screen of at least 50 cm, and, if possible, spend no more than 3 hours a day on them. If you still have it CRT monitor, then the distance should be at least 20 cm greater than for LCD monitors, and in addition, the CRT monitor itself should be located so that its back side is not directed to the place where people are often located. It is also highly recommended not to install a PC in a bedroom or other resting place.

Prolonged stay near household appliances leads to nervous system disorders

Also, if possible, it is worth reducing the time you spend near household appliances in the kitchen. A microwave oven, if turned on for a few minutes, does not pose a significant threat, but at a distance of thirty centimeters or closer it creates an electromagnetic field of up to 8 µT. It is better to place the refrigerator at a distance of half a meter from the seating area; for refrigerators of the “No Frost” system, this distance should be doubled. Radiation from an electric kettle becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 20 cm, and from an air conditioner - at a distance of less than 1.5 m.

Washing machines and dishwashers emit more than 20 μT, so you should not get closer than a meter to them during operation. The vacuum cleaner is also characterized high degree electromagnetic radiation (about 200 µT), however, due to the length of the hose, this damage is slightly compensated.

An important nuance is that the walls of both an ordinary residential building and an eco-house are not capable of obstructing electromagnetic radiation, so the only way to reduce the impact harmful radiation is to increase the distance to radiation sources and reduce the time spent near them. It is also worth noting that the degree of radiation from devices directly depends on the power of the devices, so it is better to refrain from purchasing large quantity powerful devices.

Remember that the happiness and health of your family depends only on you!

Following the above simple tips You can preserve your health and the health of your loved ones in an already built house, or take these tips into account for the technology of building eco-houses.