PHP courses from scratch. New free video course “PHP

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Node.js, React.js and others.
  • English language.

The freeCodeCamp program consistently teaches the user all the basic aspects of web programming from basic concepts to complex development techniques. At the beginning of each lesson, you read the theory, then apply it in practice: write code in a special editor, and the system tests you. If difficulties arise, you can discuss them with other students on the forum.

At the end of the theoretical modules, you are shown projects from which you must create your own web applications. The development results must be published on the resource, after which they can be evaluated by other users.

In addition, freeCodeCamp helps students form teams and work together on real-life non-profit projects. This is a good chance to gain valuable development experience and a portfolio needed for employment.

2. Codecademy

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, React.js, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $20 per month for additional content.
  • English language.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium levels.

Like the previous resource, Codecademy focuses on teaching web programming. You read the theory, and then complete tasks in the interactive code editor. The user has separate courses dedicated to different technologies. The bulk of each of them is available for free, but verification tests and project development tasks are unlocked after you subscribe.

Codecademy also has comprehensive paid programs that organize and combine materials from different courses. For example, Build Websites from Scratch teaches you step-by-step how to develop a simple website from scratch using a variety of technologies.

3. Coursera

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift and others.
  • Cost: free or from $49 per month for additional content.
  • Language: English, Russian and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On Coursera you will find many courses on different programming languages ​​from the world's leading universities. Here you can learn not only web development, but also the creation of mobile and desktop programs. Some courses are self-contained, but most are combined into specializations - sets of related courses.

You can view theoretical material presented in texts and videos for free. But most test and practical tasks that require checking by a teacher or other users are available only with a paid subscription.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $49 per month for a certificate.
  • Language: English and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On edX you can access courses from renowned companies and universities. Among them there is, for example, the famous introductory course for beginning programmers, Introduction to Computer Science, from Harvard University. Educational content is represented mainly by video lectures and texts. Some courses contain tests and other interactive activities.

The platform does not ask for money for completing most materials. But you can only get a certificate confirming the successful completion of a particular course for money.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms and databases, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, and others.
  • Cost: free or from 500 rubles per month for tutor services.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

The catalog of the INTUIT educational platform contains text and video courses from Russian educational institutions and international IT companies. The site's content covers all major areas of programming from website development to the creation of desktop programs. Self-study is free, but there is a paid service in which the user is assisted by a personal tutor.

6. Stepic

  • Technologies: JavaScript, C#, neural networks, C++ and others.
  • Cost: completely free.
  • Language: Russian, English.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium.

Another non-profit platform, courses for which are created by Russian companies and universities. Although Stepic doesn't have a lot of material about specific programming languages, it does provide fundamental knowledge of mathematics and algorithm theory that will be useful to every developer.

7. Modern Javascript Tutorial

  • Technologies: JavaScript and others.
  • Cost: free or from 6,500 rubles for an additional course.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

This resource is dedicated to the JavaScript language and related web technologies. Here you will find a very detailed, well-structured and easy-to-understand text course on JS. Assignments after each topic will help you consolidate your knowledge. At the same time, the material is purely theoretical and does not teach how to create projects in practice.

You can study the textbook on your own for free, or pay for advanced courses that include learning JavaScript itself or related technologies with a teacher.

PHP (P HP: H hypertext P reprocessor, thoughtful preprocessor

Hypertext) is a scripting programming language focused on the web.

In lesson 1 we will get acquainted with the basic syntax and also write our first script.

Basic syntax:

- start and end of the script
assignment operator - =

Output text information - echo (can output html code)

While(loop condition)(action) - loop
- if(condition)(action performed if the condition is false)else(action performed if the condition is false) - condition

Lesson 1. Creating your first script

As you can see, the script consists of one line.

To execute the script you need the appropriate software; for Windows users I recommend Denwer (
After installing Denwera, create the Script.test folder in the hosts directory, in which we in turn create a folder

www. Do we create an index.php file in the WWW folder? into which we transfer the contents of our file.

After saving the file, restart Denwer. Then type script.test in your browser

And voila! We see the inscription Hello World!

How to write Hello World inappropriately:

Hello World Not spelled like that


Well, it's definitely not like that:


This concludes our lesson, and at the end there is a small selection of useful links.

Basics of programming
Basics of programming, basic terms and concepts

The video course will introduce students to the basics of programming, basic terms and concepts. It will teach you how to develop algorithms and give you real experience in creating web products. Lessons include an overview of current programming languages ​​and areas, help students choose the ones that are most interesting to them, and provide materials and instructions for further professional development.

Lesson 3. First program

Choosing a programming language. Browser preparation. Program "Hello, world!"

Lesson 4. Variables

Installing a convenient code editor. Introduction to Variables. A simple calculator.

Lesson 5. Data types

Data types. Operations with different types of data. Data type conversion.

Lesson 6. Algorithms and flowcharts

Algorithmic thinking. Visual flowcharts.

Lesson 7. Branch operator if

Selecting options in the program. Branch operator if. A game of riddles.

Lesson 8. Logical operations

Complex selection conditions. Logical AND, OR. Game "Angry Birds".

Lesson 9. Do, while loops

Do and while loops. Playing Russian roulette.

Lesson 10. For loop

The for loop. Financial calculator.

Lesson 11. Arrays

Large data sets and arrays. Roulette game.

Lesson 12. Functions

Functions. Preparing to write the game “Black Jack (21)”.

Lesson 13. Game "Black Jack". Part 1

Writing a full game. The basis is dealing cards and counting points.

Lesson 14. Game "Black Jack". Part 2

Completion of writing the game. Determination of results and winner.

Lesson 15. Programming career

Review of the main directions in programming. How to choose a programming language? What to study next?

Web development. Fast start
Basics of HTML/CSS and PHP

PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor, hypertext preprocessor) is a programming language executed on the web server side. The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, designed it as a tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites. The language has gained great popularity and is used in projects of various sizes: from a simple blog to the largest web applications on the Internet. The largest PHP projects are Zend, Yahoo, Facebook, Google, NASA, W3C. The course is intended for those who want to acquire basic web development skills in PHP, learn the logic of working with this language and terminology, and also understand the principles of functioning of systems and web applications. During the training process, students go through the main stages of creating a simple online store website and work on its functionality. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course are a reliable basis for further development as a PHP developer.

Lesson 2. Installing and deploying a server on your computer

How the web server, PHP interpreter and database interact with each other; download the ready-made Open Server assembly; select the PHP version; select the apache version; setting up access to the local site; how to understand that everything is configured correctly and is working; We use the Sublime Text code editor built into the Open Server assembly.

Lesson 3. How to create web pages

Briefly consider what html is needed for; We consider the main tags: doctype, html, head, title, body, header, h1, footer, div, a, img and their place in the web page; We demonstrate how these tags work; show created tags in the panel
"Developer Tools" in Google Chrome; We create links to the main page and the store page so that you can go to the store and back.

Lesson 4. Creating a layout for our store

Let's look at CSS: what it is, how to connect styles to the page; We write a header and consider how to design it using CSS.

Lesson 5. Finishing the template design

We finish writing the header; add the remaining parts of the layout from the finished template; We transfer the necessary parts of the layout from the finished template (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Lesson 6. PHP Basics

How to use PHP in our template; what variables are needed for and how to work with them; what data types are there in PHP, what are they for.

Lesson 7. How to store lots of related data

What are arrays for and how to use them; We put information about the product into an array.

Lesson 8. Storing and processing related data

Nested arrays; We place data for our store in nested arrays; How to get information about a product from a nested array.

Lesson 9. Working with cycles

What to do if you need to display a lot of data from an array on the page.

Lesson 10. How to make a website live

How to make the program change behavior depending on different conditions; how to understand which page to open; use the address bar parameters to open the desired page.

Lesson 11. How to navigate between pages

Lesson 12. Creating a product catalog

Displaying all products on the page; working with the product page; how to create the correct links for each product in the product catalog; We display product information on a separate page.

Lesson 13. Place a website on the Internet

Registering a name for our website; upload files to the hosting and check the functionality of the site.

HTML/CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for studying server-side languages. Once you learn HTML, you can create a static web page or website. CSS - cascading style sheets - will allow you to design your website the way you want. You will be able to watch the video course at a convenient time and if you have any questions, contact a mentor who will monitor your progress. The format encourages communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * performing basic operations in Photoshop, * using LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. Your homework must be graded before you can move on to the next lesson in the course. This will show that you understood the previous lesson and will easily learn new knowledge. The task can be checked by both the mentor and classmates whose knowledge you trust, and receive an achievement for it. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with other people's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This somewhat game mechanic makes classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1. Basic concepts in web development

What is the web page; types of sites; website development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; workplace preparation; HTML document structure; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2. Basics of HTML document markup language

Lesson 3. Basics of the CSS document styling language

What is CSS; CSS syntax; CSS declaration methods; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors.; basic properties of styles; nesting; inheritance and grouping of properties; checking the connection of the styles file.

Lesson 4. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, table layout

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; merging cells; nested tables; styling of tables.

Lesson 5. Formation of a block model, block layout

Basic tags for layout (div and span); element indents (margin and padding); streamlined elements; block positioning.

Lesson 6. Working with a design mockup in PSD format

Basic functions and introduction to Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; layout cutting; layout of the website using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7. Website markup and introduction to Bootstrap

Creating the main site layout; using overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markings with parts of the cut layout; techniques for positioning elements; introduction and use of Bootstrap.

Lesson 8. Web standards and supporting tools

Uploading projects to the server; cross-browser problem; HTML/CSS standards; the future lies with HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; introduction to preprocessors using LESS as an example.

Database Basics. 20 lessons.
Database Design and SQL Queries

Databases (DBs) are data storage and processing systems that are accessed using the SQL (Structured Query Language) language. Any modern website, game or desktop application needs data storage. At the moment, there are many different database management systems (DBMS), the most popular being MySQL. “Database Basics” is 20 intensive video lessons (10 minutes each), where we will go through all the stages of database design using the example of an online store using the SQL query language. After this course, you will be able to use various databases, such as MS SQL and Postgre Sql, since the SQL syntax for them is practically the same.

Lesson 1: Relational Databases

What is the difference between a database and a DBMS; what databases are called relational; overview of modern DBMS.

Lesson 2. Installing a DBMS

Installation of the MySql DBMS and the Mysql Workbench graphical application.

Lesson 3. Database design, normal forms

Data design in Excel; normal forms; primary key.

Lesson 4. SQL CREATE command

Creating tables in the MySql Workbench GUI; CREATE command; data types; work in the console.

Lesson 5. SQL INSERT command

Filling tables with data using a graphical interface; INSERT command; AUTO INCREMENT.

Lesson 7. SQL commands DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT

Receiving and filtering data using SQL commands DISTINCT and LIMIT; sorting using the ORDER BY command.

Lesson 9: Data Consistency

The concept of consistency or consistency of data.

Lesson 10. Foreign key

The concept of a foreign key and restrictions on column values; FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS.

Lesson 11. Creating tables with a many-to-many relationship

Adding a cart to the online store database.

Lesson 12. Composite primary key

Using a composite primary key when designing a table with a many-to-many relationship.

Lesson 13. Joining data from multiple tables

Retrieving data from several interrelated tables; inconsistency of the approach using several SELECTs.

Lesson 14. INNER JOIN operator

Joining data from multiple tables using the INNER JOIN operator.

Lesson 15. Operators LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN

Joining data from multiple tables using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN operators.

Lesson 16. UNION operator

Combining the results of multiple SQL queries using the UNION operator.

Lesson 17. Aggregation functions

Aggregating functions COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX.

Lesson 18. GROUP BY operator

Group a selected set of rows using the GROUP BY clause.

Lesson 19. Indexes

Filtering in GROUP BY using HAVING; increasing the speed of query execution using indexes.

Lesson 20. Transactions

Transaction concept; TRANSACTION statement; ACID requirements for the transaction system.

PHP. Level 1. 1 month.
Web Development Basics

PHP is one of the three most popular and popular programming languages ​​in the world. It is widely used in creating dynamically generated web pages. Most freelance programmers in the world use the PHP language: it allows you to develop dynamic websites of any complexity and has a large set of built-in tools for developing web applications. The course "PHP. Level 1" from GeekBrains was created to teach beginner programmers the basics of developing websites in PHP. Beginners will learn the principles of object-oriented programming and learn how to correctly use the basic constructs of the language. More experienced developers will have the opportunity to significantly improve their coding culture and will be able to competently and professionally design their website script.

Lesson 1. Introduction to PHP

How dynamic sites work
How web servers work
Preparing the working environment
Hello, world! [Practice]
Basic language constructs - descriptors, variables, data types
Language versions and their differences at a basic level

Lesson 2. Conditional blocks, function branching

Branching principles, visualization, flowcharts
Operators if, if-else
switch statement
Ternary operator
Implementation of branch logic circuits
Ternary operator
Functions, recursion
Using functions and recursion to solve problems
Variable scopes

Lesson 3. Loops and arrays

The concept of a loop, types of loops in PHP
While, do…while
Endless loop and exit from steps, loop
The concept of an array, types of arrays in PHP
Using loops to work with arrays [Practice]
Multidimensional arrays
Basic functions for working with arrays Using functions for working with arrays [Practice]
Predefined Arrays

Lesson 4. Working with files

File system and addressing, examples based on different operating systems
Connecting files with code
Basic operations with files - reading, writing.
Using basic operations to solve everyday problems - logging, reading data, caching [Practice]
Typical data storage formats

Lesson 5. MySQL databases and working with them at the PHP level

Creating a database, users
Creating tables
Basic query syntax. We create, edit and delete tables, We study the 4 main commands: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Selecting from the database and displaying it on the screen

Lesson 6. Interactivity: GET and POST data transfer methods, working with forms and user data

Basic methods of transferring data to the server
GET and POST methods
Passing data from the form to the script
Processing and storing data in the database, ensuring security.
Implementing a CRUD action package [Practice]

Lesson 7. Authorization and authentication

Lesson 8. Practice

Writing the missing page logic
Creating test orders

PHP. Level 2. 1 month.
Professional web development

This is the most complete professional course on mastering PHP at the master virtuoso level. Created for those who already understand what PHP is and the power and potential of this language. Many course graduates claim that one month of training in our program can be compared to years of studying from books or materials from the Internet!

Lesson 1. OOP in PHP. Basic concepts.

Introduction to the OOP paradigm, familiarity with fundamental concepts and principles. Implementation of OOP in PHP.

Lesson 2. OOP in PHP. Extended Study.

Continued study of OOP and its implementation in PHP. Architectural aspects of OOP. Magic methods, type control, traits, patterns.

Lesson 3. Template engines

The concept of template engines. Introducing Twig. Implementation of template engine functionality. Exceptions in PHP.

Lesson 4. In-depth design of relational databases.

Continued acquaintance with the symbiosis of MySQL and PHP. The concept of data normalization, various forms of normalization. Links in the database. Data backup and database performance optimization. Introduction to the transaction mechanism.

Lesson 5. The MVC paradigm. Engine updates

Introduction to the “Model-View-Controller” paradigm-pattern. Updating the system architecture. Code standardization.

Lesson 7. Testing. PHPUnit.

Introduction to testing principles, TDD, BDD. Introduction to PHPUnit, writing tests.

Lesson 8. Developing a developer's career. Tools and required knowledge

Review of trends in modern programming and development in PHP. Introduction to useful tools. Discussion of further development.

Yii2 Framework. 1 month.
Professional Backend Development

Yii2 framework is one of the most popular and in demand PHP frameworks. Knowledge of any framework qualitatively increases the demand for a PHP programmer in the labor market and his salary. The course is designed for those who are familiar with PHP and OOP at a basic level. We will look at a basic and advanced application template and develop an application similar to the evernote program. By doing your homework, you will create a full-fledged project for your portfolio: a calendar program in which you can make notes about your plans for the day and “share” among other users.

Lesson 8. Useful features of Yii2

URL management. REST organization. Assets. Deploy

Internship at GeekBrains (Web). 2 months.
Team Development Practice

During the internship, students will have to work remotely on an Open Source project or startup. Students will be asked to choose from a set of projects available for development. They will learn to work in a team, communicate with other developers, product and project managers, designers, learn flexible methodologies, the SCRUM framework, and master the principles of remote work. The result of the internship: the ability to work in a team, the addition of a portfolio, the ability to indicate work on a project as core work experience in your resume. The internship will be in the format of part-time remote work, weekly status meetings with the teacher in webinar format.

Lesson 1. Starting a project

The first lesson of the internship is introductory. We get to know each other, understand the scope of skills the students have, and most importantly, what they want to develop. We explain the difference between an internship and regular courses. We tell you what will happen during and between webinars.

Lesson 2. Agile development methodologies

The second lesson is devoted to development methodologies. This is simply necessary, since other courses do not teach this and students do not know how to work in a team. Starting with this lesson, students work in teams. Homework is specifically about team development.

Lesson 3. Problems and their solutions. Meeting

The third lesson is devoted to an analysis of the problems that students will certainly encounter while working on the project. This is necessary because students, when faced with problems within the team for the first time, may give up and stop developing the project. We ask what problems have arisen, give advice, and talk about MVP (minimum viable product).

Lesson 4. First subtotals

The fourth lesson is devoted to an overview of the intermediate successes that students achieved during the 3 weeks of project development. We give advice, make comments, help solve problems and help choose the right direction for the project.

Lesson 5. Meeting. Quality. Testing

Let's look at an important topic: how to write autotests for code. We explain the different types of tests and why they are needed. At the end of the lesson, we advise students to write autotests for the project in order to better understand this topic.

Lesson 6. Meeting. Preparing a resume

We ask students how they are doing with their projects. If there are serious problems, we will help you solve them. We are interested in how things are going with autotests. We analyze the autotest for any of the projects (at the request of students). We remind you that there is very little time left (two weeks). We help speed up project development by prioritizing the tasks students want to do.

Lesson 7. Meeting. Developer career

As the course comes to an end, it's time to teach students how to write something important to them - a resume. We talk about important points that HR pays attention to, give advice and warnings. We indicate the task for the next lesson: write your resume and indicate in your work experience a student internship at GeekBrains.

Lesson 8. Summing up

This is the last webinar where we summarize the results. If students allow their resumes to be checked at the webinar, we check and provide feedback. Next, we demonstrate student projects, show who managed to achieve what, and praise the students. We tell students that they don’t have to stop there and continue developing the project.

From the author: on the World Wide Web, physical strength means nothing! You can press the keys with any force, but the result will not change. On the Internet, the one with more experience and knowledge is considered stronger. Although my friend “pumped up” the hardware of his PC so much that he became afraid of it! But this is with everything from the “iron” opera. And today we will find out where to start learning in PHP in order to become a strong programmer.

"Tea" disease

Of course, sorry, but you are a “teapot”. How did I guess? Well, because only beginners pose such questions to themselves. And there is nothing offensive in this “title”, because you have such a desire to learn that you can “boil.” And this is already a sign that everything will succeed!

Studying PHP, like any other science, should start from the very beginning, that is, from theory. You need to understand what this programming language is: its capabilities, main scope, features, and so on. This is an important aspect, since beginners, due to a lack of basic theory and general ideas about a particular language, often make mistakes in their choice. And then, with disappointed expectations, they quit training after several hours of “research.” I’ll try to lift this veil a little so that you understand not only where to start learning PHP, but also why.

A few features of the language that beginners should know:

PHP is most often used in website development, but it can also be used to develop client applications.

It is a server-side language - its code runs on the server side, so to study it you will need a local server or an appropriate assembly.

Close relationship with - if you are going to “storm” website building, you will have to learn the specified DBMS. We will help you with this.

Where is the beginning?

If you are planning to learn PHP programming but don’t know where to start, then this section is for you. You should start with the basics: with the features of the language syntax, data types, variables, their initialization, loops, function declarations, etc. Even if you studied all this in other software disciplines, you will have to familiarize yourself again, since PHP has a number of features.

But that will come later, but initially you need to decide on the basic literature for understanding software science. The choice of sources should be taken very seriously.

Pick a few and read a couple of pages from each. The style of presentation of the main source should be as simple and understandable as possible. The success of learning as a whole depends on this.

To understand PHP, you can use various tutorials and specialized manuals for dummies. It would be nice to add one or more sensible ones here: visualization of information significantly increases the assimilation of the material. But I repeat once again: where to start learning PHP and the choice of sources is up to you.

A little personal

In general, after the first semester, I slipped to the very bottom in terms of academic performance. And all because the teachers, seeing that most of the students “swallowed” all the material even “unchewed”, tried to give as much as possible. But I didn’t have the experience that my teammates had.

The next semester I transferred to a parallel group, consisting of the same “dummies”. For them, the teachers “cracked through” and “chewed” everything and carefully explained it. Here things started to improve, and I again became one of the best students.

I’m not bragging (well, maybe a little), but I’m trying to explain that you should choose your learning style, methods of obtaining information and the duration of mastering the discipline yourself. In my opinion, various are an ideal source of educational information. Their selection is where you need to start learning PHP from scratch.

What you need to start development

PHP is a programming language whose code is executed on the server side. Therefore, to work with it locally you need appropriate software. Three main components:

PHP interpreter.

Local server.

But installing each of these components can take a lot of time and effort. Especially if you are a beginner. The best option is to install a software package that includes all the components.

I recommend using Open Server. It includes everything you need to get started working with PHP without any headaches. The installation process is automatic (easy and fast). Just what real “dummies” need.

I hope I was able to dispel all the doubts and questions that haunt newcomers. Do you feel like you have become stronger? You've just started learning PHP. Soon you will be real “strongmen” in software sciences. Until new “trainings”!

PHP programming courses offered by Nordic IT School are designed for web developers who want to create a personal unique website or support an existing project. PHP technology is considered basic and fundamental, so everyone involved in web resources should know it.

The program is designed for users who have certain skills and have completed specialized courses in studying

For students who already have good knowledge of PHP, we have prepared a course:

About the PHP language and its capabilities

PHP is one of the lightest and most functional programming languages ​​that was specially designed for optimal writing of various web applications and can be embedded in HTML code.

PHP programming is actively used to create web projects:

creating feedback forms, placing orders and other types;
formation of competent protection of a web resource;
creating unique and original effects for the site;
development of control panels for administering a portal, blog or other Internet resource.

The server-side programming language PHP has many advantages:

flexibility, efficiency and high safety record;
easy-to-learn and intuitively understandable language;
learning PHP from scratch in Moscow will help you make scripts yourself and quickly create a high-quality and professional website;
The programming language supports a large number of databases or databases.

The unstoppable and rapid development of information systems has provoked a growing demand for programmers who speak PHP. Therefore, up-to-date courses on learning a programming language will help you find a decent job with a good salary and the prospect of further career growth.

Features of courses from "Nordic IT School"

Website development in PHP from scratch is possible thanks to courses.

The training program at the Nordic IT School includes:

detailed consideration of all the nuances of the language;
learning the basics of PHP development;
a thorough analysis of the most common errors;
learning the language using examples from practice and syntax;
training in competent and correct writing of codes.

Classes are held in comfortable classrooms designed for lectures.

10 reasons to learn PHP

Why is it necessary to learn PHP?

  1. Website development. PHP courses will teach you how to create a unique and high-quality website of any level of complexity.
  2. Basics of programming. PHP is the foundation for creating exclusive projects that every web developer needs.
  3. Specific functions. Using the PHP language, you can create custom web projects without limiting yourself to standard templates.

  4. Speed ​​of websites. PHP allows you to create websites with a dynamic structure, that is, the page will respond to changes made by the user, for example, with an instant answer to a question.
  5. Dynamic applications. Upon completion of the courses, you will be able to create easy-to-use, vibrant and creative applications on the Internet.
  6. One of the easiest languages. PHP is one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn and use, which means it will not only be easy for you to learn, but also work with.
  7. Modern language. The PHP language is constantly progressing and updating, which makes it the most attractive language to learn and work with.

  8. In-demand profession and remote work. Studying at our PHP school will help you find a promising and decent job on a permanent basis.
  9. Independent work. With knowledge of PHP, you can fix errors and add new website functions yourself, at any time convenient for you, without turning to other specialists.
  10. Saving money. Since after completing the course you will be able to do all the complex work yourself, you will not need to spend money on paying for the work of another specialist.

Group training

Group training is the most accessible and popular form of training at Nordic IT School. When studying in groups, a fixed class schedule is used, focused on specific days and times of training. You can choose the most convenient schedule of classes in the evening, daytime, morning, both on weekdays and on weekends.

PHP course. Level 1. Basics of website development is designed for 24 academic hours.

Most of our teachers recommend group learning as the most effective way of learning, as it allows you to study the subject more deeply and exchange interesting and useful information on the subject of learning PHP programming.

If you have already completed the course "PHP. Level 1" and want to continue your training further, we would like to offer you the course "PHP. Website development and interaction with MySql", where you can improve the skills you have already acquired, as well as learn new subtleties of working with the program..

Remote training in the form of a webinar

If you absolutely do not have time to attend classes in person, or you are in another city, we suggest you take the course in the form of a webinar. During the learning process, you, like students of full-time courses, will see both the teacher and his computer desktop. In addition, you will be able to ask the teacher questions during the training.

Individual training

If you have a difficult schedule, a shift work schedule, or simply want to study PHP one-on-one with a teacher, we can offer you an individual form of training. This form of training allows you to create a class schedule taking into account your wishes for time and intensity of classes, and receive the full attention of the teacher during the lesson.

Distance learning

Distance learning is a new form of learning, dictated by today's busy pace of life and modern information technologies. Training takes place remotely according to a pre-agreed schedule using the Internet. This form of training is also suitable for those who live outside the capital and have an irresistible desire to learn PHP. With the use of appropriate programs, this is available to anyone, even if you live in another city. Distance learning at the Scandinavian school is effective, reliable and exciting.

Corporate training

For employees of companies and organizations, we offer personnel training both at the Scandinavian School and on the job. It is possible to train groups of various levels and individual employees. Our experienced teachers will test employees and offer a program taking into account the specifics of the company’s activities.

Currently, under corporate training conditions, we conduct classes for employees of the Embassy of Finland in Moscow, Nordea Bank JSC, Intego-Logistic LLC, and the Moscow representative office of Statoil ASA LLC. Our listeners were also employees of companies such as VR-GROUP LTD. (Finnish Railways), law firm "Castren & Snellman", international group of companies "Lindab".

"Open Day at Nordic IT School" September 5 at 19.00

We would like to thank all participants of the Open Day,
which took place within the walls of Nordic IT School on September 5. At the end, our teachers answered all the pressing questions.