My world computer version. Help - entry and exit

The Internet service “My World My Page” was created for communication, viewing news, finding friends in world wide web. Its first beta test began in May 2007. This Internet service is very closely integrated with mail. The “My World” social network combines email mailboxes ru, blogs, videos, answers to questions asked by users global network. It has made it easier to be on the Internet, to find necessary information or simply enjoy entertaining content.

How to go to “My Page” in my world

In order to access this project, you must follow the link located in top line your mailbox. In addition, if you type in your browser, you will also find yourself immediately on this project.

How to do it and where to click look at the picture below.

In order to “sit” on the page, communicate and get acquainted, you must register for free.

Registration on the service

The figure above shows the form that must be filled out, if you want to register for the service. You enter your first and last name in the special blocks, fill in your date of birth and come up with a name for your box. If the mailbox matches a name that exists on the network, the program will give you a series of unoccupied names, one of which you will have to choose.

After creating a password, you must write down your phone number in the line provided. on it for you SMS will come with a code that will allow you to complete registration.

After you have registered you will be taken to your Mailbox. And from here, using the method described above, you can go to your page. At the very top you can

The figure below shows the exact locations that you will need to click on to do the three steps described here.

Features and Features

The functionality of this service is wide and varied. In it, just like on VKontakte and on the Odnoklassniki website, you can like, upload and share photos, videos, and music. The service allows leave comments to various statements and news, as well as share life events yourself.

The "my page" in my world has the option to set mobile application to always be aware of what is happening on this site.

Interface overview

The “My Page” interface consists of a main wall on which all the news from you and your friends is displayed.

Left side it consists of blocks, by accessing which you will be taken to your friends whose friendship requests you have already approved on the page. In this part you will also find blocks with your photos, videos, audio recordings, groups, games. If you don't have photos or music, the email will invite you to upload them.

Central part occupies your feed, and in the block above it, you can find the same functionality that is given on the left side. This is done to simplify use and better integration with mobile phones.

WITH right side friends, people you may know and an advertising block are reflected.

This Internet service has its own mobile version, designed specifically for easy use on phones. This application can be downloaded for both Android and iPhone. Download from App store or Google Play.

And in order to switch to the mobile version in the browser from the desktop Windows desktop necessary press the button“mobile version”, which is located at the very bottom of the page. As it shown on the picture.

For that, to leave from mobile review in your browser, find the block “ Full version» in the left column of the page and click on it.

What to do if you forgot your login and password

If you have forgotten your login, then there is no way to recover your email. As a last resort, ask your friends if they still have correspondence with you.

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it by clicking on the “forgot password” button. Then you will have to enter name mailbox whose password you want to recover and click the “Recover” button. You will see a form to fill out, where you enter two digits of your phone number to which you registered your mail. A password recovery code will be sent to your number.

Saving your password

Without a password, you will not be able to access the site. However you can save in browser. To do this, the Internet service has a “Remember” button, which is located at the bottom of the mailbox login form under the “Login” button.

See the picture to better understand where to find it.

If you want to delete your page, you can do this freely by logging into the user settings on the service. For this click on the name mailbox in the upper right corner and a list of tabs opens in front of you. Select “Settings” and click on it.

Going to settings on the first page at the bottom, you will see a “Delete My World” button. Left-click on it and remove yourself from this project forever.

In this lesson I will tell you how to log into your email on, Yandex or Google. And what should I do if my mail does not open?

What is email

Email or e-mail is personal email. Through it, letters are received and sent over the Internet. This can be either plain text or files from a computer: documents, photographs, videos.

Each box has its own unique address. This address is assigned to only one user - it cannot belong to several people at once.

The address consists of English characters without spaces and consists of three parts:

1) Login - unique set English letters/numbers.

2) @ - separator between login and mail site. This sign is called a dog. To type it on the keyboard, you need to English layout pinch Shift key and number 2

3) Mail site address- Internet address where the box is located.

Example of an email address

Every mailbox on the Internet is located on some mail site. For example, on the Yandex or website. And it turns out that in order to access your mailbox, you must first open the mail site.

The most common email sites are, and

There are other, slightly less popular sites:,,, This doesn't mean they are worse, just that fewer people use them.

You can find out which site the box belongs to by its address. The mail site is written immediately after the @ sign.

★ If,, or is written after the @ icon, then this means that the mailbox is located on the website

★ If there is after the dog, then the mailbox is located on the website

★ If,,,,,, then on the website

How to log in to mail

How to log into mail on Instructions for those who have,, or in their mailbox address

1 . Open the website in a new tab

2. In the upper left square, in the “Mailbox name” field, type your email login - the inscription that appears before the @ sign.

For example, if the box is called [email protected], you need to type ivan.ivanov35

3. If the name of your mailbox does not end with, then in the adjacent field, select your ending from the list.

4 . In the “Password” field, type the password for your mailbox. It will be typed in dots - that’s how it should be. Then click on the “Login” button.

If everything is entered correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you visit the website, instead of the data entry window there will be another window:

This means your mailbox is already open. There is no need to enter a username and password - just click on the “Mail” inscription.

In the event that you do not want it to open itself every time, inside the drawer, in the right top corner, click on “exit”. And the next time you enter the box, remove the bird from the “Remember” item.

How to log into mail on Yandex. For those whose email address is,,,, or

1 . In a new tab, open the website

2. In the upper right rectangle, in the “Login” field, type the name of your mailbox. In the field just below, enter the password for the mailbox and click on the “Login” button.

If you entered everything correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you log into Yandex, there will be a different window in the upper right corner of the site. In it you just need to click on the “Mail” inscription and the mailbox will open without entering your login and password.

If you are like this automatic login not satisfied, then inside the box, in the upper right corner, click on your login. Then select "Exit" from the list. Next time when you log in to your email. email, don’t forget to check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. Then the login and password will not be remembered.

Login to Google mail (Gmail). Instructions for those whose mailbox ends at

Often, immediately after this, your box opens on its own. But if this does not happen, a login window will appear.

Sometimes it opens instead home page Gmail. In this case, click on “Login” in the upper right corner.

Google prompts you to enter a phone number or email address. The phone will only work if you previously attached it to the box. And so you need to enter your login in this field.

If the data was entered correctly, the mail will open.

Why isn't my mail opening?

There are three reasons why a person cannot get into his box:

  • Incorrect login
  • Wrong password
  • The mailbox has been deleted or blocked

I will now tell you about each case. And I’ll also tell you what to do. The advice is banal to the point of disgrace, but that’s the only thing Right way open your email.

Incorrect login. Each mailbox has a login. It is his unique identificator on the mail site. Using it, the site can identify you and open your mailbox, and not someone else’s.

The login always consists of English letters and/or numbers. May contain a period as well as a hyphen. And from this login the name of the box is formed.

To enter your mailbox, you need to correctly type the login from it. You can't make a mistake with a single letter, number or symbol!

For example, my login is ivan.petrov-35. And if I typed ivan.petrov35 instead, then my Email will not open - an error will be displayed.

In addition, on some email sites, it is important not to make a mistake not only in the login, but also in the ending - the part that comes after the @ sign.

This applies to everyone’s favorite site There the ending of the mailbox can be either the standard or another:, or

For example, I have a mailbox on Maila [email protected]. This means that in addition to writing the login correctly, you also need to choose the correct ending. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get into my mailbox - the site will throw an error.

Wrong password. The password is the key to the box. A set of letters and/or numbers that open the box. If you make a mistake in even one character, the password will not work. The site will throw an error.

If the password contains letters, they are typed only in English.

Additionally, the password is case sensitive. This means that if it contains capital letter, and you typed it small (lowercase), then such a password will not work.

The mailbox has been deleted or blocked. It happens that you can’t get into the mailbox because it has been removed from the mail site. That is, it was simply erased along with all the letters.

This usually happens when the box has not been used for a long time. For example, if the mailbox was on the website and you haven’t visited it for six months, according to rules it can be deleted.

What to do if mail does not open

1 . Open Notepad, type the password for the mailbox there, copy it and paste it into the website.

To do this, go to “Start”, type Notepad in the search bar and open the program.

A window for printing text will open. This is where we type the password.

Select it and copy it. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the password and press left button mouse and circle it. Then click inside right click mouse and select “Copy”.

This simple procedure will help you avoid making mistakes when entering your password. After all, on the site it is typed in dots, so it is difficult to notice the error.

2. Try it different variants login

As I already said, a login is a unique identifier of a mailbox on a mail site. If you indicate only one wrong letter, the system will not be able to identify the box, and therefore will not be able to open it.

Often people not only make mistakes in writing their login, but rather they are being described. For example, a person has a box called [email protected]. And he prints the login yan.ivanov. This is mistake. Even if the password is entered correctly, the mailbox will not open.

By the way, the login, unlike the password, is not case sensitive. That is, you can type it in letters of any size. Big, small, big and small - whatever, it doesn't matter.

3. Use the password recovery feature.

Mail sites allow you to restore access to your mailbox. The system will ask several questions about your email and if you answer correctly, it will ask you to indicate New Password. Immediately after this, the box will open. From now on it will be accessible using a new password.

In, to restore access, click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

In Yandex, click on the question mark at the end of the password field.

In, click "Forgot your email address?"

If you remember your address, then enter it and click “Next”. In the next window, click on “Forgot your password?”.

On a note

  • There are no spaces in the login or password
  • And the login and password are only entered in English letters
  • The password is sensitive to letter size. If you type a small letter instead of a capital letter, this password will not work.

If you can't remember your login

It happens that you remember the password, but you forgot the mailbox address. But the address, that is, the login on the mail site, is the main thing. Without it, it will not be possible to restore access to the mailbox.

You can try to find out your login using a browser - the program through which you access the Internet. To do this, simply click on the field to enter the name of the box twice with the left mouse button. If you're lucky, a list will appear where, among other things, your login can be written.

Another way to find out the name forgotten box, this is to contact the person to whom you sent letters from it. If he still has at least one letter from you, ask him to say what is written there in the address line. To do this, you need to open the letter and look at the line under the header of the letter (at the top of it).

If the site says that the mailbox does not exist

It happens that when you try to recover a password, the mail site writes that the mailbox does not exist or there is no such account.

There are two reasons why this happens:

  1. You made a mistake when printing your login.
  2. The box has been deleted.

The first reason is clear. The mailbox address is printed incorrectly and there really is no such login in the system. You just need to enter it correctly.

But if you are sure that the login is correct, but the site still shows that such mail does not exist, then the mailbox has been deleted. You can delete the mailbox yourself in your mail settings. Or it may happen automatically.

On some email sites this happens if the mailbox is not used for a long time. For example, if you have not accessed your mail on for more than six months, it may be deleted.

The box is deleted along with all its contents. You can return it, but without letters. To do this, you need to re-register your mail with the same login.

Answers on questions

Can someone other than me access my mailbox?

Anyone who has a password can access your mailbox. Therefore, it is important to keep it in a safe place and not show it to anyone.

Is it possible to change the address of my mailbox?

No, you cannot change the mailbox address, that is, its login on the mail site. You can only register a new one.

Is it possible to change the password for the mailbox?

You can change your password at any time. This is done in the mailbox settings. click on your mailbox address in the upper right corner and select “Password and Security”.

Yandex: Click on the gear icon in the top right and select “Security”.

Google (Gmail): Click on your icon in the upper right corner, select “My Account”. Will open new inset, where you need to go to “Security and Login” and select “Password”.

How to log into your mailbox if another mail is open on your computer?

First you need to log out of someone else’s mailbox, and then enter your username and password.

In, you need to click on the door icon. Or you can do this through the “exit” sign in the upper right corner of the site.

In Yandex, click on your avatar (icon on the right) and select “Log Out”.

In Gmail, click on your avatar (icon) in the upper right corner of the site and select “Sign Out.”

I didn't find an answer to my question.

You can try to find the answer yourself through the mail site help (support service):

Or you can ask your question in the comments to this article. The form for submitting a comment is located just below the page.

It is quite difficult to meet in our country a person who uses virtual network Internet and no email. Thanks to it, you can send and receive letters, and more. For example, it is impossible to register on any site if you do not have your own e-mail address. Many services offer becoming an email owner today. One of them is It has been working for a long time and has generally proven itself on the positive side.

Mail to Mail ru registration and login

  1. Go to the page;
  2. Click on the button mail registration mail ru;
  3. Fill in all fields.
It is recommended to indicate the number mobile phone. If the password is lost, it will not be difficult to recover it using the number. When it comes to your email name, try to keep it simple and memorable. As soon as registration is completed, the newly minted owner can fully use his e-mail.
  • Sending and entering my inbox. Moreover, letters not only contain text content, but also media files;
  • Data storage of 25 GB. This is a cloud-type storage;
  • Link to number mobile device. If something happens, access to mail can be restored in a couple of minutes;
  • Possibility of using many related projects that have been registered on this email. Among them are Mail Dating, Odnoklassniki and others. They will be mentioned below.
What services will become available after the user uses his email. mail login (my page)

  • Agent. Convenient application for login and instant messaging. IN currently it can be used for a video call, as well as for sending sms messages. There is a mobile version of this application;
  • My world. Popular dating on a social network with an ever-growing audience. You can post it on your online page own photos, and also spend time playing various games;
  • Acquaintance. Finding a soul mate or simply finding friends has become much easier. This application designed for users of different ages and with various hobbies;
  • Games. Currently there are more than 20 thousand of them. The number of games continues to constantly grow. They do not require huge amounts of computer power and can be run even on an office device;
  • News. By coming here you can learn a lot of new things. News is divided into categories, which makes it easier to find the desired article;
  • Answers. It is possible that there is a question that haunts you. In this service you can get an answer to it.

To summarize the above, it must be said that owning mail on is modern, convenient and practical.

Mail.Ru Group LLC (usually just Mail.Ru) is a Russian Internet company founded in 1998 as a postal service. Currently the company is the largest portal in Russian-speaking segment Internet. According to American marketing company comScore, in 2018 websites have largest audience in Russia and among the Russian-speaking population of the CIS countries.

On service sites registered about 86% of Russian Internet users. Mail.Ru Group LLC is one of the five largest Internet companies (by the number of pages viewed). Mail.Ru controls the 3 largest and most popular Russian-language social networks:

  • In contact with
  • Classmates
  • My world

Main page mail ru

The interface of the main page is simple and completely understandable for a Russian-speaking user. The page is visually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Email access
  2. Popular projects
  3. News
  4. Personalized menu
  5. Popular games of the portal
  6. Advertising
  7. Mail ru search engine string
  8. All service projects

IN first block the user gets access to the mailbox and all company services. Here you can send a request to reset your password or create a mailbox.

In demand and in demand frequent updates mail ru projects collected in block 2. All of the company's products are accessed using the menu line at the top of the window.

The News tab, which is automatically updated, contains news that is relevant in the current region. To view other categories news, the tabs “in the world”, “sports”, “Lady”, etc. are used.

Right third allocated contextual advertising and the screensaver of one of the popular mail ru games.

Surfing the Internet is carried out with using a search engine The search bar constantly changes the most frequent queries in current time. The “Pictures”, “Videos”, “Applications” tabs help narrow down the request. The “Answers” ​​link leads to the “Answers” ​​service.". Users ask questions that interest them from different areas life, exchange information from personal experience.

Displayed below current weather in the user's city, weather forecast, exchange rates and daily horoscope.

My page on the portal

To enter the so-called “My page” in the “email” field you need to enter your email address, select a domain from the drop-down list.

In addition to, the following are available, equivalent to the main one domains:


The user fills in the “password” field. Opens Personal Area client. Default user goes to the tab“Letters” to the “Inbox” folder, where all received messages are stored, which are displayed on the right half of the page. They usually check right away new mail. Unread letters are highlighted in color.

Above the list of letters are presented control buttons. At the request of the owner of the box:

  • Deletes a message
  • Highlights all read/unread emails
  • Removes/adds selection
  • Moves a message to another folder
  • Forwards to another recipient
  • Marks required messages
  • Moves to archive

Actions can be combined, i.e. first select several letters, then send them to the archive or delete them. Deleting emails is reversible; they can be restored from the Trash folder if it has not been emptied.

Interface and hotkeys

Navigation and management of letters is carried out using “hot keys”:

Key combination Action
+S Find all emails from the sender
+C Add sender to address book
+L Create filter
+P Print
+? Calling up a list of all hotkeys
G then
I Go to Inbox
D Go to Drafts
S Go to Sent
L Go to "Flagged"
+A Select/deselect all emails
+S Save draft
+Enter to send a letter
  • “Inbox”, where the user ends up when logging into their mailbox;
  • “Sent” – correspondence sent by the owner of the mailbox;
  • “Drafts”, where unfinished messages are stored;
  • For letters received a long time ago, an “archive” folder is provided;
  • “Spam”, where advertising materials are sent;
  • “Trash” is a temporary storage of deleted messages.

The “Write a letter” button is responsible for generating a new message.

Of the two latest folders the user regularly deletes unnecessary messages, for which there is a “clear” sign next to it.

Mail ru services

Tab " Contacts"is an address book that lists all the addresses with which the owner of the mailbox has had correspondence. Tab " Files» contains all documents sent to the email address. Paragraph " More» allows you to change appearance and design, contains information and mail news.

The top line contains access to projects as a registered user. All services are provided free of charge, however certain functions may be available for a fee.

My world and Odnoklassniki– large social networks of the Russian-speaking population. Having created a page, the user searches for new and old friends, exchanges text, voice and video messages with them, downloads and listens to music and video materials, joins communities of interests, and participates in online games with other network users.

Tab " News» opens a selection of categorized news of global and regional significance. Photo and video reports are available,

« Search» brings you to the search engine page, where you can enter a query and get a list of relevant pages.

Tab " All projects» provides access to full list available to the user company developments.

Mail.Ru offers a variety of useful and interesting services, the interface of which is simple and clear. Ease of use and variability provide the company with popularity and customer trust.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Portal " My world" was founded by famous in the first half of 2007.

The portal is a combination of several functional additions - a blogosphere, a social network with the ability to multifunctionally search for people based on various query criteria, file hosting and a social network whose main purpose is dating. Very much, but playing by slightly different rules.

In order to enter “My World” and start using it, it is enough to have u. After you register on, “My World” will become available for use - the portal will send you an invitation to create own page V social network.

General information about the social network “My World”

Once you agree to create a page, you will be given the opportunity to “introduce yourself.” In other words, you will be provided with a questionnaire in which you will need to indicate your last and first name (required) and, if desired, place of residence, place of work and study, date of birth and gender.

In the future, you will be able to send offers to users in the following ways:

  1. According to the list of contacts that lives in the Agent (if you have one);
  2. According to the contacts contained in address book your mailbox;
  3. According to the list of favorite authors, which is located on [email protected].

What are the main features of this service and why to users It’s worth registering on the “My World” social network?

  1. You can add photos to your page, as well as rate photos of other users.
  2. Many options for filling out the questionnaire. When registering, you can indicate not only trivial information such as date of birth, gender and name, but also indicate your career, personal interests, and place of military service. In general, the user will not have any difficulties find almost any person, with whom he has ever crossed paths.
  3. Comfortable and efficient system search. The national social network allows you to search for its users using all sorts of queries, from first and last name to marital status, political and religious views, external data and so on. If you wish, you can find classmates, work colleagues, co-workers or classmates using the search system for organizations in My World.
  4. Opportunity lead own blog . In addition to communicating with friends and acquaintances, you can write your blog entries. For those who are not knowledgeable in web design, but love beautiful design, available ready-made covers in "My World".
  5. An impressive catalog of communities. You can find a community that matches your interests. And if you can’t even find one, then you can create it yourself by inviting new participants there and being a community administrator.
  6. This social network has extensive video hosting - terabytes of films, TV series, sketches and other video works.
  7. Another indisputable advantage of this social network is games. Today there are a huge variety of different games, among which the most notable are Three Kingdoms, Fragoria, Technomagic, Beetles, Berserk, Lineage II and several others. In a word, a user who wants to go to “My World” will definitely not be bored.
  8. Huge file hosting With available gigabytes a wide variety of files. Need a movie? Or a program? Or antivirus? No problem! The My World social network will provide all these files. Now I have added more to them.
  9. Opportunity free registration. The social network is available to everyone who wants to become its user.

Having examined the main features of the portal and briefly assessed its capabilities, let’s take a closer look at how registration in “My World” takes place.

Registration procedure for “My World”

As noted above, registration in “My World” is free, but requires a mailbox in search engine If you have an email address from another search engine, you will not be able to register.

Let's consider the option in which you already have mail for “My World”. So, your step by step steps:

After account registration has been completed, all you have to do is “embellish” it - in the section "My page", put your photo, indicate interests, place of work and service.

In the future, logging into “My World” (respectively, like logging into “My Page”) will only be done through your mailbox in the search engine. In turn, in order to log into your mail on, you just need to specify your e-mail address and mailbox password.

After this, you will be able to fully use “My World”, “Odnoklassniki”, all kinds of applications and add-ons. Yes, Odnoklassniki also belongs to the concern- read about it in the articles:

By the way: besides regular version social network, which can be used on desktop computers, is available and mobile version, thanks to which you can be in “My World” even more often and stay informed latest news, receive information about the weather, currency quotes, read mail on and do many other things.

We will not mention all the features of the work mobile version- everything has already been said succinctly and succinctly in home page mobile version.

Bypassing restrictions for the “My World” social network

Let's assume that a situation has arisen in which you do not want anyone to know about your location information and not receive information about where exactly you are logging in from - with desktop computer or phone.

It is also possible that access to the site of this social network was blocked by the provider, or maybe at work System Administrator placed a restriction on the ability to visit his mail and the “My World” social network to improve the efficiency of employees. What to do in this case? The answer is simple: you can use an anonymizer, which will help you bypass any restrictions on logging in via IP address or hide it.

We will not describe the operating principle of anonymizer programs, because this has already been done in the article about and others. Let us only note that they were created specifically so that you can freely access your mailbox (and therefore social networks), despite blocking your IP address and prohibiting access to certain sites.

The following can be specified as anonymizers that are suitable for the social network “My World” (and Odnoklassniki too):

How to delete a profile from “My World”?

Finally, let’s look at a situation where you need to delete your page from the “My World” social network. It happens that a person realizes that his social network account will no longer be useful to him in the future and decides to delete the page. How to remove yourself from “My World”?

Let's sort it out this situation in several simple steps:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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