FeedBurner Features Overview. Setting up RSS feed in the WordPress admin area

Hello! Now you will learn how to set up an RSS feed on a website using FeedBurner.

For those in the tank: main task RSS of your blog - collect subscribers and send them beautiful and bright announcements of newly written articles by email, so that users want to quickly go to your blog and read full version articles.

For me, this topic remained unclear for a long time, perhaps there was not enough detailed instructions by setting. I will write exactly such instructions with a description of all possible settings for FeedBurner for WordPress.

  • Why should you use Feedburner?
  • Connecting FeedBurner - lighting the feed
  • Setting up FeedBurner
  • Detailed settings of feedburner - optional items
  • Installing a subscriber counter from FeedBurner
  • Customizing the appearance of the RSS feed
  • How to add a link (button) to an RSS feed on a blog

Why should you use feedburner?

Why will we use feedburner to set up an RSS feed and subscribe to a blog? For these purposes, WordPress has standard tool, but we can’t do without Feedburner, because... it has the following advantages:

  • FeedBurner converts the standard RSS feed of your blogs into a standardized format that is recognized by absolutely all readers (programs designed for RSS readers)
  • In Feedburner you can visualize the RSS feed to your taste
  • Allows you to customize your email campaign very flexibly
  • Provides a subscriber counter that is installed on the blog and becomes an indicator of its popularity
  • Wide range of analysis capabilities using Feedburner statistics.
  • FeedBurner - the most popular service subscriptions among bloggers.

So forget about setting up RSS through a regular feed and get started connecting FeedBurner!

Feedburner connection. It's time to light up the feed

FeedBurner is proprietary to Google, so to start using this service, you must have a Google account. Still haven't started it? It's time!

Try lighting your first feed: copy the address of a standard RSS feed into the field. By default, it looks like this: your_site.ru/feed/, unless of course you have “Permanent links” configured. If not, read How to set up a CNC.

Click " Next” and in the next window, type “feed name” and “feed address” to display in the browser (they need to be created at your discretion). After this, your feed will be available at the link feedburner.google.com/address_you_entered. Press “ again Next" And once again " Next».

Here I advise you to tick the “ Unique clicks" And " TotalStars" But you can always change the selection of these services in the settings, so quickly move on!

Setting up FeedBurner for WordPress

Let's get to the most important settings, which must be done without leaving the cash register.

  1. Go to the tab " Optimize", find in the left column " BrowserFriendly" In the list with the title " Subject» Check Russian language and display for “feed content”. Save.

2. Go to the top tab " Publish", open the "Email Subscriptions" section and click - " Activate" In the window that opens, select the Russian language and copy the code for the newsletter subscription form somewhere to add it to the site later. We'll come back to this later, but if you can't wait, read the article.

I advise you to check the box at the bottom of the page “Send me a letter when a person unsubscribes from the mailing list”; such a notification is very convenient.

3. Open the “Communication Preferences” section and rewrite the subject and body of the subscription confirmation email into Russian. You can come up with free text at your discretion, the main thing is to leave a link that the user will click on: $(confirmlink). Click " Save».

You can use the example text I created:

Dear reader!
You have subscribed to the blog "Blog Name". To confirm your subscription, click on the link
If the link does not open, copy it into your browser and follow it.
If you have not subscribed to the blog, please ignore this letter.

4. Go to “Email Branding” and enter the following thing in the first field: “$(latestItemTitle)”. This will allow you to display the title of the article being sent in the email subject. You can also configure the display of the headers and body of the letter.

Finally, open the “Delivery Options” section and set your time zone, as well as the time at which mail will be sent to your subscribers. In my opinion, the highest open rates for emails are between 9 and 11 am, when people come to work and check their email.

This completes the most important settings in my opinion. If you're already tired of customizing FeedBurner, go straight to customizing the appearance of the RSS feed. But I still recommend doing a full setup.

Detailed setup of FeedBurner - optional items

If you have completed all the previous steps, then your FeedBurner is already working as it should. However, if you want to improve your feed, both visually and technically, follow these steps:

“Optimize” tab:

3. Activate “Feed Image Burner” with the corresponding button. This option will allow you to add your logo to the RSS feed header. In the list " Image Source» select “Specify custom image URL”, enter the absolute address of your logo in the field that appears. If you don’t know what kind of address this is and where to get it, the easiest way is to upload the logo via ftp to the root of the site and then the address will be: your-blog.ru/logo.png.
Enter the name of your blog in the “image title” line (tooltip). In the “link” field, enter the blog address.

4. Activate the “Title/Description Burner” option. Fill in the fields with the title and description of the blog, showing creativity :) After which they will be displayed in the header of the RSS feed.

Publish tab:

  1. Activate the "PingShot" option, which will tell Internet RSS reading services (readers) what you wrote new article. This can have a positive effect on the speed at which your post is indexed by search engines.
  2. If you want to enable automatic broadcasting of posts (their titles) on Twitter, you will need to activate the Socialize option. Click the “Add a Twitter account” button and confirm your consent to broadcast on the Twitter website.
  3. Finally, activate the last option NoIndex. This is necessary to block your blog’s RSS feed from indexing (then your content will remain unique).

How to change FeedBurner account (delegate rights)

If you need to change your account (mailbox) or want to transfer rights to your feedburner account to another user, this is very easy to do. There is a link at the top under the feed title "Transfer Feed..."— just enter a new e-mail in the window that opens.

Installing a subscriber counter from FeedBurner on a blog

This is a continuation of the section about not required settings. If you decide to brag about the number of subscribers to your blog, install such a counter on your website.
Don’t rush to put a counter on your site until you gain an impressive number of subscribers, it will only scare off readers.

To set up a counter, go to the FeedCount section of the “Publish” tab and click “Activate”.

Customize the counter's styling: text and background colors, static or animated counter.

Below the subscriber counter code will be generated for you. Note that it contains an external link to your RSS feed. Add the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the link to block it from indexing, and wrap the link itself in noindex. I also recommend adding the target=”_blank” attribute so that the RSS feed opens in a new tab. As a result, I got the following code:

< a href = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/house-computer" target = "_blank" rel = "”nofollow”" >

< img style = "border: 0;" src = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/~fc/house-computer?bg=FFFFFF&fg=000000&anim=0" alt = "" width = "88" height = "26" / >

< / a >

This code must be inserted next to the subscription form code; read how to do this here.

Customizing the appearance of the RSS feed on the site

We're done with the optional settings, let's continue looking at the important ones.
So, your feedburner is working, emails are being sent to subscribers. But by default, the letter arrives by email with the full text of your article. And this is very bad because:

  • If the article can be read in an email, there is no point in going to your blog
  • If the user is not interested in this article, such a long letter will bother him.
  • When articles are sent out in full, they are easier to steal.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. The standard method allows you to display the first 55 words of an article as an announcement. In this case, any formatting, links, pictures, etc. are missing. Visually it doesn’t look very good, but you don’t have to bother with plugins. If you choose this method, go to the “Options” -> “Reading” section and check “For each article in the feed, display: Announcement.” At the same time, it is possible to configure the number of articles that will be displayed in RSS (ten by default).
    I would like to note that these changes will not be displayed in the feedburner feed immediately; it will take time for the feedburner to access your standard RSS and notice these settings.

  1. By the way, there is still a way to display pictures in a standard announcement.
  2. The second method requires installing a plugin and allows you to configure appearance announcements are very flexible, so I advise you to try it!
    But more on this in the next article about setting up announcements using the Ozh’ Better Feed plugin for WordPress

Setting up RSS feed in the WordPress admin area. Redirect

Now your RSS feed is located at the new address feeds.feedburner.com/your-feed, but the standard feed is still available at your-blog.ru/feed.

To get rid of displaying the standard feed, you need to register a 301 redirect to the feed configured through FeedBurner. Let's do this in two ways:

1.Edit the .htaccess file in the root of your site, adding the following code to the end.

Good day, friends! In the last article, I explained how to add an RSS feed to a Joomla site using the third-party component Ninja RSS Syndicator. This is wonderful free extension providing the ability to create a news channel, featuring more flexible settings than the built-in one standard module"News Feeds". I won’t dwell on this; for a more detailed look at the component, I recommend clicking on the above link. In this article I will explain in detail using screenshots as an example how to add a feed to the service. Feedburner and configure it.

As I mentioned earlier, the presented component (Ninja RSS Syndicator) generates a not very presentable link to the RSS feed:

http:// YOURWEBSITE/index.php?option=com_ninjarsssyndicator&feed_id=1&format=raw

To make your feed more attractive to readers, and at the same time fix the link, I highly recommend adding it to the Feedburner service. Thus, we will set up a feed broadcast and will be able to invite our blog visitors to subscribe to the newsletter by placing a subscription form on the site.

Today, almost every second website is linked to this well-known resource, which allows you to broadcast the news feed in a pleasant way. regular user form.

What is so impressive about Feedburner?

Standardization of a format supported by any reader.

Possibility of detailed analysis.

Lots of different settings.

Ability to set up an E-mail subscription and add a form to the site.

The service provides a subscriber counter, which when a certain amount readers (in my opinion, at least 500) are recommended to be installed on the site.

Ability to export your subscriber database in a convenient CSV format.

How to Add an RSS Feed to Feedburner

Since this service is sponsored by Google, you must have a Google account. In order to go to home page Feedburner service click on the link. As a result, a similar page will open in front of you.

As you can see, the default language is English. To localize the service, you need to select in the top horizontal menu button “Languages” and select “Russian” from the languages ​​presented.

As a result, the redirection will automatically work and the main page will open, but already partially translated into Russian. On at this stage you need to insert a link to your RSS feed into the “Light up your feed now” field. In the case of the Ninja RSS Syndicator component, it is located at Components/Ninja RSS Syndicator/Feeds opposite the previously created RSS feed. Now you should click “Next”.

As a result, you will find yourself on a page where you need to enter “Feed name” and add its address.

As a name, I recommend writing down the title of your main page; for me it sounds like this: “Stimylrosta - online earnings, website building and promotion.” As for the feed address, enter the first part of your domain name in this field, for me it is “Stimylrosta”. As a result, the link to your feed will have the following structure:

http://feeds.feedburner.com/ YOUR DOMAIN

For the sake of curiosity, you can click on the RSS feed icon in the upper right corner of this site and look at address bar What does the link to my RSS feed look like?

To confirm your previous actions, click the “Next” button. On the next page in the list that opens, you will be congratulated on creating an RSS feed and will be given a link that you will use wherever you want (http://feeds.feedburner.com/Stimylrosta, example of my link). Click “Next”.

Setting up an RSS feed in the Feedburner service

On the next page, you can activate some functions by checking the boxes next to them. We will do this during the setup process. news feed, so press the “Next” button again.

As a result, another page will open, in the top horizontal menu of which there are 4 tabs. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


It makes it possible to track subscribers, reader behavior, see the number of clicks, and find out from which region your feed was viewed on the last day. Since this tab is not responsible for RSS channel settings, we won’t dwell on it.


As you can see in the toolbar there is short list functions with which we have to work.

Important point! Some, in my opinion, useless functions not included in the list.

- Your feed– is responsible for displaying your feed, i.e. here you can see how the RSS feed will look on the site.

- BrowserFriendly– allows you to add readers and configure options responsible for displaying content.

First, next to the “Subject” field, you need to select the Russian language and check the box “The main page is displayed in all browsers as a web page.”

Next, select subscription options by checking the boxes next to the readers. On the one hand, it’s good if there are a lot of readers, but on the other hand, the reader may get confused. I recommend setting 3 – 5 online clients to read feeds. There will be enough of them for your eyes!

“Content options” provide the ability to choose how the material will be displayed in the news Feedburner feed. Here it is preferable to set “Show a list of titles and contents of articles.” In some cases, users (webmasters) of the Feedburner service choose “Show only a list of article titles,” explaining this by the fact that their content is being stolen. To avoid this, the service provides a special option, which you will learn about a little later.

The Personal Message option allows you to reach out to your readers by briefly explaining to them what they will get from reading your feed. Here you can specify something like this (excerpt from my RSS feed):

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Also here at the bottom of the page you can set your feed to be redirected to a new news feed.

- SmartFeed(Smart Feed) – depending on the reader used, the RSS feed will be converted to RSS or Atom format. We will definitely activate it!

- FeedFlare– allows you to add a button under the body of each announcement to E-mail, Facebook and other services less known to our Slavic user. The position of the buttons can be easily controlled, since each button is dragged using the left mouse button held down. To activate this feature, just check the box next to the desired name, and then click the “Activate” button.

- Feed Image Burner– provides the ability to display your site’s logo in the news feed header. To implement this function, in the “Image Source” tab, select the “Specify custom image url” command. In the “Specify custom image URL” field, enter the URL leading to the image.

In the “Image Title” field you can enter, for example, the title of your site. “Link” - enter the URL address of your site. Let's save!

- Title/Description Burner– a tab that allows you to set the name of your feed, which will be displayed at the very top of the RSS feed. If you wish, you can include your creativity and write an original description. I didn't bother about that.


An equally important tab that allows you to configure the subscription form and Feedburner subscriber counter.

- Email Subscriptions– provides the subscription form code. Thanks to this tab, loyal readers of your site will always stay up to date with the latest events, because... will be able to receive short announcements of your published articles by email.

Naturally we need a form! This means that some settings need to be made. First, click the “Activate” button, after which four additional items, allowing for more flexible implementation of everything necessary settings. Let's look at each of them.

- Subscription Management– provides the code and link responsible for the subscription form.

All you need to do is switch to Russian in the “Language” field, copy the script and install it on your website. If you have basic HTML skills, the subscription form can be adapted to fit the design of the site.

https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=Stimylrosta&loc=en_US">Subscribe to Stimylrosta - online earnings, website building and promotion by Email

It is enough to copy the passage that is highlighted in bold, replacing "Stimylrosta" with your name that you use on the Feedburner service, and your readers can join directly from the article.

Among other things, “Manage Subscribers” is located here. That is, at the very bottom you can see information about subscribers, in particular their email address and status. You can also activate/deactivate or delete a specific subscriber. In order to track which subscribers have unsubscribed from the mailing list, I recommend checking the box next to the command “Send me a letter when a person unsubscribes from the mailing list.” In this way, you can analyze whether your content is interesting to readers.

- Communication Preferences– at this point you need to adjust the type of subscription confirmation letter. As you can see, the text is written in English. The only thing you need to leave in the “Confirmation email body” field is the command $(confirmlink), responsible for activating the subscription.

This is what the subscription confirmation looks like on my blog:


In the “Email “Reply-To” Address” field you can change the e-mail. This is true, for example, when a specific mailbox has been created for your website, which receives all the most important letters in one way or another related to your web project.

- Email Branding– allows you to customize the subject of the letter. To display the title of the article being sent in each letter, insert these characters into the “Subject/Title of the letter” field: $(latestItemTitle)

In subsequent fields, you set the title and its size, font, size and color of the article body, and the color of links in the letter.

Changes in real time can be observed in the “HTML Message Preview” field.

- Delivery Options– provides the ability to customize delivery email, select the appropriate time zone and delivery time. It is assumed that the highest probability of opening an email occurs between 7 and 9 am.

- PingShot– helps speed up the indexing of newly published content by sending notifications to the relevant Internet services. Click “Activate”! Accelerated indexing has never harmed anyone.

- NoIndex– a mysterious option that was mentioned at the beginning of the article, which allows you to prevent your feed from being indexed. We tick both entries and click “Activate”.

FeedBurner subscriber counter for website

In order to implement the ability to display the PR counter, you should send it to the Publish/FeedCount tab .

To configure the counter, you first need to activate it by pressing the button responsible for this function. Once activated, the FeedCount window will change. A counter will be displayed at the top of the window, below is the code that needs to be inserted into the modular position of the active template.

The appearance of the counter can be slightly adjusted using the tools provided by the FeedBurner service. Here you can choose the “Static” or “Animated” style, background and text color.

After making all the changes, the generated code is ready for use. All that remains is to copy and paste it into the desired place on your site.

Although, to tell the truth, I slightly modified this code, blocking the external link from indexing by using the attribute . In addition to the above attribute, I placed another attribute in the counter code target="_blank", responsible for opening the news feed in a new window.

Having undergone modification, the ideal FeedBurner counter code should look like this:

Where can I get an RSS feed?

The HTML code for the button is located in the Publish/Chicklet Chooser tab. This is a standard RSS button, loved by many users of the World Wide Web.

As with the Feedburner counter, the provided code needs similar modification.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon on the pages of Stimylrosta.

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Hi all. Many WordPress bloggers use the Feedburner service to set up an RSS feed. Feedburner is free service, which provides bloggers with subscriber statistics, allows your readers to subscribe via a subscription form (via email) to blog updates, and much more. Most bloggers have been using the service for many years.

Will Feedburner service close or not?

Now there is a rumor that Google is going to close the service, since Feedburner has not been updated for a long time and alternative methods will soon be available, namely professional services email newsletters will completely replace Feedburner. But they are paid, so many bloggers are in no hurry to abandon Feedburner. What do you think about this? Have you abandoned the "dying" Feedburner service. Your opinion is very important, let's discuss this issue in the comments.

There is a simple Feedburner Form plugin that will give us, in the early stages of establishing a blog, the opportunity to display a widget with a subscription form for new articles on your blog through the FeedBurner service. Therefore, I will tell you about it, since I recommend this method for beginners. Next, you can always export your list of subscribers to professional mailing services.

I hope everyone has their admin settings set up correctly WordPress options readings, so that your readers receive only announcements, and incomplete text. Otherwise, why would they go to your blog to read useful article. By the way, readers who subscribe to my blog in lately observed exactly this picture All because I stopped putting a tag< !--more-- >; when writing an article, since this happens automatically in the new template, I got a little confused with this function).

Let's look at how to create an RSS feed in the FeedBurner service

If you have not yet “lit” your feed, you can do this at: feedburner.google.com, provided that you have a Google account.

On the service, do not forget to switch the language to Russian, enter the address of your resource and click NEXT. Next, select the feed source and give a name to your RSS feed (feed) and click “Save”. You have burned the entire feed and activated the RSS feed.

Now you can independently configure other functions for channel design and subscription, welcome letter and delivery. The only thing is that I’ll look at setting up the counter in the Feedburner service so that in the plugin settings you can, if you wish, activate the display by the number of readers.

To do this, go to the top tab “Publish”, then “FeedCount”. We customize the appearance (color) of the counter to match the design of your blog. The choice of style is small, only two options. Most importantly, do not forget to save all changes.

The plugin is useful for those who do not want or are afraid to insert the subscription form code into WordPress blog files. You can also redirect the channel using the .htaccess file.

Installing and configuring the Feedburner Form plugin - a subscription form for your blog

  • 1. To do this, first download the Feedburner Form plugin Here download and activate in administrative panel your blog.
  • 2. To configure the plugin, go to Appearance => Widgets.
    Select the “Feedburner Form” widget that is now available to us. We drag it into the sitebar and configure it as shown in the screenshot below.

  • 3. To display an icon, you can upload any image to your file library, go to the parameters and copy the URL. Next, insert the image address into the “Link to icon” column. As alternative method you can use HTML code.
  • 4. Setting up the RSS feed subscriber counter display is very simple. To do this, you need to select the color and style of the counter in the plugin widget - static or animated. Don't forget to save all changes.

This is such a nice subscription form.

Inserting RSS feed code into a WordPress blog template.

  • 1. On the FeedBurner service, in the “Publish” tab, look for “Subscription by email (mail)” in the right menu, click and go to the “Subscription Management” tab. In the window that opens, change the language and copy the HTML code. Click “Save”. All that remains is to insert the subscription code into your blog template.

If you have no idea why Feedburner is needed, we will explain a little. The service allows you to collect subscribers, and then send them attractive announcements of new articles, so that they will want to go to the blog and read to the end.

Why install Feedburner?

In general, for the purposes of creating an RSS feed and the ability to subscribe to your posts, there are mechanisms in Wordpress itself, but Feedburner has many important utilities:

  • It transforms a regular blog feed into a special format that is easily recognized by all readers without exception - programs whose task is to collect RSS feeds for reading in one place.
  • Feedburner can make your feed visual - just the way you like it.
  • Has extended and flexible setup.
  • It is a good litmus test for the popularity of a blog thanks to the counter of all your subscribers.
  • Gives a lot of food for thought for further optimization of your online magazine - thanks to statistics.
  • And in general, this is the most popular thing among bloggers.

Therefore, you should quickly forget about setting up RSS through a banal feed and start using Feedburner.

How the feed is lit. Let's start connecting Feedburner

Feedburner was once bought by Google, so to use this service you need to have your own account on Google.

By clicking on the link http://feedburner.google.com/, you will see the English text. You will need to change the language on the “Languages” button at the top right:

Light up your feed pioneer. To do this, follow your standard RSS address, type in the box as shown in the image below.

Click "Next". A window will appear. Here fill in the feed's address and its name. The new feed becomes available. The link to it should be as follows: feedburner.google.com/address you entered.

Now click on the “Next” button. In the next window, click on the same button.

It wouldn’t hurt to check the TotalStars checkboxes, as well as the “Unique clicks” checkboxes. The choice of these features can be changed at any time in the settings.

Setting up Feedburner for a WordPress site

Here list of vital settings.

1. Visit the “Optimize” section and find “BrowserFriendly” on the left side of the window. There is a list called "Subject". Here you can install desired language and how the “feed content” will be displayed. We save what we have done.

2. By clicking “Publish”, open “Email Subscriptions”. They should be activated with the button of the same name. Now you need to select the language again, and then save the code for the subscription form that appears. We'll embed it on the site later.

It would be a good idea to make a notification that will notify you if a subscriber decides to unsubscribe. To do this, you need to fill out the checkbox with the appropriate text at the bottom of the page.

3. Next, by going to “Communication Preferences”, you need to change the text that will come in the first letter confirming your subscription to the selected language. You can write the text yourself, in free form, but it is important to indicate the confirmation link: $(confirmlink). Save the changes.

You can write something like the following text.

Good afternoon
You have completed your subscription to the ABC blog. Now you need to confirm it by clicking on the link $(confirmlink). The link doesn't open? Just copy it and paste it into your browser's address window.
If you have not subscribed, you can simply ignore this message.

4. Go to “Email Branding”. In the very first field you need to put the following text: “$(latestItemTitle)”. Thanks to this, the subject of the sent message will contain a heading. You can also apply here various settings regarding the text of the message and how your message will visually look.

5. To complete the basic settings, go to “Delivery Options”, where you need to set the time zone, as well as the time period for message delivery. Have a good time is 10 o'clock in the morning, when most people at work check their email.

Items additional settings Feedburner (optional).

Now your Feedburner brings you new readers. But in order to improve this process visually and technically, go through the following points.

Go to “Optimize”

1. Now you need to make the SmartFeed section active with the corresponding button. Now the feed will become compatible with all kinds of programs designed to read RSS (readers)

2. Activate “FeedFlare” (there is an activation button at the bottom).

After that, each post will be accompanied by a panel with various buttons. You choose which ones you need. If you have not yet installed such a necessary plugin as , you can check the Share on Facebook checkbox. In addition, it would be a good idea to highlight E-mail this. Now the reader will be able to send the entry by mail.

3. Activate “Feed Inage Burner”. With this you can add your blog logo to your feed header. Having found the “Image Source” list, you need to select “Specify custom image URL”. The absolute address of your logo is entered here. If you have no idea where this thing comes from, you can do this: upload the logo via ftp to the root of the site. Now the address of your logo will be something like my-blog.ru/logo.png.

4. Activate “Title/Description Burner”. There will be fields with the name and description of the blog. They need to be filled in with a little creativity. This will be the title of your future feed.

Go to “Publish”

  1. Activate "PingShot". This option will notify various services on the network when your new article is published. This thing can have a good effect on the speed of indexing by search engines.
  2. To automatically broadcast the recording to Twitter, activate “Socialize”. Add a Twitter account via " Add a twitter account". We confirm.
  3. To ensure that the content remains unique, we close the almost finished RSS feed from indexing by activating “Noindex”.

How to change Feedburner account. Delegation of rights

This may be necessary if you want to change your account (or simply change your email) or give your Feedburner rights to another person. At the top, just below the feed title you will find the link “ Transfer Feed“, where you just need to enter your email.

Install a subscriber counter from Feedburner on your blog.

It should be noted that this counter will only give weight to your blog when you have enough readers. There is no point in installing it before.

Go to “FeedCoutn” from the “Publish” section and activate it.

After which you can tinker a little with the appearance of the counter.

Next, the code for the finished counter will be generated. There will be an external link to your feed. We add rel=”nofollow” there (hiding it from indexing), and “wrap” the link itself in noindex. You can also add target="_blank". Thanks to this attribute, the feed will appear in a new tab.

Putting everything together, we get the following code:

This code will have to be inserted next to the subscription form code. You will learn how to do this from one of the posts on the forum.

Customizing the appearance of the blog's RSS feed

Now let's get back to the important settings.

By default, the entire text of your newly written message is sent to your email. Three reasons why this is harmful:

  • It’s easier to steal an entire article by copy-pasting it
  • No need to visit your blog itself.
  • If the topic is not interesting, the length of the letter will cause tension in the reader.

There are two ways to solve the problem

1. You can display a short announcement of the article, 55 words long. The disadvantage is that only the “bare” text will be visible - without formatting, pictures, links, etc. But you don’t need to install extra plugins. Go to “Options”, then “Reading”. Here it is noted “For each article in the feed, display: Announcement.” Here you can also specify the number of posts that will be shown in RSS (initially there will be 10). By the way, the feed will not change immediately. Feedburner will only detect changes after a certain period of time.

2. Another way is to use a plugin called Ozh’ Better Feed.

Setting up an RSS feed through the WordPress admin panel. Using a redirect

Your newly created RSS feed now lives at feeds.feedburner.com/fresh-feed. The original feed is also still alive, you can find it here: my-blog.ru/feed.

But we need the original feed to no longer be shown. Let's do this by setting a 301 redirect to feed. This is done in two ways:

1. Edit the .htaccess file in the root part of the site. Add the following to the very end of the file:

Redirect 301 /feed/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogfeed Redirect 301 /feed http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogfeed Redirect 301 /feed/atom/ http://feeds.feedburner. com/blog-feed

2. Here you will need the FD Feedburner Plugin. You need to go to “Options”, then “Feedburner”. The second field contains the address of the newly created tape.

Adding an RSS feed button (link) to your blog

Now there is no shame in boasting about the new film. We'll put a link to your blog feed. We select beautiful image for RSS and upload it via ftp to the server. Add the following lines to the template code:

The button can be placed next to the subscription form.

That's it, now you know everything you need for quality Feedburner settings.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This is another article in which we continue the conversation about, begun in the article that talks about.

Today we will talk about Feedburner (FB) and what is connected with it. We will set up the broadcast of our feed (the site's news feed) through it, invite visitors to subscribe to news via E-mail and receive the Feedburner counter code, which will display the number of readers (subscribers).

Nowadays you will practically not find a resource that would not have an RSS feed and broadcast it through Feedburner. But why is this necessary and why is everyone doing this? Firstly, in this way everything is reduced to standard format, which is supported by any reader program. Secondly, we get a very flexible tool with a lot of settings. Thirdly, we will always be able to know the exact number of subscribers to our news channel.

If you have a blog on WordPress and you want to customize the display of your feed passed through Feedburner the way I did, then read about the plugin that will help you with this difficult task.

How to add and customize your RSS feed in Feedburner

Once again to the question - why is this necessary? This is especially true if you own a blog. The fact is that according to the readings of the FeedBurner counter, indirect assessment of the success of your project(for example, your potential advertisers or ordinary readers).

The place your blog occupies in various websites, as well as the price for advertising placed on your blog will depend on the counter indicators (read about and).

Therefore, if you want your blog to be profitable in the future, then add counter subscribers to your news channel will need to mandatory, without putting it off for a long time.

Another great feature is the ability set up email subscription via FeedBurner. In this case, a visitor to your resource will only need to provide his or her e-mail address to subscribe to the news channel. Under no circumstances should you neglect this opportunity, because... Not all visitors to your resource know how to work with readers, but everyone can work with mail. This way you definitely increase the potential number of your subscribers.

By the way, if you suspect that the one collected with such difficulty subscriber base sinks into oblivion, for example, in the event of Feedburner’s sudden death, then I can reassure you - at any time you can save it by downloading it from the service to your computer in CSV format and, if desired, use it in any other Email newsletter service (Smartresponder, etc. ). But keep in mind that mailing to a large database there will cost quite a lot of money, but FB does all this absolutely free:

There are a number of other advantages to using FeedBurner, but it would be better to talk about them at specific example settings using the feature-rich interface for managing your feed that it provides us with.

Myself online service owned by Google and, accordingly, to work with any product of this company you need. Along with your account you will receive a download and, which is on at the moment can be considered one of the most secure and resistant to hacking. But this is true, by the way.

Login to your Google account you can by entering those received during creation mailbox login and password. After you log in to Google, simply go to the main page of the service: feedburner.google.com. If the page display language does not automatically switch to Russian, then click on the “Languages” link at the very top right of the page and select Russian.

To begin, you will need to insert into the form called “Light up the feed right now” the address of your RSS feed (in my case it is: https://site/feed, if you don’t know where to look at this address (URL), then the link to which is given at the very beginning of this article will help you with this) and click the “ Next".

You will be taken to a page where you will need to enter the future name of your feed in the “Feed Name” field, and enter the future name of your feed in the “Feed Address” field using latin letters and numbers, the desired ending Url.

This ending will be added to:


For example, the URL of my new RSS feed (already passed through Feedburner) will look like this:


Then click the “Next” button and you will be taken to a page where they congratulate you on creating a feed and provide a link that you will use in the future on your resource and wherever possible (http://feeds.feedburner.com/Ktonanovenkogoru, in in my case) and offer to go directly to the settings. Which is what we will do by clicking the “Next” button.

On next page Wizard, you decide whether you need to check some boxes and again press the “Next” button. At the top of the page that opens, you can see a panel with tabs “Analyze”, “Optimize”, “Publish”, “Solve problems”, “My feeds”.

Using these tabs we will make further adjustments to our feed in Feedburner. Unfortunately, not all settings pages have yet been fully translated into Russian, but over time, I think this will be fixed.

FeedBurner counter for website

I’ll start with the counter, because... the majority add their feed here precisely because of the opportunity to find out the number of subscribers, and if the numbers are large, also to boast about it with the help of an informer. So, for this we will need to open the tab "Publish" and select in the left column the item called "FeedCount".

The counter will display in real time (usually the information is updated about once a day or so) the number of subscribers to your feed passed through FeedBurner (sometimes there are strange dips in the readings to zero or so, but you shouldn’t pay much attention to them ).

In order to take advantage of FeedCount's capabilities, you will need to first activate it. To do this, click on the “Activate” button located at the bottom of the page.

As a result, the FeedCount window will change. At the top of the window there will be a code for the RSS subscriber counter, which you can copy and paste into your website (in any suitable place in the template). Above the code field you can see the appearance of the informer you will receive.

In order to configure the Feedburner counter, you can use the tool designed for this, located under the window with the code.

In this window, firstly, you can choose whether your counter will be “Static” or “Animated”, and secondly, you can tune color scheme , both the Feedburner counter itself and the text displayed on it. To do this, just check either the “body” field or the “text” field, and then click on desired color on the color palette shown there.

Advertisers on these exchanges often take into account the number of external links from pages, and the fewer there are, the better. Therefore we need close from indexing search engines all external links located in various counters (including FeedBurner) and other things that do not need to be left open.

To prohibit indexing of such links by search engines Google system(and Yandex too) is used. As a result, the final code of our counter for the number of RSS subscribers will take the form:

It is up to you whether to make the changes described above.

Setting up a subscription to RSS feed by email

Now let's look at the second most important (and maybe the first) aspect of working with rss feed through FeedBurner, namely possibility of subscription via E-mail by means of Feedburner. Once again, this is very important if you want all visitors who like your resource to have the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter in a form convenient for them.

The fact is that not all visitors are familiar with readers, and email is banal and simple even for complete dummies. Therefore, we set up the ability to receive news via E-mail, well, without fail. So, first we will need to open the “Publish” tab and select in the left column the item called "Email Subscriptions".

In order to use this service, you will need to first activate it. To do this, click on the button located at the bottom of the page “ Activate».

After this, in the left column of the settings window under the “Email subscriptions” field, four more items will appear that allow you to make detailed settings for receiving emails about new materials on email your visitors.

When selecting an item "Subscription Management"(Subscription Management) you have the opportunity to copy the code for the subscription form, which you will then need to paste into your website template, similar to the counter described just above. After appropriate modification, such a form may look, for example, like this (the form is clickable, i.e. working):

On the same Feedburner settings page, below the subscription form, is link code for email subscription. It can be inserted into the website template as a text link, or you can use an image as its anchor (hang a link to a picture that makes sense). For example, like this (the button is clickable):

This code can be slightly modified. First, you can again configure it so that after clicking on the subscription link, a subscription confirmation window opens in a new browser window. You can also block all external links from indexing in the subscription form and in the subscription link (I already wrote about this a little higher, when setting up the counter code).

You can also slightly change the code of the RSS subscription form to E-mail in order for such a feature to appear, which you can see in the subscription form given just above. I made it so that the “Enter your e-mail” inscription that was initially present in the FeedBurner form disappeared as soon as the visitor clicked in this field. It seems like a trifle, but it’s nice and convenient. The visitor will not need to erase this inscription before entering his mailbox address.

This is achieved by adding to the tag INPUT attribute ONFOCUS with the corresponding parameters. I have already talked about, but you can do everything by analogy with my case.

This is the original code:

Enter your email address:

Delivered by FeedBurner

And this one is slightly modified:

I think that after analyzing the original and modified versions, you will be able to make appropriate changes to the code of your form. In fact, you just need to replace the line in the original:

I also changed the way I set the “Subscribe” button, but I don’t think you’ll need that.

Customizing the appearance of the FeedBurner subscription confirmation email

Let's move on to the next setting item called "Communication Preferences".

There are three things you can configure on this page. First, enter the email that the subscriber will see in the “From” field in the received confirmation email. By default, the email address of your Google account will be listed there. Accordingly, if necessary, you can change it here.

Secondly, on this page you can edit the title and text of the letter that the user will receive after subscribing to the RSS feed by email. By default, the text written in these fields will be in English, so if you want your subscribers not to have unnecessary questions when confirming their subscription to your news feed, be sure to enter in the “Subject of the confirmation letter” and “Body of the confirmation letter” fields » explanatory text in Russian(can be used for this purpose).

I wrote the following:

Activation of your e-mail subscription to: site - blog for beginner webmasters

Hello! You have subscribed to the e-mail newsletter of the blog site - everything for beginner webmasters. To confirm your subscription, you need to click on the following link: $(confirmlink) Notes: If when you click on the link, the confirmation page does not open, then copy the link into the address bar of your browser and click<<Перейти>> or<> on the keyboard.

After making changes, do not forget to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. I advise you to check the type of letter that comes from FeedBurner by subscribing to your own mailing list and looking at the message received.

Let's move on to the next setting item: - "Email Branding". On the page that opens, you can customize the title of the sent letter in the “Subject/Title of the letter” field, and you can also enter the logo address in the “Logo URL” field so that the letter with your RSS newsletter is visually recognizable.

In the following fields you can configure the font type, size and color separately for the title and body of the message. All changes made are immediately reflected in the test sample letter at the bottom of the settings window. When you achieve an acceptable result, do not forget to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the window.

We have one more item to consider in the settings menu - "Delivery Options".

Here you can select your time zone, and also, in the “Set up email delivery” field, select the time interval in which emails with new materials on your site will be delivered.

Additional RSS feed settings in Feedburner

In order for each of your website visitors to choose a convenient way to read news, you need to provide this option. To do this, you need to log into your account on the Feedburner service and select the one you need from the “My Feeds” list.

Next, you must open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "Browser Friendly". In the “Appearance Options” area, in the “Subject” field, you can select a language, and in the field with images of RSS subscription buttons, you can check only those that you want to see in the “Subscription” area of ​​your feed:

In the Content Options area, in the Feed Content field, you can select, what exactly will be displayed in your feed: a list of article titles with their contents, a list of only article titles, or a list of articles altogether will not be displayed.

In the “Personal message” field you can enter the text of your message, which will be displayed on the page of your RSS feed added and improved in Feedburner:

Well, if you change your feed, you can set up redirection from the old feed to the new one (redirect). Don’t forget to click on the “Save” button after making all changes.

Please note that if you have set up the ability to receive news by email in this Google service (we talked about this a little higher), then in the “Subscription” area an invitation to use this method will also be displayed.

In order to be sure that your news feed will be displayed correctly in all existing reading programs (readers), you need to activate the appropriate option in the service settings. To do this, just open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "SmartFeed". Click the “Activate” button and now, depending on the reader used by the visitor to your site, the stream will be converted on the fly into RSS or Atom format.

The Feedburner service allows you to add any image, for example, the logo of your site, to the page of your RSS feed. Moreover, you can attach a link to this image, for example, to your resource. It will look something like this:

To do this, on the settings page you must open the “Optimize” tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens "Feed Image Burner". In the “Image Source” field, select the “Specify custom image URL” option from the drop-down list.

Png). In the next two settings fields, you can specify the contents of the Html TITLE tag for this image (include keywords in it, since the contents of this Html tag will act as an anchor for the link from this image) and the link address (to your project).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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