Search engine optimization and promotion examples. SEO promotion

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the comprehensive development and promotion of a website to reach the top positions in search engine results (SERPs) for selected queries in order to increase traffic and further generate income.

The higher a site's position in search results, the more users come to it. Therefore, work on:

  • increasing the correspondence of pages to search queries (relevance),
  • optimization of structure and content,
  • improvement of commercial factors,
  • page code optimization,
  • increasing external factors of resource significance.

Optimization rules are set by search engines. Each of them uses and regularly updates its own ranking algorithms, which are made up of many factors. And, although the formulas are kept secret, experts know which factors carry the greatest weight.

By influencing them, you can improve your position for key queries in search results.

User behavior, interface convenience, and site loading speed are extremely important for promotion results.

With the development and complexity of algorithms, the importance of the above factors is steadily growing, which ultimately makes search results better. Search engines strive to provide the most useful material to a user's request. Therefore, resource owners need to publish the most interesting content for their audience.

And if it works today, it is not a fact that it will work tomorrow. Services are constantly changing and being rebuilt.

In 1998, Google brought about the first SEO revolution, ushering in the link era. The search service has implemented a link ranking algorithm, PageRank, which calculates the weight of a page by calculating the importance of links to it. The more links there are on a page, the more important it is. And in 1999, Yandex announced the use of its own citation index to organize the Yandex.Catalog. The TIC determines the authority of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links from other Internet resources.

In these conditions, SEO begins to develop quite quickly. The first agencies appear that provide website optimization services, the link business is born: link sellers, automatic promotion services, and scripts for exchanging links appear.

The dawn of link SEO was the period 2005-2009. It was a time of large link budgets, one hundred percent guarantees. SEO is becoming a highly profitable business.

In 2009, the second revolution took place - the introduction of machine learning algorithms into search engines.

One of the best machine learning algorithms was invented in Yandex - Matrixnet. With its help, a ranking formula for the search engine of the same name is constructed. In fact, the formula is written by a machine. Therefore, since 2009, SEO requires knowledge and hard work.

2012 is the beginning of the reference-free period. Search engines are fighting links. In April 2012, Google launched the Penguin algorithm.

It blocks Internet resources for low-quality links created by webmasters in order to influence rankings.
Following this, in March 2014, Yandex stopped taking into account the link factor in ranking for commercial queries.

And in May 2015, Yandex introduced the Minusinsk algorithm, which periodically identifies the leaders in purchasing links and limits them in ranking.
Promotion only by purchasing links has become useless.

At this time, companies begin to try to study ranking algorithms to understand which factors to focus their efforts on.

Various promotion models are being developed, new strategies and methods are being tested.

Surely you have heard about search engine promotion of a website. Even if you are unfamiliar with this formulation, then you know very well that there are search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler and others) that provide users with lists of sites in response to entered queries (for example, “rent an apartment”, “delivery of lunches to the office” or “hotels in the Moscow region”). Moreover, some sites go to first places in a search engine, and some can be found only by scrolling through a few pages.

Exactly search engine promotion(or, as it is also called, search engine optimization of the site) precisely serves to ensure that your site reaches the best places, i.e. in the TOP. More scientifically speaking, search engine optimization of a website (search engine promotion, website promotion, SEO - SearchEngineOptimization) is set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for pre-selected queries.

Why does your company need SEO optimization?

If in the recent past the Internet was used mainly to search for information, today the situation has changed a lot. The constant increase in the number of Internet users, new technologies (communication with the target audience using a website, online payment systems, the ability to order on-line, etc.) and many other factors have turned the Internet into both a powerful marketing tool and a place for sales. simultaneously. For example, the boom in online shopping definitely indicates that skillfully used Internet technologies bring stable profits to website owners.

Internet promotion can be effective for ALL companies whose potential audience is looking for similar products or services on the Internet. According to statistics, the number of Internet users is growing every year; today more than a third of Russians already use the Internet. Moreover, this audience is very attractive for business, because it has high solvency. Think about it, thousands, and perhaps tens and hundreds of thousands of people search for your products every day, but find competitors’ products! And all because more agile competitors have already taken the best places in search engine results. You too can take these “places in the sun” - to do this you need to start search engine optimization of the site.

Why does the site need to be on first places in search engines?

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, top places in search engines can be compared to prestigious areas of the city. Usually, the client gets his first impression of the company even before visiting the organization, having learned where it is located. The more prestigious the area, the more confidence the client has, and accordingly, the greater the chance that he will choose you. The stereotype works: if a company is located in the very center of the city, then this company is thriving. This stereotype works similarly with SEO promotion. Sites that are in the TOP are, as a rule, the most respected sites.

Secondly, a good location attracts a much larger number of visitors. More than 95 (!) percent of users will pay attention to sites located in the first ten positions (TOP-10, i.e. the first search page). If a search engine returns a company’s website on the fourth page and beyond, then less than 2 percent of users will have the patience to scroll to this page.

Therefore, the higher the site is in the TOP, the more traffic it will have. We recommend being in the TOP 5 search results for the most important queries.

Why is it important to choose the right query list?

Of course, search engine optimization is a very effective way to attract customers, but with one caveat: it must be done by professionals. And the point here is not so much that inept optimization can cost your site penalties, but that the number of site visitors will increase, but the number of buyers will not. For promotion to give the best results, you need to decide.

Why is not promoting in search engines harmful?

There are situations when the user has already chosen several alternatives for himself and is inclined to contact your company and competing companies for additional information. Then the user searches for sites or contacts of these organizations. In such a situation, few will open the city telephone directory or call the help desk to find out information. Most will look for information on the Internet. And if the site is not SEO-optimized, then the user most likely simply will not find information about the company on the Internet! Today's Internet user is extremely spoiled and is not used to spending a lot of time searching. If they don’t find you, they will turn to competitors, the search for information about which will be easier and faster. Agree, it is very unpleasant to lose clients who already wanted to contact you, but simply could not do so.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which translated means Search Engine Optimization. We remove all unnecessary things and get a popular term - SEO optimization, which logically means “search engine optimization optimization” (yes, twice). But what difference does it make what is called what, right? If there are statistics for an SEO optimization query (or even a completely strange SEO optimization), then we will write about subj. So, let's try again.

SEO optimization: what is it?

SEO website optimization (search engine optimization) is one of ways to promote a website, the purpose of which is to improve the site’s position in the list of search results for certain key queries. The position in the search results list is determined by the relevance of the document (website page). That is, the more accurately (more relevant) a site page answers the question posed, the higher it is in the search results. So, to answer the request, it is enough to optimize the landing page for the search query? If only it were that simple! First, let's figure it out.

Relevance: what is it? (definition)

Relevance— the degree of correspondence of the site page to the entered search query. Essentially, page relevance evaluates the degree of usefulness of the answer (website page) to the question posed (search query). The more adequate(relevant) the answer, the higher the site page will appear in the search results for the query.

SEO website optimization

Site page relevance is assessed by . Compliance with these factors is the main task of search engine optimization. That is, SEO website optimization is the optimization of website pages in order to increase the relevance of each page to the corresponding search query.

Since page relevance is calculated based on a combination of factors, it is logical to assume that optimizing each factor will affect the relevance of the entire page. Hence: SEO website optimization is a set of optimization measures each page element in order to increase the relevance of the entire site page.

SEO texts, pictures, links

If you are reading ours, then you have definitely seen the article. In it, we examined in detail the main internal SEO factors that affect the relevance of a page. However, in addition to internal factors (on-page search engine optimization), there are also external SEO factors (external search engine optimization). External factors can greatly influence the relevance of a document, thanks to such concepts as “site page weight” and “site citation”.

It is worth saying that this is an internal factor in search engine optimization SEO, however, in this context, it is considered as an external factor for the page, and not for the entire site. A purely external factor is the site’s citation rate. We will look into the external factors of website search engine optimization in a separate article.

By using links correctly, you can transfer some of the weight of several pages to one, thereby increasing its relevance. To do this, it is necessary to organize a logical link structure of pages. This will help avoid “page gluing” and clearly delineate which page responds to which request. Each page on the site should be optimized for its own unique query so as not to compete with other pages for similar key queries.

SEO page optimization

Carrying out SEO optimization of the site, It is necessary to clearly present each page of the site in its place. What request will the page be optimized for, and how will it be connected to other pages. Creating a logical link structure for a site is the most important part. For this reason, SEO page optimization must be carried out in strict accordance with the general logic of all pages of the site.

From an SEO point of view, a website is a collection of pages united by one topic. All site pages and the content of these pages must be structured in such a way that each page has an exact match to its request. SEO optimization of each page of the site, in linking with other pages, will give excellent results and correct SEO optimized website.

SEO, search engine promotion

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of works with a website that allows it to appear in first place in search engines for the necessary queries. For example, a client enters “buy a TV in Moscow” in the search and ends up on your website.

To better understand what SEO is, you need to understand how search engines work.

Search engines actually “download” into their database all the sites that they manage to crawl. This base is called an index, and the process itself is called indexing. A search robot (program) enters the site, goes through all the pages, and “downloads” into the index those that it considers necessary. The robot program is not ideal, and therefore sometimes the necessary high-quality pages may not be included in the index or, conversely, low-quality ones may appear. Once a site's pages are indexed by search engines, search engines can begin to show those pages to users who enter queries into the search engine, but only if the specific page on the site is relevant (corresponding) to the search query.

The display of website pages in high positions for search queries is mainly influenced by the following groups of factors:

Contents of the site

The unique content of a website has a huge impact on website promotion. In particular, content means: texts, images, video and audio materials presented on the site.

In online stores, two types of content are most often used - text and images (descriptions and photos of products, descriptions and photos of categories), less often - video (product reviews).

Content must have two characteristics - usefulness for the user and uniqueness. Useful content will force the user to stay on the site longer and return to it, which has a positive effect on promotion. Unique content will have a positive effect on the site's indexing and ranking, while non-unique content will have a negative impact. In particular, search engines can impose serious sanctions on a site for a large amount of non-unique and “spammy” content.

Technical optimization

Technical optimization includes such parameters as the correct server response, setting up the robots.txt file, the main site mirror, meta tags, etc.

The more other sites that are high-quality and useful in themselves link to your site, the more authoritative and high-quality your site will be considered.


To avoid errors and sanctions from search engines, we do not recommend purchasing links to your site yourself - to solve this problem, you need to contact an SEO specialist.


The term "usability" can be translated as "ease of use." This parameter is somewhat subjective and shows how convenient it is for users to navigate your site - we are talking about navigation, searching for information on the site, ease of making a purchase, and so on. Directly on the AdvantShop platform, the usability requirements for the online store are already initially met.

SEO Features

SEO is a separate promotion channel that differs from other promotion channels to a significant extent. Detailed information about the difference between SEO and online advertising is presented in the following article: Difference between online advertising and SEO.

SEO itself in its original form (purely technical website optimization and purchasing links, site manipulation) has no prospects for development and is gradually leaving the market as search engine algorithms become more complex.

Now, when talking about promotion, they talk more about real improvement of sites (for visitors) and useful content of sites that will bring real benefits to visitors, and not just manipulate search results.

At what stage of an online store’s operation is it advisable to set up SEO?

We recommend investing in SEO no earlier than 3-6 months after creating your online store, since your site is already indexed by search engines and has high traffic - in this case SEO will have a good effect. If you start promoting a new website without traffic using SEO, you will have to wait several months for the first results. This is fraught with the fact that you can close your business without yet receiving sales. SEO is cheaper than paid advertising and has long-term benefits, but it is not suitable for newly created websites.

"Main site mirror"

In general, a mirror of a website is a copy of a website that is accessible at a URL other than the main one. And even if you have one website and one domain name for it, the site is still available at two addresses: and The abbreviation www is now a relic of the past, but is used on the Internet due to the fact that a significant percentage of people continue to use this “prefix” to the address.

At their core, and are technically different sites, including for search engines. Search engines will index some of the pages from one domain and some from another, which makes indexing difficult and confuses the work of the webmaster or optimizer. Hence, it is advisable that your website should be accessible from only one URL. This means that one of the mirrors will be the main one, and the other will be the secondary one.

If your site is new and has not yet begun to be indexed in search, then we recommend choosing a URL without the “www” prefix as the main mirror. If your site has already existed for some time, then it is important to determine which of the mirrors has the largest number of pages in the index and make it the main one.

To do this, we will use the search operator “site:” - enter into the search engine a query like, where is the URL of your website. The search results will indicate the number of results found - that is how many pages from this mirror are in the search engine index. Exactly the same operation must be performed for another mirror (, after which you can choose which mirror to assign as the main one.

As a rule, Yandex PS “glues” mirrors together by default, and in most cases, when using the site operator, you will get the same number of results for both mirrors. With the Google PS the situation is somewhat different - basically this PS does not “glue” domains together automatically. That is why we recommend using data from Google PS when choosing the main mirror.

To set up the main website mirror you need to take 3 steps:

  1. Install a 301 redirect (redirection) from a side mirror to the main one. For example, redirection from any page of the domain to a similar page of the domain You can read the instructions for setting up a 301 redirect
  2. Specify the Host directive in the robots.txt file in the settings for the Yandex PS. Example:

    User-agent: Yandex

    The robots.txt file is edited in the store in the administration panel, menu item "Settings" - "SEO and counters" tab Robots.txt. More details can be found on the page Robots.txt

  3. Indicate for search engines the main mirror of the site in the relevant services.
    For Yandex PS - in the Yandex.Webmaster service: "Setting up indexing - Main mirror"
    For Google PS - in the Google Webmaster Tools service: "Site Settings - Main Domain"

After completing the above steps and after some time has passed (the longer the time your site is in the search engine index), search engines will only have pages from the main mirror of the site in their index.

What you need to check in an online store before starting indexing

Let's consider the aspects that are important to consider before starting indexing for a successful result.

So, the main tasks: do not index unnecessary things, do not index duplicates, index what you need, structure, technical optimization.

When creating and launching a website, it is important that it begins to be indexed only when it is completely ready. Usually, simultaneously with the launch of a test version of a website on the Internet, the following directive is written in the robots.txt file:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

Thus, the site prohibits indexing the site by search engines (it is worth remembering that this directive does not guarantee 100% that the pages of the tested site will not be included in the index).

What is important for a new site in relation to search engines? It is important that:
a) the index did not include pages for internal work, as well as pages that were not meaningful for the search engine;
b) all target, necessary pages are included in the index.

The checklist below will help you solve these problems related to indexing:

1. The main mirror of the site has been selected and configured.

2. In the robots.txt file, all uninformative and working pages, as well as partial or complete duplicate pages, are closed. Examples: administrative panel, login page, registration page, cart page, order page, listing pages (2, 3 and other listing pages), sorting and filter pages, pages of the same product with minor differences (for example, different colors).

3. You can get to any page of the site in no more than 2-4 clicks from the main page.

5. All products in the catalog are loaded without errors, have images and descriptions (preferably unique).

6. The sitemap is correctly configured - sitemap.xml.

7. Pre-written meta tags and texts for promoted pages are desirable.

Ready. We've covered the basics of SEO promotion.

Download the checklist for launching a store

SEO (search engine optimization), or search engine optimization, is an effort to improve landing page positions for certain queries. Simply put, these are methods that allow you to achieve more visitors (traffic) from search engines in order to increase the profitability of your business. There are many techniques with which you can promote your page on the Internet. This article will discuss only the basic concepts of SEO promotion.

How do search engines work?

Any search engine evaluates many parameters when determining relevance (i.e., the degree to which it matches the query entered by the user).

Modern search engines are able to conduct a detailed semantic analysis of content, determine the density of keywords in order to weed out sites that are difficult to understand. Therefore you need to be careful here. At optimal frequency, the number of keywords is 5-6% of the total text. Actually, “nausea,” or excessive density of key expressions, is one of the biggest problems in search engine optimization of resource texts. The indicator of nausea (classical, academic) can be found using many free services - for example, Advego.

Novice optimizers can use free tools from Yandex and Google - Wordstat and Adwords. Here you should stick to the golden mean. High-frequency keywords mean increased traffic along with high competition, but at the same time, rarely searched phrases are unlikely to bring many people to you. Therefore, the optimal choice is mid-frequency key expressions.

Mid-frequency requests for the combination of “underfloor heating”. The frame highlights similar high-frequency queries “warm floor”, “electric floor”, “water floor” - it is better not to promote them

By and large, the main keyword of a landing page is its title. It is he who makes it clear to both users and search robots what kind of information is presented on the landing page. Speaking of the title, it is important to make it as specific as possible - after all. If you don't offer a revolutionary product, you probably have a lot of competitors. Therefore, a vague title lowers your chances of ranking TOP online. Be specific - for example, instead of “We sell used cars,” you can write “We know everything about how to safely buy a used car in Izhevsk.”

If you want to quickly optimize your landing page, you can use the search bar - before pressing “Enter”, the system will offer the most popular query options:

But still, statistical tools are more reliable, because the results of modern search engines. An important rule is to use keywords in headings at all levels. This will help with indexing.

Let's return to the occurrences of expressions and the text of landing pages. Remember the main rule - if there are too many keywords, this is a problem that will affect search rankings. If there are few of them or none at all, the situation is similar. Look for a middle ground.


This abbreviation comes from the world of science. The weight of a certain work - article, monograph, study - is determined by the number of references to the name of the scientist and the work itself in authoritative sources. Again, the links of an important thematic publication and an entertaining brochure have different weights. Search engines have also integrated a similar principle.

Citation Index (CI)— an indicator based on the level of trust (trust) of sites linking to the resource. This is the oldest parameter considered by search engines, although it still plays an important role in optimization. It is also important that the referring resource belongs to the topic of the promoted business.

Agree, it’s strange when an online homemade soap store promotes an ornithology blog. The degree of trust along with relevance is measured by the level thematic citation index (TIC), thanks to which the “authority” of sites is formed, taking into account the quality of links from other resources.

In Yandex, the indicator is called the “weight” of the link. To calculate it, a specialized algorithm is used, which is constantly being improved. If you want to add weight to your landing pages, it is important to understand: although links slightly determine the TIC, it itself is formed from a certain total value of link weights. The proximity in subject matter of the page and the resources linking to it is also very important.


Content is everything to us. Literally. Everything that you offer the user, you want to tell him or show him at your place. One of the main roles here, of course, is played by the text. This includes all text material of the resource: title, subtitle, block with advantages, company history, customer reviews, and so on.

Take this aspect seriously: create competent, interesting content interspersed with relevant keywords. It is important to come up with a catchy, attention-grabbing title that, again, contains key phrases. Landing page design is also very important. The user should be able to skim through it, isolating the most important things from subheadings, lists, paragraphs, tables and other things. The information should be easy to read—few people will be able to read a “sheet” of text on the entire screen, almost without paragraphs or any illustrations. But at the same time, a design oversaturated with images and headings is not always the best solution:

The uniqueness of the content, which is also an integral attribute of the selling page, deserves a separate discussion. Simply copying competitors' landing pages will only bring losses - systems easily recognize plagiarism, so there is a risk of ending up at the very bottom of the search results. It is clear that such SEO promotion is extremely ineffective. Rewriting, that is, rewriting other people’s materials in other words, is a good solution for the first time, but it’s still better to invest in .

There is also the concept of “user-generated” content: reviews, reviews, recommendations, reviews. The main thing is that they are not fictitious - only in this case will you gain the trust of your audience on the Internet.

Meta tags

Meta tags are HTML elements designed to provide structured data about a web page. Meta tags perform a number of functions, such as:

  • determining the authorship of the page, the number of updates, its address;
  • title indexing;
  • displaying page content.

Speaking about SEO optimization, special attention should be paid to the following tags:

</h3><p>This tag is responsible for the title of the browser tab/window. However, when generating results, it is often used by search engines to name the link. Therefore, the title of the landing page should reflect its essence as succinctly as possible using keywords. Remember: for each page there is content <title>must be unique.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Given the constant improvement of algorithms, the following factor must be taken into account: not all header characters are taken into account by the systems. To promote your pages without problems, it is enough to limit the title to 100 characters, placing the keyword in front. Be careful when designing this element, trying to meet all the requirements.</p><h3><keywords></h3><p>This tag must contain the key expressions of the landing page. Those phrases for which you want to get the best search results. True, in recent years the opinions of optimizers regarding it have been divided. Some say that it has little effect on search results, others cite the Yandex mechanism that continues to take into account information from this tag when evaluating sites. Some experts claim that Google and Rambler have stopped taking this tag into account. One way or another, it is better to fill it out.</p><p>Keywords are usually listed inside a tag, separated by commas. For each page, the tag is compiled separately; only expressions from the text are indicated. You should limit yourself to 10 words; it is not recommended to split the tag into lines - this will complicate the work of the algorithm. In addition, it is not necessary to use capital letters, since most users enter queries in lowercase.</p><h3><description></h3><p>Within this tag, you should place one paragraph describing the essence of your commercial offer. Information should be presented concisely, accessible, and clearly. The element is extremely important, since it is what helps the search engine create the so-called “snippet” - that short description under the search link. Snippet generated using information from <description>, pushes the user to action - clicking on the link. Therefore, make the tag text concise and attractive advertising offer.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><i>The first page of Google results for the query “private kindergarten St. Petersburg”, out of 5 results - only one conveys the value of the offer as accurately as possible</i></p><p>To properly design a tag, it is worth remembering the following points:</p><ul><li>Length <description>should be less than or equal to 150-200 characters (including spaces), this is exactly the volume provided by most search engines. If you write too much, the resulting snippet will be cut off, which often discourages users from clicking on the link. Make this tag unique for each page. It should also contain keywords and, of course, be different from <title>.</li><li>If you use tags in promotion <description>And <keywords>, avoid a common mistake: don’t duplicate tag content across all your landing pages. Unfortunately, this happens regularly.</li> </ul><h2>Instead of a conclusion</h2><p>Although the process of organic promotion is much broader than the basics above, understanding them will provide a basic understanding of SEO optimization.</p><p>This process is extremely mythologized; there are a number of common ones. For example, that split tests harm organic promotion, and a high bounce rate negatively affects the ranking of landing pages - all this is far from the true state of affairs. Therefore, before you start promoting your landing page, thoroughly study all the prejudices: even the most authoritative people can be mistaken.</p><p>Study other articles on our blog, take an interest in the latest changes in the algorithms of Yandex, Google and other search engines - and only then apply the theory in practice. By creating, optimizing it for queries and carrying out all the necessary tests, you will begin to receive high-quality SEO traffic.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside role="complementary"> <div class="block cat-list"> <div class="block-title"> <h3>Categories</h3> </div> <div class="block-content"> <ul> <li> <a href="">Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Windows 10</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Multimedia</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Utilities</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Network and Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="">System programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Setting up programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="">OS problems</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer class="b-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="b-footer-content"> <p> - Free programs for your PC</p> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="back-top" class="back-top bounce-out"> <a href="#" title="Top"></a> </div> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/libs/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/vendor/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/scripts.min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/custom/custom.js"></script> </body> </html>