Yandex search suggestions. Features of the technology, cheating methods

The purpose of search suggestions is to simplify the work of users who, by entering a query in the search results, receive additional offers. However, the benefits of search suggestions have long been appreciated by SEO specialists. After all, with their help you can significantly increase the semantic core.

How are Google and Yandex search suggestions generated?

Google first introduced search suggestions as an experimental feature in 2004, and improved them in 2008 and then in 2010. Hints latest version were significantly different from what they were before. Since then the user could see automatic download search results as you enter your query. That is, search suggestions, even before being selected, have already begun to offer search results. An example of this feature is shown in the screenshot:

All tips are generated from real user requests. And the higher the popularity of queries, the more likely it is that they will appear in the list of suggestions. Their formation also depends on:

    geographic location of the request - the search engine evaluates the most popular queries in a certain region, country and city;

    the language that has been specified by the user as preferred;

    user search history - search queries are personalized for each user if the latter uses the “web history” function;

    “freshness” of search queries, i.e. The search engine shows key phrases that have become popular over a recent period of time.

Yandex offered search suggestions a little later than Google - in 2008. Initially, the idea of ​​​​implementing such a function was to speed up the entry of search queries, since some phrases consist of large quantity letters Over time, Yandex suggestions improved, and like their “brothers” from Google, they began to be displayed to users based on the regionality of the request, the relevance of the data and the history of requests.

In addition, they have learned to solve some user problems without search results. This applies to unambiguous questions that require a specific and not verbose answer, which already appears in the tips themselves. For example, Yandex knows the multiplication table, the length and sizes of various units, the air temperature in different parts lights, football match results and many other facts. These answers look something like this:

Users come to the site thanks to search suggestions, as they correspond to their real intentions.

It's no wonder why SEOs decided to use tips to attract consumers. And they do this in two ways: by adding hints and expanding semantics. To generate tips, many people specifically create a “brand tail” (for example, they attach the brand phrase “webmaster Nikolai” to the request “website promotion”). Special services

increase the frequency of such a request and push it into the tips. Users who type a similar query follow this prompt and see the results in which webmaster Nikolai’s site is in the first position. However, cheating tips is one of the black promotion methods that search engines carefully combat and quickly identify. Therefore, we do not recommend using this method; it is better to resort to white methods of website promotion: extension semantic core

using search tips.

How to get a list of search suggestions? The simplest and in an obvious way to obtain such a list is to use a block additional search from Google "Along with... frequently searched." It is enough to enter the query you are interested in into the search bar and see what users are looking for along with it. These are the additional key phrases Google showed us for: search query

"baby clothes".

    However, this method is inconvenient for two reasons:

    For each key phrase, the search engine will show no more than ten search suggestions, which is disproportionately small;

It is impossible to upload results for several key queries at once - you need to enter each key phrase separately, which is too long. There are many free tools , which parse hints search engines

Yandex and Google, let's talk about a few of them: 1 Ubersuggest - convenient service

to select Google search suggestions. Allows you to parse semantics from a search for images, videos, news, but does not provide “secret statistics” of the search engine. All that is required is to enter a keyword into the search, set the language and search vertical: The service helps you find out what “users are also searching for” along with your keywords. Additional keywords

or phrases from the keyword you entered are separated by a “+” sign. They are sorted alphabetically, and the keyword report itself looks like this: free service For search key phrases, based on search engines Google suggestions For different languages(83) and Google regions(192 databases). In addition, semantics can be selected from YouTube, Bing and AppStore. Enter the required keyword into the service search, select the database, language and press the search button:

We get the result:

3 Slovoder. To automatically collect search suggestions from Yandex, as well as other search engines (Google, Mail, Rambler, Yahoo, Nigma), you can use this program. It works through a proxy server and works with several search engines at once - that is, data from all marked search engines is analyzed here. Download the program, run it, enter a key phrase in the window that appears and select a search engine. After clicking the “Parse” button, you will get the following results:

Data can be exported in txt format.

Where can I find search tips in the form of questions?

Each of the presented services is undoubtedly convenient, but they have one feature - the ability to receive search tips in the form of just questions - real user requests. This method will allow you to find the most common questions from users, and by providing answers to them, you will attract traffic. For example, let’s select search suggestions using the service for the same children’s clothing site.

Let's enter in main line request “children’s clothing”, select Google system. RU and go to the “ Search tips" We get the following result from about 6000 key phrases:

We'll set up parsing to get more accurate data on specific request: mark in the filters “Only keywords without toponyms” and manually enter the words that need to be excluded from the results. The latter include brand names that our online store does not have - these are “Zhuravlik”, “Kunda”, “Faberlic” and others. Before each such word in the search we will put a “-” sign. Click the “apply” button and export data consisting of more than 4 thousand key phrases:

We use these key phrases to promote the online store; they will be an excellent addition to our semantic core.

By going to the “Questions Only” tab, we will get a list of key phrases consisting of only questions. We use them to create a topic for writing a relevant article.

To parse search suggestions for several key phrases at once, we will use “batch export”. Here you can enter up to 200 key phrases at a time and get a report with a list of search suggestions for each phrase. Let's enter our keywords into the appropriate field, filter the results by toponyms and select only interrogative options for search tips. All that remains is to export the results:

Using search suggestions in the semantic core extension, you will receive a list of current and relevant key phrases that are popular among users and, accordingly, will bring real traffic to the site.

Today, a slightly shocking headline, for the purpose of an experiment about screaming headlines, let's see how much I can scream on the Internet. And if on topic, then in fact Yandex began to trust webmasters more and allowed them to manage one function of their search. Has Yandex really revealed its secrets and makes it possible for webmasters to manage their results?..

Fuck it - relax. Naturally issue management, Yandex did not transfer it to anyone. It turns out that I deceived you with the title of this post. Actually, not really. Yandex has really taken a step towards meeting webmasters and now they will be able to better configure site search from Yandex. That is, the function of managing search suggestions has now been added to the search settings, and now every site owner who uses site search from the Yandex search engine will be able to configure search suggestions.

What are Yandex search suggestions and what does search results management have to do with it? Search tips is a drop-down list of key phrases when the user enters a query. In general, I wanted to say that this is a list of words that Yandex suggests when you enter a query into the search. You've probably seen them.

But how does this relate to issue management? Indirectly, actually. But still connected. Yes, and keep in mind that I don’t mean the general Yandex results, I mean the results of your site. That is, if you use a site search from the leader of Runet, then when the user is on your site and starts entering his query, search suggestions appear that can help the user find what he wants, because now we can configure them, and This means that it will influence the search results on the site. What can be called Yandex issue management.

So, let's figure out how it works and how we benefit from it. First, install site search from Yandex, if it is not already installed. If installed, then you need to perform a minimum of actions, namely: go to search management, select the one you want to edit and in the menu on the left select “search tips”.

Here we can choose to show tooltips or not. Select language. And of course add, delete or move Yandex search suggestions. To do this, you need to start entering a query, thereby imagining yourself in the user’s place. For example, a visitor wants to find information on installation dle, but not everyone will enter the request completely, because “laziness” will not allow this. So, hints have been created for them, so that they can choose, rather than enter the entire request. So, for example, we simply enter dle and what do we see? The search offers us rather strange options, well, to be honest, complete garbage, which has nothing to do with my site and especially with the installation or configuration of dle.

But now we can correct this situation and simply remove what is not necessary and add what is necessary, and also swap requests - put some higher, some lower. And it’s convenient and Yandex search suggestions can actually influence the search results. After all, if the visitor does not enter the query further and does not find suitable option in the drop-down list, he might just leave. And with the help of management capabilities, we can correct the situation and the user will select the phrase he needs from the list and remain on the site to read the article, which in turn can affect behavioral factors and accordingly to the main Yandex search results.

And here's what you can get as a result by editing tooltips. And a little editing instructions.

And to swap queries, just hold down left button mouse and drag to Right place. And don't forget to save the results.

That's it. I hope no one is upset that they won’t be able to manage Yandex search results and move their site to the top. Then, what will be the interest? In general, good luck to everyone, that's all I have. Yandex search tips to help you.

Search tips- these are query options offered by search engines to users under the search bar, which complement and facilitate the formulation of the original query. Simply enter the beginning of a word or phrase, and additional clarifying search queries will appear in a pop-up window.

Generating search tips

Search suggestions are generated based on complex algorithms search engines. Some factors that go into compiling a query hint list are:

  • Frequency search phrases . As a rule, search engines offer the most popular and high-frequency “tails” to the original query.
  • Regionality. First of all, this applies to commercial requests. For example, if a user is looking for concrete in St. Petersburg, he does not need hints with occurrences of other cities (but there are exceptions).
  • Personalization. Based on statistical data from user queries, search history and other personalized information known to the search engine.
  • Relevance. This is especially true for requests related to latest news. Therefore, tips are updated regularly.

Using search tips in website promotion

Using search suggestions you can:

  • expand the semantic core;
  • optimize the site structure;
  • get additional traffic to the website;
  • track changes in the relevance of mid- and low-frequency queries.

Important! Due to the regular updating of search suggestions, they need to be regularly monitored and reassembled.

A case from our practice

On the site traffic dropped to one of the important landing pages. It turned out that over time, search suggestions have changed significantly, as a result of which the frequency of queries has been redistributed. As a result, there was a need change page optimization for more frequent prompts.

It is worth remembering that the tips may contain “long queries”, which may be more popular than short ones.

Collecting search tips

Parsing hints

One of the most popular parsers for SEO specialists is Key Collector.

To collect search tips in this program, just click on the following icon:

In the window that opens, you can select the search engine from which you want to parse search suggestions. It is also possible to enable the function of selecting the end of a word:

The following settings are available in the hint parsing settings:

    • Parsing depth is the number of iterations of collecting search tips. Those. if this indicator is set to 0, then a single collection of hints will be made specified settings. If 1, then the system will collect hints for each phrase collected for the first time, which greatly increases the parsing time. Therefore, it is recommended to set the value to no more than 0.
    • A checkmark in the “Collect only top hints” item is equivalent to a simple manual entry phrases without spaces. Those. there will be few hints, parsing will be done extremely quickly.
    • The set of characters for enumerating endings allows you to determine the necessary characters for this purpose: Cyrillic, Latin and numbers. For example, when you enter the word “hint,” the system will automatically substitute the selected characters. The final list of hints will include both phrases containing “hints” and hints.” It's obvious that this option necessary when initially specifying incomplete phrases.
    • The character set for searching phrases allows you to set the necessary symbols for searching at the end of a phrase separated by a space. For example, when all three checkboxes are checked, when you enter the words “hint”, the program will cycle through “hint a”, “hint b”, “hint c”..., “hint a”, “hint b”, “hint c”..., "hint 0", "hint 1", "hint 2"...
    • Substituting selected letters before a given phrase allows you to make substitutions not only at the end, but also before the original phrase through a space. Those. in the above example “a hint”, “b hint”, “c hint”, etc.
    • Setting delays between requests allows you to adjust the waiting time between requests sent by the program. You should not set the time too short, as you can pay for the speed of parsing by blocking the IP address.
    • The number of threads determines how many threads will parse hints. It is not recommended to set this value to more than 1. More information about setting the number of threads and proxy servers is written here.

Whereas before, the Yandex PS region could be selected from the settings window for parsing search suggestions.

Clue: To determine the most effective tips - collect them exact frequency - "[!words!from!hint]", rather than the general one:

Cheating search suggestions

The point of boosting a search tip is so that the user, when typing highly competitive request the brand or query you need appears in the tips, for which the promoted page is well optimized.

Typically, tips are generated by Internet users for money through special sites by entering the required query into the Yandex or Google search bar.

This promotion method applies to blacks. Its use is highly discouraged, as it can result in sanctions from search engines. In addition, search engines regularly remove fake suggestions.

Using search tips in website promotion - necessary task for any SEO specialist. Proper optimization of documents taking into account search tips will help you get more targeted organic traffic. We recommend updating search suggestions at least once every 2 months; if you do this less regularly, you risk losing or not receiving a significant share of search traffic at all.

    • Check the list of search suggestions for priority queries at least once every two months,
    • Include search tips in the semantic core of the site,
    • Respond in a timely manner to changes in the frequency of prompts,
    • Choose wisely landing page for search tips: study the results, analyze which document on your site can more fully answer the user’s question, if there is no such document, create it,
    • In some cases, the direct inclusion of the search hint in the metadata and text of the document is not enough; content expansion may be required.

Yandex search suggestions save users time every day. There is no need to enter the request completely; Yandex will highlight the continuation of the word or phrase. All you have to do is click on the desired tip.

What are the tips?

Full text They work in the desktop version because a person types quickly on a keyboard. It is easier for him to type part of the request and then select the desired option from the prompts.

Word by word implemented in the web version of Yandex.Browser and mobile applications. The user enters one word and then selects words from the suggested list by clicking on a single word. For a long query, the phrase is typed word by word separately. Each search suggestion can be deleted by clicking on the cross on the side of the phrase.

Factoid tips. IN mobile search are automatically highlighted immediately when you enter a query: weather, traffic jams, facts. When a user enters weather in Moscow, the current temperature is highlighted under the search bar as a tooltip. In Yandex.Video, hints contain numbers of series and individual episodes. First, the user selects a season, then an episode of that season. When you enter a movie title, a direct link to the movie is shown in the suggestions.

Long. In 2017, significant changes occurred in Yandex search suggestions. The main innovation is related to the processing of long queries. Since 2016, a trend has emerged - users began to enter search queries up to seven words in length into the search bar. At the end of 2017, the share of long queries is 10%. Therefore, long queries are now highlighted, and such hints work in search, images and videos.

Historical. Queries that the user has already entered are remembered by the system and highlighted as a priority in the search. Previously, historical hints only worked on the desktop version, but now they are available on mobile phones and in Yandex search services. If the user was looking for something under his login, then, when logged in on another device, he will see the history of his requests.

How tips are calculated in Yandex

Offline metrics are not based on user actions. They are calculated through mathematical formulas. The calculation is based on the assumption that the user will immediately select the desired hint as soon as he sees it. After entering the request, the total number of user actions is calculated. This metric is called ExpectedActionsCount or EAC.

The second GuessProbability metric calculates the ratio of “correct” clues to the total number of clues. “Correct” hints are word-by-word hints that are visible to the user before starting to enter the next word in the query.

The first and second indicators are correlated with each other. If EAC decreases, then GuessProbability increases. Analyzing both metrics, the search algorithm creates bigrams from words - stable phrases of two or three words that users usually enter together: Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower.

The average length of characters in Yandex queries is 19, therefore, with search suggestions disabled, on average, the user must perform 19 actions when entering each search query. After the introduction of hints, the number of actions decreased to 13.5. At the end of 2017, the figure was 11.5.

Online metrics. Yandex uses the indicator “input time per query character.” It is not subject to seasonality of demand. This metric tests the usability of tooltips. For example, when testing an interface in the form of a graph, it was discovered that the speed decreased significantly. Users began to look at the suggested tips too often, and as a result, they entered the query much more slowly. The solution, which initially seemed revolutionary, in practice slowed down people's search.

How to get into the tips

It is believed that users trust a brand more if they see it among Yandex search suggestions. We cannot agree with this, because the query selection algorithm is based, among other things, on the popularity of the word. Yandex does not conduct reputation examinations.

It selects words and phrases that are most often entered into the search bar. Therefore, brands and companies that have been involved in high-profile scandals will also be included in the tips. Moreover, most likely they will be on top lines, because there is a buzz around them now, and Yandex updates “hot” queries every half hour. For example, in the online scandals of the pre-holiday week of February 2018, two brands appeared: shoe manufacturer Zenden and Store digital technology DNS. Both are at the top of the tooltips.

Companies cannot influence the inclusion of their name in the list of tips. Agencies offering such services usually engage in “boosting” search queries. This is done using special programs or by the hands of numerous freelancers. Although the brand being included in the list of tips is the result competent work PR department. We advise you to develop your brand traditional ways. The more recognizable and in demand the company and its products are, the faster their names will appear in Yandex suggestions. This is especially true for regional companies, because competition in regional search Yandex below.


Yandex plans to develop search suggestions to simplify search. The search engine wants to achieve a result so that the answer to the user’s request already appears while entering the request. In mobile search, it is planned to add a search for data on the phone: bookmarks, contacts, files. The algorithm for selecting tips is regularly improved. working on it permanent team a search engine that tests innovations almost monthly.

A guaranteed way for a company to get on the list of requests is to use classic PR tools and develop brand awareness. The more consumers are interested in a company's products over a long period of time, the more often the brand will be present in the list of tips. Cheating tips is not effective. When the promotion is stopped, the brand is again excluded from the suggestions.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Sirvida-Llorente.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today I want to talk about one of the interesting ways website promotion. Many have heard and used this method, but not everyone knows how exactly the acquired knowledge can be put to good use. In this article I will show you how to get and use Yandex search suggestions to collect the semantic core of an article.

Personally, I use comprehensive methods to promote my blog and my clients’ sites. search engine optimization and building reference mass. But results can only be achieved with an integrated approach to solving promotion problems. Considering that search engines are constantly changing search algorithms When ranking sites, we need to adapt to new trends.

Today, my blog has 3500 visitors unique visitors per day, and this is 105,000 uniques per month. The blog sometimes shakes after search engine ups, but everything returns to its place if the articles are properly SEO optimized for the required key queries, but you can collect them different ways. Let's understand what search suggestions are and what their purpose is in SEO.

Search tips- This popular list search results queries in Yandex and Google, which is generated when a key query is entered and helps to provide an answer to the query the user is interested in.

There are several types of search tips:

  • Vital (Commercial, branded). This type is presented in searches with the brand name of the company used and is used to promote commercial sites.
  • Search engines. This list is also displayed in the search and has large quantity requests compared to vital ones. The queries themselves can be represented as a general set of keys popular among users at that time.

In addition to collecting a semantic core for writing articles, they help expand the general list of key queries. Many will ask where do they come from and how are they formed?

The basic principle of generating a list of query data is:

  • Frequency of use of the query by users in searches;
  • Dependence on the region in which the search is carried out;
  • A detailed answer to users' questions, according to Yandex and Google.

Promotion using Yandex search suggestions

So, let's look at ways to promote search suggestions by collecting key queries from searches. Some might think that this is all nonsense. But now I'll show you real example collecting clues for this article, which will advance on this topic.

To do this, it is necessary to collect and cluster requests by site categories. You can use automated online services, as well as collect manually.

We can collect queries not only from the drop-down list, but also from the search results itself, where the search engine itself selects the necessary keys, which were used to rank the site on the page. I advise you to analyze all the highlighted keys in the descriptions and titles in the search results and use them to write articles.

If we have chosen a topic about tips, then we will need to get additional catches for subsequent distribution in the text of our article.

Eg: in the article we use the query “Yandex search suggestions”, which is the main one, and to reveal the topic we need to get additional phrases related to the main query and used before it or at the end.

Now we must select all the words and distribute them throughout our article, both in paragraphs and section subheadings. Using the received keys, we will be able to fully answer the user’s main request, as well as expand the article and describe additional sections. For example, I received such hints in the endings as “how to cheat” and “change”. Next, I will write about these 2 sections of this topic and thereby give, in Yasha’s opinion, comprehensive answers on this or that topic for users. And if the article is useful and the behavioral factors are good, then the article will appear in the TOP of search results.

You can get excellent traffic to the site if your request is on the list recommended by Yandex, and the article itself is optimized for similar requests and is on the first lines of search results ( tip + top article = conversion).

How to collect Yandex search suggestions

Serpstat service

To automatically collect recommended queries, I use the service, which makes it possible to not only analyze the competitors of any site, but also helps to collect popular words. To do this, go to the section: SEO analysis/tips.

Considering that I am writing an article based on a question asked by users in order to give an answer, it is best to use the “questions only” filter. After generating the report, you will receive a list of popular and recommended keywords by the Yandex search engine, after analysis of which we will be able to use them in the text. The service returned the main queries and the most popular ones, for which you can write sections: “how to enable”, “how to remove” and “how to get there”.

Do not forget that in each region the lists are formed in particular according to geo-dependent queries. Those. If you search for a particular request in different regions, then the list of tips will be significantly different. Considering that hints are constantly changing, monitoring through such services helps to track changes and update requests.

After collecting key queries, we need to check their frequency and competition.

Go to Wordstat and check main request to frequency.

We see that this word is entered into the Yandex search line 984 times, do not forget that this is the frequency for all phrases, and we will be interested in the exact occurrence of the key, and for this we put the quote operator “”.

Now we see that the exact entry is only 124 per month. From this we can conclude that given key is mid-frequency and most likely does not have much competition in search results.

Advice: You can check the competition of a request by headings in the search results after entering the key. If authoritative and popular sites with an exact entry are displayed in the TOP 10, then there is little chance, but if the key is diluted and used in a breakdown, then there is every chance of getting into the TOP of search results.

As you can see, the queries alternate and are not always used in the “exact” occurrence. But the frequency of use and the information content of the text also depend. Even if there is already an article in the TOP, so after the request you can, after performing the analysis, write an article that is more useful and responds to more user requests and get into the TOP with it. On my blog, I try to do this when bypassing competitors.

If I collect new topics for a blog, then after analyzing competitors, I get additional keys for their TOP articles and dilute their words with tips. Everything seems simple, but here you need to brainstorm.

Advice: It is best to use Yandex tips as an addition to site optimization, and not as a full-fledged tool for them. Look for the main key under which you will write the article, and the received additional list scatter query cores throughout the article to attract users who came for answers.

To form terms of reference to write text, I would recommend doing this:

  • We use the main key of the article - heading h1, subheading h2 and once in the text
  • Additional words (list of received recommendations) should be used in the text throughout the body of the article.

How to get into search engine suggestions

Many people try to drag queries with their brand into the Yandex search bar to get additional targeted traffic to your website. But it's not that simple. If you think that you can upload the names of your brands to the services, then everything will be fine, and you will be included in the list of recommended queries. This was not the case. To be included in the list, several factors are required:

  • Users should find your site and take natural actions when going to it, and not robotically perform assigned tasks, which will send a signal to search engines about cheating in the results.
  • The site should be tailored to the key queries that appear in the list, and if promotion is based on vital keys, then have the brand name of the company in the title and text;
  • The appearance is possible if there is activity at the request of users related to a particular topic. For example, news related to the shutdown of VKontakte in Ukraine led to a sharp increase in requests on this topic and transitions to the social network. Such requests change frequently and are geotargeted and seasonal. You can also take, for example, the recent news about the death of a Nobel Prize winner in literature, which was circulated by many media outlets and aroused interest among users, but the news turned out to be a hoax;
  • Requests for the promoted topic should be full of in social networks, and also be relevant to users;
  • Keys must not violate the law and not use profanity (search engine algorithms carry out a total cleaning of queries and cluster them based on the similarity of words in groups).

Well, of course, the most in a natural way promotion will be the holding of promotions or advertising campaigns, where users will be interested in finding exactly the company they have heard about, and thereby will create additional requests in the search bar and improve behavioral factors.

You can also test the service and create a company. I chose a commercial site and indicated a vital request in the form of a brand.

After the system selects all the tips and checks their availability, you can begin promotion.

In this way, you can manipulate your reputation in search results. But don't forget that this type cheating is a “black” way of promotion and if you overdo it, you may regret it. If you think it's worth it, then go for it. As an example, you can see how a brand query Rookee service got into the tips and performs a marketing function, attracting large flows of traffic to a specific tool.

I wonder if users were looking specifically for this service only or was it a scam? But that's none of my business -))).

Also, it is possible based on a list of keys search string write an article and promote it to the TOP, and there you will no longer have to push queries to get in, but come to everything ready -))).

How to remove search suggestions in Yandex

This question may arise among company owners who want to hide inconvenient information or improve the company’s image in the eyes of users. Some ill-wishers may tarnish a good name on the Internet with a negative flow of requests associated with misleading users and disseminating unverified information.

Here is an example where it is necessary to preempt a selected request.

Here you can also use the service. The essence of the work will be to promote competing clues until the negative one is crowded out.

There are only a couple of options for removing an unnecessary request from Yandex and Google suggestions:

  • New requests will replace old ones after updating behavioral factors;
  • The frequency of new requests will be greater than the request you don’t need in order to overtake it in popularity.

The second option just involves cheating and has its own risks.

Let’s summarize our article and briefly consider how to use hints to expand the semantic core, namely:

  • Analyzing hints using online services(Serpstat, Megaindex, Rookee, etc.) and select a list of suitable ones;
  • Choose additional words to expand the structure of articles;
  • We check the competition and write SEO optimized content;
  • We use recommended words as additional keys for the site material, and not the main ones, due to their instability and frequent updates;
  • We pay attention to the popularity and frequency of the request to receive targeted traffic.

I hope you discovered additional ways expanding the semantic core of the site for successful promotion to the TOP. All the best and see you soon.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.