Parental control on VKontakte. Terminator program

Dr.Web company is a tool developer information security– reported that the website was included in the “Pornography” section of the “black list” of the “Parental Control” module.

A statement from the company's press service states that today the administration of the website, despite its wide popularity, is not responsible for materials posted by users. According to clause 7.5 of the User Agreement of the social network, “The Site Administration does not engage in preliminary moderation or censorship of User information and takes actions to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with legal requirements Russian Federation only after the interested party contacts the Site Administration in the prescribed manner" Visitors to, including minors, may encounter inappropriate content at any time.

According to the developers,

restricting access to as a resource containing pornographic materials is caused by concern for Dr.Web users (primarily children). Unfortunately, today the site administration, despite its wide popularity, is not responsible for materials posted by users. According to clause 7.5 of the User Agreement of the social network, “The Site Administration does not engage in preliminary moderation or censorship of Users’ information and takes actions to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation only after the interested party contacts the Site Administration in the prescribed manner.”
Visitors to, including minors, may encounter inappropriate content at any time. Protecting children from materials that can harm their psyche is the most important task of the Dr.Web Parental Control module.

We draw the attention of users to the fact that the VKontakte website, blocked by Parental Control under the “Pornography” list, will be inaccessible even if access to it is allowed in the “Pornography” category. Social media».

However, users will be able to voluntarily open access to through Parental control. If you use filtering by Internet resource addresses, then in order to allow access to the site you need to click right click mouse on the Dr.Web anti-virus agent icon in the system tray, select Parental Control and click Settings in the menu that opens. If this is your first time setting up access rights, you will be prompted to set a password and login. By default there is no password. In the window that opens, you must enter the address of the website in the Allowed addresses input field, located to the left of the “+” icon. By entering full name resource, you must successively click on the “+” sign and the Apply button.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I will depart a little from my main mission. We won’t talk about making money on the Internet, but we will discuss one very important thing. Let's talk about protecting children from malicious sites, games and applications.

From this article you will learn how to set parental controls on the Internet, I will show a video on how to protect your children from the harmful effects of the computer. I’ll tell you which phone to buy for the little ones and set the lock so that no one will even guess that something is forbidden to them.

Parental Controls in Windows

If you have Windows 7, like I do, then you can ban the use of certain programs, games and determine the time at which children can be at the computer.

If you need to ban not only the use of the computer itself, but also the Internet, you will have to download additional extensions on the official Microsoft website, allowing you to increase management capabilities. It's free.

If for some reason you do not like this method, you can install another additional program. However, in any case, first you will have to learn how to create additional accounts users. Let's figure this out quickly.

Create a new account

Go to your control panel to create a new account. It is needed to control only children and not have problems when using the laptop yourself.

Now open the “Parental Controls” tab.

And create a new account.

For this account it is not necessary to use . Only you (the administrator) need it so that teenagers cannot break into the system and change the conditions to more comfortable ones.

Whether to check the box or not is up to you and, probably, your child. After entering the name, click on “Create”.

Ready. Let's set it up now.

Time limit

In order to apply additional settings need to go to account, created for the offspring. Click on it.

OK it's all over Now. You are where you need to be. Enable parental controls at the top of the window that opens.

Without additional programs You can limit your child’s time, games and applications used. Let's click on the first option.

Be careful, you mark in blue the time during which he cannot be at the computer. Once completed, all you have to do is click “OK” and you’re done.

Ban on games

Tracking and control programs

If for some reason you do not want to install Windows Live, and the ban needs to be implemented, then I offer you a program KidsControl. Thanks to it, you can also deny access to unwanted resources, exercise time control, and see which sites your child has visited.

The operation of the application itself will not be noticeable, and when accessing a forbidden resource, the site will display a 404 error, “Server not found” or “Page unavailable.” The utility is shareware. You will have 14 days to free use, and then you will have to pay 870 rubles for use.

To use it, you, as in the first case, will have to create several accounts, including for a child. I think this won't be such a problem. KidsControl will open only when the system starts and you log in from your (first) account from which the launch was carried out.

In the future, no one will understand that you have this program on your computer. To open it, you will need to restart the operating system. It’s funny, but even the omnipresent one doesn’t see her, that is, even a nosy teenager will have a hard time getting to her.

So, download the program and reboot the system. This will open a window in which you can make settings.

As you can see, there are two accounts here: the administrator, the one who downloaded the program and has all the rights, and also everyone else.

You can create several users who will have access to this program. You don't have to restrict everyone.

The blacklist will include sites that a child is prohibited from accessing.

The program itself determines prohibited resources. It has a built-in base with automatic system update, which periodically monitors the Internet and adds sites inappropriate for children.

If you want, the “Prohibited Files” tab will block the ability to download certain files: music, videos and programs.

Well, the access schedule will not allow your child to access the computer at a time not intended for this purpose.

That's all. Now you know how to protect your child from the computer. Shall we go to the phone?

Parental control on the phone for the little ones

First, I would like to talk to you about protection for the little ones. In the case of them, I would recommend that you do not install protection on the Internet or phone, but purchase BB-mobile . You add it yourself telephone number, through which the baby can call and write SMS.

There are no complex buttons, additional unnecessary functions. At any time you can press a couple of buttons and get a map with the exact location of your baby. In the same way, you can access your baby’s mobile phone from your phone and turn on an audio broadcast of what is happening around. The phone will call you back automatically, without the participation of the child.

When it comes to little ones, this thing is simply irreplaceable.

Of course, a rare child in the second or third grade will calmly walk around with a BB-mobile and will not throw a tantrum asking him to buy a fancy phone. We will talk about how to work with a tablet and phone on Android in one of the future articles. Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss out.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.


Open "Control Panel" and select "Add or remove accounts", enter a name, select " Regular access" and click the "Create an account" button.

Open the created user account and select "Set parent" control", then select the created user account again. The settings window will open.

To limit the user by time, click on the “Off” item. opposite the line “Time limits”. In the window that opens, set the time intervals during which this user will be prohibited from logging into the system and click OK.

You can restrict access to games by limiting them by category. Click "Off" opposite the line “Game Categories”. In the window that opens, enter necessary settings by access restrictions and click OK.

Restrict access to certain programs(not only for games) can be done by clicking “Off.” opposite the line “Restriction on launching programs”. A list of all programs installed on the computer will open. Select the ones you want to deny access to and click OK.

Video on the topic


Parental controls are needed to regulate children's computer use. For example: You can set time periods during which children can use the computer. You can also set permission for which games to enable parental controls. 1. You need to open the “Parental Controls” section. To do this, click the “Start” menu -> “Control Panel” -> “Parental Controls”. 2. Now, select the user for whom you want to set parental controls.

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“Children's safety on the Internet.

Rules of conduct and parental control»

Goal: to educate parents on the topic “Children’s safety on the Internet”

In the century computer technology In addition to gambling addiction, our children are facing other problems. For example, related to the safety of behavior on the Internet. Most parents have absolutely no idea what their children are doing online and who they are in contact with. Meanwhile, according to research, 27% of children aged 6 to 17 years old confirmed that they had been contacted by strangers on the Internet. But the most unpleasant thing is that a third of them willingly made contact (sent a photo, information about the family). It is alarming that only 57% of our parents are interested in what sites their children visit. Data from foreign researchers is even more frightening: 9 out of 10 children aged 8 to 16 years old who actively use the Internet have encountered pornography online. And about 50% of them have experienced sexual harassment at least once. Unfortunately, on the Internet, a child not only communicates with peers or finds useful information. Here he may also be insulted or intimidated. There is also a type of fraud called phishing, aimed at stealing personal data (for example, bank account information, credit card number or passwords). And a child for criminals - main object. Therefore, instructions for parents will be useful in order to try to protect their children as much as possible from the dangers associated with the Internet.

Five rules for parents who are interested in the safety of their children:

  1. Place the computer in the family room - this way, discussing the Internet becomes a daily habit, and the child will not be alone with the computer if he has problems.
  2. Use an alarm clock to limit your child's time on the Internet - this is important for preventing computer addiction.
  3. Use technical methods computer protection: parental control functions in the operating system, antivirus and spam filter.
  4. Create “Family Internet Rules” that promote online safety for children.
  5. Be sure to discuss with your children all the questions that arise while using the Internet, and be interested in your friends on the Internet. Teach to think critically about information on the Internet and not share personal information online.

Software for parental control of children on the Internet. Filtering...

Of course, to implement parental control it is important to use various software. Install any of the programs depending on operating system your computer - this will help filter out malicious content; find out what sites your child visits; set time limits for computer (or Internet) use; block unwanted actions small user on the Internet.

Popular parental control programs:

- “Parental Control” in Windows 7, 8, 10 - will ensure the safety of personal data from all possible threats, limit the presence of children on the Internet, and provide control over visited sites. All sorts of video instructions on the Internet and an article on the official Windows website will help you set up parental controls; if you have Windows 7 or 8, then you can solve almost any problem related to parental controls and limiting the rights of different accounts using standard tools, built into the system.

- “Parental Control” - Kaspersky Safe Kids ( paid program costs 900 rubles). You can download the program on the official website or purchase it in a specialized store.

The following programs are free:

- Terminator program. This program does not even have an interface, but it allows you to create significant inconvenience for those who launch one of the applications or games that are included in the INI configuration file.

NetPolice Lite. Program for blocking Internet sites and all kinds of things inappropriate content. This program is a stripped down version paid system NetPolice traffic control. However, its basic functionality is quite sufficient for everyday use. NetPolice Lite fully filters content unsafe for children and can simultaneously be used to block up to 5 inappropriate sites for one user account (in paid version there are no restrictions on the number of blocked resources and the number of accounts).

- Internet censor. The program allows you to set a “white” or “black” list, completely or partially block access to the Internet.

- You can also contact the services of your provider and get advice on their official websites (control of Internet access to Megafon, Beeline, MTS).

Form in children the right attitude towards the computer and the Internet.

Or maybe just ban the computer altogether? But the forbidden fruit, as you know, is sweet - and believe me, your child will definitely find a way to surf the Internet (from a friend or from an Internet cafe). In addition, as the child grows older, he will need more and more educational information, which is now also obtained from the Internet. Therefore, there is only one way out - you need to formulate in children the correct attitude towards the capabilities of a computer, convey to them the full extent of the danger and convince them to follow them simple rules, which will help make children's communication on the Internet safer.

Children's rules. How should a child behave on the Internet?

Read for yourself and familiarize your child with the rules that he must follow when using the Internet.

  1. Never give information about yourself that could indicate that you are a child.
  2. Instead of a photo, use a hand-drawn avatar.
  3. Set up access to your photos only for your closest people.
  4. Do not click on suspicious links.
  5. Maintain friendships only with those you know.
  6. If, while chatting or corresponding online, some stranger threatens you, asks you unpleasant questions, or persuades you to meet in real life, then the action plan is this: don’t answer anything and immediately inform your parents about it!

Following these simple tips and rules will help you avoid unpleasant consequences for a child in case of his hobby worldwide network The Internet will protect his mental and perhaps even physical health from the negativity that, unfortunately, can still often be found on the vastness of the global web.

Hello dear friends! In this short article I want to tell you how to install parental controls for android, be it a phone or a tablet. I won’t write too much unnecessary stuff, let’s get straight to the point.)) And so download the Parental Control program from Google Play according to this Link, the program is free, of course there is a paid part, but the free one is enough for us. I would like to note right away that I looked at many similar programs for parental control on the phone, but I settled on Parental Control. It is free, quite easy to use, convenient and simple interface, minimum settings.

After installation, open the program and in the window that appears you will need to set a PIN code that only you will know. This is necessary to access all applications and settings of your phone or tablet, so that you can change settings and allow access to applications and Internet access.

In this window, enter your email; if you suddenly forget your PIN code, it will be sent to you by email.

This window contains all the settings of the Parental Control program. As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear, with a minimum of settings. I didn’t go deeper and study the tabs with the “Tracking” and “Management” settings, I just don’t need it, those functions are quite enough to control a child using a phone or tablet.

Open the "Statistics" item - B at this point All applications and actions will be shown, where your child went and what applications he tried to open.)))

The next item is “Settings” - This item contains only three settings items.

  1. Prevent deletion - The application cannot be deleted while it is enabled this option, enable this option.
  2. Stop protection - Do not change anything in this setting.
  3. Change PIN code - It’s clear here, in this setting you can change the PIN code.

There are two more items in the main program window.
1. General Category - You can simply add all applications to access in one general category.

2. New category- You can create a category with any name and place certain applications into it for access. To write a new category name, click on the pencil in top corner next to the cart and enter a new name. Next, click on the "Add application" tab, a window will open with all installed applications on your phone or tablet, check the boxes for the applications you want to share access to.

3. The next tab “Restrictions” - Everything is simple here, you can set the time and on what days access to permitted applications and games, as well as access to the Internet, will be allowed.

And so, as you can see, working with the parental control program on an Android phone is quite simple. After installing the program, all applications, games, Internet access, SMS, contacts, etc. will be blocked and a window will constantly appear where you will need to enter a PIN code. Select on your phone, for example, the “Contacts” group, enter the PIN code and click on “Add” to the category. If you did not create a category, then simply select “General category”, thereby allowing access to the “Contacts” group. Add all those groups using the same scheme that you want to open access to for your child.

That's all friends, as you noticed, creating parental controls on an Android phone or tablet is quite simple. If you liked the article, share it on social networks, write reviews in the comments, ask questions on the “Questions/Answers” ​​page and in the comments. Good luck to everyone and see you again!!!