Hidden folder system volume information. The System Volume Information is recorded

When the free disk space runs out, we begin to search for files and folders that can be deleted. Particularly annoying are the different system directories, because they take up a lot of space, and what they do is unclear.

One of these folders is called System Volume Information. You can find it on any disk that works in Windows environment– even on flash drives and SD cards. When this directory is discovered, the question arises as to what is stored in it, and whether it can be deleted painlessly for the system.

What's inside the folder?

This is the storage directory system information. Created on any drive connected to Windows, be it inner memory, flash drive or external HDD. In fact, it has the “Hidden” attribute so as not to irritate users with its existence and volume. But if the system has the display of hidden files enabled, the directory will be visible.

The System Volume Information records:

  • Point information Windows recovery provided that the corresponding function is enabled in the system.
  • Information about the indexing service.
  • Shadow copies of files.

The directory stores data that may be useful when restoring drives or files written to them. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth deleting it thoughtlessly. But you can clean it carefully.

Emptying a folder

If system folder takes up a lot of disk space, clear its contents using the built-in system tools. The directory may have accumulated data about recovery points, as well as file history. Windows will automatically determine what it can do without and free up disk space without damaging system files.

To clear System Volume Information:

To turn off history recording, find the corresponding settings section through the search in the taskbar. If you can’t find it, go to the control panel and change the viewing mode to “ Large icons».

Click " Disable" so that the system no longer creates shadow copies of files. If history has been disabled, you don't need to click anything.

Another way to get rid of extra files in the folder – use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility.

You can maintain order in the system using third party applications- For example, . However, incorrectly setting the cleaning parameters can lead to the loss of important data. Built-in Windows tool will not allow you to remove anything useful for the system.

Removing a directory

If you are still haunted by the question of how to completely delete a folder, then you must understand that this is difficult to do. On media with file system NTFS user does not have access to the directory. The directory has the attribute " Only reading» and restrictions on actions. To delete a directory, you will have to request administrator permission.

Administrator in in this case– this is not your profile, but a built-in user. To overcome the restriction and gain access to the directory, you need to give your profile all rights. However, this is not recommended: such actions may damage important system files. But if you're willing to take the risk, follow these steps:

This will give you ownership of the directory, but you will need special permissions to edit it. Go to the tab again Safety" and click " Additionally" If your account is in the list of permissions, select it, click " Change" and give the profile full access. Replace the permission entries and save the configuration.

If the profile is not in the list, click " Add" Click " Select Subject"and find account through " Additionally» – « Search" After that, give full control, change permissions and save the configuration.

We warned you that it would be difficult. And most importantly, this makes no sense. Deleting a directory will lead to system malfunctions, so limit yourself to simply cleaning the disk from unnecessary and temporary files.

If the directory is at external storage connected to a PC or laptop, you can erase it without unnecessary movements: just select and press the key Delete. However, after some time the folder will appear on the media again. You will lose the ability to recover information from a flash drive.

To System Volume Information not an eyesore, set the control panel to hide system files and folders. Then the destructive thought of deleting a directory that may be useful will not appear.

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How to clear the System Volume Information folder? updated: January 25, 2018 by: admin

The desire to get as much free space as possible on the hard drive often pushes users to actions that they should otherwise refrain from, however, those who understand what they are doing will not harm either their data or the system. Typically, a full-scale disk cleanup involves deleting files from the temporary TEMP folders, WinSxS folders, user directories, as well as removing outdated service packs. But there is one more place where a confident user would do well to look.

This location is the System Volume Information folder. It is located at the root of each logical partition and is intended to store file history data and system files related to recovery services. In particular, it may contain files system points recovery, indexing database and file deduplication service, snapshots created by the Volume Shadow Copy service, disk quota settings and some other data.

Note: If you are using the recovery service, it is not recommended to manually delete files from the System Volume Information folder. Radical cleaning is only permissible when the services for creating restore points and maintaining file history are disabled.

By default, System Volume Information is hidden, in addition, only the system has access to it, so even the administrator cannot view its contents. So if you want to get serious about her, you'll have to try to get her first. full rights, which, by the way, is not always possible to do fully. Alternatively, you can boot from any “live” disk with built-in file manager and clean it up, bypassing all file restrictions.

But as already noted, all this refers to radical measures, which are not recommended to be resorted to unless absolutely necessary. It would be much safer to reduce the disk limit for shadow copies. This can be done either through command console, and through graphic Windows interface. If you want to see how much space the data takes up in System Volume Information, run as administrator PowerShell console this command:

vssadmin list shadowstorage

As you can see from the screenshot, the maximum storage capacity is shadow copy for the system drive (C:) is 46 percent, which is almost half the volume of the entire logical partition of 19 GB. The volume used is 18 percent. We’ll stop there, reducing the maximum volume from 46 to 20 percent. This will be approximately 4 GB. Immediately run the following command in PowerShell:

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=c: /for=c: /maxsize=4GB

What happens if the maxsize parameter is set to a value less than the used volume, for example, maxsize=1GB? In this case, the System Volume Information folder will be partially cleared. You can also set the directory size from the System > System Protection section of the control panel. Here you can delete restore points and thereby clear the System Volume Information folder.

Have a great day!

System volume information - Windows folder, in which OS restore points, information about changed service files, settings and system options. Antiviruses and optimization utilities can also “leave” their data in it. Many viruses, after penetrating a PC, first of all attack it: they infect the files on it, masking their “modules”.

In the standard way, without adding additional settings in Windows, you will not be able to clear/delete this directory, even if you try to open it with administrator rights. By default, it is protected from third-party interference. To clear the system data folder, you need to perform a certain series of operations: open access, enter the current account, etc.

Otherwise, when you try to delete system volume information, the operating system displays an “Access Denied” message (and therefore the directory is not deleted).

Show hidden folders

As a rule, “System volume information”, like many other system files and folders, is hidden from the user’s eyes. In order for it to become visible and, accordingly, so that it can be cleaned, you must do the following:

1. Click “My Computer” or press “Win” + “E” (Latin).
2. Press the “Alt” key.
3. A menu will appear at the top of the window, above the “Arrange, System Properties...” options. Open the "Tools" section, and then - "Folder Options".
4. In the Folder Options settings panel, go to View.
5. Scroll vertically through the list of options in the “Additional options” block.
6. Remove the check mark in the “Hide protected system files...” setting.
7. Turn on “Show hidden files... ».

8. Click the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Now the folder will be visible in the directory.

Gaining access

Before you delete “System volume information” or its individual elements, you need to gain access to it. That is, indicate to the system that you (under your username) have the authority to view/delete/clean this folder.

1. Place the cursor over the “System volume information” folder. Make a click right click mice.
2. From the menu, click Properties.

3. In the “Properties...” window, on the “Security” tab, click “Change”.

4. Click the “Add” option.

5. In the “Select...” panel, enter the username (under which you logged into the OS).

Advice! If you don't remember the username, open the Start menu: it is displayed in the right column, at the very top, under the “user” icon.

6. Click “Check Names” (Windows will check the received data).
7. Confirm the added add-ons with the “OK” button.
8. Return to the Security tab. In the “Groups and Users” block, highlight your name (your account).

9. In the “Permission” block, check the boxes in the “Allow” column opposite all the options.
10. Click sequentially - “Apply”, “OK”.

Clearing/removing “System volume information”

Once access has been obtained for a specific user, deletion can be carried out smoothly individual elements System volume information.

1. Press the “Win” + “PauseBreak” keys (group of buttons according to right side from the F12 key). Or in the “Start” panel, click “Control Panel” and go to the “System and Security” section, and then to the “System” subsection.
2. In the left column of options, select System Protection. On the same tab, click “Customize”.
3. Activate the “Delete” option (restore points will be cleared, including the file/files of previous versions).

Disabling System Restore

After cleaning, this folder will still increase in size unless you disable the mechanism for saving recovery points in the OS options.
If you do not use the recovery function and prefer to see this directory empty (without additional “cleanups”), perform the following operations:

1. Press "Win" + "Break".
2. Select “System Protection” from the menu.
3. In the “Properties...” panel, click “Customize...”.
4. Click on the “Disable system protection” radio button.
5. Click “Apply”, then “OK”.

Cleaning on a flash drive

1. Open Notepad and create a new file.
2. Enter the following commands (each on a new line):

del "X:\System Volume Information"
rd "X:\System Volume Information"

Instead of “X”, type the section of the connected USB flash drive (I, F or another letter).
3. Save the file (with the extension .bat) - .bat (specify any name in Latin letters).
4. Launch the created bat file double click mice.
5. In the console command line confirm activation of deletion: enter “Y” (Yes).

After this, the “System Volume Information” on the flash drive will be cleared.

Periodically check the size and contents of the recovery data directory and delete from it as necessary unnecessary files and folders. Maintain OS hygiene. It is the key to maximum PC performance.

Folder System Volume Information is a hidden system folder that is used by the System Restore utility to store its data and restore points. Such a folder is created in every logical partition hard drive computer.

But according to the settings, on the system disk WITH the System Volume Information folder can be tens of gigabytes in size, while other disks have zero gigabytes in size. As a rule, this is one of the reasons why the C drive quickly runs out of free space and the operating system cannot continue to work normally. For example, after each update of one of the programs, the OS can create a restore point for the entire system, which takes up 1-2 GB on the disk. Thus, several software updates, automatic creation several points, and drive C is deprived of ten gigabytes of free space.

How to delete the System Volume Information folder?

Since this is a system folder required for normal operation operating system, it cannot be removed. The only inconvenience that the folder causes is its possible big size. However, this problem is solved not by deleting the folder, but by setting its maximum size, which we will discuss later.

How to open the System Volume Information folder?

By default, only the operating system has access to the folder, so to open System Volume Information, you need to give your account the appropriate rights. The screenshots below are from the operating room Windows systems 8, for Windows 10, 7 and XP all steps are the same.

Right-click on the System Volume Information folder and select Properties. Go to the tab Safety and press the button Additionally.

In the window that opens, if necessary, click the button Continue.

As you can see in the next step, only the system has access to the folder. To add your profile, click the button Add.

Choose Add subject and in the dialog that opens, enter your username, then click OK or Check names. If you entered your username correctly, move on: set all permissions for actions with the folder. Buttons OK And Apply close the settings window.

After this, you will be able to open the System Volume Information folder in Windows in XP, 7, 8, 10.

How to adjust the size of the System Volume Information folder?

Open the folder My computer and right click on free space, V context menu select Properties. In the window that opens, follow the link System protection.

In the next window we find system disk and, having selected it, press Tune.

Here you can enable/disable system protection (automatic creation of system restore points), as well as set maximum size for the System Volume Information folder. Button Delete allows you to empty a folder without having to go into it.

They are surprised to find an incomprehensible object in the form of an unfamiliar directory in the root of their drive (flash drive). As you know, ignorance gives rise to mistrust and prejudice. Let us reassure our readers and tell you what to do if a System Volume Information folder is created on a flash drive?

Is it dangerous to have SVI on a flash drive?

Folder purpose

Google translator for System Volume Information (SVI) gives a Russian translation from English as “Information about the volume of the system.” Although the translation is conditional, it is not far from the truth.

This directory is created by the system itself to store data in it:

  • About recovery points (if the creation of such points is activated for this disk);
  • Databases used by the indexing service, unique drive ID;
  • File history (shadow copying).

Simply put, it stores information for interacting with the service drive and data for recovery.


On disks with an NTFS recording system, the user does not have access to the SVI folder on the flash drive. It is assigned the “read” attribute, and only the administrator has access to change. You will immediately receive a notification about this before you delete it.

Obtaining access rights to it is located in the “Security” tab in its properties. It is not recommended to do this (as well as for all system folders).

If the recording on the device is made in FAT encoding, then deletion from the flash drive will be available without any restrictions.

IMPORTANT. Please note that the directory will be created again each time after the next (new) actions in operating system. Removing it is irrational - the information from it is needed for system services.


If removal is not worth doing, then what if it grows to a serious size and takes up a lot of space?

By the way, this can happen as a result of storage large quantity saved points for recovery.

To reduce size by cleaning you need to:

  • Disable auto-creation of points by disabling protection;
  • Delete points that are not needed;
  • Disable file history;