Viewing angle tn of the matrix. Fundamentals of monitoring

It always comes down first of all to choosing the type of monitor matrix. And when you have already decided what type of matrix you need, you can move on to other characteristics of the monitor. In this article we will look at the main types of monitor matrices that are currently used by manufacturers.

Now on the market you can find monitors with the following types of matrices:

  • TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)
  • IPS (SFT – Super Fine TFT)
  • *VA (Vertical Alignment)
  • PLS (Plane-to-Line Switching)

Let's consider all types of monitor matrices in order.

TN+film– the simplest and cheapest matrix creation technology to produce. Due to its low price it is most popular. Just a few years ago, almost 100 percent of all monitors used this technology. And only advanced professionals who needed high-quality monitors bought devices based on other technologies. Now the situation has changed a little, monitors have become cheaper and TN+film matrices are losing their popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages of TN+film matrices:

  • Low price
  • Good response speed
  • Poor viewing angles
  • Low contrast
  • Poor color rendering


IPS– the most advanced type of matrices. This technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC. The developers of the IPS matrix managed to get rid of the shortcomings of TN+film, but as a result, the price of matrices of this type has risen significantly compared to TN+film. However, every year prices decrease and become more affordable for the average consumer.

Advantages and disadvantages IPS matrices:

  • Good color rendering
  • Good contrast
  • Wide viewing angles
  • High price
  • Long response time


*VA This is a type of monitor matrix that can be considered a compromise between TN+film and IPS. The most popular among such matrices is MVA (Multi-domain Vertical Alignment). This technology was developed by Fujitsu.

Analogs of this technology developed by other manufacturers:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung.
  • Super PVA from Sony-Samsung (S-LCD).
  • Super MVA from CMO.

Advantages and disadvantages of MVA matrices:

  • Large viewing angles
  • Good color rendition (better than TN+film, but worse than IPS)
  • Good response speed
  • Deep black color
  • Not a high price
  • Loss of shadow detail (compared to IPS)


PLS– type of matrices developed by Samsung as an alternative to expensive IPS matrices.

Advantages and disadvantages of PLS ​​matrices:

  • High brightness
  • Good color rendering
  • Wide viewing angles
  • Low energy consumption
  • Long response time
  • Low contrast
  • Uneven illumination of the matrix

01. 07.2018

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

IPS or VA - weighing all the pros and cons

Good day to my subscribers and new readers of this interesting blog. The topic of LCD monitors requires mandatory coverage of another competitive confrontation, and today I will present you with information that will help you determine: what better IPS or VA matrix.

Although this task not easy, because you won’t find such a significant difference as in the case here. But let's talk about everything in order, which we have already worked out and begins with history and continues with technological nuances.

The idea is to use the property of liquid nematic crystals to change polarization under the influence of electricity luminous flux first received commercial implementation in screens with a TN matrix. In it, each beam coming from the backlight to the RGB filters of the pixel passed through a module that consisted of two polarizing gratings (oriented perpendicularly to block light), electrodes, and a twisted nematic (TN) crystal located inside the crystal.

Of course, the emergence of a competitor in the late 80s in the form of a thin, flat screen and with high resolution, flicker-free and low power consumption was, in fact, a technological revolution. But, unfortunately, according to the most important criterion (image quality), LCD panels were significantly inferior to CRT displays. This is what forced leading companies to improve the technology of active TFT matrices.

Modern technologies with 20 years of history

1996 was a turning point, when several companies presented their developments at once:

  • Hitachi placed both electrodes on the side of the first polarizing filter and changed the orientation of the molecules in the crystal, connecting them in the plane (In-Plane Switching). The technology received the appropriate name.
  • Specialists from NEC came up with something similar; they didn’t bother with the name, denoting their innovation simply SFT - super fine TFT (perhaps that’s why Hitachi’s formulation turned out to be more tenacious, and later became the designation of a whole class of matrices).
  • Fujitsu took a different route, minimizing the size of the electrodes and changing the direction of their force field. This was necessary in order to effectively control the vertically oriented (Vertical Alignment -) crystal molecules, which had to be deployed much more strongly in order to completely transmit (or block as much as possible) the light beam.

New technologies differed from TN in that in the inactive position the light beam remained blocked. Visually this was manifested in the fact that dead pixel Now he looked not light, but dark. But to move on to other dramatic changes in technology, it's worth noting that innovation wasn't perfect. IPS and VA matrices were finalized and improved with the participation of leading electronic corporations.

The most active in this are Sony, Panasonic, LG, Samsung and, of course, the development companies themselves. Thanks to them, we have many variations of IPS (S-IPS, H-IPS, P-IPS IPS-Pro) and two main modifications of VA technology (MVA and PVA), each of which has its own characteristics.

Advantages that are more important than disadvantages

It was necessary to write about the history of technology development so that you understand: we will consider IPS and VA matrices in their improved version. I will determine the difference between them based on the main criteria for image quality and operating features:

  • The increasing complexity of the process of changing the orientation of liquid crystal molecules in an IPS and, to an even greater extent, in a VA matrix has resulted in an increase in response time and an increase in energy consumption. Compared to TN technology, they both began to “slow down” in dynamic scenes, which resulted in the appearance of a trail or blur. This is a significant disadvantage for VA monitors, but, in fairness, it is worth noting that IPS is not much better in terms of response time;
  • In principle, the same can be said about the energy consumption of the matrix. But if we consider an LCD monitor in general, in which 95% of the electricity is consumed by the backlight, then there is no difference at all in this indicator between VA and IPS;
  • Now let's move on to the parameters that were significantly improved after changes were made to the active LCD matrix technology. And let's start with the viewing angle, which has become a significant advantage, especially in IPS screens (at 175º). In VA monitors, even after significant improvements, it was possible to achieve a value of 170º, and even then, when viewing from the side, the image quality drops: the picture dims and detail in the shadows disappears;

  • Contrast is one of the criteria used to choose for use in a lit room, and if you are not going to lead an exclusively nocturnal lifestyle, then it is worth paying attention to. Have you forgotten that liquid crystal molecules in a VA matrix are able to absorb light more closely? Together with the specific shape of the pixel grid, this provides them with the deepest blacks, and with it the best contrast of all LCD monitors. In IPS screens this indicator is slightly worse, but they still show excellent results compared to TN technology;

  • The situation is similar with brightness. Both matrices are much better than TN by this criterion, but in personal competition the clear leader is VA monitors. Again, due to the crystal's ability to provide maximum throughput to the light beam;
  • And to end the comparison on a nice neutral note, I'll talk about color rendering. She is absolutely amazing at both VA and IPS. This is because, along with excellent contrast, a red, green and blue pixel is used to obtain the hue, the brightness of which can be determined by 8 (and in new models, 10) bit encoding. As a result, this allows both technologies to obtain more than 1 billion shades and comparison is inappropriate here.

If you have noticed, I try not to use the price criterion when determining better matrix. This is because the difference is insignificant, and it is impossible to purchase the required function. Moreover, you yourself know: there are different brands whose name clearly affects the price tag.

Now let's move on to practice, because I hope that many of you read this article with a specific goal: to find out what is better IPS or VA matrix and which screen to buy? Considering the above advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Both types of matrices produce great picture and are used in top models monitors and televisions;
  • Those who like to play shooters and racing games should give preference to IPS technology;
  • If the screen works outdoors or in a lit room, take VA;
  • If the screen is viewed from different angles, choose IPS;
  • Need a clear display of details ( office documents, drawings, control diagrams) – take a VA monitor.

In reality, several factors have to be taken into account, so everyone makes their own choice of screen based on the type of matrix.

This concludes my long story.

I will be glad if the information I provided was useful to you. I will end here.

Goodbye, good luck everyone!

For many, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are associated primarily with flat-panel monitors, “cool” TVs, laptops, video cameras and cell phones. Some will add PDA here, electronic games, bank machines. But there are many other areas where displays with high brightness, rugged construction, and performance are needed. wide range temperatures

Flat displays have found application where minimum power consumption, weight and dimensions are critical parameters. Mechanical engineering, automotive industry, rail transport, offshore drilling rigs, mining equipment, outdoor outlets, avionics, marine, special vehicles, security systems, medical equipment, weapons - this is not a complete list of applications of liquid crystal displays.

The constant development of technology in this area has made it possible to reduce the cost of LCD production to a level at which a qualitative transition has occurred: expensive exotics have become commonplace. An important factor The rapid spread of LCD displays in industry has also increased their ease of use.

This article covers the main parameters various types liquid crystal displays, which will allow you to make conscious and right choice LCD for each specific application (the “bigger and cheaper” method almost always turns out to be too expensive).

The entire variety of LCD displays can be divided into several types depending on production technology, design, optical and electrical characteristics.


Currently, two technologies are used in LCD production (Fig. 1): passive matrix (PMLCD-STN) and active matrix (AMLCD).

MIM-LCD and Diode-LCD technologies are not widely used and therefore we will not waste time on them.

Rice. 1. Types of liquid crystal display technologies

STN (Super Twisted Nematic) is a matrix consisting of LCD elements with variable transparency.

TFT (Thin Film Transistor) is an active matrix in which each pixel is controlled by a separate transistor.

Compared to a passive matrix, TFT LCD has higher contrast, saturation, and shorter switching times (there are no “tails” for moving objects).

Brightness control in a liquid crystal display is based on the polarization of light (general physics course): light is polarized when passing through a polarizing filter (with a certain polarization angle). In this case, the observer sees only a decrease in the brightness of the light (almost 2 times). If another such filter is placed behind this filter, the light will be completely absorbed (the polarization angle of the second filter is perpendicular to the polarization angle of the first) or completely transmitted (the polarization angles are the same). With a smooth change in the polarization angle of the second filter, the intensity of the transmitted light will also change smoothly.

The operating principle and “sandwich” structure of all TFT LCDs are approximately the same (Fig. 2). Light from a backlight (neon or LED) passes through the first polarizer and enters a layer of liquid crystals controlled by a thin film transistor (TFT). The transistor creates an electric field that shapes the orientation of the liquid crystals. Having passed through such a structure, the light changes its polarization and will either be completely absorbed by the second polarizing filter (black screen), or will not be absorbed (white), or absorption will be partial (spectrum colors). The color of the image is determined by color filters (similarly cathode ray tubes, each pixel of the matrix consists of three subpixels - red, green and blue).

Rice. 2. TFT LCD structure

Pixel TFT

Color filters for red, green and blue colors integrated into the glass base and located close to each other. This may be a vertical stripe, mosaic structure or delta structure (Fig. 3). Each pixel (point) consists of three cells of the specified colors (subpixels). This means that at m x n resolution, the active matrix contains 3m x n transistors and subpixels. The pixel pitch (with three sub-pixels) for a 15.1" TFT LCD (1024 x 768 pixels) is approximately 0.30 mm, and for 18.1" (1280 x 1024 pixels) it is 0.28 mm. TFT LCDs have a physical limitation, which is determined by the maximum screen area. Don't expect 1280 x 1024 resolution with a 15" diagonal and 0.297mm dot pitch.

Rice. 3. Color filter structure

On close range the dots are clearly distinguishable, but this is not a problem: when forming color, the ability of the human eye to mix colors at a viewing angle of less than 0.03° is used. At a distance of 40 cm from the LCD display, with a pitch between subpixels of 0.1 mm, the visual angle will be 0.014° (the color of each subpixel can only be distinguished by a person with eagle vision).

Types of LCD Displays

TN (Twist Nematic) TFT or TN+Film TFT is the first technology to appear on the LCD display market, the main advantage of which is its low cost. Disadvantages: black color is more like dark gray, which leads to low image contrast, “dead” pixels (when the transistor fails) are very bright and noticeable.

IPS (In-Pane Switching) (Hitachi) or Super Fine TFT (NEC, 1995). Characterized by the largest viewing angle and high color accuracy. The viewing angle is expanded to 170°, other functions are the same as TN+Film (response time about 25ms), almost perfect black color. Advantages: good contrast, "dead" pixel is black.

Super IPS (Hitachi), Advansed SFT (manufacturer - NEC). Advantages: bright contrast image, almost invisible color distortion, increased viewing angles (up to 170° vertically and horizontally) and exceptional clarity.

UA-IPS (Ultra Advanced IPS), UA-SFT (Ultra Advanced SFT) (NEC). The response time is sufficient to ensure minimal color distortion when viewing the screen under different angles, increased transparency of the panel and expansion of the color gamut with sufficient high level brightness.

MVA (Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment) (Fujitsu). The main advantage is the shortest response time and high contrast. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) (Samsung). Microstructural vertical placement of liquid crystals.


The design of the liquid crystal display is determined by the arrangement of layers in the “sandwich” (including the light-conducting layer) and has the greatest impact on the quality of the image on the screen (in any conditions: from a dark room to working in sunlight). There are three main types of color LCDs currently in use:

  • transmissive, intended mainly for equipment operating indoors;
  • reflective is used in calculators and watches;
  • projection (projection) is used in LCD projectors.

A compromise type of transmissive display type for operation both indoors and with external lighting is a translucent type of design.

Transmissive display type. In this type of design, light enters through the LCD panel from the back (backlight) (Fig. 4). Most LCD displays used in laptops and PDAs are made using this technology. Transmissive LCD has high quality images indoors and low (black screen) in sunlight, because reflected from the screen surface Sun rays completely suppress the light emitted by the backlight. This problem is solved (currently) in two ways: increasing the brightness of the backlight and decreasing the amount of reflected sunlight.

Rice. 4. Transmission type liquid crystal display design

To work in daylight in the shade, a backlight lamp is required that provides 500 cd/m2, in direct sunlight - 1000 cd/m2. A brightness of 300 cd/m2 can be achieved by maximizing the brightness of one CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) lamp or by adding a second lamp located opposite. Models of liquid crystal displays with increased brightness use from 8 to 16 lamps. However, increasing the brightness of the backlight increases battery power consumption (one backlight lamp consumes about 30% of the energy used by the device). Therefore, high-brightness screens can only be used if there is external source nutrition.

Reducing the amount of reflected light is achieved by applying an anti-reflective coating to one or more layers of the display, replacing the standard polarizing layer with a minimally reflective one, and adding films that increase brightness and thus increase the efficiency of the light source. In Fujitsu LCD displays, the converter is filled with a liquid with a refractive index equal to the refractive index touchpad, which significantly reduces the amount of reflected light (but greatly affects the cost).

Translucent display type (transflective) similar to transmitting, but it has a so-called between the layer of liquid crystals and the backlight. partially reflective layer (Fig. 5). It can be either partially silver or completely mirrored with many small holes. When such a screen is used indoors, it works similar to a transmissive LCD, in which part of the light is absorbed by a reflective layer. In daylight, sunlight reflects off the mirror layer and illuminates the LCD layer, causing the light to pass through the liquid crystals twice (inward and then outward). As a result, image quality under daylight is lower than under artificial lighting indoors, when light passes through the LCD once.

Rice. 5. Translucent type liquid crystal display design

The balance between image quality indoors and in daylight is achieved by selecting the characteristics of the transmitting and reflective layers.

Reflective display type(reflective) has a completely reflective mirror layer. All illumination (sunlight or front light) (Fig. 6) passes through the LCD, is reflected from the mirror layer and passes through the LCD again. In this case, the image quality of reflective type displays is lower than that of semi-transmissive ones (since both cases use similar technologies). Indoors, front lighting is not as effective as back lighting, and, accordingly, image quality is lower.

Rice. 6. Reflective type liquid crystal display design

Basic parameters of liquid crystal panels

Permission. A digital panel, the number of pixels in which strictly corresponds to the nominal resolution, must scale the image correctly and quickly. A simple way to check the quality of scaling is to change the resolution (text written in small font on the screen). It is easy to notice the quality of interpolation by the contours of the letters. A high-quality algorithm produces smooth, but slightly blurry letters, while fast integer interpolation necessarily introduces distortions. Performance is the second resolution parameter (scaling one frame requires interpolation time).

Dead pixels. On a flat panel, several pixels may not work (they are always the same color), which appear during the production process and cannot be restored.

The ISO 13406-2 standard defines limits for the number of defective pixels per million. According to the table, LCD panels are divided into 4 classes.

Table 1

Type 1 - constantly glowing pixels (white);

Type 2 - "dead" pixels (black); Type 3 - defective red, blue and green subpixels. Viewing angle. The maximum viewing angle is defined as the angle from which the image contrast decreases by 10 times. But first of all, when the viewing angle changes from 90 (color distortions are visible. Therefore, than larger angle review, the better. There are horizontal and vertical viewing angles, recommended

minimum values- 140 and 120 degrees, respectively (the best viewing angles are provided by MVA technology). longest time, during which an individual pixel changes its brightness to the maximum) determines the refresh rate of the image on the screen

FPS = 1 sec/response time.

Brightness- the advantage of an LCD display, which is on average two times higher than that of a CRT: with an increase in the intensity of the backlight, the brightness immediately increases, and in a CRT it is necessary to increase the flow of electrons, which will lead to a significant complication of its design and increase electromagnetic radiation. The recommended brightness value is at least 200 cd/m2.

Contrast is defined as the ratio between maximum and minimum brightness. The main problem is the difficulty of obtaining a black point, because The backlight is constantly on and the polarization effect is used to obtain dark tones. The black color depends on the quality of the overlap of the backlight luminous flux.

LCD displays as sensors. The reduction in cost and the emergence of LCD models operating in harsh operating conditions made it possible to combine in one person (in the form of a liquid crystal display) a means of outputting visual information and a means of inputting information (keyboard). The task of building such a system is simplified by using a controller serial interface, which connects, on the one hand, to the LCD display, and on the other, directly to serial port(COM1 - COM4) (Fig. 7). To control, decode signals and suppress “bounce” (if touch detection can be called that), a PIC controller is used (for example, IF190 from Data Display), which provides high speed and accuracy of touch point detection.

Rice. 7. Block diagram of TFT LCD using the example of NL6448BC-26-01 display from NEC

Let’s complete the theoretical research here and move on to reality. today, or rather, to what is now available on the liquid crystal display market. Among all TFT LCD manufacturers, consider products from NEC, Sharp, Siemens and Samsung. The choice of these companies is due to

  1. leadership in the market of LCD displays and TFT LCD production technologies;
  2. availability of products on the market of the CIS countries.

NEC Corporation has been producing liquid crystal displays (20% of the market) almost since their introduction and offers not only wide choose, but also various options versions: standard (Standard), special (Special) and special (Specific). Standard option - computers, office equipment, home electronics, communication systems and so on. The special design is used in transport (any: land and sea), traffic control systems, security systems, medical equipment (not related to life support systems). Designed for weapons systems, aviation, space equipment, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems and other similar special option execution (it is clear that this is not cheap).

The list of manufactured LCD panels for industrial use (the inverter for the backlight is supplied separately) is given in Table 2, and the block diagram (using the example of a 10-inch display NL6448BC26-01) is shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. Appearance display

Table 2. Models of NEC LCD panels

Model Diagonal size, inch Number of pixels Number of colors Description
NL8060BC31-17 12,1 800x600 262144 High brightness (350cd/m2)
NL8060BC31-20 12,1 800x600 262144 Wide viewing angle
NL10276BC20-04 10,4 1024x768 262144 -
NL8060BC26-17 10,4 800x600 262144 -
NL6448AC33-18A 10,4 640x480 262144 Built-in inverter
NL6448AC33-29 10,4 640x480 262144 High brightness, wide viewing angle, built-in inverter
NL6448BC33-46 10,4 640x480 262144 High brightness, wide viewing angle
NL6448CC33-30W 10,4 640x480 262144 Without backlight
NL6448BC26-01 8,4 640x480 262144 High brightness (450 cd/m2)
NL6448BC20-08 6,5 640x480 262144 -
NL10276BC12-02 6,3 1024x768 16, 19M -
NL3224AC35-01 5,5 320x240 Full color
NL3224AC35-06 5,5 320x240 Full color Separate NTSC/PAL RGB input, built-in inverter, slim
NL3224AC35-10 5,5 320x240 Full color Separate NTSC/PAL RGB input, built-in inverter
NL3224AC35-13 5,5 320x240 Full color Separate NTSC/PAL RGB input, built-in inverter
NL3224AC35-20 5,5 320x240 262, 144 High brightness (400 cd/m2)

Played a significant role in the development of LCD technologies. Sharp is still one of the technology leaders. The world's first calculator CS10A was produced in 1964 by this corporation. In October 1975, the first compact digital clock. In the second half of the 70s, the transition began from eight-segment liquid crystal displays to the production of matrices with addressing of each point. In 1976, Sharp released black and white tv with a screen diagonal of 5.5 inches, based on an LCD matrix with a resolution of 160x120 pixels. Brief list products - in table 3.

Table 3. Sharp LCD panel models

Produces active matrix liquid crystal displays based on low-temperature polysilicon thin-film transistors. The main characteristics of 10.5" and 15" displays are shown in Table 4. Pay attention to the operating temperature range and shock resistance.

Table 4. Main characteristics of Siemens LCD displays


I - built-in inverter l - in accordance with the requirements of the MIL-STD810 standard

The company produces liquid crystal displays under the "Wiseview™" brand. Starting with the release of a 2-inch TFT panel to support the Internet and animation in mobile phones, Samsung now produces a range of displays from 1.8" to 10.4" in the small and medium TFT LCD segment, with some models designed for use in natural light (Table 5).

Table 5. Main characteristics of Samsung LCD displays of small and medium sizes


LED - light-emitting diode;

CCFL - cold cathode fluorescent lamp;

The displays use PVA technology.


Currently, the choice of LCD display model is determined by the requirements of a specific application and, to a much lesser extent, by the cost of the LCD.

Technology does not stand still, and the production of liquid crystal screens is no exception. However, due to the constant development and release of new technologies in the manufacture of screens, as well as due to special marketing approaches to advertising, many buyers when choosing a monitor or TV may have a question, which is better IPS or TFT screen?

To answer the question posed, you need to understand what IPS technology is and what a TFT screen is. Only knowing this will you be able to understand the difference between these technologies. This in turn will help you make the right choice of screen that will fully meet your requirements.

1. So, what is a TFT display?

As you may have guessed, TFT is an abbreviated name for the technology. It completely looks like this - Thin Film Transistor, which translated into Russian means thin-film transistor. Essentially, a TFT display is a type of liquid crystal screen that is based on an active matrix. In other words, this is a regular active matrix LCD screen. That is, the molecules of liquid crystals are controlled using special thin-film transistors.

2. What is IPS technology IPS is also short for In-Plane Switching. This is a type of active matrix LCD display. This means that the question is what better than TFT

IPS technology received its name due to the unique arrangement of electrodes, which are located on the same plane with the liquid crystal molecules. In turn, the liquid crystals are located parallel to the screen plane. This solution made it possible to significantly increase viewing angles, as well as increase the brightness and contrast of the image.

Today there are three most common types of active matrix TFT displays:

  • TN+Film;
  • PVA/MVA.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the difference between TFT and IPS is only that TFT is a type of LCD screen with an active matrix, and IPS is the same active matrix in a TFT display, or rather one of the types of matrix. It is worth noting that this matrix is ​​the most common among users around the world.

3. What is the difference between TFT and IPS displays: Video

The common misconception that there is any difference between TFT and IPS arose due to the marketing gimmicks of sales managers. In an attempt to attract new customers, marketers do not distribute complete information about technology, which allows you to create the illusion that a completely new development is coming into the world. Of course, IPS is a newer development than TN, but choose which one better display TFT or IPS is not possible for the reasons stated above.

When choosing a monitor, TV or phone, the buyer is often faced with choosing the type of screen. Which one should you prefer: IPS or TFT? The reason for this confusion is the constant improvement of display technology.

All monitors with TFT technology can be divided into three main types:

  1. TN+Film.
  2. PVA/MVA.

That is, TFT technology is active matrix liquid crystal display, and IPS is one of the varieties of this matrix. And a comparison of these two categories is not possible, since practically they are the same thing. But if you still understand in more detail what a display with a TFT matrix is, then a comparison can be made, but not between screens, but between their manufacturing technologies: IPS and TFT-TN.

General concept of TFT

TFT (Thin Film Transistor) translates as thin film transistor. The LCD display with TFT technology is based on an active matrix. This technology involves a spiral arrangement of crystals, which, under conditions of high voltage, rotate in such a way that the screen turns black. And in the absence of voltage high power we see White screen. Displays with this technology produce only a dark gray color instead of perfect black. That's why TFT displays They are popular mainly in the manufacture of cheaper models.

Description of IPS

LCD matrix technology IPS screen(In-Plane Switching) implies parallel arrangement of crystals along the entire plane of the monitor. There are no spirals here. And therefore the crystals do not rotate under conditions of strong stress. In other words, IPS technology is nothing more than an improved TFT. It conveys black color much better, thereby improving the degree of contrast and brightness of the image. That is why this technology costs more than TFT and is used in more expensive models.

Main differences between TN-TFT and IPS

Wanting to sell as many products as possible, sales managers mislead people that TFT and IPS are completely different types screens. Marketing specialists do not provide comprehensive information about technologies, and this allows them to pass off an existing development as something that has just appeared.

Looking at IPS and TFT, we see that it's practically the same thing. The only difference is that monitors with IPS technology are a more recent development compared to TN-TFT. But despite this, it is still possible to distinguish a number of differences between these categories:

  1. Increased contrast. The way black is displayed directly affects the contrast of the image. If you tilt a screen with TFT technology without IPS, it will be almost impossible to read anything. And all because the screen becomes dark when tilted. If we consider the IPS matrix, then, due to the fact that the black color is transmitted perfectly by the crystals, the image is quite clear.
  2. Color rendering and number of shades displayed. Matrix TN-TFT Doesn't convey colors well. And all because each pixel has its own shade and this leads to color distortion. A screen with IPS technology transmits images much more carefully.
  3. Response delay. One of the advantages of TN-TFT screens over IPS is high-speed response. And all because it takes a lot of time to rotate many parallel IPS crystals. From this we conclude that where the drawing speed has great importance, it is better to use a TN matrix screen. Displays with IPS technology are slower, but this is not noticeable in everyday life. And this difference can be identified only by using technological tests specially designed for this. As a rule, it is better to give preference to displays with an IPS matrix.
  4. Viewing angle. Thanks to the wide viewing angle, the IPS screen does not distort images, even when viewed from an angle of 178 degrees. Moreover, this value of the viewing angle can be both vertical and horizontal.
  5. Energy intensity. Displays with IPS technology, unlike TN-TFT, require more energy. This is due to the fact that in order to rotate parallel crystals, a large voltage is needed. As a result, it goes to the battery more load than when using a TFT matrix. If you need a device with low power consumption, then TFT technology would be an ideal option.
  6. Price policy. In the majority budget models electronics use displays based on TN-TFT technology, since this type of matrix is ​​the most inexpensive. Today, monitors with an IPS matrix, although they are more expensive, are used in almost all modern electronic models. This gradually leads to the fact that the IPS matrix is ​​practically replacing equipment with TN-TFT technology.


Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion.