How to restore Windows 7 on PC help. System recovery via BIOS

If a serious failure occurred in Windows that blocked access to the user interface, then the only option to make the system operational again is to restore the OS through the BIOS. For this you can use:

  1. Windows distribution disk;
  2. A previously created backup copy of the system by the user, if available.

When a rollback through BIOS may be required

  • Virus. There is malware (advanced worms or Trojans) that not only infects files, but also the recovery environment. Removing a virus initiates a rollback procedure to the point at which the OS was infected. In this case, the only correct solution is to restore the system through the BIOS;
  • Damage to system files and critical crash. These phenomena have one result - the OS does not load to the user interface. A disk with a distribution or recovery image and a BIOS tool come to the rescue.

Creating an image and restore point of Windows 7

Timely creation of an OS backup is the best thing a user can do to save important data on the computer.

Backup is a backup copy of information stored in the system for the purpose of its subsequent restoration through BIOS or a recovery tool.

To create a system backup in Windows 7, the system image archiving method is used. The program provides the user with the opportunity to create an exact OS image with all available data and personal settings. You can rollback Windows to this image in the event of a program or hardware failure.

Comment. You can create a recovery disk if Windows was installed on your computer by the manufacturer.

Image creation algorithm:

An image with which you can roll back the system through the BIOS has been created. Errors usually do not occur at this stage, the main thing is that the device can accommodate the downloaded information.

As for the restore point, everything is a little simpler:

It is worth noting the fact that creating a checkpoint is only possible if the recovery function is activated on the PC.

Comment. On Windows 7, by default, creating rollback points is an automatic process that occurs when programs that affect basic parameters are installed on the system.

Creating a disk and a recovery point is insurance. Not all users think about the fact that something bad can happen to the OS, so no one thinks about such a tool.

Now let's talk about setting up the BIOS to start Windows from a boot disk or flash drive.

BIOS setup

Setting up the BIOS is a mandatory procedure, without which recovery via disk is impossible.

The first step is to call up the BIOS. Each laptop model has its own key for calling the program. This can be F1, F4, F8, F9, F11, F12 and Delete. You can find the required key either in a book on using a PC, or on the website of the manufacturer.

Setting up the BIOS is not difficult; to do this you need to:

Depending on the firmware, the appearance of the program may vary, but the essence of the setting is the same - put first the media from which the operating system starts loading.

There is also a so-called “omnivorous” combination. It allows you to completely forget about setting up the BIOS in the future:

  • Put in first place – USB-Flash;
  • For the second - CD/DVD;
  • The third one is HDD.

This option is universal, but not optimal. In this case, do not forget a disk or flash drive in the drive, as this will significantly slow down the loading of even the most powerful personal computers.

Rollback Windows 7 system via BIOS

An OS rollback via BIOS is performed when the user interface is not available due to a failure or error. The rollback algorithm is the same for both the distribution disk and the backup media:

  • We configure the BIOS as indicated in the paragraph above. We set the parameters depending on which external device was selected to store the backup copy or system distribution;
  • After setting the parameters, insert the installation disk or image into the computer drive. We wait for the download and choose not to install Windows, but to restore, as shown in the screenshot below:

Good day!

No matter how reliable Windows is, sometimes you still have to deal with the fact that the system refuses to boot (for example, the same pops up), slows down, glitches (note: all sorts of errors pop up) etc.

Many users solve such problems by simply reinstalling Windows (a reliable method, but quite long and problematic)... Meanwhile, in most cases, you can quickly fix the system using Windows recovery (fortunately, such a function is included in the OS itself)!

In this article I want to look at several options for restoring Windows 7.

Note! The article does not discuss issues related to computer hardware problems. For example, if after turning on your PC nothing happens at all (note: more than one LED is off, you can’t hear the sound of the cooler, etc.), then this article will not help you...

1. How to roll back the system to its previous state (if Windows has booted)

If Windows has loaded, then that's half the battle :).

1.1. With the help of special recovery wizard

By default, Windows has system checkpointing enabled. For example, if you install a new driver or some program (which can affect the operation of the system as a whole), then “smart” Windows creates a point (i.e., remembers all system settings, saves drivers, a copy of the registry, etc.). And if problems arise after installing new software (note: or during a virus attack), then you can always return everything back!

To start recovery mode - open the START menu and enter “recovery” in the search bar, then you will see the desired link (see screenshot 1). Or there is an alternative link (option) in the START menu: start/standard/system/system recovery.

Screen 1. Starting Windows 7 recovery

Note! Restoring the OS does not affect documents, images, personal files, etc. Recently installed drivers and programs can be removed. The registration and activation of some software may also fail (at least for the one that was activated and installed after creating a checkpoint, with the help of which the operation of the PC will be restored).

Then comes the most crucial moment: we need to select the point to which we will roll back the system. You need to select the point at which Windows worked as expected for you, without errors or failures (it’s most convenient to navigate by dates).

Note! Also check the box " Show other restore points". For each restore point you can see which programs it will affect - there is a button for this. Find affected programs«.

When you select a point to restore, just click “Next”.

After which all you have to do is confirm the OS restoration (as in screenshot 4). By the way, when restoring the system, the computer will restart, so save all the data you are currently working with!

After restarting the PC, Windows will “roll back” to the desired restore point. In many cases, thanks to such a simple procedure, it is possible to avoid many problems: various screen blockers, problems with drivers, viruses, etc.

1.2. Using the AVZ utility

An excellent program that doesn’t even need to be installed: just extract it from the archive and run the executable file. It can not only scan your PC for viruses, but also restore many parameters and settings in Windows. By the way, the utility works in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).

Screen 4.1. AVZ: file/recovery.

By the way, the list of restored settings and parameters is quite large (see screenshot below):

  • restoration of launch parameters of exe, com, pif files;
  • resetting Internet Explorer protocol settings;
  • restoring the start page of the Internet Explorer browser;
  • reset Internet Explorer search settings;
  • removing all restrictions for the current user;
  • restoring Explorer settings;
  • removing system process debuggers;
  • unlocking: task manager, system registry;
  • cleaning the Hosts file (responsible for network settings);
  • removing static routes, etc.

2. How to restore Windows 7 if it won't boot

The case is difficult, but we will fix it :).

Most often, the Windows 7 boot problem is associated with damage to the OS bootloader, or a malfunction of the MBR. To return the system to normal operation, you need to restore them. More on this below...

2.1. Computer Troubleshooting / Last Known Good Configuration

Windows 7 is quite a “smart” system (at least compared to previous Windows). If you have not deleted hidden partitions (and many do not even look or see them) and your system is not “Start” or “Initial” (in which these functions are often not available), then if you press several times when turning on the computer F8 key, you will see additional download options .

The bottom line is that among the boot options there are two that will help restore the system:

  1. First of all, try the item “ Last Known Good Configuration". Windows 7 remembers and saves data about the last time you turned on the computer, when everything worked as expected and the system was loaded;
  2. if the previous option did not help, try running “ Troubleshooting your computer«.

2.2. Recovery using a bootable USB flash drive

If nothing works and the system still does not work- then for further Windows recovery we will need an installation flash drive or disk with Windows 7 (with which, for example, this OS was installed). If it doesn’t exist, I recommend this note, it tells you how to create it:

To boot from such a bootable flash drive (disk) - you need to configure the BIOS accordingly (more about setting up the BIOS -), or when turning on the laptop (PC), select the boot device. Also, how to boot from a flash drive (and how to create one) is described in detail in the article about installing Windows 7 (especially since the first step in recovery is similar to the installation step :)).

The Windows 7 installation window has appeared... What's next?

In the next step we choose not to install Windows, but to restore! This link is located in the lower left corner of the window (as in screenshot 7).

After you follow this link, the computer will search for OSes that were previously installed for some time. After which, you will see a list of Windows 7 operating systems that you can try to restore (usually there is one system). Select the desired system and click “Next” (see screenshot 8).

  1. Startup recovery- Windows boot record (MBR) recovery. In many cases, if the problem was with the bootloader, after working with such a wizard, the system begins to boot normally;
  2. System Restore- system rollback using checkpoints (discussed in the first part of the article). By the way, such points can be created not only by the system itself in auto mode, but also by the user manually;
  3. Restoring a system image- this function will help you restore Windows from a disk image (if, of course, you have one :));
  4. Memory diagnostics- testing and checking RAM (a useful option, but not within the scope of this article);
  5. Command line- will help to carry out manual recovery (for advanced users. By the way, we will also partially touch on it in this article).

Let's look at the steps in order that will help return the OS to its previous state...

2.2.1. Startup recovery

See Screen 9

This is the first thing I recommend starting with. After launching this wizard, you will see a problem search window (as in screenshot 10). After a certain time, the wizard will report whether problems have been found and resolved. If your problem is not resolved, move on to the next recovery option.

2.2.2. Restoring a Previously Saved Windows State

See Screen 9

Those. roll back the system to a restore point, as in the first part of the article. Only there we ran this wizard in Windows itself, and now using a bootable flash drive.

In principle, after selecting the bottom option, all actions will be standard, as if you had launched the wizard in Windows itself (the only thing is that the graphics will be in the classic Windows style).

The first point is to simply agree with the wizard and click “Next”.

Screen 11. Recovery Wizard (1)

Screen 12. Restore point selected - Restore Wizard (2)

Then you confirm your intention to restore the system and wait. After restarting the computer (laptop), check the system to see if it boots.

Screen 13. Warning - Recovery Wizard (3)

If the restore points did not help, the last thing left is to rely on the command line :).

2.2.3. Recovery via command line

See Screen 9

Command line- there is a command line, there is nothing special to comment on here. After the “black window” appears, enter the two commands below in sequence.

To restore the MBR: you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and press ENTER.

To restore the bootloader: you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe /FixBoot and press ENTER.

By the way, note that on the command line, after executing your command, the response is reported. So, for both commands above the answer should be: “ Operation completed successfully". If you get a different response from this, it means the bootloader was not recovered...


If you don’t have restore points, don’t despair, sometimes you can restore the system like this: .

That's all for me, good luck to everyone and a quick recovery!Thanks in advance for any additions on the topic.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site Not so long ago, in one of my articles, I promised to talk about how to restore the Windows 7 system if any software malfunctions occur on your computer. This solution is a solution in case of malfunctions associated with errors during the installation of updates, incorrect changes in settings, as well as during the installation of either your computer or laptop. This approach can eliminate problems that are slowing or blocking your computer.

Many inexperienced users, when such a situation arises, resort to the services of paid computer help, paying quite a lot of money. However, you can restore Windows 7 yourself without spending a penny.

During the procedure, you may encounter the problem of a missing restore point, since protection for the disk on which the operating system is installed was disabled, and accordingly, the storage of copies of system settings and previous versions of files was also disabled. To avoid this situation in the future, I advise you to read: .

There are several ways you can restore your Windows 7 system yourself. I will try to talk about them in detail and clearly below.

Windows recovery using built-in services

There are many useful utilities in the built-in services of the operating system that make it easier to work with your computer, as well as configure and protect it. You can restore Windows using the built-in utility only if your computer is not so damaged that it cannot start. If the computer startup process occurs normally, but you are sure that you need a rollback, then after loading, right-click on the shortcut My computer and select the item Properties. A window of basic information about your device will open in front of you, where on the left side select the item System protection, after which an additional window will open Properties of the system, where to press the button Recovery.

Such actions will launch the utility System Restore, where you just press a button Further.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then the result of the correct actions will be the appearance of a new window with a selection of recovery points. To display all possible points, just check the box next to the item Show other restore points. Knowing the date and time when your operating system began to malfunction, you can select a point formed earlier than this event. If you have made your choice, then select it and press the button Further.

After all the manipulations, another window will appear in front of you, in which information on system recovery will be summarized. If you use a password to log in, this window has the option to create password reset media. Although it will say floppy disk, but as you understand, no one uses floppy disks anymore, you can easily use a flash drive. It's clear from the name what it's needed for.

The last thing to do is click the button Ready, after which a message will be displayed on the screen that the recovery process cannot be interrupted. To continue the process just press the button Yes.

Now all that remains is to wait for the process to complete, after which the computer will reboot and information will appear on the screen that the Windows restoration was successful.

Restoring your computer from safe mode

There are situations when the computer, when loading, instead of the usual desktop interface, displays a simple black screen. In this case, there is no need to be upset, he will come to our aid . I will not describe in detail how to launch this mode, since I wrote a whole article on this topic, which you can read by clicking on the link above. The essence of this method is quite clear, but for the lazy, I’ll describe the process itself a little.

When the computer boots, press the F8 key several times, after which a list of additional boot options will be displayed. You can choose any mode, since this is not important for recovery. After you have selected the desired item and pressed Enter The system should boot in safe mode with minimal settings.

Next, you need to do the same steps as described in the first method, since when loading safe mode, the system does not change its operating style, but only disables unnecessary files. Actually, with this method everything is clear.

System recovery via BIOS

The last and most effective way to restore a Windows 7 system is through the BIOS. This method will allow you to revive your computer even in difficult situations, just enough for it to turn on.

The only thing you should have on hand is a boot disk or . I described this method in more detail in, but here I will try to describe this method a little. Before you begin the process, insert the disk or flash drive into your computer. When turning on the computer, press the key at regular intervals. Del or F12 (it all depends on the computer manufacturer and firmware version), this way you will launch the Bios. After loading, go to the menu Boot/BootDevicePriority and select from which media the system will boot. If you are using a disk, then select DVD, if a flash drive, then USB HDD. Save all changes and restart the computer. In Bios, you just need to press the F10 key.

After that, the installer window will appear. Here we select the item System Restore and press Further. If you did everything correctly, you will be prompted to select a restore point.

From my own experience, I want to say that it is best to choose the first successful launch. In this case, all programs that were installed while working on the computer will be deleted.

Do not worry about the safety of your personal information, it will not be affected. After the desired point has been selected, press Further, wait for the process to finish and press the button Ready. Actually, this completes the process of restoring the system via BIOS; all that remains is to remove the media from the computer and in the BIOS settings change the order of devices from which to boot.

So we looked at the main ways to restore a Windows 7 system. If none of them helped you or during the process questions arise that you cannot solve on your own, then be sure to ask them in the comments.

Greetings, dear readers.

Computers often fail for a variety of reasons. If this problem is directly related to the operating system, the best solution is to reinstall. But what to do if there are important files left on the main drive or desktop? After all, when you reinstall everything, everything will be deleted. The solution is a tool such as Windows 7 system recovery from disk. This function allows you to restore the functionality of the operating system when the latter refuses to load.

In addition to a malfunctioning computer, we will also need a Windows boot disk. And this can be either a plastic carrier or a flash drive. Moreover, it is desirable that this be the same image from which the current shell was installed. Otherwise, due to a mismatch of versions, the process may not proceed.

If the element from which the current system was installed is lost, try to find it on the Internet on another computer. Download the disc and save it to your hard drive.

After the system image is on one of the partitions, it must be scanned for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then correctly written to a portable device. To do this, use one of the many programs. For example, I like Rufus. The application allows you to complete the task as quickly as possible. It has an intuitive interface, so anyone can create a disc.

Procedure( )

There are many reasons why Win 7 can become so faulty that it stops loading. To solve the problem, you need to use a tool that allows you to return everything to its place. It runs through BIOS:

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers even create special software that allows you to quickly return the device to functionality. For example, HP offers " Recovery manager», Samsung – Solution. In general, any large company provides similar functions.