What does the battery on the motherboard provide? What is the battery for on the motherboard?

There is a special battery on the motherboard that is responsible for maintaining the BIOS settings. This battery is not able to restore its charge from the mains, so over time the computer is used, it gradually discharges. Fortunately, it fails only after 2-6 years.

  • Preparatory stage

Preparatory stage

If the battery is already completely discharged, the computer will work, but the quality of interaction with it will drop significantly, because... The BIOS will be permanently reset to factory settings every time you turn on the computer again. For example, the time and date will constantly be lost, and it will also be impossible to fully overclock the processor, video card, or cooler.

Read also: How to overclock a processor How to overclock a cooler How to overclock a video card

To work you will need:

  • New battery. It's better to buy it in advance. There are no serious requirements for it, because it will be compatible with any board, but it is advisable to buy Japanese or Korean samples, because their service life is longer;
  • Screwdriver. Depending on your system unit and motherboard, you may need this tool to remove bolts and/or to pry off the battery;
  • Tweezers. You can do without it, but it is more convenient for them to remove the batteries on some motherboard models.

Extraction process

There is nothing complicated here, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

On older motherboards, the battery may be located under a non-separable real-time clock, or there may be a special battery instead. In this case, to change this element you will have to contact the service center, because Doing it yourself will only damage the motherboard.

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How to change the battery on a computer motherboard?

The process of replacing the battery in a computer is simple. Even the most inexperienced user can handle it. You just need to perform a few simple steps in the correct sequence. You also need to choose the right type of battery.

What types of computer batteries are there?

  • CR2032 (Is standard. Thickness 3.1 mm);
  • CR2025 (Thickness 2.4mm);
  • CR2016 (Thickness 1.6mm).

In order to find out what kind of battery you have, you need to take out the old one and look at what is written on it.

As a last resort, you can replace one battery with another, since they differ only in thickness. In this case, you will have to slightly bend the contact that holds the battery on the motherboard.

Bend this contact to install a thinner battery

Where is the battery located in the computer?

The battery on a computer motherboard can usually be found on the lower right side of the motherboard. She looks like this:

How to find a battery in a computer. Her appearance.

How to properly replace the battery in a computer?

  1. The first thing to do is turn off the computer and completely turn off the power by unplugging the power cord from the outlet;
  2. Next, unscrew the side cover and visually find the battery;
  3. Use a screwdriver or scissors to carefully pry the battery off one side. Some motherboards have a special metal leg that you need to press and the battery will pop out on its own;
  4. Insert a new battery, screw on the side cover and turn on the computer;
  5. The first time you turn it on after replacing the battery, all BIOS settings, date and time will be lost. This error will most likely be displayed. You will be prompted to enter BIOS or apply default settings. (F1, F2, DELETE).

How to remove the battery from the motherboard


How to replace the battery on a computer motherboard

A motherboard battery is an integral part of a personal computer, playing the role of a backup power source for the built-in memory module of the motherboard. Unfortunately, it has a limited resource of action and, over time, losing its properties, inevitably needs to be replaced. It is for this reason that sooner or later many users have natural questions - why do you need a battery in the motherboard, what does it affect in the operation of the computer, how to promptly determine that it has run out, what are the signs and consequences of its failure, and of course how remove and replace it yourself. In this article we will try to give answers to all these questions.

What is the battery for on the motherboard?

The battery for the motherboard is responsible for the safety of the BIOS settings stored in the CMOS memory. As mentioned above, it serves as its backup power source when the computer is turned off. That is, all data recorded in this memory, and this is information about the computer hardware and its basic settings, is safe as long as there is power to the SMOS memory. If this condition is violated, the BIOS settings will be reset and, as a result, the system will again and again have to collect data about the connected equipment and its simplest settings every time the PC boots.

Signs and consequences of a dead battery

The battery that powers the CMOS memory is not a rechargeable battery, so it is not a rechargeable battery and therefore has a limited lifespan. In most cases, its service life does not exceed six years, after which it completely loses its energy properties and must be replaced.

But what are the signs that the battery is dead and needs to be replaced? The consequences of disrupting its operation are not long in coming and can manifest themselves in different ways. This could be a failure of the date and time every time you restart the computer, the appearance of strange messages indicating that changes were made to the BIOS settings without your knowledge, returning its settings to factory settings, etc., up to the critical moment when Windows simply does not boot and accordingly the computer does not work.

How to properly change a broken battery

Now let's look at how to remove the battery and replace it. I think it would be superfluous to specify where exactly it is located on the motherboard, because it looks like a flat tablet with a diameter of 20 mm and is of the CR2032 type, which means that it is difficult not to notice it among other elements of the motherboard. You can buy it at any computer store, so there should be no difficulties with this.

The first step is to disconnect your PC from the network. This can be done by unplugging the power cord from the outlet or pressing the power switch on the computer power supply, located on the back wall of the system unit.

Next, open one of the side covers of the system unit case to gain access to its components, find a battery similar to the description and remove it from the motherboard. In this case, the battery compartment can be made in a horizontal or vertical design, but in either case, removing the battery is not difficult. You just need to move the side latch and remove the faulty CMOS memory battery.

Next, we replace it by inserting a new battery into the motherboard. In this case, you need to pay special attention to the correct polarity. The plane of the positive charge of the battery should be at the top, and the negative charge at the bottom. Install until the battery compartment latch clicks.

After completing the procedures, close the system unit, supply power to it and boot the computer. As you can see, there is nothing complicated or extraordinary about replacing the battery on the motherboard. It just takes a little time and patience. You may need to adjust the time in the BIOS after replacing the battery on the motherboard.


The time on the computer is reset. How to replace the battery in the motherboard?

If your computer is several years old, then sooner or later there will be a need to replace the battery on the motherboard. The first sign that it's time to replace the battery is that every time you turn on the computer, the time is reset to 0:00. Agree, this phenomenon is difficult not to notice and constantly letting down the clock on the computer is annoying. And this is not good for the BIOS, because every time the computer is booted, its settings are created anew, since due to a discharged battery, the BIOS chip cannot store them while the computer is turned off.

The time on the computer is reset

So, if you observe this symptom, then take a pencil and write down the type of battery you need to buy before you remove the old one from your computer's motherboard.

Then we take a screwdriver, but we’re not in a hurry to poke it anywhere! First of all, UNPLUG THE POWER CORD FROM THE COMPUTER! This reminder is highlighted in bold for the most armored ones. I hope no one was offended, because the instructions are written in blood - a joke. We put the computer on its right side, go in from behind and then use a screwdriver. Remove the two screws holding the side panel.

And slide it towards you.

The entire insides of your electronic computing friend will appear before your eyes. The largest internal component of the system unit is the motherboard. The figure below shows the exact location of the battery on the board. Naturally, there are a great variety of motherboard models and the location of the battery may differ slightly.

How to replace the battery in the motherboard

Now you need to pry the battery with something sharp and pull it out of the board.

And now, nothing prevents us from inserting a fresh battery to replace the old one with an expired resource. It is important to maintain polarity - install the battery with the inscriptions facing up.

Close the computer, connect the power and start it. It is possible that the BIOS will ask you to load the settings when you first start it. Press F1 - load defaults. Once the system boots, set the correct time. To check whether the problem with the hardware regarding replacing the battery on the motherboard has been resolved, reboot the computer. After a reboot, the time should be preserved. If the time on the computer still resets, then things are much worse with your motherboard and perhaps in the near future it will fail altogether and it will have to be replaced. But these are lyrics, hope for the best! Good luck!


4 steps to replace motherboard battery

Both desktops and laptops, even after being turned off for several days before you turn them back on, save time? Yes, you guessed right. It is because of the motherboard battery that makes the clock work all the time, even while the laptop is turned off. In addition to this function, the battery also performs the functions of CMOS memory. Sometimes when you get a "CMOS Battery Failure" signal at startup, it's time to replace the battery. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to replace the battery in your motherboard. Attention is focused only on desktop computers that require battery replacement.

In the case of laptop computers, it is better that you let the experts carry out the replacement. The reason is not only the complex internal structure, but also the fact that opening a laptop at your own risk will void the warranty on the computer. Let's tell you a little about the motherboard battery before we dive into the replacement procedures.

About the motherboard battery

Most desktop computers and laptops have lithium coin cell batteries. They are designed to provide a 3V output voltage to power CMOS memory and support the computer's internal clock. Standard lithium batteries are not designed to be recharged. Typically, they work for three to six years. Standard lithium batteries are known by the code name "CR2032". A new battery will cost between $1 and $3 approximately. If you see a message like \"CMOS Control Memory Error\", \"CMOS Read Error\" or \"CMOS Setup Error\" at startup and the date and time are incorrect, then it is most likely that your CMOS battery needs to be replaced.

Motherboard. Battery replacement procedure

Probably the most easily replaced part of the motherboard is the CMOS battery. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to replace your desktop computer battery.

Step 1: Battery specifications and purchasing a replacement

First, you need to find an exact replacement for your existing battery. To do this, you must first check the exact specification of the old battery. Turn off the computer, unplug the power cord, and open the side of the processor using a screwdriver. Make sure that you do not have wristbands or other accessories on your wrist, and use an insulating mat to prevent the passage of electrostatic discharge. Find a battery that looks like a coin. Write down the battery number and brand that is engraved on it. Buy a new battery with the exact same specifications.

Step 2: Write down CMOS and BIOS settings

When the battery is removed, the CMOS and BIOS settings are automatically reset. So it is important that you write down both settings before removing the battery. This way you can enter the settings correctly after replacement.

Step 3: Remove the old battery

After recording the settings, turn off the computer and unplug the power cord. Open the side of the processor again and locate the old battery. All you have to do is press down on the edge of the battery mount with your finger or a screwdriver to remove the battery.

Step 4: Install a new CMOS battery

Now replace the old battery with a new battery. Reattach the side of the processor, plug in the power cord, and restart the computer. Go to system settings and change BIOS and CMOS settings to what you wrote down. Set the date and time. This is where your work ends.

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Such batteries can also be found in watches and radio equipment. This battery is used to store settings in CMOS memory when the computer is unplugged. If it were not for this battery, then every time the power was turned off, all BIOS settings would be reset to the standard value.

This battery is just a battery, not an accumulator. It does not charge while the computer is running. Therefore, sooner or later it will run out.

As a rule, this battery works without problems from 3 to 6 years. After this period, you may need to replace the battery on the motherboard. Now we will tell you how to replace the battery on the motherboard if it suddenly runs out.

Step No. 1. Completely disconnect power from the system unit.

Before you begin disassembling your computer, you must completely turn off the power. Simply turning off the power is not enough; you must physically disconnect all cables from the system unit.

Step No. 2. Open the side cover.

After you have turned off the power, you can begin disassembling the system unit. In order to replace the battery you will need to remove the side cover of the system unit. In most cases, this is enough to gain access to the battery. In rare cases, you may need to disable your video card or .

Step No. 3. Remove the faulty battery from the motherboard.

After removing the side cover, you can begin replacing the battery on the motherboard. Removing the old battery is quite simple. To do this, you need to press the latch, which is located on the side of the battery.

It is better to buy a new battery for installation on your motherboard in advance. These batteries are designated CR 2032 and are produced by various manufacturers.

You can buy a new battery at a computer or radio hardware store. This battery only costs a couple of dollars. If you are afraid of getting confused and buying the wrong battery, you can first remove the battery from the motherboard and go shopping with it in search of a new one.

A new battery is installed in exactly the same way as it was removed.

Step No. 4. Close the lid and turn on the computer.

After installing a new battery into the motherboard, you can close the side cover of the system unit and connect the computer. If after this the BIOS settings are saved even after turning off the power, then the new battery is working normally.

In the system unit of your computer, a small coin-shaped lithium battery is attached to the motherboard. The service life of this battery is quite long - up to five years. But when The computer clock will start showing the wrong date and time, and the BIOS settings will be reset, this battery will need to be replaced.

At the contact pads of the new CR2032 battery, the voltage is 3.3 volts. As the motherboard operates, this voltage drops and its level becomes insufficient for stable operation of the clock and support for BIOS memory when the computer is turned off.

Then, when the system starts, a message will appear indicating the need to configure the BIOS settings, and after booting, the clock will show the incorrect date and time. The same is true for laptops.

How to properly change the battery on a computer motherboard

Let's replace the battery! Let's purchase a CR2032 battery from the store, unplug the power cord of the system unit, remove its left side cover, and place the system unit itself on the right side, which will provide access to the radio elements of the system board.

Let's find the dead battery; it can be located anywhere on the system board. Lightly pressing the battery, press the latch and easily remove it from the socket. Working in reverse order, install a new battery into the holder, paying attention to the polarity (its positive terminal with inscriptions and a plus sign should be on top)!

Lightly press the battery housing until the locking spring clicks. A correctly installed battery is securely fixed in the holder. Now you can assemble and turn on your computer!

At the beginning of the boot, let's go into the BIOS, make the necessary settings and save them at the exit. The time can be set both in the BIOS and after starting the operating system.

What to do if the battery in your laptop runs out? In this case, you should contact the service, because disassembling the laptop case often requires a special tool and is performed in a certain sequence. Trying to disassemble the laptop case yourself can easily ruin its appearance!

Never buy batteries “to spare”; they have a limited shelf life!

and just familiar personalities!!! In this post we will talk about the battery on the motherboard. Why is it needed? Quite a popular question, isn't it?

But many people don’t even realize that there may be a battery in the computer system unit, on the motherboard. Really, why is she there? The answer is simple.

There are two things in a computer that require constant power. This is a built-in timer (one of whose tasks is to show the correct time on the computer) and a CMOS memory chip in which the configuration is stored

To supply them with constant power (even when the computer is unplugged), use a regular CR2032 battery. They are also called “tablets”.

This battery will last for 5 years, or even more. But if the battery is dead, it needs to be replaced. The computer will work with a low battery, but this will cause you some inconvenience.

The main symptoms of a low battery:

a) When you started your computer, you saw the message “CMOS battery failed”;

b) Your day of the week and time on your computer are constantly lost;

The battery can be purchased at any industrial or computer store. Do not go into details, many sellers are not very competent in such matters and may not understand you. Especially if it is not a computer store, but a regular store. Just say that you need a CR2032 coin cell battery.

Be sure to disconnect the power from the computer by removing the plug from the outlet. Then, looking at the front of the system unit, remove its left cover and place it, for convenience, on its right side.
On the motherboard you will easily notice a round shiny battery. Using tweezers or a thin screwdriver, move the retaining bracket and, at the same time, pick up the “tablet”.

Print out a new battery, insert one side into the slots on the opposite side of the retaining bracket and press with your finger until it is fully seated (you will hear a click). The battery must be tightly latched into place by the retaining clips.

Place the case in a vertical position, screw on the left cover and connect the system unit to the network. After turning it on, you will need to set the correct date and time once.

When replacing the battery, the settings are naturally lost, so if you made any changes there, you need to make them again.

That's all for me, I will end my post. All the best!
