What does the word verify mean? Verification - what is it in simple words? Why is verification needed? How is verification different from validation? Verification - what is it in simple words

Apparent or real anonymity on the Internet is a factor for which many users love the World Wide Web, and are looking for all sorts of ways to preserve and maintain incognito (for various reasons).



Following encyclopedic or dictionary definitions, we can say that verification is confirmation of the reality and truth of an individual or groups of individuals (for example, in groups of organizations on social networks, performing any banking transactions, etc.).

This term comes from the Latin word veritas - truth, literally translated as “to make true,” that is, to confirm.

Thus, the verification process is a direct process of removing incognito from a person or organization.

However, it is not only specific people or organizations that are subject to verification. This term is applicable to various other areas.

Confirming a phone number or email address by sending a specific code or link to it is also verification, but not of a person, but of data.

In fact, any information, any data, any person or organization can require confirmation of truth. In some areas it is mandatory, in others it is desirable, in others it is optional, etc. in certain cases it can provide certain bonuses or opportunities.

Scope of application of the term

This concept is used in many areas, but it is most widespread in the financial sector and on the Internet.

In the financial sector, it is most necessary because this is where the largest number of fraudulent activities occur, and it is always carried out with the goal of avoiding fraud.

Other Applications

Identity verification is widely used in the legal and financial fields to prevent fraud.

Phone number confirmation is required when registering with, issuing credit, debit or even discount cards.

In almost all areas that involve or potentially involve cash flow, you may need verification.

In addition, this term is also used in production (light, food or any other industry). In this case it is used to mean “quality check”. And it is carried out in order to provide the end consumer with the highest quality product. That is, in essence, here this word means quality control.

The word is also used in medicine. In this area, it is used in the context of proving the effectiveness of a method.

Welcome to the pages of the blog site. Probably, each of us, at least once, has come across the concept of how to undergo verification. But not everyone knows the exact meaning of the term “verification”.

In fact, it does not imply anything abstruse or complex. And to understand this, you only need to delve deeper into the essence of the word and understand where the verification process is used.

About a “complex” term in simple words

What is verification? This term is of Latin origin, and is divided into 2 parts:

  • verus means “true”, “truthful”;
  • facere translates to "to do".

Of course, if you carry out a literal translation, it will not be very successful. But if we correct it a little, then we can say that verification is nothing more than confirmation of the veracity of the data.

This concept is used in various fields of activity, for example, banking, or in the field of online earnings, etc. This term is also used in certain branches of science, medicine, Internet technologies, etc.

In simple terms, what is verification on the Internet? Actions aimed at confirming the accuracy of the specified data. That is, in order to gain access to a specific resource as a personalized user, and not an anonymous person, you need to create an account and fill in your personal data. Confirming the correctness of this data means verification.

How does this happen in practice? Very often, when registering on a site, the first thing you are asked to verify is your email address. A link is sent by email, clicking on which confirms the authenticity of the email. In the case of a phone number, an SMS with a verification code is sent to it. To confirm passport data, scans of the passport are usually required.

Don't confuse verification with authorization. Typically, when you log in for the first time, the system automatically remembers and saves the user's access data. But sometimes it can crash or be updated, thereby resetting the settings once entered.

To enter the site under a specific name, a person must log in again. Sometimes all you need to do is simply click the “Login” button, and your automatically saved login and password will appear. But it may also happen that all the information will have to be entered again.

So, why is verification needed? To confirm the identity of a person and the accuracy of the personal data he provided when creating an account on a particular site.

Verification failed - what does this mean?

Many Internet users, as well as bank clients, have encountered such a window on the screen or a response from the operator/cashier, etc., as “not verified.” What could this mean and why is this happening?

In most cases, the occurrence of such a notification is directly related to the error of the user himself or the responsible person who carries out a certain operation with the data. Usually, to correct the situation, it is enough to double-check the entered data and, if necessary, correct any inaccuracies.

So, what does the phrase “not verified” mean? This means that the user data is not confirmed and the person cannot access the necessary information, account, account on the site or application, etc.

Verified is a user who has managed to confirm his identity. But it may not be a person. This term is also applied to an account, account, etc.

The concept of verification code and verifier

Verification code - what is it? This is a special cipher, when entered, the system recognizes a specific user. Let's look at this issue with a small example.

So, the user wants to withdraw virtual money to a bank card for the first time. But it is not yet linked to the account. In this case, the user will need to know what verification is, since when linking a card to a wallet number, the system will require confirmation of the authenticity of the data provided.

This procedure is carried out by blocking a certain amount on the card account and then transferring it to an electronic wallet. Usually it’s 1 ruble (at least that’s how the WebMoney system works). In this case, to verify means to confirm the authenticity of the data by writing off funds.

Now let's look at a slightly different side of the issue under consideration. What is an SMS verification code? In principle, it’s not difficult to guess. A person receives a number consisting of different digits at the phone number they provide. Although such a code may also contain letters or even signs. After entering the received code into the verification form, confirmation occurs, that is, data verification, and the user successfully gains access to the information, page, account or account he needs.

So, we figured out how the verification procedure proceeds and what it implies. Now let’s briefly consider the question of what a verifier is.

Surprisingly, a verifier is not only a utility, a program for determining the correctness and authenticity of the provided data. This is also a profession, although a very rare one. Such a person specializes in detecting lies, and must have truly brilliant intelligence.

Examples of using verification in different areas

So, we looked at the general concept of what data verification, a verifier, and a verification code are. Now let's move directly to where and how this option is used.

Its prevalence is indeed very wide, almost limitless. But we will focus only on the most basic areas.

Account Verification

What is account verification, how and where is it used on the Internet? This process is common on many websites, online stores, online banking, freelance exchanges, etc. It is necessary so that the system can confirm whether the user is a client of a particular service. In addition, using this procedure, you can determine where a person is operating and where an Internet robot (bot) is operating.

Thus, a verified account is an account whose owner was able to confirm the accuracy of the specified data.

Bank account verification

What is bank account verification? This is an operation whose main task is to confirm that the user really is the owner of the card or account.

Usually the procedure is carried out via SMS. A message with a confirmation code is sent to the client's phone number. After its introduction, the system either allows the user to control financial flows or denies him this. The last option is only possible when the verification code was entered incorrectly or the person is not the card owner.

Important! The verification process when performing banking transactions is one of the most reliable ways to protect against fraudsters. Each card or bank account must be linked to the user’s phone number, to which, as noted, SMS is sent. Some banks use a call for verification purposes. As soon as the client picks up the phone and confirms the financial transaction, the account and the person himself will be verified. And this, in turn, allows him to continue and successfully complete the begun procedure.

Contact verification

What does the concept of verifying a contact mean? Let's look at this issue with a small example.

Users of the social network Twitter, especially if they belong to the category of celebrities, are very familiar with this concept. Using special algorithms and procedures, the CC verifies the contact (that is, the account).

If the user is truly a famous person and tries to pass himself off as one, then a blue check mark appears on his page. Thus, other users can be completely confident that they are dealing with their idol, and not with its “dummy” copy.

What verified contacts are can be understood from the previously discussed information. For example, when registering in a smartphone application, you must enter your contact information. After this, either an SMS will be sent to the phone number or a call will be made. After confirmation of registration, the contact will become verified.

Thanks to this, users who have a subscriber's phone number recorded in their phone book will be able to immediately understand who exactly they are communicating with. This is especially necessary if the Viber contact is used for corporate purposes - to transfer information from one enterprise to another.

Verification in the field of medicine

Among other things, this procedure is also carried out in medical practice. Verification - what is it in medicine? In simple terms, this is a double-check of the diagnosis to clarify its reliability.

The procedure is performed without fail not only when the treatment started does not produce results. Even the doctor’s usual doubts regarding the correctness of the preliminary diagnosis can become compelling reasons for its implementation. This involves repeating all instrumental and laboratory diagnostic procedures.

Site verification

Website verification in Yandex is carried out using a meta tag, an HTML file and a DNS record. The procedure is carried out if the user needs to confirm his rights to the site, domains and subdomains. This verification method is one of the simplest and most reliable, therefore it is used most often.

Thus, verification is confirmation of identity, one’s rights, the reliability of the information provided, etc. A person who is an honest user should not be afraid of such verification, since it acts for the sake of his own interests, to protect him from fraud by unscrupulous users .

Hello dear readers of the site! This screenshot below shows translations of the English words validation & verification from electronic.

Lists of Russian-language synonyms, at first glance, show almost identical meanings.

In reality, the practice of using these two terms on the Russian-language Internet differs quite fundamentally.

Verification is the confirmation of a subject or object with the declared data.

By verifying in any Internet service, the user confirms (by providing reliable evidence) that he is exactly who he says he is.

For example, when registering with or conducting financial transactions with .

Validation is confirmation of legal capacity and effectiveness within certain limits.

Here it is appropriate to recall the word “disabled”, which means a person with limited legal capacity for whom certain functions are not available.

As you can see, the meaning of the two concepts is different, although close in some contexts.

Application of concepts on the Internet

For clarity, it is useful to consider the various types of verification and validation on the Internet that almost every user has to deal with.

If there is some problem with the computer or if there is an unexpected power outage, the operating system shuts down in an abnormal mode.

As a result, the system clock settings are lost. After this, it turns out to be impossible to work on the Internet, since a mismatch between the time and date on the computer and the site certificates blocks the browser from working.

The system displays a notification that the certificate from the server has expired and it is impossible to access the site.

An inexperienced user may get scared and decide that the computer has been compromised, or that there is something wrong with the system, but all they need to do is set the internal clock correctly so that the site can successfully pass the certificate verification procedure.

The picture below shows an error in validating the HTTPS protocol certificate, as a result of which the Chrome browser blocked the loading of the site.

That's what it says on the notice ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID– “Error: invalid (not valid) certificate date.”

Another example from the field of web technologies and site building.

One of the indicators of the technical condition of Internet projects is the so-called validity of HTML code. That is, compliance of all tags and attributes with the vocabulary and semantics approved by the World Wide Web Consortium for the current version of the hypertext markup language.

Today the current version of the language is HTML5. So, the W3C consortium has developed a special online tool where any webmaster can check completely free of charge how the actual encoding of the site meets the requirements of the current version of the language.

As you can see, this site has quite a lot of problems with validity. Bold words Warning And Error warns about the presence of various types of errors that are recommended to be eliminated urgently.

However, there are spots on the Sun, and even official sites cannot boast of 100% validity of the code.

However, the issue of website code validity is relative and involves different interpretations, since quite a lot of programmers took part in the development of HTML5, each of whom has the right to their own opinion regarding what exactly is meant by code validity.

User authentication in financial institutions

If there are discrepancies and disputes regarding the validity of the code, then in relation to online banks and electronic wallets, identity confirmation is a prerequisite.

Otherwise, there would be no salvation from scammers.

For example, when transferring funds from a wallet to a card, it was necessary to indicate the owner’s personal data.

  1. Firstly, these are the requirements of the Law on National Payment Systems.
  2. Secondly, basic security rules require that money management be accessible only to its owner or authorized persons.

Different online financial systems may have different verification or authentication rules.

In this context, the term authentication, that is, confirmation of the authenticity of the subject according to the declared personal data, may well be considered synonymous with verification, which also implies a correspondence between the user name in the service and the real individual on the computer screen.

PayPal In the payment system, user verification is carried out by sending data from a plastic card linked to the account in the system.

After this, an amount of 1USD is withdrawn from the account. Thus, the PayPal administration receives confirmation that the registered user has the ability and rights to manage a bank account.

After authentication, the previously withdrawn dollar is returned to the user’s card.

Kiwi In the payment system, the wallet is linked to a cell phone number. Which, in turn, when purchasing a SIM card, was already registered according to the user’s civil passport.

Thus, it is assumed that the owner of the Qiwi wallet has already passed basic verification and can directly withdraw money to bank cards without providing personal data.

However, to conduct transactions with large amounts of money that exceed the initial account limit, you must undergo full authorization. This can be done in the communication shops of some operators or at the QIWI office.

Rapida In the instant money transfer system, user authentication can be carried out by money transfer from Russian Post to your wallet in Rapid.

It is understood that the money transfer will be made with the provision of your civil passport at the Post Office, which contains all the data necessary to confirm your identity.

Such a money transfer in Rapid is considered proof that you are the citizen you claim to be in the payment system.

What is account verification on social networks

If with regard to electronic payment services and online banks with verification everything is clear and unambiguous - it is necessary to confirm that the authorized user is the owner of the wallet or account and has all the legal rights to dispose of funds at his own discretion, then with social networks not everything is so simple and unambiguous .

  • Recently, the number of frauds on the Internet through hacking passwords and stealing logins has sharply increased.
  • If a person provides his exact personal information on a social network, all this information can be used by attackers for criminal purposes.

Most likely, full confirmation that this profile belongs to a specific citizen is required for socially significant figures, political and public figures, or authoritative, well-known specialists, the so-called “gurus”, who claim brand status in their field of knowledge and activity.

A check mark in the circle to the right of the user's name indicates that the account has been verified and belongs to the person declared.

It should be said that in order to obtain verification, certain and quite serious conditions must be met:

Naturally, a user account or public should not:

  • spread spam
  • contain commercial SEO links,
  • post content that is illegal or contrary to public morality and ethics,
  • be detected in prohibited activities, attempts to commit fraud and mislead users.

Postings in groups must be moderated and any kind of inappropriate content must be promptly removed.

Today VKontakte is seriously struggling for legitimacy and law-abidingness.

In particular, if in the past VK was often criticized for tolerating the posting of pirated videos or audio recordings, today it is immediately criticized for a couple of dubious videos.

In practical terms, in order to obtain the status of a verified page or group on VKontakte, you need to write to technical support with a reasoned request for verification, providing all the evidence of your rights to the coveted “tick”.

The same can be said about YouTube, where there is also user verification, in the form of a checkmark next to the channel name.

A legitimate question arises: why bother so much if everything is so complicated? Is the game worth the candle?

The point is that a verified account or group is promoted much easier and faster and attracts new friends and subscribers. Which, in turn, significantly helps in popularizing the brand and conducting commercial or social activities.

So this is not just a “tick”, but a kind of quality mark that will significantly help in the development of any kind of projects and startups in RuNet.

Conclusion. If you are serious about your online activities or are running a business, the task of verification on social networks should be considered as the most important marketing step leading to success and prosperity in the vastness of the World Wide Web.

Websites and individual blogs associated with social accounts and groups that are popular and verified are more successfully ranked when promoted in Google and Yandex.

Verification on the Internet is the process of confirming the authenticity of the data of the individual who is the owner of the account.

Boris is the owner of the site. He wants his site to be in demand - that is, to be well indexed by search engines.

Robots that index websites generate results from those resources that most closely match the query in the search index. There are special services that provide detailed statistical information about how the site functions. They offer solutions to problems associated with its work. Possessing this data, Boris can study and assess the situation, and then apply certain actions to manage the site and promote it. The information provided by the resources is confidential, and only the site owner (webmaster) has the right to view it - that’s why verification is needed. To enlist the support of such an assistant, Boris needs to confirm ownership.

What is the principle of verification

To protect Internet users from various types of fraud, Google and Yandex have provided a verification procedure.

Search engines Google and Yandex offer tools that allow you to track statistical data regarding the performance of each site. But only the resource owner or its administrator has the right to access this data. To pass verification in any search engine, you need to create your own account or use an existing one.

Verification in Yandex

To gain access to the Webmaster, you need to verify the site in Yandex.
Go to the website http://webmaster.yandex.ru/ and enter your username and password.
In the upper left corner, click +, then in the window that opens, enter the address of your site and click “Add”.

  • To pass verification using the Meta tag, you need to add a tag generated by the webmaster to the section of the main page of your site.
  • Verification using an HTML file is carried out by downloading the HTML file issued by the resource and then placing it in the root folder of the site.
  • To carry out the process using a DNS record, you need to place the TXT record generated by the web master in the DNS settings on the resource in which the domain name was registered.

Regardless of the chosen option, the next step in which the site is verified in Yandex is clicking on the “Check” button.

Google verification

To access (Search Console), follow the link https://www.google.com/webmasters/ and enter your username and password. Then in the window that opens, enter the name of your site and click “Add resource.”

Alternative methods include verification using an HTML tag, domain name provider, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

  • To pass verification using HTML, you need to copy the specified meta tag to the main page of your site in the section before the first body section. Then click the “Check” button.
  • If you use a domain name provider, you need to select a domain name registrar from among those offered by the resource. If the domain name provider you need is not in this list, select “Other.” After that, add the record suggested by the TXT resource to the DNS settings of the domain name provider and click “Confirm”.
  • To use this verification method as Google Analytics, you must have a resource in Google Analytics for the site that is being verified. In the “Resource” section, you need to select “Tracking” - “Tracking Code”, copy it and paste it into the site section.
  • To use Google Tag Manager, you must create a Google Tag Manager account. To do this, you need to go to the link tagmanager.google.com, enter the account name, enter the name in the container settings and select where it will be used, in this case - a website. After completing the manipulations, click the “Create” button. Go through the agreement on the terms of use of the resource, then copy the code issued by the tag manager and place it on the site.

Where else on the Internet is verification found?

When registering an account on social networks, the program prompts the user to go through a verification procedure to confirm his identity and real existence. In this way, the system is protected from the appearance of fake accounts or the work of bots and does not provide the opportunity to conduct any false media activities on behalf of another person.

Also, everyone who uses electronic payment systems faces a verification procedure. This procedure protects owners of electronic wallets from financial fraud. To become a participant in the program, the user needs to enter some information to confirm his identity. Verification in payment systems is a complex procedure. If usually for verification the program requests an email, phone number or other information that preserves the user’s anonymity, then for payment systems it may be necessary to enter personal data such as a passport number, and sometimes even a scan of a document.

Verification on the Internet is a procedure that you should not be afraid of. Its purpose is to ensure ethical and sometimes economic or political standards.

In recent years, it has become fashionable for officials, athletes, actors and big businessmen to announce changes in their lives through social networks - on Twitter, for example. How does the audience know that the information comes from the person whose name it is signed with? For this there is such a thing as verification. It is used, of course, not only to confirm accounts on social networks, but in many areas of human activity and is of great importance for our lives. What is verification, how does it differ from, what is it needed for and what can be found out with its help?

Verification is confirmation of the correctness of any action, object or event after verification. The term comes from two Latin words: verus (“true”) and facere (“to do”). Literally we get - “to make something true”, “to confirm”. Translated from English, the concept of verification means verification, control, certification, and confirmation under oath.

Verification is used in various fields - in the production of goods and services, in medicine, on the Internet. Model verification makes it possible to create a high-quality prototype of a future product. In IT technologies, verification is used to confirm the user’s identity when working on the Internet or using payment systems. With its help, counterfeits and defective products are identified, medical diagnoses are corrected, and registered in online services and social networks.

Verification has value as a philosophical category, as well as in other areas of human knowledge, where true statements must be distinguished from false ones.

What is the principle of verification?

The principle of verification is this: the assumption must be confirmed by experience and not contradict known facts. The bank assumes that the owner of the plastic card is Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, since exactly the same data is written on the card inserted into the ATM. And this fact will be confirmed when Ivan Ivanovich correctly enters the PIN code known only to him.

In this case, the assumption must, in principle, be knowable. Let's say the hypothesis that there are invisible people around us, whom we cannot detect because they are invisible, cannot be verified; it is, in principle, unknowable in the current state of science. Also, statements like “Masha loves Vasya” cannot be verified, since an outsider does not have the opportunity to “get into Masha’s soul,” and verification is an objective category. Another thing is the phrase “Masha claims that she loves Vasya” - we can say for sure whether Masha was talking about love or not.

The main goal of verification is to confirm the compliance of the final result with the theoretical assumption or task. If a particular product has been developed, its properties must comply with the technical requirements for such products or the terms of reference for development.

If confirmation of the identity of the user of a particular banking product was required, the entered password must match the one originally entered into the system by the client or the bank itself. If a hypothesis is put forward about any phenomenon in nature or human activity, it must at least not contradict the existing scientific facts.

How does verification differ from validation?

The terms are similar to each other, sometimes they are even confused. The reason is that an ordinary person most often uses verification and validation to confirm the user’s identity in information networks and payment systems. In this case, the difference is really small - when verified, you get the opportunity to use services (admission to them), and when validated, you get more rights when using services (for example, additional functions become available in the Internet wallet - withdrawal of a larger amount of funds, transfers to a card etc.). But in the sphere of production, in medicine and in other areas, there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts.

Verification Validation
What it is Compliance of the product, model or concept with the stated requirements. We collected the car. It fully complies with the technical specifications and runs. Verification completed. The applicability of the created model, product or concept in practice under specific conditions. We collected the car. It complies with the technical specifications. But it doesn't go on ice. Validation failed.
To whom does it matter? For the manufacturer, author For the consumer, audience
Who conducts Authors, producers, developers Testers, consumers
Mandatory use Mandatory (the car must be made according to the technical specifications and must drive) Not necessarily (if we know that the car is moving, we can try to drive it on ice, or we can predict without testing that for a successful trip it needs modification in the form of installing tires with spikes).
Type of assessment Objective (does the product/model meet the standards) Subjective (whether the product/model is suitable for use in specific conditions)

Verification examples

In different areas, verification is implemented in different ways.

When a product is released, it must be tested to ensure that it meets the required parameters, standards, codes and regulations. Verification is carried out either by the technical control department (QCD) or by employees who have been assigned such responsibilities.

The product is checked for compliance with state or industry standards, technical specifications, design, and regulatory documentation.

For example, an electric kettle is produced in production. Employees of the quality control department check the physical parameters of the product, completeness, compliance with electrical safety requirements and technical characteristics (compliance of power consumption with the parameters specified in the documents) and so on with the design documentation. Most often, not the entire batch of goods is subject to verification, but several copies to choose from. The result is recorded in a registration entry in a special journal. This is ideal. In practice, in small manufacturing companies the verification procedure can be simplified to a visual inspection.

Production verification also includes checking for compliance of the company’s processes with the quality management system (ISO standards). Here, not only finished products are checked, but also production processes - how much their technological and environmental parameters comply with international standards for such procedures. If they do not fully comply, then the final product receives a lower rating and does not pass verification.

Verification in medicine

There are two areas of verification in this area. The first overlaps with production testing. When a new drug is released, the manufacturer checks at the output whether its chemical composition and formula correspond to those that were transferred to the enterprise in the technical specifications.

The second direction is verification of the diagnosis. It is carried out if treatment does not give the desired result. If the course was prescribed by a therapist or other doctor, the diagnosis can be verified by the head of the department, the head physician of the medical institution or a council of doctors. Both documentary sources (results of tests and studies) and the therapist’s actions and prescriptions are checked to see whether they correspond to those that should be carried out for the disease indicated in the diagnosis. If necessary, new, additional studies are prescribed. For example, histological verification is confirmation of the existence of a tumor by examining body tissues taken from the patient.

Verification in Internet technologies

There are also several directions here.

  1. User verification– the logged-in user matches the account owner. For example, this is how celebrity pages on social networks are verified. To get a “tick” on VKontakte, which means that the page belongs to a really famous actor or politician, you need to submit to the administration of the social network a set of documents and a photo with your passport or another confirmation option (different social networks have different requirements).
  2. Software verification– similar to verification of any manufactured product. After software development, it is tested for compliance with the technical specifications. The product must contain all the components required by the customer and launch when clicked. How well the product meets the customer’s goals is not a matter of verification, but of validation. If a software calculator looks like a calculator, runs like a calculator, and meets the customer's requirements for a calculator, then it is verified. But if the created software does not perform the calculations required by the customer, or contains errors in such calculations, then the calculator is not validated. Read more about the difference between the concepts of verification and validation in the corresponding chapter above.
  3. Site verification– confirmation that the Internet resource was created with serious intentions, and not as a “double” for committing fraud or other equally unattractive purposes. Only a real website will be taken into account by search engines. Verification is also required if there is a suspicion that a resource has been stolen from its owner. For example, Yandex requires meta tags, DNS and an HTML file as evidence.
  4. Verification of electronic digital signature (EDS)– confirmation of the right to sign electronic documents. EDS is issued by special certification centers, and the main task of verification is to check whether it is suitable for certain types of electronic trading (complies with the requirements of electronic trading platforms). It is also checked whether the information about the person who owns the digital signature is updated. If you ordered a digital signature for a company, the details of which have since changed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this may make the digital signature invalid. Special verification services on the Internet allow you to check the accuracy of your information.

Verification in banks and payment systems

This is essentially the same user verification. You confirm that you are the owner of the card that is inserted into the ATM or payment terminal. In the case of payment systems (, and others), you validate your wallet by sending scans of your identification documents to the administration of the payment system and, depending on the package of documents, gaining access to various functions of the wallet, and then each time you log in, you verify yourself as the owner using a password .

The procedure is similar if you decide to link the card to a wallet in the payment system. Here you verify yourself as the card owner and associate the card with the wallet.

In philosophy, verification is a controversial concept around which many copies have been broken. As a general rule, this term refers to the determination of the truth of theoretical propositions through their practical verification. As already mentioned in the chapter “What is the principle of verification,” the main criterion is cognition, compliance with modern scientific ideas about the world. When we say: “People do not fly like birds,” this is a true, verified statement, since the laws of physics do not allow humans to fly like birds. But the statement “A plane cannot fly at a speed of 10,000 km/h” will not be true, since the development of technology can solve this problem; there are no objective obstacles to this.

These are the simplest examples, but in fact, entire philosophical concepts are verified that explain the behavior of large masses of people, the origin of life on earth, and so on. The catch is that such verification is rational; it does not take into account metaphysical concepts. For example, religions from this perspective always turn out to be unverified, which is somewhat offensive for followers of spiritual teachings. Therefore, along with the principle of verification, the principle of falsification (refutability) was introduced into philosophy. Can you disprove the existence of God? Hardly. This means that this category receives the right to exist along with rational concepts.

Verification in science involves finding out how well the put forward hypothesis corresponds to the practical result obtained.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What does it mean “the payment did not pass the verification stage”?

This is the so-called “error 11020”. This most often occurs when a purchase in an online store is paid for with a bank card. Banks cite two reasons for this error:

  1. The buyer incorrectly or incompletely entered the data requested by the payment system.
  2. There was a technical glitch on the bank's secure line, where information from the buyer is transmitted, and the data was not read properly.

The problem is resolved by resending the payment at a later time or by calling the support service.

When turned on, the computer prompts you to verify files. What is this procedure and why is it needed?

File verification is one of the ways to ensure security in operating systems. Viruses often replace real files with others - with a different size and purpose, but with the same name. Checking the file system allows you to identify such pseudo-files and remove them. This kind of verification is recommended if you often work on unfamiliar networks, use other people's files, or have problems with anti-virus software.

Is it possible to use the verification principle to detect lies in everyday communication?

There is extensive literature on this topic, for example, “5 Principles for Detecting Lies” by Ilya Anishchenko, “The Psychology of Lying” by Paul Ekman, “Detecting Lies and Deception” and “Lies: Three Ways to Detect” by Aldert Fry, “I See What You’re Thinking” » Joe Navarro and many others. They contain a lot of interesting advice, but there are no reliable methods that can reliably distinguish truth from lies.

The principle of verification is that a true statement must be confirmed by practice or at least not contradict known facts. But in everyday life it is very difficult to compare a person’s words with all known facts; very few people are capable of this, and mainly in some narrow field of knowledge. Identifying deception on the fly is difficult even for trained specialists. This applies to both instrumental technologies (“lie detector”), and psychological (“when a person lies, he looks to the left and up”) or logical (“the opponent is sweating, which means he is tense, and all because he is lying”) techniques. The percentage of errors and unaccounted for accidents is too high. Among them are attributing one’s own emotions and motives to other people, underestimation of individual psychological characteristics, the influence of extraneous factors (danger, noise, light exposure, stress, etc.), prompting an answer on your part, assessing the interlocutor’s motives based on a single sign, and others.