We make a Yota signal amplifier with our own hands! How to strengthen the signal reception of a yota modem. Weak Yota signal

As a rule, if your house is located in the “possible reception” zone (marked in blue on Yota coverage maps), this means that you can have a stable connection outside the room, but when you try to connect inside the house or during precipitation, you cannot either you will not detect the signal or you will find it very weak and unstable. This leads to the fact that in order to connect to the Internet you are forced to look for a place to place your laptop with a Yota LTE USB modem in which the connection will not be interrupted and there will be good speed. Usually such places end up near a window or, completely unpredictably, in the far corner of a room. So you are forced to endure your comfortable workplace to a completely unsuitable place due to the fact that the Internet “catch” there. If all of the above happens in your home, then you definitely need to strengthen the Iota signal for reliable reception over the entire area of ​​​​the house and the adjacent area.

How does radio signal amplification occur?

To transmit information to Yota, as well as mobile operators GSM standard and 3G, uses a radio signal that propagates from the base station (BS) to the subscriber and from the subscriber to the BS. Therefore, to strengthen the Yota radio signal, you can apply the same principles that are used for GSM and 3G radio signals. To enhance cellular communication in places of weakened reception, repeaters are used from external and internal antennas. The principle of operation of such devices is that an antenna is installed outside the house on the facade or above the roof of the house, which receives a signal from the BS and transmits it via a reduction cable to a repeater, which in turn amplifies the received signal and transmits it to internal antennas installed inside the house . Cellular telephone perceives these antennas as BSs located close to them. The signal received by the internal antennas from the phone is transmitted to the repeater, where it is amplified if necessary and transmitted by an external antenna to the BS.

As a rule, an antenna with a narrow radiation pattern is used as an external antenna, that is, a directional antenna, which allows for a significant increase in gain compared to an omnidirectional antenna. Also, the fact that this is a stationary antenna, which can be raised to a height sufficient for reliable reception, is of no small importance and allows you to achieve reception where it is not available. official maps coverage of cellular operators.

Features of Yota signal amplification

The disadvantage of the standard amplification circuit used in GSM and 3G is that subscriber Internet access devices (PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.) must have built-in support LTE standard. Currently, only a small percentage of the entire fleet of such devices support LTE, but almost all of them support WiFi. Therefore, the solution we use to strengthen the Yota signal to communicate with subscriber devices uses WiFi network. Thus, the LTE channel is used as the “last mile” for communication with the provider, and the well-proven WiFi standard is used to cover the home.

Advantages of our equipment

The sensitive directional MIMO antenna is structurally made in the same housing with the modem, which makes the design cheaper since expensive high-frequency cables and connectors are not used - the usual cable goes from the antenna to the house. computer cable (twisted pair or USB depending on the selected equipment set). Data on such a cable goes to digital form and thus Yota receiving equipment can be easily integrated into an existing computer network object: connect to a router, server, network switch, access point or to one single PC.

The antenna housing has a compact simple form, streamlined for the wind and not creating a lot of windage. Such an antenna can easily be placed in any accessible place and will not attract unnecessary attention.

How to order the Yota signal booster service?

The process of selecting a signal amplification solution begins with filling out an application on our website. To do this, you just need to indicate the exact address of the house or its GPS coordinates. Based on this information, we will check whether your house falls within Yota’s theoretical coverage area and contact you to clarify the installation time of the equipment and agree on the cost of the work.

Signal problems occur with all mobile operators. Coverage area is not always a factor in ensuring signal stability, but it remains the most important condition for reception by cellular communication devices and transmission of packet data. The Yota operator, whose signal level is constantly monitored automatically, is making efforts to expand its coverage area. Yota signal quality can be checked at any convenient time.

Mobile signal quality is random from one area to another

Indeed, since operators are primarily interested in the most populated areas, some geographic areas are poorly or not covered at all. It is enough to walk in the mountains or in the center of France to realize this. Network coverage becomes very random when it's not just non-existent.

Problems with mobile reception can also be caused by elements that interfere with mobile signal reception. Thus, even when a person is in an area adequately covered by a network or networks different operators, sometimes it is enough to enter a building to lose the mobile signal.

How to check Yota signal?

You can check the signal from any type of Yota device by typing the address in the search. The appearance of the table with device parameters will depend on the installed operating system and application option. In the performance grid, two indicators report the operator's signal strength:

  • RSRP - will show the owner of the device with Yota the quality of the base station signal;
  • SINR - informs about the interference (noise) ratio in relation to the signal.

When SINR is set to 0 dB, then the signal/interference indicators are equal. An increase in positive indicator values ​​indicates better signal quality.

These reasons alone explain most of the difficulties in receiving a mobile signal. However, there are small tricks that can help you improve your mobile signal reception. However, this procedure may help you improve reception by changing the network type.

Moreover, frequency ranges, which are commonly used by these networks, are more difficult to disrupt external elements. One of them is undoubtedly the most reliable solution for boosting the mobile signal in this area. A mobile signal booster or mobile signal repeater is actually a device that captures a low-intensity moving signal that amplifies it and can then redistribute it throughout a given area.

How to improve Yota signal?

To access high speed internet it is necessary to ensure a high-quality signal level. Areas where the Yota signal disappears can be found in microdistricts of megacities and outside the city limits ( last option more often). If a weak Yota signal was detected, the most effective way To fix the problem - install an external antenna.

A mobile signal booster is actually an amplifier unit accompanied by an external antenna and one or more internal antennas. The amplifier is placed inside the building, and the external antenna is usually placed on the roof of the building or near the highest point to capture the best possible mobile signal. External antennas must be distributed in different parts, which must be covered by a mobile signal.

The advantage is that it offers a signal High Quality and stability, it is compatible with most mobile operators, and the system is completely transparent to users. On the other hand, the system is not mobile and can only function if one can pick up a mobile signal by placing oneself at a high point to position an external antenna.

Reasons for installation additional equipment can serve:

  • The base station is located nearby, but there is a weak signal from Yota;
  • The equipment detects the presence of a weak signal, but the connection passes;
  • Internet speed indicators do not suit the user.

How to increase the signal of a Yota modem?

A simple and legal method - purchasing USB extender and placing the modem near the window. It is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the signal quality. The indicators will increase, but only slightly. There is another way to improve the Yota modem signal. Upgrade the input connector yourself and install a “pigtail” and connect external devices. The signal parameters will improve, but the modem warranty will no longer apply.

These applications actually use many different databases and all the information provided by mobile operators. These apps won't actually improve your mobile signal, but they will allow you to find areas that are best covered by French mobile operators' networks. So, if you have an urgent call, you can easily find the restricted area.

These shells usually include an antenna that can enhance your cell phone's receiving power. These shells can offer you best reception in areas where the mobile signal is weak. These shells also promise to improve the longevity of your battery.

Today, special antennas are offered for sale that allow you to use the modem circuit as a feed. Answers to the question to the Yota operator on how to improve the signal have a sufficient number of convenient solutions, taking into account the needs of subscribers and external conditions affecting the equipment.

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As many have already noticed, LTE routers (like regular ones) have one not quite best feature– they lose the signal. And sometimes it even gets to the point where, standing next to the transmitting device, we may not be able to see the mobile network at all.

Distortion and signal loss can come from both metal structures and other devices (be it smartphones or microwave equipment).

4G or regular WI-FI router in an equidistant location from all received devices.

If you install an access point or your Yota router on the outskirts of the site - in country house and if you try to catch the signal in the gazebo on the other side of the site, this is not the best solution to the problem Bad signal wireless router

There is no need to install the Yota router next to or in iron boxes or in the corners of walls

All metal objects as well as working electrical appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers) greatly reduce WiFi signal transmitted from Yota router.

Strengthen the signal of the WiFi antenna of the Yota router

Please remember that standard antennas are omnidirectional and distribute it evenly in all directions. Don’t forget this when placing the router on the border of the property, because if the network is open and not password-protected, half of the signal will go to your neighbors.

To enhance or direct wireless signal there are many ways.

1) The main one is the simplest - If WiFi antenna The router is removable, then you should replace it with a more powerful one.

2) A quick or economical way is to use the reflective properties of foil (metal) materials.

Here you can even use empty beer cans, which in capable hands turn into high efficiency antennas.

Solving problems with weak WiFI network adapters

In many devices including both desktop computers or mobile netbooks, manufacturers often provide very cheap network adapters. They are mainly designed to work with a stable signal.

To do this, as an option, for example, you can replace the built-in WiFi card with a more suitable one and with the ability to connect an external antenna. Then you (in emergency situations) will always have the opportunity to connect an external antenna to your computer (netbook, laptop, etc.) and receive a signal from a Yota router located at a fairly distant distance.

WiFi repeater. Adding Yota router coverage

If the main task is to receive a signal from a remote managed network no matter what, then as an option this network can be extended, lengthened.

1) Remember that everything wireless routers have several channels. Therefore, remember that different channels May be different quality signal reception.

How to change the router channel? – To do this, you need to enter the router’s configuration and change the WiFi channel. Look for best channel, save the settings and don’t worry - the settings of your computer, laptop, etc. will not change. Only the settings of the router program change.

2) If possible, you can reduce interference from refrigerators and other radio devices

3) Update all network firmware drivers

4) If possible, try to choose wireless network equipment from the same manufacturer.

No matter how rapidly technology develops, wireless Internet, even the most latest generation, significantly loses in quality to the usual wired output in world wide web. Telecommunications Yota company provides its users with excellent wireless communications and the Internet in 4G format. To make the Internet more stable, you can use a Yota signal amplifier. Users can make this device with their own hands.

Why Internet speed fails

Almost every user sooner or later has to think about how to increase the Yota signal level. When problems arise, first of all, it is important to find out what is the reason for the poor quality signal of Yota 4g lte. The fact is that weak Internet has several reasons. The main ones are:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • significant terrain unevenness;
  • long distance to the base station;
  • many connected gadgets;
  • high network loads;
  • Availability large quantity obstacles indoors, etc.

There are other factors as well. We are able to influence some, others are completely independent of users. In these cases, artificially amplifying the Yota signal will help solve the problem.

How to make Yota more sociable

An antenna for Yota, designed by yourself, is the best way out of the situation. The modem and router have their own antennas.

However, the Yota external antenna will significantly influence the process of receiving the Internet on the device. With its help, you can improve the signal of the Yota modem by 5 times.

  • Users have two options of equal quality:
  • purchase an Iota modem whose power is better, or buy an additional antenna;

The antenna for this can be designed independently. To implement the first option, you need to go to the store and, with the help of specialists, select the desired model

. Be prepared for the fact that it is quite expensive, about 3 - 3.5 thousand rubles. The second option is cheaper, but requires a little more effort.

How to amplify the signal yourself The first thing you need to do is measure the router signal and determine in which zone the Yota signal level will be stable and sufficient for quality use Internet. To do this, you need to use a service that measures speed. Checking the Yota signal level should be carried out not only indoors, but also outdoors. Sometimes to achieve good quality

you have to install the device outdoors, having previously provided it with protection from the external environment. Having figured out the question of how to check the signal level as a result of testing, choose a place for the router and build an antenna using available materials. Good amplifiers

, allowing you to increase the quality of the Internet from Yota, are obtained from ordinary lids for kitchen pots and pans. All that is required of you is to secure the Yota 4g modem to the lid and install it where the signal was the strongest. Some craftsmen build good antennas from tin cans. A household grate is also suitable. Using available materials, you can build a device that will pick up signals from all sides at once. Another trick that makes it possible to improve the signal is to strengthen the modem satellite dish

. Its own antenna should be facing the receiving station. The question of how to strengthen the Yota signal has found many answers in society. Many people come up with own ways

Often, a noticeable improvement is observed after foreign objects are removed from the router. Electronics are especially annoying. We also amplify the signal when we control the number of devices connected to the network. Sometimes it makes sense to change the password from the standard one to your own in order to prevent unauthorized connections.

An Internet amplifier may not be needed if you connect and properly configure two parallel routers. In some cases, this may be enough to strengthen the connection. Before you take any action, determine how close the base station is to you. You may not even be in the coverage area. In such cases, no amplifiers will help correct the situation.

ExternalYota antenna - a simple solution to a big problem

The Yota amplifier, as you might guess from the name, is nothing more than an external (installed outside the case) transceiver module, made in the form of a street or indoor antenna compatible with modems and routers produced under the Yota brand. It takes over the functions of their standard low-power antennas, increasing the integrity and speed of data transmission.

Wireless Internet from Yota is such a thing... it often does not reach the speeds promised by the operator. It is not surprising that Yota amplifiers are so popular among the population in great demand, which not only remains unchanged over the years - it steadily increases. Indeed, for many, strengthening the Yota signal has become a real “headache” - a problem that seems insoluble.

However, that is until they visit the online store site, where you can always buy an antenna for Yota, and not just buy it, but do it at the best price in the city! Solving a long-term problem with the Internet, as practice shows, will probably not take you not only a lot of time, but also money. This problem turned out to be not so serious, if you look into it...

How not to make a mistake when choosing an antennaYota

However, you should not assume that absolutely any antenna for Yota that you purchased on occasion from the metro will be able to resolve it. Such purchases rarely turn out to be successful, and therefore there is no need to place high hopes on them.

What do we mean by "good"? This is a signal amplifier for Yota that will be equally effective within the city, where neighboring buildings block the radiation of base stations, and outside it, where base stations greatly removed. Problems with use wireless Internet arise everywhere, but you no longer need to worry about them - they don’t concern you now!

By choosing an e-shop site, you are guaranteed to receive efficient amplifier Yota signal, since there are simply no others in our range. All that remains for you to do is to decide on the technical characteristics, which directly depend on technical characteristics the Yota device you are using (modem or router).

Objective signs of a good antenna for Uota

Not least important are the materials from which our amplifiers for Yota are made. An external antenna, even if it is used indoors, and especially if it is used outdoors, must be made of high-quality weather-resistant, but not interference-free materials. Otherwise, the yota amplifier will not only not provide the required efficiency, but also will not work for a long time.

Distinctive features of antennas forYotaLTE

External antennas designed to strengthen the Yota LTE (Yota 4G) signal have become widely popular relatively recently. Wireless network fourth generation, which came to large cities in Russia, did not do so to the fullest extent, which is why many subscribers were unable to enjoy the traffic and connection stability they were promised.

In its design and principle of operation, the antenna for Yota LTE is no different from antennas intended for use in networks previous generations. The difference lies in the data transmission standards it supports, which are more demanding on both the receiving and transmitting capabilities of the antenna, as well as in the technologies and devices developed for them.

However, to the same extent as the Yota external antenna, this applies to cable products and connectors used to connect them to modems and routers of the same name. An LTE amplifier for Yota, if it was connected using low-quality cables and connectors, can lose up to 15% of received and transmitted signals, thereby negating all the advantages of its use...

About the harm low prices to antennasYota 4G

But let's return directly to the Yota LTE signal amplifier. All of them are developed taking into account the most modern advances in the field wireless communication and therefore do not cause any complaints. They are being developed by many companies from the USA, China and some other countries, because LTE, according to international experts, is the future, and for it commercial use– great benefit!

The situation is being spoiled by small manufacturers who, wanting to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible (including Yota LTE antennas), use completely unsuitable materials that can turn any, even the most ingenious project, into an “unviable monster”. There are thousands of examples of this. The lion's share of them are Chinese-made antennas intended for use in conjunction with USB modems.

External antennas for Yota (to strengthen the signal of the mentioned operator) are very widely represented in Russia. Buying a Yota 4G amplifier today is not a problem, the problem lies in something else – in its choice! The latter is greatly complicated by the innumerable diversity brands, among which there are very few trustworthy ones. Often the buyer has to choose between bad and... bad, which in our opinion is unacceptable.

Amplifier for modemYota at a competitive price

Fortunately, you are on the website of an electronic store, a site whose customers who have decided to purchase this or that device for Yota (signal amplifier, for example), with similar problems do not collide. The Yota LTE external antenna purchased here will certainly not let you down, providing ideal data reception and transmission regardless of the distance from the base station.

However, this is not the only strong point our antennas to strengthen the 4G Yota signal - their favorable price also worries many people, attracting more and more new customers to the site. Precisely profitable, but not understated; this, let me note, is not the same thing! We don’t deal with cheap antennas made by someone unknown, and we don’t advise you to!

The same antennas for Yota LTE amplification that you can see in the catalog of this site are sold at the best prices in Moscow, which we rightly call profitable! These antennas are not here by chance - they are made of high-quality metal alloys and modern polymers, with the strictest compliance with the requirements of the LTE standard and related global standards.

Modem Signal BoostYota by technologyMIMO

Antennas that support Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, which recently appeared in the line, deserve a special mention. external devices for Yota. MIMO antennas differ more full use the bandwidth provided by the LTE standard, which became possible due to the division of the transceiver device into two parts - receiving and transmitting.

A MIMO-compliant Internet signal amplifier for Yota, therefore, is not one, but two antennas that must be installed so that they do not interfere with each other, creating frequency correlations. Similar antennas for the Yota LTE modem provide at least double better speed data transfer, and this without any changes at the standards level.

Today, the MIMO signal amplifier for the Yota modem is the best solution problems when using radio frequency communication channels of the LTE standard. Its disadvantage, and even then a small one, is considered to be only the need to install two antennas instead of one, but this can also be successfully eliminated thanks to the use of frequency selectivity technology (by connecting these antennas in one housing).

Your choice - antenna and modem (router) in one set

You can purchase an antenna for the Yota 4G modem, as well as an antenna for another popular yota device - a router, from us not only separately from the modem (router) itself, but also together with it. After all, the electronic store site sells not only a variety of antennas, but also other devices designed to work in wireless network operator Yota, as well as accessories for them.

Buying a yota modem with an antenna is, without a doubt, the right decision. You will have to purchase an antenna one way or another - not now, but later, after spending a certain amount of time selecting it to match the characteristics of the modem, which is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. It’s better to do this in advance by purchasing a Yota modem with an antenna included! This way, by the way, is not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Please note that we also sell antennas with a built-in Yota modem. Such antennas are predominantly indoor (intended for use in rooms with normal humidity and temperature); they are optimal for use with laptops and tablet computers, at home, at work, out of town, on the road - there are no restrictions!

Sale of antennas for modemYota and more

We not only sell, but also install Yota antennas. This service is one of our most popular: it was used by more than 80% of those who bought these same antennas from us at one time. Considering how well the specialists of the electronic store site understand Yota devices, installing antennas does not seem so challenging task for them.

Here it is necessary to clarify that they are not always compatible with each other - a Yota modem and an external antenna. Many modems of this brand, as well as many of its routers, do not have connectors for connecting such antennas at all, which pushes their owners to experiment with a soldering iron. What could all this turn out to be? Apart from losing the warranty on the device, nothing...

From us you can not only purchase modems and routers, but also modify them by adding the ability to connect external antennas Yota. Buying a signal amplifier and not being able to connect it to a modem is, of course, unpleasant, but not so much as to ruin your mood. Just contact us and we will eliminate this annoying error from the modem manufacturers.