Google adsense account login in Russian. Add an adsense ad block in the middle of a WordPress post

", today I will take the time to describe how to add Google advertising Adsense for your blog. We have already discussed why this service was invented and how to make money from it. Today we’ll look at how registration in Google Adsense takes place, the main options of the service and types of ads. Let's look at the options for adding Adsense to a WordPress site using a special plugin and by manually inserting the code.

How to register with Adsense?

When you go to, you will see a page in English. To go to the registration form in Russian, you need to click “ Sign in" and select your account ( e-mail in Google, or create one.

After that, in the pop-up window, select “sign up for an AdSense account today”

Then, select the language " Russian" and proceed to registration.

Using the created Google account, go to the “ Describe your content" Here you will need to indicate the url of your blog and the language of its content. It's also important to pay attention to the AdSense program rules. Failure to comply with these rules in the future may result in the site being excluded from the program. For example, you cannot click on advertisements on your website yourself. More detailed Adsense rules can be found here.

The next step is to fill out your contact information.

To create AdSense account, you must provide reliable data in Latin letters. This will determine whether you can subsequently receive the money you earned.

Within a week after Once you have completed the registration procedure, you should receive confirmation by email that your site has been accepted into the program.

Google AdSense: how to set it up? Creating an ad unit

Once your blog has been moderated, you can log into your AdSense account. On home page Statistics of your income, views, clicks, etc. will be shown.

Here you can specify the name of the block, its size, ad type, and create a client channel.

You indicate the name for your convenience. Ad sizes can vary greatly. Based on Google recommendations, work better horizontal blocks: large rectangle (336 x 280), medium rectangle (300 x 250), full-size banner (728 x 90), and wide skyscraper (160 x 600). But depending on the design and structure of your site, you can select formats that are convenient for you, and then track statistics on them. When analyzing reviews of GoogleAdsense, it is better to choose “Text and graphic” ad type, this will increase your income. One more useful feature– client channels. It allows you to group advertising blocks according to different criteria: by location, size, page theme. This way, you can track the effectiveness of channels (in the “Reports” section), as well as enable targeting for them. Those. you'll be able to give the advertiser the ability to choose the placement you created using the customer channel.

In addition to the “Client channels” column when creating a new advertising block, this section is also included in separate tab. Those. you can configure it after you have created an ad group. To enable targeting, you need to check the appropriate box.

You can also apply appearance settings to text ads.

Here you choose either ready-made templates(as shown in the picture), or you can create your own style by changing the color of the text, frame, background, etc.

WordPress Adsense Plugin

There are a sufficient number of plugins for working with Adsense. I'll tell you about the plugin that seems to me the most convenient. This is Easy Adsense. It is convenient primarily because it is translated into Russian. Additionally, it will allow you to place advertisements anywhere on your blog. The Adsense plugin is installed via the installer, or by adding it to the wp-plugins folder. Next, activate it in the plugins section on your website. After this, select the placement location for the ad unit that you created in Adsense. In the appropriate field, paste the code you received.

However, installing a plugin is not the only way to add code to your site. Despite their convenience, plugins load the engine and if you can do without additional load, why not do it?

Inserting AdSense code without a plugin

Its code will look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 function context_reklama() (return " Google code Adsense" ; ) add_shortcode ("adsense" , "context_reklama" ) ;

function context_reklama () ( return "Google Adsense code"; ) add_shortcode ( "adsense", "context_reklama");

IN in this case“context_reklama” is the name of the function for your convenience, “Google AdSense code” is the code you received in Adsense, “adsense” is short code, which you can insert anywhere on the page to display an advertising message.

Paste the generated code after the tag

Add adsense code after h1-h6 headers

« Ad block code" - the code you received in Adsense. This feature allows ad units to appear after each h2 tag. However, you need to keep in mind that Google AdSense has a limit on the number of ad units. There should be no more than three.

Add adsense code after

Add an adsense ad block in the middle of a WordPress post

This code will determine the middle of your article and find the end of the nearest paragraph

And insert a block after it:

Don't show on home page

For more information on Google AdSense, visit the Adsense Help Center. There you can find recommendations on how to register with Google Adsense and start working with the service, as well as many answers on working in the program.

If you suddenly decide not only to make money from contextual advertising, but also to promote something with its help, I can recommend a convenient service. Here you can advertise directly in both Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. By the way, all operations are automated, so you will save a lot of time and devote it entirely to monetizing your blog.

I hope today's article will simplify your cooperation with Google AdSense and allow you to effectively place contextual advertising on your blog. See you!

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! When bloggers talk, most often the first thing they talk about is contextual advertising. To make a profit through Yandex, first you will need to achieve traffic of 500 people per day, this is not easy for beginners. And to start earning money from the first day of blogging, you will need to register in Google through Google AdSense and that’s it, you can immediately launch the system and expect an increase in the amount on your balance.

Even if you are just learning website building and layout, and you created your website on a free platform, you already have the opportunity to install advertising in Russian from AdSense .

To start getting acquainted with this system, you need to register in it. So, go to link to the mentioned section from Google, I recommend that you save the link address in your bookmarks, since you will access the resource often.

The default page will open in English. Your task is to click on the green button that the arrow points to.

If you know English, then you will not be confused by the lines below. Then you can immediately log into your account, if you have one, or register.

But you can also change the display language by clicking on the drop-down menu on the right and selecting “ Russian ».

Now everything becomes clearer and it will be much easier for you to navigate.

As I said earlier, you can log in through your existing account, which you created, for example, to register a Google mailbox.

Or click on the phrase " Create an account » and go through all stages of registration by first filling out the form. Be sure to indicate your real data, otherwise you will not be able to withdraw your earned funds in the future.

Since I have a short history of activity in AdSense, I have already generated income. You can see it in one of the points on the main page. My blog is already assigned to an account and adding a site in my case is not required, but if you are in the system for the first time, then you will be asked a question about your resource and you will need to enter its url.

The menu consists of several sections:

  • My advertisements;
  • Allow/block ads;
  • Reports;
  • Optimization.

You have the opportunity to add search to your site from Google, as well as ads with contextual advertising to the WordPress blog manually or using the one I already wrote about - Google AdSense. For resources created on other engines, advertising is installed only manually, by writing codes in the appropriate blocks.

Go to the appropriate section " My advertisements " and click on the button " New ad unit " In my case there are already 2 advertisements, your section will be empty.

To make it more convenient for you to work in the future, give the ad unit a name and select its size. The system recommends the most profitable parameters for advertising units and I agree with it.

Helpful tips will help you navigate and understand what's what. Review each tab and select the option that suits you.

Ad display option, it is better to select " text and graphic ", they are clicked on most often by site guests. But be prepared for experiments, only they will tell you which blocks will bring more income to you.

To assign custom channels to an ad, you must first create them. Why do this? This way you can attract potential advertisers and target (identify a specific target audience). You can also create a separate ad for each section of your blog and connect a specific thematic channel to it. So how do you create one? It's simple, here are some instructions.

Fill the channel in the same way as shown in the figure below.

The reports section will allow you to analyze statistics, where you will clearly understand which channels are successful in your case and which are not.

Google allows you to create a color scheme for an advertising block in accordance with the design and color scheme of your website, which is also very convenient.

Once you're done, save your ad and copy its code. It looks something like this:

Paste the code into the appropriate widget or module on your site. It is not always possible to view changes immediately. You often have to wait a while to see an ad block on the site.

Try to master adsense and remember that if something doesn’t work out for you, you can watch a video on this topic and try to go through all the stages step by step, as in the video.

Subscribe to news!

See you soon!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

Website. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Today I want to talk about contextual advertising from Google and some of the nuances of working with it. Like many bloggers, I decided to write about the problems I encountered and talk about my earnings.

Every day the Runet is updated with new web pages of various types. However, many site owners simply do not know how to organize income with their help, and only fill their own resources with context for their satisfaction. In reality, there are many ways to monetize a site, from participation in to placing blocks of paid advertising. One of the interesting resources that deserves attention and allows you to earn real money is Google Adsense.

Here are my earnings only on Edsense for November 2016 on the 22nd day of the month (I took the screenshot during lunch -))).

Why do you need Google Adsense?

The American search engine created this tool to display paid advertising on partner sites, whose owners earn money from visitors clicking on it. To do this, web developers, during website layout or further optimization, provide for the placement of special blocks. They display advertising in graphic or text form. Also, a Google search bar can be installed on a web resource to find content both directly on the site and on external search results. If you click on ad blocks in the same way, the Google partner will also receive a reward.

How to log in to Google Adsense in Russian

When you go to the Adsense start page, all information is presented in English. A large number of people do not speak this language perfectly, so they believe that they will not understand the registration and close the resource. But you just need to scroll down the page and select the “Russian-Russian” setting in the drop-down menu. All text and registration buttons will be immediately translated into your native language.

Another available option is to click the Sign Up Now button on the start page, and in the URL that appears, replace the en setting with ru. You can also select a language from the drop-down menu.

The procedure for connecting your site to Adsense

To become a partner of Google and display its advertising on your web resource, you need to click on the “Register” button. Next, you will be asked to fill out a form where you should indicate your email on the Gmail resource, information about the site (domain and content language). After saving the entered data, a message will appear stating that they will check within 7 days and report the result of the connection. In most cases this takes about 2 hours. To activate you will need to receive in order to receive payments in the future.

You should apply for a partnership after the site is already fully launched and filled with content. Otherwise, Google will refuse the connection. Resources that contain exclusively images, videos or Flash animation are not allowed for partnership.

If the website has not yet been finalized, but you still want to register and explore the possibilities of Adsense, a suitable option is to create a blog on the Blogger service. It is interesting because it is completely free for users and allows you to connect advertising from Google without working with HTML codes. Another option to register is to connect your YouTube channel.

Effective advertising blocks for websites and blogs

To place an advertising block on a web resource, you need to create an HTML code in your account. After this, log into Google Adsense in Russian, which will allow you to make all further actions intuitive in your personal account. First, you need to click on the “Advertising units” tab, then activate the “New advertising unit” button. Next you need to make a few settings:

  • Enter a name. With its help, you can always find a block and monitor its effectiveness.
  • Determine the size. Google Adsense itself recommends formats that give the best results. You can also choose other standard formats or customize the banner to your own size. To do this, expand the “Displayed” submenu.

  • Select type and style. There are several options for displaying ads: graphic, text and mixed. Google recommends focusing on the latter, since in this case there will be a greater volume of coverage, and, accordingly, earnings. You can choose a standard block design style or edit the template to suit your web resource.

  • The last 2 settings “Customer Channels” and backup ads do not need to be configured.

After clicking the "Save and get code" button, the html code appears. It is copied and pasted in the place on the site where you want to place the ad unit. Also, you can trick it with the help of this advertisement.

Bloggers whose web resources are made on WordPress, Joomla and other engines can use special plugins. In this case, you won’t have to deal with html codes, but it will be enough to connect ad units to certain modules. But I don’t really use these plugins and insert blocks from my personal account.

ADVICE: Test different options for placing blocks both in the text and under headings. Use different block sizes, as the effect may differ several times on different topics.

Don't forget to like and subscribe to blog updates. All the best -))).

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

The word itself AdSense derived from Ad(English advertising, announcement) and Sense(English meaning, reason, logic). So the term AdSense can be literally interpreted as “meaningful advertising” or “logical advertising”. Everything taken together is included in the newfangled concept of contextual advertising - advertising in accordance with the text message(English messages) web pages. From this follows the bold statement that Google Adsense - This is a program for publishing Google advertisements that are loaded intelligently onto website pages in a logical connection and in accordance with the text found there.

To put it in other words (more civilized):
Google AdSense is contextual Internet advertising from Google

Why Google Adsense is interesting

Program Google Adsense(English) Google AdSense) is the American analogue of YAN (Advertising Network). Or rather, its prototype. Moreover, being a true child of American democracy, Google Adsense is much more liberal in its approach to the work of webmasters and their sites.

So, for example, unlike many advertising networks and services, Google Adsense does not have a minimum threshold of traffic and the site can be accepted by anyone who does not violate current American legislation and the simple rules of participation in Google Adsense. Yes, and the minimum payout is Google Adsense slightly lower than some advertising programs-services-networks.

Payments Google Adsense produces a personal check, which can be exchanged for money directly at the place of residence, if, of course, the recipient of the payment has a passport. This can be done in many ways and, practically, in any branch of any large bank. And more recently, the company Google launched a new type of payment - “Bank Transfer”. And now it’s completely lame. Now there is no need to wait for a check in the mail and cash it at the bank. Now, a bank transfer of money from Google takes only a few days and the complexity of cashing it is reduced to the usual withdrawal of money from a plastic card at an ATM. The only condition for such a payment is that the client has this same dollar plastic card.

To summarize, we can say that for the average webmaster, working with Google AdSense is of interest because of the democratic approach of this system when enrolling a site in its advertising network (program) and the subsequent ease of paying remuneration for received clicks and impressions. Although, the latter (payment of remuneration) may not seem so simple for the first time.

If not Google Adsense, then who?

From the very beginning of my Internet activity, I took root in the Yandex Advertising Network, the textbook prototype of which, at one time, was the program Google AdSense. However, after the summer demarche in 2014, I was left practically without a livelihood.

Of course, I wasn’t fed up with Yandex alone.
Trying to earn money for food “on the side,” I hung on my website all sorts of advertising crap from various advertising services, which have proliferated immensely on the vastness of the World Wide Web. ABOUT! It was a terrible time of ordeal and humiliation, a waste of time and traffic, which convinced me of only one thing:

Besides Yandex, only Google Adsense, Begun, and, probably, bodyclick can really act as sources of income for the owner of a Russian-language Internet resource. All other advertising programs, services and networks are a complete small-penny mouse fuss and vanity of vanities, intended exclusively for all sorts of Varezniks, adult sites, torrent trackers and other, always problematic, copy-paste Internet resources.

Such a small choice is explained by the fact that only Yandex, Google AdSense and Begun have a fairly high potential and powerful mechanisms for implementing such a high-quality advertising campaign that everyone makes money from it - the advertiser site, the intermediary site, and the advertising platform site, the earnings of which, in fact, are what we are talking about here.

In addition, the above-mentioned three advertising networks (programs, services) are very careful in selecting and displaying advertising material. Therefore, these three networks (programs, services) have long gotten used to each other and allow the mutual location and good neighborliness of their advertising blocks. The same cannot be said about other advertising networks (programs, services), which sometimes push outright “greyhound” and “immorality”, for the presence of which our trio bans platform sites right away.

Thus, you can count on the fact that, having passed moderation and being accepted into one advertising system, the site will apply for two more without fear of being banned from the first. Such advertising-network solidarity is achieved, I repeat, through promotions to sites-advertising platforms. Requirements that are equally stringent, both in YAN and in Google AdSense, and on Begun-e.

Well, let's leave Begun alone for now
and turn our bright gaze to Google AdSense.
We will register and we will try,
what kind of overseas miracle is this - Google AdSense

Google Adsense. Registration

At the time of registration,
Experience with Google Adsense
I had absolutely none.

Therefore, to begin with, I Googled three boxes of text and video manuals on registering in this advertising network and working with it. Having read a lot and watched all sorts of instructive rubbish from the same idiots as myself, I started registering my account and website in the Google AdSense program.

First of all, I found Google AdSense itself.
To do this, typed into the search engine the request “ Google Adsense »
and poked at the first result that came up:

In response, the Google AdSense start page opened.
It opened in English and immediately appeared in Russian.
Here it is! At the very beginning of the page there is a “Start now” button
Clicked and - registration of a new user began...

At this point, I will allow myself to give a few interesting observations, gleaned from the instructive waste paper that I read and looked through in the process of preparing for registration:

Selecting a language during registration Initially, Google AdSense registration pages are written in English, which are then translated into all other languages ​​of the world. Almost all current browsers have built-in automatic translation functionality. Such a built-in auto-translator of the browser, in this case, can do a disservice due to the free interpretation of Google AdSense service terms during translation from English to Russian. Therefore, in order not to be “stupid”, it is better to immediately select a clear Russian language in the drop-down list on the first page of registration in Google AdSense. By selecting Russian directly on the registration page, the user will see original Russian translation texts directly from Google Adsense. This is much better than “sticking” into the gag of a free literary translation, which is provided by any browser. Registration windows and fields to fill out From time to time, Google AdSense changes the appearance of the windows, the layout of the fields to fill out, and the order in which requests for information are displayed that appear on the screen during the registration of a new user or site. At the same time, only the appearance and arrangement of the elements of the web page on the monitor screen fundamentally change, but the essence of the registration itself does not change at all. And therefore, it is much more important to read your own real registration web page rather than peer into other people’s video instructions and screenshots of bygone days. It is for this reason that I abandoned the pictures in this article. Due to the rapid loss of their relevance. Selecting or creating an account to log in to Google AdSense They say that all newly created sites and accounts for working with money fall under some kind of filtering surveillance of the system. At least until it (the system) becomes clear why these sites and accounts were created. I heeded the advice and used my old account to log into Google Adsense, on which my site “hangs” in Google Analytics (webmaster tools). Having logged into Google Adsense from an account five years ago, I naively assumed that Google would remain true to its motto “One account. The whole world is Google! Uniqueness and authenticity When registering a new user in Google AdSense, the main condition is his (the user’s) uniqueness and the reliability of the information he provides. This means that one user can register in the program AdSense only one account and at the same time he (the user) must provide his reliable data, because, subsequently, the money earned will simply be impossible to receive. You will have to write your first and last name and place of residence in Latin letters. In order not to screw up with transliteration, it is best to write off your data from your personal bank card or foreign passport (if you have one) in the hope that the bank or passport office knows better what transliteration is. If there is no such (official) documentation, then you can use online transliterators that are available in all search engines, for example - Account type An ordinary webmaster is an individual.
The type of account for him is private (individual). A business account is for legal entities and all kinds of companies Google AdSense user account
and sites - advertising platforms
Initially, it is mandatory to register an account
advertising program user Google AdSense.
The site(s) can be added immediately or after registration. A Google AdSense user can only have one account.
There can be as many website sites in one account as you like.

Well, that’s it, that’s all. As soon as I understood the above, the simplicity of registering as a user of the Google Adsense program immediately opened up for me. And I did it in a maximum of 7 minutes.

The general registration algorithm looked something like this:
I looked, read and pressed buttons.
After the “Submit Application” button, I breathed a sigh of relief!

Hooray! User account registration is completed.
The application to add a site has been sent.
They promised to respond within a week.
Time has passed! I'm sitting, waiting...

The answer came within 2 hours.
The site is not accepted. Bummer. We've arrived.

The site was not accepted in Google Adsense

The main and only reason
why this could happen is -

inconsistency of site content
current legislation
and moral standards of society,
accepted into USA

In the most democratic state in the world, the most stringent legislative, moral and ethical framework has been created that protects everyone, everything and everyone. Therefore, if there is anything illegal, immoral or offensive on the site, rest assured - such a site will never be accepted into Google Adsense. Moreover, a site that has already passed moderation will be immediately and immediately blocked if disreputable material is published on it.

A long list of things not allowed in Google Adsense
Internet crimes include:

  • propaganda of any kind of violence
  • adult content
    (erotica, pornography, display of sexual relations)
  • materials directed against someone or something
  • copyrighted materials
  • content related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco products
  • content related to hacking computer systems and programs
  • sites for making money on the Internet (SARs, axle boxes, etc.)
  • gambling and entertainment sites
    (online casino or other money and gaming resources)
  • sites using Google brand elements
  • content related to weapons and ammunition
  • propaganda of racial or any other discrimination
  • insulting the religious feelings of believers of any concessions
  • obscene or simply rude language
  • use of programs and other means initiated without the consent of the visitor and influencing the behavioral factor, such as:
    - redirecting the visitor to unwanted web resources.
    - changing browser settings.
    - downloading files to the user's computer.
    - appearance of pop-up windows, etc.
  • outgoing links to sites subject to these rules
  • and much, much more, including spam and inappropriate content...

    Note All these rules apply both directly to the direct (author's) content (content) of the site, and indirectly - comments or advertising located directly on the pages or downloaded from other sites.

And, if the site was not accepted into the Google Adsense program, or was accepted but subsequently blocked, this means only one thing - the site’s materials violate current legislation or moral standards adopted in the USA.

By the way, not the least serious crime in America is violation of copyright in all its manifestations. This rule also applies to the site engine itself. Website on a broken (broken) engine in Google Adsense will never work.

When, it would seem, the prohibitions have already ended, wishes for the convenience of the advertiser begin. For example, just like all other advertising programs-systems-network-services, Google Adsense I really love the narrow focus of the platform site and the lack of dynamic content on its page. It’s no wonder. No internet advertising campaign likes unpredictable websites about everything.

Which site will be accepted by Google Adsense?

From the above it is absolutely clear that the program Google Adsense Only a crystal clear site that does not have any contact with suspicious content and does not have connections that discredit it (read, links, references) can be accepted.

Having decided to link your website with the Google Adsense advertising program, the owner of the advertising platform will be forced to once and for all remove absolutely all illegal and offensive elements of the content of their pages and links to sites that have them. In the future, he (the owner) will have to constantly monitor his web resource from the (even accidental) appearance of seditious material or links to seditious resources on its pages. The latter include even such seemingly harmless sites as weather informers.

As practice has shown, the only neighboring competitors that Google Adsense can tolerate are the presence on the YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) and Begun website. Because, in terms of moderating sites for advertising platforms, these three rivals are united in their desire to protect the advertiser from wasting money.

As for the answer to the main question “Which site will be accepted into Google Adsense”- so only Google knows. Personally, they didn’t take my site even on the third attempt, despite the fact that this site worked quite well in the YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) and has a very neutral theme - “We dig the earth with our own hands.” Well, oh well. I'll leave it alone and move on. Maybe they'll take it somewhere.

Then a friend told me that I should add a website and register an account in Google Adsense- these are different things. Of course, I know this myself. But here's what I didn't think of! The account is registered by the primary action, and the site is added to it by the secondary action. And, if they stubbornly do not take sites one after another from under the same account, then most likely there are problems with it. If the sites are confidently clean, then you need to try to “register” an account

Google Adsense is a service that offers web project owners to earn money without prior investment by placing advertisements. After registration, Google Adsense provides the opportunity to customize the appearance of advertising blocks so that they are in perfect harmony with the style of the site. Upon completion of the block format selection, the service generates a unique script for insertion into the site pages.

For clicks on advertising on a partner site, Google Adsense credits its owner with money to the account in the created profile. The cost of one click is set according to special company regulations and depends mainly on the content of the content. Withdrawal of money from the account to the bank account or electronic payment system of the website owner is carried out once a month, if the amount of income is at least $100.

Google Adsense supports various payment methods: through the online payment system (EFT) to a bank account, by check, using Western Union Quick Cash and Rapid services. Users living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus can cash received checks through state banking institutions.


To create your Google Adsense account, follow the steps below in the order listed:

1. Go to the login page -

2. Scroll it with the mouse wheel to the very bottom.

3. To display the interface in Russian, click on the “English” field with the mouse. In the list you left, select the location “Russian - Russia”.

4. Return to the top of the page. Click the “Register” button (located on the right side of the slide).

5. On the “Welcome…” page that opens, you can create a profile in two ways.

Method I:

If you already have a Google account (Gmail mailbox), click the “Login” button. Then enter your username and password. After authorization (when your profile becomes active), you can immediately begin filling out an application for participation in the AdSense affiliate program.

Method II:

If you don't have a Google ID, click the "Create Account" button. And then fill out all the fields of the form that opens:

  • enter your first and last name;
  • create a unique login (email address) and a complex password (10-18 Latin letters and numbers);
  • indicate your date of birth (indicate the day, month and year in separate fields);
  • indicate your mobile number (select your country in the drop-down list, type the number);
  • enter the captcha (characters from the picture);
  • Click the “I accept the Terms and Conditions...” box so that a check mark appears in it;
  • click "Next";
  • Follow the site instructions to complete data verification and complete account creation.

Advice! Google allows you to create multiple accounts. So, to avoid confusion, you can create a separate profile specifically for AdSense.

Site information

1. In the “My Site” line, indicate the domain name of the website on which you will place advertising.

2. In the “Content language” setting, specify the language of your site (Russian).

Fill out the “Contact Information” form, according to your passport details or license (if we are talking, for example, about a private company). Upon completion of registration, check whether the fields are filled out correctly. The service uses the data you provide to send the earned money.

1. In the first two drop-down lists, set your country and its corresponding time zone.

2. “Account type”: indicate your status (“Individual” - private sites, blogs; “Legal entity” - services, companies, online stores).

3. “Name and address”: in this block of fields, type your first and last name or company name (if you specified the “Legal Entity” status in “Account Type”), as well as your address (city, region, zip code).

Attention! If you live in a capital city, also indicate the city in the “region” column (for example, city - Kyiv, region - Kyiv). Otherwise, the service may report an error in entering the index and prevent the completed form from being submitted.

4. “Main contact”: for feedback, please indicate your name, phone number and email.

5. “How did you find out…”: select the source from which you learned about the Google Adsense service from the drop-down list.

6. “Setting up email. mail": click the "Yes" button next to the newsletter to receive it by email. To disable it, click “No”.

7. Click “Submit Application”.

8. Verify the attached phone number:

  • click “Send...”;
  • in the line that appears, enter the code from the received SMS;
  • Click the “Confirm” button.

9. In an additional window that opens on top of the page, click the “I accept the agreements” box under the text and click the “Accept” link.

After acceptance, your application is reviewed by the service administration. If it passes the test, you will receive an email notification that a new Adsense profile has been created.

How to get the ad block script?

3. In the “Ad Size” block, click your preferred block shape (“skyscraper”, adaptive, large banner, etc.).

9. Go to the admin panel of your site and paste the resulting code into the HTML markup or PHP code that generates the main page, post or any directory. To get acquainted with Google's recommendations for placing advertising blocks on the site, in the panel with the generated script, click the link “Guide to implementing code”.

Have fun making money with Google AdSense!