Information processed programmatically is called. Computer memory stores data and programs

A) study of automated systems;

B) studying the patterns of information processes;

C) study of programming systems;

D) study of algorithmic structures

D) study of technologies for creating software applications

2. Which approach considers information as a means of communication?

A) information approach;

B) attributive approach;

B) systematic approach;

D) communicative approach;

D) functional approach.

3. Which approach considers information as an attribute of matter?

A) information approach;

B) attributive approach;

B) systematic approach;

D) communicative approach;

D) functional approach.

4. Which approach considers information as a result of reflecting the information interaction of self-organizing systems?

A) information approach;

B) attributive approach;

B) systematic approach;

D) communicative approach;

D) functional approach.

5. What explains the use of different approaches to describe the concept of “information”?

A) the complexity of the phenomenon under consideration;

B) inconsistency of various scientific trends;

C) the lack of uniform approaches to defining information;

D) the need for a multi-valued definition;

D) using various methods of description.

6. Name a property of the system that reflects the internal unity of the system:

A) hierarchy;

B) integrity;

B) systematic;

D) structure;

D) divisibility.

7. A message written in the native language of the information receiver satisfies the properties...

A) accessibility;

B) understandability;

B) relevance;

D) reliability;

D) novelty.

8. An object used to store and transmit information is called...

A) familiar;

B) a signal;

B) alphabet;

D) information carrier;

D) tongue.

9. The set of symbols, conventions and rules used to communicate, reflect, exchange, display and transmit information is called...

A) familiar;

B) a signal;

B) alphabet;

D) information carrier;

D) tongue.

10. A necessary means of human existence are...

B) signal;

B) information;

D) information;

D) news.

11. The communication process requires the presence of:

A) two or more people

B) means of storing information

C) the source, receiver of information and the connection between them;

D) reliable information;

D) two-way communication.

12. Translating text from one language to another is a process:

A) storage of information;

B) transfer of information;

B) search for information;

D) information processing;

D) exchange of information

13. The most preferred information carrier at the present stage is:

A) paper;

B) video recording equipment;

B) laser compact disc;

D) floppy disk, hard disk;

D) magnetic tape.

14. The first means of long-distance communication, where the information carrier is not paper, is considered to be:

A) radio communication;

B) telephone;

B) telegraph;

D) computer networks.

15. A man is standing at the bus stop waiting for bus No. 3. How much information is conveyed by the message that bus number 4 has arrived at the stop?

B) zero information;

B) non-zero information;

16. In electronic devices, information is inextricably linked:

A) with the source of information;

B) with a storage medium;

B) with an information receiver;

D) with a communication channel;

D) with the consumer of information.

17. A computer is a universal automatic device for working:

A) with signs;

B) with information;

B) with knowledge;

D) with information;

D) with data.

18. The computer duplicates the basic information functions:

A) social systems;

B) person;

B) animals;

D) technical systems;

D) any biological systems.

19. Information is different for a person and a computer:

A) method of interpretation;

B) type of media;

C) method of receipt;

D) processing method.

20. Information processed programmatically is called:

A) file;

B) catalogue;

B) data;

D) many;

D) block.

21. To represent information in computer memory, the following is used:

B) Russian alphabet

C) encoding of natural numbers;

D) binary encoding;

D) decimal encoding.

22.To store one byte of information you must use:

A) 2 bytes of memory;

B) 1 byte of memory;

B) 1 bit of memory;

D) 2 bits of memory;

D) 1 machine word;

23. Data stored on external computer storage under one name is called:

A) file;

B) catalogue;

B) data;

D) many;

D) block.

24. Data stored in computer memory becomes active (can be processed) only in the following cases:

A) human interpretation;

B) loading information from external memory into operational memory

B) bringing the computer into working condition;

D) presence of control signals;

D) program control capabilities.

25. The data converter in the computer into the corresponding signals is:

A) processor

B) monitor;

B) disk drive;

D) controller;

D) keyboard.

26. The storage media in a computer are:

B) signal;

D) memory;

D) processor.

27. Data transmitted over the highway is accompanied by:

A) your address;

B) signal interpretation;

B) controller;

D) processing method.

28. One type of system information is:

B) addresses;

B) programs;

D) data;

29. The process of communication between a user and a computer is called:

A) activation of programs;

B) activation of programs;

B) user interface;

D) interactive mode;

D) internal activation mode

30. The continuity of information with the signal assumes:

A) the same semantic content of information and signal;

B) unambiguous interpretation of the signal by different information receivers;

C) using both concepts as synonyms;

D) lack of information in the signal;

D) inability to identify the meaning of the signal from information receivers.

31.The type of information stored in a file can be determined:

A) by file name;

B) file extension;

B) disk file structure;

D) catalogue;

D) organizing the file structure.

32. Information contained in catalogs can include:

A) to semantic;

B) documentary;

B) systemic;

D) a priori;

D) technical.

33. The carrier of graphic information is:

B) pictogram;

B) signal;

D) pixel;

D) video image.

34. Information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called:

A) familiar;

B) information;

B) block;

D) data;

35. A conventional image of an information object or operation is called:

A) a signal;

B) pixel;

B) file;

D) familiar;

D) a pictogram.

36. Which of the following objects cannot be a carrier of information:

B) signal;

B) pixel;

D) palette;

D) pictogram

37. The set of hardware and software used to manipulate data is called:

A) automatic system;

B) automatic;

B) a robot;

D) computer;

D) electronic computer.

38.Integrated circuits began to be used in computers:

A) first generation;

B) second generation;

B) third generation;

D) fourth generation;

D) fifth generation.

39. The program must have the following properties:

A) an ordered sequence of commands, the feasibility of a given algorithm;

B) systematic, discrete, understandable;

C) discreteness, mass character, clarity, effectiveness

D) unambiguous, discrete, accurate, understandable, effective, widespread;

D) unambiguity, discreteness, accuracy, understandability.

40. How does a program differ from an algorithm?

A) way of description;

B) level of implementation;

B) various performers;

D) all the mentioned parameters;

D) is no different.

41. Methods of storing data on physical media are determined by:

A) operating system;

B) application software;

B) file system;

D) application;

D) file manager.

42. The principle of program management assumes:

A) coding in the binary system;

B) storing data and programs in the same memory;

C) each memory cell has its own address;

D) data management using a sequence of commands;

D) consistency of stored data.

43. To develop the architecture of a modern computer, the main provisions developed by:

A) C. Babbage;

B) G. Leibniz;

B) J. von Neumann;

D) N. Winner;

D) V. Bush.

44. The use of transistors as a computer element base includes:

A) to the first generation;

B) to the second generation

B) to the third generation;

D) to the fourth generation;

45. User interaction with the software environment is carried out using:

A) operating system;

B) file system;

D) applications;

D) file manager.

46. ​​The user can directly control the software using:

A) operating system;

B) application software;

B) graphical interface;

D) user interface;

D) file manager.

47. The main means of developing your own information space within one computer is:

B) document;

D) external memory;

48. Loss of valuable information when transmitting data over a network can be avoided by using:

A) electronic signature;

B) authentication;

B) coding;

D) encryption;

D) access control.

49. Data archiving allows, in addition to saving electronic space, to:

A) data protection;

B) encryption;

C) data security;

D) data optimization;

D) efficiency of data use.

50. How does analog information differ from discrete information?

A) the method of representing signal parameters;

B) method of data transmission;

B) method of measuring parameters;

D) coding method;

D) signal conversion method;

51. Which device is classified as analog?

A) printer;

D) computer;

D) telephone.

52. Presentation of information in the form of a sequence of numbers is called:

A) coding;

B) encryption;

B) systematization;

D) structuring;

D) optimization.

53. The way numeric and text data are represented in computer memory is different:

A) storage method;

B) processing method;

D) coding techniques;

D) the result of processing.

54. The code table is used to represent:

A) numerical data;

B) text data;

B) pseudographics;

D) mathematical signs;

D) all types of data.

55. The size of the monitor screen, expressed in pixels, is called:

A) bit depth;

B) brightness;

B) permission;

D) primitive;

D) raster.

56. Name the most widely used color models:

57. RGB models use three primary colors:

A) red, blue, brown;

B) white, black, gray;

B) red, green, gray;

D) red, green, blue;

D) red, green, white.

58. What process is usually called digitization?

A) the process of converting analog information into discrete information;

B) the process of converting discrete information into analog;

C) the process of converting vector information into raster

D) the process of converting raster information into vector information;

D) the process of converting numerical information into text.

59. When processing data on a computer, text is considered as:

A) a collection of data that has some meaning

B) a formalized set of data;

C) a collection of symbolic data combined randomly;

D) a set of character data combined into paragraphs;

D) any set of symbols.

60. The set of fonts of one design in all styles and sizes is called:

A) pin;

B) point;

B) width;

D) headset;

D) outline.

61. Formatting involves changing properties:

A) text;

B) font;

D) applications;

D) systems.

62. The set of text properties can be reflected:

A) in a symbol;

B) font;

B) registration;

63. The text document must include sections:

A) title;

B) the main part;

B) accompanying part;

D) auxiliary part;

D) all of the listed positions.

64. The minimum objects of a spreadsheet are:

A) range of cells;

B) cell;

B) column;

D) string;

65. Name the main purpose of spreadsheets.

A) visual presentation of data;

B) solving calculation problems;

C) preparation of text documents;

D) analysis and modeling of phenomena and processes;

D) preparation of report tables.

66. A dependent field in a spreadsheet includes:

A) only the formula;

B) any set of symbols;

B) formulas;

67. Functions in spreadsheets are used:

A) to simplify the presentation

B) simplification of calculations;

D) preparation of report tables;

D) modeling of various objects

68. Diagrams are used:

B) simplifying calculations;

C) visual presentation of data;

D) modeling of various objects.

69. What is the difference between raster and vector data representation?

A) method of storing graphic data;

B) method of transmitting graphic data;

C) the way data is displayed on the screen

D) the nature of data display on paper;

D) using various printing methods on a printer.

70. Which element cannot be classified as a graphic object?

A) diagram;

B) animation;

B) digital video;

D) drawing.

71. The process of obtaining a digital copy of a drawing is called:

A) duplication;

B) formatting;

B) scanning;

D) copying;

D) creation.

72. The process of converting a graphic object into text format is called:

A) digitization;

B) scanning;

B) formatting;

D) copying;

D) recognition.

73. The following combination is used as primary colors to create a color model:

A) red, blue, green;

B) all colors are gray;

B) all the colors of the rainbow;

D) red, blue, gray;

D) red, blue, white.

74. Changing the form of presentation of information without changing its content can be carried out in the process

A) receiving information;

B) exchange of information;

B) storage of information;

D) transfer of information.

75. Formatting involves changing:

A) text properties;

B) font properties;

B) file properties;

D) application properties;

D) properties of the system.

76. The minimum objects of a spreadsheet are:

A) range of cells;

B) cell;

B) column;

D) string;

77. The diagram is used:

A) to simplify the presentation of data;

B) simplification of calculations;

C) visual presentation of data;

D) preparation of tables and reports;

D) modeling of various objects.

78. The process of converting a graphic object into a text format is called:

A) digitization;

B) scanning;

B) formatting;

D) copying;

D) recognition.

79. Information carrier means:

A) communication lines for transmitting information;

B) parameters of a physical process of arbitrary nature;

C) devices for storing data on a personal computer;

D) telecommunications;

D) means for recording and storing information.

80. The following is used as a data converter in a computer into appropriate signals:

A) processor;

B) monitor;

B) disk drive;

D) controller;

D) keyboard.

81. What is the Windows object sign called?

A) pictogram;

B) drawing;

D) interface;

82. The set of means and rules for interaction between a user and a computer is called:

A) interface;

B) process;

B) the object of control;

D) graphical interface;

D) user interface.

83. A pixel cannot be considered a sign because:

A) does not carry any semantic meaning;

B) is a light ray;

B) is not information;

D) incomparable concept;

D) is not text.

84. Which application program is a means of processing numerical information?

85. A computer is a universal automatic device for working:

A) with signs;

B) with information;

B) with knowledge;

D) with information;

D) with data.

86. Data transmitted over the highway is accompanied by:

A) your address;

B) signal interpretation;

B) controller;

D) physical parameters of the signal;

D) processing method.

87. Presentation of information in the form of a sequence of numbers is called:

A) coding;

B) encryption;

B) systematization;

D) structuring;

D) optimization.

88. An object used to store and transmit information is called:

A) familiar;

B) signal;

B) alphabet;

D) information carrier;

D) tongue.

89. Which approach considers information as a result of reflecting the information interaction of self-organizing systems?

A) information approach;

B) attributive approach;

B) systems approach;

D) communicative approach;

D) functional approach.

90. The set of symbols, conventions and rules used to communicate, reflect, exchange, display and transmit information is called:

A) familiar;

B) a signal;

B) alphabet;

D) information carrier;

D) tongue.

91. The most preferred information carrier at the present stage are:

A) paper;

B) video recording equipment;

B) laser CD;

D) floppy disk, hard drive;

D) magnetic tape.

92. A person is standing at a stop waiting for bus No. 3. How much information does the message convey that bus No. 4 has arrived at the stop?

B) zero information;

B) non-zero information;

93. Information is different for a person and a computer:

A) method of interpretation;

B) type of media;

B) method of receipt;

D) storage method;

D) processing method.

94. Data transmitted over the highway is accompanied by:

A) your address;

B) signal interpretation;

B) controller;

D) physical parameters of the signal;

D) processing method.

95. The type of information stored in a file can be determined:

A) by file name;

B) file extension;

B) disk file structure;

D) catalogue;

D) organizing the file structure.,

96. Information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called:

A) familiar;

B) information;

B) block;

D) data;

Program - this is an indication of the sequence of actions (commands) that the computer must perform in order to solve the given information processing task.

Information processed in a computer programmatically is called data.

The described principles of the design and operation of a computer were first proposed in 1946 by the American scientist John von Neumann. These principles have largely been preserved in modern computers.

Von–Neumann principles and write down in a notebook the principles of the design and operation of a computer

TsOR Information exchange in a computer (N 118488), Computer design diagram (N 118497).

All computer nodes perform certain work with information. But what is the information itself in the machine? To answer this question, let’s “look” inside computer memory.

When working with information, a person uses not only the knowledge that he remembers, but also books, reference books and other external sources. Information is stored in human memory and on external media. A person can forget information that has been memorized, but the notes are stored more reliably.

A computer also has two types of memory: internal (operative) and external (long-term) memory.

Write down the definitions:

RAM -this is an electronic device which stores information while powered by electricity. When disconnected from the network, the information disappears.

External memory -These are various magnetic media (tapes, disks), optical disks. Storing information on them does not require constant power supply.

Look at Fig. 2.3 Structure of the computer’s internal memory.

Each cell can currently store only one of two values: zero or one. Using just two characters to represent information is called binary encoding.

Write down the rule from page 37.

Data and programs in computer memory are in the form of binary code.

One character from a two-character alphabet carries 1 bit of information.

A memory cell that stores one binary digit is called "bit".

A bit is the smallest unit of computer memory. Therefore, the word “bit” has two meanings: a unit of measurement of the amount of information and a particle of computer memory.

Write down the following rule from page 37.

One bit of memory stores one bit of information.

The bit structure determines the first property of the computer’s internal memory - discreteness. Discrete objects are made up of particles. For example, sand is discrete because it consists of grains of sand. The “grains of sand” of computer memory are bits.

The second property of the computer's internal memory is addressability. Eight consecutive bits of memory form a byte. You know that this word also denotes a unit of information, equal to eight bits. Therefore, one byte of memory stores one byte of information.

In the internal memory of a computer, all bytes are numbered. Numbering starts from zero.

Write down the following rule:

The sequence number of a byte is called its address

The principle of addressability means that memory can be imagined as an apartment building, in which each apartment is a byte, and the apartment number is an address. In order for the mail to reach its destination, you must provide the correct address. This is exactly how the computer processor accesses the internal memory, by addresses. Write down the rule from page 38.

Recording information into memory, as well as reading it from memory, is carried out at the addresses

Review the presentation slide External memory media and devices.

Name the types of external memory. What devices do they include?

In advance for this lesson, 2 students were given the task to prepare a message on the topic “Media and external memory devices” . Listen to messages.

Fixing the material.

Today in the lesson you learned a lot of new things, the program “simulator” will help us consolidate the acquired knowledge. Computer structure". You need to label the main devices of the computer in accordance with the principles of von Neumann architecture and check for correctness. If it doesn't work, don't be discouraged, but try again.

Well done! Everyone completed the task! (Praise consultants).

Now let's have a little competition, the winners will get an A. (Students are divided into teams of 2 desks)

What main classes of computers do you know?

There are two main classes of computers:

Digital computers that process data in the form of binary codes;

Analog computers that process continuously changing physical

quantities (electrical voltage, time, etc.) that are analogues

calculated values.

What is the principle of operation of computers?

A computer is a programmable electronic device capable of processing data and performing calculations, as well as performing other symbol manipulation tasks.

What are the simplest elements of a program?

A program consists of a set of commands that are executed automatically by the processor one after another in a certain sequence.

What is a computer command system?

A command is a description of an elementary operation that the computer must perform. In general, a command contains the following information: code of the operation being performed; instructions for defining operands (or their addresses); instructions for placing the resulting result. Depending on the number of operands, commands are: unicast; two-address; three-address; variable address.

List the main devices of the computer.

Memory (storage device, memory), consisting of renumbered cells; a processor that includes a control unit (CU) and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU); input device; output device.

Describe memory functions and processor functions.

Memory functions: receiving information from other devices; remembering information; issuing information on request to other devices of the machine. Processor functions: processing data according to a given program by performing arithmetic and logical operations; software control of the operation of computer devices.

Name the two main parts of a processor. What is their purpose?

The first part of the processor, which executes instructions, is called an arithmetic-logical unit (ALU), and the second part, which performs device control functions, is called a control unit (CU).

What are registers? Name some important registers and describe their functions.

There are several types of registers, differing in the type of operations performed. Some important registers have their own names, for example: adder - an ALU register involved in the execution of each operation; command counter - register CU, the contents of which correspond to the address of the next executed command; serves for automatic selection of a program from successive memory cells; command register - a control register for storing the command code for the period of time required for its execution. Some of its bits are used to store the operation code, the rest are used to store operand address codes.

Formulate the general principles of computer construction.

What is the principle of program management? How are conditional and unconditional jump instructions executed?

What is the essence of the principle of memory homogeneity? What opportunities does it open up?

What is the principle of targeting?

2.14. What architectures are called "von Neumann"?

The construction of the vast majority of computers is based on the following general principles, formulated in 1945 by the American scientist John von Neumann.1. Program control principle. It follows from it that the program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor automatically one after another in a certain sequence. A program is retrieved from memory using a program counter. This processor register sequentially increases the address of the next command stored in it by the length of the command. And since the program commands are located in memory one after another, a chain of commands is thereby organized from sequentially located memory cells. If, after executing a command, you need to move not to the next one, but to some other, conditional or unconditional jump commands are used, which enter the number of the memory cell containing the next command into the command counter. The selection of commands from memory stops after reaching and executing the “stop” command. Thus, the processor executes the program automatically, without human intervention. 2. The principle of memory homogeneity. Programs and data are stored in the same memory. Therefore, the computer does not distinguish between what is stored in a given memory cell - a number, text or command. You can perform the same actions on commands as on superdata. This opens up a whole range of possibilities. For example, a program can also be processed during its execution, which makes it possible to set rules within the program for obtaining some of its parts (this is how the execution of cycles and subroutines is organized in the program). Moreover, commands from one program can be obtained as results from the execution of another program. Translation methods are based on this principle - translating program text from a high-level programming language into the language of a specific machine. 3. Targeting principle. Structurally, the main memory consists of renumbered cells; Any cell is available to the processor at any time. This implies the ability to name memory areas so that the values ​​stored in them can later be accessed or changed during program execution using the assigned names. Computers built on these principles are of the von Neumann type. But there are computers that are fundamentally different from von Neumann ones. For them, for example, the principle of program control may not be fulfilled, i.e. They can operate without a “program counter” indicating the currently executing program command. To access a variable stored in memory, these computers do not need to give it a name. Such computers are called non-von Neumann computers.

What is a team? What does the command describe?

A command is a description of an elementary operation that the computer must perform. In general, a command contains the following information: the code of the operation being performed; instructions for defining operands (or their addresses); instructions for placing the resulting result. Depending on the number of operands, commands are: unicast; two-address; three-address; variable address.

How does the processor select the next instruction when executing a program?

What is meant by computer structure? What level of detail can it provide in describing a computer?

The structure of a computer is the totality of its functional elements and the connections between them. The elements can be a wide variety of devices - from the basic logical nodes of a computer to the simplest circuits. The structure of a computer is graphically represented in the form of block diagrams, with the help of which you can describe the computer at any level of detail.

What are the distinctive features of classical architecture?

This type of architecture also includes the architecture of a personal computer with a common bus, discussed in detail in the section. All functional blocks here are interconnected by a common bus, also called a system bus.

List the basic and derived units for measuring the amount of memory.

Clock frequency, Gigahertz.

Describe the work of a streamer.

Streamers allow you to record a huge amount of information onto a small magnetic tape cassette. The hardware compression tools built into the tape drive allow you to automatically compress information before recording it and restore it after reading it, which increases the amount of stored information.

The disadvantage of streamers is their relatively low speed of recording, searching and reading information.

Recently, they have been increasingly used storage devices on removable disks, which allow not only to increase the amount of stored information, but also to transfer information between computers. The volume of removable disks ranges from hundreds of MB to several gigabytes.

What is an IP address?

IP (Internet Protocol) is an internetworking protocol responsible for addressing and allowing a packet to pass through multiple networks on its way to its final destination.

What main services does the WWW system provide to users?

World Wide Web (WWW, "World Wide Web") is a hypertext, or more precisely, hypermedia information system for searching and accessing Internet resources. Hypertext is an information structure that allows you to establish semantic connections between text elements on a computer screen in such a way that you can easily make transitions from one element to another. In practice, in hypertext, some words are highlighted by underlining or coloring them in a different color. Highlighting a word indicates the connection of this word with some document in which the topic associated with the highlighted word is discussed in more detail. Hypermedia is what happens if you replace the word “text” in the definition of hypertext with “any type of information”: sound, graphics, video. Such hypermedia links are possible because, along with text information, it is possible to link any other binary information, for example, encoded sound or graphics. Thus, if a program displays a map of the world and if the user selects a continent on this map with the mouse, the program can immediately give graphic, audio and text information about it.

What is the role of the hardware (HardWare) and software (SoftWare) of a computer?

(HardWare) - Forms the basis of computers, forms the hardware? built primarily using electronic and electromechanical elements and devices. The principle of operation of computers is based on the execution of programs (SoftWare) - predetermined operations. That is, HardWare is the “hardware” of the inside of the computer, and SoftWare is the software that makes all the insides of the computer perform various operations.

The second stage of working with information is its processing and transformation. Processes input data Central Processing Unit (CPU). A CPU is a chip capable of executing a specific set (several hundred) of commands aimed at converting data.

The CPU performs arithmetic, logical operations, and controls the entire computer. Commands addressed to the CPU to automate the process of processing input data are combined into blocks and stored in computer memory or on disk. These blocks are called programs. Thus, input data entered into the computer memory by the user is processed by the central processor according to a pre-compiled program. The processing results are stored in the computer's memory, after which the third stage of working with information begins.

Output devices

(monitor, disks, printer)

The third stage of working with information is obtaining the results of information processing (information output).

There are several methods for presenting output data. Each method is associated with certain computer components and with certain stages of program execution. Let's look at three main methods for displaying information:

Outputting data to the monitor. The monitor is present on all personal computers. You can display information on the monitor screen in two modes: graphic and text.

Text mode allows you to display only text from various characters (letters, numbers, special characters). Output of characters is possible only in matrix cells, usually 80 columns and 25 rows. The cell size is strictly fixed. In the early stages of computer development (70-80s), this mode was mainly used.

Graphics mode allows you to view the screen as a set of dots (for example, 800 by 600 dots). All output information consists of sets of dots of different colors. The graphic mode is more universal and convenient, because... allows you to easily reproduce not only text, but also any images, change fonts, etc. Most gaming programs, Windows, etc. work in graphic mode.

Outputting information to disks. All data entered into the computer or processing results can be recorded on disk for long-term storage. Disk maintenance is carried out entirely at the software level. Therefore, to save data, the user needs to perform a specific function of the running program. This is usually “Save” or “Close”. In the future, the information stored on the disk can be retrieved again for processing or viewing.

Outputting information to a printer. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a hard (paper) copy of the results of data processing. There is a printer to display information on paper. Printing an image or text on paper can be done using different methods. Depending on the printing method, there are matrix printers (their operation is based on the mechanical impact of needles on an ink ribbon), inkjet printers (spraying liquid ink through nozzles), and laser printers (distributing toner using a laser and a magnetized drum).

Programs and data

From what has been discussed above, it follows that information is the main point of application in the operation of a computer. Since a computer is just a complex machine, the information inside it must be strictly structured and have a certain format. We will not understand the intricacies of presenting information at the lowest, machine level. It is quite enough for understanding and work to dwell on the concept file.

File – it is a named block of homogeneous information stored on a disk or other storage device. The file can be compared to the packaging for information. Information packed into a file shell and named with a unique name is very convenient for use on a computer.

All information used in a computer must be divided into two classes: programs and data.

Data– this is information intended for processing or resulting from the processing of other information. Any homogeneous data is packed into files, such files are called data files . For example, text typed in a text editor is stored on disk in a special data file - text file or, as it is often called, text document.

Program - this is information intended for the central processor. The CPU is capable of performing various data processing operations, but to do this it needs to be constantly given instructions. Commands for the CPU can be given interactively, but this is very time-consuming and requires deep knowledge from the user. Therefore, for convenience, a sequence of commands addressed to the CPU and reflecting data processing algorithms is packaged into a file and stored on disk. This file is called program file.

Conclusion: The CPU can process data, and in different ways, but it does not know how exactly it needs to process specific data at a specific point in time. Data is the raw material for the CPU to operate and produce results. A program is a sequence of commands for the CPU to work on data in order to obtain the desired result. Only the fusion of all three components: CPU, program, data - ensures the computer's purposeful operation.

Classification of programs

There are a huge number of programs for computers. All programs should be divided into two fundamentally different classes: operating systems and application programs or applications.

Operating system (OS) – This is a program that loads when you turn on your computer. It fully provides management of all computer components and the distribution of computer resources. The operating system runs application programs and ensures their communication with the computer and the user. The main reason for the need for operating systems is that the commands given to the CPU and other computer components are very low-level commands (for example, the command to indicate the track number on the disk where information will be written, the command to position the magnetic head of the disk drive, etc. ), and thousands of them are needed for user or application program actions. The operating system hides these complex details from the user and application programs and provides convenient interface for work. In other words, the OS facilitates interaction between the computer and the user.

Application programs or applications – These are programs launched from the operating system and containing algorithms used to process specific data. Applications are closely related to the OS, because use it to communicate with a computer, so they are all classified according to their belonging to certain operating systems. For example, applications for Windows, for Mac X, for DOS, etc.

8th grade

Lesson topic: " Computer memory»

Purpose of the lesson : acquaintance with computer architecture, types of computer memory.

Lesson objectives:

Educational– introduce students to computer architecture and types of computer memory.

Educational – nurturing students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance, instilling independent work skills, ensuring conscious assimilation of educational material.

Developmental – develop cognitive interest, instill research skills.

Lesson type : combined.

Visibility and equipment:

  1. Computer with projector;
  2. Lesson summary;
  3. Presentation “Initial information about computer architecture. Principles of organizing internal and external computer memory";

Lesson structure:

1. Organizational moment.

3. Consolidate the material, work with the crossword puzzle.

4. Summing up.

5. Homework.

Questions studied:

  • A computer as a model of a person working with information.
  • Scheme of information exchange in a computer.
  • Difference between program and data.
  • Difference between internal and external computer memory.
  • The principle of binary encoding of information.
  • The structure of the computer's internal memory, its properties.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizational moment.Greeting, checking those present, announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson. Students write down the topic of the lesson in their notebooks (slide 1).

2. Explanation of new material.Today you will learn what devices are included in a computer, what data and programs are, and how computer memory works.

Since ancient times, people have sought to make their work easier. For this purpose, various machines and mechanisms were created to enhance human physical capabilities. The computer was invented in the middle of the 20th century to enhance the capabilities of human intellectual work, that is, work with information.

"Analogy between computer and man" TsOR Analogy between computer and human

The prototype of the computer is the person himself. Only inventors sought to transfer to the computer not the physical, but the intellectual capabilities of a person

According to its purpose, a computer is a universal technical tool for a person to work with information.

Write down what four components human information activity is divided into:

Reception (input) of information;

Storing information (memory);

Thinking process (information processing);

Transfer (output) of information.

A computer includes devices that perform similar human functions:

Input devices;

Storage devices - memory;

Processing device - processor;

Output devices

Look at Fig. 2.1 on page 36 “Information exchange between computer devices.”

Guys, tell me how the processes of input and output of information on a computer occur? What devices are responsible for exchanging information?

During computer operation, information enters memory through input devices; the processor retrieves the processed information from memory, works with it and places the processing results into it; The results obtained are communicated to humans through output devices. Most often, a keyboard is used as an input device, and a display screen or a printer (printing device) is used as an output device.

In computer science there is the concept of “computer architecture”.

Look at the diagram on the slide. TsOR. Everything that is depicted here is included in the concept of computer architecture: devices, software, application software and programming systems. Let's together name the main elements of a computer.

Now answer what is computer architecture

Write down the definition:

Computer architecture is a description of the structure and operating principles of a computer that is sufficient for the user and programmer.

The most important difference between a computer and a person is that the work of a computer is strictly subordinate to the program embedded in it, while a person controls his own actions.

Write down the rule.

Computer memory stores data and programs.

Program - this is an indication of the sequence of actions (commands) that the computer must perform in order to solve the given information processing task.

Information processed in a computer programmatically is called data

The described principles of the design and operation of a computer were first proposed in 1946 by the American scientist John von Neumann. These principles have largely been preserved in modern computers.

Review the presentation slideVon–Neumann principlesand write down in a notebook the principles of the design and operation of a computer

All computer nodes perform certain work with information. But what is the information itself in the machine? To answer this question, let’s “look” inside computer memory.

When working with information, a person uses not only the knowledge that he remembers, but also books, reference books and other external sources. Information is stored in human memory and on external media. A person can forget information that has been memorized, but the notes are stored more reliably.

A computer also has two types of memory:internal (operative) and external (long-term) memory.

Write down the definitions:

RAM -this is an electronic devicewhich stores information while powered by electricity. When disconnected from the network, the information disappears.

External memory - These are various magnetic media (tapes, disks), optical disks.Storing information on them does not require constant power supply.

Look at Fig. 2.3 Structure of the computer’s internal memory.

Each cell can currently store only one of two values: zero or one. Using just two characters to represent information is calledbinary encoding.

Write down the rule.

Data and programs in computer memory are in the form of binary code.

One character from a two-character alphabet carries 1 bit of information.

A memory cell that stores one binary digit is called"bit".

A bit is the smallest unit of computer memory. Therefore, the word “bit” has two meanings: a unit of measurement of the amount of information and a particle of computer memory.

Write down the following rule from page 37.

One bit of memory stores one bit of information.

The bit structure determines the first property of the computer’s internal memory - discreteness. Discrete objects are made up of particles. For example, sand is discrete because it consists of grains of sand. The “grains of sand” of computer memory are bits.

The second property of the computer's internal memory is addressability . Eight consecutive bits of memory form a byte. You know that this word also denotes a unit of information, equal to eight bits. Therefore, one byte of memory stores one byte of information.

In the internal memory of a computer, all bytes are numbered. Numbering starts from zero.

Write down the following rule:

The sequence number of a byte is called its address

The principle of addressability means that memory can be imagined as an apartment building, in which each apartment is a byte, and the apartment number is an address. In order for the mail to reach its destination, you must provide the correct address. This is exactly how the computer processor accesses the internal memory, by addresses.

Recording information into memory, as well as reading it from memory, is carried out at the addresses

Review the presentation slideExternal memory media and devices.

Name the types of external memory. What devices do they include?

3. Fixing the material.

It is necessary to answer questions and fill in the cells of the crossword puzzle.

1. A universal technical tool for a person to work with information.

2. The sequence of actions (commands) that the computer must perform in order to solve the problem.

3. Memory devices.

4. Another name for internal memory.

5. Information processing device.

6. The serial number of the byte in the internal memory of the computer.

Guys! What new did you learn in class today?

What is the purpose of a computer? What role does it play in a person’s life? How does a computer work?

Lesson summary: Summarize: what grades were received, who worked more actively.

Homework: § 6.