How to put a nickname in contact. How to make a middle name in VK: returning your full name

In this lesson I will show how to make a middle name on VKontakte.

First, let's go into editing information about yourself. Let's click on the special link "ed." next to the My Page link. Normally, on the "Basic" tab, you can only edit First Name and Last Name.

By default, the Middle Name field is hidden and therefore needs to be added here by force. To do this, let's use a little knowledge of HTML. I will show you with an example Google browser Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In Chrome, click on the last name field right key mouse and select “View element code” from the drop-down list.

A special panel will open at the bottom for viewing and editing the site code. Now your task is to right-click on the line with the input tag and select "Edit as HTML". It is this tag that is responsible for the information that will be sent to the server and in this case this information is Last Name.

A field will open in front of you in which you can change the HTML code of the selected input tag. Our task at this stage is to add a new line, which will be responsible for sending data by patronymic to the server. Copy the line and paste it again below.

But that's not all. The server needs to understand that we are adding a middle name, so we add our middle name in the value field, and in the id we change “pedit_last_name” to “pedit_middle_name”. It should look like the screenshot below.

After this, click the cursor on any empty space on the site page so that the changes are applied. Now the bottom panel can be closed with a cross on its right side.

Now on the profile editing page you should have a new field next to the "Last Name" field. Don't pay attention to the fact that everything is displayed a little crookedly. To make changes, click the “Save” button below.

Congratulations, patronymic in VK added. If you go to your page now, the Patronymic will be displayed between the First Name and Last Name.

There have also been changes to the settings. Appeared new block“Middle name”, which looks just right.

By the way, instead of a patronymic, you can use some nickname.

Now let's take a look how to put a middle name in contact using the Mozilla browser. Or rather, I’ll show you how to edit HTML code in Firefox. Right-click on the Last Name field and select "Examine Element".

Right-click on the Input tag and select "Edit as HTML".

We are already copying existing string and add a new one below, where we correct the values ​​in the value and id fields as in the example above.

In the following stages, everything is done exactly the same as in the Chrome browser, so I will not describe them again.

Well, the last thing we have left is how to remove middle name in contact. Everything is simple here too. Let's go to editing personal information, remove all information from the “Middle name” field and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. After reloading the page, the new field will no longer exist.

In this lesson we will look at several ways to create link to VKontakte page. They are also called internal links. With their help you can make a link to specific page user.

In this lesson I will tell you how to do it VKontakte subscribe button.

In this lesson I will show you how download music from VKontakte using the browser extension from The first step is to install " assistant". Follow the link and follow the instructions to install the extension for your browser. Do not pay attention to what the instructions say about youtube. Our task is simply to install the assistant.

"How do I send myself a message?" - this is the question that many users still ask social network In contact with. This can be very convenient in cases where you want to save some note from the wall or just make a note without anyone seeing it. Today I will tell you how to do this. We will look at several methods and you will just have to choose the most convenient one.

In this lesson I will tell you how to cancel a vote in VK if you accidentally put it in a poll. If you realized that you made a mistake and would like to re-vote, then there are several ways to solve this problem - using the VKontakte site itself or using third party service. It’s these methods that we’ll talk about today.

You've probably already noticed that on VKontakte the middle name is not displayed in the private settings. What is this field for? To supplement the nickname visible to everyone with a real middle name or another, unique nickname.

Articles on the topic

Thanks to the algorithm described below, you can make this line appear in the settings.
So, given sequence action is relevant for Chrome browsers and Opera

How to make a middle name on VK in Google Chrome and Opera

Go to your VKontakte profile.

3.1. Call view the page code or press F12 in Chrome
3.2. B Opera for this, in the Last name field, click right click mouse and from the drop-down menu select Inspect Element.

In Chrome, click on the magnifying glass icon (in the lower left corner) Select an element in the page to inspect it.
Click on your last name. This way you will find the directory from which you will create the Middle Name field. It will look something like this:
< div class=" pedit_general_row clear_fix ">…

Collapse the found directory.

In Chrome, click Edit as HTML.
In Opera, double-click on this directory.

Place the cursor at the end of the directory name line and press Enter, creating a new line.

Paste the previously copied line code Ctrl+V.

Now we change the value of Value: Instead of your last name, write your nickname, patronymic and other words that came in a fit of rare inspiration.
For example:
It was value="Ivanov"!}
Became value="Great".!}

In the same line, change id="pedit_last_name" to id="pedit_middle_name".

Select any empty space in the code and click on it. Now you can close the code review (inspection).

Go to the settings page of VKontakte itself. Click Save.

All is ready.
Enjoy seeing your dream nickname on the page.

How to make a middle name in VK video

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not use social networks. Many do not admit this and deny it in every possible way, but at the same time they have accounts registered under fictitious names. Every day social networks occupy more and more space in our lives. They allow you not only to communicate with friends and acquaintances, but also to watch movies, listen to music, and also run your own groups or even business.

In the meantime, some statistics! As of September 18, 2017, the VK service was visited by more than 63 million 800 thousand people, while the number of pages viewed exceeded 1.5 billion.

We put the Patronymic and Nickname on VKontakte

First, check what browser you are using! We will look at two examples “Mozilla FireFox” and “ Google Chrome».

Let's start with Mozilla

  • Go to your VKontakte page
  • Go to your profile settings. “Edit” button under the avatar.
  • Select your last name and right-click, then select “Examine Element”

The site code will open at the bottom of the screen, where the line that needs to be copied will be highlighted.

Attention: Copy "External HTML"

Now we need to insert this line. Click "Insert After"

In the new copied line, you need to replace the word pedit_last-name with pedit_middle_name.

Click on an empty space and you will see a new line appear in your profile after the “Last Name” line. In which you can write any word.

Save for the changes to take effect. Now a nickname will appear between the first and last name. By the way, the changes are visible only in the desktop version.

For Google Chrome

  • Go to your VK profile settings, highlight your last name and click “View code”

A column with a code will appear on the right side of the screen. As in the case of Mozilla, the line we need will be highlighted, which is worth copying.

After that, click on our selected line again and paste. To do this, click “Edit as HTML” and in the window that appears, press the key combination Ctrl + V

Now, we also change the word “last” to “middle”.

A new line will appear in your profile, in which you should enter your nickname. After all the shenanigans, save!

Remember! In the mobile version, as well as in the mobile application, you will only see your First and Last Name! If you have any questions or can’t make a middle name on VKontakte, write in the comments!

So, today we will look at how to make a middle name in VK. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to know where to click and in what sequence. In addition, let's see with you what kind of column this is and what it is responsible for.


Before putting a middle name in “VK” in our profile, we need to clearly understand what it is and why it was invented. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to know how this inscription will be displayed on our profile. Maybe our efforts are of no use to anyone?

The thing is that not so long ago the profile of the social network VKontakte included one very interesting line. It was called "nickname". It was she who helped us answer how to make a middle name in VK. Why? Yes, because this inscription was inserted on the page between the user’s first and last name. Only now this line is missing. Let's see what can be done to improve the situation.

Getting ready

Let's start with the fact that before you make a middle name in VK, we need to prepare a little. The first thing you need to do is set yourself up to work with html code. If you do not have programming skills, then do not despair. You will still succeed. The second step is to prepare your computer and browser. It is best if you close all unnecessary applications, and also close all tabs in the program to exit

These steps will help you avoid failures and problems, and will also ensure that you get fast, high-quality work. Remember, the faster the operating system works, the less time it will take you to figure out how to add a middle name to VK. When you decide that everything is ready, you can begin to take more decisive action. The main thing is not to be alarmed when you see what appears in the process of working on the question posed. So let's get started.

We return the loss

Well, getting down to business, it’s worth noting that if you’re wondering how to write a middle name in VK, then you can be happy - this function is carried out legally. You don't need to use third-party programs for it. So it will happen within the social network.

To get started, log in and go to your profile. Without this action you will not succeed. Now that you are on your page, just go to edit your profile. To do this, click on "edit." near the inscription "My page". You will be taken to a special editor. If you are thinking about how to make a middle name in VK, then go to the “general” section. This is where we will work with you.

In order to figure out how to put a middle name in VK, go to the line with your last name. Right-click there, and then select “view element code” from the menu that opens. Now we will work with you with what we have opened. Namely - with the so-called code. Find the line Right-click on it and then select "edit as HTML".

A whole block with numerous information will open in front of you. We don't need to go into everything that's written there. So select all the information (ctrl + A will help with this), and then right-click and select "copy as HTML". Honestly, you can just press ctrl + V. Go to a new line using the "Enter" button. Paste the copied block into our “working window”, and then proceed to more decisive actions. They are the ones who will help you figure out how to put your middle name in VK.


Now we have almost reached the very end of our topic for today. Take a close look at the pasted code. Find “last name” there and change it to “patronymic”. And the inscription "pedit_last_name" on "pedit_middle_name". Now click on the cross in the upper right corner of the “workspace” (debugger), and then click on “save” in your profile.

Our editor will automatically update, and a separate line will appear between the first and last names. Since we haven't changed its meaning, now it's time to do so. Write your desired nickname and then save the changes. You can go to the main page and see what you got. That's all. Now you know how to make a middle name in VK.

It should be noted that users who do not know how to return the desired line to their profile quite often become victims of scammers. Many people offer nickname recovery services and ask you for your username and password for your profile. After receiving the data, the person disappears and your page is hacked. So try to avoid such offers.

After the latest VK innovations last year, none of the developers deigned to explain why the middle name line was removed. Now, using a clear example, we will explain how to make a middle name in VK, based on the code of the personal information page. The funniest thing is that if they decided to completely remove it, they would clean up the code, if they listened to the opinions of users, they would immediately return it. The result is the same: they are either ignorant, lazy, or they don’t care about the interests of users. Whatever they have, we will next look at how to make a middle name in VK if it is missing.

Restoring patronymics in VK

  • Launch your favorite browser
  • In VKontakte you need to go to editing data (at the very top of the side menu).
  • Right-click -> examine (inspect) the element or view the code of the specified element.

  • To restore the “Middle name” field in VK, you must first find 2 identical lines

Fill out everything as indicated in the picture and if everything is entered exactly, you will have the line “Patronymic” in VKontakte.

Now you need to close the inspection area with the entered settings. Just enter your middle name and save the changes. The final code will be as follows:

note that Internet Explorer and older versions of Opera running their own engine will not be able to perform these maneuvers. We recommend using Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Now you can try to put your middle name on VKontakte yourself thanks to these instructions. But be very careful with the code. Incorrectly entered information may skew or alter the page.