How to unlock voice search. Yandex.String (voice search)

Smart line - unique technology, developed by Yandex Corporation and applied in Yandex.Browser. Distinctive characteristic This innovation is that through it you can both set search queries and directly enter the domains of sites that interest you.

Besides, with a smart line you will have access to:

  1. Search tips, which are no longer news for users of search engines such as Google or Yandex, but are an innovation in the world of browsers.
  2. Automatically corrects the keyboard layout if you select the wrong language for entering a query.
  3. If the site is quite popular among Internet visitors, then when you type its address, the smart line will offer to automatically display the name and address of the site without typing the full address.

How to take advantage of Smart String

To get all the advantages that the technology we are considering from Yandex Corporation provides to its users, need to download Yandex browser. It is advisable to use the official source and download the program for Windows and other operating systems and devices from there to avoid infection by various virus programs.

Next, install the browser from Yandex Corporation on your computer equipped with Windows or another OS, or on another electronic device. The software installation process will not be difficult for you: just follow all the recommendations of the installer program.

How to set up Smart Line

Notice the two buttons located to the left of the address bar.

Using the first one, you can select the search engine that will be installed by default. The search engines available after installing the browser include:

  • Wikipedia;
  • Yandex;
  • Google.

Using the second button, you can configure the parameters of the search engines that you use, as well as indicate the values ​​​​assigned to a specific search engine, by entering which in the Smart line, you can use the search engine you are interested in directly in it, and not the default one. To use this feature, follow these steps:

Another interesting feature of the technology we are considering is that it can work not only with built-in search engines, but also with the ones you installed yourself. How to do it? Take advantage step by step algorithm actions presented below:

  1. Go to the website of the search engine you are interested in. Let's take as an example.
  2. Find the field where users usually enter their queries and right-click on it with your mouse.
  3. A menu will appear in front of your eyes, in which you will need to click on “Add as a search engine”.
  4. In the window that appears in front of you, set a name for the search engine, under which it will be displayed in the settings search engines; install keyword(this is the name in this window for the value with which you will search in the Smart line if you have another search engine installed by default); Be sure to leave the field containing the link unchanged.
  5. Click on "OK".
  6. Test the search engine you have installed by entering its value in Smart line and typing queries.

What is Yandex.Stroke

This program was developed and released by Yandex Corporation. Its purpose is to search on a device equipped with Windows, like " world wide web", so do you think electronic device. After installation, Yandex.String becomes an integral part of the taskbar of your operating system.

This program can:

  1. Transmit your voice orders to the computer.
  2. Search for what interests you on the Internet, both by entering a query and using voice orders.
  3. Get almost instant access to the sites you most frequently visit, or to the services of Yandex Corporation.
  4. Find any file you need on your hard drive, turn on the video or run the utility.

Installing and configuring Yandex.Strings

In order for the software to work smoothly and you can use its functionality 100%, you need to make sure that your personal device one of the latest versions Windows, namely Windows 7 or higher.

Download the file to install the utility here:

After completing the installation of the software, which does not require you to special knowledge, start setting it up.

Start with the appearance of the utility and its location on the taskbar. The developers have provided two solutions:

  1. Line mode, when you can see the field in the taskbar in which search queries are entered.
  2. Icon mode when there is no search bar.

To change Yandex.String modes, right-click on it. In the menu that opens in front of your eyes, click on the item called “Appearance”. In the next menu, select “Line Mode” or “Icon Mode”. In the “Appearance” item, you can also change the location of Yandex.String on the taskbar and place it either next to the clock or next to the menu called “Start”.

How to use Yandex.Stroke

Let's consider one of interesting features Yandex.Strings, namely the ability to give orders by voice. That being said, you need to know the following features of the utility:

  • Voice orders are understood by the software only if they were given using the Russian language.
  • Say one of the following phrases to activate the software: “Hey, Yandex,” “Okay, Yandex,” or “Listen, Yandex.” If the program has started working, you will hear a beep.
  • If you say any phrase other than those listed below, the utility will consider that you are sending a request to search in Yandex. But, if you say “Restart computer”, “Open website” (for example, “open YouTube”), “Go to sleep mode”, “Open file” (for example, “open Powerpoint”) or “Turn off computer”, the software will understand command and will immediately execute it.

If you prefer to learn about the benefits of the product and how to use it through videos, then you can watch the following training videos on working with Yandex.Stroke:


If you encounter problems while working with the program, use the Yandex.Stroke help, which is located at the following link

    Good day.

    The Yandex search engine is no less popular than Google, where there is a function/option we are interested in called voice search.

    To install voice search on Yandex, you will need to install a program called Yandex. Line. After installing this program, a microphone will appear, which will indicate the installation of voice search. Say Listen, Yandex and voice search are activated (this is similar to Ok Google).

    You can read more about how String works and how to configure it here.

    Download the Yandex String application. Then, in the same way as in Google, ok, Google speak, listen, Yandex, while pressing the microphone icon, you will perform a voice search for any information. It’s a very convenient thing; you don’t have to hit the keys and hurt your eyes.

    Voice search will become available when you install the Yandex.String application from the official Yandex website. Download and install this program absolutely free. It will take a little time, after which the microphone icon familiar to many will appear. Don't forget to connect the microphone before using it.

    Another tricky option is to use an Android OS emulator to home computer under Windows control. The program is called BlueStacks. The search is carried out in the browser in the emulator environment.

    A universal way out of this situation would be to install a program called Yandex string. And so, if you use this in a particular browser, it’s problematic. This is exactly what I’m doing right now, which is why I came up with this question. So far we have been able to solve the problem only in the Firefox browser. I installed Yandex visual bookmarks in it. So there on these page visual bookmarks There is a search bar in Yandex and a microphone icon. If you press the microphone, you can speak with your voice. After you have said your request by voice, you search for it in Yandex search. The screenshot shows some of these visual bookmarks; if you look closely, you can see a pale gray microphone icon. This is what you need to click on.

    The rapid development of progress continues, which pleases us with a significant simplification of life. The Yandex Company has a fairly well-known search engine that is very popular. Recently, search in Yandex is carried out not only by keyboard, but also by voice. For this purpose, a special offer Yandex.Strok was implemented, which is special software. How to install this software- this is here.

    Yandex has a similar function similar to Okay Google. It's called Yandex string. For his proper functioning you must have a microphone.

    First, you need to install the program on your computer by downloading it from the Yandex website. The program is completely free. After a simple installation and restarting the browser, you can immediately start using it. To do this, you need to click on the microphone icon or say the voice command Listen to Yandex. After which the line will wait for a question or command Open, Run or Turn On.

    Yandex voice functions They work even better than Google, although in YA you can only search in Russian. To do this, you need to install Yandex.String, which will allow you not only to search through search, but also to manage your computer, even changing the antivirus settings and turning off the system.

    In Yandex.String, not only the phrase Okay Yandex works, but also Hello Yandex, etc.

    You can open individual sites using the Open site + its name command.

    In general, this is a useful thing, but a normal microphone will be useful for Yandex to hear you!

    Yes, it is possible to install voice search for the Yandex search engine, to do this you need to download the Yandex-Yandex.Strok application, install it on your computer, and a voice search icon will appear in the taskbar of your computer, just click on the microphone icon on it or say Listen ,Yandex, and the application activates Yandex voice search.

    Free Yandex String application

    The Yandex search engine allows you to find the answer to your question without typing a question in the search bar.

    To do this, just install this application and make a request that is made using the command installed in the program Listen, Yandex then click on special icon microphone.

    You can install the program by going to this PAGE.

    All information on installation and working with it is there.

    I understand that you want something like this voice search engine, which is on Google. But why should you bother searching for and installing a voice search engine? Isn’t it easier to just tell Google - oh, Google - find everything about solar system(For example). However, for those who want to go crazy and install voice search in Yandex, you had to ask a computer friend about it. I told you, download the application for Yandex voice- Yandex.string, all that remains is to install it on your computer.

    Yandex has such a function. It's called Yandex-String. It works separately from the browser and is distributed free of charge. In order to have voice search, download Yandex-Strok. Install, click Start and a microphone icon appears. You can speak.

One of the largest search engines - Yandex - presented to users new development– Yandex voice search. Using this function, which, by the way, has been implemented in Google for a long time, you can enter search commands using your voice. It’s worth taking a closer look at how to set up Yandex voice search on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

Additional settings for the Alice voice assistant

The beauty of "Alice" is that she doesn't have large quantity additional settings.

Among those available are:

  1. Disable voice activation. To do this, on the taskbar you need to click on the “Alice” search bar or the microphone icon, and then click on the gear symbol. After this, it remains to disable the “Voice activation” option. Now you can talk to “Alice” only by clicking on the microphone icon on the taskbar.

  2. Disable voice responses. The procedure is similar. You just need to turn off “Alice’s Voice Replies”. After this, the program will stop responding out loud, but will still accept voice commands.

  3. Change microphone. To do this, in the settings in the “Microphone” section you need to select the necessary equipment.

  4. Set the display mode. In the settings in the “Appearance” block, you can select your preferred display mode on the screen. There are three of them: in the form of a microphone icon, in the form of a small search string, compact.

  5. Turn on search tips. You need to activate the corresponding function in the settings.

  6. Pin your favorite sites. To do this, click on the microphone icon, then click on the square icon. Next you need right click mouse click on required widget and choose the appropriate site.

  7. Work with found files. In the settings in the “Working with files” section, select the most convenient option.

  8. Set up hotkeys. In the settings in the “Hot keys” block, select the desired sequence. “Alice” can be called by the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + ~”.

Important! However, the product is ready to use immediately after installation. Tune additional options possible for greater ease of use.

Installing Alice on a phone or tablet

Video - Installing the Alice voice assistant from Yandex

The closest analogue of the browser from Yandex is Google Chrome, but the corporation refused to introduce the function of controlling the application using voice. Russian developers acted differently and presented users with the Yandex.Stroke project. Distinctive feature The extension is that it does not require the installation of the corresponding browser.

In order to install the extension, enable and use voice commands, just go to the official website of the developers and upload the plugin.

Advantages of voice search "Yandex.Stroke"

Opportunity voice control programs and applications on the computer - quite useful. This is most relevant for people with disabilities, but also allows any other users to use personal computer or a laptop, much easier.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • no need to use a mouse and keyboard;
  • possibility of use by people with disabilities;
  • search for any sites and queries on the network;
  • ease of installation, etc.

Installation and configuration

The installation procedure is no different from installation regular programs and applications. After downloading it will be available executable file, which needs to be launched. Once the installation is complete, an additional line will appear on the taskbar. Here, users can enter text commands or enable voice commands, as desired.

The extension itself works completely isolated from the browser or other web programs. The only thing required is an active Internet connection.

The big advantage is that the extension does not require specialized configuration. To work, just click on the microphone icon located on the right side of the plugin and say the keyword (enter search query). After the system processes the entered request, it will appear in the “Yandex.Strings” window.


Considering the main capabilities of the extension, one cannot fail to mention the “Listen, Yandex” function. After this voice command A list of main features will open. In this way, the user can become more familiar with the capabilities of the utility, the actions it is capable of performing, and what commands it supports for recognition.

You can:

  • Restart your personal computer;
  • Listen to music recordings;
  • Enable any application, etc.

Of course, the main feature of the plugin is voice search on sites. Enter your search query and you will immediately be taken to the browser and receive an answer. Also, when you click on the search bar of the extension, the most popular ones will be displayed in front of you. popular services, which can be run (quick access) and the latest queries.

Experienced PC users can work with the utility parameters independently and adjust the options for comfortable work. To activate the settings, just right-click on the search field. A context menu will appear, where the first item is “Settings”.

Here you can configure: hot keys for activating the search bar, properly configure work with files, display search results using the plugin, etc.

In the same context menu can be changed appearance extensions to suit your needs, for example, so that the search is displayed in line or icon mode. It is also possible to change the location on the panel.

There is a “Voice activation” option in the settings. This occurs when saying the command “Listen, Yandex,” but users can change voice search so that voice control is disabled and only text commands are accepted.

Download Yandex.String for free. The latest one is available for download, updated version programs for voice search on the computer and on the Internet.

Yandex.String- this is new, convenient application for voice search. Used on Windows computers and allows you to find required file on a disk or any information on the Internet, you just need to say voice request, a specific command. You no longer need to be distracted by typing, the application will do everything for you, and the best part is: it works with the Russian language!

How the application works

To enable Yandex.Strings, say " Listen, Yandex"or just click on the microphone icon. The application will be activated and you can give it any request:

  1. Launch this or that program, for example: “Open”;
  2. find information on the Internet;
  3. turn off or restart your computer;
  4. open file;
  5. many other commands - everything you would normally do physically using a mouse and keyboard.

The program is customized for each user individually and has several modes: as a line or as an icon. User-friendly interface with buttons quick access will help you instantly go to the most frequently used services: search, weather, news, traffic jams, market, Yandex.Disk and others. However, if you don't use them, you can easily hide them by selecting a different mode.

Yandex.Strok works quickly due to a special indexing system: the application creates a database of your files once and searches through it instead of browsing through the entire HDD again. You can speed up the work even more by specifying specific folders and disks on which you will search on your computer or on removable media.

Download Yandex.String to your computer

To install Yandex.Strings technical requirements very simple: you only need a computer or laptop with an operating system Windows system 7 or higher, as well as a microphone for voice control - a built-in one or the simplest computer one will do.

This application greatly simplifies working with data and optimizes your work time, allowing you not to be distracted by small tasks and control your computer without even touching the keyboard.

Yandex.String - unique program for Windows, thanks to which you can search on your computer and on the Internet. Check out all the features of the application in the full news.

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