How to blur the edges of a cut out object in Photoshop. How to Blur Edges in Photoshop

In our age of technology, when every person has access to various equipment, all kinds of devices, taking a photograph is not a problem at all. This can be either a quick photo, without focusing on quality, or professional shooting, when every centimeter of the photo is studied and, if necessary, corrected. Fortunately, along with the ability to photograph, there is wide access today and those that are directly involved in image processing. As you know, one of the most popular applications of this type is Adobe Photoshop. Using this program, you can easily achieve all sorts of effects that will make the quality of the photo higher than it is.

There are several ways to perform this action, and now we will look at them one by one. Let's start with the simplest method:

  1. Open the required image in Photoshop and determine the area that you ultimately want to see blurred.
  2. Do not forget that we are not working with the original image; create an additional layer so that in case of failure you do not spoil the source.
  3. Now let’s get started with the process: in the left vertical panel in Photoshop, right-click on the “Quick Selection” tool and select “Oval Area” there.
  4. Using this tool, select an area in the photo that you want to remain untouched, say, the face.
  5. Open the “Selection” section, line “Modification” – “Feather”. After this, a new window will appear in front of you with one single parameter - selecting the blur radius. However, you cannot know the exact number of pixels, so here you need to use a trial method. Try starting with a value of 50 pixels and see what happens.

Method two

There is another way to create blurred edges in Photoshop, for many it is preferable and more convenient than the first. In this case, the “Quick Mask” tool is used, which can be found almost at the very bottom of the vertical panel of the program, on the left side. By the way, there is an alternative option to get into quick mask mode: press the letter Q on your keyboard.

After that, open the “Filter” section in the toolbar and select the “Blur” line there – . A window will open in which, using the slider, you can adjust the degree of blurring of the edges. Thus, you can see the advantage of this method over the first: here you are not acting on a whim, but clearly see what the radius should be set to. Click OK.

Now, to see the result of your work, select the ++l keys on your keyboard at the same time. Next, delete the selected area using the button. And lastly, we get rid of the running line by pressing +D.

As you can see, the methods are not at all complicated, but they provide an effect such as blurring edges in Photoshop.

Greetings. One of the frequently asked questions on my site is “How to smooth edges in Photoshop after transferring an image?” or “How to blur edges in Photoshop?” I want to give you some advice on this matter.

Firstly, if you transfer an image to an image, then make sure that they both have approximately the same quality. You can also transfer an image with good quality to an image with poor quality. The quality of an image depends on the number of pixels it contains, and the more pixels, the better the image quality. Know that if you transfer a good image onto a bad one, the size of the good one will be much larger than the bad one. This can be explained by the fact that a good image has more pixels. But they seem the same in Photoshop because you changed the size of the window and moved this photo away, or Photoshop did it for you for your convenience. But in any case, you will have to edit the size of the transferred image; this can be done using the “Ctrl + T” transformation. Never transfer a small image to a large one. If you enlarge it, it will look both ugly and unrealistic, since grain will be visible in the transferred image, but the large one will remain of good quality.

Secondly, high-quality image transfer depends on the quality of the selection of the transferred object. So check out our highlighting tutorials and highlight with quality. But if something suddenly goes wrong and you still have sharpness at the edges, then don’t worry, we’ll help you here!

One very interesting way will help us cope with this task. It is based on the work of the Blur tool. Like all other tools it is located in the toolbar. If you don’t have it, then you can open it and many other panels in the “Window” menu, which is located at the top, by checking the box next to the item you are interested in. The Blur tool appears as a small blob in the Tools panel and is in the same slot as the Sharpen and Smudge tools. You can open a cell and find out what tools are in it by right-clicking on it.

This tool has only two main settings. These are: “Blending Mode”, with this setting you can create blur effects, and “Blur Intensity”, using this setting you can adjust the strength of the blur. The “Blending Mode” setting has the same principle of operation as the already known “Blending Mode” in the “Layers” window. But in this tutorial we will need the blending mode to be “Normal” and the intensity to be “50%”.

In this image we see a clear edge on the transferred image. To get rid of it, we first need to combine the layers with the background and the image transferred to it. To do this, click on the transferred image in the Layers window, thereby coloring it blue. And press the key combination “Ctrl + E”. After which our layers will merge into one. Now let’s zoom in on our image by moving the lever in the “Navigator” window in order to better see the places where we need to get rid of the sharp outline. You can also use the “Zoom” tool to zoom in; it looks like a magnifying glass. By tapping it on the image, you will get closer to the location you need.

Now we're ready to work on sharpening the edges. Having selected the “Blur” tool and set the above parameters, we begin to move it along the edge of the transferred image. Then we zoom out and look at the result. We no longer have a clear edge, and for more effect I decided to add a shadow cast by the girl. I did this using the Burn tool.

There is another way to get rid of a clear edge. Let's go back to the moment before we merged the layers. Take a soft-edged eraser and move it along the edge of the transferred image. How to make an eraser with soft edges is described in the article “How to make a fire man?”.

We have completed our task today and can proudly say that we have mastered the rough edges. I wish you good luck and only smooth transitions in your life!

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. website. Today we’re talking about Photoshop and I’ll tell you about a few more “tricks” of working with the edges of pictures in general and layers in particular. Competent work in this direction is the best indicator of professionalism, and therefore I pay great attention to this issue.

In this article, you'll learn how to blur edges in Photoshop to create a cool image for your blog post, and while I'm on the subject, I'll teach you how to process layer borders in a few new, professional ways that I haven't mentioned yet.

Working with an image for a website

Frankly speaking, blurring the edges of an image you are going to insert into the text of an article is an outdated design method. Now almost no one uses it, but the interest in this issue is very significant, judging by the number of articles on this topic.

Therefore, I cannot help but show you how to achieve the desired effect, but at the same time I want to offer a better alternative in two variations. Maybe someone will be able to convince someone to give up using an outdated method in favor of a less hackneyed one.

So, first, about the main thing. Open the image.

Now select the rectangular marquee tool. If you can’t find it, then hold down the mouse button on the second panel button on the left for a couple of seconds. There may be an oval area tool here.

By the way, if you use an oval, the photo will become more impressive. Rectangular frames have already become obsolete, but ovals are still at the top. Judging by social networks. Well, I'll show you an example a little later.

So, back to the main topic. For now, select the rectangle.

Draw an area in the picture that will remain unblurred. If you want the square to remain clear, hold Shift while you draw. Hold down the button and move the mouse over the picture. I need a rectangle, and therefore I will not do this, but you experiment.

Once you have done this, the effects will not be applied to the inside of the selected object, but to the outer frame. Let's go to filters, section "Blur". There are many different possibilities, you can try each one and see how this or that function works. More often than others, specialists use “Gaussian Blur...”. Shall we try it first?

Pull the slider and see what changes happen to the photo. Don't forget to check the box to enable "View".

I also like Motion Blur.

The scheme of actions is the same, but the effect is slightly different.

Ready. But, as promised, I will show you two more interesting effects.

Well, firstly, it’s now very popular to write quotes on pictures and you already know how to do it. Just not using “Inversion” is enough. Take the Rectangular Marquee tool. Choose an area.

Don't use inversion, but go straight to Filters and Gaussian Blur. Blur the focus a little and use the “Text” tool. It is very important that the image is not too blurred and is slightly visible. Experiment.

Now, as promised, I’ll show you how to make blurring around the edges more effective. Select a picture and under the rectangular selection button, select an ellipse. Again, to make the shape even, hold down the Shift button, and then select inverse in the “Selection” section in the top menu.

Apply the Gaussian blur filter.

In principle, it’s already quite good. Can be used. To photograph crawling ants, simultaneously hold down Ctrl+D or click anywhere on the photo.

You can crop it so that the picture is square.

That's it, now you know how to blur the edges of a photo beautifully and professionally. Now let's move on to a more interesting and complex issue, namely blurring the boundaries of the layer. Don't worry, everyone can do it!

Professional work with layers for beginners

To correctly align the edges of the cut layer you will have to try. I can only show you the tools, but you will have to configure it yourself. If you want a really cool effect, it may take more than one hour at first. But let's get started.

Open the image.

Select the magnetic lasso. Its peculiarity is that the lasso line seems to stick to the boundaries of the object that needs to be cut out. If for some reason the line moves, just add an extra point by clicking in the place where the bevel occurs. This will secure the line. And it will move on, wherever you need it.

My line was moving in the white areas, and therefore I had to put dots in the face area before the magnetic lasso selected the area I didn’t need. Over time, you will get faster, and you will know where the lasso defines the object differently.

This is the result I got.

In the center of the selected object, click on the right mouse button. Next, select the “Refine Edge” option to make additional settings.

First of all, decide on the type to make adjustments more convenient. I prefer to work on black, white or layers.

Now you can adjust 4 main parameters: anti-aliasing, feathering, contrast and edge offset. Unfortunately, there is no single rule for what indicators should look like. Much depends on the background, and therefore, if possible, try to immediately work with the image inserted into the required photo.

After you have set the settings, save the changes and press Ctrl+C (copy) and paste (Ctrl+V) on your keyboard so that a new layer appears. Remove the “eye” icon in the background menu.

Again, you will have to experiment and remove halos and borders until you achieve the desired effect that completely satisfies you.

Ready. There are many ways to work with the background of a picture. Watch the video, there are many more interesting ways in it. The only thing I would like to note. The author of the video complicates the work with the size of the brush. Use parentheses (“(”,”)”) to increase or decrease the diameter.

Well, in order to roll back actions one step, it is better not to go to the top panel, but to use the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut or history. Learn the combinations and the work will go faster.

Now you know everything about the edges of an object and a picture. If you are interested in Photoshop, then . The program has a bunch of hidden functions and features. The more you open, the cooler your photos become.

To speed up the learning process, I can recommend the course by Zinaida Lukyanova - “ Photoshop from scratch in video format 3.0 " You'll learn a ton of tricks and learn all about the tools and features. This is what distinguishes a professional from a person who just likes to work in Photoshop.

If you are interested in website design, then a two-month school of web designers will soon open on Netology, where professionals from the largest corporations in Russia are preparing specialists who are fully ready for work - "Web Designer" . At the end of your studies, you will even have to complete and defend your thesis, which will become part of your future portfolio.

And for starters, while the recording is ongoing, you can look at the courses and school of Alexei Zakharenko "Web Design School" . For the first three days you get full access to the service for free.

OK it's all over Now. If you liked this article, subscribe to the newsletter and receive more interesting publications about making money on the Internet directly to your email. Perhaps very soon you will start from your projects. It's so simple.

Good luck in your endeavors and see you again.


Open the photo in Photoshop that you want to edit. This photo will be placed on the first layer.

Copy the photo to a new layer. To do this, go to the menu by selecting the “Layers” tab, and select “New”, and then go to the “Copy to new layer” item. All these manipulations can be replaced by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+J”. Make all changes exclusively on the new – second layer.

Refer to the menu and go to "Filter", selecting "Blur". Make your choice more specific by specifying Gaussian Blur. The intensity of the blur is regulated by only one parameter (it should be specified by choice: that is, select the value of the indicator at which, in your opinion, the blur will be ideal).

Add a mask to the blurry layer and start developing the photo. To do this, go to the “layer” menu and select “layer mask”, specifying “show all” in the options. Although nothing will change in the photo after the last steps, a white rectangle should appear on the right next to the new layer.

Go to the Tools panel and use the Brush Tool. But before you use the “brush”, configure the parameters of this tool. Set the optimal value (range 20-40 percent) of the “brush”. Remember that the higher the setting, the rougher the transition between sharp elements of the photo and blurriness will be.

Open the second layer and use a brush to paint over the figure of the person shown in the photo. Then connect the layers and admire the resulting photo.

Video on the topic


Save all effects to avoid losing them.

Helpful advice

If, while painting the second layer, you grab an extra piece, don’t worry: you can correct the mistake using white.


  • How to make a blurry background in Photoshop

We all love beautiful photos. And no one will deny that the most beautiful photo is sometimes one in which only one or two objects in the foreground or background are in focus, and the rest are blurred. This function is available to those whose camera allows you to take such pictures. What should those who do not have such an opportunity do? In order for the viewer not to be distracted by details that are not important, and simply to take a beautiful processed photo, you can use a photograph.

You will need

  • - computer
  • - ACDSee editor of any version
  • - photo to be processed


Click on the "Selection" menu button. Tools will open in front of you. Select Free Lasso and draw a circle around which you want the background. Trace carefully, preferably along the inner contour of the outline, so as not to accidentally leave pieces of the background unblurred.

Once you have selected the object, click on the “Invert” button. The entire background surrounding the object should stand out. Click "Done".

Click on the "Blur" button. A menu will open in front of you with the degree of blur and the type of blur. The Gaussian blur method is considered the most natural and high-quality. Select the amount of blur you want to use. After that, click “Done” or simply save the photo.

Video on the topic


Do not highlight in chunks - the blur will be incomplete, the borders will be visible, this will spoil the overall impression of the photo.

Helpful advice

Try not to overdo it with blur, remember that there should still be a background, and it is enough to focus attention on the desired subject.

Blurring the edges of an image is one of the artistic techniques that forces the viewer to focus their attention on the center of the picture or on the object that seems important to the author. In addition, it can give the image a slightly mysterious look and a romantic mood. There are several ways to achieve this in Photoshop. We will tell you about the most flexible and universal.

You will need

  • We will need any version of Adobe Photoshop from the last ten years. The instructions were written for the most difficult situation, when the original Photoshop menus are in English and are not localized for a Russian user. Even under these circumstances, you can cope with the task with dignity.


The universal and favorite tool of a computer designer, Adobe Photoshop, has been improving and becoming more complex for the third decade, in fact, being the standard and reference point for any type of graphic programs created in the world these years. Mastering it means reaching a professional level. Many hundreds of image processing techniques and effects are available, but as often happens, the more sophisticated and solid the technology, the more difficult it is to make it serve you with the press of one “magic button”. But nothing is impossible for a pro.
Upload the original image. First of all, we need to decide what will remain untouched in our picture and what will be affected by the “foggy haze”. To do this, use the selection tool:

If we just need to blur the very edges of a rectangular image, we'll use the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Draw a rectangle, retreating some distance from the edge of the image.

If we need to select an object of complex shape, we can use the Lasso tool. Carefully outline the object, which will remain unaffected by the effect.
One way or another, we got a mask that defines the area of ​​the effect: we see how ants “march” along the contour we need, and the selection indicators flicker.

Now let’s press a few magic keys. Ctrl+Shift+I (that is, while holding down Ctrl and Shift, press the Latin I). Now the ants began to run around the area from the edge of the image to the untouchable object. This way we invert the selection. You can also do this by groping in the Select>Inverse menu, but, you see, this is a little longer than pressing Ctrl+Shift+I

And now another combination. Ctrl+J. Thus, we created a new layer, on which now appears our mysterious .

(If anyone is interested, this layer is visible in the list of layers; you can admire it separately by turning off the main image - by clicking the “eye” icon in the line with the layer of the original image.) If you don’t like it, you can do the same operation through the Layer menu >New>Layer via Copy
Thus, on top of the original image we have an independent layer on which we can perform any actions - blur it in any way to any extent.

Blur effects are in a separate submenu (Filter>Blur>). The choice here is for real gourmets. For example:

Gaussian Blur is the most natural and pleasing to the human eye. Classic "dregs".

Motion Blur adds dynamism to the picture.

Radial Blur can create the impression of an object rapidly moving away or flying towards the viewer.
By varying the parameters, you can achieve very different and tasty results.

Another convenient thing: since the frame subject to change is located on a separate layer, we can strengthen or weaken the effect by changing the parameters of this layer - for example, its transparency (Opacity parameter) at the top in the layers panel, or by changing its blending mode to the original image. So, by switching the parameter to Multiply or to Lighten, you can achieve a “vignette” effect - darkened or, on the contrary, “exposed” blurry edges of the picture. Experiment to your heart's content.

Having completed the layer-by-layer work, you can combine all the layers into a single image. This is done in the Layer>Flatten Image menu.
So, if we don’t need any special experiments, just load the image, make a rectangular selection, press Ctrl+Shift+I and Ctrl+J, then in the Filter>Blur menu find Gaussian Blur, move the slider to