How to make about yourself on Instagram. How to beautifully design your Instagram profile in the same style

Instagram is a great tool for business promotion. Thanks to the service, you can find an audience and increase sales. But registering and posting photos once a month is not enough to attract potential clients.

In this article you will learn how to make a beautiful profile on Instagram, the secrets of creating an account and other useful things.

Secret 1: Profile photo

The first thing a visitor sees is a profile photo. It should evoke pleasant emotions. Beautiful design of an account (page) on Instagram is impossible without a correctly selected thumbnail.

What should the account avatar be like:

  • Unique. Do not use pictures from the Internet, even if they are beautiful and fit the theme of your profile. Use a brand logo or a beautiful selfie for your personal page. And if there is no logo, it’s time to start creating it.
  • High quality. The photograph should not only be beautiful, but also clear - noisy and pixelated images will not work. It should be clear to the user what is shown in the thumbnail.
  • Suitable for your mood. If you are selling soft toys, you should not choose a photo in dark colors.

Useful: how to make information about yourself in a column - instructions at the link.

Secret 2: Instagram account name

Come up with a memorable profile name on Instagram, the user will see it next to the thumbnail.

Things to consider when choosing:

  • The name should reflect the essence of the profile: the name of the brand, service or product written in Latin. Don't write anything that doesn't relate to the topic of your profile.
  • The title shouldn't be long. If the company name includes several words, do not put them all in the name. This will make it difficult to remember and find. Come up with a shortened version.
  • If the desired nickname is taken, try writing it differently - do not use underscores or numbers. This will make it difficult to remember and perceive.
  • The selected name cannot be changed - clients who used your services will not find your profile and will not recommend it to their friends.
  • With a beautiful name, it will be easier to attract clients, since if they accidentally stumble upon your Instagram account, they will not pass by.

How to design your Instagram profile correctly and beautifully? This is exactly the question you need to ask yourself when creating an account that should become your face. Text, avatar, photographs are the components of the page, and each of them is very important. In order to properly maintain a profile on the Internet, you need to start with registration.

How to choose a username?

Many people confuse username or nickname and name. Remember that the first one will be displayed during any activity of yours, it is written after Users will use it to search for you online. Therefore, it is very important to make the nickname as simple, memorable and meaningful as possible.

And, of course, if your option is already taken, there is no need to add numbers to it. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s the year of birth, the number of hairs on the left knee or a random combination - such a name in any case will no longer be unique and memorable. Because of this, the traffic you honestly attract may flow to the page of a completely different person, which is not in our interests. And remember that since the URL is written in Latin, the username should be written exclusively using the English alphabet.

How to maintain an Instagram profile in the same style?

The color scheme helps a lot with this. If your profile is already filled out, review it and decide on the colors you will use in your next posts. Choose your photo processing wisely to decorate them. For this, various standard filters or third-party applications are used. For example, Vsco.

But this does not mean that you should always use only one scale. For example, if you went on vacation or added a new product to your assortment, you can post a series of pictures in different colors to highlight it. For example, if your account is usually made in white colors, a few photos in red will diversify your profile. Famous people do just that.

The design of the photographs themselves is also important. Of course, if your profile contains only photos of food, it will look quite monotonous, so you can diversify it with your selfies or photos of clients with products.

Examples of successful design

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to maintain a light profile or a dark one, whether you edit an existing one or create a second one, following certain rules, you can create a masterpiece. And I will give examples of this that I will take from my head, so it will be very subjective.

In general, I vaguely understand the activities of this lady. Maybe she works in a factory, or maybe she puts up advertisements. I’m not interested in this, in general, but her Instagram account is really beautiful. It is not all in one color style - one gamma goes into another, then into a third, and so on. I like to look at him. Another thing is that it doesn’t carry any intellectual load, but not everyone can stretch their brains, right?

The work of this lady is also a dark forest for me, but I like looking at her Instagram. Although it seems that Lizka’s activities are quite chaotic, there is order and thoughtfulness in it. And her strategy for maintaining an Instagram account is also well thought out.

The perfect profile with all sorts of goodies. And, although it is difficult to maintain a consistent color scheme when you are dealing with video, and even more so with “edible” content, they do it better than anyone whose pages I have seen.

Now you can edit each item on your page and design your profile header. Filling out the page will now not take much time and effort. I hope that this information was useful to you and will help you in maintaining your profile in the future.

The article will be useful to those who are taking their first steps in Instagram blogging.

In this review, we will talk about the rules for maintaining a personal account on Instagram. Business accounts have different priorities.

To start managing your Instagram:

  • install the free Instagram application on your mobile device;
  • register. At this stage, you can go through the standard registration procedure by filling out all available fields of the questionnaire. Or shorten the procedure by logging into your Instagram account from your existing Facebook page;
  • After the registration procedure, the application will automatically create a list of your friends, focusing on the friend list from FB. You can subscribe to them immediately, or you can look around a little and familiarize yourself with the rules of the game;
  • do not forget to allow the application access to photos that are in the memory of your device;
  • start creating your virtual IG chronicle.

How to properly and competently manage your Instagram profile to make it interesting?

  • An interesting IG tells an interesting story. Ask yourself: what will your story be about? You can tell other users about your travels, your hometown, or your hobbies. In the end, your profile on IG can be a kind of jar of happiness where you will put memorable moments of your life.
  • Many IG users try to “maintain” their profile in the same style: light or dark photos, uniform color accents. Tips on what color you can use for Instagram and how to stick to one color scheme can be found below.
  • In addition, it is recommended to choose a general theme for your account. It could be stylish looks, travel, delicious pastries, old doors, stairs, windows, or just life as it is.

  • Don’t forget: IG is, first of all, a photo editor, who, quite unexpectedly for everyone, has outgrown his original incarnation. Accordingly, a new Instagram account can gain popularity, first of all, thanks to high-quality and beautiful photographs. This means that you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of mobile photography and learn how to use photo correction programs.

The modern reader is so spoiled by quality content that, along with a beautiful picture, he wants to receive an interesting, literate text. Therefore, a successful IG blogger must be able to clearly and correctly express his thoughts.

What and on what topic to blog on Instagram: list of topics

Below you will find several topics that will not leave your IG blog readers indifferent.

So, 20 topics for 20 days.

  • Description of your favorite walking route.
  • A thought or idea that haunts you.
  • If you were doing charity, what would you pay attention to first?
  • What events in your life inspire you?
  • What new things have you learned in a day/week/month?
  • What mobile device apps make your daily life easier?
  • What would you talk about at an entertainment conference?
  • Which habit of yours has made you a better person?
  • Tell us about your favorite book or movie. Make a personal thematic rating of books/films. For example, the 5 best books/films about love, autumn, etc.
  • Talk about phobias. Each of us is afraid of something, but not everyone finds the strength to control their fears.
  • How do you fight depression or blues? Your recipes for a good mood.
  • Try to conduct an online consultation on a specific topic: work/study, raising children, quick recipes, what to take on the road, etc.
  • Tell us what new experience you gained that day or during the week/month.
  • Tell us about your favorite singer or music group.
  • If you had the chance to go on your dream trip, where would you go?
  • Tell us about your rules of life.
  • Share your favorite places in your hometown.
  • What gift would be the most desirable for you and why? And for your readers? Be sure to answer the question yourself and ask it to your subscribers.
  • How do you prioritize routine tasks? What exactly is important to you and what is of secondary importance?
  • Where would you look for friends if you found yourself in an unfamiliar city or foreign country?
  • What are you doing now? And what would you like to do in the future?
  • Make your own music playlist. What compositions will be included there? Be curious about what kind of music your readers listen to.

This is a sample list of topics for your IG blog. The main purpose of this list is to give you the right thoughts. In addition, the necessary inspiration can be found on the pages of already popular bloggers.

Color schemes were created long before the advent of Instagram. They were actively used by artists, photographers, designers, architects, florists, etc.

It was they who jointly formulated an important rule:

The optimal color scheme palette should consist of five colors. No more!

Below you will see examples of color schemes that are quite suitable for an Instagram profile.

You can choose color schemes.

The more photos you take, the more clearly you will see “your” frame and “your” color scheme.

Look around: what colors surround you? Gray walls of a metropolis or bright greenery of a park? Red brick of old houses or wood dark with time?

Start from the color you live in. Or add the color you love into your life.

For example, looking at the photo below, pay attention to the cozy little things that set the overall turquoise mood for the entire profile.

Of course, your profile can change colors depending on the time of year or your mood, but try to make such changes look like small chapters of one novel.

As a rule, using the same photo editor filters helps to create a profile in the same style. In addition, when editing photos, try to set the same levels of contrast, sharpness, brightness, etc.

For example, to process the photos you see below, the A6 filter of the VCSO mobile photo editor is used. In addition, these photos follow the same color scheme.

How to maintain Instagram in the same style?

It will help to combine all the pictures into one story and some interesting detail present in each photo.

It could be a cute soft toy, a beautiful accessory (such as a backpack), a pet, or even a skeleton.

Skeleton Skellie has 266 thousand followers on Instagram

How to maintain a cool, interesting, beautiful, classy, ​​successful personal Instagram: tips

  • It’s impossible to think through an IG account down to the smallest detail. But you can come up with a catchy name, decide on a color scheme, and think about the overall theme of your profile.
  • Your feed should contain only high-quality and beautiful photos! Pay attention to photos of top Instagrammers, learn from them, and be inspired by their ideas. Remember, it is better to post one, but worthwhile photo, than to spam the news feed with unprincipled pictures of dubious quality.
  • If you accompany the picture with a text comment, write about what you are good at. Everyone is quite fed up with motivational statuses from the Internet.
  • Each individual post is one separate and complete thought. You will find sample topics for a blog on IG above in the text.
  • Learn from popular Instagram bloggers. Pay attention to their photos and texts.
  • Find your niche! If you think that only celebrities can gather thousands of followers, you are mistaken. In the photo below you can see an Instagram account telling about life in the village. The number of subscribers is 10,000. And their number is constantly increasing.

  • Take an active part in competitions, SFS and discussions on the pages of other bloggers.
  • Don't forget to use hashtags and mark your geolocation.
  • Don't miss the opportunity to take a beautiful photo. There may not be another opportunity. And the text will definitely come with the photo.

Video: Instagram: how to successfully manage your account

Each person who created an account on Instagram has their own goals for using it. Companies are trying to attract customers, bloggers are trying to become more popular, and ordinary users are using Instagram as a personal portfolio describing memorable moments. No matter what goals the account owner pursues, the profile should be organic and beautiful. In this article we will try to figure out how to make a beautiful layout on Instagram.

How to design a profile photo?

If a random visitor comes to the page, the first thing he will do is pay attention to the photographs that are posted on the account and read the descriptions that are attached to them. Therefore, the main issue when creating an ideal account is the design of the photo on Instagram and the accompanying comment. Here you should be guided by the following rules:

Note! The description must fully or partially correspond to the content of the publication.

  1. Image format. On Instagram, you can fill your feed only with square photos of the same type. Now there are many related applications that allow you to customize your vertical and horizontal profile images in one format. This way you adhere to the rules established by the social network, but at the same time make the page diverse and stylish.

Important! You can download VSCO and other applications from Google Play or Apple Store.

Which style should you choose to post your content?

We want to say right away that beauty is not the only thing that is necessary for. But they greet you based on their clothes!

How to make a beautiful layout on Instagram if there is no specific style in the profile design? That's right, no way. That is why you need to make sure that the header of your page, the content posted on it, as well as the descriptions for publications are one.

Of course, you won’t be able to please everyone, but it is important to focus on the preferences of the target audience, because they are what drive the traffic to your page and the activity on your profile, which allows your account to become more interesting to network users.

Note! It is worth filling out your profile only with personal and not borrowed content, since the network takes copyright infringement quite seriously.

You can make your Instagram interesting by doing only what you really know how to do well (for example, posting about food, walks in beautiful places, drawings, etc.). If you enjoy maintaining your profile, this will be reflected in the recognition of your subscribers.

If you are still having difficulty deciding how to make your account more interesting and stylish, you can go to the pages of public accounts and learn some skills.


We managed to figure out how to make a beautiful Instagram, all that remains is to put all the above-mentioned recommendations into practice. It won’t be a critical mistake if attention to your profile doesn’t initially increase; the main thing is to find your own profile format that you and those who like you will like.

Hello, dear readers of the blog!

In this article we will talk about how to design your Instagram profile so that more people pay attention to it. Correct, beautiful and original design is the first thing a user will see when they land on your page.

Therefore, it is worth taking 10-20 minutes to read this article in full and edit important points in your account.

Making a profile on Instagram

Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person who lands on the page wants to see.

Your profile design should answer 3 simple questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. How can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at first glance why you will be interesting and useful to him in order for him to subscribe to you.

If you run a business account where you sell some product or service, then rephrase these questions a little to suit them.

What can you write:

  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from, where do you live?
  • Who do you work for, what do you do, what project are you leading, what do you know?
  • What are you interested in, your lifestyle, hobbies?
  • What have you achieved?
  • What do you write about on your Instagram?
  • How to contact you? Link to a website or other social network.

Don't forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, something that the visitor will remember. So that “this guy who...” is imprinted in his brain and he remembers you. You can capture it with just one detail.

Nickname on Instagram (username)

The username (nickname), which is initially specified when registering in English or transliterated, will be displayed everywhere during your activity. Therefore, it also needs to be made as simple and memorable as possible. So that you can be easily found in search.

As you can see, the description and first name with last name in the profile are also shown in the search results.

"Name" field in profile settings

The one that is highlighted in bold.

As you can see, it affects search results, both in search engines and in the search for Instagram itself. Therefore, here you can indicate not just your first and last name, but a search query by which you can be found.

For example, if you are a photographer, you can indicate in the line:

“Photographer of Perm - Vasily Blinov”

Well, or somehow formalize it with various emoticons.

Of course, a real first and last name works better than some kind of commercial request. Especially if you use . People will see that this is not a living person, but some kind of company trying to sell them something, then you yourself will understand their reaction.

What photo should I put on my avatar?

The photo works exactly the same, it is displayed in many places. If there is any picture there, and not your photo, they will consider you a bot and pass by without paying attention.

Post a good, cool photo of yourself where you can be seen in this little round piece. I generally have one photo on all social accounts. networks, it’s easier to find and remember. Above I gave a link to my page, you can go and look at it for an example.

Now let's move on to the technical aspects of design.

How to make description text on a new line?

At the moment, my profile is designed this way. It is impossible to do this through the application, because there is no “Enter” button that opens a new line.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. We write a new text in the “About yourself” section or separate the old one with the “ENTER” button.

Step 4. Save the settings and check on the phone.

Such text is better perceived and read than simply in one sentence.

How to center the description (bio) on Instagram?

It's just as easy to do:

Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

Step 2. Click “Edit Profile”.

Step 3. In the “About Me” section, you must insert space characters (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀) before the lines of text. Here they are in brackets, just select and copy.

Step 4. Adjust the number of space characters to make it even. Check on your phone.

This is how it worked for me, but I had to delete some of the text, because spaces are counted as characters, the number of which is limited. There is no way to move the link.

How to make a "Contact" button and page category

In order to activate this feature on Instagram, you need to create a public Facebook page. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), then all that remains is to link it to your Instagram account.

Step 1. Linking the pages. From your phone (via the Instagram mobile app), go to edit your profile and click “Try tools for your company.”

Step 3. Enter the information through which users can contact you.

The address will also be displayed in the profile data and, when clicked, shown on the map.

If you don’t want users to be able to call a phone number and see the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you don’t have to specify them.

How to add emoticons?

After you make the description text on a new line and save it, you can go through the application on your phone to edit and add the necessary emoticons in the usual way.

Active link in profile

If the URL is long and looks ugly, then it should be shortened using . For example, like mine, a short abbreviated link.

About accounts that are hidden from view

After a person views your profile, they proceed to rate the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

No one follows a private account, and with this setup you are unlikely to become popular.

How to open a private profile?

This cannot be done through a computer, only through a mobile application.

Go to the application itself on your phone and in the upper right corner click the “Settings” gear. Drag the “Private Account” slider to the left.

That's it, guys, this is where I finish the article about creating a profile on Instagram. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And please write, is it necessary to talk about the design of posts on Instagram?

I will be waiting for feedback.